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Doraemon [‘ドラえもん’] Vol. 4: episodes 21 (2005/09/09) to 40 (2006/04/28)

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Vocab for episodes 21 (2005/09/09) to 40 (2006/04/28) of the animated series ‘Doraemon’ [‘ドラえもん’]. This is volume 4/13. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.

First 500 entries [show all] — Created by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
ストーブheater (from stove)
スポーツsport, sports
新聞 【しんぶん】newspaper
先週 【せんしゅう】last week, the week before
半 【はん】half, semi-
北 【きた】north
父さん 【とうさん】father
引く 【ひく】① to pull ② to draw (attention, etc.), to attract (interest, etc.) ③ to draw back ④ to draw (a card) ⑤ to draw (plan, line, etc.) ⑥ to catch (cold) ⑦ to play (string instr.) ⑧ to look up (e.g. dictionary), to consult ⑨ to haul, to pull (vehicles) ⑩ to subtract ⑪ to ebb, to fade ⑫ to descend (from), to inherit (a characteristic) ⑬ to quote, to raise (as evidence) ⑭ to lay (a cable), to draw (a cable)
夏休み 【なつやすみ】summer vacation, summer holiday
銀行 【ぎんこう】bank
建物 【たてもの】building
犬 【いぬ】① dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris) ② snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) ③ counterfeit, inferior, useless, wasteful
作文 【さくぶん】① writing (an essay, prose, etc.), composition ② formal writing with little real meaning
時計 【とけい】watch, clock, timepiece
春 【はる】① spring, springtime ② new year ③ prime (of one's life, etc.) ④ adolescence, puberty ⑤ sexuality
少ない 【すくない】few, a little, scarce, insufficient, seldom
青 【あお】① blue ② green ③ green light ④ black (horse coat color) ⑤ immature, unripe, young
短い 【みじかい】short
低い 【ひくい】low (height, tone, rank, degree, cost, etc.), short
病院 【びょういん】hospital
野菜 【やさい】vegetable
飲み物 【のみもの】drink, beverage
易しい 【やさしい】easy, plain, simple
荷物 【にもつ】① luggage, baggage ② burden ③ payload (of a packet, cell, etc.)
晴れ 【はれ】① clear weather ② public, formal ③ cleared of suspicion
雪 【ゆき】snow
葉書 【はがき】① postcard ② memo, note, card
側 【がわ】① side (of something, or taking someone's side), part ② (watch) case
弟 【おとうと】younger brother
お祖父さん 【おじいさん】① grandfather ② male senior-citizen
机 【つくえ】desk
喫茶店 【きっさてん】coffee lounge, coffee shop, (rather formal) cafe
靴 【くつ】shoes, footwear
今晩 【こんばん】tonight, this evening
吹く 【ふく】① to blow (wind, etc.), to play a wind instrument ② to emit, to spout ③ to whistle
生徒 【せいと】pupil
猫 【ねこ】① cat ② shamisen ③ geisha ④ wheelbarrow ⑤ clay bed-warmer
晩 【ばん】① evening ② counter for nights
浴びる 【あびる】to bathe, to bask in the sun, to shower
暖かい 【あたたかい】warm, mild, genial
貼る 【はる】to stick, to paste, to affix
賑やか 【にぎやか】bustling, busy
弁当 【べんとう】bento (Japanese box lunch)
石鹸 【せっけん】soap
上がる 【あがる】① to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised ② to enter (esp. from outdoors), to come in, to go in ③ to enter (a school), to advance to the next grade ④ to get out (of water), to come ashore ⑤ to increase ⑥ to improve, to make progress ⑦ to be promoted, to advance ⑧ to be made (of profit, etc.) ⑨ to occur (esp. of a favourable result) ⑩ to be adequate (to cover expenses, etc.) ⑪ to be finished, to be done, to be over ⑫ (of rain) to stop, to lift ⑬ to stop (working properly), to cut out, to give out, to die ⑭ to win (in a card game, etc.) ⑮ to be arrested ⑯ to turn up (of evidence, etc.) ⑰ to be deep fried ⑱ to be spoken loudly ⑲ to get stage fright ⑳ to be offered (to the gods, etc.) ○ to go, to visit ○ to eat, to drink ○ to be listed (as a candidate) ○ to serve (in one's master's home) ○ (in Kyoto) to go north ○ (after the -masu stem of a verb) indicates completion
アルバイト① part-time job, side job ② albite
タイプ① type, kind, sort, style ② typewriter, typing
以外 【いがい】with the exception of, excepting
火事 【かじ】fire, conflagration
花見 【はなみ】cherry blossom viewing, flower viewing
帰り 【かえり】return, coming back
見物 【けんぶつ】sightseeing, sightseer, watching, watcher
出来るだけ 【できるだけ】as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possible
食事 【しょくじ】① meal ② to eat
親 【おや】① parent, parents ② dealer (in cards) ③ founder ④ (pet) owner
足す 【たす】① to add (numbers) ② to add (something), to top up (with something) ③ to take care of (e.g. one's business)
地理 【ちり】geography
注意 【ちゅうい】caution, being careful, attention (heed), warning, advice
都合 【つごう】circumstances, condition, convenience
特別 【とくべつ】special
旅館 【りょかん】Japanese hotel, inn, ryokan
空く 【あく】① to be empty ② to be vacant, to be available, to be free
引き出し 【ひきだし】① drawer ② withdrawal, drawing out
雲 【くも】cloud
海岸 【かいがん】coast, beach
客 【きゃく】① guest, visitor ② customer, client, shopper, spectator, audience, tourist, sightseer, passenger
苦い 【にがい】bitter
湖 【みずうみ】lake
交通 【こうつう】communication, transportation, traffic, intercourse
光る 【ひかる】to shine, to glitter, to be bright
真面目 【まじめ】diligent, serious, honest, sober, grave, earnest, steady
水泳 【すいえい】swimming
線 【せん】line (also telephone, railway), wire, beam
日記 【にっき】diary, journal
倍 【ばい】① twice, double ② times, -fold
無くなる 【なくなる】to disappear, to get lost
予習 【よしゅう】preparation for a lesson
予定 【よてい】plans, arrangement, schedule, program, programme, expectation, estimate
湖 【こ】lake (in place names)
移る 【うつる】① to move (house), to transfer (department) ② to change the target of interest or concern ③ to elapse (passage of time) ④ to be permeated by a colour or scent ⑤ to be infected, to be contagious, to spread (as in fire)
会議 【かいぎ】meeting, conference, session, assembly, council, convention, congress
掛ける 【かける】① to hang (e.g. picture), to hoist (e.g. sail), to raise (e.g. flag) ② to sit ③ to be partway (verb), to begin (but not complete) ④ to take (time, money), to expend (money, time, etc.) ⑤ to make (a call) ⑥ to multiply ⑦ to secure (e.g. lock) ⑧ to put on (glasses, etc.) ⑨ to cover ⑩ to burden someone ⑪ to apply (insurance) ⑫ to turn on (an engine, etc.), to set (a dial, an alarm clock, etc.) ⑬ to put an effect (spell, anaesthetic, etc.) on ⑭ to hold an emotion for (pity, hope, etc.) ⑮ to bind ⑯ to pour (or sprinkle, spray, etc.) onto ⑰ to argue (in court), to deliberate (in a meeting), to present (e.g. idea to a conference, etc.) ⑱ to increase further ⑲ to catch (in a trap, etc.) ⑳ to set atop ○ to erect (a makeshift building) ○ to hold (a play, festival, etc.) ○ (after -masu stem of verb) indicates (verb) is being directed to (someone)
季節 【きせつ】season
経験 【けいけん】experience
砂 【すな】sand, grit
妻 【つま】① wife ② garnish (esp. one served with sashimi) ③ embellishment
市民 【しみん】citizen, townspeople
召し上がる 【めしあがる】to eat
承知 【しょうち】① acknowledgment, acknowledgement, awareness ② consent, acceptance, assent, admitting, compliance, agreement
紹介 【しょうかい】introduction, referral
折る 【おる】to break, to fold, to pick flowers
卒業 【そつぎょう】graduation, completion (e.g. of a course)
地震 【じしん】earthquake
電灯 【でんとう】electric light
塗る 【ぬる】to paint, to plaster, to lacquer, to varnish, to spread, to smear
復習 【ふくしゅう】review, revision
片付ける 【かたづける】① to tidy up, to put in order, to straighten up, to put away ② to settle (problem), to clear (dispute) ③ to finish, to bring something to an end ④ to marry off (e.g. a daughter) ⑤ to do away with someone, to bump someone off
予約 【よやく】① reservation, appointment, booking, advance order ② contract, subscription, pledge
連絡 【れんらく】① to contact, to get in touch ② contacting, getting in touch, communication, call, message ③ connection, coordination, junction ④ intercalary, intercalaris, internuncial
込む 【こむ】① to be crowded, to be packed ② to be complex ③ to go into, to put into, to remain (seated), to be plunged into (silence), to do thoroughly ④ to do intently ⑤ to continue in the same state
滑る 【すべる】① to glide, to slide (e.g. on skis), to slip ② to bomb (when telling a joke)
仰っしゃる 【おっしゃる】to say, to speak, to tell, to talk
喧嘩 【けんか】quarrel, brawl, fight, squabble, scuffle
漫画 【まんが】comic, cartoon
やはりalso, as I thought, still, in spite of, absolutely, of course
ぶつto hit (a person), to strike, to beat
痩せる 【やせる】① to become thin, to lose weight, to reduce (one's) weight, to slim ② to be barren, to be infertile, to be sterile
がっかりfeel disappointed, dejected, lose heart, feel emotionally drained, feel let down
そっとsoftly, gently, quietly, secretly
何とも 【なんとも】nothing (with neg. verb), quite, not a bit
外れる 【はずれる】to be disconnected, to get out of place, to be off, to be out (e.g. of gear)
今にも 【いまにも】at any time, soon
生 【なま】① raw, uncooked, fresh ② natural, unedited, unprocessed, crude ③ live (i.e. not recorded) ④ inexperienced, unpolished, green ⑤ impudence, sauciness ⑥ unpasteurized beer, draft beer, draught beer ⑦ partially, somewhat, half-, semi-
読み 【よみ】reading
読書 【どくしょ】reading
分ける 【わける】to divide, to separate, to make distinctions, to differentiate (between)
名人 【めいじん】master, expert
年月 【としつき】months and years
一人一人 【ひとりひとり】one by one, each, one at a time
運 【うん】fortune, luck
下がる 【さがる】to hang down, to abate, to retire, to fall, to step back
学者 【がくしゃ】scholar
強力 【きょうりょく】powerful, strong
見送る 【みおくる】① to see off (e.g. to the station, an airport, etc.), to escort (e.g. home), to farewell ② to see out, to send off ③ to let pass, to wait and see, to continue (e.g. in legal contexts) ④ to let a pitch go by (baseball), to watch a batted ball go into the stands
借金 【しゃっきん】debt, loan, liabilities
重大 【じゅうだい】serious, important, significant, grave, weighty
小屋 【こや】hut, cabin, shed, (animal) pen
場 【ば】① place ② occasion, situation ③ field (physics)
人工 【じんこう】artificial, manmade, human work, human skill, artificiality
世間 【せけん】world, society
足る 【たる】to be sufficient, to be enough, to be worthy of
中止 【ちゅうし】suspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption
土地 【とち】plot of land, lot, soil
発見 【はっけん】discovery, detection, finding
父親 【ちちおや】father
味わう 【あじわう】to taste, to savor, to relish
一言 【ひとこと】single word
主人 【しゅじん】① head (of a household), proprietor (of a store), proprietress, landlord, landlady ② one's husband ③ (one's) employer, (one's) master ④ host, hostess
少なくとも 【すくなくとも】at least
広げる 【ひろげる】to spread, to extend, to expand, to enlarge, to widen, to broaden, to unfold, to open, to unroll
始まり 【はじまり】origin, beginning
ところがeven so, however, still, whereupon, even though, nevertheless, on the contrary, as a matter of fact, despite
王子 【おうじ】prince
絵画 【かいが】picture, painting
他 【ほか】other (esp. places and things), the rest
岸 【きし】bank, coast, shore
気温 【きおん】atmospheric temperature
語る 【かたる】to talk, to tell, to recite
混ぜる 【まぜる】to mix, to stir, to blend
時期 【じき】time, season, period
自身 【じしん】by oneself, personally
実験 【じっけん】experiment
実行 【じっこう】practice, practise, performance, execution (e.g. program) (programme), realization, realisation, implementation
取り上げる 【とりあげる】① to take up, to pick up ② to accept, to adopt, to listen to ③ to disqualify, to confiscate, to deprive ④ to adopt (child)
ところで① by the way, incidentally ② even if, no matter (who, what, when, where, why, how)
正確 【せいかく】accurate, punctual, exact, authentic, veracious
生き物 【いきもの】living thing, animal
生命 【せいめい】life, existence
前進 【ぜんしん】advance, drive, progress
全体 【ぜんたい】whole, entirety, whatever (is the matter)
相当 【そうとう】① befitting, becoming, worthy of, proportionate, in keeping with, suitable ② considerable, substantial ③ to be worthy of, to be proportionate to ④ to correspond to (in meaning, function, etc.), to be equivalent ⑤ extremely, considerably
太陽 【たいよう】sun, solar
通す 【とおす】to let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist in
犯人 【はんにん】offender, criminal
皮肉 【ひにく】cynicism, sarcasm, irony, satire
費 【ひ】cost, expense
飛ばす 【とばす】① to fly, to fire, to hurl ② to skip over, to omit, to drop (e.g. stitch) ③ to run or drive fast, to gallop ④ to spread a rumour (rumor), to tell a story ⑤ to remove, to get rid of, to transfer ⑥ to attack, to jeer at
飛び出す 【とびだす】① to jump out, to rush out, to fly out ② to appear (suddenly) ③ to protrude, to project ④ to butt in
不満 【ふまん】dissatisfaction, displeasure, discontent, complaints, unhappiness, disgruntled
役 【やく】① use, service, role ② post, position ③ scoring combination (e.g. in mahjong, card games, etc.), hand
友情 【ゆうじょう】friendship, fellowship, camaraderie
流れ 【ながれ】stream, current, flow
話し合う 【はなしあう】to discuss, to talk together
数 【かず】number, amount
全国 【ぜんこく】country-wide, nation-wide, whole country, national
協力 【きょうりょく】cooperation, collaboration
回り 【まわり】① circumference, perimeter, edge ② surroundings, locality, neighborhood ③ rotation, circulation
虫歯 【むしば】cavity, tooth decay, decayed tooth, caries
羽 【わ】counter for birds and rabbits
勝ち 【かち】win, victory
泳ぎ 【およぎ】swimming
感 【かん】feeling, sensation, emotion, admiration, impression
無 【む】① nothing, naught, nought, nil, zero ② un-, non-
囲む 【かこむ】to surround, to encircle
移動 【いどう】① removal, migration, movement ② mobile (e.g. communications)
永遠 【えいえん】eternity, perpetuity, immortality, permanence
鋭い 【するどい】pointed, sharp
演技 【えんぎ】acting, performance
演劇 【えんげき】play (theatrical)
演説 【えんぜつ】speech, address
煙 【けむり】smoke, fumes
可愛がる 【かわいがる】to love, to be affectionate
解ける 【とける】① to be solved ② to loosen, to come untied ③ to be removed (e.g. restrictions), to be cleared (e.g. misunderstandings), to be broken (e.g. spells, curses) ④ to melt
解散 【かいさん】breakup, dissolution
快適 【かいてき】pleasant, agreeable, comfortable
害 【がい】injury, harm, evil influence, damage
覚める 【さめる】① to wake, to wake up ② to become sober, to sober up, to regain consciousness (e.g. after anaesthesia) ③ to come to one's senses, to be disillusioned
気の毒 【きのどく】pitiful, unfortunate, (a) pity
疑う 【うたがう】to doubt, to distrust, to be suspicious of, to suspect
居間 【いま】living room (western style)
備える 【そなえる】① to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install ② to have ready, to prepare for ③ to possess, to have, to be endowed with, to be armed with
肩 【かた】shoulder
現在 【げんざい】now, current, present, present time, as of
現代 【げんだい】nowadays, modern era, modern times, present-day
厚かましい 【あつかましい】impudent, shameless, brazen
更に 【さらに】furthermore, again, after all, more and more, moreover
硬い 【かたい】① hard, solid, tough ② stiff, tight, wooden, unpolished (e.g. writing) ③ strong, firm (not viscous or easily moved) ④ safe, steady, honest, steadfast ⑤ obstinate, stubborn ⑥ bookish, formal, stuffy
困難 【こんなん】difficulty, distress
最も 【もっとも】most, extremely
済ませる 【すませる】to finish, to make an end of, to get through with, to let end
材料 【ざいりょう】ingredients, material
罪 【つみ】crime, fault, indiscretion, sin
刺す 【さす】to pierce, to stab, to prick, to thrust, to bite, to sting, to pin down, to stitch, to put (a runner) out, to pole (a boat), to catch (with a line), to stick
週末 【しゅうまつ】weekend
住宅 【じゅうたく】residence, housing, residential building
順番 【じゅんばん】turn (in line), order of things, sequential order
賞 【しょう】prize, award
城 【しろ】castle
情報 【じょうほう】① news, gossip, (military) intelligence ② information (data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.)
畳 【じょう】① counter for tatami mats ② measure of room size (in mat units)
針 【はり】① needle, pin, hook ② stinger, thorn ③ hand (e.g. clock, etc.), pointer ④ staple (for a stapler) ⑤ needlework, sewing ⑥ malice ⑦ counter for stitches
精神 【せいしん】mind, soul, heart, spirit, intention
積む 【つむ】to pile up, to stack, to load (car, ship, etc.), to pack
跡 【あと】① trace, tracks, mark, sign ② remains, ruins ③ scar
想像 【そうぞう】imagination, guess
贈る 【おくる】to send, to give to, to award to, to confer on
孫 【まご】grandchild
尊敬 【そんけい】respect, esteem, reverence, honour, honor
大陸 【たいりく】continent
地域 【ちいき】area, region
仲直り 【なかなおり】reconciliation, make peace with
直接 【ちょくせつ】direct, immediate, personal, firsthand
怒鳴る 【どなる】to shout, to yell
到着 【とうちゃく】arrival
破る 【やぶる】to tear, to violate, to defeat, to smash, to destroy, to break (e.g. password)
発達 【はったつ】development, growth
浮かべる 【うかべる】① to float ② to express, to look (sad, glad) ③ to think, to imagine, to remember
浮かぶ 【うかぶ】① to float, to be suspended ② to rise to surface ③ to come to mind, to have inspiration
風景 【ふうけい】scenery
暮らし 【くらし】living, livelihood, subsistence, circumstances
与える 【あたえる】① to give (esp. to someone of lower status), to bestow, to grant, to confer, to present, to award ② to provide, to afford, to offer, to supply ③ to assign ④ to cause ⑤ to pass (a variable to a function)
預かる 【あずかる】① to look after, to take care of, to keep, to hold on to, to keep in custody ② to take charge of, to be entrusted with, to receive on deposit ③ to reserve (judgment), to leave undecided
預ける 【あずける】① to give into custody, to leave (a child) in the care of, to entrust, to deposit ② to lean on, to put one's weight on
要するに 【ようするに】in a word, after all, the point is ..., in short ...
要求 【ようきゅう】demand, firm request, requisition, requirement, desire
理解 【りかい】understanding, comprehension, appreciation, sympathy
裏切る 【うらぎる】to betray, to turn traitor to, to double-cross
陸 【りく】land, shore
冷静 【れいせい】calm, composure, coolness, serenity
鈍い 【にぶい】dull (e.g. a knife), thickheaded, obtuse, slow, stupid
恐れる 【おそれる】to fear, to be afraid of
乾杯 【かんぱい】① toast, drink (in celebration or in honor of something) ② drinking one's glass dry ③ cheers
捜す 【さがす】to search (for something lost), to seek (a suspect in a crime)
精々 【せいぜい】at the most, at best, to the utmost, as much (far) as possible
戦い 【たたかい】battle, fight, struggle, conflict
頼る 【たよる】to rely on, to have recourse to, to depend on
手続き 【てつづき】procedure, (legal) process, formalities
郵便 【ゆうびん】mail, postal service
お互い 【おたがい】mutual, reciprocal, each other
異常 【いじょう】strangeness, abnormality, disorder
一斉 【いっせい】simultaneous, all at once
怪我 【けが】injury (to animate object), hurt
記憶 【きおく】① memory, recollection, remembrance ② storage
休暇 【きゅうか】holiday, day off, furlough, absence (from work)
撃つ 【うつ】① to shoot (at) ② to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge
結果 【けっか】① result, consequence, outcome, effect ② coming to fruition, bearing fruit
健康 【けんこう】health, sound, wholesome
原稿 【げんこう】manuscript, copy
銃 【じゅう】gun, rifle, small arms
証明 【しょうめい】proof, verification
条件 【じょうけん】condition, conditions, term, terms, requirement, requirements
診る 【みる】to examine (medically)
舌 【した】① tongue ② tongue-like object, clapper (of a bell), talon (of a lock)
善 【ぜん】good, goodness, right, virtue
巣 【す】① nest, rookery, breeding place, hive ② den ③ haunt ④ (spider's) web
騒がしい 【さわがしい】noisy
徹夜 【てつや】all night, all-night vigil, sleepless night
特徴 【とくちょう】feature, trait, characteristic, pecularity
梅 【うめ】① plum, Japanese apricot, prunus mume ② lowest (of a three-tier ranking system)
範囲 【はんい】extent, scope, sphere, range, span
冒険 【ぼうけん】risk, venture, adventure
無駄 【むだ】futility, uselessness, pointlessness
黙る 【だまる】to be silent
目標 【もくひょう】mark, objective, target
翼 【つばさ】① wing ② Chinese "Wings" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
俺 【おれ】(masc) I, me (rough or arrogant-sounding first-person pronoun, formerly also used by women)
雷 【かみなり】thunder
怪しい 【あやしい】① suspicious, dubious, doubtful, dodgy ② charming, bewitching
桜 【さくら】① cherry tree, cherry blossom ② decoy, fake buyer, shill ③ hired applauder
引っ張る 【ひっぱる】① to pull, to draw, to stretch, to drag ② to pull the ball (baseball)
是非とも 【ぜひとも】by all means (with sense of not taking "no" for an answer)
途端 【とたん】just (now, at the moment, etc.)
滅多に 【めったに】rarely (with neg. verb), seldom
級 【きゅう】class, grade, rank, school class, grade
ぶつかるto strike, to collide with, to bump into
近頃 【ちかごろ】lately, recently, nowadays
蹴る 【ける】① to kick ② to refuse, to reject
いとこmale cousin
ようやく① finally, at last ② barely, narrowly, hardly, only just ③ gradually, little by little, by degrees
かく① to scratch ② to perspire ③ to shovel, to paddle
わざとon purpose
じかにdirectly, in person, headlong
諦める 【あきらめる】to give up, to abandon
溺れる 【おぼれる】① to nearly drown, to sink below the surface (of water) ② to indulge in, to lose one's head over something
覗く 【のぞく】① to peek (though a keyhole, gap, etc.) ② to look down into (a ravine, etc.) ③ to peek into (a shop, bookstore, etc.) ④ to sneak a look at, to take a quick look at ⑤ to peep (through a telescope, microscope, etc.) ⑥ to stick out (a scarf from a collar, etc.), to peek through (sky though a forest canopy, etc.)
莫大 【ばくだい】enormous, vast
枕 【まくら】① pillow, bolster ② introduction (e.g. to a rakugo story), lead-in
嗅ぐ 【かぐ】to sniff, to smell
からかうto ridicule, to tease, to mock, to chaff, to razz, to banter with, to make fun of, to poke fun at, to make cracks about
多く 【おおく】many, much, largely, abundantly, mostly
おやoh!, oh?, my!
お先に 【おさきに】① before, previously ② ahead ③ Pardon me for leaving (before you)
何しろ 【なにしろ】at any rate, anyhow, anyway, in any case
出来上がる 【できあがる】① to be completed, to be finished, to be ready (e.g. to serve or eat) ② to be very drunk
上る 【のぼる】① to ascend, to go up, to climb ② to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the sun), to rise ③ to go to (the capital) ④ to be promoted ⑤ to add up to ⑥ to advance (in price) ⑦ to swim up (a river), to sail up ⑧ to come up (on the agenda)
一時 【いちじ】one hour, short time, once, a time, temporarily, at one time, twelfth part of a day
一々 【いちいち】one by one, separately
それなのにand yet, despite this, but even so, but even then, however, nevertheless, for all that, notwithstanding that
小 【しょう】① smallness, small item ② short month (i.e. having fewer than 31 days) ③ elementary school ④ younger or inferior (of two items or people with the same name)
意地悪 【いじわる】malicious, ill-tempered, unkind
学会 【がっかい】scientific society, academic meeting, academic conference
強引 【ごういん】overbearing, coercive, pushy, forcible, high-handed
言いつける 【いいつける】① to tell (to do), to order, to charge, to direct ② to tell on (someone), to report ③ to often say
作者 【さくしゃ】author, authoress
自習 【じしゅう】self-study
水着 【みずぎ】bathing suit, swimsuit, swimmers
切れ 【きれ】① piece, slice, strip, scrap ② cloth ③ sharpness ④ counter for scraps, pieces, etc.
通りかかる 【とおりかかる】to happen to pass by
着ける 【つける】① to attach, to join, to add, to append, to affix, to stick, to glue, to fasten, to sew on, to apply (ointment) ② to furnish (a house with) ③ to wear, to put on ④ to keep a diary, to make an entry ⑤ to appraise, to set (a price) ⑥ to bring alongside ⑦ to place (under guard or doctor) ⑧ to follow, to shadow ⑨ to load, to give (courage to) ⑩ to keep (an eye on) ⑪ to establish (relations or understanding) ⑫ to turn on (light)
夕立 【ゆうだち】(sudden) evening shower (rain)
力強い 【ちからづよい】① powerful, strong, forceful, vigorous ② reassuring, encouraging
真っ白 【まっしろ】pure white
映す 【うつす】to project, to reflect, to cast (shadow)
図々しい 【ずうずうしい】impudent, shameless
広々 【ひろびろ】extensive, spacious
長引く 【ながびく】to be prolonged, to drag on
羽根 【はね】① feather, plume, wing ② blade (fan, propeller, etc.)
貝 【かい】shell, shellfish
気配 【けはい】① indication, sign, hint, presence, trend ② quotation (esp. stock market)
見直す 【みなおす】to look again, to get a better opinion of
見当 【けんとう】aim, mark, estimate, guess, approximation, direction
光線 【こうせん】beam, light ray
四角い 【しかくい】square, rectangular
受け取り 【うけとり】receipt
商店 【しょうてん】shop, small store, business, firm
追加 【ついか】addition, supplement, append (e.g. to a file), appendix
定期 【ていき】① fixed term ② fixed-term commutation pass ③ fixed-term deposit
等分 【とうぶん】division into equal parts
方角 【ほうがく】direction, way, compass point
本部 【ほんぶ】headquarters, head office, main office
満員 【まんいん】full house, no vacancy, sold out, standing room only, full (of people), crowded
役目 【やくめ】duty, business, role
油断 【ゆだん】negligence, unpreparedness
理科 【りか】science
温かい 【あたたかい】warm, mild, genial
温める 【あたためる】to warm, to heat
先頭 【せんとう】head, lead, vanguard, first
ため息 【ためいき】sigh
湯飲み 【ゆのみ】teacup
海水浴 【かいすいよく】sea bathing, seawater bath
各地 【かくち】every place, various places
格別 【かくべつ】exceptional
缶詰 【かんづめ】packing (in cans), canning, canned goods, tin can
観測 【かんそく】observation
近寄る 【ちかよる】to approach, to draw near
固まる 【かたまる】① to harden, to solidify ② to become firm, to become certain ③ to gather (together), to assemble, to huddle together
腰掛け 【こしかけ】seat, bench
座布団 【ざぶとん】zabuton (flat floor cushion used when sitting or kneeling; usu. rectangular)
再来月 【さらいげつ】month after next
散る 【ちる】① to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves) ② to scatter, to be dispersed ③ to disappear, to dissolve, to break up ④ to spread, to run, to blur ⑤ to die a noble death
刺身 【さしみ】sashimi (sliced raw fish)
失恋 【しつれん】disappointed love, broken heart, unrequited love, being lovelorn
増大 【ぞうだい】enlargement, increase
憎い 【にくい】① hateful, abominable, poor-looking, detestable ② (with irony) lovely, lovable, wonderful, etc.
探る 【さぐる】to search, to look for, to sound out
着替える 【きがえる】to change one's clothes
灯油 【とうゆ】lamp oil, kerosene
頭脳 【ずのう】head, brains, intellect
突く 【つく】① to prick, to stab ② to poke, to prod, to push, to thrust, to nudge, to hit, to strike ③ to use (a cane), to prop oneself up with, to press against (the floor, etc.) ④ to attack ⑤ to brave (the rain, etc.)
背負う 【せおう】to be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder
物置 【ものおき】storage room, storeroom, lumber room
片付く 【かたづく】① to be put in order, to be put to rights ② to be disposed of, to be solved ③ to be finished ④ to be married (off)
暴れる 【あばれる】to act violently, to rage, to struggle, to be riotous
目印 【めじるし】mark, sign, landmark
目覚まし 【めざまし】① alarm clock ② opening one's eyes, keeping one's eyes open ③ type of candy given to a child after it wakes up from a nap
有り難い 【ありがたい】grateful, thankful, welcome, appreciated, evoking gratitude
予備 【よび】preparation, preliminaries, reserve, spare
紅葉 【こうよう】① autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour) ② leaves turning red, red leaves ③ leaves turning yellow, yellow leaves ④ (Japanese) maple (Acer japonicum)
紅葉 【もみじ】① autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour) ② leaves turning red, red leaves ③ leaves turning yellow, yellow leaves ④ (Japanese) maple (Acer japonicum)
掛け算 【かけざん】multiplication
年寄り 【としより】① old people, the aged ② sumo coaches
採る 【とる】① to adopt (measure, proposal) ② to pick (fruit), to catch (insects), to take (e.g. a sample) ③ to assume (attitude) ④ to take on (i.e. hire), to engage
編集 【へんしゅう】editing, compilation, editorial (e.g. committee)
一段と 【いちだんと】greater, more, further, still more
段 【だん】① step, stair, (flight of) steps, (row of) stitches, columns (of print) ② grade, rank, level ③ counter for breaks in written language (or speech, etc.)
破く 【やぶく】to tear, to violate, to defeat, to smash, to destroy
衛星 【えいせい】satellite
果たす 【はたす】to accomplish, to fulfill, to carry out, to achieve
勘違い 【かんちがい】misunderstanding, wrong guess
鑑賞 【かんしょう】appreciation (e.g. of art), aesthetic sense
言葉遣い 【ことばづかい】speech, expression, wording
恨み 【うらみ】① resentment, grudge, malice, bitterness ② matter for regret, regret
災難 【さいなん】calamity, misfortune, disaster
磁石 【じしゃく】① magnet ② compass
斜め 【ななめ】① slanting, tilted, sloping, diagonal, oblique ② unusual, slanted (view of the world), bad (mood)
載る 【のる】① to get on, to ride in, to board, to mount, to get up on ② to spread (paints), to be taken in ③ to share in, to join, to feel like doing, to be mentioned in, to be in harmony with ④ to appear (in print), to be recorded, to be found in (a dictionary)
診断 【しんだん】diagnosis
図鑑 【ずかん】illustrated reference book, illustrated encyclopedia (esp. for children), picture book
弾 【たま】① ball, sphere, globe, orb ② bead (of sweat, dew, etc.), drop, droplet ③ ball (in sports) ④ pile (of noodles, etc.) ⑤ bullet ⑥ bulb (i.e. a light bulb) ⑦ ens (of glasses, etc.) ⑧ bead (of an abacus) ⑨ egg ⑩ gem, jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively), pearl ⑪ female entertainer (e.g. a geisha) ⑫ person (when commenting on their nature), character ⑬ item, funds or person used as part of a plot ⑭ coin ⑮ precious, beautiful, excellent
丁目 【ちょうめ】district of a town, city block (of irregular size)
展開 【てんかい】① development ② expansion (opposite of compression)
吐く 【はく】① to breathe ② to tell (lies) ③ to vomit, to disgorge
発射 【はっしゃ】firing, shooting, discharge, catapult, ejaculation (sl)
別荘 【べっそう】holiday house, villa
盆 【ぼん】① O-Bon, Bon Festival, Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead ② tray ③ family, household
矢印 【やじるし】arrow (mark or symbol), directional marker or indicator
幼稚 【ようち】infancy, childish, infantile
脅かす 【おどかす】① to threaten, to menace ② to startle, to surprise
牧場 【ぼくじょう】① farm (livestock), ranch (US), station (Aus, NZ) ② pasture land, meadow, grazing land
暖まる 【あたたまる】to warm oneself, to sun oneself, to warm up, to get warm
塊 【かたまり】lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster
締め切り 【しめきり】closing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrance
密 【みつ】① density, thickness ② secrecy ③ minute, fine
咳 【せき】cough, coughing, tussis
癌 【がん】cancer
櫛 【くし】comb
こするto rub, to scrub
すなわちthat is, namely, i.e.
揃う 【そろう】① to become complete, to be all present, to be a full set, to have everything at one's disposal ② to be equal, to be uniform ③ to gather, to assemble
卑怯 【ひきょう】cowardice, meanness, unfairness
かぶせるto cover (with something), to put on (e.g. on someone else's head), to plate something (with a metal), to pour or dash a liquid (on something), to charge (a person with a guilt)
睨む 【にらむ】to glare at, to scowl at, to keep an eye on
くどい① verbose, importunate, wordy, repetitious, long-winded ② heavy (taste), gaudy, loud, greasy
いざnow, come (now), well
じっくりdeliberately, carefully
ややこしいpuzzling, tangled, complicated, complex
はるto do
有 【ゆう】① existence ② possession, having ③ limited company
一部 【いちぶ】① one part, one portion, one section, some ② one copy (e.g. of a document)
付き 【つき】① furnished with, including ② attached to ③ impression, appearance ④ luck ⑤ sociality ⑥ under, assistant (e.g. to a manager) ⑦ soup base
損なう 【そこなう】to harm, to hurt, to injure, to damage, to fail in doing
刺 【とげ】thorn, splinter, spine, biting words
お供 【おとも】attendant, companion
お巡りさん 【おまわりさん】policeman (friendly term)
圧力 【あつりょく】stress, pressure
安っぽい 【やすっぽい】cheap-looking, tawdry, insignificant
委託 【いたく】consign (goods (for sale) to a firm), entrust (person with something), commit
一層 【いっそ】① much more, still more, all the more, (would) rather, sooner, might as well ② single layer (or storey, etc.)
液 【えき】liquid, fluid
遠ざかる 【とおざかる】to go far off
化石 【かせき】fossil, petrifaction, fossilization, fossilisation
何より 【なにより】most, best, above all
格 【かく】status, character, case
獲物 【えもの】game, spoils, trophy
覚え 【おぼえ】memory, sense, experience
学説 【がくせつ】theory
叶える 【かなえる】to grant (request, wish)
丸める 【まるめる】to make round, to round off, to roll up, to curl up, to seduce, to cajole, to explain away
気象 【きしょう】weather, climate
技 【わざ】technique, art
及び 【および】and, as well as
弓 【ゆみ】bow (and arrow)
救い 【すくい】help, aid, relief, salvation
距離 【きょり】distance, range
恐れ入る 【おそれいる】① to be sorry, to feel small ② to be grateful ③ to be amazed, to be filled with awe, to be surprised ④ to be disconcerted, to be embarrassed
緊急 【きんきゅう】urgent, pressing, emergency
経過 【けいか】passage, expiration, progress, transition
嫌らしい 【いやらしい】unpleasant, disgusting, repulsive, detestable, disagreeable, indecent, lewd, dirty, lascivious
現像 【げんぞう】developing (film)
個性 【こせい】individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy
呼び止める 【よびとめる】to challenge, to call somebody to halt
固める 【かためる】to harden, to freeze, to fortify
後退 【こうたい】① retreat ② backspace, BS
いい加減 【いいかげん】① irresponsible, perfunctory, careless ② lukewarm, half-baked, halfhearted, vague ③ reasonable, moderate (usu. in suggestions or orders) ④ considerably, quite, rather, pretty
広まる 【ひろまる】to spread, to be propagated
抗議 【こうぎ】protest, objection
昆虫 【こんちゅう】insect, bug
再現 【さいげん】reappearance, reproduction, return, revival
最早 【もはや】already, now
参上 【さんじょう】calling on, visiting
仕上げる 【しあげる】to finish up, to complete
思い付き 【おもいつき】plan, idea, suggestion
資格 【しかく】qualifications, requirements, capabilities
実践 【じっせん】practice, practise, put into practice, put into practise
写し 【うつし】copy, duplicate, facsimile, transcript
主人公 【しゅじんこう】① protagonist, main character, hero(ine) (of a story) ② head of household
取り寄せる 【とりよせる】to order, to send away for
取り付ける 【とりつける】to furnish, to install, to get someone's agreement
取材 【しゅざい】collecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article), covering an event
狩り 【かり】hunting
出現 【しゅつげん】appearance, arrival, make one's appearance
尚更 【なおさら】all the more, still less
照明 【しょうめい】illumination
障る 【さわる】to hinder, to interfere with, to affect, to do one harm, to be harmful to