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16 Stroke Kanji

all 16 stroke Kanji (for learning Kanji from the least complicated looking to the most)


78 entriesCreated by Kelly G. — Last modified: 2011-11-14 23:04:33
たて, やかた, カンbuilding, mansion, large building, palace
した.しむ, した.しい, おや-, おや, シンparent, intimacy, relative, familiarity, dealer (cards)
はし, キョウbridge
かぶり, -がしら, かしら, あたま, ト, ズ, トウhead, counter for large animals
くすり, ヤクmedicine, chemical, enamel, gunpowder, benefit
はた, キmechanism, opportunity, occasion, machine, airplane
かしこ.い, ケンintelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness
つ.もり, つ.もる, -づ.み, つ.む, セキvolume, product (x*y), acreage, contents, pile up, stack, load, amass
きず.く, チクfabricate, build, construct
くも.る, ドンcloudy weather, cloud up
も.す, も.やす, も.える, ネンburn, blaze, glow
こ.い, ノウconcentrated, thick, dark, undiluted
すすき, うす.れる, うす.ら-, うす.らぐ, うす.まる, うす.める, -うす, うす-, うす.い, ハクdilute, thin, weak (tea)
す.る, みが.く, マgrind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)
シュ, ユtransport, send, be inferior
たよ.る, たの.もしい, たの.む, ライtrust, request
とし, よわ.い, レイage
なまず, あゆ, ネン, デンfreshwater trout, smelt
ぬき, よこいと, イhorizontal, woof, left & right, latitude
あき.らか, エイintelligence, imperial
エ, エイdefense, protection
オクrecollection, think, remember
おだ.やか, オンcalm, quiet, moderation
やぶ.る, こわ.れる, こわ.す, エ, カイdemolition, break, destroy
おも.う, いだ.く, なず.ける, なつ.ける, なつ.く, なつ.かしむ, なつ.かしい, ふところ, エ, カイpocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom, breast
え.る, カクseize, get, find, earn, acquire, can, may, able to
うら.む, カンremorse, regret, be sorry
かえ.る, カンsend back, return
たちばな, キツmandarin orange
おこ.す, おこ.る, キョウ, コウentertain, revive, retrieve, interest, pleasure
こご.る, こご.らせる, こご.らす, こ.らす, こ.る, ギョウcongeal, freeze, stiff, be absorbed in
にしき, キンbrocade, fine dress, honors
かお.る, クンsend forth fragrance, fragrant, be scented, smoke (tobacco)
いこ.う, いこ.い, ケイrecess, rest, relax, repose
はげ.しい, ゲキviolent, get excited, enraged, chafe, incite
ケンconstitution, law
コウequilibrium, measuring rod, scale
はがね, コウsteel
コンground-breaking, open up farmland
シャク, サクconfused, mix, be in disorder
はか.る, シconsult with
き, ジュtimber trees, wood
けだもの, けもの, ジュウanimal, beast
たて, ジュウvertical, length, height, self-indulgent, wayward
つち, ジョウlot, earth, soil
むすめ, ジョウlass, girl, Miss, daughter
ジョウlock, fetters, shackles
まき, たきぎ, シンfuel, firewood, kindling
おもり, つむ, スイweight, plumb bob, sinker
ととの.う, ととの.える, セイorganize, arranging, tune, tone, meter, key (music)
すす.める, センrecommend, mat, advise, encourage, offer
あやつ.る, みさお, サン, ソウmaneuver, manipulate, operate, steer, chastity, virginity, fidelity
まゆずみ, タイblackened eyebrows
にご.す, にご.る, ジョク, ダクvoiced, uncleanness, wrong, nigori, impurity
タン, ダンpodium, stage, rostrum, terrace
あつ.い, トクfervent, kind, cordial, serious, deliberate
しば.る, バクtruss, arrest, bind, tie, restrain
しげ.く, しげ.る, ハンluxuriant, thick, overgrown, frequency, complexity, trouble
よ.ける, さ.ける, ヒevade, avoid, avert, ward off, shirk, shun
ふき, ル, ロbutterbur, bog rhubarb
ふる.う, フンstirred up, be invigorated, flourish
かべ, ヘキwall, lining (stomach), fence
ぬ.う, ホウsew, stitch, embroider
ふく.れる, ふく.らむ, ボウswell, get fat, thick
はかりごと, たばか.る, はか.る, ム, ボウconspire, cheat, impose on, plan, devise, scheme, have in mind, deceive
さと.す, ユrebuke, admonish, charge, warn, persuade
と.かす, と.ける, ユウdissolve, melt
ヨウhug, embrace, possess, protect, lead
うた.う, うた.い, ヨウnoh chanting
となり, とな.る, リンneighboring
しもべ, したが.う, レイslave, servant, prisoner, criminal, follower
ね.る, レンtempering, refine, drill, train, polish
みお, レイwater route, shipping channel
かがりび, リョウburn, bonfire
たつ, ロウ, リョウ, リュウdragon, imperial