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Detective Conan Vol. 3 (episodes 18 to 136)

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Vocab for episodes 18 to 136 of the animated series ‘Detective Conan’. This is volume 3/15. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.

First 500 entries [show all] — Created by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
お母さん 【おかあさん】mother
エレベーターelevator, lift
カレンダー① calendar ② calender (machine for flattening things)
コート① coat ② court (i.e. tennis, basketball, etc.)
シャツshirt, singlet
スポーツsport, sports
トイレtoilet, restroom, bathroom, lavatory
ネクタイtie, necktie
バス① bus ② bath ③ bass
パン① bread, pastries (e.g. croissants), pastry-based products ② pan, frying pan ③ panning (in a film)
プール① (swimming) pool ② pool (billiards) ③ pool (together)
マッチ① match (contest, lighting fires. etc.) ② to match with, to go well with
安い 【やすい】① cheap, inexpensive ② calm, peaceful, quiet
右 【みぎ】① right, right hand side ② afore-mentioned (esp. in vertical Japanese writing), foregoing, forgoing, above
下さい 【ください】① please give me ② (after te-form of a verb or a noun prefixed with o- or go-) please do for me
下手 【へた】① unskillful, poor, awkward ② imprudent, untactful
外国 【がいこく】foreign country
休む 【やすむ】① to be absent, to take a day off ② to rest, to have a break ③ to go to bed, to (lie down to) sleep, to turn in, to retire ④ to stop doing some ongoing activity for a time, to suspend business
金 【かね】① money ② metal
古い 【ふるい】old (not person), aged, ancient, antiquated, stale, threadbare, outmoded, obsolete article
午後 【ごご】afternoon, p.m.
午前 【ごぜん】morning, a.m.
口 【くち】① mouth ② opening, hole, gap, orifice ③ mouth (of a bottle), spout, nozzle, mouthpiece ④ gate, door, entrance, exit ⑤ speaking, speech, talk (i.e. gossip) ⑥ taste, palate ⑦ mouth (to feed) ⑧ opening (i.e. vacancy), available position ⑨ invitation, summons ⑩ kind, sort, type ⑪ opening (i.e. beginning) ⑫ counter for mouthfuls, shares (of money), and swords
高い 【たかい】① high, tall ② expensive
今週 【こんしゅう】this week
左 【ひだり】left, left hand side
四つ 【よっつ】four
耳 【みみ】① ear ② hearing ③ edge, crust ④ selvedge (non-fray machined edge of fabrics), selvage
出口 【でぐち】exit, gateway, way out, outlet, leak, vent
上手 【じょうず】① skill, skillful, dexterity ② flattery
新聞 【しんぶん】newspaper
生まれる 【うまれる】to be born
先月 【せんげつ】last month
先生 【せんせい】① teacher, master, doctor ② with names of teachers, etc. as an honorific
男の子 【おとこのこ】boy, male child, baby boy
長い 【ながい】① long (distance) ② long (time), lengthy
電気 【でんき】① electricity ② (electric) light
読む 【よむ】to read
二 【に】two
年 【とし】① year ② age
白い 【しろい】white
半 【はん】half, semi-
半分 【はんぶん】half
来週 【らいしゅう】next week
一人 【ひとり】one person
十 【じゅう】10, ten
毎年 【まいとし】every year, yearly, annually
六 【ろく】six
国 【くに】① country, (the) state ② region ③ home (i.e. hometown, home country)
時 【じ】① hour, o'clock ② (specified) time, when ..., during ...
① indicates sentence subject (occasionally object) ② indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions) ③ but, however, still, and
① indicates location of action, at, in ② indicates time of action ③ indicates means of action, cause of effect, by ④ and then, so
医者 【いしゃ】(medical) doctor, physician
引く 【ひく】① to pull ② to draw (attention, etc.), to attract (interest, etc.) ③ to draw back ④ to draw (a card) ⑤ to draw (plan, line, etc.) ⑥ to catch (cold) ⑦ to play (string instr.) ⑧ to look up (e.g. dictionary), to consult ⑨ to haul, to pull (vehicles) ⑩ to subtract ⑪ to ebb, to fade ⑫ to descend (from), to inherit (a characteristic) ⑬ to quote, to raise (as evidence) ⑭ to lay (a cable), to draw (a cable)
映画 【えいが】movie, film
音楽 【おんがく】music, musical movement
家族 【かぞく】family, members of a family
歌 【うた】① song ② classical Japanese poetry (esp. tanka) ③ modern poetry
回 【かい】① counter for occurrences ② counter for innings (baseball)
寒い 【さむい】① cold (e.g. weather) ② dull, uninteresting, lame
教室 【きょうしつ】classroom
近い 【ちかい】near, close, short (distance)
兄 【あに】older brother
兄さん 【にいさん】① older brother, elder brother ② brother (as older-brother figure in friendly and or work relationship) ③ (vocative) young man, buddy, fella, laddie
軽い 【かるい】① light (i.e. not heavy), feeling light (i.e. offering little resistance, moving easily) ② light (i.e. of foot), nimble, agile ③ non-serious, minor, unimportant, trivial ④ slight, small, gentle, soft ⑤ easy, simple ⑥ indiscriminate
元気 【げんき】health(y), robust, vigor, vigour, energy, vitality, vim, stamina, spirit, courage, pep
広い 【ひろい】spacious, vast, wide
姉 【あね】older sister, elder sister
姉さん 【ねえさん】① elder sister ② (vocative) young lady ③ miss (referring to a waitress, etc.) ④ ma'am (used by geisha to refer to their superiors)
重い 【おもい】① heavy, massive ② serious, important, severe, oppressed
暑い 【あつい】hot (weather, etc.), warm
少ない 【すくない】few, a little, scarce, insufficient, seldom
色 【いろ】① colour, color ② complexion ③ appearance, look ④ love, lust, sensuality, love affair, lover ⑤ kind, type, variety
食べ物 【たべもの】food
食堂 【しょくどう】① dining room, dining hall, cafeteria, messroom ② restaurant, eatery, snack bar, diner
新しい 【あたらしい】new
図書館 【としょかん】library
青い 【あおい】① blue, green ② pale ③ unripe, inexperienced
切る 【きる】① to cut (usu. to cut through) ② to sever (connections, ties) ③ to turn off (i.e. the light) ④ to terminate (i.e. a conversation), to hang up (the phone), to disconnect ⑤ to punch (a ticket), to tear off (a stub) ⑥ to open (something sealed) ⑦ to start ⑧ to set (a limit) ⑨ to reduce, to decrease, to discount ⑩ to shake off (water, etc.), to let drip-dry (or drain) ⑪ to cross ⑫ to do (something noticeable) ⑬ to turn (a vehicle) ⑭ to cut (the ball) ⑮ to shuffle (cards) ⑯ to trump ⑰ (in Go) to isolate (an opponent's stone) ⑱ (after the -masu stem of a verb) to finish, to complete
洗う 【あらう】① to wash ② to investigate
貸す 【かす】① to lend, to loan ② to rent out, to hire out
大切 【たいせつ】important, valuable, worthy of care
着る 【きる】① to wear (in modern Japanese, from the shoulders down), to put on ② to bear (guilt, etc.)
朝 【あさ】morning
鳥 【とり】① bird ② bird meat (esp. chicken meat), fowl, poultry
低い 【ひくい】low (height, tone, rank, degree, cost, etc.), short
答える 【こたえる】to answer, to reply
働く 【はたらく】① to work, to labor, to labour ② to function, to operate, to be effective, to work (i.e. ... works), to come into play ③ to commit (e.g. a crime), to perpetrate, to do, to act, to practise, to practice ④ to be conjugated
肉 【にく】① flesh ② meat ③ the physical body (as opposed to the spirit) ④ thickness ⑤ ink pad
日曜日 【にちようび】Sunday
八百屋 【やおや】greengrocer
病院 【びょういん】hospital
勉強 【べんきょう】① study ② diligence ③ discount, reduction
妹 【いもうと】younger sister
問題 【もんだい】problem, question
料理 【りょうり】① cooking, cookery, cuisine ② dealing with something, handling, administration, management
上着 【うわぎ】coat, tunic, jacket, outer garment
色々 【いろいろ】various
歌う 【うたう】① to sing ② to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.)
飲み物 【のみもの】drink, beverage
小さな 【ちいさな】small, little, tiny
泳ぐ 【およぐ】to swim
荷物 【にもつ】① luggage, baggage ② burden ③ payload (of a packet, cell, etc.)
曲がる 【まがる】① to bend, to curve, to warp, to wind, to twist ② to turn ③ to be awry, to be askew, to be crooked
酒 【さけ】alcohol, sake
消す 【けす】① to erase, to delete, to cross out ② to turn off power ③ to extinguish, to put out
晴れる 【はれる】① to clear up, to clear away, to be sunny, to stop raining ② to refresh (e.g. spirits) ③ to be cleared (e.g. of a suspicion) ④ to be dispelled, to be banished
雪 【ゆき】snow
速い 【はやい】① fast, quick, hasty, brisk ② early (in the day, etc.), premature ③ (too) soon, not yet, (too) early ④ easy, simple, quick
万年筆 【まんねんひつ】fountain pen
無くす 【なくす】① to lose something ② to get rid of ③ to lose someone (wife, child, etc.)
緑 【みどり】① green ② greenery (esp. fresh verdure)
一昨日 【おととい】day before yesterday
側 【がわ】① side (of something, or taking someone's side), part ② (watch) case
箱 【はこ】① box ② car (of a train, etc.) ③ shamisen case, shamisen
お祖父さん 【おじいさん】① grandfather ② male senior-citizen
お腹 【おなか】stomach
汚い 【きたない】dirty, unclean, filthy
奥さん 【おくさん】wife, your wife, his wife, married lady, madam
押す 【おす】① to push, to press ② to apply pressure from above, to press down ③ to stamp (i.e. a passport), to apply a seal
皆さん 【みなさん】all, everyone, everybody
ほかother (esp. places and things), the rest
甘い 【あまい】① sweet, delicious ② fragrant (smelling), sweet (music) ③ lightly salted ④ naive, overly optimistic, soft on, generous, indulgent, easy-going ⑤ half-hearted, not finished properly ⑥ tempting (e.g. words), promising
机 【つくえ】desk
吸う 【すう】① to smoke, to breathe in, to inhale ② to suck, to sip, to slurp ③ to absorb, to soak up ④ to kiss
厚い 【あつい】① thick, deep, heavy ② kind, cordial, hospitable, warm, faithful ③ serious (of an illness) ④ abundant
降る 【ふる】to precipitate, to fall (e.g. rain)
咲く 【さく】to bloom
寝る 【ねる】① to lie down ② to go to bed, to lie in bed ③ to sleep (lying down) ④ to sleep (with someone, i.e. have intercourse) ⑤ to lie idle
大変 【たいへん】① very, greatly ② immense, enormous, great ③ serious, grave, dreadful, terrible ④ difficult, hard
閉まる 【しまる】to be shut, to close, to be closed
渡る 【わたる】① to cross over, to go across ② to extend, to cover, to range, to span
閉める 【しめる】to close, to shut
浴びる 【あびる】to bathe, to bask in the sun, to shower
冷蔵庫 【れいぞうこ】refrigerator
居る 【いる】① to be (of animate objects), to exist ② to stay ③ (after the -te form of a verb) verb indicating continuing action or state (i.e. to be ..ing, to have been ..ing)
ごろ① (approximate) time, around, about, toward ② suitable time (or condition) ③ time of year, season
匹 【ひき】① counter for small animals ② counter for rolls of cloth (two han in size) ③ roll of cloth
花瓶 【かびん】(flower) vase
掛かる 【かかる】① to take ② to hang ③ to come into view, to arrive ④ to come under (a contract, a tax) ⑤ to start (engines, motors) ⑥ to attend, to deal with, to handle ⑦ to have started to, to be on the verge of ⑧ to overlap (e.g. information in a manual), to cover ⑨ to (come) at ⑩ to be fastened ⑪ to be covered (e.g. with dust, a table-cloth, etc.) ⑫ to be caught in ⑬ to get a call ⑭ to depend on
砂糖 【さとう】sugar
撮る 【とる】to take (a photo), to make (a film)
脱ぐ 【ぬぐ】to take off (clothes, shoes, etc.), to undress
丁度 【ちょうど】just, right, exactly
締める 【しめる】① to tie, to fasten ② to total, to sum ③ to be strict with ④ to economize (economise), to cut down on
賑やか 【にぎやか】bustling, busy
風呂 【ふろ】① bath, bathtub ② bathroom, bathhouse ③ room for drying lacquerware ④ base (wooden joint connecting the blade of a hoe, spade, etc., to the handle)
本棚 【ほんだな】bookshelves, bookshelf, bookcase
立派 【りっぱ】splendid, fine, handsome, elegant, imposing, prominent, legal, legitimate
風邪 【かぜ】cold (illness), common cold
嫌 【いや】disagreeable, detestable, unpleasant, reluctant
伯父 【おじ】uncle (older than one's parent)
嫌がる 【いやがる】to hate, to dislike
こちら① this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker), this direction ② here (place close to the speaker or where the speaker is) ③ this one (something physically close to the speaker) ④ I, me ⑤ this person (someone physically close to the speaker and of equal or higher status)
そちら① that way (direction distant from the speaker, close to the listener) ② there (place distant from the speaker, close to the listener) ③ that one (something close to the listener) ④ you, your family ⑤ that person (someone close to the listener)
それからand then, after that
とても① very, awfully, exceedingly ② (before a negative form) (not) at all, by no means, simply (cannot)
どちら① which way, which direction, where ② which one (esp. of two alternatives) ③ who
それでは① well then ... ② in that situation, in which case
あちら① that way (direction distant from both speaker and listener), over there, yonder ② that one (something physically distant from both speaker and listener, or something not visible but known by both speaker and listener), that ③ that person (someone physically distant from both speaker and listener, or someone not present but known by both speaker and listener) ④ there (place distant from both speaker and listener), over there, foreign country (esp. a Western nation)
あっち① that way (direction distant from both speaker and listener), over there, yonder ② that one (something physically distant from both speaker and listener, or something not visible but known by both speaker and listener), that ③ that person (someone physically distant from both speaker and listener, or someone not present but known by both speaker and listener) ④ there (place distant from both speaker and listener), over there, foreign country (esp. a Western nation)
いかがhow, in what way, how about
きれい① pretty, lovely, beautiful, fair ② clean, clear, pure, tidy, neat ③ completely, entirely
どのwhich, what (way)
かな① I wonder (sentence ending prt) ② should I? (question prt when thinking out loud), is it? ③ I wish that (with a negative), I hope that
すっかりall, completely, thoroughly
はっきりclearly, plainly, distinctly
上がる 【あがる】① to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised ② to enter (esp. from outdoors), to come in, to go in ③ to enter (a school), to advance to the next grade ④ to get out (of water), to come ashore ⑤ to increase ⑥ to improve, to make progress ⑦ to be promoted, to advance ⑧ to be made (of profit, etc.) ⑨ to occur (esp. of a favourable result) ⑩ to be adequate (to cover expenses, etc.) ⑪ to be finished, to be done, to be over ⑫ (of rain) to stop, to lift ⑬ to stop (working properly), to cut out, to give out, to die ⑭ to win (in a card game, etc.) ⑮ to be arrested ⑯ to turn up (of evidence, etc.) ⑰ to be deep fried ⑱ to be spoken loudly ⑲ to get stage fright ⑳ to be offered (to the gods, etc.) ○ to go, to visit ○ to eat, to drink ○ to be listed (as a candidate) ○ to serve (in one's master's home) ○ (in Kyoto) to go north ○ (after the -masu stem of a verb) indicates completion
プレゼント① present, gift ② to give a present or gift
安心 【あんしん】relief, peace of mind
員 【いん】member
屋上 【おくじょう】rooftop
火事 【かじ】fire, conflagration
会 【かい】① meeting, assembly, party ② association, club
会場 【かいじょう】assembly hall, meeting place, the grounds
間 【あいだ】① space (between), gap, interval, distance ② time (between), pause, break ③ span (temporal or spatial), stretch, period (while) ④ relationship (between, among) ⑤ members (within, among)
間に合う 【まにあう】① to be in time for ② to serve (suit, meet) the purpose, to be good enough, to be enough
空気 【くうき】air, atmosphere
計画 【けいかく】plan, project, schedule, scheme, program, programme
建てる 【たてる】to build, to construct
研究 【けんきゅう】study, research, investigation
合う 【あう】① to come together, to merge, to unite, to meet ② to fit, to match, to suit, to agree with, to be correct ③ to be profitable, to be equitable ④ (after the -masu stem of a verb) to do ... to each other, to do ... together
始める 【はじめる】① to start, to begin, to commence, to initiate, to originate ② to open (e.g. a store), to start up, to establish (business. etc.) ③ to start (doing something), to begin to ...
思い出す 【おもいだす】to recall, to remember
止める 【やめる】to end, to stop, to cease, to resign
集める 【あつめる】to collect, to assemble, to gather
場合 【ばあい】case, situation
食事 【しょくじ】① meal ② to eat
心 【こころ】① mind, heart, spirit ② the meaning of a phrase (riddle, etc.)
正月 【しょうがつ】New Year, New Year's Day, the first month, January
西洋 【せいよう】the west, Western countries
足りる 【たりる】① to be sufficient, to be enough ② to be worth doing, to be worthy ③ to be sufficient, to answer, to do
太る 【ふとる】to grow fat (stout, plump), to become fat, to gain weight
大体 【だいたい】general, substantially, outline, main point, approximately, about
大分 【だいぶ】considerably, greatly, a lot
中学校 【ちゅうがっこう】junior high school, middle school, lower secondary school
昼間 【ひるま】daytime, during the day
空く 【あく】① to be empty ② to be vacant, to be available, to be free
代わり 【かわり】① substitute, deputy, proxy, alternate, relief, compensation, second helping ② in place of, as a substitute for
回る 【まわる】① to turn, to revolve ② to visit several places ③ to function well ④ to pass a certain time
真ん中 【まんなか】middle, centre, center, mid-way
別れる 【わかれる】to be divided, to part from, to separate, to bid farewell
代 【だい】① charge, cost, price ② generation, age, reign ③ (geological) era ④ (after someone's name or title) a representative of, on behalf of, for (someone) ⑤ used after a phone number to indicate that it is a switchboard number ⑥ counter for decades of ages, eras, etc. ⑦ counter for generations (of inheritors to a throne, etc.) ⑧ proxy application company
安全 【あんぜん】① safety ② security
育てる 【そだてる】to raise, to rear, to bring up
雲 【くも】cloud
学部 【がくぶ】① department of a university ② undergraduate (course, program, etc.)
客 【きゃく】① guest, visitor ② customer, client, shopper, spectator, audience, tourist, sightseer, passenger
近所 【きんじょ】neighbourhood, neighborhood
決して 【けっして】never, by no means, decidedly, indisputably
湖 【みずうみ】lake
光 【ひかり】light
参る 【まいる】① to go, to come, to call ② to be defeated, to collapse, to die ③ to be annoyed, to be nonplussed ④ to be madly in love ⑤ to visit (shrine, grave)
自由 【じゆう】freedom, liberty, as it pleases you
受ける 【うける】① to receive, to accept, to get, to inherit ② to catch (e.g. a ball), to parry (e.g. a blow), to take (lesson, test, damage), to sustain (damage), to incur (loss) ③ to become popular, to be well-received, to go down well
森 【もり】① forest ② shrine grove
深い 【ふかい】deep, profound, thick, close
申し上げる 【もうしあげる】① to say, to tell, to state ② to do for
申す 【もうす】to be called, to say
真面目 【まじめ】diligent, serious, honest, sober, grave, earnest, steady
進む 【すすむ】① to advance, to go forward ② to precede, to go ahead (of) ③ to make progress, to improve ④ to deepen, to heighten ⑤ to do of one's own free will
製 【せい】-made, make
昔 【むかし】olden days, former
島 【しま】① island ② territory (of a prostitute, organized crime gang, etc.), turf
投げる 【なげる】① to throw, to cast away ② to face defeat, to give up
反対 【はんたい】opposition, resistance, antagonism, hostility, contrast, objection, dissension, reverse, opposite, vice versa
番組 【ばんぐみ】program (e.g. TV), programme
悲しい 【かなしい】sad, sorrowful
部長 【ぶちょう】① head (chief, director) of a section or department ② head of a (school) club, head of a (school) team
放送 【ほうそう】broadcast, broadcasting
鳴る 【なる】to sound, to ring, to resound, to echo, to roar, to rumble
毛 【け】hair, fur
予定 【よてい】plans, arrangement, schedule, program, programme, expectation, estimate
理由 【りゆう】reason, pretext, motive
林 【はやし】woods, forest, copse, thicket
具合 【ぐあい】condition, state, manner, health
直る 【なおる】to get mended, to be repaired, to be fixed
船 【ふね】① ship, boat, watercraft, vessel, steamship ② tank, tub, vat, trough ③ counter for boat-shaped containers (e.g. of sashimi)
祭り 【まつり】festival, feast
向かう 【むかう】① to face ② to go towards
引っ越す 【ひっこす】to move (house), to change residence
割れる 【われる】① to break, to be smashed ② to split, to crack, to fissure, to be torn ③ to be divided, to cleave ④ to come to light
危険 【きけん】① danger, peril, hazard ② dangerous, hazardous
喜ぶ 【よろこぶ】① to be delighted, to be glad, to be pleased ② to congratulate ③ to gratefully accept
機会 【きかい】chance, opportunity
機械 【きかい】① machine, mechanism ② instrument, appliance, apparatus
久しぶり 【ひさしぶり】a long time (since the last time), it's been a while (since I last saw, mailed, etc., you)
迎える 【むかえる】① to go out to meet ② to receive, to welcome ③ to accept (e.g. as a member of a group or family) ④ to call for, to summon, to invite ⑤ to approach (a certain time, a point in one's life, etc.)
原因 【げんいん】cause, origin, source
妻 【つま】① wife ② garnish (esp. one served with sashimi) ③ embellishment
済む 【すむ】① to finish, to end, to be completed ② to merely result in something less severe than expected ③ to feel at ease ④ (neg) to feel unease or guilt for troubling someone, to be sorry
産業 【さんぎょう】industry
指輪 【ゆびわ】(finger) ring
失敗 【しっぱい】failure, mistake, blunder
失礼 【しつれい】① discourtesy, impoliteness ② Excuse me, Goodbye ③ to leave ④ to be rude
手袋 【てぶくろ】glove, mitten, mitt
準備 【じゅんび】preparation, setup, arrangements, provision, reserve
招待 【しょうたい】invitation
触る 【さわる】to touch, to feel
席 【せき】① seat ② location (of a gathering, etc.), place ③ position, post
折る 【おる】to break, to fold, to pick flowers
祖父 【そふ】① grandfather ② old man ③ kyogen mask used for the role of an old man
続く 【つづく】① to continue, to last, to go on ② to be unbroken ③ to occur again and again ④ to lead to, to connect to
続ける 【つづける】to continue, to keep up, to keep on
卒業 【そつぎょう】graduation, completion (e.g. of a course)
男性 【だんせい】① man, male ② masculine gender
恥ずかしい 【はずかしい】shy, ashamed, embarrassed
程 【ほど】① degree, extent, bounds, limit ② indicates approx. amount or maximum, upper limit
適当 【てきとう】① suitable, adequate, relevant, appropriate, fit ② random, halfhearted, on the spot, whatever works
塗る 【ぬる】to paint, to plaster, to lacquer, to varnish, to spread, to smear
倒れる 【たおれる】① to fall, to collapse, to drop, to fall senseless ② to be forced to bed (by illness, etc.) ③ to die ④ to go bankrupt, to be ruined, to have a bad debt ⑤ to be defeated (in a game) ⑥ to fall (of governments, dictators, etc.)
盗む 【ぬすむ】to steal
熱 【ねつ】fever, temperature
泊まる 【とまる】① to stay at (e.g. hotel) ② to be docked, to be berthed, to be moored
付く 【つく】① to be attached, to be connected with, to adhere, to stick, to cling ② to remain imprinted, to scar, to stain, to dye ③ to bear (fruit, interest, etc.) ④ to be acquired (of a habit, ability, etc.), to increase (of strength, etc.) ⑤ to take root ⑥ to accompany, to attend, to follow, to study with ⑦ to side with, to belong to ⑧ to possess, to haunt ⑨ to be lit, to be lighted ⑩ to be settled, to be resolved, to be decided ⑪ to be given (of a name, price, etc.) ⑫ to be sensed, to be perceived ⑬ to be lucky ⑭ (after -masu stems, onomatopoeic and mimetic words) to become (a state, condition, etc.)
夫 【おっと】husband
普通 【ふつう】① general, ordinary, usual ② normally, generally, usually ③ train that stops at every station
複雑 【ふくざつ】complex, complicated
壁 【かべ】① wall, barrier ② Chinese "Wall" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
亡くなる 【なくなる】to die
忘れ物 【わすれもの】lost article, something forgotten
眠る 【ねむる】① to sleep (not necessarily lying down) ② to die
予約 【よやく】① reservation, appointment, booking, advance order ② contract, subscription, pledge
冷える 【ひえる】to grow cold, to get chilly, to cool down
歴史 【れきし】history
難い 【にくい】difficult, hard
遅れる 【おくれる】to be late, to be delayed, to fall behind schedule, to be overdue
格好 【かっこう】① shape, form, posture, appearance, manner ② suitability, moderateness (in price)
増える 【ふえる】to increase, to multiply
割合 【わりあい】① rate, ratio, percentage, proportion ② comparatively ③ contrary to expectations
お祝い 【おいわい】congratulation, congratulations, celebration, festival, congratulatory gift
為さる 【なさる】to do
壊す 【こわす】① to break, to destroy, to demolish ② to wreck, to ruin, to spoil, to damage ③ to break (a bill, etc.)
滑る 【すべる】① to glide, to slide (e.g. on skis), to slip ② to bomb (when telling a joke)
頑張る 【がんばる】to persist, to insist on, to stand firm, to try one's best
宜しい 【よろしい】good, OK, all right, fine, very well, will do, may, can
驚く 【おどろく】to be surprised, to be astonished
喧嘩 【けんか】quarrel, brawl, fight, squabble, scuffle
故障 【こしょう】break-down, failure, fault, accident, out of order
随分 【ずいぶん】① very, extremely, surprisingly, considerably ② contemptible, reprehensible
是非 【ぜひ】① certainly, without fail ② right and wrong, pros and cons
先輩 【せんぱい】senior (at work or school), superior, elder, older graduate, progenitor, old-timer
騒ぐ 【さわぐ】① to make noise, to make racket, to be noisy ② to rustle, to swoosh ③ to make merry ④ to clamor, to clamour, to make a fuss, to kick up a fuss ⑤ to lose one's cool, to panic, to act flustered ⑥ to feel tense, to be uneasy, to be excited
棚 【たな】① shelf, shelves, ledge, rack ② trellis
致す 【いたす】to do
注射 【ちゅうしゃ】injection
丁寧 【ていねい】polite, courteous, careful, care, kind, close, thorough, conscientious
濡れる 【ぬれる】to get wet
寂しい 【さびしい】lonely, lonesome, solitary, desolate
我々 【われわれ】we
訳 【やく】translation, version (e.g. "English version")
それにbesides, moreover
それほどto that degree, extent
ちっともnot at all (neg. verb)
やはりalso, as I thought, still, in spite of, absolutely, of course
いじめるto tease, to torment, to persecute, to chastise
びっくり① to be surprised, to be amazed, to be frightened, to be astonished ② surprise (e.g. surprise party) ③ surprise
なかなか① very, considerably, easily, readily, fairly, quite, highly, rather ② by no means (with negative verb)
そうしてand, like that
たまにoccasionally, once in a while
もうすぐvery soon
ぐっすりsound asleep, fast asleep
こっそりstealthily, secretly
するとthereupon, hereupon
だらけ① implying (negatively) that something is full of (e.g. mistakes) ② covered all over (e.g. with blood)
ですからso, therefore
どうせanyhow, in any case, at any rate, after all, at best, at most, at all
のんびりcarefree, at leisure
本の 【ほんの】mere, only, just
ぼんやりabsent-minded, blockhead, dim, faint, vague
やって来る 【やってくる】to come along, to come around, to turn up
オーバー① overcoat ② over, exceeding, going beyond, exaggeration ③ ball hit over the head of an outfielder (baseball)
外す 【はずす】① to unfasten, to undo ② to remove, to take off, to deinstall ③ to leave, to step out, to slip away ④ to miss (a target)
外れる 【はずれる】to be disconnected, to get out of place, to be off, to be out (e.g. of gear)
学ぶ 【まなぶ】to study (in depth), to learn, to take lessons in
間もなく 【まもなく】① soon, before long, in a short time ② (after verb) lacking time to ..., without time to ...
気に入る 【きにいる】to be pleased with, to suit
見上げる 【みあげる】to look up at, to raise one's eyes, to admire
生 【なま】① raw, uncooked, fresh ② natural, unedited, unprocessed, crude ③ live (i.e. not recorded) ④ inexperienced, unpolished, green ⑤ impudence, sauciness ⑥ unpasteurized beer, draft beer, draught beer ⑦ partially, somewhat, half-, semi-
先日 【せんじつ】the other day, a few days ago
長 【ちょう】chief, head
年間 【ねんかん】year (period of)
本人 【ほんにん】the person himself
毎 【ごと】each respectively
分かれる 【わかれる】① to branch, to fork, to diverge ② to separate, to split, to divide ③ to disperse, to scatter
どうかplease, somehow or other
あんなにto that extent, to that degree
① (sentence end) indicates emphasis, agreement, request for confirmation, etc., is it so ② hey, come on
だがbut, however, (and) yet, nevertheless, still, for all that
なんて① such as, (things) like ② exclamation
以前 【いぜん】ago, since, before, previous
以来 【いらい】since, henceforth
意外 【いがい】unexpected, surprising
運 【うん】fortune, luck
下がる 【さがる】to hang down, to abate, to retire, to fall, to step back
海外 【かいがい】foreign, abroad, overseas
学者 【がくしゃ】scholar
起こる 【おこる】to occur, to happen
去る 【さる】① to leave, to go away ② to pass, to elapse ③ to be distant ④ to send away, to drive off, to divorce ⑤ (after a -masu stem, esp. of a suru verb) ... completely ⑥ last ... (e.g. "last April")
強力 【きょうりょく】powerful, strong
空っぽ 【からっぽ】empty, vacant, hollow
行動 【こうどう】action, conduct, behaviour, behavior, mobilization, mobilisation
作品 【さくひん】work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.), opus, performance, production
思わず 【おもわず】unintentionally, reflexively, spontaneously, involuntarily, instinctively
自動 【じどう】① automatic, self-motion ② intransitive verb
室 【しつ】① room ② Chinese "Encampment" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
借金 【しゃっきん】debt, loan, liabilities
手入れ 【ていれ】① repairs, maintenance, tending, trimming, grooming ② crackdown, (police) raid
真っ赤 【まっか】① bright red, deep red, flushed (of face) ② downright (e.g. lie), complete, utter
世間 【せけん】world, society
青年 【せいねん】youth, young man
切れる 【きれる】① to cut well, to be sharp ② to break (off), to snap, to wear out ③ to be injured ④ to burst, to collapse ⑤ to be disconnected, to be out of, to expire, to sever (connections) with ⑥ to be shrewd, to have a sharp mind ⑦ to drop under (a certain figure), to beat (e.g. a time) ⑧ to flip, to lose one's temper ⑨ to be able to do completely
足る 【たる】to be sufficient, to be enough, to be worthy of
多少 【たしょう】more or less, somewhat, a little, some
体重 【たいじゅう】body weight (usu. one's own)
貸し 【かし】loan, lending
地下 【ちか】① basement, cellar, underground place ② underground, below ground ③ secret, under cover
中止 【ちゅうし】suspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption
注文 【ちゅうもん】order, request
注目 【ちゅうもく】notice, attention, observation
度 【たび】time (three times, each time, etc.), times
動かす 【うごかす】① to move, to shift, to operate, to set in motion, to mobilize, to mobilise ② to inspire, to rouse, to move (e.g. feeling), to influence ③ to deny, to change
入場 【にゅうじょう】entrance, admission, entering
発 【はつ】① departure, departing (from ...), departing (at time ...) ② beginning ③ issued by (e.g. document) ④ counter for gunshots, counter for blows (punches)
不運 【ふうん】unlucky, misfortune, bad luck, fate
文 【ぶん】sentence, text
別れ 【わかれ】parting, separation, farewell, (lateral) branch, fork, offshoot, division, section
母親 【ははおや】mother
味わう 【あじわう】to taste, to savor, to relish
味方 【みかた】friend, ally, supporter
夕食 【ゆうしょく】evening meal, dinner
立場 【たちば】standpoint, position, situation
料金 【りょうきん】fee, charge, fare
話題 【わだい】topic, subject
一家 【いっか】a house, a home, a family, a household, one's family, one's folks, a style
転ぶ 【ころぶ】to fall down, to fall over
空く 【すく】① to become less crowded, to thin out, to get empty ② to be hungry
足元 【あしもと】① at one's feet, underfoot ② gait, pace, step ③ you, thou
思い出 【おもいで】memories, recollections, reminiscence
少々 【しょうしょう】just a minute, small quantity
銀 【ぎん】① silver, silver coin, silver paint ② silver general (shogi)
少なくとも 【すくなくとも】at least
出会う 【であう】to meet by chance, to come across, to happen to encounter, to hold a rendezvous, to have a date
計る 【はかる】① to measure, to weigh, to survey, to time (sound, gauge, estimate) ② to conjecture, to infer, to surmise
広がる 【ひろがる】to spread (out), to extend, to stretch, to reach to, to get around, to fill (e.g. a space)
始まり 【はじまり】origin, beginning
その内 【そのうち】eventually, sooner or later, of the previously mentioned
ところがeven so, however, still, whereupon, even though, nevertheless, on the contrary, as a matter of fact, despite
安定 【あんてい】stability, equilibrium
育つ 【そだつ】to be raised (e.g. child), to be brought up, to grow (up)
引退 【いんたい】retire
回す 【まわす】① to turn, to rotate, to gyrate ② to circulate, to send around ③ to surround ④ to put something to a new use (e.g. leftovers) ⑤ (after the -masu stem of a verb) ... around (i.e. to chase someone around) ⑥ to dial (e.g. telephone number)
他 【ほか】other (esp. places and things), the rest
感じる 【かんじる】to feel, to sense, to experience
感情 【かんじょう】emotion, feeling, feelings, sentiment
感動 【かんどう】being deeply moved emotionally, excitement, passion, deep emotion, impression
観客 【かんきゃく】audience, spectator, spectators
記者 【きしゃ】reporter
記録 【きろく】① record, minutes, document ② a record (e.g. in sports), results, score ③ to record, to document ④ to set a record (e.g. in sports), to show a result, to reach a value
逆らう 【さからう】to go against, to oppose, to disobey, to defy
金額 【きんがく】amount of money
苦しむ 【くるしむ】to suffer, to groan, to be worried
計算 【けいさん】① calculation, reckoning, count ② forecast
決定 【けってい】decision, determination
県 【けん】① prefecture (of Japan) ② county (of China)
語る 【かたる】to talk, to tell, to recite
向ける 【むける】to turn towards, to point
号 【ごう】① number, edition, make, model, issue, part of that group ② sobriquet, pen-name
根 【ね】① root (of a plant) ② root (of a tooth, hair, etc.), center (of a pimple, etc.) ③ root root (of all evil, etc.), source, origin, cause, basis ④ one's true nature ⑤ (fishing) reef
才能 【さいのう】talent, ability
参加 【さんか】participation
思想 【しそう】thought, idea, ideology
事情 【じじょう】circumstances, consideration, conditions, situation, reasons
時期 【じき】time, season, period
自身 【じしん】by oneself, personally
自然 【しぜん】① nature, spontaneity ② naturally, spontaneously
式 【しき】① equation, formula, expression ② ceremony ③ style
実 【み】① fruit, nut ② seed ③ (in broth) pieces of meat, vegetable, etc. ④ content, substance
実行 【じっこう】practice, practise, performance, execution (e.g. program) (programme), realization, realisation, implementation
手術 【しゅじゅつ】surgical operation
助かる 【たすかる】to be saved, to be rescued, to survive, to be helpful
勝負 【しょうぶ】victory or defeat, match, contest, game, bout
章 【しょう】① chapter, section ② medal
新た 【あらた】① new, fresh, novel ② newly, freshly, re-
進める 【すすめる】to advance, to promote, to hasten
数える 【かぞえる】to count, to enumerate
数字 【すうじ】numeral, figure, digit, numeric character
全 【ぜん】all, whole, entire, complete, overall, pan-
組み立てる 【くみたてる】to assemble, to set up, to construct
組む 【くむ】① to cross (legs or arms), to link (arms) ② to put together, to construct, to assemble, to produce (e.g. TV program) ③ to braid, to plait ④ to grapple, to wrestle ⑤ to unite, to link up, to form an alliance ⑥ to set (e.g. type) ⑦ to issue (e.g. money order)
身体 【しんたい】① body ② health
代表 【だいひょう】representative, representation, delegation, type, example, model
単なる 【たんなる】mere, simple, sheer
断る 【ことわる】① to refuse, to reject, to dismiss, to turn down, to decline ② to inform, to give notice, to tell in advance ③ to ask leave, to excuse oneself (from)
地点 【ちてん】site, point on a map, spot
地面 【じめん】ground, earth's surface
中央 【ちゅうおう】centre, central, center, middle
調子 【ちょうし】① tune, tone, key, pitch, time, rhythm ② vein, mood, way, manner, style, knack ③ condition, state of health ④ impetus, spur of the moment, strain ⑤ trend
通じる 【つうじる】to run to, to lead to, to communicate, to understand, to be well-informed
鉄 【てつ】iron
電池 【でんち】battery
当たる 【あたる】① to be hit, to strike ② to touch, to be in contact, to be affixed ③ to be equivalent to, to be applicable, to apply to ④ to be right on the money (of a prediction, criticism, etc.) ⑤ to be selected (in a lottery, etc.), to win ⑥ to be successful, to go well, to be a hit ⑦ to face, to confront ⑧ to lie (in the direction of) ⑨ to undertake, to be assigned ⑩ to be stricken (by food poisoning, heat, etc.), to be afflicted ⑪ to be called upon (by the teacher) ⑫ to treat (esp. harshly), to lash out at ⑬ to be unnecessary ⑭ (in baseball) to be hitting well, to be on a hitting streak ⑮ (in fishing) to feel a bite ⑯ (of fruit, etc.) to be bruised, to spoil ⑰ to feel (something) out, to probe into, to check (i.e. by comparison) ⑱ to shave
当てる 【あてる】① to hit ② to expose ③ to apply (e.g. patch) ④ to allot, to call on someone (e.g. in class) ⑤ to guess (an answer) ⑥ to make a hit (e.g. in a lottery)
当時 【とうじ】at that time, in those days
頭 【とう】counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle)
内 【うち】① inside, within ② while ③ among, amongst, between ④ we (referring to one's in-group, i.e. company, etc.), our ⑤ my spouse ⑥ I (primarily used by women and children), me
能力 【のうりょく】ability, faculty
馬 【うま】① horse ② promoted bishop (shogi)
発表 【はっぴょう】announcement, publication
美人 【びじん】beautiful person (woman)
氷 【こおり】① ice ② shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup)
表 【ひょう】table (e.g. Tab 1), chart, list
表情 【ひょうじょう】facial expression
秒 【びょう】second (60th min)
不自由 【ふじゆう】① discomfort, inconvenience ② poverty, want, destitution ③ disability, impairment (physical, mental, etc.)
部分 【ぶぶん】portion, section, part
満足 【まんぞく】① satisfaction ② sufficiency
無し 【なし】without
明ける 【あける】① to dawn, to grow light ② to end
明確 【めいかく】clear, precise, definite, distinct
迷う 【まよう】① to lose one's way ② to waver, to hesitate, to be of two minds over, to be puzzled, to be perplexed ③ to give into temptation, to lose control of oneself ④ to turn in one's grave
目指す 【めざす】to aim at, to have an eye on
目的 【もくてき】purpose, goal, aim, objective, intention
役 【やく】① use, service, role ② post, position ③ scoring combination (e.g. in mahjong, card games, etc.), hand
様子 【ようす】① state, state of affairs, situation, circumstances ② appearance, look, aspect ③ sign, indication
流れ 【ながれ】stream, current, flow
流行る 【はやる】① to be popular, to come into fashion ② to be prevalent, to spread widely (e.g. disease), to be endemic ③ to flourish, to thrive
留学 【りゅうがく】studying abroad (usu. at university level)
例外 【れいがい】exception
数 【かず】number, amount
全国 【ぜんこく】country-wide, nation-wide, whole country, national
面 【めん】① face ② mask, face guard ③ (in kendo) striking the head ④ surface (esp. a geometrical surface) ⑤ page ⑥ aspect, facet, side ⑦ chamfer ⑧ counter for broad, flat objects, levels or stages, e.g. in a video game
協力 【きょうりょく】cooperation, collaboration
例える 【たとえる】to compare, to liken, to speak figuratively, to illustrate, to use a simile
次々 【つぎつぎ】in succession, one by one