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WaniKani Kanji 31-40

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WaniKani Kanji 31-40



330 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 2014-02-22 05:40:16
もと, ふる.い, キュウold times, old things, old friend, former, ex-
あぶら, ユウ, ユoil, fat
はしら, チュウpillar, post, cylinder, support
おび, お.びる, タイsash, belt, obi, zone, region
いそ.しむ, つと.まる, -づと.め, つと.める, ゴン, キンdiligence, become employed, serve
みずうみ, コlake
貿ボウtrade, exchange
カイjammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with
かたみ.に, たが.い, ゴmutually, reciprocally, together
かた, かた-, ヘンone-sided, leaf, sheet
なが.い, エイeternity, long, lengthy
カンpublish, carve, engrave
うま.い, あま.やかす, あま.える, あま.い, カンsweet, coax, pamper, be content, sugary
こ.める, -こ.み, こ.み, こ.む, -こ.むcrowded, mixture, in bulk, included, (kokuji)
-ばら.い, -はら.い, はら.う, ホツ, ヒツ, フツpay, clear out, prune, banish, dispose of
きたな.い, よご.れる, よご.す, けが.らわしい, けが.れる, けが.す, オdirty, pollute, disgrace, rape, defile
はい, カイashes, puckery juice, cremate
つくえ, キdesk, table
きざ.し, きざ.す, チョウportent, 10**12, trillion, sign, omen, symptoms
なら.す, キンlevel, average
むか.える, ゲイwelcome, meet, greet
ひ.る, に.る, ジbecoming, resemble, counterfeit, imitate, suitable
の.す, の.べる, の.ばす, の.びる, シンexpand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase
ふ.く, スイblow, breathe, puff, emit, smoke
いや, いな, ヒnegate, no, noes, refuse, decline, deny
もど.る, もど.す, レイre-, return, revert, resume, restore, go backwards
たまご, ランegg, ovum, spawn, roe
よ.る, エ, イreliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to
きざ.み, きざ.む, コクengrave, cut fine, chop, hash, mince, time, carving
えだ, シbough, branch, twig, limb, counter for branches
すく.う, つい.で, こ.らす, たす.ける, とど.める, ささ.げる, う.ける, うけたまわ.る, ジョウ, ショウacquiesce, hear, listen to, be informed, receive
ショウ, セイsurname
どろ, ニ, デ, ナイ, デイmud, mire, adhere to, be attached to
おろが.む, おが.む, ハイworship, adore, pray to
か.の, かの, かれ, ヒhe, that, the
たから, ホウtreasure, wealth, valuables
かか.える, いだ.く, だ.く, ホウembrace, hug, hold in arms
あか.い, くれない, べに, ク, コウcrimson, deep red
かお.る, かお.り, か, キョウ, コウincense, smell, perfume
すな, シャ, サsand
ancestor, pioneer, founder
のが.れる, のが.す, に.がす, に.げる, トウescape, flee, shirk, evade, set free
くだ.す, くだ.る, ふ.り, ふ.る, お.ろす, お.りる, ゴ, コウdescend, precipitate, fall, surrender
ジュンgenuine, purity, innocence, net (profit)
-よ.け, のぞ.く, ジ, ジョexclude, division (x/3), remove, abolish, cancel, except
もって, ひきい.る, まさ, はた, まさ.に, ソウ, ショウleader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about
まご, ソンgrandchild, descendants
は.ずかしい, は.じらう, はじ, は.じる, チshame, dishonor
むら, なかま, トウparty, faction, clique
やぶ.れる, やぶ.る, ハrend, rip, tear, break, destroy, defeat, frustrate
ハンcarrier, carry, all
こな, こ, デシメートル, フンflour, powder, dust
い.ける, うず.まる, うず.める, う.もれる, う.まる, う.める, マイbury, be filled up, embedded
エキfluid, liquid, juice, sap, secretion
たから, カfreight, goods, property
わずら.う, カンafflicted, disease, suffer from, be ill
と.る, サイpick, take, fetch, take up
な, サイvegetable, side dish, greens
す.てる, シャdiscard, throw away, abandon, resign, reject, sacrifice
ショウintroduce, inherit, help
は.く, シュ, ソウsweep, brush
けむだし, てんまど, まど, ス, ソウwindow, pane
さが.す, さぐ.る, タンgrope, search, look for
いちじる.しい, あらわ.す, チャク, チョrenowned, publish, write, remarkable, phenomenal, put on, don, wear, arrival, finish (race), counter for suits of clothing, literary work
た.てる, し.まる, し.める, と.ざす, と.じる, ヘイclosed, shut
ほ.しい, ほっ.する, ヨクlonging, covetousness, greed, passion, desire, craving
おか, ロク, リクland, six
くま, おく.まる, オク, オウheart, interior
か.わる, -か.える, か.える, カンinterchange, period, change
いく.ら, いく.つ, いく-, キhow many, how much, how far, how long
うやま.う, キョウ, ケイawe, respect, honor, revere
やと.う, コemploy, hire
み-, お-, おん-, ゴ, ギョhonorable, manipulate, govern
ばら, ち.らかる, ち.らかす, -ち.らす, ち.らす, ち.る, サンscatter, disperse, spend, squander
よそお.い, よそお.う, ショウ, ソウattire, dress, pretend, disguise, profess
はか.る, ソクfathom, plan, scheme, measure
とうと.ぶ, たっと.ぶ, とうと.い, たっと.い, ソンrevered, valuable, precious, noble, exalted
おそ.い, おく.らす, おく.れる, チslow, late, back, later
こ.す, こ.える, チョウtranscend, super-, ultra-
とみ, と.む, フウ, フwealth, enrich, abundant
あまねし, あまね.く, フuniversal, wide(ly), generally, Prussia
はば, フクhanging scroll, width
つの.る, ボrecruit, campaign, gather (contributions), enlist, grow violent
ボウrod, stick, cane, pole, club, line
いりえ, ワンgulf, bay, inlet
むら.がる, むら, む.れ, む.れる, グンflock, group, crowd, herd, swarm, cluster
かし.げる, かた.げる, かたぶ.く, かたむ.ける, かたむ.く, ケイlean, incline, tilt, trend, wane, sink, ruin, bias
む.らす, む.れる, む.す, セイ, ジョウsteam, heat, sultry, foment, get musty
あと, セキtracks, mark, print, impression
-そこ.ねる, そこ.ねる, -そこ.なう, そこな.う, そこ.なう, ソンdamage, loss, disadvantage, hurt, injure
殿-どの, との, テン, デンMr., hall, mansion, palace, temple, lord
うら, リback, amidst, in, reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side
あさ.る, リョウ, ギョfishing, fishery
-あやま.る, あやま.る, ゴmistake, err, do wrong, mislead
まじ.る, まじ.える, ゾウ, ザツmiscellaneous
document, records
いとぐち, お, チョ, ショthong, beginning, inception, end, cord, strap
あかがね, ドウcopper
フクduplicate, double, compound, multiple
く.らす, く.れる, ボlivelihood, make a living, spend time
するど.い, エイpointed, sharpness, edge, weapon, sharp, violent
ゲキdrama, play
たた.える, たす.ける, サンapprove, praise, title or inscription on picture, assist, agree with
もろ, ショvarious, many, several, together
かく.れる, おさ.める, くら, ソウ, ゾウstorehouse, hide, own, have, possess
チュウstop-over, reside in, resident
まい, -ま.う, ま.う, ブdance, flit, circle, wheel
-あ.み, あ.む, ヘンcompilation, knit, plait, braid, twist, editing, completed poem, part of a book
すすき, うす.れる, うす.ら-, うす.らぐ, うす.まる, うす.める, -うす, うす-, うす.い, ハクdilute, thin, weak (tea)
たよ.る, たの.もしい, たの.む, ライtrust, request
コウlecture, club, association
セキexploits, unreeling cocoons
リョウheal, cure
とし, よわ.い, レイage
カンsimplicity, brevity
おく.る, ソウ, ゾウpresents, send, give to, award to, confer on, presenting something
はらわた, ゾウentrails, viscera, bowels
は.ぜる, バクbomb, burst open, pop, split
およ.ぼす, および, およ.び, およ.ぶ, キュウreach out, exert, exercise, cause
な, つちのと, おのれ, キ, コself, snake, serpent
ヤクunlucky, misfortune, bad luck, disaster
きのえ, カ, カン, コウarmor, high (voice), A grade, first class, former, instep, carapace
つゆ, -しる, しる, ジュウsoup, juice, broth, sap, gravy, pus
セント, センhermit, wizard, cent
やっこ, やつ, ドguy, slave, manservant, fellow
こ.く, あつか.る, あつか.う, あつか.い, キュウ, ソウhandle, entertain, thresh, strip
いも, ウpotato
わざおぎ, わざ, キ, ギdeed, skill
ケイpunish, penalty, sentence, punishment
み.たす, あ.てる, ジュウallot, fill
シュン, ジュンdecameron, 10day period, season (for specific products
めぐ.り, めぐ.る, ジュンpatrol, go around, circumference
つ.く, は.く, トspit, vomit, belch, confess, tell (lies)
わく, ちゅう.する, おきつ, おき, チュウopen sea, offing, rise high into sky
いまし.める, カイcommandment
ギ, キbranch off, fork in road, scene, arena, theater
しりぞ.ける, しりぞ.く, かえ.って, キャクinstead, on the contrary, rather
キョウ, コウfilial piety, child's respect
コウconfront, resist, defy, oppose
こころざし, こころざ.す, シリング, シintention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling
寿ことほ.ぐ, ことぶ.く, ことぶき, シュウ, ス, ジュlongevity, congratulations, one's natural life
ついで, つい.で, ジョpreface, beginning, order, precedence, occasion, chance, incidentally
すぎ, サンcedar, cryptomeria
えら.ぶ, タクchoose, select, elect, prefer
まめ-, まめ, ズ, トウbeans, pea, midget
みごも.る, はら.む, ジン, ニンpregnancy
ともな.う, バン, ハンconsort, accompany, bring with, companion
くに, ホウhome country, country, Japan
おさ.える, ヨクrepress, well, now, in the first place, push, shove, press, seal, do in spite of
沿-ぞ.い, そ.う, エンrun alongside, follow along, run along, lie along
ほのお, エンinflammation, flame, blaze
ひろ.める, ひろ.げる, ひろ.がる, コウ, カクbroaden, extend, expand, enlarge
よろ.しく, よろ.しい, ギbest regards, good
こば.む, ゴ, キョrepel, refuse, reject, decline
ただちに, さしわたし, こみち, みち, ケイdiameter, path, method
welfare, happiness
やど.る, セキ, シャcottage, inn, hut, house, mansion
なんなんと.す, -た.れ, た.れ, た.らす, た.れる, スイdroop, suspend, hang, slouch
チュウloyalty, fidelity, faithfulness
テイresist, reach, touch
からなし, いかん, ダイ, ナイ, ナNara, what?
あわ.せる, ヘイjoin, get together, unite, collective
ふさ, ボウtassel, tuft, fringe, bunch, lock (hair), segment (orange), house, room
まぬが.れる, まぬか.れる, メンexcuse, dismissal
しげ.る, モovergrown, grow thick, be luxuriant
わくframe, framework, spindle, spool, bounding-box, (kokuji)
なり, つく.る, たり, す.る, な.す, な.る, ため, イdo, change, make, benefit, welfare, be of use, reach to, try, practice, cost, serve as, good, advantage, as a result of
ちぎ.る, ケイpledge, promise, vow
オウ, コウemperor
そ.ぐ, はつ.る, けず.る, サクplane, sharpen, whittle, pare
シュンsagacious, genius, excellence
ショウshining, bright, Showa period
のたま.わく, のたま.う, センproclaim, say, announce
-し.める, し.み, -じ.みる, し.みる, そ.まる, -ぞめ, -ぞ.め, そ.める, センdye, color, paint, stain, print
かな.でる, ソウplay music, speak to a ruler, complete
つ, シンhaven, port, harbor, ferry
オンgrace, kindness, goodness, favor, mercy, blessing, benefit
はな, ケ, カsplendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous
カクnucleus, core, kernel
すで.に, キpreviously, already, long ago
めぐ.み, めぐ.む, エ, ケイfavor, blessing, grace, kindness
-か.ねる, か.ねる, ケンconcurrently, and
つるぎ, ケンsabre, sword, blade, clock hand
けず.る, かる, セイ, スイ, ザイdose, medicine, drug
さくら, ヨウ, オウcherry
さ.す, い.る, シャshoot, shine into, onto, archery
ほめ.る, はか.る, はか.り, かな.う, あ.げる, とな.える, たた.える, ショウappellation, praise, admire, name, title, fame
シンwith child, pregnancy
ジンcamp, battle array, ranks, position
いき, スイchic, style, purity, essence, pith, cream, elite, choice
くら, ソウgodown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury
かこ.つける, かこ.つ, かこつ.ける, タクconsign, requesting, entrusting with, pretend, hint
いた.す, チdoth, do, send, forward, cause, exert, incur, engage
とう.す, とう.る, す.ける, す.かす, す.く, トウtransparent, permeate, filter, penetrate
おさ.まる, -おさ.める, おさ.める, トウ, ナン, ナ, ナッ, ノウsettlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store
かく.す, ひそ.か, ひ.める, ヒsecret, conceal
さとい, ビンcleverness, agile, alert
すじ, ミャクvein, pulse, hope
け, こと.なる, こと, イuncommon, queerness, strangeness, wonderful, curious, unusual
め, まなこ, ゲン, ガンeyeball
かめ, キン, キュウ, キtortoise, turtle
すく.う, キュウsalvation, save, help, rescue, reclaim
かか.げる, ケイput up (a notice), put up, hoist, display, hang out, publish, describe
ひか.え, ひか.える, コウwithdraw, draw in, hold back, refrain from, be moderate
鹿か, しか, ロクdeer
と.る, シュウ, シツtenacious, take hold, grasp, take to heart
しぶ.る, しぶ.い, しぶ, シュウ, ジュウastringent, hesitate, reluctant, have diarrhea
とな.える, ショウchant, recite, call upon, yell
お.す, スイconjecture, infer, guess, suppose, support
よ, よ.い, よ.う, スイdrunk, feel sick, poisoned, elated, spellbound
さか.ん, さか.る, も.る, ジョウ, セイboom, prosper, copulate
す.くう, す, ソウnest, rookery, hive, cobweb, den
-ぼ.り, ほ.る, チョウcarve, engrave, chisel
ハイrepudiate, exclude, expel, reject
か.く, えが.く, ビョウsketch, compose, write, draw, paint
くず.す, -くず.れ, くず.れる, ホウcrumble, die, demolish, level
ほり, クツditch, moat, canal
ひそ.か, ミツsecrecy, density (pop), minuteness, carefulness
わけ, ヤクtranslate, reason, circumstance, case
リュウhump, high, noble, prosperity
ふる.う, キbrandish, wave, wag, swing, shake
ご, キchess piece, Japanese chess, shogi
とうと.ぶ, たっと.ぶ, とうと.い, たっと.い, キprecious, value, prize, esteem, honor
すじ, キンmuscle, sinew, tendon, fiber, plot, plan, descent
かこ.い, ケンsphere, circle, radius, range
うなじ, コウparagraph, nape of neck, clause, item, term (expression)
ふ.やす, ふ.える, ショクaugment, increase, multiply, raise
ひろ, たず.ねる, ジンinquire, fathom, look for
す, サクvinegar, sour, acid, tart
ほうむ.る, ソウinterment, bury, shelve
はじ.きゆみ, ただ.す, はじ.ける, はじ.く, たま, はず.む, -ひ.き, ひ.く, タン, ダンbullet, twang, flip, snap
すた.る, すた.れる, ハイabolish, obsolete, cessation, discarding, abandon
イ, ヒbeautiful, patterned
とりで, スイ, ライ, ルイbases, fort, rampart, walls, base(ball)
ロウcorridor, hall, tower
みや.び, ガgracious, elegant, graceful, refined
すす.める, ケン, カンpersuade, recommend, advise, encourage, offer
たずさ.わる, たずさ.える, ケイportable, carry (in hand), armed with, bring along
まま-, つ.ぐ, ケイinherit, succeed, patch, graft (tree)
たてまつ.る, コン, ケンoffering, counter for drinks, present, offer
や.る, つか.わす, -づか.い, -つか.い, つか.う, ケンdispatch, despatch, send, give, donate, do, undertake
みなもと, ゲンsource, origin
サイbond, loan, debt
か.う, シdomesticate, raise, keep, feed
いた.める, いた.む, きず, ショウwound, hurt, injure, impair, pain, injury, cut, gash, scar, weak point
つつし.み, つつし, つつし.む, シンhumility, be careful, discrete, prudent
ひじり, ショウ, セイholy, saint, sage, master, priest
とどこお.る, テイ, タイstagnate, be delayed, overdue, arrears
なげ.かわしい, なげ.く, タンsigh, lament, moan, grieve
あたた.める, あたた.まる, あたた.かい, あたた.か, ノン, ダンwarmth
-と.び, と.ぶ, は.ねる, チョウhop, leap up, spring, jerk, prance, buck, splash, sputter, snap
チンfare, fee, hire, rent, wages, charge
バクvague, obscure, desert, wide
はか, ボgrave, tomb
とばり, バク, マクcurtain, bunting, act of play
メイalliance, oath
ほ.める, ほま.れ, ヨreputation, praise, honor, glory
すず, リン, レイsmall bell, buzzer
まかな.う, ワイbribe, board, supply, finance
fiber, tie, rope
いな-, いね, テ, トウrice plant
か.る, か.ける, クdrive, run, gallop, advance, inspire, impel
くま, ユウbear
えら.い, ゴウoverpowering, great, powerful, excelling, Australia
ゴクprison, jail
す.い, サンacid, bitterness, sour, tart
magnet, porcelain
ジュdemand, request, need
つつ, ジュウgun, arms
すき, ぜに, ゼン, センcoin, .01 yen, money
うば.う, ダツrob, take by force, snatch away, dispossess, plunder, usurp
つ.む, テキpinch, pick, pluck, trim, clip, summarize
トクbenevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect
くさ.す, くさ.らす, くさ.れ, くさ.れる, -くさ.る, くさ.る, フrot, decay, sour
のこ.す, ユイ, イbequeath, leave behind, reserve
よろこ.ぶ, カンdelight, joy
ゆる.める, ゆる.む, ゆる.やか, ゆる.い, カンslacken, loosen, relax, lessen, be moderate, ease
う.れる, ジュクmellow, ripen, mature, acquire skill
つ.く, ショウcollide, brunt, highway, opposition (astronomy), thrust, pierce, stab, prick
ダクconsent, assent, agreement
ふ.まえる, ふ.む, トウstep, trample, carry through, appraise, evade payment
ただ.す, なわ, ジョウstraw rope, cord
バンtray, shallow bowl, platter, tub, board, phonograph record
-し.き, し.く, フspread, pave, sit, promulgate
ほ.める, ホウpraise, extol
おもんぱか.る, おもんぱく.る, リョprudence, thought, concern, consider, deliberate, fear
エ, エイdefense, protection
え.る, カクseize, get, find, earn, acquire, can, may, able to
かえ.る, カンsend back, return
おこ.す, おこ.る, キョウ, コウentertain, revive, retrieve, interest, pleasure
はがね, コウsteel
たて, ジュウvertical, length, height, self-indulgent, wayward
すす.める, センrecommend, mat, advise, encourage, offer
あやつ.る, みさお, サン, ソウmaneuver, manipulate, operate, steer, chastity, virginity, fidelity
しげ.く, しげ.る, ハンluxuriant, thick, overgrown, frequency, complexity, trouble
よ.ける, さ.ける, ヒevade, avoid, avert, ward off, shirk, shun
かべ, ヘキwall, lining (stomach), fence
と.かす, と.ける, ユウdissolve, melt
となり, とな.る, リンneighboring
しもべ, したが.う, レイslave, servant, prisoner, criminal, follower
いけにえ, キ, ギsacrifice
ケンself-effacing, humble oneself, condescend, be modest
いつくし, いか.めしい, きび.しい, おごそ.か, ゴン, ゲンstern, strictness, severity, rigidity
ちぢ.らす, ちぢ.れる, ちぢ.める, ちぢ.まる, ちぢ.む, シュクshrink, contract, shrivel, wrinkle, reduce
つぐな.う, ショウreparation, make up for, recompense, redeem
ゆる.す, き.く, テイ, チョウlisten, headstrong, naughty, careful inquiry
しき.りに, ヒンrepeatedly, recur
あらそ.う, たたか.う, トウfight, war
はな.す, はな.れる, リdetach, separation, disjoin, digress
のぞ.む, リンlook to, face, meet, confront, attend, call on
く.る, ソウwinding, reel, spin, turn (pages), look up, refer to
か.かる, か.ける, ケ, ケンsuspend, hang, 10%, install, depend, consult
ゆず.る, ジョウdefer, turnover, transfer, convey
かえり.みる, コlook back, review, examine oneself, turn around
おど.る, ヤクleap, dance, skip
おどろ.かす, おどろ.く, キョウwonder, be surprised, frightened, amazed
かがみ, かんが.みる, カンspecimen, take warning from, learn from
つま-, つめ, ソウclaw, nail, talon
は, きば, ゲ, ガtusk, fang
どんぶり, セイ, ショウ, タン, トンbowl, bowl of food
ねら.い, ねら.う, ショ, ソaim at, sight, shadow, stalk
フウ, フhill, mound, left village radical (no. 170)
みさき, さい, さき, キcape, spit, promontory
まいな.う, まいな.い, ロbribe
かまびす.しい, ソ, ショウ, ソウboisterous
ひしお, ショウa kind of miso
なべ, カpot, pan, kettle