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7章 1課 経済・産業


78 entriesCreated by Angela H. — Last modified: 2018-02-11 07:48:57
港 【みなと】harbour, harbor, port
経済 【けいざい】economics, business, finance, economy
産業 【さんぎょう】industry
費用 【ひよう】cost, expense
景気 【けいき】condition, state, business (condition)
経営 【けいえい】management, administration
建設 【けんせつ】construction, establishment
税金 【ぜいきん】tax, duty
地域 【ちいき】area, region
抱える 【かかえる】① to hold or carry under or in the arms ② to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.) ③ to employ, to engage, to hire
製造 【せいぞう】manufacture, production
迫る 【せまる】to draw near, to press (someone for something)
利益 【りえき】① profit, gains ② benefit, advantage, interest (of the public, etc.) ③ grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained through rightful actions, prayer, adherence to one's faith, etc.), blessing, miracle
地帯 【ちたい】area, zone
話し合い 【はなしあい】discussion, conference
医療 【いりょう】medical care, medical treatment
段階 【だんかい】gradation, grade, stage, steps, order, class, phase
輸送 【ゆそう】transport, transportation
どうにかin some way or other, one way or another
引き下げる 【ひきさげる】to pull down, to lower, to reduce, to withdraw
造船 【ぞうせん】shipbuilding
引き起こす 【ひきおこす】to cause, to induce
運輸 【うんゆ】transportation
運用 【うんよう】making use of, application, investment, practical use
介入 【かいにゅう】intervention
還元 【かんげん】resolution, reduction, return to origins
漁船 【ぎょせん】fishing boat
均衡 【きんこう】equilibrium, balance
交渉 【こうしょう】① negotiations, discussions ② connection
鉱業 【こうぎょう】mining industry
採算 【さいさん】profit
財政 【ざいせい】financial affairs, public finance
資金 【しきん】funds, capital
収支 【しゅうし】income and expenditure
従事 【じゅうじ】engaging, pursuing, following (e.g. profession or occupation)
譲歩 【じょうほ】concession, conciliation, compromise
赤字 【あかじ】① deficit, (being in or going into) the red ② red text, red letters
繊維 【せんい】fibre, fiber, textile
妥結 【だけつ】settlement, an agreement
着工 【ちゃっこう】start of (construction) work
徴収 【ちょうしゅう】collection, levy
提携 【ていけい】cooperation, tie-up, joint business, link-up
鉄鋼 【てっこう】iron and steel
転落 【てんらく】fall, degradation, slump, spill
動向 【どうこう】trend, tendency, movement, attitude
内訳 【うちわけ】the items, breakdown, classification
納入 【のうにゅう】payment, supply
不振 【ふしん】dullness, depression, slump, stagnation
不動産 【ふどうさん】real estate
負債 【ふさい】debt, liabilities
福祉 【ふくし】welfare, well-being, social welfare, social security, social service
林業 【りんぎょう】forestry
小売 【こうり】retail
図る 【はかる】① to plot, to attempt, to plan, to devise, to design ② to take in, to deceive ③ to aim for, to have something in mind ④ to refer A to B
一気に 【いっきに】at once, at a breath (stroke, sitting)
どうにかこうにかsomehow or other
重工業 【じゅうこうぎょう】heavy industry
サービス業 【サービスぎょう】service industry, service sector
多額 【たがく】large amount of money
低迷 【ていめい】hanging low (over), hovering around (price level), low hanging (e.g. clouds), sluggish (e.g. economy), slump, recession
軽 【けい】light
貨物船 【かもつせん】freighter
水産業 【すいさんぎょう】fisheries industry
停泊 【ていはく】anchorage, moorings
製造業 【せいぞうぎょう】manufacturing industry
貨物輸送 【かもつゆそう】freight traffic (transportation), freightage, shipment
製造年月日 【せいぞうねんがっぴ】date of manufacture
財政赤字 【ざいせいあかじ】budget deficit
地域色 【ちいきしょく】regional colour (color), regional flavour (flavor)
陥る 【おちいる】to fall, to trap, to cave in, to collapse
業務提携 【ぎょうむていけい】business partnership
支援 【しえん】support, backing, aid, assistance
税率 【ぜいりつ】① tariff ② tax rate
不均衡 【ふきんこう】imbalance, disparity, out of balance, inequality
金融業 【きんゆうぎょう】finance business, moneylending business
保険業 【ほけんぎょう】(the) insurance business
破綻 【はたん】failure, bankruptcy