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Basic Kanji Book Lesson 17


63 entriesCreated by #44095 — Last modified: 2012-09-03 05:18:09
出す 【だす】① to take out, to get out ② to put out, to reveal, to show ③ to submit (e.g. thesis), to turn in ④ to publish, to make public ⑤ to send (e.g. letter) ⑥ to produce (a sound), to start (fire) ⑦ to serve (food) ⑧ to begin
出る 【でる】① to go out, to exit, to leave ② to appear, to come forth, to be published ③ to answer (the phone or door)
出口 【でぐち】exit, gateway, way out, outlet, leak, vent
入る 【はいる】① to enter ② to break into ③ to join, to enroll ④ to contain, to hold, to accommodate ⑤ to have (an income of)
入れる 【いれる】① to put in, to let in, to take in, to bring in, to insert, to set (a jewel, etc.) ② to admit, to accept, to employ, to hire ③ to accept, to comply, to grant, to adopt (a policy, etc.), to take (advice, etc.), to listen to, to pay attention to ④ to include ⑤ to pay (one's rent, etc.) ⑥ to cast (a vote) ⑦ to make (tea, coffee, etc.) ⑧ to turn on (a switch, etc.) ⑨ to send (a fax), to call
止まる 【とまる】① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
自動車 【じどうしゃ】automobile
乗る 【のる】① to get on, to ride in, to board, to mount, to get up on ② to spread (paints), to be taken in ③ to share in, to join, to feel like doing, to be mentioned in, to be in harmony with ④ to appear (in print), to be recorded, to be found in (a dictionary)
走る 【はしる】① to run ② to travel (movement of vehicles) ③ to hurry to ④ to retreat (from battle), to take flight ⑤ to run away from home ⑥ to elope ⑦ to tend heavily toward
着く 【つく】① to arrive at, to reach ② to sit on, to sit at (e.g. the table)
着る 【きる】① to wear (in modern Japanese, from the shoulders down), to put on ② to bear (guilt, etc.)
働く 【はたらく】① to work, to labor, to labour ② to function, to operate, to be effective, to work (i.e. ... works), to come into play ③ to commit (e.g. a crime), to perpetrate, to do, to act, to practise, to practice ④ to be conjugated
動物 【どうぶつ】animal
歩く 【あるく】to walk
降る 【ふる】to precipitate, to fall (e.g. rain)
渡す 【わたす】① to ferry across (a river, etc.), to carry across, to traverse ② to lay across, to build across ③ to hand over, to hand in, to pass, to give, to transfer
渡る 【わたる】① to cross over, to go across ② to extend, to cover, to range, to span
降りる 【おりる】① to alight (e.g. from bus), to get off, to disembark, to dismount ② to quit, to withdraw, to pull back (from a position, a job) ③ to form (of frost, dew, mist, etc.)
止める 【とめる】① to stop (something or someone), to turn off ② to concentrate on, to pay attention to ③ to remember, to bear in mind ④ to fix into place ⑤ to park, to leave somewhere for a time
止める 【やめる】to end, to stop, to cease, to resign
着物 【きもの】① clothing, clothes ② kimono (or other trad. Japanese clothing)
通う 【かよう】① to go back and forth, to ply between ② to commute, to attend (school, church, etc.)
通る 【とおる】to pass (by), to go through, to walk along, to pass exams, to attend (e.g. school)
動く 【うごく】① to move, to stir, to shift, to shake, to swing ② to operate, to run, to go, to work ③ to be touched, to be influenced ④ to change, to vary, to fluctuate, to waver ⑤ certain, factual ⑥ to be transferred
入学 【にゅうがく】entry to school or university, matriculation
交通 【こうつう】communication, transportation, traffic, intercourse
動物園 【どうぶつえん】zoo, zoological gardens
外出 【がいしゅつ】outing, trip, going out
行動 【こうどう】action, conduct, behaviour, behavior, mobilization, mobilisation
中止 【ちゅうし】suspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption
動かす 【うごかす】① to move, to shift, to operate, to set in motion, to mobilize, to mobilise ② to inspire, to rouse, to move (e.g. feeling), to influence ③ to deny, to change
歩道 【ほどう】footpath, walkway, sidewalk
進歩 【しんぽ】progress, development
通 【つう】① connoisseur, authority ② counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.
通学 【つうがく】commuting to school, school commute
乗客 【じょうきゃく】passenger
乗せる 【のせる】① to give (someone) a ride, to give a lift, to pick up, to help on board ② to deceive, to take for a ride
出席 【しゅっせき】① attendance, presence, appearance ② to attend, to be present, to appear
到着 【とうちゃく】arrival
働き 【はたらき】work, workings, activity, ability, talent, function, labor, labour, action, operation, movement, motion, conjugation, inflection, achievement
降ろす 【おろす】① to take down (e.g. flag), to launch (e.g. boat), to drop, to lower (e.g. ladder), to let (a person) off, to unload, to discharge ② to drop off (a passenger from a vehicle), to let (a person) off ③ to withdraw money from an account ④ to wear (clothing) for the first time ⑤ to fillet (e.g. a fish)
労働 【ろうどう】① manual labor, manual labour, toil, work ② Labour Party
とどまる① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
水着 【みずぎ】bathing suit, swimsuit, swimmers
歩 【ほ】① step, stride ② counter for steps
乗車 【じょうしゃ】taking a train, bus, etc., entraining
入る 【いる】to get in, to go in, to come in, to flow into, to set, to set in
動 【どう】motion, change, confusion
止める 【とどめる】① to stop, to stay (e.g. the night), to cease, to put an end to ② to contain, to keep (in position, in place), to limit ③ to record (e.g. a fact), to retain
外出 【そとで】outing, trip, going out
出 【で】① coming out, going out, outflow, efflux, rising (of the sun or moon) ② attending (work), appearing (on stage), one's turn to go on ③ start, beginning ④ origins, background, person (or item) originating from ..., graduate of ..., native of ..., member of ... (lineage) ⑤ architectural member that projects outward ⑥ highest point of the stern of a ship ⑦ amount (comprising something), amount of time or effort required to do something
走者 【そうしゃ】runner
通行止め 【つうこうどめ】closure (of a road), dead end, blind alley, cul-de-sac, No Through Road (e.g. on a sign)
歩行者 【ほこうしゃ】pedestrian, walker
止まれ 【とまれ】stop sign
動物学 【どうぶつがく】zoology
乗客 【じょうかく】passenger
降り立つ 【おりたつ】① to go down and stand ② to alight, to get down
降る 【くだる】① to descend, to go down, to come down ② to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.) ③ to pass (of time) ④ to surrender, to capitulate ⑤ (often in neg. form) to be less than, to be inferior to ⑥ to have the runs, to have diarrhea
乗車券 【じょうしゃけん】passenger ticket
渡米 【とべい】going to USA, going to America
労働者 【ろうどうしゃ】laborer (labourer), blue-collar worker
降り 【ふり】① rainfall, snowfall ② alighting, descending