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Vocabulario Minna no Nihongo 16-20


117 entriesCreated by #42008 — Last modified: 2012-12-24 06:04:03
自分 【じぶん】① myself, yourself, oneself, himself, herself ② I, me
動物 【どうぶつ】animal
病気 【びょうき】illness, disease, sickness
風 【かぜ】wind, breeze
問題 【もんだい】problem, question
薬 【くすり】① medicine, pharmaceuticals, (legal) drugs ② efficacious chemical (i.e. gunpowder, pesticide, etc.) ③ (pottery) glaze ④ small bribe
上着 【うわぎ】coat, tunic, jacket, outer garment
色々 【いろいろ】various
君 【きみ】you, buddy, pal
言葉 【ことば】① language, dialect ② word, words, phrase, term, expression, remark ③ speech, (manner of) speaking
次 【つぎ】① next, following, subsequent ② stage, station
本当 【ほんとう】truth, reality
留学生 【りゅうがくせい】overseas student, exchange student
緑 【みどり】① green ② greenery (esp. fresh verdure)
痛い 【いたい】① painful, sore ② exceeding
段々 【だんだん】gradually, by degrees
僕 【ぼく】① I, me ② you (used addressing young children) ③ manservant
風邪 【かぜ】cold (illness), common cold
こっち① this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker), this direction ② here (place close to the speaker or where the speaker is) ③ this one (something physically close to the speaker) ④ I, me ⑤ this person (someone physically close to the speaker and of equal or higher status)
そっち① that way (direction distant from the speaker, close to the listener) ② there (place distant from the speaker, close to the listener) ③ that one (something close to the listener) ④ you, your family ⑤ that person (someone close to the listener)
どっち① which way, which direction, where ② which one (esp. of two alternatives) ③ who
あっち① that way (direction distant from both speaker and listener), over there, yonder ② that one (something physically distant from both speaker and listener, or something not visible but known by both speaker and listener), that ③ that person (someone physically distant from both speaker and listener, or someone not present but known by both speaker and listener) ④ there (place distant from both speaker and listener), over there, foreign country (esp. a Western nation)
しかしhowever, but
うん① yeah, uh huh ② some (at the start of a number in place of a digit)
けどbut, however, although
この間 【このあいだ】① the other day, lately, recently, during this period ② meanwhile, in the meantime
運転 【うんてん】operation, motion, driving
下着 【したぎ】underwear
社長 【しゃちょう】company president, manager, director
着物 【きもの】① clothing, clothes ② kimono (or other trad. Japanese clothing)
答え 【こたえ】response, reply, answer, solution
特に 【とくに】particularly, especially
一度 【いちど】① once, one time, on one occasion ② temporarily, for a moment ③ one degree, one tone, one musical interval
終わり 【おわり】the end
君 【くん】Mr (junior), master, boy
血 【ち】blood, consanguinity
寺 【てら】temple (Buddhist)
神社 【じんじゃ】Shinto shrine
動物園 【どうぶつえん】zoo, zoological gardens
日記 【にっき】diary, journal
部長 【ぶちょう】① head (chief, director) of a section or department ② head of a (school) club, head of a (school) team
課長 【かちょう】section manager, section chief
国際 【こくさい】international
柔道 【じゅうどう】judo
熱 【ねつ】fever, temperature
予約 【よやく】① reservation, appointment, booking, advance order ② contract, subscription, pledge
受付 【うけつけ】reception (desk), information desk
趣味 【しゅみ】hobby, tastes, preference
是非 【ぜひ】① certainly, without fail ② right and wrong, pros and cons
なかなか① very, considerably, easily, readily, fairly, quite, highly, rather ② by no means (with negative verb)
もうすぐvery soon
ですからso, therefore
先ず 【まず】① first (of all), to start with, about, almost, anyway, well, now ② hardly (with neg. verb)
一度に 【いちどに】all at once
金額 【きんがく】amount of money
実は 【じつは】as a matter of fact, by the way, to tell you the truth, to be honest, frankly
調子 【ちょうし】① tune, tone, key, pitch, time, rhythm ② vein, mood, way, manner, style, knack ③ condition, state of health ④ impetus, spur of the moment, strain ⑤ trend
馬 【うま】① horse ② promoted bishop (shogi)
禁煙 【きんえん】① No Smoking!, Smoking Prohibited! ② abstaining from smoking, quitting smoking
肩 【かた】shoulder
現金 【げんきん】cash, ready money, mercenary, self-interested
骨折 【こっせつ】bone fracture
城 【しろ】castle
食欲 【しょくよく】appetite (for food)
乾杯 【かんぱい】① toast, drink (in celebration or in honor of something) ② drinking one's glass dry ③ cheers
怪我 【けが】injury (to animate object), hurt
次第 【しだい】① dependent upon ② as soon as, immediately (upon) ③ circumstances ④ order, precedence, program, programme, agenda
修理 【しゅうり】repairing, mending, servicing
相撲 【すもう】① sumo wrestling ② sumo wrestler, rikishi
物価 【ぶっか】prices of commodities, prices (in general), cost-of-living
火傷 【やけど】burn, scald
是非とも 【ぜひとも】by all means (with sense of not taking "no" for an answer)
お大事に 【おだいじに】take care of yourself
書道 【しょどう】calligraphy (esp. Chinese)
生け花 【いけばな】① flower arrangement ② fresh flowers
寒気 【かんき】① chill, the shivers, shivering fit ② cold, coldness, cold air
寺院 【じいん】temple
能 【のう】① talent, gift, function ② noh (theatre)
将棋 【しょうぎ】shogi, Japanese chess, xianqi
吐き気 【はきけ】nausea, sickness in the stomach
牧場 【ぼくじょう】① farm (livestock), ranch (US), station (Aus, NZ) ② pasture land, meadow, grazing land
咳 【せき】cough, coughing, tussis
お蔭様で 【おかげさまで】Thanks to god, thanks to you
痒い 【かゆい】itchy, itching
下痢 【げり】diarrhoea, diarrhea
寒気 【さむけ】① chill, the shivers, shivering fit ② cold, coldness, cold air
祈り 【いのり】prayer, supplication
どうやってhow, in what way, by what means
ううん① no ② er, well, ... ③ groan
へえoh, yes?, really?
空手 【からて】① karate ② empty handed
茶道 【さどう】tea ceremony, Way of Tea
文楽 【ぶんらく】Japanese puppet theatre (theater), bunraku
目まい 【めまい】dizziness, giddiness, vertigo
一度も 【いちども】never (in sentence with neg. verb)
何回も 【なんかいも】time and time again, many times, a number of times
次回 【じかい】next time (occasion)
動物学 【どうぶつがく】zoology
鼻水 【はなみず】nasal mucus, dripping nose
しかしhowever, but
落語 【らくご】rakugo story, (telling) a comic story
ぎっくり腰 【ぎっくりごし】strained back, slipped disk, lumbosacral strain
初め 【はじめ】beginning, start, origin
まだまだstill some way to go before the goal, still more to come, much more, not yet
頭が痛い 【あたまがいたい】having a headache, racking one's brains
動物達 【どうぶつたち】animals
城 【じょう】castle (in place names)
暗証番号 【あんしょうばんごう】personal identification number, PIN, password number
囲碁 【いご】Go (board game of capturing territory)
歌舞伎 【かぶき】kabuki, Japanese classical drama
剣道 【けんどう】kendo (lit: way of the sword), swordmanship, fencing
盲腸 【もうちょう】cecum, caecum, blind gut
華道 【かどう】flower arrangement
二日酔い 【ふつかよい】hangover
漫才 【まんざい】comedian, comic dialogue
までにby, not later than, before
御蔭様で 【おかげさまで】Thanks to god, thanks to you