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N1 [1章1課] - 新完全マスター語彙

新完全マスターN1 語彙 [1章1課]


67 entriesCreated by #47027 — Last modified: 2013-07-16 07:09:11
磨く 【みがく】① to polish, to shine, to brush (e.g. teeth) ② to refine, to improve
独特 【どくとく】peculiarity, uniqueness, characteristic
下品 【げひん】vulgarity, meanness, indecency, coarseness
上品 【じょうひん】elegant, refined, polished
品 【ひん】① thing, article, goods ② dignity, class, quality ③ counter for meal courses ④ flirtatiousness, coquetry
勤勉 【きんべん】industry, diligence
謙虚 【けんきょ】modesty, humility
軽蔑 【けいべつ】scorn, disdain
きちっとexactly, perfectly
大ざっぱ 【おおざっぱ】rough (as in not precise), broad, sketchy
寛容 【かんよう】forbearance, tolerance, generosity
頑固 【がんこ】stubbornness, obstinacy
気兼ね 【きがね】hesitance, diffidence, feeling constraint, fear of troubling someone, having scruples about doing something
共感 【きょうかん】sympathy, empathy, response
強烈 【きょうれつ】strong, intense, severe
個性 【こせい】individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy
好意 【こうい】good will, favor, favour, courtesy
雑 【ざつ】① rough, crude, sloppy, messy ② miscellaneous
重んじる 【おもんじる】to respect, to honor, to honour, to esteem, to prize
申し出る 【もうしでる】to report to, to tell, to suggest, to submit, to request, to make an offer, to come forward with information
人柄 【ひとがら】personality, character, personal appearance, gentility
崇拝 【すうはい】worship, adoration, admiration, cult
正しく 【まさしく】surely, no doubt, evidently
生真面目 【きまじめ】too serious, person who is too serious, honesty, sincerity
誠実 【せいじつ】sincere, honest, faithful
中傷 【ちゅうしょう】slander, libel, defamation
同情 【どうじょう】sympathy, compassion, sympathize, sympathise, pity, feel for
反感 【はんかん】antipathy, revolt, animosity
反発 【はんぱつ】① to repel, to oppose, to revolt, to react sharply (against) ② opposition, rebellion, resistance, backlash ③ rally, recovery (e.g. in stock prices), rebound ④ to rally, to recover, to rebound
侮辱 【ぶじょく】insult, contempt, slight
慕う 【したう】to yearn for, to miss, to adore, to love dearly
冷酷 【れいこく】cruelty, coldheartedness, relentless, ruthless
冷淡 【れいたん】coolness, indifference
励ます 【はげます】to encourage, to cheer, to raise (the voice)
労る 【いたわる】to pity, to sympathize with, to sympathise with, to console, to care for, to be kind to
あざ笑う 【あざわらう】to sneer at, to ridicule
融通 【ゆうずう】① lending (money), finance ② adaptability, versatility, flexibility, accommodation
生かす 【いかす】① to make (the best) use of, to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.), to capitalise on (experience, etc) ② to let live, to keep alive ③ to revive, to resuscitate
温和 【おんわ】gentle, mild, moderate
なつくto become emotionally attached
嫉妬 【しっと】jealousy, envy
さもreally, extremely
妬む 【ねたむ】to be jealous, to be envious
庇う 【かばう】to protect someone, to take under one's wing, to plead for, to stick up for, to cover up for someone
几帳面 【きちょうめん】methodical, punctual, steady
とりあえずat once, first of all, for the time being, for now
クール① cool (temperature, color, etc.) ② cool (i.e. calm and collected) ③ cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) ④ course (of medical treatment) ⑤ season (series) of a television program (usu. 13 installments over a 3-month period)
ユニークunique, individual, original, unusual
気さく 【きさく】frank, sociable, good humored, good humoured, candid, openhearted, ready, willing
品のいい 【ひんのいい】refined, genteel, graceful, decent
気品のある 【きひんのある】elegant, graceful, refined
気品がある 【きひんがある】to be elegant, to be graceful, to be refined
楽観的 【らっかんてき】optimistic, hopeful
軽んじる 【かろんじる】to look down on, to make light of
根っから 【ねっから】① by nature, from the very beginning, through and through, at heart ② (followed by a verb in negative form) absolutely (not), (not) at all
社交的 【しゃこうてき】sociable
悲観的 【ひかんてき】pessimistic
個性的 【こせいてき】personal, individual
際立つ 【きわだつ】to be prominent, to be conspicuous
愛想 【あいそ】civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces
好意的 【こういてき】favorable, favourable
傷つける 【きずつける】① to wound, to injure ② to hurt someone's feelings (pride, etc.) ③ to damage, to chip, to scratch
無遠慮 【ぶえんりょ】rude, outspoken
猛勉強 【もうべんきょう】studying extra hard
猛 【もう】① greatly energetic ② ferocious ③ extreme, severe
真摯 【しんし】sincerity, earnestness
滲み出る 【にじみでる】to exude, to ooze, to seep out