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日本語総まとめN3 Week 3


115 entriesCreated by Nessa G. — Last modified: 2013-04-02 09:50:21
部屋 【へや】① room ② sumo stable
返す 【かえす】① to return (something), to restore, to put back ② to pay back, to retaliate, to reciprocate
留学生 【りゅうがくせい】overseas student, exchange student
牛乳 【ぎゅうにゅう】(cow's) milk
薄い 【うすい】① thin ② pale, light ③ watery, dilute, sparse ④ weak (taste, etc.) ⑤ slim (probability, etc.), small
飛行機 【ひこうき】aeroplane, airplane, aircraft
必要 【ひつよう】① necessary, needed, essential, indispensable ② necessity, need, requirement
要る 【いる】to need
冷たい 【つめたい】① cold (to the touch), chilly, icy, freezing ② coldhearted, unfeeling
冷蔵庫 【れいぞうこ】refrigerator
お湯 【おゆ】① hot water ② hot bath
学部 【がくぶ】① department of a university ② undergraduate (course, program, etc.)
焼く 【やく】① to bake, to grill ② to develop (photos) ③ to suntan ④ to burn (in flames, down, CD, DVD, etc.), to scorch ⑤ to be jealous, to be envious
焼ける 【やける】① to burn, to be roasted, to be heated, to be sunburnt, to fade (in the sun), to glow red (i.e. of the sky at sunset) ② to be jealous, to be envious
数学 【すうがく】mathematics, arithmetic
製 【せい】-made, make
表 【おもて】① surface ② face (i.e. the visible side of an object) ③ front (of a building, etc.), obverse side (i.e. "head") of a coin ④ outside, exterior ⑤ appearance ⑥ public ⑦ first half (of an innings), top (of an inning) ⑧ cover (for tatami mats, etc.) ⑨ foreground
部長 【ぶちょう】① head (chief, director) of a section or department ② head of a (school) club, head of a (school) team
返事 【へんじ】reply, answer, response
留守 【るす】① absence, being away from home ② house-sitting, house-sitter ③ being left unattended to (of one's studies, etc.), neglecting
機会 【きかい】chance, opportunity
機械 【きかい】① machine, mechanism ② instrument, appliance, apparatus
再来週 【さらいしゅう】week after next
手袋 【てぶくろ】glove, mitten, mitt
召し上がる 【めしあがる】to eat
必ず 【かならず】always, without exception, necessarily, certainly, without fail, positively, invariably
文法 【ぶんぽう】grammar, syntax
裏 【うら】① bottom (or another side that is hidden from view), undersurface, opposite side, reverse side ② rear, back, behind (the house) ③ lining, inside ④ out of sight, behind the scenes ⑤ proof ⑥ opposite (of a prediction, common sense, etc.) ⑦ inverse (of a hypothesis, etc.) ⑧ bottom (of an inning), last half (of an inning)
冷える 【ひえる】to grow cold, to get chilly, to cool down
増える 【ふえる】to increase, to multiply
冷房 【れいぼう】cooling, air-conditioning
温度 【おんど】temperature
会費 【かいひ】membership fee
期間 【きかん】period, term, interval
気温 【きおん】atmospheric temperature
金庫 【きんこ】safe, vault, treasury, provider of funds
混ぜる 【まぜる】to mix, to stir, to blend
車庫 【しゃこ】garage, car shed, carport
守る 【まもる】① to protect, to guard, to defend ② to keep (i.e. a promise), to abide (by the rules), to observe, to obey, to follow
数える 【かぞえる】to count, to enumerate
数字 【すうじ】numeral, figure, digit, numeric character
代表 【だいひょう】representative, representation, delegation, type, example, model
長期 【ちょうき】long time period
発表 【はっぴょう】announcement, publication
費用 【ひよう】cost, expense
氷 【こおり】① ice ② shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup)
表 【ひょう】table (e.g. Tab 1), chart, list
表面 【ひょうめん】surface, outside, face, appearance
部分 【ぶぶん】portion, section, part
留学 【りゅうがく】studying abroad (usu. at university level)
量 【りょう】quantity, amount, volume, portion (of food)
数 【かず】number, amount
減らす 【へらす】to abate, to decrease, to diminish, to shorten
減る 【へる】to decrease (in size or number), to diminish, to abate
限る 【かぎる】to restrict, to limit, to confine
混雑 【こんざつ】confusion, congestion
材料 【ざいりょう】ingredients, material
事件 【じけん】event, affair, incident, case, plot, trouble, scandal
重要 【じゅうよう】important, momentous, essential, principal, major
賞 【しょう】prize, award
増加 【ぞうか】increase, increment, addition
存じる 【ぞんじる】to think, feel, consider, know, etc.
袋 【ふくろ】① bag, sack ② skin of an orange (and other like fruits) ③ dead end ④ plot of land surrounded by water
濃い 【こい】① deep (colour), dark ② strong (flavour, smell, etc.) ③ thick (consistency), dense ④ strong (possibility, etc.) ⑤ thick (i.e. "as thick as thieves"), close, deep (love, etc.)
販売 【はんばい】sales, selling, marketing
粉 【こな】flour, meal, powder
方法 【ほうほう】method, process, manner, way, means, technique
凍る 【こおる】to freeze, to be frozen over, to congeal
必死 【ひっし】① frantic, desperate ② inevitable death ③ brinkmate (inevitable checkmate) (shogi)
製造 【せいぞう】manufacture, production
製品 【せいひん】manufactured goods, finished goods, product
保存 【ほぞん】preservation, conservation, storage, saving (e.g., to disk), maintenance
短期 【たんき】short term
留守番 【るすばん】① care-taking, house-sitting, house-watching ② caretaker, house-sitter
温かい 【あたたかい】warm, mild, genial
書留 【かきとめ】① registered mail ② registration (e.g. of mail), writing down, putting on record, recording, making a note of
期限 【きげん】① term, period, time frame ② time limit, deadline, cutoff (date)
限度 【げんど】limit, bounds
賞金 【しょうきん】prize, monetary award
賞品 【しょうひん】prize, trophy
足袋 【たび】tabi, Japanese socks (with split toe)
定期券 【ていきけん】commuter pass, season ticket
裏返す 【うらがえす】to turn inside out, to turn the other way, to turn (something) over
冷ます 【さます】to cool, to dampen, to let cool, to throw a damper on, to spoil
冷める 【さめる】① to become cool, to come down (fever) ② to cool down (interest), to abate, to subside, to dampen
冷やす 【ひやす】to cool, to chill, to refrigerate
増やす 【ふやす】to increase, to add to, to augment
教材 【きょうざい】teaching materials
減少 【げんしょう】decrease, reduction, decline
限定 【げんてい】limit, restriction
再生 【さいせい】playback, regeneration, resuscitation, return to life, rebirth, reincarnation, refresh, narrow escape, reclamation, regrowth
守備 【しゅび】defense, defence
用件 【ようけん】business, thing to be done, something that should be perfomed, information that should be conveyed
温度計 【おんどけい】thermometer
学部長 【がくぶちょう】dean
消費者 【しょうひしゃ】consumer
数量 【すうりょう】quantity, volume
部屋着 【へやぎ】dressing gown, loungewear
留守番電話 【るすばんでんわ】answering machine, answer phone
旅費 【りょひ】travel expenses
数学者 【すうがくしゃ】mathematician
短期間 【たんきかん】short term, short time
長期間 【ちょうきかん】extended period of time, prolonged, long-range
外国人留学生 【がいこくじんりゅうがくせい】foreign (exchange) student, international student
件名 【けんめい】term, subject, title
減量 【げんりょう】loss in quantity
紙袋 【かみぶくろ】paper bag
自動販売機 【じどうはんばいき】vending machine
小麦粉 【こむぎこ】wheat flour
賞味期限 【しょうみきげん】best if eaten by this date
必死に 【ひっしに】frantically, desperately, for one's life
冷凍庫 【れいとうこ】freezer
増量 【ぞうりょう】increased volume or quantity
返却 【へんきゃく】return of something, repayment
保留 【ほりゅう】① reserve, putting on hold, deferment ② hold (e.g. telephone button), pending