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Crayon Shin-chan Vol. 12 (episodes 509 to 529)

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Vocab for episodes 509 to 529 of the animated series ‘Crayon Shin-chan’. This is volume 12/25. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



331 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
食堂 【しょくどう】① dining room, dining hall, cafeteria, messroom ② restaurant, eatery, snack bar, diner
上着 【うわぎ】coat, tunic, jacket, outer garment
切符 【きっぷ】ticket
丈夫 【じょうぶ】healthy, robust, strong, solid, durable
間 【あいだ】① space (between), gap, interval, distance ② time (between), pause, break ③ span (temporal or spatial), stretch, period (while) ④ relationship (between, among) ⑤ members (within, among)
昼休み 【ひるやすみ】lunch break, noon recess, noon rest period
指輪 【ゆびわ】(finger) ring
倒れる 【たおれる】① to fall, to collapse, to drop, to fall senseless ② to be forced to bed (by illness, etc.) ③ to die ④ to go bankrupt, to be ruined, to have a bad debt ⑤ to be defeated (in a game) ⑥ to fall (of governments, dictators, etc.)
舟 【ふね】① ship, boat, watercraft, vessel, steamship ② tank, tub, vat, trough ③ counter for boat-shaped containers (e.g. of sashimi)
暖房 【だんぼう】heating
味噌汁 【みそしる】miso soup
honourable, honorable
その上 【そのうえ】① in addition, furthermore ② above (which), on top of (which)
中学 【ちゅうがく】middle school, junior high school
温度 【おんど】temperature
型 【かた】① model, type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) ② type, style, pattern ③ mold (mould), template, model ④ kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.) ⑤ form (i.e. customary procedure) ⑥ size (i.e. clothing, shoes)
場面 【ばめん】scene, setting (e.g. of novel)
体温 【たいおん】temperature, body temperature (human, animal)
鳴らす 【ならす】to ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort (nose)
問い合わせ 【といあわせ】enquiry, inquiry, ENQ, query, interrogation
一般 【いっぱん】general, liberal, universal, ordinary, average
演劇 【えんげき】play (theatrical)
枯れる 【かれる】to wither (plant), to be blasted, to die
骨 【ほね】bone
女優 【じょゆう】actress
尊敬 【そんけい】respect, esteem, reverence, honour, honor
単純 【たんじゅん】simplicity
爆発 【ばくはつ】explosion, detonation, eruption
宝 【たから】treasure
抱える 【かかえる】① to hold or carry under or in the arms ② to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.) ③ to employ, to engage, to hire
意志 【いし】will, volition, intention, intent, determination
芽 【め】sprout
監督 【かんとく】① supervision, control, superintendence, direction ② director, superintendent, supervisor, coach, foreman, manager, overseer, controller, boss
繰り返す 【くりかえす】to repeat, to do something over again
契約 【けいやく】contract, compact, agreement
資源 【しげん】resources
従う 【したがう】to abide (by the rules), to obey, to follow, to accompany
障害 【しょうがい】① obstacle, impediment, hindrance, difficulty, barrier ② handicap, impairment, disability, disorder, malfunction
揚げる 【あげる】① to deep-fry ② to raise, to elevate ③ to fly (a kite, etc.), to launch (fireworks, etc.), to surface (a submarine, etc.) ④ to land (a boat) ⑤ to increase (price, quality, status, etc.) ⑥ to earn (something desirable) ⑦ (of the tide) to come in
同意 【どうい】① agreement, consent, same opinion, approval ② same meaning
拍手 【はくしゅ】clapping hands, applause
範囲 【はんい】extent, scope, sphere, range, span
保存 【ほぞん】preservation, conservation, storage, saving (e.g., to disk), maintenance
幕 【まく】① curtain, bunting ② act (in play)
免許 【めんきょ】license, permit, licence, certificate
陰 【かげ】① shade, shadow ② other side, back, background
勧める 【すすめる】to recommend, to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine)
揃える 【そろえる】to put things in order, to arrange, to make uniform, to get something ready
見出し 【みだし】heading, caption, subtitle, index
下町 【したまち】Shitamachi, lower parts of town
転がす 【ころがす】to roll
逆さ 【さかさ】reverse, inversion, upside down
体育 【たいいく】physical education, gymnastics, athletics
部品 【ぶひん】parts, accessories, components
湯飲み 【ゆのみ】teacup
円周 【えんしゅう】circumference
解答 【かいとう】answer, solution
期限 【きげん】① term, period, time frame ② time limit, deadline, cutoff (date)
極力 【きょくりょく】to the utmost, to the best of one's ability
務める 【つとめる】① to work (for), to be employed (at), to serve (in) ② to serve (as), to act (as), to fill (the position of), to play the role (of) ③ to conduct a religious service
血圧 【けつあつ】blood pressure
刺さる 【ささる】to stick, to be stuck
失恋 【しつれん】disappointed love, broken heart, unrequited love, being lovelorn
床の間 【とこのま】tokonoma (alcove where art or flowers are displayed)
省略 【しょうりゃく】omission, abbreviation, abridgment, abridgement
頂点 【ちょうてん】top, summit
頭脳 【ずのう】head, brains, intellect
背負う 【せおう】to be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder
値 【ね】① price, cost ② value, worth, merit ③ variable (computer programming, programing) ④ value, count, number ⑤ to have value, to have merit
換える 【かえる】① to replace ② to exchange, to interchange ③ to substitute
出掛ける 【でかける】to depart, to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing), to set out, to start, to be going out
応対 【おうたい】receiving, dealing with
鑑賞 【かんしょう】appreciation (e.g. of art), aesthetic sense
興奮 【こうふん】excitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal
攻める 【せめる】to attack, to assault
寿命 【じゅみょう】life span
縮む 【ちぢむ】to shrink, to contract, to diminish (in size)
巡査 【じゅんさ】police, policeman
宣伝 【せんでん】propaganda, publicity, advertisement, advertising
定価 【ていか】list price, regular price, established price
発射 【はっしゃ】firing, shooting, discharge, catapult, ejaculation (sl)
噴水 【ふんすい】water fountain
愉快 【ゆかい】pleasant, happy
炊く 【たく】to cook (esp. grain, pulses, etc., such as rice or beans), to boil
咳 【せき】cough, coughing, tussis
もったいない① too good, more than one deserves, unworthy of ② wasteful
荷造り 【にづくり】packing, baling, crating
獲得 【かくとく】acquisition, possession
獲物 【えもの】game, spoils, trophy
貫禄 【かんろく】presence, dignity
系 【けい】① system, lineage, group ② corollary ③ (geological) system (range of strata that correspond to a particular time period) ④ (taxonomical) series
結び 【むすび】ending, conclusion, union
倹約 【けんやく】thrift, economy, frugality
合成 【ごうせい】synthesis, composition, synthetic, composite, mixed, combined, compound
災害 【さいがい】calamity, disaster, misfortune
仕切る 【しきる】① to partition, to divide, to mark off, to itemize ② to direct, to take control, to manage, to take responsibility ③ to settle accounts ④ to toe the mark
司る 【つかさどる】to rule, to govern, to administer
賜る 【たまわる】to be given, to be granted, to be honored with, to be honoured with
治療 【ちりょう】medical treatment, cure
湿気る 【しける】to be damp, to be moist
手順 【てじゅん】process, procedure, sequence, protocol, instruction
淑やか 【しとやか】graceful
審議 【しんぎ】deliberation
審査 【しんさ】judging, inspection, examination, investigation
尽きる 【つきる】to be used up, to be run out, to be exhausted, to be consumed, to come to an end
世代 【せだい】generation, the world, the age
組み合わせる 【くみあわせる】to join together, to combine, to join up
代用 【だいよう】substitution
台無し 【だいなし】mess, spoiled, spoilt, (come to) nothing
嘆く 【なげく】to sigh, to lament, to grieve
知性 【ちせい】intelligence
潮 【しお】① tide, current ② salt water ③ opportunity
電源 【でんげん】① source of electricity, electrical power ② power (button on TV, etc.)
逃走 【とうそう】flight, desertion, escape
粘る 【ねばる】to be sticky, to be adhesive, to persevere, to persist, to stick to
爆弾 【ばくだん】bomb
抜け出す 【ぬけだす】① to slip out, to sneak away, to excel ② to break (out of a loop)
浜辺 【はまべ】beach, foreshore
貧困 【ひんこん】poverty, lack
不在 【ふざい】absence
柄 【え】① handle, grip ② stalk (of a mushroom, leaf, etc.)
融資 【ゆうし】financing, loan
腕前 【うでまえ】ability, skill, facility
魂 【たましい】soul, spirit
密か 【ひそか】secret, private, surreptitious
苦 【く】① pain, anguish, suffering, distress, anxiety, worry, trouble, difficulty, hardship ② duhkha (suffering)
戸惑う 【とまどう】to be bewildered, to be perplexed
せっかちhasty, impatient
なら① if, in case, if it is the case that, if it is true that ② as for, on the topic of ③ if possible, if circumstances allow
アンカー① anchor ② link to previous post (e.g. in web forums)
クレーム① customer complaint seeking compensation, claim (for compensation) ② (general) complaint, objection ③ cream
サイト① site (usu. website) ② sight ③ payable on sight
シーズンseason (fruits and vegetables, sporting, holidays)
ジッパーzip fastener, slide fastener, Zipper (tradename)
スクリュー① screw ② propeller (e.g. on a ship)
チップ① gratuity, tip ② chip
ナイト① night ② knight
ハイヒールhigh heels, high-heeled shoes
バリウムbarium (Ba)
プラモplastic model
ホーム① platform ② home
マイコン① microcomputer, personal computer, home computer ② micro-controller, micro-processor, MCU ③ moving (animated) icon
レパートリーrepertoire, repertory
円やか 【まろやか】① round, circular, spherical ② mild (taste), mellow (voice)
女中 【じょちゅう】maid, female servant;
食パンplain bread, white bread
半生 【はんせい】half a lifetime
エッフェル塔Eiffel Tower
ジャーン① clash, bang ② Ta-dah!
かねてからfor some time
見え見え 【みえみえ】obvious, transparent
ガーガーquack (sound made by ducks), braak
長ける 【たける】① to excel at, to be proficient at ② to grow old ③ to ripen ④ to rise high (e.g. the sun)
ちょびっとa little
ポスト① post, position ② postbox, mail box, pillar box ③ post-
上映 【じょうえい】① screening (a movie), showing ② to screen a movie
先方 【せんぽう】① companion, other party (side), he, she, they ② destination ③ person in front
通院 【つういん】commuting to hospital
引っぱる 【ひっぱる】① to pull, to draw, to stretch, to drag ② to pull the ball (baseball)
映し出す 【うつしだす】to project, to reflect
言いがかり 【いいがかり】false accusation, pretext, commitment
上野 【うえの】section of Tokyo
はだける① to open, to bare, to expose ② to stretch
一期 【いちご】one's life time, lifetime
一考 【いっこう】consideration, thought
遠ざける 【とおざける】to keep away, to keep at a distance
欠かす 【かかす】to miss (doing), to fail (to do)
才 【さい】① -years-old ② ability, gift, talent, aptitude, genius
美味い 【うまい】① skillful, clever, expert, wise, successful ② delicious, appetizing, appetising ③ fortunate, splendid, promising
書き直す 【かきなおす】to write out, to make a fair copy, to rewrite
女神 【めがみ】goddess
焼き魚 【やきざかな】grilled fish
人道的 【じんどうてき】humane
前線 【ぜんせん】front line, (weather) front
体感 【たいかん】bodily sensation, sense, experience
断食 【だんじき】fasting
投げつける 【なげつける】to throw at, to throw something at a person, to throw a person down
同期 【どうき】① contemporary, corresponding period, same period, same class ② synchronous, synchronization
飛び乗る 【とびのる】to jump upon (a moving object)
別物 【べつもの】another thing, exception, special case
放っとく 【ほっとく】to leave someone alone
留め 【とめ】① (a) stop (e.g. in a timber joint, or at the end of a kanji stroke) ② remaining (e.g. poste-restante) ③ forty-five degree angle
話合い 【はなしあい】discussion, conference
耳元 【みみもと】close to the ear
大船 【おおぶね】large boat
男物 【おとこもの】① men's things, menswear, men's wear ② men's, for men
玉手箱 【たまてばこ】① treasure chest (in the story of Urashima Taro), Urashima's casket, Pandora's box ② important secret that is not easily revealed to others
全日本 【ぜんにほん】All-Japan
神戸 【こうべ】Kobe (port city near Osaka)
塩辛 【しおから】salted fish (entrails)
見違える 【みちがえる】to be beyond recognition, to be quite different
軒先 【のきさき】edge of the eaves, house frontage
最小限 【さいしょうげん】minimum, lowest
史上 【しじょう】historical
支部 【しぶ】branch, subdivision
若返る 【わかがえる】to be rejuvenated, to feel young again
初恋 【はつこい】first love, puppy love
賞味 【しょうみ】relish, gusto, appreciation
深呼吸 【しんこきゅう】deep breath
絶体絶命 【ぜったいぜつめい】desperate situation, being driven into a corner, stalemate
選手権 【せんしゅけん】championship, title (of champion)
祖父 【おおじ】① grandfather ② old man ③ kyogen mask used for the role of an old man
大仏 【だいぶつ】large statue of Buddha
適量 【てきりょう】proper quantity
怒らす 【いからす】to anger someone, to offend someone
投げ捨てる 【なげすてる】to throw away
得意気 【とくいげ】proud, elated
日産 【にっさん】① daily output ② Nissan (Japanese car company)
買収 【ばいしゅう】① buying, purchase ② corruption, bribery
髪型 【かみがた】hairdo
半減 【はんげん】reduction by half, halve
備え 【そなえ】preparation, provision, guarding
不純 【ふじゅん】impurity, adulteration, dishonesty, irregularity
浮世絵 【うきよえ】ukiyoe (color print of everyday life in the Edo period) (colour)
武将 【ぶしょう】military commander
舞い上がる 【まいあがる】to soar, to fly high, to be whirled up
腹黒い 【はらぐろい】mean, malicious, scheming, wicked, black-hearted
物産 【ぶっさん】product
別冊 【べっさつ】separate volume, extra issue, supplement
変わり者 【かわりもの】an eccentric, sport
味付け 【あじつけ】seasoning, flavour, flavor
未亡人 【みぼうじん】widow
面倒くさい 【めんどうくさい】bother(some) to do, tiresome
愛想 【あいそ】civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces
愛着 【あいちゃく】attachment, love, covetous affection
乳首 【ちくび】nipple, teat
枯れ葉 【かれは】dead leaf, dry leaves
税込み 【ぜいこみ】tax included (e.g. price), before tax (e.g. salary)
持ち込み 【もちこみ】bring-your-own (e.g. food and drink), carry-on (e.g. luggage)
湯沸し 【ゆわかし】teakettle, kettle
思う存分 【おもうぞんぶん】to one's heart's content
寝過ごす 【ねすごす】to oversleep
順当 【じゅんとう】proper, right, reasonable
配信 【はいしん】distribution, delivery, transmission, provision
小骨 【こぼね】small bones
虫干し 【むしぼし】airing out
置き忘れる 【おきわすれる】to leave behind, to misplace, to forget
押し進める 【おしすすめる】to press forward
ある程度 【あるていど】to some extent, to a certain extent
太り過ぎ 【ふとりすぎ】overgrowth, overweight
本状 【ほんじょう】this document, this letter, this writing
隠し事 【かくしごと】secret
延滞 【えんたい】arrears, (being) overdue, delay (e.g. in payment), procrastination
芽生える 【めばえる】to bud, to sprout
気遣う 【きづかう】to worry about, to feel anxious about, to have apprehensions of
貴婦人 【きふじん】lady
義母 【ぎぼ】mother-in-law, foster mother, step mother
桐 【きり】paulownia tree, Paulownia tomentosa
衿足 【えりあし】nape of neck, border of hair at back of neck
刑務所 【けいむしょ】prison, penitentiary
穴場 【あなば】little-known good place
光り輝く 【ひかりかがやく】to shine, to glitter
彩り 【いろどり】coloring, colouring, coloration, colouration, assortment, color scheme, colour scheme, makeup
紙芝居 【かみしばい】picture story show
次第に 【しだいに】① gradually (progress into a state) ② in sequence, in order, in turn
執念 【しゅうねん】tenacity, implacability
護る 【まもる】① to protect, to guard, to defend ② to keep (i.e. a promise), to abide (by the rules), to observe, to obey, to follow
縦断 【じゅうだん】flying through, cutting across, longitudinal slice
傷つける 【きずつける】① to wound, to injure ② to hurt someone's feelings (pride, etc.) ③ to damage, to chip, to scratch
傷物 【きずもの】① defective article, damaged goods ② deflowered girl, unvirtuous girl
色艶 【いろつや】colour and lustre, color and luster, complexion, colour, color
振り回す 【ふりまわす】to wield, to brandish, to flourish, to wave (about), to swing, to display, to show off, to abuse
垂らす 【たらす】① to dribble, to spill ② to suspend, to hang down, to slouch, to dangle
誓約 【せいやく】written vow, pledge, covenant
潜り 【もぐり】diving, diver, unlicensed (doctor, driver, etc.), unregistered, unqualified
直撃 【ちょくげき】direct hit
亭主 【ていしゅ】master, host, landlord, innkeeper, husband
電撃 【でんげき】① electric shock ② blitz, lightning attack
答弁 【とうべん】response, reply, answer, defence, defense
道筋 【みちすじ】path, route, itinerary
風潮 【ふうちょう】① tide, current ② tendency
返却 【へんきゃく】return of something, repayment
無謀 【むぼう】reckless, thoughtless, recklessness
闘い 【たたかい】battle, fight, struggle, conflict
臭う 【におう】① to be fragrant, to smell (good) ② to stink, to smell (bad) ③ to glow, to be bright
噴き出す 【ふきだす】① to spout out, to spurt out, to gush out, to jet out ② to sprout, to bud ③ to burst into laughter ④ to blow (smoke, etc.) ⑤ to send out shoots (of a tree)
張本人 【ちょうほんにん】ringleader, originator, perpetrator
これ① this (indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic) ② this person (usu. indicating someone in one's in-group) ③ now
竜 【りゅう】① dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon) ② naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology) ③ promoted rook (shogi)
投げ遣り 【なげやり】negligent, careless, slovenly, reckless, casual, irresponsible
罪滅ぼし 【つみほろぼし】atonement, expiation
持ち腐れ 【もちぐされ】unused possession
振るう 【ふるう】① to swing, to wield (physically), to exert ② to exercise, to wield (metaphorically) ③ to flourish, to prosper, to thrive
銭 【ぜに】① coin made of non-precious materials ② money
カサカサ① dry, bone dry ② rustle
一目惚れ 【ひとめぼれ】to be taken with someone at first sight (similar to "love at first sight", but not as strong)
頃合い 【ころあい】① suitable time, good time ② propriety, moderation
さばmackerel (esp. the chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus)
傷痍 【しょうい】wound, injury
閃き 【ひらめき】① flair, flash ② insight ③ waving (e.g. of a flag in the wind)
椎茸 【しいたけ】shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes)
吊し上げ 【つるしあげ】① hung up, hoist ② denounced, severely criticised, kangaroo court
秘訣 【ひけつ】secret, mysteries, key
美貌 【びぼう】beautiful face, good looks, beauty
蜂 【はち】① bee ② wasp
あもsticky rice cake
和気藹々 【わきあいあい】harmonious, peaceful, congenial
揶揄 【やゆ】banter, raillery, tease, ridicule, banter with
蛤仔 【あさり】Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum)
ぽんpop, plop, cloop
緇素 【しそ】old term for Buddhist priesthood and the common people (since they used to wear black and white clothing respectively)