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17 stroke Kanji

all 17 stroke Kanji (for learning Kanji from the least complicated looking to the most)


45 entriesCreated by Kelly G. — Last modified: 2011-11-14 23:13:48
コウlecture, club, association
セキexploits, unreeling cocoons
はしゃ.ぐ, ソウparch, dry up
ゆす.ぐ, すす.ぐ, タクlaundry, wash, pour on, rinse
まさ.る, すぐ.れる, やさ.しい, ウ, ユウtenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness
リョウheal, cure
いそ, キseashore, beach
かす.む, かすみ, ゲ, カbe hazy, grow dim, blurred
おど.かす, カクmenacing, dignity, majesty, threaten
くさび, カツcontrol, wedge
もど.き, まが.い, ギmimic, aim (a gun) at, nominate, imitate
いけにえ, キ, ギsacrifice
まり, キュウ, キクball
た.める, キョウrectify, straighten, correct, reform, cure, control, pretend, falsify
つつし.む, キンdiscreet, reverently, humbly
ケンself-effacing, humble oneself, condescend, be modest
いつくし, いか.めしい, きび.しい, おごそ.か, ゴン, ゲンstern, strictness, severity, rigidity
コウsubscription, buy
おおがり, ひしくい, おおとり, ゴウ, コウlarge bird, wild goose, large, great, powerful, prosperous
ねんご.ろ, コンsociable, kind, courteous, hospitable, cordial
こす.れる, こす.る, -ず.れ, す.れる, す.る, サツgrate, rub, scratch, scrape, chafe, scour
きら.めく, きらめ.く, あき.らか, さん.たる, サンbrilliant
あやま.る, シャapologize, thank, refuse
シャクbaron, peerage, court rank
しこ, みにく.い, シュウugly, unclean, shame, bad looking
ちぢ.らす, ちぢ.れる, ちぢ.める, ちぢ.まる, ちぢ.む, シュクshrink, contract, shrivel, wrinkle, reduce
駿すぐ.れる, スン, シュンa good horse, speed, a fast person
あけぼの, ショdawn, daybreak
つぐな.う, ショウreparation, make up for, recompense, redeem
ショウreef, sunken rock
センslender, fine, thin kimono
あざ.やか, センfresh, vivid, clear, brilliant, Korea
しも, ソウfrost
きた.える, タンforge, discipline, train
まゆみ, タン, ダンcedar, sandlewood, spindle tree
ゆる.す, き.く, テイ, チョウlisten, headstrong, naughty, careful inquiry
トウmimeograph, copy
ひとみ, トウ, ドウpupil
しき.りに, ヒンrepeatedly, recur
つばさ, ヨクwing, plane, flank
み.る, ランperusal, see
あきらか, リョウclear
リョウ, レイpeak, summit
こ.らしめる, こ.らす, こ.りる, チョウpenal, chastise, punish, discipline
くつがえ.る, くつがえ.す, おお.う, フクcapsize, cover, shade, mantle, be ruined