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Crayon Shin-chan Vol. 15 (episodes 570 to 598)

Author (public: access, edit)

Vocab for episodes 570 to 598 of the animated series ‘Crayon Shin-chan’. This is volume 15/25. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



263 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
月曜日 【げつようび】Monday
黄色 【きいろ】yellow, amber
彼ら 【かれら】they (usually male), them
法律 【ほうりつ】law
代理 【だいり】representation, agency, proxy, deputy, agent, attorney, substitute, alternate, acting (principal, etc.)
活用 【かつよう】① practical use, application ② conjugation, declension, inflection
気温 【きおん】atmospheric temperature
幸い 【さいわい】happiness, blessedness
禁煙 【きんえん】① No Smoking!, Smoking Prohibited! ② abstaining from smoking, quitting smoking
混乱 【こんらん】disorder, chaos, confusion, mayhem
設備 【せつび】equipment, device, facilities, installation
憎む 【にくむ】to hate, to detest
皮膚 【ひふ】skin
布 【ぬの】① cloth ② bujian (spade-shaped bronze coin of ancient China)
優れる 【すぐれる】to surpass, to outstrip, to excel
抱く 【いだく】① to embrace, to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby), to hug ② to harbour (e.g. grudge) (harbor), to bear (e.g. a grudge), to entertain (e.g. suspicion) ③ to sleep with ④ to sit on eggs
急激 【きゅうげき】sudden, precipitous, radical
食糧 【しょくりょう】provisions, rations, food supply
善 【ぜん】good, goodness, right, virtue
操作 【そうさ】① operation, management, processing ② manipulating to one's benefit ③ to operate ④ to manipulate, to fiddle (e.g. the books)
嗅ぐ 【かぐ】to sniff, to smell
原理 【げんり】principle, theory, fundamental truth
防止 【ぼうし】prevention, check
危うい 【あやうい】① dangerous, risky, hazardous, perilous, precarious ② in danger, in jeopardy, critical, grave, at risk ③ uncertain, unreliable, insecure, unsteady, doubtful ④ close (i.e. a close call), narrow
講師 【こうし】lecturer
成立 【せいりつ】① coming into existence, arrangements, establishment, conclusion, completion ② to come into existence, to be true, to hold (i.e. hold true)
増大 【ぞうだい】enlargement, increase
包装 【ほうそう】packing, wrapping
翌日 【よくじつ】next day
下駄 【げた】geta (Japanese footwear), wooden clogs
看病 【かんびょう】nursing (a patient)
戸棚 【とだな】cupboard, locker, closet, wardrobe
座敷 【ざしき】tatami room
催促 【さいそく】request, demand, claim, urge (action), press for
磁石 【じしゃく】① magnet ② compass
醜い 【みにくい】① ugly, unattractive ② unsightly, unseemly
焦げる 【こげる】to burn, to be burned
脱線 【だっせん】derailment, digression
吐く 【はく】① to breathe ② to tell (lies) ③ to vomit, to disgorge
廊下 【ろうか】corridor
つながりconnection, link, relationship
姪 【めい】niece
公開 【こうかい】open to the public, exhibit
交わす 【かわす】① to exchange (messages, greetings, arguments, etc.) ② to intersect, to cross ③ to dodge, to parry, to avoid, to turn aside
隠居 【いんきょ】① retirement ② retired person
感触 【かんしょく】sense of touch, feeling, sensation, texture (of food while chewing)
感無量 【かんむりょう】deep feeling, inexpressible feeling, filled with emotion
寄与 【きよ】contribution, service
給仕 【きゅうじ】office boy (girl), page, waiter
協調 【きょうちょう】① cooperation, conciliation, harmony ② firm (market) tone
群がる 【むらがる】to swarm, to gather
権限 【けんげん】power, authority, jurisdiction
現行 【げんこう】present, current, in operation
控える 【ひかえる】① to be temperate in, to restrain oneself from excessive ... ② to make notes ③ to hold back ④ to be in preparation for, to be in waiting for ⑤ to be soon, to be in the offing ⑥ to be in a close relationship (e.g. as a backer, etc.)
初耳 【はつみみ】something heard for the first time (lit: first ear)
庶民 【しょみん】masses, common people
昇進 【しょうしん】promotion
振り返る 【ふりかえる】to turn head, to look over one's shoulder, to turn around, to look back
衰える 【おとろえる】to become weak, to decline, to wear, to abate, to decay, to wither, to waste away
戦災 【せんさい】war damage
戦闘 【せんとう】battle, fight, combat
相場 【そうば】① market price ② speculation (e.g. on stocks) ③ reputation (according to conventional wisdom), estimation, esteem
大幅 【おおはば】full width, large scale, drastic
殿様 【とのさま】feudal lord
動的 【どうてき】dynamic, kinetic
鈍感 【どんかん】thickheadedness, stolidity, insensitivity
不吉 【ふきつ】ominous, sinister, bad luck, ill omen, inauspiciousness
不審 【ふしん】incomplete understanding, doubt, question, distrust, suspicion, strangeness, infidelity
富む 【とむ】to be rich, to become rich
侮辱 【ぶじょく】insult, contempt, slight
母校 【ぼこう】alma mater
無効 【むこう】invalid, no effect, unavailable, illegal
無念 【むねん】① chagrin, regret ② free from obstructive thoughts
幽霊 【ゆうれい】ghost, specter, spectre, apparition, phantom
養う 【やしなう】to rear, to maintain, to support (e.g. family), to cultivate
収集 【しゅうしゅう】gathering up, collection, accumulation
添える 【そえる】① to garnish, to accompany (as a card does a gift) ② to add to as support, to prop up ③ to accompany (as an aid, guide, translator, etc.)
差し引く 【さしひく】① to deduct, to take away, to dock ② to make allowances for something, to bear something in mind ③ to ebb and flow
さもreally, extremely
綴じる 【とじる】to bind, to file
賭ける 【かける】to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble
日頃 【ひごろ】normally, habitually
弄る 【いじる】① to touch, to tamper with ② to grope about, to feel for something
あっぷあっぷfloundering and almost drowning
つべこべcomplaining, nitpicking
ならば① if, in case, if it is the case that, if it is true that ② as for, on the topic of ③ if possible, if circumstances allow
シュール① surreal ② surrealism
シンクロ① synchronize, synchronise ② synchronized swimming ③ oscilloscope
シングル① single ② single-digit handicap (e.g. golf)
ハーフタイムhalf time
フォワードforward (in a ball game, contract, etc.)
見聞 【けんぶん】information, observation
後半 【こうはん】second half, latter half
上がったり 【あがったり】doomed, in a bad state, poor (e.g. business)
男女 【だんじょ】man and woman, men and women
雨水 【あまみず】① rain water ② "rain water" solar term (approx. Feb 19)
かき分ける 【かきわける】to push one's way through
こじつけdistortion, stretch, strained interpretation, technicality, casuistry, sophistry
バレー① volley ② volleyball ③ valley ④ ballet
四方 【よも】every direction
水族館 【すいぞくかん】aquarium
先物 【さきもの】futures
南口 【みなみぐち】south entrance
入会 【にゅうかい】admission, joining, enrollment, enrolment
白黒 【しろくろ】① black and white, monochrome ② good and evil, right and wrong, guilt and innocence
別室 【べっしつ】separate room, special room
本題 【ほんだい】main question, real issue at hand
一色 【いっしょく】one color, one colour, one article
一世一代 【いっせいちだい】once in a lifetime, the first and last occurrence (event, experience) of one's lifetime
入口 【いりぐち】entrance, entry, gate, approach, mouth
休館 【きゅうかん】library or museum closure
立ち聞き 【たちぎき】eavesdropping
イナバウアーIna Bauer (figure skating technique first performed in 1957 by West German skater Ina Bauer)
温水 【おんすい】warm water
形見 【かたみ】memento, souvenir
上辺 【うわべ】seeming, exterior, surface, outside, outward appearance
新調 【しんちょう】brand new
身内 【みうち】one's whole body, relatives, friends, followers
切り落とす 【きりおとす】to cut down, to lop off, to prune
足首 【あしくび】ankle
谷間 【たにま】① valley, ravine, chasm, dell ② cleavage
投球 【とうきゅう】pitching, throwing a ball, bowling (in cricket), pitched ball
同点 【どうてん】deadlock, tie, draw
旅費 【りょひ】travel expenses
一昨昨日 【さきおととい】two days before yesterday, three days back (ago)
面 【つら】① face (often derog. or vulg.), mug ② surface
面白み 【おもしろみ】interest, fun
立て直す 【たてなおす】to rally, to make over, to rearrange, to reorganize, to reorganise
自由形 【じゆうがた】freestyle (e.g. swimming event)
当地 【とうち】this place (locality), here
見様 【みよう】point of view, way of seeing
しがみつくto cling
栄光 【えいこう】glory
過ぎ去る 【すぎさる】to pass, to pass away
海産物 【かいさんぶつ】marine products
格段 【かくだん】special, exceptional, remarkable
完敗 【かんぱい】complete defeat, utter defeat, annihilation
規則正しい 【きそくただしい】regular, well-regulated, systematic
喫煙 【きつえん】smoking
競泳 【きょうえい】swimming race
共済 【きょうさい】mutual aid
金利 【きんり】interest rates
高齢 【こうれい】advanced (old) age
仕込み 【しこみ】training, stocking up, preparation
刺し身 【さしみ】sashimi (sliced raw fish)
手触り 【てざわり】feel, touch
諸島 【しょとう】archipelago, group of islands
照りつける 【てりつける】to blaze down on, to beat down on, to shine down upon
蒸し返す 【むしかえす】to reheat, to steam over, to bring up again, to take up again a problem that has been dealt with
触れ合う 【ふれあう】to come into contact with, to touch (each other), to have a brush with
寝込む 【ねこむ】to stay in bed, to sleep, to be laid up for a long time
吹き飛ぶ 【ふきとぶ】① to be blown off, to blow off, to blow away ② to vanish, to disappear
切り抜ける 【きりぬける】to cut one's way through, to tide over, to struggle through, to get over
先制 【せんせい】preempt, head-start (of several runs) (baseball)
河岸 【かがん】① river bank, riverside ② fish market
中略 【ちゅうりゃく】omission, ellipsis
柔らか 【やわらか】soft, tender, limp, subdued (colour or light) (color), gentle, meek
薄情 【はくじょう】unfeeling, heartless, cold-hearted, cruel
浮かれる 【うかれる】to make merry, to be festive
腹痛 【はらいた】stomach ache, abdominal pain
物腰 【ものごし】manner, demeanour, demeanor, bearing
便乗 【びんじょう】taking advantage of a ride or an opportunity, taking a ship
母乳 【ぼにゅう】mother's milk
問題児 【もんだいじ】problem child
野性 【やせい】wildness (plants, animals, etc.), uncouth, rough, unpolished
優柔不断 【ゆうじゅうふだん】shilly-shally, indecisiveness
絡まる 【からまる】to be entwined, to be involved
冷凍庫 【れいとうこ】freezer
齢 【よわい】(one's) age
肩書き 【かたがき】title, degree, address (on letter), criminal record
子猫 【こねこ】kitten
飛び込み 【とびこみ】jump, plunge, dive
肌触り 【はだざわり】the touch of, feel of, texture
ひと肌 【ひとはだ】the skin, body warmth
未成年 【みせいねん】minor, not of age
払い 【はらい】① payment, bill, account ② sweeping, clearing away ③ sweeping stroke (e.g. when writing kanji)
競り合い 【せりあい】competition
お人好し 【おひとよし】softhearted (good-natured, credulous) person, easy mark, soft touch, simple soul
増量 【ぞうりょう】increased volume or quantity
月払い 【つきばらい】monthly installment (instalment), monthly payment
幾らでも 【いくらでも】as many (much) as one likes
握力 【あくりょく】grip (of hand)
共謀 【きょうぼう】conspiracy, complicity
虚しい 【むなしい】vacant, futile, vain, void, empty, ineffective, lifeless
堅苦しい 【かたくるしい】formal, strict, ceremonious, stiff
見透かす 【みすかす】to see through
甲斐 【かい】effect, result, worth, use, avail
催眠 【さいみん】hypnotism
歯応え 【はごたえ】feel (consistency) of food while being chewed
射る 【いる】to shoot
終盤 【しゅうばん】endgame, final stage
祝儀 【しゅうぎ】congratulations, celebration, congratulatory gift, tip
焦げ付く 【こげつく】① to get burned and stuck on (e.g. rice in a pan) ② to become uncollectable (e.g. debt or loan), to become irrecoverable ③ to remain unchanged (e.g. stock market)
錠剤 【じょうざい】pill, lozenge, tablet
陣地 【じんち】(military) encampment, position
素手 【すで】unarmed, bare hands
惣菜 【そうざい】side dish, daily (household) dish
脚 【あし】① foot ② leg ③ gait ④ pace ⑤ bottom structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji ⑥ means of transportation
大雑把 【おおざっぱ】rough (as in not precise), broad, sketchy
鷹 【たか】falcon (Falconidae family), hawk
奪い合う 【うばいあう】to scramble for, to struggle for
脱落 【だつらく】① loss, dropping out, falling by the wayside ② omission, lacuna, gap, hiatus ③ desertion, defection ④ apostasy
端末 【たんまつ】computer terminal
鍛練 【たんれん】tempering, forging, hardening, disciplining, training
締まる 【しまる】① to be shut, to close, to be closed ② to be locked ③ to tighten, to be tightened ④ to become sober, to become tense
吐き出す 【はきだす】to vomit, to spit out
二者択一 【にしゃたくいつ】two alternatives, selecting an option (from two alternatives)
排便 【はいべん】defecation
肥料 【ひりょう】manure, fertilizer, fertiliser
不機嫌 【ふきげん】pout, displeasure, ill humor, ill humour, sullenness
満塁 【まんるい】bases loaded (baseball)
密着 【みっちゃく】① glued to, closely related to ② giving total coverage to the key figure(s) of a TV or film documentary
無理矢理 【むりやり】forcibly, against one's will
弥生 【やよい】Yayoi period (ca. 300 BCE - 300 CE)
躍る 【おどる】① to jump, to leap ② to pound (of one's heart, i.e. with excitement), to throb ③ to be messily written
容赦 【ようしゃ】① pardon, forgiveness, mercy ② leniency, going easy (on someone)
養殖 【ようしょく】raising, culture, cultivation
塁 【るい】base (baseball)
堅実 【けんじつ】steady, sound, reliable, solid
子羊 【こひつじ】lamb
魁 【さきがけ】charging ahead of others, the first to charge, pioneer, forerunner, harbinger
敷き布団 【しきぶとん】(Japanese) mattress, underquilt
二日酔い 【ふつかよい】hangover
強豪 【きょうごう】veteran, champion
胸倉 【むなぐら】collar, lapels
遣り場 【やりば】place of refuge (figurative), outlet (for an emotion, anger, etc.)
踏台 【ふみだい】① stool (stood on to reach high objects), small stepladder ② (figurative) stepping stone
好奇 【こうき】inquisitiveness
誘き寄せる 【おびきよせる】to lure someone, to entice someone
甲子園 【こうしえん】Koshien (location of Koshien Stadium, where the Japan National High School Baseball Tournament is held)
朱 【しゅ】① cinnabar, vermillion, red, slightly-orange red ② red pigment (and ink made from same) ③ red text (as used to correct documents)
ガット① gut (i.e. used to make violin strings), catgut ② grand unified theory, GUT
ポップ① pop ② signage, display, billboard (as used to decorate arcade games)
うなぎeel (esp. the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica)
鎧 【よろい】armor, armour
柿 【かき】kaki, Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki)
恰も 【あたかも】as if, as it were
湿疹 【しっしん】eczema, rash
手頃 【てごろ】moderate, handy
長袖 【ながそで】long sleeves
匂わす 【におわす】to give out an odor, scent or perfume (odour), to suggest, to insinuate
嗅覚 【きゅうかく】the sense of smell
賭け 【かけ】betting, gambling, a gamble
割り箸 【わりばし】splittable (wood) chopsticks
かいつまむto sum up, to summarize, to summarise
雪掻き 【ゆきかき】① snow shovel, snow plow, snow plough ② snow shoveling (shovelling), snow removal
べろべろ① licking ② drunken
面晤 【めんご】face-to-face conversation, interview