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Vocabulario Basic Kanji Book 20-21


265 entriesCreated by #42008 — Last modified: 2012-12-19 09:06:22
強い 【つよい】① strong, powerful, mighty, potent ② resistant, resilient, durable
質問 【しつもん】question, inquiry, enquiry
習う 【ならう】to learn
答える 【こたえる】to answer, to reply
勉強 【べんきょう】① study ② diligence ③ discount, reduction
問題 【もんだい】problem, question
町 【まち】① town, block, neighbourhood, neighborhood ② street, road ③ 109.09 m ④ 0.99 hectares
宿題 【しゅくだい】homework
留学生 【りゅうがくせい】overseas student, exchange student
練習 【れんしゅう】practice, practise
研究 【けんきゅう】study, research, investigation
研究室 【けんきゅうしつ】① laboratory ② seminar room ③ professor's office
村 【むら】village
都合 【つごう】circumstances, condition, convenience
答え 【こたえ】response, reply, answer, solution
下宿 【げしゅく】boarding, lodging, boarding house
市 【し】city
島 【しま】① island ② territory (of a prostitute, organized crime gang, etc.), turf
様 【さま】① Mr, Mrs or Ms ② used (gen. in fixed expressions) to make words more polite ③ manner, kind, appearance
島 【とう】island (in placenames)
市民 【しみん】citizen, townspeople
習慣 【しゅうかん】custom, habit, manners
学習 【がくしゅう】study, learning, tutorial
学問 【がくもん】scholarship, study, learning
強力 【きょうりょく】powerful, strong
質 【しつ】quality
上京 【じょうきょう】proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)
題 【だい】① title, subject, theme, topic ② problem (on a test), question ③ counter for questions (on a test)
話題 【わだい】topic, subject
強調 【きょうちょう】emphasis, highlight, stress, stressed point
区別 【くべつ】distinction, differentiation, classification
県 【けん】① prefecture (of Japan) ② county (of China)
市場 【いちば】① (town) market ② (the) marketplace
首都 【しゅと】capital city, metropolis
宿 【やど】inn, lodging
都会 【とかい】city
都市 【とし】town, city, municipal, urban
様子 【ようす】① state, state of affairs, situation, circumstances ② appearance, look, aspect ③ sign, indication
留学 【りゅうがく】studying abroad (usu. at university level)
様々 【さまざま】varied, various
問い合わせ 【といあわせ】enquiry, inquiry, ENQ, query, interrogation
訓練 【くんれん】practice, practise, training
宿泊 【しゅくはく】lodging
性質 【せいしつ】nature, property, disposition
政府 【せいふ】government, administration
訪問 【ほうもん】call, visit
下町 【したまち】Shitamachi, lower parts of town
自習 【じしゅう】self-study
習字 【しゅうじ】penmanship
題名 【だいめい】title
地質 【ちしつ】geological features
問い 【とい】question, query
町 【ちょう】① town, block, neighbourhood, neighborhood ② street, road ③ 109.09 m ④ 0.99 hectares
問 【もん】counter for questions
お待ち遠様 【おまちどおさま】I'm sorry to have kept you waiting
回答 【かいとう】reply, answer
強化 【きょうか】strengthen, intensify, reinforce, solidify, enhancement
区分 【くぶん】division, section, demarcation, partition, segmentation, subdivision, (traffic) lane, compartment, classification, sorting
留まる 【とまる】① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
留める 【とめる】① to stop (something or someone), to turn off ② to concentrate on, to pay attention to ③ to remember, to bear in mind ④ to fix into place ⑤ to park, to leave somewhere for a time
神様 【かみさま】God
都 【みやこ】capital, metropolis
都心 【としん】city centre (center) (esp. capital city), urban centre, heart of city a metropolis
農村 【のうそん】agricultural community, farm village, rural
半島 【はんとう】peninsula
留守番 【るすばん】① care-taking, house-sitting, house-watching ② caretaker, house-sitter
書留 【かきとめ】① registered mail ② registration (e.g. of mail), writing down, putting on record, recording, making a note of
区切る 【くぎる】to demarcate, to delimit, to to divide (an area), to mark off, to cut off
都 【と】metropolitan, municipal
県庁 【けんちょう】prefectural office
研修 【けんしゅう】training (esp. in-service), induction course
市 【いち】market, fair
市場 【しじょう】(the) market (as a concept)
一様 【いちよう】uniformity, evenness, similarity, equality, impartiality, homogeneity
課題 【かだい】subject, theme, task, challenge, issue, matter
帰京 【ききょう】returning to Tokyo
気質 【きしつ】spirit, character, trait, temperament, turn of mind, disposition
強いる 【しいる】to force, to compel, to coerce
強まる 【つよまる】to get strong, to gain strength
強める 【つよめる】to strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasise
強行 【きょうこう】① forcing, enforcement ② forced, enforced
強請る 【ねだる】① to tease, to coax ② to solicit, to demand, to extort
教習 【きょうしゅう】training, instruction
区 【く】ward, district, section
出題 【しゅつだい】proposing a question
人質 【ひとじち】hostage, prisoner
多様 【たよう】diverse, varied
風習 【ふうしゅう】custom
返答 【へんとう】reply
問い合わせる 【といあわせる】to enquire, to inquire, to seek information
問う 【とう】① to ask, to question, to inquire ② to charge (i.e. with a crime), to accuse ③ to care (about) ④ without regard to (with negative verb)
有様 【ありさま】state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
様式 【ようしき】style, form, pattern
練る 【ねる】① to knead, to work over ② to polish up (e.g. a plan) ③ to drill, to train
問屋 【とんや】wholesale store
研ぐ 【とぐ】① to sharpen, to hone, to whet, to grind ② to wash (rice) ③ to scour, to polish, to burnish
区々 【まちまち】several, various, divergent, conflicting, different, diverse
題する 【だいする】to be titled (e.g. a book), to be named
留める 【とどめる】① to stop, to stay (e.g. the night), to cease, to put an end to ② to contain, to keep (in position, in place), to limit ③ to record (e.g. a fact), to retain
学習者 【がくしゅうしゃ】scholar, student
京 【けい】① imperial capital (esp. Kyoto) ② final word of an iroha-uta ③ 10^16, 10,000,000,000,000,000, ten quadrillion (American), (obs) ten thousand billion (British)
京 【きょう】① imperial capital (esp. Kyoto) ② final word of an iroha-uta ③ 10^16, 10,000,000,000,000,000, ten quadrillion (American), (obs) ten thousand billion (British)
強み 【つよみ】forte
強国 【きょうこく】strong nation, powerful country
強大 【きょうだい】mighty, powerful
強度 【きょうど】strength, intensity
強風 【きょうふう】strong wind
勉める 【つとめる】to endeavor (endeavour), to try, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to be diligent
強か 【したたか】determined, stubborn, hearty, severe
研究員 【けんきゅういん】researcher
研究者 【けんきゅうしゃ】researcher
口答 【こうとう】oral answer
口答え 【くちごたえ】retort, back talk
質屋 【しちや】pawnshop
体質 【たいしつ】constitution (physical), genetic make-up, predisposition (to disease)
町長 【ちょうちょう】town headman, town mayor
京 【みやこ】capital, metropolis
東京 【とうきょう】Tokyo (current capital of Japan)
不問 【ふもん】ignorance
強者 【つわもの】① soldier, warrior ② strong man, exceptional person, man of courage
別問題 【べつもんだい】different thing, another question, different case
勉学 【べんがく】study, pursuit of knowledge
勉強家 【べんきょうか】diligent student, studious person
勉強中 【べんきょうちゅう】while studying
北京 【ぺきん】Beijing (China), Peking
問いただす 【といただす】to enquire of someone about something (inquire), to question
問屋 【といや】wholesale store
自問 【じもん】asking oneself
町中 【まちなか】downtown
一問 【いちもん】a question
気が強い 【きがつよい】strong-willed, strong of heart
研き 【みがき】polish, improvement, burnishing
社会問題 【しゃかいもんだい】social problem
研究家 【けんきゅうか】researcher, student (of)
人口問題 【じんこうもんだい】population problem
題字 【だいじ】letters in a title
水質 【すいしつ】water quality
南北問題 【なんぼくもんだい】North-South problem
強火 【つよび】high flame or heat (in cooking)
質に入れる 【しちにいれる】to pawn, to pledge
正しい答え 【ただしいこたえ】correct answer
時事問題 【じじもんだい】current question, current topics
勉強時間 【べんきょうじかん】one's study hours (time)
問わず 【とわず】regardless of
勉強不足 【べんきょうぶそく】insufficient study
習わす 【ならわす】to make (someone) learn
質問をする 【しつもんをする】to ask a question, to ask questions
お母様 【おかあさま】mother
どちら様 【どちらさま】① who are you? ② who
どの様 【どのよう】how
雨宿り 【あまやどり】taking shelter from rain
下宿屋 【げしゅくや】lodging house
下宿人 【げしゅくにん】lodger, roomer
何様 【なにさま】what kind, how, indeed, truly, extremely, to be sure
外交問題 【がいこうもんだい】diplomatic issue
町角 【まちかど】street corner
学区 【がっく】school district (area)
魚市場 【うおいちば】fish market
京都市 【きょうとし】Kyoto (city)
区長 【くちょう】ward headman
区内 【くない】in the ward or borough
区役所 【くやくしょ】ward office, council (regional)
研究生 【けんきゅうせい】research student
県下 【けんか】prefecture
県内 【けんない】within the prefecture
古都 【こと】ancient city, former capital
お日様 【おひさま】the sun
合宿 【がっしゅく】lodging together, training camp, boarding house
合宿所 【がっしゅくじょ】boardinghouse
市外 【しがい】outside the city area, suburbs
市中 【しちゅう】in the city
市町村 【しちょうそん】cities, towns and villages, municipalities
市長 【しちょう】mayor
市内 【しない】(within a) city, local
市部 【しぶ】urban areas
市立 【いちりつ】municipal, city
留る 【とまる】① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
留まる 【とどまる】① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
宿る 【やどる】① to lodge, to dwell ② to be pregnant
宿屋 【やどや】inn
書き留める 【かきとめる】to write down, to leave a note behind, to record, to chronicle
小島 【こじま】small island, islet
村人 【むらびと】villager
村長 【そんちょう】village headman
大都市 【だいとし】metropolis, large city
朝市 【あさいち】morning market
町村 【ちょうそん】towns and villages
町内 【ちょうない】neighborhood, neighbourhood, street, block, town
都内 【とない】metropolitan area
都立 【とりつ】metropolitan (i.e. established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government)
島内 【とうない】on the island
答申 【とうしん】report, reply, findings
北京語 【ぺきんご】Mandarin Chinese
有り様 【ありさま】state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
有り様 【ありよう】state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
有様 【ありよう】state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
留め 【とめ】① (a) stop (e.g. in a timber joint, or at the end of a kanji stroke) ② remaining (e.g. poste-restante) ③ forty-five degree angle
留守電 【るすでん】answering machine
留守番電話 【るすばんでんわ】answering machine, answer phone
練習場 【れんしゅうじょう】practice ground, practise ground
研究所 【けんきゅうしょ】research establishment (institute, laboratory, etc.)
研究所 【けんきゅうじょ】research establishment (institute, laboratory, etc.)
島国 【しまぐに】island country (sometimes used as a metaphor for Japan)
島国 【とうごく】island country (sometimes used as a metaphor for Japan)
様様 【さまざま】varied, various
島々 【しまじま】islands
島島 【しまじま】islands
島じま 【しまじま】islands
問合せ 【といあわせ】enquiry, inquiry, ENQ, query, interrogation
留め金 【とめがね】clasp, snap fastener
留年 【りゅうねん】repeating the same class (school), staying more than two years in the same class
県外 【けんがい】outside the prefecture
お高く留まる 【おたかくとまる】to assume an air of importance, to be self-important, to put on airs
気に留める 【きにとめる】to (keep in) mind, to give heed to, to pay attention to
京都 【きょうと】Kyoto
宿駅 【しゅくえき】post town, relay station, stage
国内市場 【こくないしじょう】domestic market
強化合宿 【きょうかがっしゅく】training camp
勉強部屋 【べんきょうべや】study room
生き様 【いきざま】form of existence, way of life
海外市場 【かいがいしじょう】overseas (a foreign) market
都市部 【としぶ】urban areas
下宿生 【げしゅくせい】boarder, boarding student
留め木 【とめぎ】① fragrant wood ② wooden peg, toggle
お礼の申し様 【おれいのもうしよう】expression of gratitude
村々 【むらむら】villages
心に留める 【こころにとめる】to bear in mind, to keep remembering
金市場 【きんしじょう】gold market
留守の間 【るすのあいだ】(in) one's absence
お父様 【おとうさま】father
留めくぎ 【とめくぎ】stop peg, toggle, tack
英語学習 【えいごがくしゅう】learning English
都合がよろしい 【つごうがよろしい】convenient
都合のいい 【つごうのいい】convenient
都合がいい 【つごうがいい】convenient
都合が悪い 【つごうがわるい】inconvenient
都合の悪い 【つごうのわるい】inconvenient
外国人留学生 【がいこくじんりゅうがくせい】foreign (exchange) student, international student
研究部 【けんきゅうぶ】research division, research club (e.g. at school, university)
お疲れ様 【おつかれさま】① thank you, many thanks, much appreciated ② that's enough for today
県民 【けんみん】citizens of a prefecture
好都合 【こうつごう】convenient, favorable, favourable, expedient, expedience
諸島 【しょとう】archipelago, group of islands
諸問題 【しょもんだい】many problems, various problems
村民 【そんみん】villager
町民 【ちょうみん】townspeople
都民 【とみん】city populace, resident of Tokyo
府県 【ふけん】prefecture
府知事 【ふちじ】prefectural governor
強固 【きょうこ】firmness, stability, security, strength
習得 【しゅうとく】learning, acquisition
研究官 【けんきゅうかん】research officer
各人各様 【かくじんかくよう】So many men, so many ways
公害問題 【こうがいもんだい】pollution problem or issue
訪問者 【ほうもんしゃ】visitor
国際問題 【こくさいもんだい】international problem
訓練生 【くんれんせい】trainee
研究課題 【けんきゅうかだい】research task
住宅問題 【じゅうたくもんだい】housing problem
訪問客 【ほうもんきゃく】caller, visitor
貴様 【きさま】you
宿舎 【しゅくしゃ】lodging house
留保 【りゅうほ】reserving, withholding
研究結果 【けんきゅうけっか】results of a scientific investigation, findings
大阪市 【おおさかし】Osaka city