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Crayon Shin-chan Vol. 21 (episodes 746 to 773)

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Vocab for episodes 746 to 773 of the animated series ‘Crayon Shin-chan’. This is volume 21/25. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



173 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
冊 【さつ】counter for books
お宅 【おたく】① your house, your home, your family ② your husband ③ your organization ④ you (referring to someone of equal status with whom one is not especially close)
強調 【きょうちょう】emphasis, highlight, stress, stressed point
中央 【ちゅうおう】centre, central, center, middle
明ける 【あける】① to dawn, to grow light ② to end
共通 【きょうつう】① commonness, community ② -wide
努める 【つとめる】to endeavor (endeavour), to try, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to be diligent
湿気 【しっけ】moisture, humidity, dampness
至る 【いたる】① to arrive at (e.g. a decision), to reach (a stage), to attain ② to lead to (a place), to get to
信仰 【しんこう】(religious) faith, belief, creed
来日 【らいにち】arrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japan
知人 【ちじん】friend, acquaintance
転々 【てんてん】① moving from place to place, being passed around repeatedly ② rolling about
茶色い 【ちゃいろい】light brown, tawny
公表 【こうひょう】official announcement, proclamation
各自 【かくじ】individual, each
祝日 【しゅくじつ】national holiday
突く 【つく】① to prick, to stab ② to poke, to prod, to push, to thrust, to nudge, to hit, to strike ③ to use (a cane), to prop oneself up with, to press against (the floor, etc.) ④ to attack ⑤ to brave (the rain, etc.)
殻 【から】shell, husk, hull, pod, chaff
砕く 【くだく】to break, to smash
汁 【しる】juice, sap, soup, broth
煎る 【いる】to parch, to fry, to fire, to broil, to roast, to boil down (in oil)
押し切る 【おしきる】① to face down the opposition, to overcome resistance, to have one's own way ② to press and cut
核心 【かくしん】kernel, core
滑らか 【なめらか】smoothness, glassiness
岩石 【がんせき】rock
吟味 【ぎんみ】testing, scrutiny, careful investigation
健全 【けんぜん】health, soundness, wholesome
交互 【こうご】mutual, reciprocal, alternate
好調 【こうちょう】favourable, favorable, promising, satisfactory, in good shape
再発 【さいはつ】return, relapse, reoccurrence
済ます 【すます】① to finish, to get it over with, to conclude ② to settle, to pay back ③ to get along (without something), to make do with (without)
生臭い 【なまぐさい】fishy, raw, smelling of fish or blood
沈黙 【ちんもく】silence, reticence
添う 【そう】① to marry, to wed ② to be added
入手 【にゅうしゅ】obtaining, coming to hand
繁盛 【はんじょう】prosperity, flourishing, thriving
負傷 【ふしょう】injury, wound
誘導 【ゆうどう】guidance, leading, induction, introduction, incitement, inducement
乱す 【みだす】to throw out of order, to disarrange, to disturb
裂ける 【さける】to split, to tear, to burst
夜更け 【よふけ】late at night
粥 【かゆ】thin rice porridge, watery cooked rice, rice gruel
脆い 【もろい】brittle, fragile, tender-hearted
ふにゃふにゃ① limpness ② soft, limp, flabby ③ mumbling, talking with food in one's mouth
ブーブー① bugling sound, honking, oinking ② grumbling, complaining ③ car, automobile
もやもやhazy, misty, feeling sad, feeling fuzzy, feeling depressed, gloomy
ガッツポーズtriumphant pose assumed by an athlete
キャリア① career ② career government employee ③ carrier
クレジットカードcredit card
コンパニオンcompanion, paid companion of a wealthy woman, women presenting products at consumer electronic or car shows
サードthird (base, baseman, gear)
ダム① dam ② dumb
チーン① ding (sound of a bell), bing ② to cook (or heat) in a microwave oven (from the 'ching' timer bell) ③ sneeze (into a tissue, used with children)
パッション① passion, ardor, enthusiasm ② The Passion (Christianity)
リムジン① limousine (stretched car) ② shuttle bus (usu. to airport)
今ひとつ 【いまひとつ】① one more, another, the other ② not quite, not very good, lacking
時には 【ときには】at times, occasionally
日食 【にっしょく】solar eclipse
たんま(children's language) to interrupt a game, time out
見開く 【みひらく】to open one's eyes
習い 【ならい】as is habit, the way life normally is
出来心 【できごころ】sudden impulse, passing fancy
上質 【じょうしつ】fine quality
走り出す 【はしりだす】to begin to run, to start running
注入 【ちゅうにゅう】pouring, injection
母方 【ははかた】mother's side of family
目茶目茶 【めちゃめちゃ】① disorderly, messy, ruined ② absurd, unreasonable, excessive, rash
分かれ道 【わかれみち】branch, forked road, crossroads, branch road, parting of the ways, turning point
水切り 【みずきり】① drainer, strainer, colander ② cutwater, forefoot, flashing, throating ③ (playing) ducks and drakes, stone skipping, skipping rocks ④ snipping the stem of a cut flower without raising it out of water
立ち入る 【たちいる】① to enter, to trespass ② to interfere, to meddle, to pry into
羽毛 【うもう】feathers, plumage, down
丸焼き 【まるやき】whole roast (e.g. pig, turkey, etc.)
見向く 【みむく】to look around, to look towards (us)
口当たり 【くちあたり】① taste ② smooth talking ③ reception, hospitality
仕草 【しぐさ】action, acting, gesture, bearing, treatment, behavior, behaviour
代打 【だいだ】pinch-hitting
中島 【なかじま】island in a pond or river
調合 【ちょうごう】mixing, compounding, dispensing (e.g. prescription)
低空 【ていくう】low altitude, low sky
ふんぞり返る 【ふんぞりかえる】① to lie on one's back with legs outstretched, to recline ② to get cocky, to be arrogant
入園 【にゅうえん】enrollment in kindergarten, enrolment in kindergarten
目玉 【めだま】① eyeball ② special feature, centerpiece, showpiece, drawcard ③ special program, loss leader
有線 【ゆうせん】communicate by wire
予選 【よせん】nomination, primary, preliminary contest
緑色 【りょくしょく】green, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure
上向く 【うわむく】① to point upward, to look upward ② to improve
顔見知り 【かおみしり】acquaintance
行進曲 【こうしんきょく】a march
短め 【みじかめ】rather short, somewhat short
一掃 【いっそう】clean sweep
近刊 【きんかん】recent publication
好投 【こうとう】good (nice) pitching
最低限 【さいていげん】minimum
緒 【いとぐち】thread end, beginning, clue
受信 【じゅしん】reception (e.g. radio), receipt
出任せ 【でまかせ】random speech
少将 【しょうしょう】major general, rear admiral, air commodore
探し求める 【さがしもとめる】to search for, to seek for, to look for
総力 【そうりょく】total energy, all efforts
存分 【ぞんぶん】to one's heart's content, as much as one wants
打倒 【だとう】knockdown (e.g. in boxing), overthrow, defeat
築き上げる 【きずきあげる】to build up, to establish (one's reputation)
貯める 【ためる】to save (i.e. in a bank)
滴る 【したたる】to drip, to drop, to trickle
殿下 【でんか】your Highness, his (or her) Highness
難産 【なんざん】difficult delivery, difficult childbirth, dystocia
日誌 【にっし】journal, log
薄着 【うすぎ】lightly dressed
連れ出す 【つれだす】to take out
並み 【なみ】average, medium, common, ordinary
洗い物 【あらいもの】washing
寝返り 【ねがえり】① turning over while sleeping in bed ② betrayal, double-crossing
やり過ごす 【やりすごす】① to let something (or somebody) go past ② to do too much
見付け出す 【みつけだす】to find out, to discover, to locate
馬の骨 【うまのほね】person of doubtful origin
買い付け 【かいつけ】buying, purchasing
ついでにincidentally, taking the opportunity, while (you) are at it, on the occasion
悪影響 【あくえいきょう】bad influence, negative influence
悪巧み 【わるだくみ】wiles, sinister design, trick, conspiracy, intrigue
一塁 【いちるい】first base, (a) fort
塩素 【えんそ】chlorine (Cl)
たのしいenjoyable, fun
艦 【かん】warship
勲章 【くんしょう】decoration, order, medal
潔い 【いさぎよい】manly, sportsmanlike, pure, upright
恒星 【こうせい】(fixed) star (i.e. not a planet, meteorite, etc.)
鋼 【はがね】steel
惨状 【さんじょう】disastrous scene, terrible spectacle
思案 【しあん】thought, consideration, meditation, ponder
煮立つ 【にたつ】to boil or simmer
出塁 【しゅつるい】on base (baseball)
瀬 【せ】① shallows, shoal ② rapids, current, torrent ③ position, place ④ chance, opportunity
舌打ち 【したうち】smacking lips, clicking tongue, tut-tut
洗浄 【せんじょう】washing, cleaning, laundering
前衛 【ぜんえい】① advance guard, vanguard ② avant-garde (e.g. music)
太鼓判 【たいこばん】metaphorical seal of approval
大佐 【たいさ】colonel, (navy) captain
大敵 【たいてき】great rival, powerful enemy
卓球 【たっきゅう】table tennis, ping-pong
浸かる 【つかる】① to be pickled, to be well seasoned ② to be submerged, to be soaked
天敵 【てんてき】natural enemy
秘伝 【ひでん】secret, mystery, secret formula
平穏 【へいおん】tranquil, calm, restful, peaceful, quiet
萌やし 【もやし】bean sprouts
暦 【れき】calendar, almanac
拍子 【ひょうし】① (musical) time, tempo, beat, rhythm ② the moment, the instance, chance
搾る 【しぼる】to press, to wring, to squeeze, to narrow (down), to whittle (down), to tighten
踏切 【ふみきり】① railway crossing, railroad crossing, train crossing, level crossing ② starting line, scratch ③ determination ④ stepping over the edge of the ring (in sumo)
崩れ落ちる 【くずれおちる】to crumble down, to tumble down, to fall in
製紙 【せいし】paper making or manufacturing
羊水 【ようすい】amniotic fluid
節穴 【ふしあな】① knothole, peep-hole ② bad eyes
銀河系 【ぎんがけい】galaxy, galactic system
狂わせる 【くるわせる】① to drive mad ② to cause a malfunction, to put out of order ③ to derail (a plan, etc.)
あぶhorsefly, gadfly
喧噪 【けんそう】tumult, great noise, clatter, hustle and bustle
しかめるto knit the brows, to raise eyebrows, to scowl, to grimace, to frown
麝香 【じゃこう】musk
別嬪 【べっぴん】① beautiful woman, beauty, pretty girl ② high-quality goods, special article
敷衍 【ふえん】expatiation, amplification (upon), elaboration
尻拭い 【しりぬぐい】cleaning up or covering for another (lit: wiping another's buttocks), bearing the consequences of someone else's error, paying a debt for someone
阿蘇山 【あそさん】mountain in Kumamoto Prefecture
バード① bird ② bard (esp. in RPG games)