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Crayon Shin-chan Vol. 22 (episodes 774 to 793)

Author (public: access, edit)

Vocab for episodes 774 to 793 of the animated series ‘Crayon Shin-chan’. This is volume 22/25. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



182 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
乗り換える 【のりかえる】to transfer (trains), to change (bus, train)
動作 【どうさ】action, movements, motions, bearing, behaviour, behavior, execution, actuation, operation, manners
平等 【びょうどう】equality, impartiality, evenness
宿泊 【しゅくはく】lodging
照らす 【てらす】to shine on, to illuminate
異常 【いじょう】strangeness, abnormality, disorder
事業 【じぎょう】project, enterprise, business, industry, operations
専攻 【せんこう】major subject, special study
高める 【たかめる】to raise, to lift, to boost, to enhance
中間 【ちゅうかん】middle, midway, interim
気味 【きみ】sensation, feeling
送料 【そうりょう】postage, carriage
強化 【きょうか】strengthen, intensify, reinforce, solidify, enhancement
薬局 【やっきょく】pharmacy, chemist (shop), drugstore
灰 【はい】ash, ashes
湿る 【しめる】to be wet, to become wet, to be damp
祖先 【そせん】ancestor
突き当たる 【つきあたる】to run into, to collide with
溶かす 【とかす】to melt, to dissolve
翌朝 【よくあさ】the next morning
共同 【きょうどう】doing together (as equals), sharing, common (land, etc.), joint (statement, etc.), cooperation, co-operation, collaboration, association
酸性 【さんせい】① acidity ② acidic
濁る 【にごる】to become muddy, to get impure
評論 【ひょうろん】criticism, critique
錆びる 【さびる】to rust, to become rusty
捻る 【ひねる】① to twist, to wrench, to turn (a switch on or off, etc.), to wring (a neck) ② to puzzle over ③ to defeat easily
謎々 【なぞなぞ】riddle, puzzle, enigma
俄 【にわか】sudden, abrupt, unexpected, improvised, offhand
字 【あざ】section of village
液 【えき】liquid, fluid
化石 【かせき】fossil, petrifaction, fossilization, fossilisation
簡易 【かんい】simplicity, convenience, easiness, quasi-
緩む 【ゆるむ】to become loose, to slacken
規模 【きぼ】scale, scope, plan, structure
傾ける 【かたむける】to incline, to list, to bend, to lean, to tip, to tilt, to slant, to concentrate on, to ruin (a country), to squander, to empty
見晴らし 【みはらし】view, prospect, outlook
自立 【じりつ】independence, self-reliance
取り巻く 【とりまく】to surround, to circle, to enclose
真下 【ました】right under, directly below
粋 【いき】① chic, stylish, refined, sophisticated, smart ② understanding, sympathetic ③ the best
操縦 【そうじゅう】① flying (a plane) ② management, handling, control, manipulation
中断 【ちゅうだん】interruption, suspension, break
到達 【とうたつ】reaching, attaining, arrival
燃料 【ねんりょう】fuel
拝啓 【はいけい】Dear (so and so)
排除 【はいじょ】exclusion, removal, rejection, elimination, abatement, lifting (sanctions, etc.)
判決 【はんけつ】judicial decision, judgement, judgment, sentence, decree
付け加える 【つけくわえる】to add one thing to another
復旧 【ふっきゅう】restoration, restitution, rehabilitation
覆面 【ふくめん】mask, veil, disguise
変革 【へんかく】① change, reform, revolution, upheaval ② Reformation
保養 【ほよう】health preservation, recuperation, recreation
歩み 【あゆみ】① walking ② progress, advance
豊作 【ほうさく】abundant harvest, bumper crop
本館 【ほんかん】main building
了承 【りょうしょう】acknowledgement, acknowledgment, understanding (e.g. "please be understanding of the mess during our renovation"), noting, acceptance
壷 【つぼ】① jar, pot, vase ② dice cup ③ depression (i.e. the basin of a waterfall) ④ (figurative) bull's-eye ⑤ key point (of a conversation, etc.) ⑥ acupuncture point, moxibustion point ⑦ fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.)
微塵 【みじん】particle, atom
しなやかsupple, flexible, elastic
ねじれるto twist, to wrench, to screw
コンパ① company ② party, social (event)
ジャケット① jacket ② book jacket, dust cover
スピードアップspeed up
パフ(powder) puff
レトルト① retort, sealed plastic pouch typically containing ready-made sauce or stew, boil-in-the-bag ② retort, glass vessel used for distillation (now largely obs.)
食前 【しょくぜん】before meals
大さじ 【おおさじ】tablespoon
どんより① heavy, leaden, dull ② glazed (eyes)
行きつけ 【いきつけ】favourite, favorite, preferred, regular, usual
か国 【かこく】counter for countries
作り話 【つくりばなし】fiction, made-up story, fable, fabrication, myth
使者 【ししゃ】messenger, envoy, emissary
たたき起こす 【たたきおこす】to wake up, to rouse out of bed
読み方 【よみかた】way of reading, how to read
品切れ 【しなぎれ】out of stock
別館 【べっかん】(hotel) annexe (annex)
開国 【かいこく】opening of a country (e.g. Japan) to the world
持ち出し 【もちだし】an item carried out, provide money (oneself)
何番 【なんばん】what number
荷台 【にだい】(truck) load-carrying tray, (bicycle) luggage carrier, roof rack
感電 【かんでん】receive an electric shock
客車 【きゃくしゃ】passenger car
五感 【ごかん】the five senses
合宿 【がっしゅく】lodging together, training camp, boarding house
勝者 【しょうしゃ】winner, victor
常用 【じょうよう】habitual use, daily use
心残り 【こころのこり】regret, reluctance
清める 【きよめる】to purify, to cleanse, to exorcise
雪国 【ゆきぐに】snow country
茶番 【ちゃばん】farce
飛び上がる 【とびあがる】to spring, to jump up, to fly up, to skip
投げ入れる 【なげいれる】to throw into, to dump in together
童心 【どうしん】child's mind, childlike innocence, naivete
負える 【おえる】to be able to bear, to be able to manage
文通 【ぶんつう】correspondence, exchange of letters
名曲 【めいきょく】famous music
用具 【ようぐ】tools, implements
野宿 【のじゅく】sleeping outdoors, sleeping out in the open air, camping
深山 【みやま】mountain recess, deep in the mountains
暗ます 【くらます】① to abscond, to conceal oneself ② to deceive, to dissemble, to fool
色取り取り 【いろとりどり】① multicolored, multicoloured, varicolored, varicoloured ② variety, miscellany
偉人 【いじん】great man
苦悩 【くのう】suffering, distress, affliction, anguish, agony, trouble
後始末 【あとしまつ】settlement (of affairs), remedial measures, cleaning up afterwards
降下 【こうか】fall, descent, (plane) landing, (atmos.) depression
散らばる 【ちらばる】to be scattered about
守り抜く 【まもりぬく】to hold fast, to protect to the end
昇り 【のぼり】① ascent, climbing, ascending (path), climb ② up-train (e.g. going to Tokyo) ③ northward (towards Tokyo)
食い違い 【くいちがい】discrepancy, different or conflicting opinions
新規 【しんき】① new, fresh ② new customer ③ new rules or regulations
正論 【せいろん】sound (just) argument
総数 【そうすう】total (number), count
伝授 【でんじゅ】initiation, instruction
突っ走る 【つっぱしる】to run swiftly
猫背 【ねこぜ】bent back, hunchback, stoop
背伸び 【せのび】① standing on tiptoe and stretching one's back to make oneself taller, stretching oneself ② overreaching oneself, overstretching oneself, trying to do something beyond one's ability, pushing to the limit
被告 【ひこく】defendant, the accused
浮かび上がる 【うかびあがる】to rise to the surface
浮き 【うき】float (fishing), buoy
未明 【みめい】early dawn, grey of morning, gray of morning
来航 【らいこう】arrival of ships, arrival by ship
令 【れい】command, order, dictation
令状 【れいじょう】warrant, summons, written order
関わり 【かかわり】relation, connection
降り 【ふり】① rainfall, snowfall ② alighting, descending
非常時 【ひじょうじ】(time of) emergency, crisis
逃げ切る 【にげきる】to get away, to manage to hold on
訪れ 【おとずれ】visit, call, advent, arrival
どこぞsomewhere (very vague), someplace (very vague)
回廊 【かいろう】corridor, gallery, hallway, cloister (i.e. covered walk typically circling a building or garden, esp. in a palace or place of worship)
怪しげ 【あやしげ】questionable, doubtful, suspicious
脚立 【きゃたつ】stepladder, steps
極秘 【ごくひ】absolute secrecy
検証 【けんしょう】verification, inspection
江戸 【えど】old name of Tokyo
項 【こう】① clause, paragraph, item ② term
鎖国 【さこく】national isolation, exclusion of foreigners
さくらんぼ(edible) cherry
視聴 【しちょう】attention, viewing
時価 【じか】current value, price, market value
手狭 【てぜま】narrow, small, cramped
手鏡 【てかがみ】hand-mirror
手描き 【てがき】① handwriting ② skilled penman
だし① dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp) ② pretext, excuse, pretense (pretence), dupe, front man
潤い 【うるおい】① moisture, damp, wetness ② richness, warmth, gain, profit ③ financial leeway
薪 【たきぎ】① firewood, kindling, fuel ② piece(s) of firewood
正真正銘 【しょうしんしょうめい】genuine, authentic
静粛 【せいしゅく】silent
宣誓 【せんせい】oath, abjuration, pledge
染料 【せんりょう】dyes
大砲 【たいほう】gun, cannon, artillery
辰 【たつ】fifth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Dragon, 7am-9am, east-southeast, March)
徹す 【とおす】to let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist in
定評 【ていひょう】established opinion, established reputation, acknowledged authority, recognized scholar
二人三脚 【ににんさんきゃく】① three-legged race ② cooperation with singleness of purpose (e.g. between companies)
年功序列 【ねんこうじょれつ】seniority by length of service
燃え尽きる 【もえつきる】to burn out
風紀 【ふうき】public morals
壁紙 【かべがみ】① wallpaper ② wallpaper, background image, desktop image
離脱 【りだつ】withdrawal, secession, separation, breakaway
竜巻 【たつまき】tornado, waterspout
よい① good, excellent, fine, nice, pleasant, agreeable ② sufficient (can be used to turn down an offer), ready, prepared ③ profitable (e.g. deal, business offer, etc.), beneficial ④ OK
我が国 【わがくに】our country, our land, one's own country
託す 【たくす】① to entrust ② to make an excuse of
研ぎ澄ます 【とぎすます】to sharpen, to grind, to whet, to hone, to make keen
寒椿 【かんつばき】camellia-like plant native to China
振る舞い 【ふるまい】behavior, behaviour, conduct
暗闇 【くらやみ】darkness, the dark
ぬかるみquagmire, sludge, mud, slush, mire
とやかくanyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case, all kinds of this, this and that
狼 【おおかみ】wolf (carnivore, Canis lupus)
枕元 【まくらもと】near one's pillow, at one's bedside
綻び 【ほころび】open seam, seam that has come apart, tear
たしなむ① to have a taste for, to be fond of, to have an interest in (e.g. a hobby) ② to be modest, to be prudent