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Kanji Final


381 entriesCreated by Gene Y. — Last modified: 2012-07-24 21:43:07
学生 【がくせい】student (esp. a university student)
声 【こえ】voice
町 【まち】① town, block, neighbourhood, neighborhood ② street, road ③ 109.09 m ④ 0.99 hectares
戸 【と】door (esp. Japanese-style)
甘い 【あまい】① sweet, delicious ② fragrant (smelling), sweet (music) ③ lightly salted ④ naive, overly optimistic, soft on, generous, indulgent, easy-going ⑤ half-hearted, not finished properly ⑥ tempting (e.g. words), promising
警官 【けいかん】policeman
子供 【こども】child, children
授業 【じゅぎょう】lesson, class work
生徒 【せいと】pupil
欲しい 【ほしい】① wanted, wished for, in need of, desired ② (after the -te form of a verb) I want (you) to
居る 【いる】① to be (of animate objects), to exist ② to stay ③ (after the -te form of a verb) verb indicating continuing action or state (i.e. to be ..ing, to have been ..ing)
余り 【あまり】① remainder, rest, balance, remains, scraps, residue, remnant ② not very (with negative sentence), not much ③ surplus, excess, fullness, too much ④ overjoyed, overwhelmed ⑤ more than, over
寄る 【よる】to visit, to drop in, to approach
規則 【きそく】rules, regulations, conventions
技術 【ぎじゅつ】art, craft, technique, technology, engineering, skill
競争 【きょうそう】① competition, contest ② to compete
警察 【けいさつ】police
紹介 【しょうかい】introduction, referral
地震 【じしん】earthquake
倒れる 【たおれる】① to fall, to collapse, to drop, to fall senseless ② to be forced to bed (by illness, etc.) ③ to die ④ to go bankrupt, to be ruined, to have a bad debt ⑤ to be defeated (in a game) ⑥ to fall (of governments, dictators, etc.)
逃げる 【にげる】to escape, to run away
仏教 【ぶっきょう】Buddhism
夢 【ゆめ】dream
壊れる 【こわれる】① to be broken, to break ② to fall through, to come to nothing
趣味 【しゅみ】hobby, tastes, preference
騒ぐ 【さわぐ】① to make noise, to make racket, to be noisy ② to rustle, to swoosh ③ to make merry ④ to clamor, to clamour, to make a fuss, to kick up a fuss ⑤ to lose one's cool, to panic, to act flustered ⑥ to feel tense, to be uneasy, to be excited
学期 【がっき】school term, semester
記録 【きろく】① record, minutes, document ② a record (e.g. in sports), results, score ③ to record, to document ④ to set a record (e.g. in sports), to show a result, to reach a value
指導 【しどう】① leadership, guidance, coaching ② shido (disciplinary action for a minor infringement of the rules of judo)
自身 【じしん】by oneself, personally
出身 【しゅっしん】① person's origin (town, city, country, etc.) ② institution from which one graduated ③ director in charge of employee relations
身長 【しんちょう】height (of body), stature
身分 【みぶん】social position, social status
生命 【せいめい】life, existence
太陽 【たいよう】sun, solar
命 【いのち】(mortal) life
陽気 【ようき】① cheerful, merry ② season, weather
他人 【たにん】another person, unrelated person, outsider, stranger
演技 【えんぎ】acting, performance
技師 【ぎし】engineer, technician
居間 【いま】living room (western style)
居眠り 【いねむり】dozing, nodding off
競技 【きょうぎ】game, match, contest
恐ろしい 【おそろしい】terrible, dreadful
恐怖 【きょうふ】fear, dread, dismay, terror
訓練 【くんれん】practice, practise, training
警告 【けいこく】warning, advice
権利 【けんり】right, privilege
現在 【げんざい】now, current, present, present time, as of
現状 【げんじょう】present condition, existing state, status quo
国境 【こっきょう】national or state border
材料 【ざいりょう】ingredients, material
週末 【しゅうまつ】weekend
住宅 【じゅうたく】residence, housing, residential building
述べる 【のべる】to state, to express, to mention
状況 【じょうきょう】state of affairs (around you), situation, circumstances
食欲 【しょくよく】appetite (for food)
震える 【ふるえる】to shiver, to shake, to quake, to tremble, to quaver, to quiver
成績 【せいせき】results, record, grades
積む 【つむ】to pile up, to stack, to load (car, ship, etc.), to pack
積もる 【つもる】① to pile up, to accumulate ② to estimate
積極的 【せっきょくてき】assertive, positive, active, proactive
責める 【せめる】to condemn, to blame, to criticize, to criticise
責任 【せきにん】① duty, responsibility (incl. supervision of staff) ② liability, onus
存在 【そんざい】existence, being
地域 【ちいき】area, region
調査 【ちょうさ】investigation, examination, inquiry, enquiry, survey
動詞 【どうし】verb
南極 【なんきょく】① South Pole ② the Antarctic, Antarctica
判断 【はんだん】judgement, judgment, decision, adjudication, conclusion, decipherment, divination
否定 【ひてい】① negation, denial, repudiation ② NOT operation
夢中 【むちゅう】daze, (in a) trance, ecstasy, delirium, engrossment, within a (deep) dream
面倒 【めんどう】trouble, difficulty, care, attention
余計 【よけい】too much, unnecessary, extraneous, abundance, surplus, excess, superfluity
与える 【あたえる】① to give (esp. to someone of lower status), to bestow, to grant, to confer, to present, to award ② to provide, to afford, to offer, to supply ③ to assign ④ to cause ⑤ to pass (a variable to a function)
恐れる 【おそれる】to fear, to be afraid of
寄付 【きふ】contribution, donation
運命 【うんめい】fate
影響 【えいきょう】influence, effect
火災 【かさい】conflagration, fire
改善 【かいぜん】① betterment, improvement ② kaizen (Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement)
街 【がい】.. street, .. quarter, .. district
環境 【かんきょう】environment, circumstance
奇妙 【きみょう】strange, queer, curious
教授 【きょうじゅ】① professor ② teaching, instruction
懸命 【けんめい】eagerness, earnestness, risking one's life
検査 【けんさ】inspection (e.g. customs, factory), examination, scan (e.g. MRI, PET, etc.)
資源 【しげん】resources
実施 【じっし】enforcement, implementation, putting into practice (practise), carrying out, operation, working (e.g. working parameters), enactment
症状 【しょうじょう】symptoms, condition
証明 【しょうめい】proof, verification
条件 【じょうけん】condition, conditions, term, terms, requirement, requirements
状態 【じょうたい】current status, condition, situation, circumstances, state
選択 【せんたく】selection, choice, option
騒がしい 【さわがしい】noisy
騒音 【そうおん】noise
属する 【ぞくする】① to entrust ② to send (a message, etc.)
態度 【たいど】attitude, manner, behaviour
提案 【ていあん】proposal, proposition, suggestion
提出 【ていしゅつ】① to present, to submit (e.g. a report or a thesis), to hand in, to file, to turn in ② presentation, submission, filing
特徴 【とくちょう】feature, trait, characteristic, pecularity
独身 【どくしん】bachelorhood, single, unmarried, celibate
微妙 【びみょう】① delicate, subtle, sensitive ② difficult, delicate (situation), complicated ③ doubtful, questionable, dicey
評価 【ひょうか】① valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation ② to value, to assess, to estimate value ③ to appreciate, to value highly, to acknowledge the value (of something)
評判 【ひょうばん】① fame, reputation, popularity ② rumour (rumor), talk
模様 【もよう】pattern, figure, design
目標 【もくひょう】mark, objective, target
余裕 【よゆう】surplus, composure, margin, room, time, allowance, flexibility, scope, rope
避ける 【さける】① to avoid (physical contact with) ② to avoid (situation) ③ to ward off, to avert
描く 【えがく】to draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe
影 【かげ】① shadow, silhouette ② reflection, image ③ presence, sign ④ light (stars, moon)
陰 【かげ】① shade, shadow ② other side, back, background
事態 【じたい】situation, (present) state of affairs, circumstances
保証 【ほしょう】guarantee, security, assurance, pledge, warranty
料 【りょう】material, charge, rate, fee
雨戸 【あまど】sliding storm shutter
商店 【しょうてん】shop, small store, business, firm
心身 【しんしん】mind and body
人命 【じんめい】(human) life
録音 【ろくおん】(audio) recording
甘やかす 【あまやかす】to pamper, to spoil
給与 【きゅうよ】pay, salary, wages, allowance, grant, supply
競馬 【けいば】horse racing
境 【さかい】border, boundary, mental state
極力 【きょくりょく】to the utmost, to the best of one's ability
近寄る 【ちかよる】to approach, to draw near
区域 【くいき】① limits, boundary, domain, zone, sphere, territory ② area (e.g. in programming languages)
形容詞 【けいようし】(true) adjective, i-adjective
警備 【けいび】defense, defence, guard, policing, security
肯定 【こうてい】positive, affirmation
採点 【さいてん】marking, grading, looking over
在学 【ざいがく】(enrolled) in school
実績 【じっせき】achievements, actual results
消極的 【しょうきょくてき】negative, half-hearted, passive, unmotivated, pessimistic
逃がす 【にがす】to let loose, to set free, to let escape
北極 【ほっきょく】① North Pole ② the Arctic
面積 【めんせき】area
流域 【りゅういき】(river) basin
末っ子 【すえっこ】youngest child
年寄り 【としより】① old people, the aged ② sumo coaches
採る 【とる】① to adopt (measure, proposal) ② to pick (fruit), to catch (insects), to take (e.g. a sample) ③ to assume (attitude) ④ to take on (i.e. hire), to engage
学級 【がっきゅう】(school) class
緩い 【ゆるい】loose, lenient, slow
高級 【こうきゅう】high class, high grade
災難 【さいなん】calamity, misfortune, disaster
撮影 【さつえい】photographing
寿命 【じゅみょう】life span
新幹線 【しんかんせん】bullet train (very high speed), Shinkansen
体系 【たいけい】system, organization, organisation, architecture
対策 【たいさく】counter-plan, counter-measure
標識 【ひょうしき】sign, mark, flag
標準 【ひょうじゅん】standard, level, norm
評論 【ひょうろん】criticism, critique
物騒 【ぶっそう】dangerous, disturbed, insecure
崩れる 【くずれる】to collapse, to crumble
欲張り 【よくばり】avarice, covetousness, greed
付属 【ふぞく】attached, belonging (to), included, enclosed, affiliated, annexed, associated, subordinate, incidental, dependent, auxiliary
実情 【じつじょう】real condition, actual circumstances, actual state of affairs
圧倒 【あっとう】overwhelm, overpower, overwhelming
陰気 【いんき】gloom, melancholy
沿う 【そう】① to run along, to run beside ② to follow (a plan, etc.), to act in accordance with
沿岸 【えんがん】coast, shore, littoral
沿線 【えんせん】along railway line
過密 【かみつ】overcrowding, crowded
介護 【かいご】nursing
介入 【かいにゅう】intervention
革命 【かくめい】① revolution ② 58th year of the sexagenary cycle (in onmyou-dou)
耐える 【たえる】① to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with ② to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave ③ to be fit for, to be equal to
幹線 【かんせん】main line, trunk line
幹部 【かんぶ】management, (executive) staff, leaders, leadership, top brass, upper echelons
甘える 【あまえる】① to behave like a spoiled child, to behave like a spoilt child, to fawn on ② to depend and presume upon another's benevolence
看護 【かんご】nursing, (army) nurse
緩む 【ゆるむ】to become loose, to slacken
緩やか 【ゆるやか】① loose, slack ② gentle, easy, slow ③ lenient, liberal, lax
緩和 【かんわ】relief, mitigation, alleviation, relaxation, softening
関与 【かんよ】participation, taking part in, participating in, being concerned in
規制 【きせい】regulation, (traffic) policing, control, restriction
規定 【きてい】regulation, provisions
規模 【きぼ】scale, scope, plan, structure
記述 【きじゅつ】description, descriptor
拒否 【きょひ】denial, veto, rejection, refusal
恐れ 【おそれ】fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness
恐れ入る 【おそれいる】① to be sorry, to feel small ② to be grateful ③ to be amazed, to be filled with awe, to be surprised ④ to be disconcerted, to be embarrassed
教材 【きょうざい】teaching materials
業績 【ぎょうせき】achievement, performance, results, work, contribution
系 【けい】① system, lineage, group ② corollary ③ (geological) system (range of strata that correspond to a particular time period) ④ (taxonomical) series
警戒 【けいかい】① vigilance, precaution, watch, lookout, alertness ② to be vigilant, to be cautious, to guard (against)
健在 【けんざい】in good health, well, going strong
権限 【けんげん】power, authority, jurisdiction
権力 【けんりょく】(political) power, authority, influence
源 【みなもと】source, origin
語源 【ごげん】word root, word derivation, etymology
口述 【こうじゅつ】dictation, verbal statement
好評 【こうひょう】popularity, favorable reputation, favourable reputation
最善 【さいぜん】the very best
採集 【さいしゅう】collecting, gathering
採択 【さいたく】adoption, selection, choice
採用 【さいよう】① use, adoption, acceptance ② appointment, employment, engagement
災害 【さいがい】calamity, disaster, misfortune
使命 【しめい】mission, errand, message
指摘 【してき】pointing out, identification
施設 【しせつ】① institution, establishment, facility ② (army) engineer
実態 【じったい】true state, actual condition, reality
取材 【しゅざい】collecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article), covering an event
趣 【おもむき】① meaning, tenor, gist ② effect, influence ③ appearance, aspect ④ taste ⑤ grace, charm, refinement
趣旨 【しゅし】① object, intent, aim ② meaning, point (e.g. of a statement)
授ける 【さずける】to grant, to award, to teach
所在 【しょざい】whereabouts
所属 【しょぞく】attached to, belong to, member
証拠 【しょうこ】evidence, proof
象徴 【しょうちょう】symbol
条約 【じょうやく】treaty, pact
親善 【しんぜん】friendship
人材 【じんざい】man of talent, capable person, talented person
政権 【せいけん】(political) administration, political power
政策 【せいさく】political measures, policy
正規 【せいき】regular, normal, legal, formal, established, legitimate
声明 【せいめい】declaration, statement, proclamation
雪崩 【なだれ】avalanche
前提 【ぜんてい】preamble, premise, reason, prerequisite, condition, assumption, hypothesis, given
善良 【ぜんりょう】goodness, excellence, virtue
他方 【たほう】① one (esp. of two), the other, one way, the other way, one direction, the other direction, one side, the other side, one party, the other party ② on the other hand
徴収 【ちょうしゅう】collection, levy
津波 【つなみ】tsunami, tidal wave
提供 【ていきょう】offer, tender, program sponsoring, programme sponsoring, furnishing, provisioning, supply
摘む 【つむ】to pluck, to pick, to trim
摘出 【てきしゅつ】picking out, exposing, taking out, -ectomy (suf) (surgical removal)
天災 【てんさい】natural calamity, disaster
転居 【てんきょ】moving, changing residence
電源 【でんげん】① source of electricity, electrical power ② power (button on TV, etc.)
徒歩 【とほ】walking, going on foot
登録 【とうろく】registration, accession, register, entry, record
倒産 【とうさん】(corporate) bankruptcy, insolvency, commercial failure, failed business
逃走 【とうそう】flight, desertion, escape
逃亡 【とうぼう】escape, flight, running away, elopement, fleeing
同居 【どうきょ】coexistence, living together
導く 【みちびく】① to guide, to lead, to show the way, to conduct ② to derive, to deduce
導入 【どうにゅう】introduction, bringing in, leading in, installation
特技 【とくぎ】special skill
破壊 【はかい】① destruction, disruption ② (application) crash
反響 【はんきょう】echo, reverberation, repercussion, reaction, influence
避難 【ひなん】taking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation, escape
微笑 【びしょう】smile
微量 【びりょう】minuscule amount, extremely small quantity
描写 【びょうしゃ】depiction, description, portrayal
紛れる 【まぎれる】to be diverted, to slip into
紛失 【ふんしつ】losing something
紛争 【ふんそう】dispute, trouble, strife
弁護 【べんご】defense, defence, pleading, advocacy
保護 【ほご】care, protection, shelter, safeguard, guardianship, favor, favour, patronage
崩壊 【ほうかい】① collapse, crumbling, breaking down, caving in ② decay (physics)
末 【まつ】① the end of ② powder
密集 【みっしゅう】crowd, close formation, dense
密接 【みっせつ】related, connected, close, intimate
密度 【みつど】density
模型 【もけい】model, dummy, maquette
余暇 【よか】leisure, leisure time, spare time
与党 【よとう】government party, (ruling) party in power, government
善し悪し 【よしあし】good or bad, merits or demerits, quality, suitability
意欲 【いよく】will, desire, ambition
起源 【きげん】origin, beginning, rise
並 【なみ】average, medium, common, ordinary
奇数 【きすう】odd number
音声 【おんせい】voice, (the concept of) sound
泣き声 【なきごえ】cry, crying voice
戸外 【こがい】open-air, outdoors
終身 【しゅうしん】the whole life
声楽 【せいがく】vocal music
他界 【たかい】① death, the next world ② to pass away, to die
他者 【たしゃ】another person, others
大声 【おおごえ】large voice
発声 【はっせい】utterance, speaking
録画 【ろくが】(video) recording
神戸 【こうべ】Kobe (port city near Osaka)
悪夢 【あくむ】nightmare, bad dream
安否 【あんぴ】safety, welfare, well-being
歌詞 【かし】song lyrics, words of a song, libretto
技法 【ぎほう】technique
球技 【きゅうぎ】ball game (e.g. baseball, tennis, soccer)
魚介類 【ぎょかいるい】marine products, seafood, fish and shellfish
競う 【きそう】① to compete with ② to emulate
極限 【きょくげん】utmost limits, limit
極度 【きょくど】maximum, extreme, utmost, curvature
警報 【けいほう】alarm, warning
肯定的 【こうていてき】affirmative
合否 【ごうひ】success or failure, result
最寄り 【もより】nearest, neighbouring, neighboring, nearby
在住 【ざいじゅう】resident
在宅 【ざいたく】being in, being at home
在日 【ざいにち】① in Japan ② people in Japan (esp. Koreans living in Japan, often used as a slur)
作詞 【さくし】(writing) song lyrics
賛否両論 【さんぴりょうろん】the pros and cons
自供 【じきょう】confession
実況 【じっきょう】real condition
授かる 【さずかる】① to be awarded (e.g. a prize), to be given an award, to receive (e.g. a title) ② to be gifted or endowed (e.g. with a talent) ③ to be blessed (e.g. with a child) ④ to be initiated (e.g. into a secret)
状 【じょう】① shape, state ② letter, correspondence
心境 【しんきょう】mental state
新居 【しんきょ】new home
震度 【しんど】Japanese earthquake scale (level 1: weak to level 7: devastation)
責任者 【せきにんしゃ】person in charge (including a supervisory role for other staff), person responsible for ..., responsible party
全域 【ぜんいき】the whole area
贈与 【ぞうよ】donation, presentation
仲介 【ちゅうかい】agency, intermediation
逃亡者 【とうぼうしゃ】runaway, fugitive
入居 【にゅうきょ】moving into (house)
年末 【ねんまつ】end-of-year
判明 【はんめい】establishing, proving, identifying, confirming
否認 【ひにん】denial, negation, repudiation, disapproval
病状 【びょうじょう】condition of a disease (patient)
品詞 【ひんし】part of speech
別居 【べっきょ】separation, living apart
亡命 【ぼうめい】emigration, exile, flight from one's country, defection
有権者 【ゆうけんしゃ】voter, constituent, (electoral) franchise-holder, (the) electorate, eligible voters
余震 【よしん】aftershock
陽性 【ようせい】positivity
極める 【きわめる】① to carry to extremes, to go to the end of something ② to investigate thoroughly, to master
実状 【じつじょう】real condition, actual circumstances, actual state of affairs
町並み 【まちなみ】street (of stores and houses), townscape, (look of) stores and houses on street
余生 【よせい】one's remaining years
甘味 【あまみ】sweetness, sugary taste
転倒 【てんとう】① falling down, tumbling, overturning, turning over ② reversing, inverting, inversion ③ getting upset
投与 【とうよ】prescribing medicine, administering (medicine)
居心地 【いごこち】comfort
責任感 【せきにんかん】sense of responsibility
山積み 【やまづみ】huge mound, heap, pile
愛護 【あいご】protection, tender care
異状 【いじょう】something wrong, accident, change, abnormality, aberration
一環 【いっかん】link (e.g. a part of a larger plan)
一級 【いっきゅう】one grade, first-class, primary
陰口 【かげぐち】malicious gossip, backbiting, speaking ill behind someone's back
陰性 【いんせい】negative
沿道 【えんどう】route, course, roadside
音響 【おんきょう】sound, noise, echo, acoustics
家系 【かけい】family lineage
幹事 【かんじ】executive secretary, coordinator, organizer, person in charge of making arrangements
環状 【かんじょう】annulation, ring-forming
極秘 【ごくひ】absolute secrecy
系列 【けいれつ】① series, sequence, system, order of succession ② keiretsu (conglomeration of businesses linked by cross-shareholdings)
警鐘 【けいしょう】alarm bell, fire bell
交響曲 【こうきょうきょく】symphony
光陰 【こういん】time, Father Time
好奇心 【こうきしん】curiosity, inquisitiveness
国策 【こくさく】national policy
査証 【さしょう】visa
災い 【わざわい】calamity, catastrophe
市街 【しがい】urban areas, the streets, town, city
趣向 【しゅこう】plan, idea
授与 【じゅよ】award, conferment
条文 【じょうぶん】text, provisions (act, treaty)
親密 【しんみつ】intimacy, friendship
震源 【しんげん】epicentre, epicenter, earthquake centre, earthquake center
星条旗 【せいじょうき】① Stars and Stripes (US flag) ② Star-Spangled Banner (US anthem)
専属 【せんぞく】exclusive, attached to, specialist
耐震性 【たいしんせい】earthquake-proof
致命的 【ちめいてき】fatal, lethal
中級 【ちゅうきゅう】intermediate level
徴兵 【ちょうへい】conscription, recruitment, enlistment
定評 【ていひょう】established opinion, established reputation, acknowledged authority, recognized scholar
提言 【ていげん】proposal, motion
摘発 【てきはつ】exposing, unmasking, laying bare
同級生 【どうきゅうせい】classmate, classmates
二者択一 【にしゃたくいつ】two alternatives, selecting an option (from two alternatives)
日系 【にっけい】(of) Japanese descent
年賀状 【ねんがじょう】New Year's card
配属 【はいぞく】assignment (of a person to somewhere), attachment (of a person to another unit, organization, etc.)
被災 【ひさい】being a victim of (some disaster), suffering from
避暑地 【ひしょち】summer resort
微生物 【びせいぶつ】microbe, germ
標高 【ひょうこう】elevation, height above sea level
紛らわす 【まぎらわす】to divert, to distract
無我夢中 【むがむちゅう】being absorbed in, losing oneself in
面影 【おもかげ】face, looks, vestiges, trace
木陰 【こかげ】shade of tree, bower
興味津々 【きょうみしんしん】very interesting, of absorbing interest, having a keen interest (in), being immensely curious (about)
恐竜 【きょうりゅう】dinosaur
徴候 【ちょうこう】sign, indication, omen, symptom
太陽系 【たいようけい】solar system
大震災 【だいしんさい】great earthquake (disaster)
象徴的 【しょうちょうてき】symbolic
奇術師 【きじゅつし】conjurer, magician, juggler, illusionist
崖崩れ 【がけくずれ】landslide