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Detective Conan Vol. 5 (episodes 425 to 539)

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Vocab for episodes 425 to 539 of the animated series ‘Detective Conan’. This is volume 5/15. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.

First 500 entries [show all] — Created by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
アパート① apartment building, apartment block, apartment house ② apartment
コップglass (i.e. drinking vessel), tumbler
スリッパslipper, slippers
フォーク① fork ② folk, folk song ③ hawk
レコード① record (e.g. LP) ② record (e.g. athletics)
五 【ご】five
五つ 【いつつ】five
今月 【こんげつ】this month
七つ 【ななつ】seven
西 【にし】west
東 【ひがし】east
来月 【らいげつ】next month
六つ 【むっつ】six
時々 【ときどき】sometimes, at times
火曜日 【かようび】Tuesday
漢字 【かんじ】Chinese characters, kanji
金曜日 【きんようび】Friday
月曜日 【げつようび】Monday
作文 【さくぶん】① writing (an essay, prose, etc.), composition ② formal writing with little real meaning
自転車 【じてんしゃ】bicycle
弱い 【よわい】weak, frail, delicate, tender, unskilled, weak (wine)
土曜日 【どようび】Saturday
開く 【あく】① to open (e.g. doors) ② to open (e.g. business, etc.)
黄色い 【きいろい】yellow
鼻 【はな】nose
無い 【ない】① nonexistent, not being (there) ② unpossessed, unowned, not had ③ unique ④ indicates negation, inexperience, unnecessariness or impossibility ⑤ (after the ren'youkei form of an adjective) not ... ⑥ (after the -te form of a verb) to not be..., to have not ...
お菓子 【おかし】confections, sweets, candy
お祖母さん 【おばあさん】① grandmother ② female senior-citizen
灰皿 【はいざら】ashtray
今晩は 【こんばんは】good evening
冊 【さつ】counter for books
吹く 【ふく】① to blow (wind, etc.), to play a wind instrument ② to emit, to spout ③ to whistle
洗濯 【せんたく】washing, laundry
背広 【せびろ】business suit
封筒 【ふうとう】envelope
毎晩 【まいばん】every night
冷たい 【つめたい】① cold (to the touch), chilly, icy, freezing ② coldhearted, unfeeling
塩 【しお】salt
鉛筆 【えんぴつ】pencil
丈夫 【じょうぶ】healthy, robust, strong, solid, durable
叔母 【おば】aunt (younger than one's parent)
つまらない① dull, uninteresting, boring ② insignificant, trifling
いくつ① how many? ② how old?
醤油 【しょうゆ】soy sauce, shoyu
けれどbut, however, although
アルバイト① part-time job, side job ② albite
カーテンcurtain, curtains
ガソリンgasoline, petrol
医学 【いがく】medical science, medicine
校長 【こうちょう】principal, headmaster
私 【わたくし】① I, me ② private affairs, personal matter, secrecy ③ selfishness
試験 【しけん】examination, test, study, trial, experiment
社会 【しゃかい】society, public
小学校 【しょうがっこう】primary school, elementary school, grade school
親切 【しんせつ】kindness, gentleness
大学生 【だいがくせい】university student, college student
昼休み 【ひるやすみ】lunch break, noon recess, noon rest period
入学 【にゅうがく】entry to school or university, matriculation
夕飯 【ゆうはん】evening meal
写す 【うつす】① to transcribe, to duplicate, to reproduce, to imitate, to trace ② to describe ③ to film, to picture, to photograph
終わり 【おわり】the end
引き出す 【ひきだす】to pull out, to take out, to draw out, to withdraw
海岸 【かいがん】coast, beach
教育 【きょういく】training, education
細かい 【こまかい】① small ② fine, minute ③ minor, trivial ④ sensitive, attentive
坂 【さか】slope, hill
糸 【いと】thread, yarn, string
寺 【てら】temple (Buddhist)
草 【くさ】grass
点く 【つく】① to be lit (e.g. electricity comes on), to be lighted ② to catch fire
米 【こめ】(husked grains of) rice
無くなる 【なくなる】to disappear, to get lost
規則 【きそく】rules, regulations, conventions
支度 【したく】preparation, arrangements
将来 【しょうらい】future (usually near), prospects
折れる 【おれる】to break, to be folded, to give in, to turn (a corner)
専門 【せんもん】speciality, specialty, subject of study, expert
戦争 【せんそう】war
朝寝坊 【あさねぼう】oversleeping, late riser
電灯 【でんとう】electric light
土産 【みやげ】present, souvenir
優しい 【やさしい】tender, kind, gentle, graceful, affectionate, amiable, suave
受付 【うけつけ】reception (desk), information desk
ご存じ 【ごぞんじ】① knowing ② (an) acquaintance
一生懸命 【いっしょうけんめい】very hard, with utmost effort, with all one's might, for dear life
漫画 【まんが】comic, cartoon
揺れる 【ゆれる】to shake, to sway
冷房 【れいぼう】cooling, air-conditioning
たかる① to gather, to crowd round, to swarm, to flock ② to extort from, to sponge off
のど① throat ② singing voice
痩せる 【やせる】① to become thin, to lose weight, to reduce (one's) weight, to slim ② to be barren, to be infertile, to be sterile
うっかりcarelessly, thoughtlessly, inadvertently
きちんとprecisely, accurately, neatly
そっとsoftly, gently, quietly, secretly
何とも 【なんとも】nothing (with neg. verb), quite, not a bit
左右 【さゆう】① left and right ② influence, control, domination
読み 【よみ】reading
読書 【どくしょ】reading
来 【らい】① next (year, etc.) ② since (last month, etc.)
学 【がく】learning, scholarship, erudition, knowledge
意思 【いし】intention, purpose
画家 【がか】painter, artist
国会 【こっかい】National Diet, parliament, congress
持ち上げる 【もちあげる】to raise, to lift up, to flatter
手品 【てじな】sleight of hand, conjuring trick, magic, juggling
出来事 【できごと】incident, affair, happening, event
書店 【しょてん】bookshop, bookstore
正午 【しょうご】noon, mid-day
大家 【おおや】landlord, landlady
中心 【ちゅうしん】center, centre, middle, heart, core, focus, pivot, emphasis, balance
土地 【とち】plot of land, lot, soil
年代 【ねんだい】age, era, period, date
病 【やまい】illness, disease
歩道 【ほどう】footpath, walkway, sidewalk
用心 【ようじん】care, precaution, guarding, caution
注ぐ 【そそぐ】① to pour (into), to fill ② to sprinkle on from above, to shed (e.g. tears) ③ to concentrate one's spirit or strength on ④ to fall onto (of rain, snow)
品 【しな】① thing, article, goods ② dignity, class, quality ③ counter for meal courses ④ flirtatiousness, coquetry
広げる 【ひろげる】to spread, to extend, to expand, to enlarge, to widen, to broaden, to unfold, to open, to unroll
一流 【いちりゅう】first-class, top grade, school (of art), foremost, top-notch, unique
王子 【おうじ】prince
王様 【おうさま】king
温度 【おんど】temperature
加わる 【くわわる】to join in, to accede to, to increase, to gain in (influence)
家具 【かぐ】furniture
絵画 【かいが】picture, painting
丸 【まる】① circle ② full (e.g. month, day, etc.) ③ perfection, purity ④ suffix for ship names
気温 【きおん】atmospheric temperature
記事 【きじ】article, news story, report, account
強調 【きょうちょう】emphasis, highlight, stress, stressed point
勤め 【つとめ】① service, duty, business, responsibility, task ② Buddhist religious services
金曜 【きんよう】Friday
考え 【かんがえ】thinking, thought, ideas, intention
合図 【あいず】sign, signal
黒板 【こくばん】blackboard
混ぜる 【まぜる】to mix, to stir, to blend
試し 【ためし】trial, test
首相 【しゅしょう】Prime Minister, Chancellor (Germany, Austria, etc.), Premier
商品 【しょうひん】commodity, article of commerce, goods, stock, merchandise
植物 【しょくぶつ】plant, vegetation
身分 【みぶん】social position, social status
生命 【せいめい】life, existence
長期 【ちょうき】long time period
伝わる 【つたわる】to be handed down, to be introduced, to be transmitted, to be circulated, to go along, to walk along
同様 【どうよう】identical, equal to, same (kind), like, similarity
日曜 【にちよう】Sunday
不幸 【ふこう】unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, death
望み 【のぞみ】① wish, desire, hope ② prospect, expectation, (one's) hopes
鳴らす 【ならす】to ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort (nose)
木曜 【もくよう】Thursday
夜中 【よなか】midnight, dead of night
陽気 【ようき】① cheerful, merry ② season, weather
理想 【りそう】ideal, dream
明後日 【みょうごにち】day after tomorrow
科目 【かもく】(school) subject, curriculum, course
向かい 【むかい】facing, opposite, across the street, other side
羽 【わ】counter for birds and rabbits
胃 【い】① stomach ② Chinese "stomach" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
医師 【いし】doctor, physician
一層 【いっそう】① much more, still more, all the more, (would) rather, sooner, might as well ② single layer (or storey, etc.)
越す 【こす】① to cross over (e.g. mountain), to go across ② to go over (e.g. with audience) ③ to pass time (e.g. a winter) ④ to surpass, to be better than, to exceed ⑤ to move house ⑥ to go, to come
煙 【けむり】smoke, fumes
温泉 【おんせん】spa, hot spring, onsen
解散 【かいさん】breakup, dissolution
回復 【かいふく】recovery (from illness), improvement, rehabilitation, restoration, convalescence
各 【かく】each, every, all
覚める 【さめる】① to wake, to wake up ② to become sober, to sober up, to regain consciousness (e.g. after anaesthesia) ③ to come to one's senses, to be disillusioned
完了 【かんりょう】① completion, conclusion ② perfective (form, aspect)
希望 【きぼう】hope, wish, aspiration
居眠り 【いねむり】dozing, nodding off
巨大 【きょだい】huge, gigantic, enormous
許可 【きょか】permission, approval, authorization
教師 【きょうし】teacher (classroom)
禁煙 【きんえん】① No Smoking!, Smoking Prohibited! ② abstaining from smoking, quitting smoking
備える 【そなえる】① to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install ② to have ready, to prepare for ③ to possess, to have, to be endowed with, to be armed with
軍 【ぐん】army, force, troops
現状 【げんじょう】present condition, existing state, status quo
誤解 【ごかい】misunderstanding
交換 【こうかん】exchange, interchange, switching, reciprocity, barter, substitution, replacement, clearing (of checks, cheques)
好む 【このむ】to like, to prefer
航空 【こうくう】aviation, flying
差 【さ】difference, variation
差す 【さす】① to raise (e.g. hands, umbrella), to stretch out ② to be tinged ③ to wear at one's side (e.g. sword) ④ to shine ⑤ to provoke a feeling
支える 【ささえる】① to support, to prop, to sustain, to underlay, to hold up ② to hold at bay, to stem, to check
手段 【しゅだん】means, way, measure
種 【たね】① seed, pip, kind, variety, quality, tone ② material, matter, subject, theme, (news) copy, leaven (bread) ③ cause, source, trick, secret, inside story
収入 【しゅうにゅう】income, receipts, revenue
順調 【じゅんちょう】favourable, favorable, doing well, OK, all right
常識 【じょうしき】common knowledge, conventional wisdom, general knowledge, common sense
畳 【じょう】① counter for tatami mats ② measure of room size (in mat units)
職業 【しょくぎょう】occupation, business
成績 【せいせき】results, record, grades
成長 【せいちょう】growth, grow to adulthood
生産 【せいさん】production, manufacture
接する 【せっする】① to come in contact with, to touch, to connect (with) ② to attend (to) ③ to receive (visitors)
遅刻 【ちこく】lateness, late coming
天候 【てんこう】weather
動詞 【どうし】verb
突っ込む 【つっこむ】① to thrust something into something ② to plunge into, to go into deeply ③ to meddle, to interfere ④ to retort ⑤ to riposte
日付 【ひづけ】date, dating
幅 【はば】width, breadth
服装 【ふくそう】garments, attire
変化 【へんか】① change, variation, alteration, mutation, transition, transformation, transfiguration, metamorphosis ② variety, diversity ③ inflection, declension, conjugation ④ sidestepping (sumo)
変更 【へんこう】change, modification, alteration, revision, amendment
便 【びん】① flight (e.g. airline flight), trip (e.g. train trip), service ② mail, post, letter ③ opportunity, chance
宝石 【ほうせき】gem, jewel
法則 【ほうそく】law, rule
豊か 【ゆたか】abundant, wealthy, plentiful, rich, affluent
末 【すえ】end, close, future, finally, tip, top, trivialities, posterity, youngest child
未来 【みらい】① the future (usually distant) ② future tense ③ the world to come
予測 【よそく】prediction, estimation
容易 【ようい】easy, simple, plain
燃やす 【もやす】to burn
収める 【おさめる】① to dedicate, to make an offering, to pay (fees) ② to supply ③ to store ④ to finish, to bring to a close ⑤ to restore (something to its place) ⑥ to achieve (e.g. a result)
恐れる 【おそれる】to fear, to be afraid of
凍る 【こおる】to freeze, to be frozen over, to congeal
支払い 【しはらい】payment
戦い 【たたかい】battle, fight, struggle, conflict
軒 【けん】houses, buildings
維持 【いじ】maintenance, preservation, improvement
応じる 【おうじる】to respond, to satisfy, to accept, to comply with, to apply for
家賃 【やちん】rent
懐かしい 【なつかしい】dear, desired, missed
拡大 【かくだい】magnification, enlargement, expansion
環境 【かんきょう】environment, circumstance
輝く 【かがやく】to shine, to glitter, to sparkle
救う 【すくう】to rescue from, to help out of, to save
救助 【きゅうじょ】relief, aid, rescue
狂う 【くるう】① to go mad ② to get out of order, to go amiss
筋 【すじ】① muscle ② string, sinew, line, stripe ③ plot, plan ④ source (of business information) ⑤ reason, logic
憲法 【けんぽう】constitution
懸命 【けんめい】eagerness, earnestness, risking one's life
考慮 【こうりょ】consideration, taking into account
裁判 【さいばん】trial, judgement, judgment
資源 【しげん】resources
飼う 【かう】to keep, to raise, to feed
出張 【しゅっちょう】official tour, business trip
書斎 【しょさい】a study, library
障害 【しょうがい】① obstacle, impediment, hindrance, difficulty, barrier ② handicap, impairment, disability, disorder, malfunction
食器 【しょっき】tableware
振り向く 【ふりむく】to turn one's face, to turn around, to look over one's shoulder
新鮮 【しんせん】fresh
真剣 【しんけん】① seriousness, earnestness ② real sword (as opposed to unsharpened or wooden practice weapon) (practise)
誓う 【ちかう】to swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge
請求 【せいきゅう】claim, demand, charge, application, request, billing (for a service)
説得 【せっとく】persuasion
舌 【した】① tongue ② tongue-like object, clapper (of a bell), talon (of a lock)
専攻 【せんこう】major subject, special study
騒がしい 【さわがしい】noisy
怠る 【おこたる】to be negligent in doing something, to shirk, to be off one's guard
大抵 【たいてい】① mostly, ordinarily, usually, generally ② probably ③ most, almost all ④ (before a neg. form) ordinary ⑤ proper, appropriate, moderate
知恵 【ちえ】① wisdom, wit, sagacity, sense, intelligence ② prajna (insight leading to enlightenment)
忠告 【ちゅうこく】advice, warning
罰する 【ばっする】to punish, to penalize, to penalise
範囲 【はんい】extent, scope, sphere, range, span
比較 【ひかく】comparison
微笑む 【ほほえむ】to smile
微妙 【びみょう】① delicate, subtle, sensitive ② difficult, delicate (situation), complicated ③ doubtful, questionable, dicey
評価 【ひょうか】① valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation ② to value, to assess, to estimate value ③ to appreciate, to value highly, to acknowledge the value (of something)
目標 【もくひょう】mark, objective, target
翼 【つばさ】① wing ② Chinese "Wings" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
劣る 【おとる】to fall behind, to be inferior to
化粧 【けしょう】make-up, cosmetics
値 【あたい】① price, cost ② value, worth, merit ③ variable (computer programming, programing) ④ value, count, number ⑤ to have value, to have merit
梅雨 【つゆ】① rainy season ② rain during the rainy season
覆う 【おおう】to cover, to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to disguise
事態 【じたい】situation, (present) state of affairs, circumstances
引っ張る 【ひっぱる】① to pull, to draw, to stretch, to drag ② to pull the ball (baseball)
故郷 【ふるさと】home town, birthplace, old village, historic village, native place, one's old home
褒める 【ほめる】to praise, to admire, to speak well
基づく 【もとづく】to be grounded on, to be based on, to be due to, to originate from
ごく① quite, very ② quindecillion (US), octillion (Europe), 10^48
僅か 【わずか】only, merely, (a) little, small quantity
尻尾 【しっぽ】tail (animal)
揃える 【そろえる】to put things in order, to arrange, to make uniform, to get something ready
叩く 【たたく】① to strike, to clap, to dust, to beat ② to play drums ③ to abuse, to flame (e.g. on the Internet), to insult ④ to use up money
纏める 【まとめる】to put in order, to collect, to bring to a conclusion, to put (it all) together
膝 【ひざ】knee, lap
からかうto ridicule, to tease, to mock, to chaff, to razz, to banter with, to make fun of, to poke fun at, to make cracks about
曖昧 【あいまい】① vague, ambiguous, unclear ② fuzzy
贅沢 【ぜいたく】① luxury, extravagance ② to live in luxury
騙す 【だます】to trick, to cheat, to deceive
多く 【おおく】many, much, largely, abundantly, mostly
しゃがむto squat, to crouch
上下 【じょうげ】high and low, up and down, unloading and loading, praising and blaming
長男 【ちょうなん】eldest son
東西 【とうざい】① East and West ② whole country ③ Orient and Occident, Western and Eastern ④ Your attention, please!
南北 【なんぼく】south and north
日々 【ひび】every day, daily, day after day, days (e.g. good old days)
下町 【したまち】Shitamachi, lower parts of town
家主 【やぬし】landlord
作者 【さくしゃ】author, authoress
重ねる 【かさねる】to pile up, to put something on another, to heap up, to add, to repeat
心理 【しんり】mentality
人事 【じんじ】personnel affairs, human affairs, human resources, HR
地味 【じみ】plain, simple, subdued, sober
地名 【ちめい】place name
方言 【ほうげん】dialect
真っ白 【まっしろ】pure white
住まい 【すまい】dwelling, house, residence, address
発つ 【たつ】① to stand, to rise, to stand up ② to find oneself (e.g. in a difficult position) ③ to depart (on a plane, train, etc.)
真っ青 【まっさお】deep blue, ghastly pale
羽根 【はね】① feather, plume, wing ② blade (fan, propeller, etc.)
下線 【かせん】underline, underscore
加速 【かそく】① acceleration, speed up ② accelerator
絵の具 【えのぐ】colors, colours, paints
作曲 【さっきょく】composition, setting (of music)
持参 【じさん】bringing, taking, carrying
実る 【みのる】to bear fruit, to ripen
受験 【じゅけん】taking an examination
集合 【しゅうごう】① gathering, assembly, meeting ② set
重量 【じゅうりょう】① weight ② heavyweight boxer
人通り 【ひとどおり】pedestrian traffic
水平 【すいへい】level, horizontality
勢い 【いきおい】① force, vigor, vigour, energy, spirit, life ② influence, authority, power, might ③ impetus, momentum, course (of events) ④ naturally, necessarily
体育 【たいいく】physical education, gymnastics, athletics
待ち合わせる 【まちあわせる】to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time, to arrange to meet
大通り 【おおどおり】main street
直に 【じきに】① immediately, directly, soon, shortly, before long ② easily, readily
直線 【ちょくせん】straight line
天然 【てんねん】① nature, spontaneity ② natural airhead
内線 【ないせん】phone extension, indoor wiring, inner line
不通 【ふつう】suspension, interruption, stoppage, tie-up, cessation
負け 【まけ】defeat, loss, losing (a game)
部品 【ぶひん】parts, accessories, components
放る 【ほうる】① to let go, to abandon, to leave undone ② to throw, to toss, to fling
防止 【ぼうし】prevention, check
本部 【ほんぶ】headquarters, head office, main office
名物 【めいぶつ】famous product, special product, speciality, specialty
薬指 【くすりゆび】ring finger, third finger
当てはめる 【あてはめる】to apply, to adapt
打ち合わせ 【うちあわせ】business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment, preparatory meeting
点々 【てんてん】here and there, little by little, sporadically, scattered in drops, dot, spot
交じる 【まじる】to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to interest, to join
集 【しゅう】collection, compilation
育児 【いくじ】childcare, nursing, upbringing
各自 【かくじ】individual, each
格別 【かくべつ】exceptional
甘やかす 【あまやかす】to pamper, to spoil
危うい 【あやうい】① dangerous, risky, hazardous, perilous, precarious ② in danger, in jeopardy, critical, grave, at risk ③ uncertain, unreliable, insecure, unsteady, doubtful ④ close (i.e. a close call), narrow
起床 【きしょう】rising, getting out of bed
挟まる 【はさまる】to get between, to be caught in
近寄る 【ちかよる】to approach, to draw near
現す 【あらわす】① to reveal, to show, to display ② to express ③ to represent, to signify, to stand for ④ to make widely known
呼びかける 【よびかける】to call out to, to accost, to address (crowd), to appeal
散らかる 【ちらかる】to be in disorder, to lie scattered around
散らす 【ちらす】to scatter, to disperse, to distribute
思い込む 【おもいこむ】to be under impression that, to be convinced that, to imagine that, to set one's heart on, to be bent on
湿度 【しつど】level of humidity
祝日 【しゅくじつ】national holiday
お出掛け 【おでかけ】about to start out, just about to leave or go out
出迎え 【でむかえ】meeting, reception
床屋 【とこや】barbershop, barber
賞金 【しょうきん】prize, monetary award
畳む 【たたむ】① to fold (clothes) ② to close (a shop) ③ to vacate
真似る 【まねる】to mimic, to imitate
水滴 【すいてき】drop of water
制作 【せいさく】work (film, book)
性能 【せいのう】ability, performance, efficiency
憎い 【にくい】① hateful, abominable, poor-looking, detestable ② (with irony) lovely, lovable, wonderful, etc.
測定 【そくてい】measurement
体制 【たいせい】order, system, structure, set-up, organization, organisation
宅 【たく】house, home, husband
段階 【だんかい】gradation, grade, stage, steps, order, class, phase
着替え 【きがえ】changing clothes, change of clothes
日課 【にっか】daily lesson, daily work, daily routine
名刺 【めいし】business card
裏返す 【うらがえす】to turn inside out, to turn the other way, to turn (something) over
粒 【つぶ】grain, bead
涼む 【すずむ】to cool oneself, to cool off, to enjoy evening cool
銅 【どう】copper
抱く 【だく】① to embrace, to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby), to hug ② to harbour (e.g. grudge) (harbor), to bear (e.g. a grudge), to entertain (e.g. suspicion) ③ to sleep with ④ to sit on eggs
翌朝 【よくあさ】the next morning
片寄る 【かたよる】to be one-sided, to incline, to be partial, to be prejudiced, to lean, to be biased, to be biassed
超える 【こえる】① to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to pass over (out of) ② to exceed
住居 【じゅうきょ】dwelling, house, residence, address
続々 【ぞくぞく】successively, one after another
捕らえる 【とらえる】① to seize, to capture, to arrest ② to grasp, to perceive, to treat (as)
治す 【なおす】① to cure, to heal ② to fix, to correct, to repair ③ to do over again (after -masu base of verb) ④ to replace, to put back as it was ⑤ to convert (into a different state), to transform
果たして 【はたして】① as was expected, just as one thought, sure enough, as a result ② really? (in questions), ever?
干す 【ほす】① to air, to dry, to desiccate ② to drain (off) ③ to drink up ④ to deprive of a role, job, etc. (usu. in the passive)
付 【づけ】dated (e.g. a letter), date of effect (e.g. a rule change)
下駄 【げた】geta (Japanese footwear), wooden clogs
果たす 【はたす】to accomplish, to fulfill, to carry out, to achieve
確率 【かくりつ】probability, likelihood, chances
裂く 【さく】① to tear, to rip up ② to cut up, to cleave, to cut open (esp. the abdomen) ③ to forcibly separate (i.e. two lovers) ④ to spare (time, money, etc.), to use part of something
感激 【かんげき】deep emotion, impression, inspiration
厳重 【げんじゅう】strict, rigour, rigor, severe, firm, strong, secure
ご免ください 【ごめんください】may I come in?
功績 【こうせき】achievements, merit, meritorious service, meritorious deed
削る 【けずる】① to shave (wood or leather), to sharpen, to plane, to whittle, to pare, to scrape off ② to cross out, to reduce, to curtail, to remove, to erase, to delete
市場 【しじょう】(the) market (as a concept)
至急 【しきゅう】urgent, pressing
取り戻す 【とりもどす】to take back, to regain, to get back, to recover
縦 【たて】① the vertical, height ② front-to-back, length
巡査 【じゅんさ】police, policeman
助教授 【じょきょうじゅ】assistant professor
挿す 【さす】to insert, to put in, to graft, to wear in belt
葬式 【そうしき】funeral
体系 【たいけい】system, organization, organisation, architecture
対策 【たいさく】counter-plan, counter-measure
調節 【ちょうせつ】regulation, adjustment, control
刀 【かたな】(single-edged) sword, katana
独り言 【ひとりごと】soliloquy, monologue, speaking to oneself
鉢 【はち】① bowl, pot, basin ② flowerpot ③ crown, brainpan
噴水 【ふんすい】water fountain
兵隊 【へいたい】soldier, sailor
浴室 【よくしつ】bathroom, bath
締め切り 【しめきり】closing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrance
騒々しい 【そうぞうしい】noisy, boisterous
潜る 【もぐる】① to dive (into or under water) ② to get under, to get into, to get in, to creep into, to crawl under, to bury oneself, to burrow into, to dig oneself into, to snuggle under ③ to hide oneself (esp. from the government), to conceal oneself, to go underground
くだらないgood-for-nothing, stupid, trivial, worthless
稽古 【けいこ】practice, practise, training, study
桁 【けた】① column, beam ② digit, decade, order of magnitude
跨ぐ 【またぐ】to straddle
こするto rub, to scrub
唸る 【うなる】to groan, to moan, to roar, to howl, to growl, to hum, to buzz, to sough
こしらえるto make, to manufacture
皺 【しわ】① wrinkle, crease ② ripple
目眩 【めまい】dizziness, giddiness, vertigo
錆 【さび】rust
のんきcarefree, optimistic, careless, reckless, heedless, happy-go-lucky, easygoing
ちょくちょくoften, frequently, now and then, occasionally
びっしょりwet through, drenched
持てる 【もてる】① to be able to possess (hold, get, etc.) ② to be well liked, to be popular, to be pampered (spoiled, doted upon, etc.), to be welcomed ③ to endure (the tests of time, the elements, etc.), to last ④ possessed ⑤ possessing riches, having wealth
答 【こたえ】response, reply, answer, solution
有 【ゆう】① existence ② possession, having ③ limited company
風車 【かざぐるま】① windmill, pinwheel ② leather flower, Clematis patens
重 【じゅう】greater degree, heavy, serious
権 【けん】authority, right (to do something)
蒸す 【むす】to steam, to poultice, to be sultry
頼み 【たのみ】request, favor, favour, reliance, dependence
お巡りさん 【おまわりさん】policeman (friendly term)
悪者 【わるもの】bad fellow, rascal, ruffian, scoundrel
圧力 【あつりょく】stress, pressure
意地 【いじ】disposition, spirit, willpower, obstinacy, backbone, appetite
一目 【いちもく】① (a) glance, (a) look, (a) glimpse ② (a) stone (in Go) ③ complete view, bird's-eye view
営む 【いとなむ】to carry on (e.g. in ceremony), to run a business
往診 【おうしん】doctor's visit, house call
化ける 【ばける】① to appear in disguise, to take the form of ② to change for the worse, to corrupt
何より 【なにより】most, best, above all
家来 【けらい】retainer, retinue, servant
果てる 【はてる】① to end, to be finished, to be exhausted, to die, to perish ② indicates an extreme has been reached
荷 【に】① load, baggage, cargo, freight, goods ② burden, responsibility
階級 【かいきゅう】class, rank, grade
該当 【がいとう】corresponding, answering to, coming under, applying to
獲物 【えもの】game, spoils, trophy
官僚 【かんりょう】bureaucrat, bureaucracy
寛容 【かんよう】forbearance, tolerance, generosity
幹部 【かんぶ】management, (executive) staff, leaders, leadership, top brass, upper echelons
感慨 【かんがい】strong feelings, deep emotion
貫く 【つらぬく】to go through
丸める 【まるめる】to make round, to round off, to roll up, to curl up, to seduce, to cajole, to explain away
頑固 【がんこ】stubbornness, obstinacy
頑丈 【がんじょう】solid, firm, stout, burly, strong, sturdy
規模 【きぼ】scale, scope, plan, structure
記述 【きじゅつ】description, descriptor
貴族 【きぞく】noble, aristocrat
休学 【きゅうがく】temporary absence from school, suspension
給食 【きゅうしょく】school lunch, providing a meal
恐れ 【おそれ】fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness
郷里 【きょうり】birth-place, home town
驚異 【きょうい】wonder, miracle
勤め先 【つとめさき】place of work
禁物 【きんもつ】taboo, forbidden thing
恵み 【めぐみ】blessing, grace
経路 【けいろ】① course, route, path, channel ② process, means
決断 【けつだん】decision, determination
結び付ける 【むすびつける】to combine, to join, to tie on, to attach with a knot, to bind (e.g. an address)
見計らう 【みはからう】to choose at one's own discretion
見合わせる 【みあわせる】① to exchange glances, to look at each other ② to postpone, to suspend operations, to refrain from performing an action
見習う 【みならう】to follow another's example
基 【もと】base, foundation
現行 【げんこう】present, current, in operation
孤児 【こじ】orphan
語源 【ごげん】word root, word derivation, etymology
公 【おおやけ】official, public, formal, open, governmental
構える 【かまえる】① to set up (e.g. a building) ② to prepare in advance (e.g. a meal), to prepare to use something (e.g. a camera) ③ to plan, to scheme ④ to fabricate in order to deceive ⑤ to stiffen, to become formal
講習 【こうしゅう】short course, training
高まる 【たかまる】to rise, to swell, to be promoted
告げる 【つげる】to inform
再現 【さいげん】reappearance, reproduction, return, revival
仕上げる 【しあげる】to finish up, to complete
仕入れる 【しいれる】to lay in stock, to replenish stock, to procure
支持 【しじ】support, maintenance
施す 【ほどこす】to donate, to give, to conduct, to apply, to perform
至って 【いたって】very much, exceedingly, extremely
資格 【しかく】qualifications, requirements, capabilities
歯科 【しか】dentistry
事前 【じぜん】prior, beforehand, in advance
自在 【じざい】freely, at will
自主 【じしゅ】independence, autonomy
軸 【じく】axis, stem, shaft, axle
失格 【しっかく】disqualification, elimination, incapacity (legal)
実践 【じっせん】practice, practise, put into practice, put into practise
遮る 【さえぎる】to interrupt, to intercept, to obstruct
若干 【じゃっかん】some, few, number of