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Tobira 03-04

Lession 3 and 4 from Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese


203 entriesCreated by Buch . — Last modified: 2014-07-19 04:58:41
そんなsuch (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener), like that, that sort of
後ろ 【うしろ】back, behind, rear
生まれる 【うまれる】to be born
先 【さき】① previous, prior, former, some time ago, preceding ② point (e.g. pencil), tip, end, nozzle ③ head (of a line), front ④ ahead, the other side ⑤ the future, hereafter ⑥ destination ⑦ the other party
年 【とし】① year ② age
話す 【はなす】to speak
行く 【いく】① to go ② to proceed, to take place ③ to die, to pass away ④ to continue
三 【さん】three
いるauxillary verb for continuing action or state
英語 【えいご】English (language)
声 【こえ】voice
待つ 【まつ】① to wait ② to await, to look forward to, to anticipate ③ (usu. in negative form) to depend on, to need
動物 【どうぶつ】animal
勉強 【べんきょう】① study ② diligence ③ discount, reduction
問題 【もんだい】problem, question
君 【きみ】you, buddy, pal
速い 【はやい】① fast, quick, hasty, brisk ② early (in the day, etc.), premature ③ (too) soon, not yet, (too) early ④ easy, simple, quick
本当 【ほんとう】truth, reality
面白い 【おもしろい】interesting, amusing
遊ぶ 【あそぶ】① to play, to enjoy oneself, to have a good time ② to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.) ③ to be idle, to do nothing, to be unused ④ to go to (for pleasure or for study) ⑤ (in baseball) to intentionally throw a ball to lower the batter's concentration
両親 【りょうしん】parents, both parents
一緒 【いっしょ】① together ② at the same time ③ same, identical
呼ぶ 【よぶ】① to call out (to), to call, to invoke ② to summon (a doctor, etc.) ③ to invite ④ to designate, to name, to brand ⑤ to garner (support, etc.), to gather
子供 【こども】child, children
辞書 【じしょ】dictionary, lexicon
初めて 【はじめて】① for the first time ② only after ... is it ..., only when ... do you ...
寝る 【ねる】① to lie down ② to go to bed, to lie in bed ③ to sleep (lying down) ④ to sleep (with someone, i.e. have intercourse) ⑤ to lie idle
彼 【かれ】① he, him ② boyfriend
欲しい 【ほしい】① wanted, wished for, in need of, desired ② (after the -te form of a verb) I want (you) to
頼む 【たのむ】① to request, to beg, to ask ② to call, to order, to reserve ③ to entrust to ④ to rely on
大丈夫 【だいじょうぶ】safe, all right, OK, okay
その① that (something or someone distant from the speaker, close to the listener; actions of the listener, or ideas expressed or understood by the listener), the ② um..., er..., uh...
する① to do ② to cause to become, to make (into), to turn (into) ③ to serve as, to act as, to work as ④ to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.) ⑤ to judge as being, to view as being, to think of as, to treat as, to use as ⑥ to decide on, to choose ⑦ to be sensed (of a smell, noise, etc.) ⑧ to be (in a state, condition, etc.) ⑨ to be worth, to cost ⑩ to pass (of time), to elapse ⑪ verbalizing suffix (applies to nouns noted in this dictionary with the part of speech "vs") ⑫ creates a humble verb (after a noun prefixed with "o" or "go") ⑬ to be just about to, to be just starting to, to try to, to attempt to
ちょっと① just a minute, short time, just a little ② somewhat, easily, readily, rather ③ (before a verb in negative form) (will not) easily ④ hey!
なる① to become, to get, to grow, to be, to reach, to attain ② to result in, to prove to be ③ to consist of, to be composed of ④ to succeed, to be complete ⑤ to change into, to be exchanged for ⑥ to play a role ⑦ to be promoted (shogi)
つけるto turn on, to switch on, to light up
運ぶ 【はこぶ】① to carry, to transport, to move, to convey ② to come, to go ③ to wield (a tool, etc.), to use ④ to go (well, etc.), to proceed, to progress
運転 【うんてん】operation, motion, driving
会場 【かいじょう】assembly hall, meeting place, the grounds
合う 【あう】① to come together, to merge, to unite, to meet ② to fit, to match, to suit, to agree with, to be correct ③ to be profitable, to be equitable ④ (after the -masu stem of a verb) to do ... to each other, to do ... together
試合 【しあい】match, game, bout, contest
社会 【しゃかい】society, public
食事 【しょくじ】① meal ② to eat
心 【こころ】① mind, heart, spirit ② the meaning of a phrase (riddle, etc.)
正しい 【ただしい】right, just, correct, righteous, honest, truthful, proper, straightforward, perfect
大事 【だいじ】important, valuable, serious matter
通う 【かよう】① to go back and forth, to ply between ② to commute, to attend (school, church, etc.)
動く 【うごく】① to move, to stir, to shift, to shake, to swing ② to operate, to run, to go, to work ③ to be touched, to be influenced ④ to change, to vary, to fluctuate, to waver ⑤ certain, factual ⑥ to be transferred
入学 【にゅうがく】entry to school or university, matriculation
発音 【はつおん】pronunciation
工場 【こうじょう】factory, plant, mill, workshop
首 【くび】① neck ② head ③ unemployed person
育てる 【そだてる】to raise, to rear, to bring up
泣く 【なく】to cry, to weep, to sob, to howl
手伝う 【てつだう】to help, to assist, to take part in
勝つ 【かつ】to win, to gain victory
全然 【ぜんぜん】① not at all (with neg. verb) ② wholly, entirely, completely
相談 【そうだん】consultation, discussion
打つ 【うつ】① to hit (something inanimate), to strike, to beat (on something) ② to type, to tap (e.g. a key) ③ to inject ④ to indulge in gambling ⑤ to visit (on a pilgrimage)
投げる 【なげる】① to throw, to cast away ② to face defeat, to give up
道具 【どうぐ】implement, tool, means
番組 【ばんぐみ】program (e.g. TV), programme
負ける 【まける】to lose, to be defeated
毛 【け】hair, fur
例えば 【たとえば】for example, e.g.
礼 【れい】thanking, expression of gratitude
全て 【すべて】all, the whole, entirely, in general, wholly, overall
直す 【なおす】① to cure, to heal ② to fix, to correct, to repair ③ to do over again (after -masu base of verb) ④ to replace, to put back as it was ⑤ to convert (into a different state), to transform
向かう 【むかう】① to face ② to go towards
案内 【あんない】① information, guidance, leading ② to guide, to show (around), to conduct
関係 【かんけい】relation, connection
技術 【ぎじゅつ】art, craft, technique, technology, engineering, skill
最初 【さいしょ】beginning, outset, first, onset
残念 【ざんねん】deplorable, bad luck, regret, disappointment
将来 【しょうらい】future (usually near), prospects
笑う 【わらう】① to laugh ② to smile ③ to sneer, to ridicule
触る 【さわる】to touch, to feel
席 【せき】① seat ② location (of a gathering, etc.), place ③ position, post
折る 【おる】to break, to fold, to pick flowers
程 【ほど】① degree, extent, bounds, limit ② indicates approx. amount or maximum, upper limit
文法 【ぶんぽう】grammar, syntax
連れる 【つれる】to lead, to take (a person)
受付 【うけつけ】reception (desk), information desk
周り 【まわり】① circumference, perimeter, edge ② surroundings, locality, neighborhood ③ rotation, circulation
お祝い 【おいわい】congratulation, congratulations, celebration, festival, congratulatory gift
背 【せ】① back, spine ② reverse, rear side ③ height ④ ridge (of a mountain)
挨拶 【あいさつ】① greeting, greetings, salutation, salute ② speech (congratulatory or appreciative), address ③ reply, response ④ a fine thing to say (used as part of a sarcastic response to a rude remark) ⑤ (orig. meaning) dialoging (with another Zen practitioner to ascertain their level of enlightenment)
宜しい 【よろしい】good, OK, all right, fine, very well, will do, may, can
驚く 【おどろく】to be surprised, to be astonished
先輩 【せんぱい】senior (at work or school), superior, elder, older graduate, progenitor, old-timer
間違う 【まちがう】to make a mistake, to be incorrect, to be mistaken
学ぶ 【まなぶ】to study (in depth), to learn, to take lessons in
金 【きん】① gold, golden (color), metaphor for (most) valuable, gold (medal, cup) ② money (written before an amount) ③ Friday ④ metal (fourth of the five elements) ⑤ Jin (dynasty of China; 1115-1234 CE) ⑥ gold general (shogi) ⑦ karat, carat
人間 【にんげん】① human being, man, person ② character (of a person)
社 【しゃ】① company, association, society ② regional Chinese god of the earth (or a village built in its honour) ③ counter for companies, shrines, etc.
学習 【がくしゅう】study, learning, tutorial
手入れ 【ていれ】① repairs, maintenance, tending, trimming, grooming ② crackdown, (police) raid
注文 【ちゅうもん】order, request
動かす 【うごかす】① to move, to shift, to operate, to set in motion, to mobilize, to mobilise ② to inspire, to rouse, to move (e.g. feeling), to influence ③ to deny, to change
年代 【ねんだい】age, era, period, date
元 【もと】former, ex-
育つ 【そだつ】to be raised (e.g. child), to be brought up, to grow (up)
記事 【きじ】article, news story, report, account
苦手 【にがて】poor (at), weak (in), dislike (of)
型 【かた】① model, type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) ② type, style, pattern ③ mold (mould), template, model ④ kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.) ⑤ form (i.e. customary procedure) ⑥ size (i.e. clothing, shoes)
守る 【まもる】① to protect, to guard, to defend ② to keep (i.e. a promise), to abide (by the rules), to observe, to obey, to follow
手術 【しゅじゅつ】surgical operation
助かる 【たすかる】to be saved, to be rescued, to survive, to be helpful
助ける 【たすける】to help, to save, to rescue, to give relief to, to spare (life), to reinforce, to promote, to abet
選手 【せんしゅ】player (in game), team member
代表 【だいひょう】representative, representation, delegation, type, example, model
単語 【たんご】word, vocabulary, (usually) single-character word
的 【てき】-like, typical
能力 【のうりょく】ability, faculty
発表 【はっぴょう】announcement, publication
部 【ぶ】① department (in an organization), division, bureau ② club ③ part, component, element ④ category ⑤ counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine
辺り 【あたり】① on the bank of, by the side of (e.g. a river, pond) ② (in the) neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, nearby
迷う 【まよう】① to lose one's way ② to waver, to hesitate, to be of two minds over, to be puzzled, to be perplexed ③ to give into temptation, to lose control of oneself ④ to turn in one's grave
表す 【あらわす】① to reveal, to show, to display ② to express ③ to represent, to signify, to stand for ④ to make widely known
他 【た】other (esp. people and abstract matters)
依頼 【いらい】① request, commission, dispatch, despatch ② dependence, trust
違反 【いはん】violation (of law), transgression, infringement, breach
一般 【いっぱん】general, liberal, universal, ordinary, average
含む 【ふくむ】① to contain, to comprise, to have, to hold, to include, to embrace ② to hold in the mouth ③ to bear in mind, to understand, to harbor (grudge, etc.), to harbour ④ to express (emotion, etc.), to imply
叫ぶ 【さけぶ】to shout, to cry
現代 【げんだい】nowadays, modern era, modern times, present-day
効果 【こうか】effect, effectiveness, efficacy, result
合格 【ごうかく】success, passing (e.g. exam), eligibility
最高 【さいこう】highest, supreme, the most
実際 【じっさい】① practicality, practical ② reality, actuality, actual conditions ③ bhutakoti (limit of reality)
種類 【しゅるい】① variety, kind, type, category ② counter for different sorts of things
笑顔 【えがお】smiling face, smile
成長 【せいちょう】growth, grow to adulthood
精神 【せいしん】mind, soul, heart, spirit, intention
絶対 【ぜったい】① absolutely, unconditionally ② absolute, unconditional, unmistakable ③ absoluteness
尊敬 【そんけい】respect, esteem, reverence, honour, honor
発達 【はったつ】development, growth
表現 【ひょうげん】① expression, presentation ② representation, notation
暮らす 【くらす】① to live, to get along ② to spend (time)
与える 【あたえる】① to give (esp. to someone of lower status), to bestow, to grant, to confer, to present, to award ② to provide, to afford, to offer, to supply ③ to assign ④ to cause ⑤ to pass (a variable to a function)
理解 【りかい】understanding, comprehension, appreciation, sympathy
お互い 【おたがい】mutual, reciprocal, each other
怪我 【けが】injury (to animate object), hurt
感謝 【かんしゃ】thanks, gratitude
既に 【すでに】already, too late
休憩 【きゅうけい】rest, break, recess, intermission
健康 【けんこう】health, sound, wholesome
詳しい 【くわしい】knowing very well, detailed, full, accurate
譲る 【ゆずる】to turn over, to assign, to hand over, to transmit, to convey, to sell, to dispose of, to yield, to surrender
相撲 【すもう】① sumo wrestling ② sumo wrestler, rikishi
免許 【めんきょ】license, permit, licence, certificate
礼儀 【れいぎ】manners, courtesy, etiquette
描く 【えがく】to draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe
馬鹿 【ばか】① fool, idiot, trivial matter, folly, absurdity ② foolish, stupid, dull, absurd, ridiculous
演奏 【えんそう】musical performance
がる① to feel (on adj-stem to represent a third party's apparent emotion) ② to behave as if one were
集まる 【あつまる】to gather, to collect, to assemble
留守番 【るすばん】① care-taking, house-sitting, house-watching ② caretaker, house-sitter
武道 【ぶどう】martial arts, military arts, Bushido
年寄り 【としより】① old people, the aged ② sumo coaches
活躍 【かつやく】① activity (esp. energetic), great efforts, conspicuous service ② to flourish, to participate actively, to play an active role
後輩 【こうはい】junior (at work or school)
載る 【のる】① to get on, to ride in, to board, to mount, to get up on ② to spread (paints), to be taken in ③ to share in, to join, to feel like doing, to be mentioned in, to be in harmony with ④ to appear (in print), to be recorded, to be found in (a dictionary)
悔しい 【くやしい】regrettable, mortifying, vexing
技 【わざ】technique, art
原則 【げんそく】principle, general rule
帯 【たい】band (e.g. conduction, valence), belt (e.g. Van-Allen, asteroid, etc.)
天井 【てんじょう】ceiling, ceiling price
土俵 【どひょう】① arena, esp. in sumo ② forum (e.g. for discussion) ③ sandbag, gabion
道場 【どうじょう】① dojo (hall used for martial arts training) ② manda (place of Buddhist practice or meditation, esp. the place under the bodhi tree where Buddha attained enlightenment)
生かす 【いかす】① to make (the best) use of, to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.), to capitalise on (experience, etc) ② to let live, to keep alive ③ to revive, to resuscitate
アメリカン① American ② American coffee (weaker than regular Japanese coffee)
エンストengine stall
ガッツポーズtriumphant pose assumed by an athlete
ギネスブックGuinness Book of Records
チェックcheck, plaid
ハウス① house ② plastic greenhouse ③ house music
ハンドル① handle ② steering wheel ③ (bicycle) handlebar
バックミラーrearview mirror
プレー① play ② pray ③ prey
マネージャー① manager (e.g. of a business, an idol, etc.) ② in a sports team (esp. at school) someone who does the routine drudge work
半年 【はんとし】half year
アッoh, ah
れる① auxiliary verb indicating passive voice (inc. the "suffering passive") ② auxiliary verb indicating the potential form ③ auxiliary verb indicating spontaneous occurrence ④ auxiliary verb used as an honorific for others' actions
体 【たい】① body, physique, posture ② shape, form, style ③ substance, identity, reality ④ field ⑤ counter for humanoid forms (e.g. dolls, statues, corpses, etc.)
国内 【こくない】internal, domestic
大声 【おおごえ】large voice
部員 【ぶいん】staff, member
部活 【ぶかつ】club activities
入部 【にゅうぶ】joining a club
和西 【わせい】Japanese-Spanish
観戦 【かんせん】watching a (sports) game
国技 【こくぎ】national sport (e.g. sumo)
主将 【しゅしょう】commander-in-chief, (team) captain
三振 【さんしん】strike out (baseball), fanning out
力士 【りきし】① sumo wrestler, rikishi ② strong man
べらべら① non-stop talking, speaking indiscreetly, chattering ② thin, flimsy