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All the radicals used to make up any kanji in the Japanese language. In other words, all these kanji serve as building-blocks in other kanji. This means that if you know these, you can essentially write, imagine and make out what any kanji is and looks like, and are therefore worth studying if you plan on learning as many kanji as possible. When reading Japanese, just knowing the radicals may give you clues, or even complete answers to what reading and/or meaning an unknown kanji has. Not learning the radicals would kinda be like trying to learn how to spell English words without knowing how to write the characters that make up words. Additional information not given by KanjiBox concerning the radicals should be studied too, but this list should be valuable in terms learning them by heart in the first place. I recommend investing in the KanjiDraw feature so you can learn how to write them which'll have all sorts of benefits for those who truly wanna learn to read Japanese like a native. (Some radicals may not be detectable by the searching system in KanjiBox and are therefore not included)