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Doraemon [‘ドラえもん’] Vol. 8: episodes 101 (2008/04/25) to 120 (2008/10/31)

Author (public: access, edit)

Vocab for episodes 101 (2008/04/25) to 120 (2008/10/31) of the animated series ‘Doraemon’ [‘ドラえもん’]. This is volume 8/13. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



421 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
くらい① approximately, about, around, or so ② to (about) the extent that, (almost) enough that, so ... that ..., at least ③ as ... as ..., like
学生 【がくせい】student (esp. a university student)
四つ 【よっつ】four
来年 【らいねん】next year
八百屋 【やおや】greengrocer
鶏肉 【けいにく】chicken meat
地下鉄 【ちかてつ】underground train, subway
一昨日 【おととい】day before yesterday
ひらがなhiragana, one of the Japanese syllabaries
お子さん 【おこさん】(someone else's) child
文学 【ぶんがく】literature
売り場 【うりば】place where things are sold, point of sale, POS, sales floor, counter (in shop)
申し上げる 【もうしあげる】① to say, to tell, to state ② to do for
理由 【りゆう】reason, pretext, motive
規則 【きそく】rules, regulations, conventions
事務所 【じむしょ】office
沸かす 【わかす】① to boil, to heat ② to excite
たまにoccasionally, once in a while
その上 【そのうえ】① in addition, furthermore ② above (which), on top of (which)
男子 【だんし】youth, young man
海外 【かいがい】foreign, abroad, overseas
見送り 【みおくり】seeing one off, farewell, escort
作家 【さっか】author, writer, novelist, artist
作品 【さくひん】work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.), opus, performance, production
自ら 【みずから】for one's self, personally
質 【しつ】quality
親しい 【したしい】intimate, close (e.g. friend)
親友 【しんゆう】close friend, bosom (old, intimate) friend, buddy, crony, chum
青年 【せいねん】youth, young man
発車 【はっしゃ】departure of a vehicle
分野 【ぶんや】field, sphere, realm, division, branch
野 【の】① plain, field ② hidden (structural) member ③ wild ④ lacking a political post
立場 【たちば】standpoint, position, situation
横切る 【よこぎる】to cross (e.g. road), to traverse
正式 【せいしき】due form, official, formality
知能 【ちのう】intelligence, brains
当時 【とうじ】at that time, in those days
同様 【どうよう】identical, equal to, same (kind), like, similarity
特定 【とくてい】specific, special, particular
例 【れい】① custom, practice, habit, usual ② said, aforementioned ③ instance, example, case, illustration, usage ④ precedent ⑤ annual
印象 【いんしょう】impression
権利 【けんり】right, privilege
刻む 【きざむ】to mince, to carve, to engrave, to cut fine, to chop up, to hash, to chisel, to notch
混乱 【こんらん】disorder, chaos, confusion, mayhem
差 【さ】difference, variation
伺う 【うかがう】① to visit, to ask, to inquire, to hear, to be told ② to implore (a god for an oracle), to seek direction (from your superior) ③ to visit ④ to speak to (a large crowd at a theatre, etc.)
信号 【しんごう】traffic lights, signal, semaphore
寝室 【しんしつ】bedroom
袋 【ふくろ】① bag, sack ② skin of an orange (and other like fruits) ③ dead end ④ plot of land surrounded by water
単位 【たんい】① unit, denomination ② credit (in school)
担当 【たんとう】(in) charge (of an area of responsibility, but not necessarily supervision of staff)
有効 【ゆうこう】validity, legality, availability, effectiveness
連想 【れんそう】association (of ideas), suggestion
緊張 【きんちょう】tension, mental strain, nervousness
誇り 【ほこり】pride, boast
至る 【いたる】① to arrive at (e.g. a decision), to reach (a stage), to attain ② to lead to (a place), to get to
書斎 【しょさい】a study, library
障害 【しょうがい】① obstacle, impediment, hindrance, difficulty, barrier ② handicap, impairment, disability, disorder, malfunction
審判 【しんぱん】refereeing, trial, judgement, judgment, umpire, referee
真剣 【しんけん】① seriousness, earnestness ② real sword (as opposed to unsharpened or wooden practice weapon) (practise)
推薦 【すいせん】recommendation
操作 【そうさ】① operation, management, processing ② manipulating to one's benefit ③ to operate ④ to manipulate, to fiddle (e.g. the books)
徹底 【てってい】thoroughness, completeness, consistency
覆う 【おおう】to cover, to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to disguise
事態 【じたい】situation, (present) state of affairs, circumstances
振る舞う 【ふるまう】① to behave, to conduct oneself ② to entertain, to treat someone (to a drink), to make tea for someone (tea ceremony)
鼠 【ねずみ】① mouse, rat ② dark gray, dark grey, slate (color, colour)
およそabout, roughly, as a rule, approximately
みょう① strange, unusual ② (something) superb, (something) excellent
何分 【なにぶん】anyway, please
学年 【がくねん】year in school, grade in school
小学 【しょうがく】elementary school, primary school, grade school
長男 【ちょうなん】eldest son
引力 【いんりょく】① attraction (e.g. magnetic, gravitation), affinity ② attractiveness, magnetism
とどまる① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
習字 【しゅうじ】penmanship
重たい 【おもたい】heavy, massive, serious, important, severe, oppressed
送別 【そうべつ】farewell, send-off
開通 【かいつう】opening, open, taking effect, becoming active
弱点 【じゃくてん】weak point, weakness
人通り 【ひとどおり】pedestrian traffic
体育 【たいいく】physical education, gymnastics, athletics
直後 【ちょくご】immediately following
通勤 【つうきん】commuting to work
湯気 【ゆげ】steam, vapour, vapor
日常 【にちじょう】ordinary, regular, everyday, usual
能 【のう】① talent, gift, function ② noh (theatre)
逆さま 【さかさま】inversion, upside down
超す 【こす】① to cross over (e.g. mountain), to go across ② to go over (e.g. with audience) ③ to pass time (e.g. a winter) ④ to surpass, to be better than, to exceed ⑤ to move house ⑥ to go, to come
灰 【はい】ash, ashes
詰まる 【つまる】① to be blocked, to be packed ② to hit the ball near the handle of the bat (baseball)
材木 【ざいもく】lumber, timber
脂 【あぶら】fat, tallow, lard, grease
占う 【うらなう】to tell someone's fortune, to forecast, to predict, to divine
坊や 【ぼうや】boy
迷信 【めいしん】superstition
すれ違う 【すれちがう】to pass by one another, to disagree, to miss each other
続々 【ぞくぞく】successively, one after another
見慣れる 【みなれる】to become used to seeing, to be familiar with
やっ付ける 【やっつける】to beat, to attack (an enemy), to do away with, to finish off
巻 【かん】volume (of book), reel (of film)
辛い 【づらい】difficult to (do something)
括弧 【かっこ】parenthesis, brackets
濁る 【にごる】to become muddy, to get impure
噴火 【ふんか】eruption
縫う 【ぬう】① to sew, to stitch ② to weave one's way (e.g. through a crowd)
膨らます 【ふくらます】to swell, to expand, to inflate, to bulge
摩擦 【まさつ】friction, rubbing, rubdown, chafe
沿い 【ぞい】along
引き算 【ひきざん】subtraction
あっさりeasily, readily, quickly
木 【もく】① Thursday ② wood (first of the five elements)
仕上げ 【しあげ】end, finishing touches, being finished
兆 【ちょう】① sign, omen, indication, portent ② 10^12, 1,000,000,000,000, trillion (American), (obs) billion (British)
お手上げ 【おてあげ】all over, given in, given up hope, bring to knees
意地 【いじ】disposition, spirit, willpower, obstinacy, backbone, appetite
医院 【いいん】doctor's office (surgery), clinic, dispensary
逸らす 【そらす】to turn away, to avert
黄金 【おうごん】gold
果てる 【はてる】① to end, to be finished, to be exhausted, to die, to perish ② indicates an extreme has been reached
海流 【かいりゅう】ocean current
活発 【かっぱつ】vigor, vigour, active, lively
感染 【かんせん】infection, contagion
貴族 【きぞく】noble, aristocrat
協定 【きょうてい】arrangement, pact, agreement
教え 【おしえ】teachings, precept, lesson, doctrine
禁じる 【きんじる】to prohibit
禁物 【きんもつ】taboo, forbidden thing
君主 【くんしゅ】ruler, monarch
健やか 【すこやか】vigorous, healthy, sound
見合い 【みあい】formal marriage interview
孤独 【こどく】isolation, loneliness, solitude
誤る 【あやまる】① to make a mistake, to err ② to mislead, to misguide
冴える 【さえる】to be clear, to be serene, to be cold, to be skillful
志向 【しこう】intention, aim
実 【じつ】① truth, reality ② sincerity, honesty, fidelity ③ content, substance ④ (good) result
実家 【じっか】(one's parents') home
手配 【てはい】arrangement, search (by police)
情熱 【じょうねつ】passion, enthusiasm, zeal
心強い 【こころづよい】heartening, reassuring
神秘 【しんぴ】mystery
人体 【じんたい】human body
推理 【すいり】reasoning, inference, mystery or detective genre (movie, novel, etc.)
生き甲斐 【いきがい】something one lives for, purpose in life, raison d'etre
操る 【あやつる】to manipulate, to operate, to pull strings
相 【そう】① appearance, look, countenance ② a 'seeming' that fortune-tellers relate to one's fortune ③ aspect ④ phase (e.g. solid, liquid and gaseous)
足し算 【たしざん】addition
弾む 【はずむ】to spring, to bound, to bounce, to be stimulated, to be encouraged, to get lively, to treat oneself to, to splurge on
中枢 【ちゅうすう】centre, center, pivot, mainstay, nucleus, backbone, central figure, pillar, key man
中毒 【ちゅうどく】① poisoning ② addiction
転勤 【てんきん】job transfer, job relocation, intra-company transfer
転校 【てんこう】change schools
如何に 【いかに】how?, in what way?, how much?, however, whatever
任務 【にんむ】duty, function, office, mission, task
年月日 【ねんがっぴ】date
粘る 【ねばる】to be sticky, to be adhesive, to persevere, to persist, to stick to
派 【は】clique, faction, school
背後 【はいご】① back, rear ② background, behind the scenes
発言 【はつげん】utterance, speech, proposal
卑しい 【いやしい】greedy, vulgar, shabby, humble, base, mean, vile
不在 【ふざい】absence
富豪 【ふごう】wealthy person, millionaire
末 【まつ】① the end of ② powder
明かす 【あかす】① to pass (e.g. the night), to spend ② to reveal, to divulge
目覚める 【めざめる】to wake up
要望 【ようぼう】demand for, request
落ち着き 【おちつき】① calmness, composure, presence of mind ② stability, steadiness
両立 【りょうりつ】compatibility, coexistence, standing together
打ち込む 【うちこむ】to drive in (e.g. nail, stake), to devote oneself to, to shoot into, to smash, to throw into, to cast into
座標 【ざひょう】coordinate, coordinates
だるいsluggish, feel heavy, languid, dull
語彙 【ごい】vocabulary, lexicon, lexis, terminology
刺繍 【ししゅう】embroidery
脆い 【もろい】brittle, fragile, tender-hearted
辿る 【たどる】to follow (road), to pursue (course), to follow up, to follow (hyperlink)
妬む 【ねたむ】to be jealous, to be envious
濠 【ほり】moat, canal, ditch
藁 【わら】straw
鬱陶しい 【うっとうしい】① gloomy (e.g. mood), depressing ② heavy (weather), cloudy ③ irritating, troublesome
きしむto jar, to creak, to grate
それらthose over there
ぼちぼち① little-by-little, gradually, slowly, soon ② not bad, passable, so-so
むんむん① stuffy ② woman's desire
アメリカン① American ② American coffee (weaker than regular Japanese coffee)
ウイルス① virus ② viral
オイルoil, engine oil, kerosene
スタンバイstandby, preparation, arrangement, ready, waiting
ソフト① soft ② soft hat ③ software
タッチ① touch ② being involved in
チップ① gratuity, tip ② chip
ノック① knock ② fungo (baseball)
バス停bus stop
パーセントpercent, percentage
プロポーズ(marriage) proposal
プンプン① intense smell (hanging around) ② state of being furious or angry
ベース① base ② bass
ベタbetta (esp. the Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens)
ライバルrival, competition
ラック① rack ② ruck ③ luck
ラッシュ① rush ② rush hour ③ rush print ④ lighter aboard ship, LASH
ラブソングlove song
リフト① lift ② rift
レバー① lever, joystick ② liver
ロッカー① locker ② rocker
ロビーlobby, lounge
金メダル 【きんめだる】gold medal
後生 【ごしょう】afterlife
生後 【せいご】post-natal, since birth
今日 【こんち】today, this day
南西 【なんせい】southwest
見とれる 【みとれる】to be fascinated (by), to watch something in fascination, to be charmed
そうですねthat's so, isn't it
ぞっこん① from the bottom of one's heart, with all one's heart ② completely, entirely
食いっぱぐれ 【くいっぱぐれ】missing a meal
もたつくto be slow, to not make progress, to be inefficient
ぽいtossing something out, throwing something away
だからと言って 【だからといって】while it may be true that, just because, nevertheless, not necessarily
カットcut, cutting
英会話 【えいかいわ】① English conversation ② school for English conversation
花屋 【はなや】florist
急ぎ 【いそぎ】haste, hurry, expedition, speed, dispatch
銀色 【ぎんいろ】silver (color, colour)
思いとどまる 【おもいとどまる】to give up (a plan or idea), to desist from (doing)
試作 【しさく】trial manufacture, experiment, test piece, prototype
小言 【こごと】scolding, fault-finding
食い止める 【くいとめる】to check, to hold back
真っ昼間 【まっぴるま】broad daylight
真夜中 【まよなか】dead of night, midnight
青ざめる 【あおざめる】to become pale, to turn pale
早まる 【はやまる】to be hasty, to be rash
朝日 【あさひ】morning sun
病室 【びょうしつ】sickroom, hospital room
分立 【ぶんりつ】segregation, separation, independence
川口 【かわぐち】mouth of river, estuary
七夕 【たなばた】Festival of the Weaver (July 7th), Star Festival
ひき肉 【ひきにく】minced meat, ground meat
研き 【みがき】polish, improvement, burnishing
場外 【じょうがい】outside the hall or stadium, off the premises
多目 【おおめ】somewhat larger quantity, larger portion
知らす 【しらす】① to inform, to notify ② to know ③ to reign
風の音 【かぜのおと】sound of the wind, voice of the wind
知らず 【しらず】① not having, unaffected by ② aside, I don't know about ...
一点 【いってん】speck, dot, point, only a little, particle, only one
一番乗り 【いちばんのり】leader of a charge, first to arrive
一役 【ひとやく】role (which someone or something plays in a given situation), part, contribution (to a given situation)
温水 【おんすい】warm water
気取り 【きどり】affectation, pretension
客室 【きゃくしつ】drawing room, guest room
試練 【しれん】test, trial, probation, ordeal, tribulation
実体 【じったい】substance, entity, object
手相 【てそう】palm reading
書き直す 【かきなおす】to write out, to make a fair copy, to rewrite
小道具 【こどうぐ】props, (stage) properties, gadgets
神童 【しんどう】prodigy, wonder child
人相 【にんそう】physiognomy, looks, countenance
足取り 【あしどり】① gait, manner of walking (swimming) ② trace (e.g. of route taken by hunted criminal)
体感 【たいかん】bodily sensation, sense, experience
転校生 【てんこうせい】transfer student, student changing schools
毎回 【まいかい】every time, each round
無気力 【むきりょく】lethargic, lassitude
命取り 【いのちとり】fatal
命拾い 【いのちびろい】narrow escape from death
夜道 【よみち】street at night, making a night journey
流れ星 【ながれぼし】shooting star, meteor
右側 【みぎがわ】right side, right hand
左側 【ひだりがわ】left, left (hand) side
両足 【りょうあし】① both feet ② both legs
速める 【はやめる】to hasten, to quicken, to expedite, to precipitate, to accelerate
見放す 【みはなす】to desert, to abandon, to give up
根っこ 【ねっこ】root, stub, stump
それとなくindirectly, obliquely
配役 【はいやく】cast (of a play)
言い残す 【いいのこす】to leave word with (a person), to state in one's will, to leave (something) unsaid, to forget to mention
物知り 【ものしり】well-informed person, walking dictionary, extensive knowledge
泣き言 【なきごと】complaint
立ち消え 【たちぎえ】die out, fall through
真犯人 【しんはんにん】the real criminal
速 【そく】gear, speed (as in 4 speed automatic transmission and such)
愛犬 【あいけん】pet dog
偉人 【いじん】great man
引き戻す 【ひきもどす】to bring back, to restore
塩っぱい 【しょっぱい】① stingy ② hoarse ③ wearisome
押し掛ける 【おしかける】to intrude on
押し付ける 【おしつける】to press, to push, to force
海底 【かいてい】① bottom of the ocean ② undersea, submarine
苦難 【くなん】suffering, distress, hardship, trial
更新 【こうしん】renewal, update, innovation, renovation
差し込む 【さしこむ】① to insert, to put in, to thrust in, to plug in ② to shine in, to flow in ③ to jam a batter (with an inside pitch) (baseball)
支社 【ししゃ】branch office
手違い 【てちがい】mistake, blunder
受賞 【じゅしょう】winning (a prize)
出来栄え 【できばえ】① result, effect, performance, success ② workmanship, execution, shape and quality of (an article), finishing touches
照れくさい 【てれくさい】embarrassing, awkward
伸し 【のし】① stretching ② sidestroke (in swimming)
寝言 【ねごと】① sleep-talking ② nonsense, gibberish
選り好み 【よりごのみ】being particular about, fastidious
全景 【ぜんけい】panoramic view, bird's-eye view
打って付け 【うってつけ】most suitable
通報 【つうほう】① report, tip, bulletin ② message (in information and communication theory)
泥んこ 【どろんこ】morass of mud
逃げ込む 【にげこむ】to take refuge in, to succeed in running away
得 【とく】① profit, advantage, benefit, gain ② rebirth in paradise, entering nirvana
軟らか 【やわらか】soft, tender, limp, subdued (colour or light) (color), gentle, meek
したためるto write up
燃え上がる 【もえあがる】to flare up, to burst into flames
薄情 【はくじょう】unfeeling, heartless, cold-hearted, cruel
発信 【はっしん】dispatch, despatch, transmission, submission
抜群 【ばつぐん】① preeminence, distinction, extraordinariness ② outstanding, excellent, exceptional, surpassing, extraordinary, distinguished
不可解 【ふかかい】mystery, baffling, inexplicable, incomprehensible
浮上 【ふじょう】surfacing, rising to the surface
抱き上げる 【だきあげる】to hold up in one's arms
防御 【ぼうぎょ】defense, defence, safeguard, protection
夢にも 【ゆめにも】not in the slightest, not in one's wildest dreams
無関係 【むかんけい】unrelated
欲求 【よっきゅう】desire
永久 【とわ】① eternity, perpetuity, immortality ② Eikyuu era (1113.7.13-1118.4.3)
格好いい 【かっこういい】attractive, good-looking, stylish, "cool"
灯 【とう】① light, lamp ② counter for electric lights
枯葉 【かれは】dead leaf, dry leaves
替わる 【かわる】① to succeed, to relieve, to replace ② to take the place of, to substitute for, to take over for, to represent ③ to be exchanged, to change (places with), to switch
閉め切る 【しめきる】to close up, to shut up (e.g. behind doors), to cut off (e.g. because a deadline has expired)
使い捨て 【つかいすて】throwaway, disposable
共々 【ともども】together, in company
優る 【まさる】① to excel, to surpass, to exceed, to have an edge, to be superior, to outrival ② to outweigh, to preponderate
浅はか 【あさはか】shallow, superficial, frivolous, thoughtless, foolish, silly
降格 【こうかく】demotion
置き手紙 【おきてがみ】letter left behind by someone who has departed, farewell letter
時代遅れ 【じだいおくれ】old-fashioned, behind the times, out of date
捜し物 【さがしもの】object being sought
未だしも 【まだしも】rather, better
食材 【しょくざい】① ingredient ② foodstuff
城 【じょう】castle (in place names)
おもてなしhospitality, entertainment, service
給え 【たまえ】please (imperative form of an auxiliary verb, suffixed to the -masu stem of another verb)
応える 【こたえる】① to respond, to live up to, to reward ② to take its toll, to strike home
沖縄 【おきなわ】Okinawa (one of the Japanese Ryukyu islands)
過激 【かげき】extreme, radical
わめくto shout, to cry, to scream, to clamour
たくらむto scheme, to plan, to play a trick, to invent, to conspire, to frame up
吸血鬼 【きゅうけつき】vampire, bloodsucker
救い出す 【すくいだす】to rescue, to free
救命 【きゅうめい】lifesaving
挟み撃ち 【はさみうち】pincer attack, attack on both sides (flanks)
仰天 【ぎょうてん】being amazed, being horrified, being taken aback
襟首 【えりくび】nape of neck
潔い 【いさぎよい】manly, sportsmanlike, pure, upright
血統 【けっとう】lineage, pedigree, family line, birth
高貴 【こうき】high class, noble
三塁 【さんるい】third base
詩集 【ししゅう】poetry anthology
飼い慣らす 【かいならす】to tame (e.g. animal), to domesticate
襲い掛かる 【おそいかかる】to rush on, to attack, to swoop down on
十字架 【じゅうじか】cross, the Cross (of Christ)
振り切る 【ふりきる】to shake off, to shake free from
薪 【たきぎ】① firewood, kindling, fuel ② piece(s) of firewood
水槽 【すいそう】water tank, cistern, fish tank
うねる① to wind (of a road, etc.), to meander, to twist ② to undulate, to surge, to swell, to roll
誠に 【まことに】indeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quite
奏でる 【かなでる】to play an instrument (esp. string instruments)
探偵 【たんてい】detective, sleuth, investigator
弾ける 【はじける】to burst open, to split open, to pop
張り裂ける 【はりさける】to burst (open), to break, to split
伝票 【でんぴょう】chit, sales slip, voucher
縄跳び 【なわとび】① skipping rope, jump rope ② skipping, rope-jumping
伯爵 【はくしゃく】count, earl
不器用 【ぶきよう】awkward, clumsy, unskillfulness, lack of ability
密室 【みっしつ】① room that cannot be entered (i.e. because it's locked from the inside) ② secret room
矛先 【ほこさき】① point of spear ② aim of attack, force of argument
霊 【れい】soul, spirit, departed soul, ghost
隠れん坊 【かくれんぼ】hide and seek (the game)
固執 【こしつ】adherence (negative nuance), persistence, insistence, stubbornness
磁場 【じば】magnetic field
力尽く 【ちからずく】(brute) force, with all one's might
ありったけall that one has, all that there is, the whole
やりがいbeing worth doing
薪割り 【まきわり】① hatchet, axe ② wood-chopping, wood-splitting
とび① black kite (bird of prey, Milvus migrans) ② construction worker, scaffold erector, firefighter ③ Inverness cape
プレイン① plain ② plane
俄然 【がぜん】suddenly, all of a sudden, abruptly
金儲け 【かねもうけ】money-making
杭 【くい】stake, picket
惚れ込む 【ほれこむ】to be charmed by
妬ましい 【ねたましい】jealous, envious
妬み 【ねたみ】jealousy, envy
りんご① apple ② apple tree (Malus pumila)
しわくちゃcrumpled, wrinkled
ひざまずくto kneel
隕石 【いんせき】meteorite
餞別 【せんべつ】farewell gift
剃る 【する】to shave
たばこtobacco, cigarettes
枕元 【まくらもと】near one's pillow, at one's bedside
奢り 【おごり】luxury, treat, extravagance
ちょい① just a minute, short time, just a little ② somewhat, easily, readily, rather
摩訶 【まか】maha (great)
面晤 【めんご】face-to-face conversation, interview