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Detective Conan Vol. 11 (episodes 649 to 668)

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Vocab for episodes 649 to 668 of the animated series ‘Detective Conan’. This is volume 11/15. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



392 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
果物 【くだもの】fruit
お子さん 【おこさん】(someone else's) child
木綿 【もめん】① cotton (material) ② red silk-cotton tree (Bombax ceiba)
味噌汁 【みそしる】miso soup
辞典 【じてん】dictionary
今後 【こんご】from now on, hereafter
発行 【はっこう】① issue (publications), publishing ② raising an event (software)
易い 【やすい】easy
化学 【かがく】① chemistry ② chemical company (e.g. Acme Chemical Co.)
記入 【きにゅう】entry, filling in of forms
型 【かた】① model, type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) ② type, style, pattern ③ mold (mould), template, model ④ kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.) ⑤ form (i.e. customary procedure) ⑥ size (i.e. clothing, shoes)
欠ける 【かける】① to be chipped, to be damaged, to be broken ② to be lacking, to be missing ③ to be insufficient, to be short, to be deficient, to be negligent toward ④ (of the moon) to wane, to go into eclipse
公平 【こうへい】fairness, impartial, justice
農家 【のうか】farmer, farm family
印刷 【いんさつ】printing
居間 【いま】living room (western style)
湿気 【しっけ】moisture, humidity, dampness
実現 【じつげん】implementation (e.g. of a system), materialization, materialisation, realization, realisation
主要 【しゅよう】chief, main, principal, major
制限 【せいげん】restriction, restraint, limitation, limit
訪問 【ほうもん】call, visit
平均 【へいきん】① average, mean ② balance, equilibrium
蚊 【か】mosquito
就職 【しゅうしょく】finding employment, inauguration
独身 【どくしん】bachelorhood, single, unmarried, celibate
訳す 【やくす】to translate, to interpret
火傷 【やけど】burn, scald
やがてbefore long, soon, at length
ぬるいlukewarm, tepid
まれrare, seldom
気味 【きみ】sensation, feeling
大工 【だいく】carpenter
発電 【はつでん】generation (e.g. power)
文体 【ぶんたい】literary style
問 【もん】counter for questions
原理 【げんり】principle, theory, fundamental truth
国語 【こくご】① Japanese (language) ② national language ③ native Japanese words (as opposed to loanwords)
消防 【しょうぼう】fire fighting, fire department
電柱 【でんちゅう】telephone pole, telegraph pole, lightpole
等分 【とうぶん】division into equal parts
薬局 【やっきょく】pharmacy, chemist (shop), drugstore
温かい 【あたたかい】warm, mild, genial
月末 【げつまつ】end of the month
座布団 【ざぶとん】zabuton (flat floor cushion used when sitting or kneeling; usu. rectangular)
床の間 【とこのま】tokonoma (alcove where art or flowers are displayed)
食塩 【しょくえん】table salt
掃く 【はく】to sweep, to brush, to gather up
団地 【だんち】multi-unit apartments
包装 【ほうそう】packing, wrapping
塩辛い 【しおからい】salty (taste)
殻 【から】shell, husk, hull, pod, chaff
座敷 【ざしき】tatami room
循環 【じゅんかん】circulation, rotation, cycle
扇風機 【せんぷうき】electric fan
妥当 【だとう】valid, proper, right, appropriate
非難 【ひなん】blame, attack, criticism
愉快 【ゆかい】pleasant, happy
俄 【にわか】sudden, abrupt, unexpected, improvised, offhand
ひとまずfor the present, once, in outline
ぐっとfirmly, fast, much, more
てんで(not) at all, altogether, entirely
でかいhuge, gargantuan
一目 【ひとめ】① (a) glance, (a) look, (a) glimpse ② (a) stone (in Go) ③ complete view, bird's-eye view
反り 【そり】warp, curvature, curve, arch
兆 【ちょう】① sign, omen, indication, portent ② 10^12, 1,000,000,000,000, trillion (American), (obs) billion (British)
異性 【いせい】the opposite sex
縁談 【えんだん】marriage proposal, engagement
課外 【かがい】extracurricular
回覧 【かいらん】circulation
革命 【かくめい】① revolution ② 58th year of the sexagenary cycle (in onmyou-dou)
還元 【かんげん】resolution, reduction, return to origins
議事堂 【ぎじどう】Diet building
究極 【きゅうきょく】ultimate, extreme, final, eventual
境遇 【きょうぐう】environment, circumstances
強請る 【ねだる】① to tease, to coax ② to solicit, to demand, to extort
驚き 【おどろき】surprise, astonishment, wonder
極端 【きょくたん】extreme, extremity
空腹 【くうふく】hunger
経過 【けいか】passage, expiration, progress, transition
源 【みなもと】source, origin
個別 【こべつ】particular case, discrete, individual, separate
香辛料 【こうしんりょう】spices
昆虫 【こんちゅう】insect, bug
私用 【しよう】① personal use ② private business
視覚 【しかく】sense of sight, vision
受け入れ 【うけいれ】receiving, acceptance
受け付ける 【うけつける】to be accepted, to receive (an application)
出直し 【でなおし】adjustment, touch up
初版 【しょはん】first edition
承諾 【しょうだく】consent, acquiescence, agreement
詳細 【しょうさい】detail, particulars
織る 【おる】to weave
心得 【こころえ】knowledge, information
新婚 【しんこん】newly-wed
人体 【じんたい】human body
跡継ぎ 【あとつぎ】heir, successor
全快 【ぜんかい】complete recovery of health
断言 【だんげん】assertion, declaration, affirmation
張り紙 【はりがみ】paper patch, paper backing, poster
痛感 【つうかん】feeling keenly, fully realizing
提示 【ていじ】presentation, exhibit, suggest, citation
転居 【てんきょ】moving, changing residence
途絶える 【とだえる】to stop, to cease, to come to an end
土木 【どぼく】public works
投げ出す 【なげだす】to throw down, to abandon, to sacrifice, to throw out
統治 【とうち】rule, reign, government, governing
肉体 【にくたい】the body, the flesh
背景 【はいけい】background, scenery, setting, circumstance
舗装 【ほそう】pavement, road surface
募る 【つのる】① to invite contributions, etc., to solicit help, participation, etc., to recruit (e.g. soldiers) ② to grow violent, to become stronger, to become worse
崩壊 【ほうかい】① collapse, crumbling, breaking down, caving in ② decay (physics)
放出 【ほうしゅつ】release, emit
方式 【ほうしき】form, method, system, formula
未熟 【みじゅく】inexperience, unripeness, raw, unskilled, immature, inexperienced
名残 【なごり】① remains, traces, vestiges, relics ② (the sorrow of) parting ③ end
夕暮れ 【ゆうぐれ】evening, (evening) twilight
要望 【ようぼう】demand for, request
区々 【まちまち】several, various, divergent, conflicting, different, diverse
衣類 【いるい】clothes, clothing, garments
捲る 【めくる】to turn over, to turn pages of a book, to tear off, to strip off
自惚れる 【うぬぼれる】to be conceited
年頃 【としごろ】① approximate age, apparent age ② marriageable age (esp. of a woman), age of independence, age of adulthood ③ (after modifying phrase) appropriate age (to ...), old enough (to ...)
嗜好 【しこう】taste, liking, preference
歪む 【ゆがむ】to warp, to swerve, to deflect, to be crooked, to be distorted, to be bent, to incline, to slant, to be perverted, to be gross-grained, to get bent, to be strained
おしっこto urinate
お上りさん 【おのぼりさん】countryside people (in town), visitor from the country, out-of-towner, country bumpkin (visiting the big city), yokel
かみさん① (one's) wife ② (someone's) wife ③ landlady
ニヤニヤgrinning, broad grin, smirk
アルミaluminum (Al), aluminium
イースト① east ② yeast
オードブルhors d'oeuvre
サロン① salon ② sarong
ステッカー① sticker ② stacker
ソフトクリームsoft serve ice cream (icecream)
プラモplastic model
プリントhandout, flyer
マルチーズMaltese (small white dog race)
ヨーグルトyoghurt, yoghourt
レトルト① retort, sealed plastic pouch typically containing ready-made sauce or stew, boil-in-the-bag ② retort, glass vessel used for distillation (now largely obs.)
女学生 【じょがくせい】schoolgirl
食後 【しょくご】after a meal
千万 【せんまん】10,000,000, ten million, myriad
天の川 【あまのがわ】Milky Way
こんがりwell-cooked, well-done, browned
わが子 【わがこ】one's own child, one's own children
あれよあれよexpression of surprise, dumbfounded
行きつけ 【いきつけ】favourite, favorite, preferred, regular, usual
ちょこっとrather, a little, small
マザー① mother ② motherboard ③ Mother (Superior), title of a senior nun
高一 【こういち】first year in high-school, first year highschool student
ウィンドウ① window ② window (shop display)
カーブ① curve ② curve ball (baseball)
悪意 【あくい】① ill will, spite, evil intention ② bad meaning ③ (criminal) malice ④ mala fides (criminal intent to deceive)
安売り 【やすうり】discount, bargain sale, selling cheaply
いち早く 【いちはやく】promptly, quickly, without delay
空き地 【あきち】vacant land
自力 【じりき】by oneself, self-made
重病 【じゅうびょう】serious illness
新車 【しんしゃ】new car
生い立ち 【おいたち】upbringing, personal history
生死 【しょうし】① life and death ② samsara (cycle of death and rebirth) ③ death
切らす 【きらす】to be out of, to run out of, to be short of, to be out of stock
切り分ける 【きりわける】to cut up, to cut and discard, to eliminate systematically (in fault-finding), to isolate
先立つ 【さきだつ】to lead, to precede, to die before someone, to go before, to take precedence
動画 【どうが】① animation, motion picture, moving image, video ② in-betweening (in anime)
言いなり 【いいなり】doing as one is told, yes-man
風味 【ふうみ】taste, flavor, flavour
運び 【はこび】progress, pace, carriage, step, stage
小口 【こぐち】small amount, (cut) end, edge, beginning, clue, section
物言い 【ものいい】① manner of speaking ② verbal argument ③ objection, protesting a decision (esp. that of a sumo referee) ④ rumor, rumour
味見 【あじみ】sampling, tasting
立ち聞き 【たちぎき】eavesdropping
通し 【とおし】direct, right through, straight
加 【か】① addition, increase ② Canada
泣きじゃくる 【なきじゃくる】to sob
欠落 【けつらく】missing, lacking
県下 【けんか】prefecture
交友 【こうゆう】friend, companion
合作 【がっさく】collaboration, joint work
試薬 【しやく】reagent
歯切れ 【はぎれ】the feel when biting, manner of enunciation
次期 【じき】① next term, next period ② next version, next release
申し立てる 【もうしたてる】to declare, to plead
身辺 【しんぺん】one's person, around one's person
西側 【にしがわ】west side, west bank
前夜祭 【ぜんやさい】the eve (of festival) (e.g. Christmas Eve)
大目玉 【おおめだま】good scolding
中島 【なかじま】island in a pond or river
通り道 【とおりみち】passage, path, route, one's way
頭文字 【かしらもじ】① initials, initialism ② first letter of a word ③ acronym ④ capital letter
同乗 【どうじょう】riding together, riding with
買い取り 【かいとり】purchase, sale (transaction)
不快 【ふかい】unpleasant, displeasure, discomfort
平安 【へいあん】① peace, tranquility, tranquillity ② Heian era (794-1185)
放っとく 【ほっとく】to leave someone alone
本線 【ほんせん】main line
夜通し 【よどおし】all night, throughout the night
野放し 【のばなし】leaving something to take care of itself
野望 【やぼう】ambition, aspiration, designs, treachery
曜日 【ようび】day of the week
両者 【りょうしゃ】pair, the two, both persons, both things
東側 【ひがしがわ】east side, east bank
申し立て 【もうしたて】statement, account (of something), declaration, allegation
話し言葉 【はなしことば】spoken language, colloquial expression
気落ち 【きおち】discouraged, dispirited, despondent
船乗り 【ふなのり】① getting on board ② sailor, seaman
名指し 【なざし】nomination, calling names
勝手口 【かってぐち】kitchen door, back door
根こそぎ 【ねこそぎ】root and branch, thoroughly, by the roots
安値 【やすね】low price
一卵性双生児 【いちらんせいそうせいじ】identical twins
塩っぱい 【しょっぱい】① stingy ② hoarse ③ wearisome
火照る 【ほてる】to feel hot, to flush, to burn
機種 【きしゅ】type of equipment, model
機転 【きてん】quick wittedness, tact, cleverness
議事 【ぎじ】proceedings
喫煙 【きつえん】smoking
勤続 【きんぞく】continuous service
お互い様 【おたがいさま】we are of equal status in this regard
採取 【さいしゅ】picking, collecting, harvesting
三枚 【さんまい】① three flat objects (e.g. tickets, pieces of cloth, etc.) ② filleting (a fish)
資材 【しざい】(raw) material
若人 【わこうど】young person, young man
若葉 【わかば】new leaves, fresh verdure
受賞 【じゅしょう】winning (a prize)
受精卵 【じゅせいらん】fertilized eggs, fertilised eggs
初日 【しょにち】first or opening day
助け舟 【たすけぶね】lifeboat, friend in need, timely help
小判 【こばん】① koban, small former Japanese oval gold coin ② oval ③ small size (of paper)
照準 【しょうじゅん】alignment
賞味 【しょうみ】relish, gusto, appreciation
寝床 【ねどこ】bed, berth, crib, cot, kip
新婦 【しんぷ】bride
専業 【せんぎょう】special occupation, principal occupation, specialty, monopoly
存分 【ぞんぶん】to one's heart's content, as much as one wants
痛む 【いたむ】to hurt, to feel a pain, to be injured
通達 【つうたつ】notification, directive (e.g. from higher to lower levels of the administration)
当て込む 【あてこむ】to count on
道連れ 【みちづれ】① fellow traveler, fellow traveller ② someone unwillingly made to take part, being made to take part in something
突き破る 【つきやぶる】to break through, to penetrate, to pierce
燃え移る 【もえうつる】(of fire) to spread, to extend itself
燃え上がる 【もえあがる】to flare up, to burst into flames
薄汚い 【うすぎたない】filthy, dirty (looking), drab
薄情 【はくじょう】unfeeling, heartless, cold-hearted, cruel
かなたbeyond, across, the other side, the distance
封書 【ふうしょ】sealed letter
有害 【ゆうがい】harmfulness
余命 【よめい】remainder of one's life, one's remaining years
裏付ける 【うらづける】to support, to endorse, to substantiate
礼状 【れいじょう】acknowledgment, acknowledgement, letter of thanks
連れ込む 【つれこむ】to bring (somebody into a place)
内示 【ないじ】unofficial announcement
暴言 【ぼうげん】reckless remark, rash remark, abusive language, thoughtless words
裏づけ 【うらづけ】backing, support, endorsement, collateral, security, guarantee, proof, substantiation, foundation, lining (something), something lined
消印 【けしいん】postmark, (postal) cancellation mark
引き換え 【ひきかえ】① exchange, conversion ② on the contrary, on the other hand
目白押し 【めじろおし】jostling, milling about
最大限 【さいだいげん】maximum
要注意 【ようちゅうい】attention (care) required, needs special attention
見過ごす 【みすごす】to let go by, to let pass, to overlook, to miss
値札 【ねふだ】price tag (mark, label)
込み上げる 【こみあげる】① to fill (one's heart), to experience a welling up of feelings or sensations ② to feel nauseated
手一杯 【ていっぱい】having one's hands full, not having any room to do more, at the limit
小差 【しょうさ】slight difference
疑る 【うたぐる】to doubt, to distrust, to be suspicious of, to suspect
利かす 【きかす】to season, to enliven
歴とした 【れっきとした】accepted, fully-fledged, clear, respectable
憎たらしい 【にくたらしい】① odious, hateful ② (speaking ironically) darling
腹立つ 【はらだつ】to get angry
曇らせる 【くもらせる】to cloud, to make dim or dull, to frown
栄誉 【えいよ】honour, honor
芽生える 【めばえる】to bud, to sprout
悔いる 【くいる】to regret
括る 【くくる】① to tie up, to tie together, to bundle, to fasten ② to hang (oneself) ③ to summarize (e.g. information)
敢行 【かんこう】decisive action
肝 【きも】① liver, innards ② courage, spirit, pluck, guts
揮発 【きはつ】volatilization, volatilisation
急襲 【きゅうしゅう】raid, assault, descent
軽傷 【けいしょう】minor injury
検定 【けんてい】official certification, approval, inspection
幻覚 【げんかく】hallucination, illusion
幻想 【げんそう】illusions
古臭い 【ふるくさい】stale, old fashioned, hackneyed, trite
誇らしい 【ほこらしい】proud, haughty, arrogant, splendid, magnificent
語尾 【ごび】(inflected) end of a word
絞り 【しぼり】iris (camera, eye)
高貴 【こうき】high class, noble
災い 【わざわい】calamity, catastrophe
施錠 【せじょう】locking
執行 【しっこう】① enforcement, performance, execution, exercise, service ② pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, ascetic practice (practise), discipline
車検 【しゃけん】vehicle inspection
焦り 【あせり】impatience
症候群 【しょうこうぐん】syndrome
ふりかけるto sprinkle over (e.g. salt, pepper, etc. on food)
水没 【すいぼつ】submerge
随一 【ずいいち】best, greatest, first
染色 【せんしょく】staining, stain, dyeing
素行 【そこう】behaviour, behavior
濁す 【にごす】to make muddy, to prevaricate
致死 【ちし】lethal, fatal
締め括る 【しめくくる】to bind firmly, to superintend, to bring to a finish
摘発 【てきはつ】exposing, unmasking, laying bare
添付 【てんぷ】attachment (e.g. email), appendix (e.g. of a report, document, etc), annex, appendage, annexure
倒錯 【とうさく】perversion, inversion
投稿 【とうこう】contribution, submission, posting (e.g. to a newsgroup or mailing list)
豆腐 【とうふ】tofu, bean-curd
同伴 【どうはん】company, accompany, going with
豚 【ぶた】pig
年の功 【としのこう】old-man's wisdom;
燃え尽きる 【もえつきる】to burn out
濃淡 【のうたん】light and shade, shade (of colour, color)
納品 【のうひん】delivery of goods
発端 【ほったん】origin, genesis, opening, start, beginning
鳩 【はと】pigeon, dove
肥える 【こえる】① to grow fat, to grow fertile ② to have good taste
密売 【みつばい】smuggling, bootlegging, illicit trade
無作為 【むさくい】at random, unintentional
迷彩 【めいさい】camouflage, disguise
めちゃくちゃ① absurd, unreasonable, nonsensical, preposterous, incoherent ② extreme, senseless, reckless, wanton ③ disorder, confusion, mess, wreck
模写 【もしゃ】copy (of the real thing), copying, reproduction, tracing
黙認 【もくにん】connivance, tacit consent, toleration
薬剤師 【やくざいし】chemist, pharmacist
猶予 【ゆうよ】postponement, deferment, extension (of time)
元凶 【げんきょう】① ringleader, main culprit ② main cause, source
意気揚々 【いきようよう】triumphant, exultant, in high and proud spirits
陰影 【いんえい】① shadow, gloom ② shading, hatch, hatching
駆け出す 【かけだす】to run off, to break into a run, to start running
駆け付ける 【かけつける】to run to, to come running, to rush (someplace), to hasten
稼動 【かどう】operation (of machine), actual work
鎮める 【しずめる】to appease, to suppress, to calm
戒め 【いましめ】① caution, admonition, warning, lesson ② prohibition, ban, commandment, precept ③ binding (with rope), binds
土俵際 【どひょうぎわ】the edge of a sumo ring, the edge or verge
若松 【わかまつ】young pine, New Year's symbolic pine decoration
折鶴 【おりづる】folded paper crane
里親 【さとおや】foster parent, foster parents
盛りつける 【もりつける】to dish up
立ち尽くす 【たちつくす】to stand stock still
紋 【もん】(family) crest, coat of arms
盛り付け 【もりつけ】arrangement of food (on a dish), serving of (arranged) food
澪 【みお】① waterway, channel ② wake (of a ship)
ピース① peace ② peas ③ piece
迂回 【うかい】① detour ② to detour, to circumvent ③ turning movement (mil)
鴬色 【うぐいすいろ】greenish brown
苛む 【さいなむ】to torment, to torture, to harass
蟻 【あり】ant
姑息 【こそく】makeshift
狐 【きつね】① fox (esp. the red fox, Vulpes vulpes) ② fox (i.e. a sly person) ③ soba or udon topped with deep-fried tofu ④ light brown
象牙 【ぞうげ】ivory
艸 【くさかんむり】① kanji "grass radical" (radical 140) ② grass crown
賭け事 【かけごと】betting, gambling
斧 【おの】axe, hatchet
幇助 【ほうじょ】assistance, backing
曰く 【いわく】① pretext, history, past, story ② according to ..., ... says
たこcallus, callosity, corn
ひざまずくto kneel
靄 【もや】mist, haze
甦る 【よみがえる】① to be resurrected, to be resuscitated, to be rehabilitated, to be revived, to be refreshed, to be restored ② to be recalled (e.g. memories), to be brought back
口喧嘩 【くちげんか】quarrel, dispute
処方箋 【しょほうせん】prescription (medical)
愕然 【がくぜん】astonishment, terror
鳶色 【とびいろ】reddish brown
ガーンsound effect for shock (usu. the disappointing kind);
菰 【こも】① woven straw mat (orig. made of wild rice leaves) ② beggar
秕 【しいな】① empty grain husk, immature ear (e.g. wheat), hollow object ② unripe fruit