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WRS - Vocab 3

Vocab for the seasons and some geographical terms


29 entriesCreated by #55428 — Last modified: 2018-06-24 17:29:12
東 【ひがし】east
南 【みなみ】south
北 【きた】north
夏 【なつ】summer
秋 【あき】autumn, fall
春 【はる】① spring, springtime ② new year ③ prime (of one's life, etc.) ④ adolescence, puberty ⑤ sexuality
冬 【ふゆ】winter
はっきりclearly, plainly, distinctly
季節 【きせつ】season
地方 【ちほう】① area, locality, district, region, province ② countryside, rural area ③ coast (esp. as seen from the water) ④ person singing ballads in Noh, person in charge of music in a Japanese dance performance
気温 【きおん】atmospheric temperature
太陽 【たいよう】sun, solar
地球 【ちきゅう】the earth, the globe
地面 【じめん】ground, earth's surface
氷 【こおり】① ice ② shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup)
照らす 【てらす】to shine on, to illuminate
南極 【なんきょく】① South Pole ② the Antarctic, Antarctica
中間 【ちゅうかん】middle, midway, interim
赤道 【せきどう】equator
温帯 【おんたい】temperate zone
角度 【かくど】angle
四季 【しき】four seasons
熱帯 【ねったい】tropics
北極 【ほっきょく】① North Pole ② the Arctic
傾く 【かたむく】to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel over, to be disposed to, to trend toward, to be prone to, to go down (sun), to wane, to sink, to decline
緯度 【いど】latitude (nav.)
一年中 【いちねんじゅう】all year round
地方 【じかた】① area, locality, district, region, province ② countryside, rural area ③ coast (esp. as seen from the water) ④ person singing ballads in Noh, person in charge of music in a Japanese dance performance
北緯 【ほくい】north latitude