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Kodansha Kanji Learners Course 1-999

Selection from Kodansha Kanji Learners Course 1-999, JLPT levels 0-1 only. Source of list: http://kanjirecog.blogspot.com/2014/07/kodansha-kanji-learner-course-list.html


297 entriesCreated by Ryan M. — Last modified: 2014-11-19 09:13:26
ひのと, チ, トウ, チン, テイ, チョウstreet, ward, town, counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something, even number, 4th calendar sign
そり, かたな, トウsword, saber, knife
また.の-, また-, また, ユウor again, furthermore, on the other hand
ゆみ, キュウbow, bow (archery, violin)
な, つちのと, おのれ, キ, コself, snake, serpent
gentleman, samurai
シャクladle, one tenth of a go, dip
だけ, たけ, ジョウlength, 10feet, measure, Mr., Ms., height, stature, all (one has), only, that's all, merely
き.る, やいば, は, ニン, ジンblade, sword, edge
スンmeasurement, foot/10
い, ショウ, セイwell, well crib, town, community
うし, チュウsign of the ox or cow, 1-3AM, second sign of Chinese zodiac
か.る, カイ, ガイreap, cut, clip, trim, prune
キョウvillain, evil, bad luck, disaster
キンaxe, 1.32 lb, catty, counter for loaves of bread
-うじ, うじ, シfamily name, surname, clan
シャクshaku, Japanese foot, measure, scale, rule
に, タンrust-colored, red, red lead, pills
トウ, トBig Dipper, 10 sho (vol), sake dipper
うずまき, ともえ, ハcomma-design
ヤクunlucky, misfortune, bad luck, disaster
か.つ, ショウ, ソ, ショmoreover, also, furthermore
おか, キュウhill, knoll
phrase, clause, sentence, passage, paragraph, counter for haiku
あな, ケツhole, aperture, slit, cave, den
つかさど.る, シdirector, official, govt office, rule, administer
つゆ, -しる, しる, ジュウsoup, juice, broth, sap, gravy, pus
ほこ, ボウ, ムhalberd, arms, festival float
や, シdart, arrow
たくら.む, くわだ.てる, キundertake, scheme, design, attempt, plan
わざおぎ, わざ, キ, ギdeed, skill
よし, キツ, キチgood luck, joy, congratulations
ケイpunish, penalty, sentence, punishment
うま.い, むね, シdelicious, relish, show a liking for, purport, will, clever, expert
いた.る, シclimax, arrive, proceed, reach, attain, result in
せい, うしお, しお, セキeventide, tide, salt water, opportunity
あけ, シュvermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody
シュン, ジュンdecameron, 10day period, season (for specific products
つき, つか, ことごと.く, さかづき, つ.かす, つ.きる, -ず.く, -づ.く, -つ.く, -づ.くし, -つ.くす, つ.くす, サン, ジンexhaust, use up, run out of, deplete, befriend, serve
した, ゼツtongue, reed, clapper
そえ, ふた.つ, ジ, ニII, two, second
また, ヤク, エキalso, again
ひつじ, ヨウsheep
officer, an official
つ.ぐ, アシア, アAsia, rank next, come after, -ous
こた.える, まさに, あた.る, -ノウ, ヨウ, オウapply, answer, yes, OK, reply, accept
わく, ちゅう.する, おきつ, おき, チュウopen sea, offing, rise high into sky
わが-, わ.が-, わ, われ, ガego, I, selfish, our, oneself
いまし.める, カイcommandment
ギ, キbranch off, fork in road, scene, arena, theater
vapor, steam
しりぞ.ける, しりぞ.く, かえ.って, キャクinstead, on the contrary, rather
くるお.しい, くる.おしい, くる.う, キョウlunatic, insane, crazy, confuse
あ-, わが-, われ, ゴI, my, our, one's own
キョウ, コウfilial piety, child's respect
こころざし, こころざ.す, シリング, シintention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling
すじ, えだ, デキ, チョウ, ジョウarticle, clause, item, stripe, streak
すぎ, サンcedar, cryptomeria
すなわ.ち, つ.ける, つ.く, ソクinstant, namely, as is, conform, agree, adapt
たつ, ジン, シンsign of the dragon, 7-9AM, fifth sign of Chinese zodiac
テイdisplay, offer, present, send, exhibit
テイcourts, imperial court, government office
まめ-, まめ, ズ, トウbeans, pea, midget
とり, ユウwest, bird, sign of the bird, 5-7PM, tenth sign of Chinese zodiac, sake radical (no. 164)
ともな.う, バン, ハンconsort, accompany, bring with, companion
criticism, strike
お, ビtail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain
ない, しず.む, おぼ.れる, モツ, ボツdrown, sink, hide, fall into, disappear, die
い.る, ヤmelting, smelting
さと, リri, village, parent's home, league
おもね.る, オ, アAfrica, flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess
う.つ, その, オン, エンgarden, farm, park
ゆ.く, さき.に, いにしえ, い.く, オウjourney, chase away, let go, going, travel
あたい, ケ, カvalue, price
ひろ.める, ひろ.げる, ひろ.がる, コウ, カクbroaden, extend, expand, enlarge
たけ, ガクpoint, peak, mountain
よ.る, コ, キョfoothold, based on, follow, therefore
とら, コtiger, drunkard
いろどり, と.る, サイdice, form, appearance, take, coloring
はべ.る, さむらい, シ, ジwaiter, samurai, wait upon, serve
やど.る, セキ, シャcottage, inn, hut, house, mansion
むね, ソウ, シュウreligion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence
なお, ショウesteem, furthermore, still, yet
まつ, ショウpine tree
セイsubjugate, attack the rebellious, collect taxes
チュウloyalty, fidelity, faithfulness
テイresist, reach, touch
やしき, テイresidence, mansion
デン, テンcode, ceremony, law, rule
からなし, いかん, ダイ, ナイ, ナNara, what?
あわ, ホウbubbles, foam, suds, froth
まき, ボクbreed, care for, shepherd, feed, pasture
わた.る, ひさ.しい, ひさし, とおい, いよいよ, あまねし, や, いや, ビ, ミall the more, increasingly
おろ.し, おろし, おろ.す, シャwholesale
み.る, カンwatch over, see
chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period
rut, wheel, track, model, way of doing
もと, ふる.い, ゆえ, コhappenstance, especially, intentionally, reason, cause, circumstances, the late, therefore, consequently
なんぞ, ゴ, コ, ウbarbarian, foreign
コウdeluge, flood, vast
オウ, コウemperor
ほどこ.す, セ, シalms, apply bandages, administer first-aid
-が.り, か.り, か.る, シュhunt, raid, gather
しま, ス, シュウcontinent, sandbar, island, country
きよ.い, きよ.める, セイ, ジョウclean, purify, cleanse, exorcise, Manchu Dynasty
スイcommander, leading troops, governor
セイanimal sacrifice, offering
とうげmountain peak, mountain pass, climax, crest, (kokuji)
ひと.り, トク, ドクsingle, alone, spontaneously, Germany
まゆ, ミ, ビeyebrow
たも.つ, ホウ, ホprotect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support
おとこ, リョウ, ロウson, counter for sons
つくえ, アンplan, suggestion, draft, ponder, fear, proposition, idea, expectation, bill, worry
うた.う, うた, バイsongs with samisen
ま.す, ヤク, エキbenefit, gain, profit, advantage
かぶ, シュstocks, stump, shares, stock, counter for small plants
おののく, くり, リ, リツchestnut
めぐ.み, めぐ.む, エ, ケイfavor, blessing, grace, kindness
さと.る, ゴenlightenment, perceive, discern, realize, understand
より, したが.える, したが.う, ジュ, ショウ, ジュウaccompany, obey, submit to, comply, follow, secondary, incidental, subordinate
ジュンquasi-, semi-, associate
ショウsymptoms, illness
つまび.らか, よ.い, きざ.し, さいわ.い, ショウauspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune
ほめ.る, はか.る, はか.り, かな.う, あ.げる, とな.える, たた.える, ショウappellation, praise, admire, name, title, fame
ふ.るう, -ぶ.り, ふ.り, ぶ.る, ふ.る, シンshake, wave, wag, swing
もと, ス, ソelementary, principle, naked, uncovered
くら, ソウgodown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury
いた.す, チdoth, do, send, forward, cause, exert, incur, engage
テンunfold, expand
ハイhaiku, actor
はま, ヒンseacoast, beach, seashore
ホウcannon, gun
つむ.ぐ, ボウspinning
いせ, たつ, ロウ, リョウ, リュウdragon, imperial
リンethics, companion
はげ.しい, レツardent, violent, vehement, furious, severe, extreme
け, こと.なる, こと, イuncommon, queerness, strangeness, wonderful, curious, unusual
もとい, もと, キfundamentals, radical (chem), counter for machines, foundation
あし, カク, キャ, キャクskids, leg, undercarriage
いろど.る, サイcoloring, paint, makeup
み.る, シinspection, regard as, see, look at
わた.る, ショウford, ferry, port
シンsire, good belt, gentleman
センrotation, go around
す.くう, す, ソウnest, rookery, hive, cobweb, den
いのしし, い, チョboar
とら, インsign of the tiger, 3-5AM, third sign of Chinese zodiac
ぶた, トンpork, pig
ハイrepudiate, exclude, expel, reject
ハクliner, ship
ヒョウballot, label, ticket, sign
あさ, マア, マhemp, flax
モウfierce, rave, rush, become furious, wildness, strength
ひき.いる, シュツ, リツ, ソツratio, rate, proportion, %, coefficient, factor
か.る, かり, レフ, リョウgame-hunting, shooting, game, bag
ルイaccumulate, involvement, trouble, tie up, continually
まち, カイ, ガイboulevard, street, town
あ.えず, あ.えない, あ.えて, カンdaring, sad, tragic, pitiful, frail, feeble
ふる.う, キbrandish, wave, wag, swing, shake
さと.る, あかつき, キョウ, ギョウdaybreak, dawn, in the event
すじ, キンmuscle, sinew, tendon, fiber, plot, plan, descent
ゆ.わえる, ゆ.う, むす.ぶ, ケチ, ケツtie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten
かこ.い, ケンsphere, circle, radius, range
サクscheme, plan, policy, step, means
かさ, サンumbrella
ジクaxis, pivot, stem, stalk, counter for book scrolls
たなごころ, てのひら, ショウmanipulate, rule, administer, conduct, palm of hand
あかし, ショウevidence, proof, certificate
ふ.やす, ふ.える, ショクaugment, increase, multiply, raise
けず.しける, きず, はじ.める, つく.る, ショウ, ソウgenesis, wound, injury, hurt, start, originate
ほうむ.る, ソウinterment, bury, shelve
タイregiment, party, company, squad
すた.る, すた.れる, ハイabolish, obsolete, cessation, discarding, abandon
バク, ハクDr., command, esteem, win acclaim, Ph.D., exposition, fair
えびす, バンbarbarian
ヒョウevaluate, criticism, comment
たの.しむ, たの.しい, ユpleasure, happy, rejoice
なお, ユ, ユウfurthermore, still, yet
とりで, スイ, ライ, ルイbases, fort, rampart, walls, base(ball)
-ぎ.れ, さ.ける, さ.く, レツsplit, rend, tear
ロウcorridor, hall, tower
くら.べる, コウ, カクcontrast, compare
す.てる, キabandon, throw away, discard, resign, reject, sacrifice
righteousness, justice, morality, honor, loyalty, meaning
まま-, つ.ぐ, ケイinherit, succeed, patch, graft (tree)
きぬ, ケンsilk
みなもと, ゲンsource, origin
みぞ, コウgutter, ditch, sewer, drain, 10**32
サイbond, loan, debt
heir, succeed
うた, シpoem, poetry
か.う, シdomesticate, raise, keep, feed
すす.める, ソウ, ショウexhort, urge, encourage
つまび.らか, くわ.しい, ショウdetailed, full, minute, accurate, well-informed
ひじり, ショウ, セイholy, saint, sage, master, priest
のっと, -ぶし, ふし, セチ, セツnode, season, period, occasion, verse, clause, stanza, honor, joint, knuckle, knob, knot, tune, melody
たき, ソウ, ロウwaterfall, rapids, cascade
テイrowboat, small boat
ハンconveyor, carry, transport
はだか, ラnaked, nude, uncovered, partially clothed
かみなり, ライthunder, lightening bolt
はちす, はす, レンlotus
コ, カcounters for things
カクtower, tall building, palace
はた, キnational flag, banner, standard
くま, ユウbear
ゴクprison, jail
す.い, サンacid, bitterness, sour, tart
わざ.と, タイattitude, condition, figure, appearance, voice (of verbs)
-づけ, -づ.け, つ.かる, つ.ける, シpickling, soak, moisten, steep
むし.ろ, ネイrather, preferably
ばっ.する, ハツ, バチ, バツpenalty, punishment
ただよ.う, ヒョウdrift, float (on liquid)
すみ, ボクblack ink, India ink, ink stick, Mexico
リョウcolleague, official, companion
りゃく, こよみ, レキcalendar, almanac
えにし, へり, よすが, ゆかり, ふちど.る, ふち, -ネン, エンaffinity, relation, connection, edge, border, verge, brink
うつわ, キutensil, vessel, receptacle, implement, instrument, ability, container, tool, set
かがや.く, キradiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle
ceremony, rule, affair, case, a matter
たも.う, たま.う, たまわ.る, シgrant, gift, boon, results
ジュンabide by, follow, obey, learn
う.ける, こ.う, ショウ, シン, セイsolicit, invite, ask
みやこがえ, うつ.す, うつ.る, センtransition, move, change
タンnativity, be born, declension, lie, be arbitrary
うしお, しお, チョウtide, salt water, opportunity
ハンpattern, example, model
バンtray, shallow bowl, platter, tub, board, phonograph record
や.める, まか.り-, ヒquit, stop, leave, withdraw, go
しるし, しるべ, ヒョウsignpost, seal, mark, stamp, imprint, symbol, emblem, trademark, evidence, souvenir, target
ほ.める, ホウpraise, extol
もだ.す, だま.る, ボク, モクsilence, become silent, stop speaking, leave as is
う.き, う.い, うれ.い, うれ.える, ユウmelancholy, grieve, lament, be anxious, sad, unhappy
やしな.う, リョウ, ヨウfoster, bring up, rear, develop, nurture
リョウdormitory, hostel, villa, tea pavillion
ぬき, よこいと, イhorizontal, woof, left & right, latitude
エ, エイdefense, protection
オクrecollection, think, remember
おこ.す, おこ.る, キョウ, コウentertain, revive, retrieve, interest, pleasure
にしき, キンbrocade, fine dress, honors
はげ.しい, ゲキviolent, get excited, enraged, chafe, incite
ケンconstitution, law
けだもの, けもの, ジュウanimal, beast
たて, ジュウvertical, length, height, self-indulgent, wayward
ととの.う, ととの.える, セイorganize, arranging, tune, tone, meter, key (music)
しば.る, バクtruss, arrest, bind, tie, restrain
さと.す, ユrebuke, admonish, charge, warn, persuade
となり, とな.る, リンneighboring
いそ, キseashore, beach
いけにえ, キ, ギsacrifice
いつくし, いか.めしい, きび.しい, おごそ.か, ゴン, ゲンstern, strictness, severity, rigidity
コウsubscription, buy
ちぢ.らす, ちぢ.れる, ちぢ.める, ちぢ.まる, ちぢ.む, シュクshrink, contract, shrivel, wrinkle, reduce
つぐな.う, ショウreparation, make up for, recompense, redeem
あざ.やか, センfresh, vivid, clear, brilliant, Korea
つばさ, ヨクwing, plane, flank
あきらか, リョウclear
まじろ.ぐ, またた.く, シュンwink, blink, twinkle
いや.す, い.える, ユhealing, cure, quench (thirst), wreak
のぞ.む, リンlook to, face, meet, confront, attend, call on
簿register, record book
うすもの, ラgauze, thin silk, Rome
おどろ.かす, おどろ.く, キョウwonder, be surprised, frightened, amazed
きれ, ちきり, おお.い, フク, キンtowel, hanging scroll, width
つま-, つめ, ソウclaw, nail, talon
なし, なか.れ, ボツ, ブツ, モチnot, must not, do not, be not
うり, ケ, カmelon
どんぶり, セイ, ショウ, タン, トンbowl, bowl of food
つる.す, つ.る, チョウsuspend, hang, wear (sword)
まします, そぞろに, おわす, すわ.る, サ, ザsit
さか, ハンheights, slope
つえ, ジョウstaff, cane
おろか, あき.れる, ぼ.ける, ほけ.る, ホウbe amazed, disgusted, shocked
あたか.も, -づつ, -あて, あ.てる, エンaddress, just like, fortunately
おか, コウmount, hill, knoll
こまかい, からい, いらだ.つ, さいな.む, いじ.める, カtorment, scold, chastise
フウ, フhill, mound, left village radical (no. 170)
まくら, シン, チンpillow
サツ, セツ, セチtemple
うら.めしい, うらみ, うら.む, ウン, オン, エンgrudge, show resentment, be jealous
竿さお, カンpole, rod, scale beam, violin neck
かしら, おおがい, ぺえじ, ケツpage, leaf
ゆが.む, ひず.む, いびつ, いが.む, エ, ワイwarp, bend, strained, distort
あら.う, すす.ぐ, セイ, セン, サイ, ソン, シャwash, sprinkle
ひも, ジュウ, チュウstring, cord, braid, lace, tape, strap, ribbon
かさ, リュウbamboo hat, one's influence
うかが.う, のぞ.く, シpeep, peek, come in sight
み.ちる, あふ.れる, こぼ.れる, イツoverflow, inundate, spill
こばち, ワンporcelain bowl, tea cup
かばん, ビョウ, ホウ, ハクsuitcase, bag, briefcase
にぎ.わう, にぎ.わす, にぎ.やか, にぎ.わい, シンflourish, be bustling, prosperity
みやこ, キcapital, suburbs of capital
おくする, むね, ヨク, オクtimidity, heart, mind, fear, cowardly
輿こし, かご, ヨpalanquin, bier
いげた, から, カンKorea
よみがえ.る, ス, ソbe resuscitated, revived
こ.む, こも.る, こ.める, かご, ル, ロウbasket, devote oneself, seclude oneself, cage, coop, implied