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Crayon Shin-chan Vol. 4 (episodes 38 to 366)

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Vocab for episodes 38 to 366 of the animated series ‘Crayon Shin-chan’. This is volume 4/25. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.

1600 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
セーターsweater, jumper
マッチ① match (contest, lighting fires. etc.) ② to match with, to go well with
メートルmetre, meter, meter (i.e., a gauge), gauge
レストランrestaurant (esp. Western-style)
駅 【えき】station
外国 【がいこく】foreign country
学生 【がくせい】student (esp. a university student)
午後 【ごご】afternoon, p.m.
午前 【ごぜん】morning, a.m.
四つ 【よっつ】four
耳 【みみ】① ear ② hearing ③ edge, crust ④ selvedge (non-fray machined edge of fabrics), selvage
生まれる 【うまれる】to be born
先月 【せんげつ】last month
先週 【せんしゅう】last week, the week before
天気 【てんき】① weather, the elements ② fair weather, fine weather
電気 【でんき】① electricity ② (electric) light
百 【ひゃく】100, hundred
来週 【らいしゅう】next week
二人 【ふたり】two persons, two people, pair, couple
八 【はち】eight
毎年 【まいとし】every year, yearly, annually
① topic marker particle ② indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated) ③ adds emphasis
音楽 【おんがく】music, musical movement
夏休み 【なつやすみ】summer vacation, summer holiday
寒い 【さむい】① cold (e.g. weather) ② dull, uninteresting, lame
牛肉 【ぎゅうにく】beef
黒い 【くろい】① black ② dark ③ illicit, wicked, underground
自転車 【じてんしゃ】bicycle
借りる 【かりる】① to borrow, to have a loan ② to rent, to hire
習う 【ならう】to learn
食べ物 【たべもの】food
青 【あお】① blue ② green ③ green light ④ black (horse coat color) ⑤ immature, unripe, young
青い 【あおい】① blue, green ② pale ③ unripe, inexperienced
太い 【ふとい】① fat, thick ② deep (of a voice) ③ daring, shameless, brazen
台所 【だいどころ】kitchen
短い 【みじかい】short
冬 【ふゆ】winter
病院 【びょういん】hospital
毎朝 【まいあさ】every morning
歌う 【うたう】① to sing ② to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.)
飲み物 【のみもの】drink, beverage
横 【よこ】① horizontal (as opposed to vertical), lying down ② side-to-side (as opposed to front-to-back), width, breadth ③ side (of a box, etc.) ④ beside, aside, next to ⑤ unconnected
曲がる 【まがる】① to bend, to curve, to warp, to wind, to twist ② to turn ③ to be awry, to be askew, to be crooked
戸 【と】door (esp. Japanese-style)
交番 【こうばん】① police box ② alternation, alternating (e.g. current)
歯 【は】tooth
雪 【ゆき】snow
速い 【はやい】① fast, quick, hasty, brisk ② early (in the day, etc.), premature ③ (too) soon, not yet, (too) early ④ easy, simple, quick
鳴く 【なく】① to sing (bird) ② to bark, to purr, to make sound (animal)
真っ直ぐ 【まっすぐ】① straight (ahead), direct, upright, erect ② straightforward, honest, frank
側 【がわ】① side (of something, or taking someone's side), part ② (watch) case
押す 【おす】① to push, to press ② to apply pressure from above, to press down ③ to stamp (i.e. a passport), to apply a seal
果物 【くだもの】fruit
階段 【かいだん】stairs, stairway, staircase
厚い 【あつい】① thick, deep, heavy ② kind, cordial, hospitable, warm, faithful ③ serious (of an illness) ④ abundant
紅茶 【こうちゃ】black tea
財布 【さいふ】purse, handbag, wallet
雑誌 【ざっし】journal, magazine, periodical
授業 【じゅぎょう】lesson, class work
薄い 【うすい】① thin ② pale, light ③ watery, dilute, sparse ④ weak (taste, etc.) ⑤ slim (probability, etc.), small
並ぶ 【ならぶ】① to line up, to stand in a line ② to rival, to match, to equal
磨く 【みがく】① to polish, to shine, to brush (e.g. teeth) ② to refine, to improve
友達 【ともだち】friend, companion
浴びる 【あびる】to bathe, to bask in the sun, to shower
卵 【たまご】① eggs, egg, spawn, roe ② hen egg ③ (an expert) in the making
涼しい 【すずしい】cool (of weather), refreshing
暖かい 【あたたかい】warm, mild, genial
降りる 【おりる】① to alight (e.g. from bus), to get off, to disembark, to dismount ② to quit, to withdraw, to pull back (from a position, a job) ③ to form (of frost, dew, mist, etc.)
段々 【だんだん】gradually, by degrees
椅子 【いす】① chair ② post, office, position
鞄 【かばん】bag, satchel, briefcase, basket
玄関 【げんかん】entranceway, entry hall, vestibule, foyer
つまらない① dull, uninteresting, boring ② insignificant, trifling
どちら① which way, which direction, where ② which one (esp. of two alternatives) ③ who
いかがhow, in what way, how about
タイプ① type, kind, sort, style ② typewriter, typing
意見 【いけん】opinion, view
運動 【うんどう】motion, exercise
会場 【かいじょう】assembly hall, meeting place, the grounds
止める 【やめる】to end, to stop, to cease, to resign
親切 【しんせつ】kindness, gentleness
水道 【すいどう】water service, water supply
足す 【たす】① to add (numbers) ② to add (something), to top up (with something) ③ to take care of (e.g. one's business)
太る 【ふとる】to grow fat (stout, plump), to become fat, to gain weight
通う 【かよう】① to go back and forth, to ply between ② to commute, to attend (school, church, etc.)
店員 【てんいん】shop assistant, employee, clerk, salesperson
入院 【にゅういん】hospitalization, hospitalisation
一度 【いちど】① once, one time, on one occasion ② temporarily, for a moment ③ one degree, one tone, one musical interval
行く 【ゆく】① to go ② to proceed, to take place ③ to die, to pass away ④ to continue
夕飯 【ゆうはん】evening meal
空く 【あく】① to be empty ② to be vacant, to be available, to be free
台風 【たいふう】typhoon, hurricane
引き出し 【ひきだし】① drawer ② withdrawal, drawing out
以内 【いない】within, inside of, less than
家内 【かない】① (my) wife ② inside the home, one's family
近所 【きんじょ】neighbourhood, neighborhood
湖 【みずうみ】lake
光る 【ひかる】to shine, to glitter, to be bright
坂 【さか】slope, hill
指 【ゆび】finger, toe, digit
住所 【じゅうしょ】address (e.g. of house), residence, domicile
焼ける 【やける】① to burn, to be roasted, to be heated, to be sunburnt, to fade (in the sun), to glow red (i.e. of the sky at sunset) ② to be jealous, to be envious
申し上げる 【もうしあげる】① to say, to tell, to state ② to do for
神社 【じんじゃ】Shinto shrine
線 【せん】line (also telephone, railway), wire, beam
投げる 【なげる】① to throw, to cast away ② to face defeat, to give up
道具 【どうぐ】implement, tool, means
反対 【はんたい】opposition, resistance, antagonism, hostility, contrast, objection, dissension, reverse, opposite, vice versa
悲しい 【かなしい】sad, sorrowful
部長 【ぶちょう】① head (chief, director) of a section or department ② head of a (school) club, head of a (school) team
葉 【は】leaf
理由 【りゆう】reason, pretext, motive
祭り 【まつり】festival, feast
汚れる 【よごれる】① to get dirty, to become dirty ② to become sullied
億 【おく】10^8, 100,000,000, hundred million
課長 【かちょう】section manager, section chief
会議 【かいぎ】meeting, conference, session, assembly, council, convention, congress
寄る 【よる】to visit, to drop in, to approach
機械 【きかい】① machine, mechanism ② instrument, appliance, apparatus
祈る 【いのる】to pray, to wish
技術 【ぎじゅつ】art, craft, technique, technology, engineering, skill
競争 【きょうそう】① competition, contest ② to compete
経済 【けいざい】economics, business, finance, economy
迎える 【むかえる】① to go out to meet ② to receive, to welcome ③ to accept (e.g. as a member of a group or family) ④ to call for, to summon, to invite ⑤ to approach (a certain time, a point in one's life, etc.)
固い 【かたい】① hard, solid, tough ② stiff, tight, wooden, unpolished (e.g. writing) ③ strong, firm (not viscous or easily moved) ④ safe, steady, honest, steadfast ⑤ obstinate, stubborn ⑥ bookish, formal, stuffy
原因 【げんいん】cause, origin, source
砂 【すな】sand, grit
済む 【すむ】① to finish, to end, to be completed ② to merely result in something less severe than expected ③ to feel at ease ④ (neg) to feel unease or guilt for troubling someone, to be sorry
女性 【じょせい】① woman, female ② feminine gender
召し上がる 【めしあがる】to eat
招待 【しょうたい】invitation
専門 【せんもん】speciality, specialty, subject of study, expert
届ける 【とどける】to deliver, to forward, to send, to report, to file notice (to the authorities)
曇る 【くもる】to become cloudy, to become dim
復習 【ふくしゅう】review, revision
払う 【はらう】① to pay ② to brush, to wipe
片付ける 【かたづける】① to tidy up, to put in order, to straighten up, to put away ② to settle (problem), to clear (dispute) ③ to finish, to bring something to an end ④ to marry off (e.g. a daughter) ⑤ to do away with someone, to bump someone off
訪ねる 【たずねる】to visit
娘 【むすめ】① (my) daughter ② girl (i.e. a young, unmarried woman)
踊り 【おどり】dance
腕 【うで】① arm ② skill
包む 【つつむ】① to wrap up, to tuck in, to pack, to do up, to cover with, to dress in ② to conceal, to hide, to be engulfed in, to be enveloped by
受付 【うけつけ】reception (desk), information desk
この頃 【このごろ】recently, nowadays, these days
鏡 【かがみ】mirror
先輩 【せんぱい】senior (at work or school), superior, elder, older graduate, progenitor, old-timer
騒ぐ 【さわぐ】① to make noise, to make racket, to be noisy ② to rustle, to swoosh ③ to make merry ④ to clamor, to clamour, to make a fuss, to kick up a fuss ⑤ to lose one's cool, to panic, to act flustered ⑥ to feel tense, to be uneasy, to be excited
釣る 【つる】to fish
田舎 【いなか】① rural area, countryside, the sticks ② hometown
それにbesides, moreover
そうしてand, like that
きつい① intense, severe, hard ② determined, forceful, formidable ③ strong ④ tight, close
こっそりstealthily, secretly
ざっとroughly, in round numbers
しつこいinsistent, obstinate
するとthereupon, hereupon
ドキドキthrob, beat (fast)
どんなにhow, how much
下る 【くだる】① to descend, to go down, to come down ② to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.) ③ to pass (of time) ④ to surrender, to capitulate ⑤ (often in neg. form) to be less than, to be inferior to ⑥ to have the runs, to have diarrhea
火山 【かざん】volcano
外す 【はずす】① to unfasten, to undo ② to remove, to take off, to deinstall ③ to leave, to step out, to slip away ④ to miss (a target)
大して 【たいして】(not so) much, (not) very
長 【ちょう】chief, head
話しかける 【はなしかける】to accost a person, to talk (to someone)
見つめる 【みつめる】to stare at, to gaze at, to look hard at, to watch intently, to fix one's eyes on
学 【がく】learning, scholarship, erudition, knowledge
以来 【いらい】since, henceforth
家事 【かじ】① housework, domestic chores ② family affairs, household matters
歌手 【かしゅ】singer
海外 【かいがい】foreign, abroad, overseas
去る 【さる】① to leave, to go away ② to pass, to elapse ③ to be distant ④ to send away, to drive off, to divorce ⑤ (after a -masu stem, esp. of a suru verb) ... completely ⑥ last ... (e.g. "last April")
空っぽ 【からっぽ】empty, vacant, hollow
作品 【さくひん】work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.), opus, performance, production
思わず 【おもわず】unintentionally, reflexively, spontaneously, involuntarily, instinctively
重大 【じゅうだい】serious, important, significant, grave, weighty
場 【ば】① place ② occasion, situation ③ field (physics)
食料 【しょくりょう】food
親しい 【したしい】intimate, close (e.g. friend)
世の中 【よのなか】society, the world, the times
世間 【せけん】world, society
早く 【はやく】① early, soon ② quickly, swiftly, rapidly, fast
体重 【たいじゅう】body weight (usu. one's own)
題 【だい】① title, subject, theme, topic ② problem (on a test), question ③ counter for questions (on a test)
地方 【ちほう】① area, locality, district, region, province ② countryside, rural area ③ coast (esp. as seen from the water) ④ person singing ballads in Noh, person in charge of music in a Japanese dance performance
中止 【ちゅうし】suspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption
中心 【ちゅうしん】center, centre, middle, heart, core, focus, pivot, emphasis, balance
土地 【とち】plot of land, lot, soil
発 【はつ】① departure, departing (from ...), departing (at time ...) ② beginning ③ issued by (e.g. document) ④ counter for gunshots, counter for blows (punches)
歩道 【ほどう】footpath, walkway, sidewalk
目立つ 【めだつ】to be conspicuous, to stand out
夕食 【ゆうしょく】evening meal, dinner
立ち上がる 【たちあがる】① to stand up, to get up ② to rise ③ to recover ④ to take action, to start ⑤ to make the initial charge (in sumo)
姉妹 【しまい】sisters
少女 【しょうじょ】young lady, little girl, virgin, maiden, daughter
足元 【あしもと】① at one's feet, underfoot ② gait, pace, step ③ you, thou
少なくとも 【すくなくとも】at least
昼食 【ちゅうしょく】① lunch, midday meal ② food served at a tea party (tea ceremony)
一流 【いちりゅう】first-class, top grade, school (of art), foremost, top-notch, unique
横断 【おうだん】① crossing ② transverse
王子 【おうじ】prince
加わる 【くわわる】to join in, to accede to, to increase, to gain in (influence)
回転 【かいてん】rotation (usu. around something), revolution, turning
確実 【かくじつ】certainty, reliability, soundness
感心 【かんしん】admiration, Well done!
感動 【かんどう】being deeply moved emotionally, excitement, passion, deep emotion, impression
観光 【かんこう】sightseeing
記録 【きろく】① record, minutes, document ② a record (e.g. in sports), results, score ③ to record, to document ④ to set a record (e.g. in sports), to show a result, to reach a value
計算 【けいさん】① calculation, reckoning, count ② forecast
欠点 【けってん】faults, defect, weakness
残り 【のこり】remnant, residue, remaining, left-over
指導 【しどう】① leadership, guidance, coaching ② shido (disciplinary action for a minor infringement of the rules of judo)
自身 【じしん】by oneself, personally
手術 【しゅじゅつ】surgical operation
終える 【おえる】to finish
集会 【しゅうかい】meeting, assembly
進める 【すすめる】to advance, to promote, to hasten
進歩 【しんぽ】progress, development
数字 【すうじ】numeral, figure, digit, numeric character
生命 【せいめい】life, existence
全体 【ぜんたい】whole, entirety, whatever (is the matter)
息 【いき】① breath, breathing ② tone, mood
代表 【だいひょう】representative, representation, delegation, type, example, model
断る 【ことわる】① to refuse, to reject, to dismiss, to turn down, to decline ② to inform, to give notice, to tell in advance ③ to ask leave, to excuse oneself (from)
地球 【ちきゅう】the earth, the globe
通す 【とおす】to let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist in
通知 【つうち】notice, notification, report, posting
鉄 【てつ】iron
電池 【でんち】battery
当てる 【あてる】① to hit ② to expose ③ to apply (e.g. patch) ④ to allot, to call on someone (e.g. in class) ⑤ to guess (an answer) ⑥ to make a hit (e.g. in a lottery)
当時 【とうじ】at that time, in those days
能力 【のうりょく】ability, faculty
波 【なみ】wave
配る 【くばる】to distribute, to deliver, to deal (cards)
番目 【ばんめ】cardinal number suffix
悲しむ 【かなしむ】to be sad, to mourn for, to regret
氷 【こおり】① ice ② shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup)
不幸 【ふこう】unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, death
部分 【ぶぶん】portion, section, part
物語 【ものがたり】tale, story, legend
物質 【ぶっしつ】material, substance
平和 【へいわ】peace, harmony
望み 【のぞみ】① wish, desire, hope ② prospect, expectation, (one's) hopes
望む 【のぞむ】to desire, to wish for, to see, to command (a view of)
防ぐ 【ふせぐ】to defend (against), to protect, to prevent
満足 【まんぞく】① satisfaction ② sufficiency
無事 【ぶじ】safety, peace, quietness
迷う 【まよう】① to lose one's way ② to waver, to hesitate, to be of two minds over, to be puzzled, to be perplexed ③ to give into temptation, to lose control of oneself ④ to turn in one's grave
野球 【やきゅう】baseball
役 【やく】① use, service, role ② post, position ③ scoring combination (e.g. in mahjong, card games, etc.), hand
油 【あぶら】oil
様子 【ようす】① state, state of affairs, situation, circumstances ② appearance, look, aspect ③ sign, indication
理想 【りそう】ideal, dream
流行る 【はやる】① to be popular, to come into fashion ② to be prevalent, to spread widely (e.g. disease), to be endemic ③ to flourish, to thrive
留学 【りゅうがく】studying abroad (usu. at university level)
例外 【れいがい】exception
列車 【れっしゃ】train (ordinary)
数 【かず】number, amount
数 【すう】① several, a number of ② number, numeral, figure ③ destiny, fate ④ law
全国 【ぜんこく】country-wide, nation-wide, whole country, national
他人 【たにん】another person, unrelated person, outsider, stranger
谷 【たに】valley
様々 【さまざま】varied, various
知り合い 【しりあい】acquaintance
満ちる 【みちる】① to be full ② to wax (e.g. moon) ③ to rise (e.g. tide) ④ to mature, to expire
向かい 【むかい】facing, opposite, across the street, other side
羽 【わ】counter for birds and rabbits
化 【か】action of making something, -ification
両 【りょう】① both (e.g. both shoulders, etc.) ② ryo (obsolete unit of currency) ③ 41-42 g (one sixteenth of a kin) ④ 2 tan (measure of fabric size) ⑤ counter for carriages (e.g. in a train)
内 【ない】inside, within
印象 【いんしょう】impression
温泉 【おんせん】spa, hot spring, onsen
加減 【かげん】① addition and subtraction ② allowance for ③ degree, extent, measure ④ condition, state of health ⑤ seasoning, flavor, flavour, moderation, adjustment ⑥ influence (of the weather) ⑦ chance
可愛がる 【かわいがる】to love, to be affectionate
過去 【かこ】the past, bygone days, the previous
解ける 【とける】① to be solved ② to loosen, to come untied ③ to be removed (e.g. restrictions), to be cleared (e.g. misunderstandings), to be broken (e.g. spells, curses) ④ to melt
回復 【かいふく】recovery (from illness), improvement, rehabilitation, restoration, convalescence
確認 【かくにん】affirmation, confirmation, validation
覚める 【さめる】① to wake, to wake up ② to become sober, to sober up, to regain consciousness (e.g. after anaesthesia) ③ to come to one's senses, to be disillusioned
完成 【かんせい】① complete, completion ② perfection, accomplishment
完了 【かんりょう】① completion, conclusion ② perfective (form, aspect)
汗 【あせ】① sweat, perspiration ② moisture, condensation
管理 【かんり】control, management (e.g. of a business)
観念 【かんねん】① idea, notion, conception ② sense (e.g. of duty) ③ resignation, preparedness, acceptance ④ observation and contemplation
願い 【ねがい】desire, wish, request, prayer, petition, application
機能 【きのう】function, facility, faculty, feature
気候 【きこう】climate
巨大 【きょだい】huge, gigantic, enormous
共に 【ともに】sharing with, participate in, both, alike, together, along with, with, including
掘る 【ほる】to dig, to excavate
劇場 【げきじょう】theatre, theater, playhouse
建設 【けんせつ】construction, establishment
減らす 【へらす】to abate, to decrease, to diminish, to shorten
現在 【げんざい】now, current, present, present time, as of
現実 【げんじつ】reality
限る 【かぎる】to restrict, to limit, to confine
限界 【げんかい】limit, bound
個人 【こじん】individual, private person, personal, private
呼び出す 【よびだす】① to summon, to call (e.g. phone), to convene, to decoy, to lure ② to invoke (e.g. subroutine), to call
交換 【こうかん】exchange, interchange, switching, reciprocity, barter, substitution, replacement, clearing (of checks, cheques)
広告 【こうこく】advertisement
構う 【かまう】① to mind, to care about, to be concerned about ② to care for, to look after ③ to prepare for ④ to intefere with, to meddle in ⑤ to tease
硬い 【かたい】① hard, solid, tough ② stiff, tight, wooden, unpolished (e.g. writing) ③ strong, firm (not viscous or easily moved) ④ safe, steady, honest, steadfast ⑤ obstinate, stubborn ⑥ bookish, formal, stuffy
荒れる 【あれる】to be stormy, to be rough, to lose one's temper
国境 【こっきょう】national or state border
差 【さ】difference, variation
差別 【さべつ】discrimination, distinction, differentiation
最高 【さいこう】highest, supreme, the most
最終 【さいしゅう】last, final, closing
殺す 【ころす】to kill
賛成 【さんせい】approval, agreement, support, favour, favor
支配 【しはい】rule, control, direction
主婦 【しゅふ】housewife, mistress (of the house), homemaker
手段 【しゅだん】means, way, measure
種類 【しゅるい】① variety, kind, type, category ② counter for different sorts of things
祝い 【いわい】congratulation, congratulations, celebration, festival, congratulatory gift
祝う 【いわう】to congratulate, to celebrate
出席 【しゅっせき】① attendance, presence, appearance ② to attend, to be present, to appear
順番 【じゅんばん】turn (in line), order of things, sequential order
笑顔 【えがお】smiling face, smile
城 【しろ】castle
情報 【じょうほう】① news, gossip, (military) intelligence ② information (data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.)
伸びる 【のびる】① to stretch, to extend, to lengthen, to spread ② to make progress, to grow (beard, body height) ③ to grow stale (soba) ④ to be straightened, to be flattened, to be smoothed ⑤ to be exhausted ⑥ to be postponed, to be prolonged
信号 【しんごう】traffic lights, signal, semaphore
信頼 【しんらい】reliance, trust, faith, confidence
針 【はり】① needle, pin, hook ② stinger, thorn ③ hand (e.g. clock, etc.), pointer ④ staple (for a stapler) ⑤ needlework, sewing ⑥ malice ⑦ counter for stitches
制限 【せいげん】restriction, restraint, limitation, limit
性格 【せいかく】character, personality
精神 【せいしん】mind, soul, heart, spirit, intention
積もる 【つもる】① to pile up, to accumulate ② to estimate
責める 【せめる】to condemn, to blame, to criticize, to criticise
絶えず 【たえず】constantly, always, continually, steadily
双子 【ふたご】twins, a twin
増す 【ます】to increase, to grow
存在 【そんざい】existence, being
大陸 【たいりく】continent
知識 【ちしき】knowledge, information
地域 【ちいき】area, region
仲間 【なかま】company, fellow, colleague, associate, comrade, mate, group, circle of friends, partner
仲直り 【なかなおり】reconciliation, make peace with
貯金 【ちょきん】(bank) savings
直接 【ちょくせつ】direct, immediate, personal, firsthand
沈む 【しずむ】to sink, to feel depressed
泥 【どろ】mud
倒す 【たおす】① to throw down, to bring down, to blow down, to fell, to knock down ② to kill, to defeat, to beat ③ to overthrow, to trip up, to ruin ④ to leave unpaid, to cheat
得意 【とくい】① triumph, prosperity ② pride ③ one's strong point, one's forte, one's specialty ④ frequent customer (client, etc.)
南極 【なんきょく】① South Pole ② the Antarctic, Antarctica
髪の毛 【かみのけ】hair (head)
抜ける 【ぬける】① to come out, to fall out, to be omitted, to be missing, to escape ② to exit (a program loop)
判断 【はんだん】judgement, judgment, decision, adjudication, conclusion, decipherment, divination
犯罪 【はんざい】crime
表現 【ひょうげん】① expression, presentation ② representation, notation
舞台 【ぶたい】① stage (theatre, theater) ② scene or setting (e.g. of novel, play, etc.)
便り 【たより】① news, tidings, information, correspondence, letter ② news from ...
報告 【ほうこく】report, information
豊か 【ゆたか】abundant, wealthy, plentiful, rich, affluent
未来 【みらい】① the future (usually distant) ② future tense ③ the world to come
毛布 【もうふ】blanket
約 【やく】① approximately, about ② promise ③ shortening, reduction, simplification ④ contraction (in phonetics)
有効 【ゆうこう】validity, legality, availability, effectiveness
預かる 【あずかる】① to look after, to take care of, to keep, to hold on to, to keep in custody ② to take charge of, to be entrusted with, to receive on deposit ③ to reserve (judgment), to leave undecided
溶ける 【とける】to melt, to thaw, to fuse, to dissolve
要点 【ようてん】gist, main point
利口 【りこう】clever, shrewd, bright, sharp, wise, intelligent
理解 【りかい】understanding, comprehension, appreciation, sympathy
連続 【れんぞく】serial, consecutive, continuity, occurring in succession, continuing
痛み 【いたみ】pain, ache, sore, grief, distress
得る 【える】① to get, to acquire, to obtain, to procure, to earn, to win, to gain, to secure, to attain ② (after the -masu stem of a verb) to be able to ..., can ...
捜す 【さがす】to search (for something lost), to seek (a suspect in a crime)
精々 【せいぜい】at the most, at best, to the utmost, as much (far) as possible
頼る 【たよる】to rely on, to have recourse to, to depend on
必死 【ひっし】① frantic, desperate ② inevitable death ③ brinkmate (inevitable checkmate) (shogi)
郵便 【ゆうびん】mail, postal service
泊 【はく】counter for nights of a stay
最 【さい】① the most, the extreme ② prime, conspicuous
お互い 【おたがい】mutual, reciprocal, each other
史 【し】history (e.g. of some country)
税 【ぜい】tax
扱う 【あつかう】to handle, to deal with, to treat
異なる 【ことなる】to differ, to vary, to disagree
一瞬 【いっしゅん】moment, instant
一斉 【いっせい】simultaneous, all at once
宇宙 【うちゅう】universe, cosmos, space
価格 【かかく】price, value, cost
怪我 【けが】injury (to animate object), hurt
勘定 【かんじょう】calculation, counting, consideration, reckoning, settlement of an account, allowance
歓迎 【かんげい】welcome, reception
基本 【きほん】foundation, basis, standard
記憶 【きおく】① memory, recollection, remembrance ② storage
輝く 【かがやく】to shine, to glitter, to sparkle
却って 【かえって】on the contrary, rather, all the more, instead
狂う 【くるう】① to go mad ② to get out of order, to go amiss
緊張 【きんちょう】tension, mental strain, nervousness
結果 【けっか】① result, consequence, outcome, effect ② coming to fruition, bearing fruit
件 【けん】matter, case, item
憲法 【けんぽう】constitution
検査 【けんさ】inspection (e.g. customs, factory), examination, scan (e.g. MRI, PET, etc.)
慌てる 【あわてる】① to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised), to be flustered, to panic ② to be in a hurry, to rush
攻撃 【こうげき】attack, strike, offensive, criticism, censure
行儀 【ぎょうぎ】manners, behavior, behaviour
豪華 【ごうか】wonderful, gorgeous, splendor, splendour, pomp, extravagance
酸っぱい 【すっぱい】sour, acid
自慢 【じまん】pride, boast
芝居 【しばい】play, drama
就職 【しゅうしょく】finding employment, inauguration
修理 【しゅうり】repairing, mending, servicing
渋滞 【じゅうたい】congestion (e.g. traffic), delay, stagnation
瞬間 【しゅんかん】moment, second, instant
挙げる 【あげる】① to raise, to elevate ② to show someone (into a room) ③ to send someone (away) ④ to increase (price, quality, status, etc.) ⑤ to praise ⑥ to give (an example, etc.), to cite ⑦ to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.) ⑧ to arrest ⑨ to nominate ⑩ to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding)
冗談 【じょうだん】jest, joke
侵入 【しんにゅう】penetration, invasion, raid, aggression, trespass
診察 【しんさつ】medical examination
成功 【せいこう】success, hit
製品 【せいひん】manufactured goods, finished goods, product
節約 【せつやく】economising, saving
舌 【した】① tongue ② tongue-like object, clapper (of a bell), talon (of a lock)
喪失 【そうしつ】loss, forfeit
態度 【たいど】attitude, manner, behaviour
大統領 【だいとうりょう】president, chief executive
奪う 【うばう】to snatch away, to dispossess, to steal
釣り 【つり】① fishing, angling ② change (e.g. for a purchase)
提案 【ていあん】proposal, proposition, suggestion
徹底 【てってい】thoroughness, completeness, consistency
伝統 【でんとう】tradition, convention
俳優 【はいゆう】actor, actress, player, performer
秘密 【ひみつ】secret, secrecy
微妙 【びみょう】① delicate, subtle, sensitive ② difficult, delicate (situation), complicated ③ doubtful, questionable, dicey
評判 【ひょうばん】① fame, reputation, popularity ② rumour (rumor), talk
腐る 【くさる】to rot, to go bad, to corrode
武器 【ぶき】weapon, arms, ordnance
墓 【はか】gravesite, tomb
魅力 【みりょく】charm, fascination, glamour, glamor, attraction, appeal
目下 【もっか】at present, now
余裕 【よゆう】surplus, composure, margin, room, time, allowance, flexibility, scope, rope
翼 【つばさ】① wing ② Chinese "Wings" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
裸 【はだか】naked, nude, bare
嵐 【あらし】storm, tempest
離れる 【はなれる】to be separated from, to leave, to go away, to be a long way off
礼儀 【れいぎ】manners, courtesy, etiquette
逸れる 【それる】to stray (turn) from subject, to get lost, to go astray
火傷 【やけど】burn, scald
敵 【てき】① opponent, rival, adversary ② menace, danger, threat, enemy
飽きる 【あきる】to get tired of, to lose interest in, to have enough
覆う 【おおう】to cover, to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to disguise
影 【かげ】① shadow, silhouette ② reflection, image ③ presence, sign ④ light (stars, moon)
保証 【ほしょう】guarantee, security, assurance, pledge, warranty
眺め 【ながめ】scene, view, prospect, outlook
ぬるいlukewarm, tepid
蓋 【ふた】cover, lid, cap
僅か 【わずか】only, merely, (a) little, small quantity
つながるto be tied together, to be connected to, to be related to
いわゆるwhat is called, as it is called, the so-called, so to speak
親戚 【しんせき】relative
あいにくunfortunately, Sorry, but ...
潰す 【つぶす】① to smash, to crush ② to shut down ③ to thwart, to block ④ to kill (time) ⑤ to waste (e.g. talents)
ほぼalmost, roughly, approximately
からかうto ridicule, to tease, to mock, to chaff, to razz, to banter with, to make fun of, to poke fun at, to make cracks about
贅沢 【ぜいたく】① luxury, extravagance ② to live in luxury
たびたびoften, repeatedly, frequently
ふもとthe foot, the bottom, the base (of a mountain)
あれこれone thing or another, this and that, this or that
見学 【けんがく】inspection, study by observation, field trip
出来上がる 【できあがる】① to be completed, to be finished, to be ready (e.g. to serve or eat) ② to be very drunk
上る 【のぼる】① to ascend, to go up, to climb ② to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the sun), to rise ③ to go to (the capital) ④ to be promoted ⑤ to add up to ⑥ to advance (in price) ⑦ to swim up (a river), to sail up ⑧ to come up (on the agenda)
長女 【ちょうじょ】eldest daughter
長男 【ちょうなん】eldest son
入社 【にゅうしゃ】entry to a company
お休み 【おやすみ】① holiday, day off, absence ② sleep, rest ③ Good night
うんと① a great deal, very much, a lot ② with a great amount of effort
映る 【うつる】to be reflected, to harmonize with (harmonise), to come out (photo), to be projected
下品 【げひん】vulgarity, meanness, indecency, coarseness
火口 【かこう】crater, caldera
強引 【ごういん】overbearing, coercive, pushy, forcible, high-handed
近づける 【ちかづける】to bring near, to put close, to let come near, to associate with
空中 【くうちゅう】sky, air
行方 【ゆくえ】① (one's) whereabouts ② course, direction
死体 【したい】dead body, corpse, cadaver
写る 【うつる】to be photographed, to be projected
手前 【てまえ】① before, this side ② one's standpoint, one's appearance ③ we ④ you
水着 【みずぎ】bathing suit, swimsuit, swimmers
転がる 【ころがる】to roll, to tumble
特売 【とくばい】special sale
日帰り 【ひがえり】day trip
発売 【はつばい】sale, offering for sale, release (for sale), launch (product)
夕日 【ゆうひ】(in) the evening sun, setting sun
引き止める 【ひきとめる】to detain, to check, to restrain
空き 【あき】① space, room, emptiness, gap ② opening, vacancy, empty seat ③ free time, time to spare ④ disuse, unused thing
長引く 【ながびく】to be prolonged, to drag on
持ち 【もち】① hold, charge, keep possession, in charge ② wear, durability, life, draw ③ usage
問 【もん】counter for questions
お参り 【おまいり】worship, shrine visit
引き返す 【ひきかえす】to repeat, to send back, to bring back, to retrace one's steps
感想 【かんそう】impressions, thoughts
期 【き】① period, time ② (geological) age
見直す 【みなおす】to look again, to get a better opinion of
光線 【こうせん】beam, light ray
行列 【ぎょうれつ】① line, procession ② matrix
合流 【ごうりゅう】confluence, union, linking up, merge, recombining
国語 【こくご】① Japanese (language) ② national language ③ native Japanese words (as opposed to loanwords)
算数 【さんすう】arithmetic
留める 【とめる】① to stop (something or someone), to turn off ② to concentrate on, to pay attention to ③ to remember, to bear in mind ④ to fix into place ⑤ to park, to leave somewhere for a time
次ぐ 【つぐ】to rank next to, to come after
実る 【みのる】to bear fruit, to ripen
主役 【しゅやく】leading part, leading actor (actress)
受け取り 【うけとり】receipt
集合 【しゅうごう】① gathering, assembly, meeting ② set
重役 【じゅうやく】director, high executive, (person with) heavy responsibilities
乗車 【じょうしゃ】taking a train, bus, etc., entraining
心当たり 【こころあたり】having some knowledge of, happening to know
森林 【しんりん】forest, woods
深夜 【しんや】late at night
勢い 【いきおい】① force, vigor, vigour, energy, spirit, life ② influence, authority, power, might ③ impetus, momentum, course (of events) ④ naturally, necessarily
退ける 【どける】to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the way
退院 【たいいん】leaving hospital, discharge from hospital
直前 【ちょくぜん】just before
電柱 【でんちゅう】telephone pole, telegraph pole, lightpole
登場 【とうじょう】① entry (on stage), appearance (on screen) ② entrance, introduction (into a market)
反 【はん】anti-, opposite, antithesis, antagonism
防犯 【ぼうはん】prevention of crime
本部 【ほんぶ】headquarters, head office, main office
等 【とう】① class, order, rank ② et cetera (etc.), and the like ③ equal
逆さま 【さかさま】inversion, upside down
決まり 【きまり】① rule, regulation ② settlement, conclusion, end, agreement, arrangement ③ habit, custom
ご苦労さま 【ごくろうさま】thank you very much for your ..., I appreciate your efforts
育児 【いくじ】childcare, nursing, upbringing
引っ込む 【ひっこむ】to draw back, to sink, to cave in
煙い 【けむい】smoky
解放 【かいほう】① release, unleashing, liberation, emancipation, setting free ② deallocation (of computer memory)
改めて 【あらためて】another time, again, over again, anew, formally
改造 【かいぞう】① remodeling, remodelling, restructuring ② modding
関東 【かんとう】Kantou (eastern half of Japan, including Tokyo)
機関 【きかん】① engine ② agency, organisation, organization, institution, organ ③ system, facility, facilities
血液 【けつえき】blood
険しい 【けわしい】① precipitous, rugged, inaccessible, impregnable, steep ② grim, severe, stern
現す 【あらわす】① to reveal, to show, to display ② to express ③ to represent, to signify, to stand for ④ to make widely known
現に 【げんに】actually, really
固まる 【かたまる】① to harden, to solidify ② to become firm, to become certain ③ to gather (together), to assemble, to huddle together
香水 【こうすい】perfume
腰掛け 【こしかけ】seat, bench
再 【さい】re-, again, repeated
採点 【さいてん】marking, grading, looking over
刺身 【さしみ】sashimi (sliced raw fish)
車輪 【しゃりん】(car) wheel
寝坊 【ねぼう】sleeping in late
人造 【じんぞう】man-made, synthetic, artificial
先程 【さきほど】some time ago
泉 【いずみ】spring, fountain
探る 【さぐる】to search, to look for, to sound out
薄暗い 【うすぐらい】dim, gloomy
付近 【ふきん】neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, environs
物置 【ものおき】storage room, storeroom, lumber room
編 【へん】① compilation (of a text), editing ② volume (of a text) ③ completed literary work
暴れる 【あばれる】to act violently, to rage, to struggle, to be riotous
予報 【よほう】forecast, prediction
頼もしい 【たのもしい】reliable, trustworthy, hopeful, promising
冷ます 【さます】to cool, to dampen, to let cool, to throw a damper on, to spoil
管 【くだ】pipe, tube
鈍い 【のろい】dull (e.g. a knife), thickheaded, obtuse, slow, stupid
編み物 【あみもの】knitting, knitted material, crochet
続々 【ぞくぞく】successively, one after another
捕らえる 【とらえる】① to seize, to capture, to arrest ② to grasp, to perceive, to treat (as)
日差し 【ひざし】sunlight, rays of the sun
引っ越し 【ひっこし】moving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing residence
辛い 【づらい】difficult to (do something)
案外 【あんがい】unexpectedly
衛星 【えいせい】satellite
果たす 【はたす】to accomplish, to fulfill, to carry out, to achieve
街角 【まちかど】street corner
楽器 【がっき】musical instrument
活躍 【かつやく】① activity (esp. energetic), great efforts, conspicuous service ② to flourish, to participate actively, to play an active role
器具 【きぐ】utensil, apparatus, implement, device, gadget
愚か 【おろか】foolish, stupid
恨み 【うらみ】① resentment, grudge, malice, bitterness ② matter for regret, regret
鎖 【くさり】chain, chains
砕ける 【くだける】to break, to be broken
縦 【たて】① the vertical, height ② front-to-back, length
載る 【のる】① to get on, to ride in, to board, to mount, to get up on ② to spread (paints), to be taken in ③ to share in, to join, to feel like doing, to be mentioned in, to be in harmony with ④ to appear (in print), to be recorded, to be found in (a dictionary)
蒸し暑い 【むしあつい】humid, sultry
展開 【てんかい】① development ② expansion (opposite of compression)
刀 【かたな】(single-edged) sword, katana
透明 【とうめい】transparency, cleanness
瞳 【ひとみ】① pupil (of eye) ② eye
普及 【ふきゅう】diffusion, spread
物騒 【ぶっそう】dangerous, disturbed, insecure
縫う 【ぬう】① to sew, to stitch ② to weave one's way (e.g. through a crowd)
膨らます 【ふくらます】to swell, to expand, to inflate, to bulge
欄 【らん】① column of text (e.g. in a newspaper) ② field (in a form, web page, etc.)
脅かす 【おどかす】① to threaten, to menace ② to startle, to surprise
凸凹 【でこぼこ】unevenness, roughness, ruggedness
締め切り 【しめきり】closing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrance
響き 【ひびき】echo, sound, reverberation, noise
堪える 【こらえる】① to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with ② to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave ③ to be fit for, to be equal to
屑 【くず】① waste, scrap, garbage ② chad
稽古 【けいこ】practice, practise, training, study
いきなりabruptly, suddenly, all of a sudden, without warning
こするto rub, to scrub
でたらめ① irresponsible utterance, nonsense, bullshit, codswallop ② random, haphazard, unsystematic
すなわちthat is, namely, i.e.
揃う 【そろう】① to become complete, to be all present, to be a full set, to have everything at one's disposal ② to be equal, to be uniform ③ to gather, to assemble
つぶれる① to be smashed ② to become useless, to cease functioning ③ to go bankrupt
爪 【つめ】① nail (e.g. fingernail, toenail), claw, talon, hoof ② plectrum, pick ③ hook, clasp
這う 【はう】to creep, to crawl
溜める 【ためる】① to amass, to accumulate, to store ② to leave unpaid
丼 【どんぶり】① porcelain bowl ② bowl of rice with food on top
皺 【しわ】① wrinkle, crease ② ripple
うどんudon (thick Japanese wheat noodles)
きっかけchance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasion
匂う 【におう】① to be fragrant, to smell (good) ② to stink, to smell (bad) ③ to glow, to be bright
紙屑 【かみくず】wastepaper, paper scraps, paper waste
くわえるto hold in one's mouth
くっきりdistinctly, clearly, boldly
しくじるto fail, to fall through, to blunder
しぶといtenacious, stubborn
じっくりdeliberately, carefully
どうにかin some way or other, one way or another
びっしょりwet through, drenched
長 【おさ】chief, head
古 【いにしえ】antiquity, ancient times
持てる 【もてる】① to be able to possess (hold, get, etc.) ② to be well liked, to be popular, to be pampered (spoiled, doted upon, etc.), to be welcomed ③ to endure (the tests of time, the elements, etc.), to last ④ possessed ⑤ possessing riches, having wealth
主 【おも】① chief, main, principal, important ② main secondary or supporting role (in kyogen)
風車 【かざぐるま】① windmill, pinwheel ② leather flower, Clematis patens
着 【ぎ】clothes, outfit, uniform, gi
一部 【いちぶ】① one part, one portion, one section, some ② one copy (e.g. of a document)
巻 【まき】① roll (e.g. of cloth) ② winding ③ volume (of book)
初 【はつ】first, new
付き 【つき】① furnished with, including ② attached to ③ impression, appearance ④ luck ⑤ sociality ⑥ under, assistant (e.g. to a manager) ⑦ soup base
仕掛け 【しかけ】device, contrivance, trick, mechanism, gadget, (small) scale, half finished, commencement, set up, challenge, attack
御負け 【おまけ】① freebie (e.g. with a purchase), something additional, bonus, an extra ② (on the spot) price reduction ③ exaggeration
お産 【おさん】(giving) birth, childbirth, delivery, confinement
委託 【いたく】consign (goods (for sale) to a firm), entrust (person with something), commit
意地 【いじ】disposition, spirit, willpower, obstinacy, backbone, appetite
一切 【いっさい】all, everything, without exception, the whole, entirely, absolutely
一層 【いっそ】① much more, still more, all the more, (would) rather, sooner, might as well ② single layer (or storey, etc.)
引き起こす 【ひきおこす】to cause, to induce
演じる 【えんじる】to perform (a play), to play (a part), to act (a part), to commit (a blunder)
縁 【えん】① fate, destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together) ② relationship (e.g. between two people), bond, link, connection ③ family ties, affinity ④ opportunity, chance (to meet someone and start a relationship) ⑤ pratyaya (indirect conditions, as opposed to direct causes) ⑥ narrow open-air veranda
遠回り 【とおまわり】detour, roundabout way
押し込む 【おしこむ】① to push into, to crowd into ② to break in, to burglarize
化ける 【ばける】① to appear in disguise, to take the form of ② to change for the worse, to corrupt
何より 【なにより】most, best, above all
家出 【いえで】running away from home, leaving home
火星 【かせい】Mars (planet)
過疎 【かそ】depopulation
過労 【かろう】overwork, strain
回覧 【かいらん】circulation
開拓 【かいたく】① reclamation (of wasteland), cultivation ② pioneering, pathfinding, trail-blazing
叶える 【かなえる】to grant (request, wish)
干し物 【ほしもの】things dried in the sun, esp. clothes, died cloth, etc.
観点 【かんてん】point of view
丸っきり 【まるっきり】completely, perfectly, just as if
丸ごと 【まるごと】in its entirety, whole, wholly
頑固 【がんこ】stubbornness, obstinacy
企画 【きかく】planning, project, plan, design
器 【うつわ】① bowl, vessel, container ② ability, capacity, calibre, caliber
祈り 【いのり】prayer, supplication
久しい 【ひさしい】long, long-continued, old (story)
救い 【すくい】help, aid, relief, salvation
拒否 【きょひ】denial, veto, rejection, refusal
叫び 【さけび】shout, scream, outcry
強いて 【しいて】by force
強める 【つよめる】to strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasise
恐れ 【おそれ】fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness
教え 【おしえ】teachings, precept, lesson, doctrine
凝る 【こる】① to grow stiff ② to be absorbed in, to be devoted to, to be a fanatic, to elaborate
勤務 【きんむ】service, duty, work
空間 【くうかん】space, room, airspace
携帯 【けいたい】something carried (in the hand), handheld
経費 【けいひ】expenses, cost, outlay
茎 【くき】stalk
欠く 【かく】to lack, to break, to crack, to chip
見習う 【みならう】to follow another's example
原作 【げんさく】original work
固定 【こてい】fixation, fixing (e.g. salary, capital)
孤独 【こどく】isolation, loneliness, solitude
故 【ゆえ】reason, cause, circumstances
護衛 【ごえい】guard, convoy, escort
公 【おおやけ】official, public, formal, open, governmental
公演 【こうえん】① public performance ② sumo exhibition in a foreign country
攻め 【せめ】① attack, offence, offense ② dominant partner of a homosexual relationship ③ a barrage of, a flood of
合わせ 【あわせ】joint together, opposite, facing
国産 【こくさん】domestic products
再現 【さいげん】reappearance, reproduction, return, revival
最早 【もはや】already, now
財 【ざい】① fortune, riches ② goods
作戦 【さくせん】① tactics, strategy ② military or naval operations
雑貨 【ざっか】miscellaneous goods, general goods, sundries
使用人 【しようにん】employee, servant
指令 【しれい】orders, instructions, directive, command
資格 【しかく】qualifications, requirements, capabilities
歯科 【しか】dentistry
侍 【さむらい】warrior (esp. of military retainers of daimyos in the Edo period), samurai
式場 【しきじょう】ceremonial hall, place of ceremony (e.g. marriage)
弱 【じゃく】weakness, the weak, little less than
主 【ぬし】① head (of a household, etc.), leader, master ② owner, proprietor, proprietress ③ subject (of a rumour, etc.), doer (of a deed) ④ guardian spirit (e.g. long-resident beast, usu. with mystical powers), long-time resident (or employee, etc.) ⑤ husband ⑥ you
取り扱う 【とりあつかう】to treat, to handle, to deal in
取り寄せる 【とりよせる】to order, to send away for
守備 【しゅび】defense, defence
手配 【てはい】arrangement, search (by police)
殊に 【ことに】especially, particularly, unusually, above all
授ける 【さずける】to grant, to award, to teach
襲う 【おそう】① to attack, to assail, to make an assault, to strike, to hunt down ② to succeed (someone in a post, role, etc.) ③ to make a sudden visit
出産 【しゅっさん】(child)birth, delivery, production (of goods)
盾 【たて】shield, buckler, escutcheon, pretext
所持 【しょじ】possession, owning
渚 【なぎさ】water's edge, beach, shore
唱える 【となえる】① to recite, to chant ② to call upon
小銭 【こぜに】coins, small change
承諾 【しょうだく】consent, acquiescence, agreement
衝撃 【しょうげき】shock, crash, impact, ballistic
上がり 【あがり】① ascent, rise, slope ② freshly-drawn green tea (esp. in sushi shops) ③ advance income, crop yield ④ death, spinning, completion, stop, finish ⑤ after (rain), ex (official, etc.) ⑥ (end) results (e.g. of crafts like painting, pottery, etc.), how something comes out
上陸 【じょうりく】landing, disembarkation
乗り込む 【のりこむ】① to board, to embark on, to get into (a car), to ship (passengers), to man (a ship), to help (someone) into ② to march into, to enter
職員 【しょくいん】staff member, personnel
心細い 【こころぼそい】helpless, forlorn, hopeless, unpromising, lonely, discouraging, disheartening
新婚 【しんこん】newly-wed
真珠 【しんじゅ】pearl
身なり 【みなり】personal appearance
身近 【みぢか】near oneself, close to one, familiar
進行 【しんこう】advance, progress
人格 【じんかく】personality, character, individuality
雛 【ひな】① young bird, chick ② doll ③ green, wet behind the ears, juvenile
世帯 【せたい】household, home, family, housekeeping
勢力 【せいりょく】influence, power, might, strength, potency, force, energy
征服 【せいふく】conquest, subjugation, overcoming
生死 【せいし】① life and death ② samsara (cycle of death and rebirth) ③ death
惜しむ 【おしむ】① to be frugal, to be sparing ② to value, to hold dear ③ to regret (e.g. a loss), to feel sorry (for) ④ to be unwilling, to be reluctant
赤字 【あかじ】① deficit, (being in or going into) the red ② red text, red letters
切り 【きり】limits, end, bounds, period, place to leave off, closing sentence, all there is, only, since
先 【せん】the future, priority, precedence, former, previous, old, late
先行 【せんこう】preceding, going first, leading, going ahead, taking priority
染みる 【しみる】① to pierce, to penetrate, to soak in, to permeate ② to (enter a wound or sensitive area and) sting ③ to be infected (with vice), to be steeped (with prejudice)
前提 【ぜんてい】preamble, premise, reason, prerequisite, condition, assumption, hypothesis, given
阻止 【そし】obstruction, check, hindrance, prevention, interdiction
捜査 【そうさ】search (esp. in criminal investigations), investigation, inquiry, enquiry
相応しい 【ふさわしい】appropriate
装飾 【そうしょく】ornament
足し算 【たしざん】addition
速やか 【すみやか】speedy, prompt, smooth
対抗 【たいこう】opposition, antagonism
待遇 【たいぐう】treatment, reception
待望 【たいぼう】① expectant waiting ② long-awaited
台本 【だいほん】script, libretto, scenario
大衆 【たいしゅう】general public
鍛える 【きたえる】to forge, to drill, to temper, to train, to discipline
築く 【きずく】to build, to pile up, to amass
張り紙 【はりがみ】paper patch, paper backing, poster
腸 【ちょう】guts, bowels, intestines
長閑 【のどか】tranquil, calm, quiet, peaceful
追い出す 【おいだす】to expel, to drive out
提供 【ていきょう】offer, tender, program sponsoring, programme sponsoring, furnishing, provisioning, supply
天下 【てんか】the world, whole country, descent from heaven, having one's own way, the public, the ruling power
展望 【てんぼう】view, outlook, prospect
転勤 【てんきん】job transfer, job relocation, intra-company transfer
伝説 【でんせつ】tradition, legend, folklore
到底 【とうてい】(cannot) possibly, no matter how
逃げ出す 【にげだす】to run away, to escape from
同感 【どうかん】agreement, same opinion, same feeling, sympathy, concurrence
特技 【とくぎ】special skill
日夜 【にちや】day and night, always
任務 【にんむ】duty, function, office, mission, task
念 【ねん】sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, concern, attention, care
罰 【ばち】(divine) punishment, curse, retribution
罰 【ばつ】punishment, penalty
抜かす 【ぬかす】① to omit, to leave out ② to say, to speak
班 【はん】group, party, section (mil)
悲鳴 【ひめい】shriek, scream
秘書 【ひしょ】(private) secretary
微笑 【びしょう】smile
不明 【ふめい】unknown, obscure, indistinct, uncertain, ambiguous, ignorant, lack of wisdom, anonymous, unidentified
負う 【おう】① to bear, to carry on one's back ② to take responsibility for, to accept a duty ③ to be injured ④ to owe
負んぶ 【おんぶ】carrying on one's back (e.g. baby)
物好き 【ものずき】(idle) curiosity
物足りない 【ものたりない】unsatisfied, unsatisfactory
物体 【ぶったい】body, object
返答 【へんとう】reply
保管 【ほかん】charge, custody, safekeeping, deposit, storage
保険 【ほけん】insurance, guarantee
保護 【ほご】care, protection, shelter, safeguard, guardianship, favor, favour, patronage
報酬 【ほうしゅう】remuneration, recompense, reward, toll
報道 【ほうどう】information, report, journalism
奉仕 【ほうし】attendance, service, ministry, church work
抱っこ 【だっこ】(child's) hug, carrying a baby in one's arms
防衛 【ぼうえい】defense, defence, protection, self-defense, self-defence
没収 【ぼっしゅう】forfeiture, seizure, confiscation, impounding
本音 【ほんね】real intention, motive
本格 【ほんかく】① original method or procedure ② serious, orthodox, classical, genuine
味わい 【あじわい】① flavour, flavor ② meaning, significance
無茶 【むちゃ】absurd, unreasonable, excessive, rash, absurdity, nonsense
無礼 【ぶれい】impolite, rude
名札 【なふだ】name plate, name tag, label
野生 【やせい】wild, growing wild
役職 【やくしょく】post, managerial position, official position
揺さぶる 【ゆさぶる】to shake, to jolt, to rock, to swing
養成 【ようせい】training, development
和やか 【なごやか】mild, calm, gentle, quiet, harmonious
駆ける 【かける】① to soar, to fly ② to run, to dash
管 【かん】pipe, tube
人目 【ひとめ】public gaze, public notice
早急 【そうきゅう】urgent
生かす 【いかす】① to make (the best) use of, to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.), to capitalise on (experience, etc) ② to let live, to keep alive ③ to revive, to resuscitate
威力 【いりょく】power, might, authority, influence
切替 【きりかえ】exchange, conversion, replacement, switching (to), switchover
見なす 【みなす】to consider as, to regard (as equivalent), to deem (as), to equate
世 【よ】world, society, age, generation
官 【かん】government service, the bureaucracy
闇 【やみ】darkness, the dark, black-marketeering, dark, shady, illegal
こたつtable with heater, (orig) charcoal brazier in a floor well
あえてdare (to do something), venture (often overcoming reluctance, or in the face of probable failure), take upon oneself, challenge, presume, (there is no) need to, (don't) go as far as, definitely (not)
どもるto stammer, to stutter
怯える 【おびえる】to become frightened, to be frightened (of), to be scared (of)
おむつdiaper, nappy
語彙 【ごい】vocabulary, lexicon, lexis, terminology
誤魔化す 【ごまかす】to deceive, to falsify, to misrepresent
うぬぼれpretension, conceit, hubris
もしくはor, otherwise
漕ぐ 【こぐ】① to row, to scull, to paddle ② to pedal (e.g. bicycle) ③ to swing (on a swing) ④ to operate a hand pump ⑤ to push through (deep snow, the jungle, etc.)
揃い 【そろい】set, suit, uniform
まとめsettlement, conclusion, summary
返る 【かえる】① to return, to come back, to go back ② (after the -masu stem of a verb) (to become) extremely, (to become) completely
捧げる 【ささげる】to lift up, to give, to offer, to consecrate, to devote, to sacrifice, to dedicate
くじびきlottery, drawn lot
躾ける 【しつける】to train, to discipline, to teach manners
打ち合わせる 【うちあわせる】① to knock together ② to arrange (e.g. a meeting)
気まぐれ 【きまぐれ】whim, caprice, whimsy, fickle, moody, uneven temper
混む 【こむ】① to be crowded, to be packed ② to be complex ③ to go into, to put into, to remain (seated), to be plunged into (silence), to do thoroughly ④ to do intently ⑤ to continue in the same state
よってtherefore, consequently, accordingly, because of
ろくなsatisfactory, decent
お天気 【おてんき】① weather ② temper, mood
ずらすto shift, to slide (e.g., something away from something else), to move (e.g., something out of the way), to put off, to delay
そうだ① that is so, that is right, it looks to me, I am of the impression ② people say that (after plain verb, adj), it is said that, I hear that
ちゃっかりshrewd, calculating, nervy, cheeky
ちょっぴりvery little bit, just a smidgin, wee bit
ドジblunder, bungle, clumsiness
ニヤニヤgrinning, broad grin, smirk
ねた① material, joke material, contents, proof ② topping of nigiri sushi
ばれるto leak out (a secret), to be exposed (a lie, improper behaviour, etc.) (behavior)
パクリ① gaping (esp. mouth) ② snapping into, biting into ③ cribbing, lifting, plagiarism, rip-off
ひっそりquiet, still, silent, deserted
むかつくto feel sick, to feel irritated, to feel offended, to feel angry
やばい① awful (young persons' slang), terrible, crap ② terrific (young persons' slang), amazing, cool
アイスクリームice cream, icecream
アイテム① item ② something that one "just has to have"
アニメ① animated film, animated cartoon, anime (when referring to Japanese cartoons) ② animation
アプローチ① approach ② approach shot
インタビューinterview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)
エアコンair-conditioner, air-conditioning
エスカレートescalate, escalation
オムレツomelette, omelet
カール① curl ② cwm, cirque, corrie
カーン① kern ② Kahn
キャンディcandy, sweets
キャンバス① canvas ② base (in baseball)
グー① good ② goo ③ rock (in rock-paper-scissors game)
グッズgoods, promotional items
ケチャップketchup, catsup
コメント① comment ② (blog) comment
サバンナsavanna, sahel
サロン① salon ② sarong
シュークリームchou a la creme, cream-filled pastry
スキー① skiing ② ski, skis
スコップ① shovel, spade, scoop ② SCOP
スタイル① style ② (female) figure
ストック① stock ② ski pole
ストレート① straight ② straightforward, direct, straight out, blunt
スナック① snack ② snack bar
スポーツカーsports car
タレントstar (esp. television) (from talent), personality
ダイエット① diet ② losing weight by any method (e.g. exercise)
チャレンジself-challenge, trying hard to do something
テーマパークtheme park
データdata, datum
トイレットペーパーtoilet paper
トンネル① tunnel ② fielding error (baseball)
ドライブ① drive, trip by car, driving ② to (go for a) drive, to go on a trip by car ③ to drive (e.g. a car) ④ to drive (innovation, change, etc.), to propel
ドラマ① drama ② TV drama, teledrama, play
ノブ① knob ② doorknob
ハウス① house ② plastic greenhouse ③ house music
バイキング① Viking ② smorgasbord, all-you-can-eat buffet
パーセントpercent, percentage
パーツparts (as in computer parts)
パチンコ① pachinko (Japanese pinball) ② slingshot, catapult
ビデオカメラvideo camera, video camcorder
ピンチ① pinch, crisis ② clothespin
ファースト① first ② first baseman, first base ③ fast
フルコースcomplete meal
フワフワlight, airy, fluffy
ブラジャーbra, brassiere
ブランド① brand ② bland
プンプン① intense smell (hanging around) ② state of being furious or angry
ベテランperson with a lot of experience, old hand, veteran (in a particular field)
ベルトBelt for western clothes
ホール① hall ② hole ③ whole
ホップ① hop ② hops (Humulus lupulus)
ホンphon (unit of loudness)
マイmy, one's own, personal, privately owned
マイペースdoing things at one's own pace
マウス① (lab) mouse ② mouse ③ mouth
マット① mat ② matte (metallurgical) ③ matte, matt, mat (finish, etc.)
マニア① enthusiast ② mania, enthusiasm
メロメロ① madly in love ② falling down drunk
モニター① (computer) monitor ② consumer who comments on products, television programs, etc. (programmes) ③ program or utility that monitors a program or activity
ヨットyacht (usually only used for a sailing boat with one mast)
ライター① lighter ② writer
ラップ① lap ② wrap ③ cling film ④ rap
ランクrank, standing
レギュラー① regular ② regular member (e.g. of football team, etc.) ③ regular (petrol, gasoline)
レジ(cash) register
一気に 【いっきに】at once, at a breath (stroke, sitting)
一月 【いちがつ】January
一大 【いちだい】one large ..., a great ...
下す 【くだす】① to make (a decision), to pass (judgement, etc.), to hand down (orders, etc.) ② to let go down, to lower ③ to do oneself, to do by oneself
なんだかんだsomething or other, one thing or another, this or that
何やら 【なにやら】something, for some reason
外見 【がいけん】outward appearance
大いなる 【おおいなる】big, large, great
今時 【いまどき】present day, today, recently, these days, nowadays, at this hour
女 【じょ】① woman, girl, daughter ② Chinese "Girl" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
女子高 【じょしこう】girls' high school
小山 【こやま】hill, knoll
大まか 【おおまか】① rough (e.g. sketch, approximation), broad ② generous, openhanded
長さ 【ながさ】length
天 【あま】① sky ② heaven ③ svarga (heaven-like realm visited as a stage of death and rebirth) ④ deva (divine being of Buddhism)
日本人 【にっぽんじん】Japanese person, Japanese people
父上 【ちちうえ】father (esp. used in samurai families prior to the Meiji period)
聞き出す 【ききだす】to get information out of a person, to begin listening
聞き入れる 【ききいれる】to grant (a wish), to accede, to comply with
北上 【ほくじょう】going north
おびき出す 【おびきだす】① to lure out of, to decoy out of ② to drive to (tears, sleep, etc.), to evoke (sympathy, etc.)
行き来 【いきき】① coming and going, keeping in touch, visiting each other ② street traffic, highway
前半 【ぜんはん】first half
生む 【うむ】to give birth, to deliver, to produce
上上 【じょうじょう】the best, great, superb
見かけ 【みかけ】outward appearance
長生き 【ながいき】longevity, long life
何にも 【なんにも】nothing at all
チョッキwaistcoat, vest
あっとin a surprising way
リストラ(corporate) restructuring, downsizing
大人気 【だいにんき】great popularity, high favour
でっちあげる① to fabricate, to invent, to make up (a story), to hoax, to pull a hoax ② to frame someone
サラダ油 【さらだゆ】salad oil
長電話 【ながでんわ】long telephone conversation
ぐるみ(together) with, -wide, including
食わせる 【くわせる】① to feed ② to provide ③ to inflict ④ to cheat
さてはand then, besides, on top of that
でないとwithout, but if
ひょっとしたらpossibly, by some possibility, perhaps
ほっそりbeing slim, slender
めげるto be discouraged, to shrink from
ゆったり① comfortable, easy, calm ② loose, spacious
たら① indicates supposition, if ... then ② (typically after someone's name) indicates exasperation
ワンパターンrepetitive, one track mind, being in a rut
どっかりplunk (down something heavy), flump (into a chair)
セレブwealthy socialite, celebrity
ビーフストロガノフbeef stroganoff
どん① very, totally ② polite suffix used after a person's name (often of an apprentice; used much more broadly in southern Kyushu) ③ bang (e.g. of large drum, signal pistol, etc.), with a thud, sound when slamming something down
下 【か】under (being in said condition or environment)
っぷりmanner, style;
あーあoh no (used as an expression of despair or when giving up), sigh of boredom or disgust, oh boy
ガクッ(sound effect for) collapsing, losing strength, slumping
外 【がい】outside of, not covered by
マリーmallee (var. of eucalyptus)
分間 【ふんかん】~ minutes interval
やり方 【やりかた】manner of doing, way, method, means
カットcut, cutting
ガイドtour guide
グラス① glass ② grass
ジンgin, jin
バット① bat (in baseball, cricket, etc.) ② tray (from fre: bateau or eng: vat)
パー① par ② paper (in rock-paper-scissors game) ③ apiece, each ④ percent
パート① part ② part-timer ③ part-time (work)
悪人 【あくにん】bad man, villain
安らか 【やすらか】peaceful, tranquil, calm, restful
安売り 【やすうり】discount, bargain sale, selling cheaply
安物 【やすもの】cheap article, poor quality article
一族 【いちぞく】① family, relatives, dependents ② household
引き立つ 【ひきたつ】① to become active ② to look better
気楽 【きらく】at ease, comfortable
起立 【きりつ】standing up
口下手 【くちべた】defective speech, slowness of speech, poor talker, tongue-tied person
口元 【くちもと】the mouth, shape of the mouth, near an entrance
広大 【こうだい】huge, very large, vast, extensive, magnificent, grand
思いっきり 【おもいっきり】with all one's strength, with all one's heart, resignation, resolution
死者 【ししゃ】casualty, deceased
試食 【ししょく】sampling food
時間切れ 【じかんぎれ】① being out of time, passing the deadline ② time-out
社員 【しゃいん】① company employee ② company stockholders (esp. in legal contexts), members of a corporation
手料理 【てりょうり】home cooking
小言 【こごと】scolding, fault-finding
食い止める 【くいとめる】to check, to hold back
真夏 【まなつ】midsummer
真冬 【まふゆ】midwinter
人使い 【ひとづかい】handling one's workmen
送り 【おくり】① seeing off, sending off ② funeral ③ escapement
族 【ぞく】① tribe, clan, band ② (taxonomical) tribe ③ group (of the periodic table)
体質 【たいしつ】constitution (physical), genetic make-up, predisposition (to disease)
大物 【おおもの】important person, big-shot, big game (animal, fish)
知れる 【しれる】to become known, to come to light, to be discovered
地道 【じみち】steady, honest, sober, straightforward
茶道 【さどう】tea ceremony, Way of Tea
長者 【ちょうじゃ】millionaire
転送 【てんそう】transfer, transmission, (telephone call, e-mail, etc.) forwarding
田 【た】rice field
同じく 【おなじく】similarly, same (idea), same (name)
堂 【どう】① temple, shrine, hall ② prefix to building meaning "magnificent"
道ばた 【みちばた】roadside, wayside
肉 【しし】① flesh ② meat ③ the physical body (as opposed to the spirit) ④ thickness ⑤ ink pad
肉食 【にくしょく】① meat eating, eating of meat, meat diet ② carnivorous
買い出し 【かいだし】purchase, buying in quantity
白鳥 【はくちょう】① swan (Cygnus Bechstein, Cygnus ssp.) ② white-feathered bird
八方 【はっぽう】all sides
風通し 【かぜとおし】ventilation
分別 【ふんべつ】discernment, discretion, judgement, judgment, discrimination
本社 【ほんしゃ】① head office, main office, headquarters ② main shrine ③ this company, this shrine
本社 【ほんじゃ】① head office, main office, headquarters ② main shrine ③ this company, this shrine
味つけ 【あじつけ】seasoning, flavour, flavor
名手 【めいしゅ】expert
立ち 【たち】stand
旅立つ 【たびだつ】to begin a trip
目まい 【めまい】dizziness, giddiness, vertigo
一世 【いっせ】a lifetime, a generation, foreign immigrant, Japanese immigrant to USA
店 【てん】-store, -shop
入り口 【いりくち】entrance, entry, gate, approach, mouth
万代 【ばんだい】thousands of years, eternity, all generations
赤々 【あかあか】bright red, bright
家々 【いえいえ】every house or family
ただ者 【ただもの】ordinary person (usu. in neg. sentences)
持ち主 【もちぬし】owner, proprietor
使える 【つかえる】to be useful, to be serviceable
着地 【ちゃくち】landing
待ち 【まち】waiting, waiting time
自家用 【じかよう】for private or home use
手中 【しゅちゅう】in one's hands, in one's control
手出し 【てだし】meddling, interfering
世界中 【せかいじゅう】around or throughout the world
大目 【おおめ】large eyes, magnanimity
キャラcharacter (e.g. in a manga, anime, game, etc.)
ありとあらゆるevery single (piece of furniture), every possible (excuse)
待たす 【またす】to keep (a person) waiting
何の道 【どのみち】anyway, anyhow, at any rate, in any case
急く 【せく】to hurry, to rush
世にも 【よにも】extremely, very
大金持ち 【おおがねもち】very rich person
引き 【ひき】① pull, patronage, influence ② tug ③ discount
度目 【どめ】(after a number N) the Nth time
ドッグフードdog food
名古屋 【なごや】Nagoya (city)
姉ちゃん 【ねえちゃん】elder sister, girl
世 【せい】① counter for generations ② (geological) epoch
帰す 【きす】① to come to (in the end), to end in ② to attribute, to blame
お返し 【おかえし】① return gift, return favour (favor) ② revenge ③ change (in a cash transaction)
か弱い 【かよわい】frail, feeble
その他 【そのた】etc., otherwise, besides, in addition, the rest, the others, and so forth
悪役 【あくやく】villain, baddie, the villain's part
暗号 【あんごう】code, password, cipher
一回り 【ひとまわり】① one turn, one round ② (a) size ③ to go around, to make a circuit, to take a turn
一戸建て 【いっこだて】(separate) house
一直線 【いっちょくせん】straight line
王国 【おうこく】kingdom, monarchy
音声 【おんせい】voice, (the concept of) sound
音頭 【おんど】workmen's songs, marching songs
絵本 【えほん】picture book
楽勝 【らくしょう】easy victory
泣かせる 【なかせる】① to make someone cry, to move someone to tears ② to let cry ③ to grieve
泣き虫 【なきむし】crybaby, blubberer
泣ける 【なける】to shed tears, to be moved to tears
苦しみ 【くるしみ】pain, anguish, distress, suffering, hardship
見当たる 【みあたる】to be found
後期 【こうき】latter period, final
考え直す 【かんがえなおす】to reconsider, to rethink, to reassess
高波 【たかなみ】high waves
合体 【がったい】① union, coalescence, amalgamation, combination, alliance, annexation, incorporation ② copulation, penetration
根っから 【ねっから】① by nature, from the very beginning, through and through, at heart ② (followed by a verb in negative form) absolutely (not), (not) at all
細か 【こまか】small, fine, detailed, stingy
参観 【さんかん】visit, inspection
仕打ち 【しうち】(poor) treatment, (bad) behavior, behaviour, action, act
子守 【こもり】① babysitter, nursemaid ② babysitting
次回 【じかい】next time (occasion)
次元 【じげん】① dimension ② perspective, point of reference, level (of something)
自動的 【じどうてき】automatic
実業 【じつぎょう】industry, business
車内 【しゃない】inside a carriage
宿屋 【やどや】inn
出し物 【だしもの】program (e.g. theatre, theater), programme, performance
出直す 【でなおす】to come again, to call again, to make a fresh start
術 【じゅつ】art, means, technique
商会 【しょうかい】firm, company
くわしいknowing very well, detailed, full, accurate
乗り切る 【のりきる】to weather, to get over, to tide over, to overcome, to get through, to ride across, to sail across
図面 【ずめん】drawing, diagram, plans, blueprint
まとも① the front ② honesty, uprightness, directness ③ decency, normality
西部 【せいぶ】the west, western part, the West
雪だるま 【ゆきだるま】snowman
船長 【せんちょう】ship's captain
かき氷 【かきごおり】shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup), Italian ice, Sno-cone, snow cone
相乗 【そうじょう】multiplication, synergism
草取り 【くさとり】weeding, weeder, weeding fork
足取り 【あしどり】① gait, manner of walking (swimming) ② trace (e.g. of route taken by hunted criminal)
打ち勝つ 【うちかつ】① to conquer (e.g. an enemy), to defeat ② to overcome (a difficulty) ③ to out-hit
体形 【たいけい】form, figure
体調 【たいちょう】physical condition
大型 【おおがた】large, large scale, big, jumbo
大勢 【たいせい】general trend, current thought
たたき① mince (minced meat or fish) ② hard-packed dirt (clay, gravel, etc.) floor, concrete floor
単身 【たんしん】alone, unaided, away from home
直行 【ちょっこう】through, non-stop
追いやる 【おいやる】① to drive away, to order off, to chase away ② to force into an unpleasant situation (bankruptcy, prostitution, suicide, etc.)
通りすがり 【とおりすがり】on the way, passing, that happen to pass by
通行人 【つうこうにん】passerby, pedestrian, foot passenger
転げ落ちる 【ころげおちる】to fall off, to tumble down
転校生 【てんこうせい】transfer student, student changing schools
東部 【とうぶ】eastern part
当局 【とうきょく】① authorities ② this office
同然 【どうぜん】similar to, same, right, proper, just, natural
導き出す 【みちびきだす】to derive
内気 【うちき】bashfulness, shyness, reserve, timidity
陽 【ひ】① day, days ② sun, sunshine, sunlight ③ case (esp. unfortunate), event
白身 【しろみ】① white of egg ② white meat, sapwood ③ white-fleshed fish for sushi and sashimi (e.g. tai, hirame, karei)
発進 【はっしん】departure, takeoff
番茶 【ばんちゃ】coarse tea
美少女 【びしょうじょ】beautiful girl
負け犬 【まけいぬ】① loser ② unmarried woman (with no children) over the age of 30
放題 【ほうだい】as much as you would like to, as much as one likes
明朝 【みょうちょう】tomorrow morning
鳴き声 【なきごえ】cry (esp. animal), roar
面白 【おもしろ】amusing, interesting
野次 【やじ】hooting, jeering, heckling
野望 【やぼう】ambition, aspiration, designs, treachery
役員 【やくいん】officer, official, executive, staff
由来 【ゆらい】origin, source, history, derivation, reason, destiny
和歌 【わか】waka (classic Japanese poem, esp. a tanka, often 31 mora)
さ迷う 【さまよう】to loiter, to putter, to prowl, to wander about, to roam about, to knock around
一筆 【いっぴつ】a few lines, stroke of pen
直 【ちょく】① direct, in person, frankness, honesty, simplicity, cheerfulness, correctness, being straight ② night duty, shift (e.g. in a factory)
暗黒 【あんこく】darkness
雨期 【うき】rainy season
絵葉書 【えはがき】picture postcard
追いつく 【おいつく】to overtake, to catch up (with)
か所 【かしょ】passage, place, point, part
画期的 【かっきてき】ground-breaking, epoch-making
気合い 【きあい】scream, yell, fighting spirit
決着 【けっちゃく】conclusion, decision, end, settlement
検算 【けんざん】verification of accounts, checking figures, arithmetic check
取り引き 【とりひき】transactions, dealings, business
情けない 【なさけない】miserable, pitiable, shameful, deplorable
一向に 【いっこうに】(not) at all
葉っぱ 【はっぱ】leaf
その物 【そのもの】the very thing, itself
気配り 【きくばり】care, attentiveness, attention, consideration
投げ 【なげ】a throw, a fall
よりによってof all things, expression used to criticize a poor decision
お断わり 【おことわり】declining, nonacceptance, declination, refusal, rejection, turndown
よじ登る 【よじのぼる】to climb, to clamber (over, up), to scramble (up), to scale, to claw one's way up
落ち着ける 【おちつける】to quiet, to calm down, to compose oneself, to settle down
手放し 【てばなし】without holding on, without using the hands, letting go one's hold, lack of reserve or restraint, openly
お調子者 【おちょうしもの】flip, luck-pusher, frivolous person, person who readily chimes in with others, person who gets carried away easily
都営 【とえい】operated by the metropolitan government
物入れ 【ものいれ】place or container into which to put things
日直 【にっちょく】day duty, day shift
船体 【せんたい】hull
大当たり 【おおあたり】big hit, big prize, bumper crop, striking it rich, right on the mark, bonanza
目線 【めせん】① one's gaze ② from the point of view of
物言う 【ものいう】to talk, to carry meaning
選 【せん】① selection, choice, election ② compilation, editing
手の物 【てのもの】one's speciality, one's forte, one's own thing
ぶり返す 【ぶりかえす】to come back, to return, to recur
根こそぎ 【ねこそぎ】root and branch, thoroughly, by the roots
追っかけ 【おっかけ】① chase scene ② groupie, paparazzo ③ soon, by-and-by
集め 【あつめ】collecting, assembling
人組み 【にんぐみ】a ~-man group (after number ~), a group of ~ people
御寝小 【おねしょ】bed-wetting
ご苦労さん 【ごくろうさん】I appreciate your efforts
愛犬 【あいけん】pet dog
愛妻 【あいさい】beloved wife
一刻 【いっこく】① minute, moment, an instant ② stubborn, hot-headed
引き連れる 【ひきつれる】to take along with
奥深い 【おくふかい】profound, deep
押し付ける 【おしつける】to press, to push, to force
過信 【かしん】trusting too much, overestimating ability
解消 【かいしょう】cancellation, liquidation, resolution, reduction (e.g. of stress)
解読 【かいどく】deciphering, decoding
各紙 【かくし】every newspaper (magazine)
格安 【かくやす】cheap, reasonable
甘え 【あまえ】depending on other's kindness
間際 【まぎわ】on the verge of, just before, on the point of
関知 【かんち】concern, business
気絶 【きぜつ】faint, swoon
詰め込む 【つめこむ】to cram, to stuff, to jam, to squeeze, to compress, to pack, to crowd
急性 【きゅうせい】acute (e.g. illness)
居残る 【いのこる】to stay behind, to remain, to work overtime
居所 【いどころ】① whereabouts, address ② place of temporary residence
銀座 【ぎんざ】① Ginza (shopping district in Tokyo) ② (Edo period) silver mint
芸者 【げいしゃ】geisha, Japanese singing and dancing girl
芸人 【げいにん】player, performer, actor
肩こり 【かたこり】stiff shoulders
元祖 【がんそ】originator, founder, pioneer, inventor
呼び戻す 【よびもどす】to call back, to call home
ご苦労 【ごくろう】trouble (I have put you through)
更新 【こうしん】renewal, update, innovation, renovation
講座 【こうざ】lectureship, chair, course
号令 【ごうれい】order, command
再開 【さいかい】reopening, resumption, restarting
再選 【さいせん】re-election
最寄り 【もより】nearest, neighbouring, neighboring, nearby
最強 【さいきょう】strongest
山頂 【さんちょう】summit (e.g. mountain)
仕官 【しかん】government service, samurai's service
使い果たす 【つかいはたす】to use up, to squander
思い過ごす 【おもいすごす】to think too much of, to make too much of
誌 【し】magazine
次席 【じせき】associate, junior, assistant, runner-up
実演 【じつえん】stage show, performance
取り囲む 【とりかこむ】to surround, to crowd around
習性 【しゅうせい】trait
週刊 【しゅうかん】published weekly
将軍 【しょうぐん】general, shogun
笑い声 【わらいごえ】laughter
乗り越える 【のりこえる】to climb over, to ride across, to surmount
乗り遅れる 【のりおくれる】to miss (train, bus, etc.)
心労 【しんろう】anxiety, worry, fear
精一杯 【せいいっぱい】with all one's might
石段 【いしだん】(flight of) stone steps
絶望 【ぜつぼう】despair, hopelessness
戦車 【せんしゃ】tank (military vehicle)
洗面 【せんめん】wash up (one's face), have a wash
前触れ 【まえぶれ】previous notice, herald, harbinger, portent
相棒 【あいぼう】partner, pal, accomplice
損ねる 【そこねる】① to harm, to hurt, to injure, to wreck ② to miss out, despite wanting to do
替え 【かえ】change, alteration, substitute
追い払う 【おいはらう】to drive away
底値 【そこね】bottom price
倒れ 【たおれ】① bad debt ② collapse (esp. pref.)
盗み 【ぬすみ】stealing
逃げ回る 【にげまわる】to run from place to place
逃げ込む 【にげこむ】to take refuge in, to succeed in running away
働き者 【はたらきもの】hard worker, hardworking person
得 【とく】① profit, advantage, benefit, gain ② rebirth in paradise, entering nirvana
突き止める 【つきとめる】to make sure, to locate, to find out, to ascertain
突入 【とつにゅう】rushing, breaking into
内輪 【うちわ】① moderate, private matter, family circle, the inside ② conservative ③ pigeon-toed
難解 【なんかい】difficult to understand, unintelligible, abstruse
任 【にん】obligation, duty, charge, responsibility
年末 【ねんまつ】end-of-year
燃費 【ねんぴ】fuel consumption, gas mileage
濃厚 【のうこう】density, richness, concentration, tension
白熱 【はくねつ】① white heat, incandescence ② climax
爆笑 【ばくしょう】roar of laughter
発散 【はっさん】letting feelings out, emitting, emanating, divergence (physics)
発令 【はつれい】official announcement, proclamation
彼岸 【ひがん】① equinoctial week (when Buddhist services are held) ② Buddhist services during the equinoctial week ③ nirvana
飛び付く 【とびつく】to jump at, to be attracted by
必ずや 【かならずや】certainly, surely, definitely
不可能 【ふかのう】impossible
付与 【ふよ】grant, allowance, endowment, bestowal, assignment, conferment
復帰 【ふっき】① return, comeback, reinstatement ② carriage return, CR
平熱 【へいねつ】normal temperature
変装 【へんそう】disguise, masquerade
暮れ 【くれ】year end, sunset, nightfall, end
満腹 【まんぷく】filling the stomach, full stomach
戻り 【もどり】① return, reaction, recovery ② return (from a procedure)
勇者 【ゆうしゃ】hero, the brave, man of valour (valor)
預け 【あずけ】custody, keeping
連れ去る 【つれさる】to take away, to kidnap
うなずくto nod, to bow one's head in assent
打ち込む 【ぶちこむ】to drive in (e.g. nail, stake), to devote oneself to, to shoot into, to smash, to throw into, to cast into
夫婦 【めおと】married couple, spouses, husband and wife, couple, pair
相性 【あいしょう】affinity, compatibility
熱熱 【あつあつ】① piping hot ② passionately in love
掛け声 【かけごえ】yell used to time or encourage activity (e.g. "Heave ho!", "On three ... One, two, three!" in English), enthusiastic shout from the audience (e.g. in kabuki), shouting (in concerts)
利く 【きく】① to be effective, to show effect ② to do its work, to carry out its function well ③ to be possible to use
届け 【とどけ】report, notification, registration
伸び 【のび】① growth, development ② stretching (e.g. body when waking up) ③ spread, elongation, extension, carry (e.g. of sound), sustain
引き渡す 【ひきわたす】to deliver, to extradite, to stretch across, to hand over
双葉 【ふたば】bud, sprout
甘味 【あまみ】sweetness, sugary taste
恐るべき 【おそるべき】dreadful, terrible, horrible, deplorable
まんざら(not) altogether, (not) wholly
寝ぼける 【ねぼける】to be half asleep, to be still only half awake
可笑しな 【おかしな】ridiculous, odd
左腕 【さわん】① left arm ② left-handed (baseball pitcher)
手薄 【てうす】short of hands, insufficient
いただける① to receive (potential) ② to be pretty good, to be exquisite, to be approvable
見逃し 【みのがし】overlooking, letting a good ball go by
赤信号 【あかしんごう】red light (traffic)
逃げ腰 【にげごし】preparing to flee, being ready to run away
買い置き 【かいおき】a stock (of goods)
入れ替え 【いれかえ】replacement, substitution, change
差し向ける 【さしむける】to send or direct a person to
泊まり 【とまり】stay, stopover, anchorage, night duty
府警 【ふけい】prefectural police
跡地 【あとち】site (of a demolished building)
景気付け 【けいきづけ】putting life into, animating, cheering up
憎たらしい 【にくたらしい】① odious, hateful ② (speaking ironically) darling
名演技 【めいえんぎ】fine performance, tour de force
杯 【はい】① sake cup, cup for alcoholic beverages ② counter for cupfuls ③ counter for ships, octopuses and squid
機 【き】① chance, opportunity ② machine ③ aircraft ④ counter for aircraft ⑤ counter for remaining lives (in video games)
よそうto serve, to dish up, to prepare
給え 【たまえ】please (imperative form of an auxiliary verb, suffixed to the -masu stem of another verb)
産する 【さんする】① to bear (a child), to be born ② to produce, to yield, to be produced, to be yielded
お勧め 【おすすめ】recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement
あん摩 【あんま】① massage, esp. the Anma Japanese type of massage ② masseur, masseuse
暗黙 【あんもく】tacit, implicit
慰め 【なぐさめ】comfort, consolation, diversion
異状 【いじょう】something wrong, accident, change, abnormality, aberration
異色 【いしょく】unique, different color, different colour, novelty
異様 【いよう】bizarre, strange, eccentric, odd, queer
一挙 【いっきょ】one effort, one action
一刀両断 【いっとうりょうだん】cutting in two with a single stroke, taking decisive (drastic) measure, cutting the (Gordian) knot
芋 【いも】① tuber, taro, potato ② yokel, bumpkin
渦巻き 【うずまき】whirlpool, eddy, coil
沖縄 【おきなわ】Okinawa (one of the Japanese Ryukyu islands)
恩返し 【おんがえし】requital of a favour (favor), repayment (of an obligation, kindness, etc.)
稼げる 【かせげる】to work, to earn income
怪物 【かいぶつ】monster
いるかdolphin (or other small toothed whales, such as porpoises, belugas, etc.)
概して 【がいして】generally, as a rule
渇き 【かわき】thirst
たくらむto scheme, to plan, to play a trick, to invent, to conspire, to frame up
奇異 【きい】odd, strange, wonderful
気遣い 【きづかい】consideration, concern, fear, worry, solicitude
輝かしい 【かがやかしい】brilliant, glorious, glittering
輝き 【かがやき】radiance
鬼ごっこ 【おにごっこ】game of tag
救出 【きゅうしゅつ】rescue, extricate, reclaim, deliverance
強敵 【きょうてき】formidable enemy
暁 【あかつき】dawn, daybreak, in the event of
くりJapanese chestnut (Castanea crenata)
繰り広げる 【くりひろげる】to unfold, to unroll, to open
兄貴 【あにき】one's senior, elder brother
討つ 【うつ】① to shoot (at) ② to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge
結婚式 【けっこんしき】marriage ceremony, wedding
検索 【けんさく】looking up (e.g. a word in a dictionary), retrieval (e.g. data), searching for, referring to
素 【もと】ingredient
後ろ姿 【うしろすがた】retreating figure, appearance from behind
ごめんyour pardon, declining (something), dismissal, permission
侯爵 【こうしゃく】marquis, marquess
公爵 【こうしゃく】prince, duke
恒例 【こうれい】established practice, established practise, custom
控え 【ひかえ】① reserve, spare, backup ② note, memorandum ③ duplicate, copy, stub (of a ticket, etc.) ④ waiting one's turn
黒幕 【くろまく】black curtain, wire puller, political fixer
祭典 【さいてん】festival
司令 【しれい】command, control, commander
示唆 【しさ】suggestion, hint, implication
射撃 【しゃげき】firing, shooting, fire, gunshot, marksmanship
斜視 【しゃし】squint, strabismus
朱 【あけ】① scarlet, red ② blood
熟成 【じゅくせい】mature, ripen, cure, ferment
暑苦しい 【あつくるしい】sultry, sweltering
昭和 【しょうわ】Showa era (1926.12.25-1989.1.7)
消滅 【しょうめつ】① lapse, annihilation (physics) ② extinguishment, termination (e.g. of legal representation) ③ vanishing
推奨 【すいしょう】recommendation, endorsement
遂行 【すいこう】accomplishment, execution
戦士 【せんし】soldier, combatant, warrior
素顔 【すがお】① face with no make-up, unpainted face ② honesty, frankness
代償 【だいしょう】compensation, indemnification, reparation, consideration
大嫌い 【だいきらい】very dislikeable, hate, loathe, abhor
丁 【ちょう】① counter for sheets, pages, leaves, etc. ② counter for blocks of tofu, counter for servings in a restaurant ③ counter for long and narrow things such as guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc. ④ even number ⑤ 109.09 m
帳 【ちょう】book, register
桃 【もも】peach, prunus persica (tree)
藤 【ふじ】wisteria, Wisteria floribunda
同級生 【どうきゅうせい】classmate, classmates
同伴 【どうはん】company, accompany, going with
匿名 【とくめい】anonymity, pseudonym
凪 【なぎ】calm, lull
年賀状 【ねんがじょう】New Year's card
粘土 【ねんど】clay
納豆 【なっとう】natto (fermented soybeans)
はぎ① bush clover, Japanese clover (any flowering plant of genus Lespedeza) ② dark red exterior with blue interior (color combination worn in autumn)
伯爵 【はくしゃく】count, earl
伐採 【ばっさい】lumbering, felling, deforestation
藩 【はん】fiefdom, domain (precursor to current prefectures)
微笑ましい 【ほほえましい】pleasant, charming
百獣 【ひゃくじゅう】all kinds of animals
不名誉 【ふめいよ】dishonor, dishonour, disgrace, shame
富士山 【ふじさん】Mt Fuji
布施 【ふせ】alms, offerings
防災 【ぼうさい】disaster prevention
没 【ぼつ】① discard ② death ③ rejection (of a manuscript, etc.) ④ lacking, without
魔力 【まりょく】magical power, charm
めちゃくちゃ① absurd, unreasonable, nonsensical, preposterous, incoherent ② extreme, senseless, reckless, wanton ③ disorder, confusion, mess, wreck
野郎 【やろう】rascal
利己 【りこ】self-interest
療養 【りょうよう】recuperation, medical treatment
烈火 【れっか】raging fire, conflagration
露天風呂 【ろてんぶろ】open air bath, rotemburo
浪人 【ろうにん】① ronin, wandering samurai without a master to serve ② out of work ③ waiting for another chance to enter a university
隠れん坊 【かくれんぼ】hide and seek (the game)
価 【あたい】① price, cost ② value, worth, merit ③ variable (computer programming, programing) ④ value, count, number ⑤ to have value, to have merit
博 【ばく】① doctor, PhD ② exposition, fair, exhibition
墓参り 【はかまいり】visit to a grave
空巣 【あきす】① prowler, sneak thief, cat burglar ② empty nest
杏 【あんず】apricot, Prunus armenica, apricot tree
案ずる 【あんずる】① to be anxious or concerned about, to ponder (anxiously), to fear ② to investigate, to consider, to plan ③ to pat, to rub, to take a sword in one's hand
往々 【おうおう】sometimes, often
飼い主 【かいぬし】shepherd, (pet) owner
凶悪 【きょうあく】atrocious, fiendish, brutal, villainous
恐竜 【きょうりゅう】dinosaur
偽装 【ぎそう】disguise, camouflage, masquerade
検視 【けんし】autopsy, inquest, investigation of death
激論 【げきろん】heated discussion
姫 【ひめ】① princess, young lady of noble birth ② girl ③ small & lovely
脱走 【だっそう】desertion, escape
老眼 【ろうがん】presbyopia, age-related longsightedness, farsightedness
こなすto break to pieces, to digest, to handle easily
豊穣 【ほうじょう】good harvest, abundant crop
脅し 【おどし】threat
見張り 【みはり】watch-keeping, guard, lookout
素早く 【すばやく】quickly, nimbly, agilely
魔 【ま】① demon, devil, evil spirit, evil influence ② someone who (habitually) performs some (negative) act
おめでたい① special, auspicious, happy ② naive, inncocent, good-natured
社葬 【しゃそう】company funeral
特価 【とっか】special price, bargain price
墓場 【はかば】graveyard, cemetery
芝刈り 【しばかり】lawn mowing
隠れ家 【かくれが】hiding place, refuge
染め 【そめ】dyeing, printing
磯 【いそ】(rocky) beach, seashore
ちょっとしたtrifling, petty
萌える 【もえる】to burst into bud, to sprout
巡り 【めぐり】① circumference, girth ② tour, pilgrimage ③ circulation (e.g. of blood)
宣する 【せんする】to announce, to declare
おならwind, gas, fart
ぎゅうぎゅうpacking in tightly, creaking leather, door, etc.
しおしおin low spirits, dejected, sad
そいつ① that person (guy, fellow) ② that (one)
それなりin itself, as it is
ガンガンsound of large bell, sound of scolding voice, (pounding of) headache, intense
茨 【いばら】① thorny shrub ② wild rose, briar ③ thorn ④ (architectural) cusp
遠吠え 【とおぼえ】howling
牙 【きば】tusk, fang
噛み付く 【かみつく】to bite (at), to snap at, to snarl at
ひるむto falter, to flinch (from), to recoil (from), to quail (at)
袴 【はかま】man's formal divided skirt
合祀 【ごうし】enshrining together
榊 【さかき】① sakaki (species of evergreen sacred to Shinto, Cleyera japonica) ② evergreen (esp. one planted or used at a shrine)
鮫 【さめ】shark
斬る 【きる】to kill (a human) using a blade (sword, machete, knife, etc.), to slice (off), to lop (off), to cut (off)
斬新 【ざんしん】novel, original, newness
夙 【しゅく】outcasts (those from Kamakura period to the Edo period, common around the Kyoto region)
凄腕 【すごうで】go-getter, live wire, resourceful person, remarkable ability
かじpaper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera)
大晦日 【おおみそか】New Year's Eve, December 31st
鼎 【かなえ】three-legged kettle
憧憬 【しょうけい】longing, aspiration
椴 【とど】Sakhalin fir (Abies sachalinensis)
熱燗 【あつかん】hot sake
白堊 【はくあ】① chalk (mineral) ② white wall
みかんmandarin orange (esp. the satsuma mandarin, Citrus unshiu)
麺 【めん】noodles
籾 【もみ】unhulled rice
妖精 【ようせい】fairy, sprite, elf
泄れ 【もれ】omission, leakage, oversight
掟 【おきて】a law
炸裂 【さくれつ】explosion
罠 【わな】① snare, trap (for catching wild game, etc.) ② trap (i.e. ruse, subterfuge, etc.)
すねshin, shank, lower leg
蠱惑 【こわく】fascination, glamour, glamor, enchantment, seduction
鉋 【かんな】plane (for working with wood)
韲える 【あえる】to dress vegetables (salad)
かえる① frog ② kajika frog (Buergeria buergeri)
凧 【たこ】kite
梃子 【てこ】lever
仄か 【ほのか】faint, indistinct, stupid, few
やせる① to become thin, to lose weight, to reduce (one's) weight, to slim ② to be barren, to be infertile, to be sterile
ただすto ascertain, to confirm, to verify, to make sure of
粗忽 【そこつ】careless, thoughtless, rash, rude, at fault
食べ頃 【たべごろ】good for eating, ripe enough for eating, in season
ここらhereabouts, around here
諜報 【ちょうほう】secret information, intelligence
掴み 【つかみ】grip
撓わ 【たわわ】(of a branch heavily laden with fruit, etc.) drooping, bending
奢り 【おごり】luxury, treat, extravagance
いとgreatly, really
瘧 【おこり】ague, intermittent fever, the shakes
ガーンsound effect for shock (usu. the disappointing kind);
栲 【たえ】cloth (esp. cloth made from fibers of the paper mulberry tree);
菰 【こも】① woven straw mat (orig. made of wild rice leaves) ② beggar
婬する 【いんする】① to overdo, to go to excess, to indulge ② to act licentiously
愈 【いよ】more and more, increasingly; extremely, very;
霏々 【ひひ】incessant falling (e.g. rain, snow), prolonged continuation (of something)