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Genki Vocabulary - Lesson 6

Vocabularies from Genki 1 Lesson 6
made by http://japaneeds.org


48 entriesCreated by #47027 — Last modified: 2013-06-17 01:19:56
お金 【おかね】money
から① from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity), since ② from (originator) ③ because ④ out of (constituent, part) ⑤ through (e.g. window, vestibule) ⑥ after, since (following te-form verb)
ゆっくりslowly, at ease, restful
休む 【やすむ】① to be absent, to take a day off ② to rest, to have a break ③ to go to bed, to (lie down to) sleep, to turn in, to retire ④ to stop doing some ongoing activity for a time, to suspend business
今週 【こんしゅう】this week
電気 【でんき】① electricity ② (electric) light
電車 【でんしゃ】(electric) train
入る 【はいる】① to enter ② to break into ③ to join, to enroll ④ to contain, to hold, to accommodate ⑤ to have (an income of)
来週 【らいしゅう】next week
来年 【らいねん】next year
立つ 【たつ】① to stand, to rise, to stand up ② to find oneself (e.g. in a difficult position) ③ to depart (on a plane, train, etc.)
開ける 【あける】① to open (a door, etc.), to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package) ② to open (for business, etc.)
漢字 【かんじ】Chinese characters, kanji
教える 【おしえる】to teach, to inform, to instruct
使う 【つかう】① to use (a thing, method, etc.), to make use of, to put to use ② to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.), to employ, to handle, to manage, to manipulate ③ to use (time, money, etc.), to spend, to consume ④ to use (language), to speak ⑤ to take (one's lunch), to circulate (bad money)
死ぬ 【しぬ】to die
持つ 【もつ】① to hold, to carry ② to possess
借りる 【かりる】① to borrow, to have a loan ② to rent, to hire
病院 【びょういん】hospital
夜 【よる】evening, night
荷物 【にもつ】① luggage, baggage ② burden ③ payload (of a packet, cell, etc.)
次 【つぎ】① next, following, subsequent ② stage, station
消す 【けす】① to erase, to delete, to cross out ② to turn off power ③ to extinguish, to put out
返す 【かえす】① to return (something), to restore, to put back ② to pay back, to retaliate, to reciprocate
本当 【ほんとう】truth, reality
遊ぶ 【あそぶ】① to play, to enjoy oneself, to have a good time ② to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.) ③ to be idle, to do nothing, to be unused ④ to go to (for pleasure or for study) ⑤ (in baseball) to intentionally throw a ball to lower the batter's concentration
お祖母さん 【おばあさん】① grandmother ② female senior-citizen
結構 【けっこう】① splendid, nice, wonderful, delicious, sweet ② sufficient, fine (in the sense of "I'm fine"), (by implication) no thank you ③ well enough, OK, tolerable ④ reasonably, fairly, tolerably
座る 【すわる】① to sit, to squat ② to assume (a position) ③ to hold steady, to hold still
窓 【まど】window
大変 【たいへん】① very, greatly ② immense, enormous, great ③ serious, grave, dreadful, terrible ④ difficult, hard
閉める 【しめる】to close, to shut
忘れる 【わすれる】to forget, to leave carelessly, to be forgetful of, to forget about, to forget (an article)
降りる 【おりる】① to alight (e.g. from bus), to get off, to disembark, to dismount ② to quit, to withdraw, to pull back (from a position, a job) ③ to form (of frost, dew, mist, etc.)
つけるto turn on, to switch on, to light up
お風呂 【おふろ】bath
急ぐ 【いそぐ】to hurry, to rush, to hasten, to make something happen sooner
手伝う 【てつだう】to help, to assist, to take part in
市民 【しみん】citizen, townspeople
教科書 【きょうかしょ】textbook, text book
すぐ① immediately, at once, directly ② soon, before long, shortly ③ easily, without difficulty ④ right (near), nearby, just (handy)
テレビゲームvideo game
電話をかける 【でんわをかける】to telephone, to make a phone call
持ってくる 【もってくる】to bring
連れて来る 【つれてくる】to bring someone along
煙草を吸う 【たばこをすう】to smoke a cigarette