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Final Fantasy VIII

Vocabulary researched playing the PS1 role play game Final Fantasy VIII.


131 entriesCreated by Stephanie H. — Last modified: 2014-03-28 09:47:16
技術 【ぎじゅつ】art, craft, technique, technology, engineering, skill
運 【うん】fortune, luck
発見 【はっけん】discovery, detection, finding
味方 【みかた】friend, ally, supporter
指導 【しどう】① leadership, guidance, coaching ② shido (disciplinary action for a minor infringement of the rules of judo)
勝負 【しょうぶ】victory or defeat, match, contest, game, bout
消費 【しょうひ】consumption, expenditure
生命 【せいめい】life, existence
全体 【ぜんたい】whole, entirety, whatever (is the matter)
依頼 【いらい】① request, commission, dispatch, despatch ② dependence, trust
加減 【かげん】① addition and subtraction ② allowance for ③ degree, extent, measure ④ condition, state of health ⑤ seasoning, flavor, flavour, moderation, adjustment ⑥ influence (of the weather) ⑦ chance
解決 【かいけつ】settlement, solution, resolution
回復 【かいふく】recovery (from illness), improvement, rehabilitation, restoration, convalescence
訓練 【くんれん】practice, practise, training
混乱 【こんらん】disorder, chaos, confusion, mayhem
精神 【せいしん】mind, soul, heart, spirit, intention
装置 【そうち】equipment, installation, apparatus, device
対象 【たいしょう】target, object (of worship, study, etc.), subject (of taxation, etc.)
単純 【たんじゅん】simplicity
担当 【たんとう】(in) charge (of an area of responsibility, but not necessarily supervision of staff)
倒す 【たおす】① to throw down, to bring down, to blow down, to fell, to knock down ② to kill, to defeat, to beat ③ to overthrow, to trip up, to ruin ④ to leave unpaid, to cheat
毒 【どく】poison, toxicant
訪問 【ほうもん】call, visit
異常 【いじょう】strangeness, abnormality, disorder
炎 【ほのお】flame, blaze
稼ぐ 【かせぐ】to earn income, to labor, to labour
怪我 【けが】injury (to animate object), hurt
歓迎 【かんげい】welcome, reception
基本 【きほん】foundation, basis, standard
繰り返す 【くりかえす】to repeat, to do something over again
従う 【したがう】to abide (by the rules), to obey, to follow, to accompany
条件 【じょうけん】condition, conditions, term, terms, requirement, requirements
状態 【じょうたい】current status, condition, situation, circumstances, state
睡眠 【すいみん】sleep
抵抗 【ていこう】electrical resistance, resistance, opposition
提案 【ていあん】proposal, proposition, suggestion
評価 【ひょうか】① valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation ② to value, to assess, to estimate value ③ to appreciate, to value highly, to acknowledge the value (of something)
優秀 【ゆうしゅう】superiority, excellence
敵 【てき】① opponent, rival, adversary ② menace, danger, threat, enemy
雷 【かみなり】thunder
退屈 【たいくつ】tedium, boredom
演奏 【えんそう】musical performance
気配 【けはい】① indication, sign, hint, presence, trend ② quotation (esp. stock market)
実力 【じつりょく】① (real) ability, true strength, merit, efficiency, competency ② arms, force
候補 【こうほ】① candidate, contender, prospect, pick, choice, list ② candidacy, candidature, nomination
接続 【せつぞく】① connection, attachment, union, join, joint, link ② changing trains ③ conjunction
着替え 【きがえ】changing clothes, change of clothes
暴れる 【あばれる】to act violently, to rage, to struggle, to be riotous
圧縮 【あっしゅく】compression, condensation, constriction, compaction
勘違い 【かんちがい】misunderstanding, wrong guess
研修 【けんしゅう】training (esp. in-service), induction course
恨み 【うらみ】① resentment, grudge, malice, bitterness ② matter for regret, regret
恨む 【うらむ】① to resent, to curse, to feel bitter, to blame, to bear a grudge ② to regret
整備 【せいび】maintenance, servicing, outfitting
頂戴 【ちょうだい】① receiving, reception, getting, being given ② eating, drinking, having ③ (also used after -te forms) please, please do for me
卑怯 【ひきょう】cowardice, meanness, unfairness
暗殺 【あんさつ】assassination
臆病 【おくびょう】cowardice, timidity
課題 【かだい】subject, theme, task, challenge, issue, matter
耐える 【たえる】① to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with ② to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave ③ to be fit for, to be equal to
愚痴 【ぐち】① idle complaint, grumble ② moha (ignorance, folly)
嫌らしい 【いやらしい】unpleasant, disgusting, repulsive, detestable, disagreeable, indecent, lewd, dirty, lascivious
孤児 【こじ】orphan
効率 【こうりつ】efficiency, efficacy, performance, utility factor
指揮 【しき】command, direction
施設 【しせつ】① institution, establishment, facility ② (army) engineer
所属 【しょぞく】attached to, belong to, member
正当 【せいとう】just, justifiable, right, due, proper, equitable, reasonable, legitimate, legal, lawful
接触 【せっしょく】touch, contact
占領 【せんりょう】occupation, capture, possession, have a room to oneself
戦闘 【せんとう】battle, fight, combat
全滅 【ぜんめつ】annihilation
体力 【たいりょく】physical strength
退治 【たいじ】extermination
脱出 【だっしゅつ】escape
秩序 【ちつじょ】order, regularity, system, method
沈黙 【ちんもく】silence, reticence
転校 【てんこう】change schools
点検 【てんけん】inspection, examination, checking
入手 【にゅうしゅ】obtaining, coming to hand
任務 【にんむ】duty, function, office, mission, task
派遣 【はけん】dispatch, despatch, send
排除 【はいじょ】exclusion, removal, rejection, elimination, abatement, lifting (sanctions, etc.)
班 【はん】group, party, section (mil)
無茶 【むちゃ】absurd, unreasonable, excessive, rash, absurdity, nonsense
命中 【めいちゅう】a hit, hitting something that was aimed at
目付き 【めつき】look, expression of the eyes, eyes
要請 【ようせい】claim, demand, request, application
欲望 【よくぼう】desire, appetite, lust
大げさ 【おおげさ】grandiose, exaggerated
庇う 【かばう】to protect someone, to take under one's wing, to plead for, to stick up for, to cover up for someone
憂鬱 【ゆううつ】depression, melancholy, dejection, gloom
アイテム① item ② something that one "just has to have"
禁断 【きんだん】① prohibition, interdiction ② forbidden, prohibited
具体 【ぐたい】concrete, tangible, material
実地 【じっち】① practice, practise ② the actual site
精鋭 【せいえい】elite, picked, powerful, efficient
層 【そう】① layer, seam, bed, stream, class ② sheaf ③ storey (of a building), story, floor
発信 【はっしん】dispatch, despatch, transmission, submission
半減 【はんげん】reduction by half, halve
防御 【ぼうぎょ】defense, defence, safeguard, protection
不愛想 【ぶあいそう】unsociability, bluntness
話し掛ける 【はなしかける】to accost a person, to talk (to someone)
習得 【しゅうとく】learning, acquisition
制御 【せいぎょ】control, governing, checking, suppression, repression, restraint, mastery, management
因縁 【いんねん】① hetu and prataya (direct causes and indirect conditions, which underlie the actions of all things) ② fate, destiny ③ connection, origin ④ pretext
回避 【かいひ】evasion, avoidance
凱旋 【がいせん】triumphal return
騎士 【きし】knight
刑務所 【けいむしょ】prison, penitentiary
拷問 【ごうもん】torture, the rack, third degree
処刑 【しょけい】execution
召喚 【しょうかん】summons
精製 【せいせい】purification
善悪 【ぜんあく】good and evil
属性 【ぞくせい】attribute, property, context
大佐 【たいさ】colonel, (navy) captain
端末 【たんまつ】computer terminal
弾薬 【だんやく】ammunition
懲罰 【ちょうばつ】discipline, punishment, reprimand
通称 【つうしょう】popular name, nickname, alias
撤退 【てったい】evacuation, withdrawal, revocation, repeal, retreat
魔法 【まほう】magic, witchcraft, sorcery
魔力 【まりょく】magical power, charm
食わず嫌い 【くわずぎらい】disliking a certain food without having tried it, disliking something without having tried it, prejudiced against, aversion without even trying
暗闇 【くらやみ】darkness, the dark
呪う 【のろう】to curse, to put a curse on, to detest intensely
復讐 【ふくしゅう】revenge
妖精 【ようせい】fairy, sprite, elf
末裔 【まつえい】descendants
倔強 【くっきょう】robust, brawny, muscular, strong, sturdy