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Genki Vocabulary - Lesson 4

Vocabularies from Genki 1 Lesson 4
made by http://japaneeds.org


64 entriesCreated by #47027 — Last modified: 2013-06-16 13:58:41
① if, when ② and ③ with ④ particle used for quoting (with speech, thoughts, etc.)
もしもし① hello (e.g. on phone) ② excuse me! (when calling out to someone)
デパートdepartment store
パン① bread, pastries (e.g. croissants), pastry-based products ② pan, frying pan ③ panning (in a film)
レストランrestaurant (esp. Western-style)
ぐらい① approximately, about, around, or so ② to (about) the extent that, (almost) enough that, so ... that ..., at least ③ as ... as ..., like
右 【みぎ】① right, right hand side ② afore-mentioned (esp. in vertical Japanese writing), foregoing, forgoing, above
下 【した】① below, down, under ② bottom ③ beneath, underneath ④ just after, right after ⑤ inferiority, one's inferior (i.e. one's junior), younger (e.g. of siblings) ⑥ trade-in ⑦ preliminary, preparatory
後ろ 【うしろ】back, behind, rear
左 【ひだり】left, left hand side
時 【とき】① time, hour ② occasion, moment
時間 【じかん】① time ② hours
書く 【かく】to write
上 【うえ】① above, up, over ② top, summit ③ surface, on ④ before, previous ⑤ superiority, one's superior (i.e. one's elder) ⑥ on top of that, besides, what's more ⑦ upon (further inspection, etc.), based on (and occurring after) ⑧ matters concerning..., as concerns ... ⑨ since (i.e. "for that reason") ⑩ suffix indicating higher social standing
先週 【せんしゅう】last week, the week before
前 【まえ】① ago, before (some event), previously, (minutes) to (the hour) ② in front (of), before (e.g. the house) ③ head (of a line), front (e.g. of a bus), fore part ④ in the presence of ⑤ helping, portion ⑥ privates, private parts
中 【なか】① inside, in ② among, within ③ center (centre), middle ④ during, while
買う 【かう】① to buy ② to value, to have a high opinion ③ to stir, to provoke
人 【ひと】① man, person ② human being, mankind, people ③ character, personality ④ man of talent, true man ⑤ other people ⑥ adult
分かる 【わかる】① to be understood, to be comprehended, to be grasped ② to become clear, to be known, to be discovered, to be realized, to be realised, to be found out
火曜日 【かようび】Tuesday
会う 【あう】① to meet, to encounter ② to have an accident, to have a bad experience
金曜日 【きんようび】Friday
月曜日 【げつようび】Monday
犬 【いぬ】① dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris) ② snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) ③ counterfeit, inferior, useless, wasteful
ご飯 【ごはん】① cooked rice ② meal
有る 【ある】① to be (usu. of inanimate objects), to exist, to live ② to have ③ to be located ④ to be equipped with ⑤ to happen, to come about
写真 【しゃしん】① photograph, photo ② movie
手紙 【てがみ】letter
水曜日 【すいようび】Wednesday
待つ 【まつ】① to wait ② to await, to look forward to, to anticipate ③ (usu. in negative form) to depend on, to need
病院 【びょういん】hospital
木曜日 【もくようび】Thursday
買い物 【かいもの】shopping, purchased goods
町 【まち】① town, block, neighbourhood, neighborhood ② street, road ③ 109.09 m ④ 0.99 hectares
公園 【こうえん】(public) park
昨日 【きのう】yesterday
机 【つくえ】desk
子供 【こども】child, children
猫 【ねこ】① cat ② shamisen ③ geisha ④ wheelbarrow ⑤ clay bed-warmer
居る 【いる】① to be (of animate objects), to exist ② to stay ③ (after the -te form of a verb) verb indicating continuing action or state (i.e. to be ..ing, to have been ..ing)
撮る 【とる】to take (a photo), to make (a film)
沢山 【たくさん】many, a lot, much
隣 【となり】neighbor (neighbour), next to (esp. living next door to)
ここ① here (place physically close to the speaker, place pointed by the speaker while explaining), this place ② these last (followed by a duration noun and a past sentence: time period before the present time of the speaker) ③ these next ... (followed by a duration noun and a non past sentence: time period after the present time of the speaker), the next ...
ある① to be (usu. of inanimate objects), to exist, to live ② to have ③ to be located ④ to be equipped with ⑤ to happen, to come about
どうしてwhy?, for what reason, how, in what way, for what purpose, what for
そこ① there (place relatively near listener) ② there (place just mentioned), that place ③ then (of some incident just spoken of), that (of point just raised)
さっきsome time ago
だからso, therefore
アルバイト① part-time job, side job ② albite
間 【あいだ】① space (between), gap, interval, distance ② time (between), pause, break ③ span (temporal or spatial), stretch, period (while) ④ relationship (between, among) ⑤ members (within, among)
寺 【てら】temple (Buddhist)
お土産 【おみやげ】present, souvenir
側 【そば】near, close, beside, vicinity, proximity, besides, while
スーパー① super ② supermarket ③ superimpose ④ superheterodyne ⑤ (film with) subtitles
バス停bus stop
一時間 【いちじかん】one hour
一人で 【ひとりで】alone, by oneself, voluntarily, spontaneously, automatically
本屋 【ほんや】① bookstore, bookshop ② publisher ③ main building
御飯 【ごはん】① cooked rice ② meal
ごめんyour pardon, declining (something), dismissal, permission