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Doraemon [‘ドラえもん’] Vol. 9: episodes 121 (2008/11/07) to 140 (2012/06/01)

Author (public: access, edit)

Vocab for episodes 121 (2008/11/07) to 140 (2012/06/01) of the animated series ‘Doraemon’ [‘ドラえもん’]. This is volume 9/13. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



476 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
午前 【ごぜん】morning, a.m.
先月 【せんげつ】last month
indicates direction or goal (e.g. "to")
黒 【くろ】① black ② dark ③ bad guy, 'black hat'
黄色 【きいろ】yellow, amber
牛乳 【ぎゅうにゅう】(cow's) milk
辛い 【からい】① spicy, hot ② salty ③ tough (on someone), adverse, harsh
薄い 【うすい】① thin ② pale, light ③ watery, dilute, sparse ④ weak (taste, etc.) ⑤ slim (probability, etc.), small
以下 【いか】① not exceeding, and downward, ... and below ② below (e.g. standard), under (e.g. a level) ③ the below-mentioned, the following, the rest
校長 【こうちょう】principal, headmaster
小鳥 【ことり】① small bird, songbird ② birdie, dickeybird, dickybird
大学生 【だいがくせい】university student, college student
着物 【きもの】① clothing, clothes ② kimono (or other trad. Japanese clothing)
空港 【くうこう】airport
坂 【さか】slope, hill
毛 【け】hair, fur
祭り 【まつり】festival, feast
お土産 【おみやげ】present, souvenir
畳 【たたみ】tatami mat (Japanese straw floor coverings)
踊る 【おどる】to dance (orig. a hopping dance)
割合 【わりあい】① rate, ratio, percentage, proportion ② comparatively ③ contrary to expectations
先輩 【せんぱい】senior (at work or school), superior, elder, older graduate, progenitor, old-timer
訳 【やく】translation, version (e.g. "English version")
きつい① intense, severe, hard ② determined, forceful, formidable ③ strong ④ tight, close
学 【がく】learning, scholarship, erudition, knowledge
だがbut, however, (and) yet, nevertheless, still, for all that
生地 【きじ】① cloth, material, texture ② one's true character ③ unglazed pottery ④ uncooked dough, batter
多少 【たしょう】more or less, somewhat, a little, some
委員 【いいん】committee member
温度 【おんど】temperature
額 【がく】① picture (framed) ② amount or sum (of money)
旧 【きゅう】ex-, former, old
禁止 【きんし】prohibition, inhibition, ban
型 【かた】① model, type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) ② type, style, pattern ③ mold (mould), template, model ④ kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.) ⑤ form (i.e. customary procedure) ⑥ size (i.e. clothing, shoes)
身分 【みぶん】social position, social status
地区 【ちく】district, section, sector
悲しむ 【かなしむ】to be sad, to mourn for, to regret
量 【りょう】quantity, amount, volume, portion (of food)
衣服 【いふく】clothes
越す 【こす】① to cross over (e.g. mountain), to go across ② to go over (e.g. with audience) ③ to pass time (e.g. a winter) ④ to surpass, to be better than, to exceed ⑤ to move house ⑥ to go, to come
回復 【かいふく】recovery (from illness), improvement, rehabilitation, restoration, convalescence
賢い 【かしこい】wise, clever, smart
航空 【こうくう】aviation, flying
支える 【ささえる】① to support, to prop, to sustain, to underlay, to hold up ② to hold at bay, to stem, to check
責める 【せめる】to condemn, to blame, to criticize, to criticise
肌 【はだ】① skin ② body (in the context of intimate bodily contact) ③ surface, grain (e.g. of wood), texture ④ disposition, temperament, character, type
必ずしも 【かならずしも】(not) always, (not) necessarily, (not) all, (not) entirely
便 【びん】① flight (e.g. airline flight), trip (e.g. train trip), service ② mail, post, letter ③ opportunity, chance
凍る 【こおる】to freeze, to be frozen over, to congeal
年齢 【ねんれい】age, years
芽 【め】sprout
修正 【しゅうせい】amendment, correction, revision, modification, alteration, retouching, update, fix
修理 【しゅうり】repairing, mending, servicing
従う 【したがう】to abide (by the rules), to obey, to follow, to accompany
渋滞 【じゅうたい】congestion (e.g. traffic), delay, stagnation
出張 【しゅっちょう】official tour, business trip
新鮮 【しんせん】fresh
睡眠 【すいみん】sleep
絶滅 【ぜつめつ】destruction, extinction
粗末 【そまつ】crude, rough, plain, humble
腐る 【くさる】to rot, to go bad, to corrode
塀 【へい】wall, fence
寧ろ 【むしろ】rather, better, instead
揃える 【そろえる】to put things in order, to arrange, to make uniform, to get something ready
見学 【けんがく】inspection, study by observation, field trip
上り 【のぼり】① ascent, climbing, ascending (path), climb ② up-train (e.g. going to Tokyo) ③ northward (towards Tokyo)
重なる 【かさなる】to be piled up, lie on top of one another, overlap each other
出場 【しゅつじょう】(stage) appearance, participation, performance
小犬 【こいぬ】puppy
王女 【おうじょ】princess
加速 【かそく】① acceleration, speed up ② accelerator
集合 【しゅうごう】① gathering, assembly, meeting ② set
勢い 【いきおい】① force, vigor, vigour, energy, spirit, life ② influence, authority, power, might ③ impetus, momentum, course (of events) ④ naturally, necessarily
組 【くみ】① set (of items) ② group (of people), class (of students), company (esp. construction), family (i.e. mafia), team ③ typesetting, composition
待ち合わせる 【まちあわせる】to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time, to arrange to meet
退院 【たいいん】leaving hospital, discharge from hospital
通用 【つうよう】① popular use, circulation ② to pass as
表紙 【ひょうし】front cover, binding
分数 【ぶんすう】fraction
放る 【ほうる】① to let go, to abandon, to leave undone ② to throw, to toss, to fling
夜間 【やかん】at night, nighttime
録音 【ろくおん】(audio) recording
入れ物 【いれもの】① container, case, receptacle ② (euph. for) coffin, casket
係 【かかり】official, duty, person in charge
都 【と】metropolitan, municipal
解答 【かいとう】answer, solution
気圧 【きあつ】atmospheric pressure
起床 【きしょう】rising, getting out of bed
境 【さかい】border, boundary, mental state
散らかる 【ちらかる】to be in disorder, to lie scattered around
湿る 【しめる】to be wet, to become wet, to be damp
成分 【せいぶん】ingredient, component, composition
祖先 【そせん】ancestor
体積 【たいせき】capacity, volume
頂点 【ちょうてん】top, summit
予報 【よほう】forecast, prediction
看板 【かんばん】sign, signboard, doorplate, poster, billboard, appearance, figurehead, policy, attraction, closing time
愚か 【おろか】foolish, stupid
系統 【けいとう】system, family line, geological formation, lineage, ancestry
継続 【けいぞく】continuation
酸性 【さんせい】① acidity ② acidic
醜い 【みにくい】① ugly, unattractive ② unsightly, unseemly
酢 【す】vinegar
寸法 【すんぽう】measurement, size, extent, dimension
爽やか 【さわやか】fresh, refreshing, invigorating, clear, fluent, eloquent
体系 【たいけい】system, organization, organisation, architecture
吐き気 【はきけ】nausea, sickness in the stomach
保健 【ほけん】health preservation, hygiene, sanitation
整う 【ととのう】to be prepared, to be in order, to be put in order, to be arranged
載せる 【のせる】to load (luggage), to carry, to take on board
おしゃれ① smartly dressed, stylish, fashion-conscious ② someone smartly dressed ③ to dress up, to be fashionable
くっきりdistinctly, clearly, boldly
同 【どう】the same, the said, ibid.
読者 【どくしゃ】reader
権 【けん】authority, right (to do something)
戦 【いくさ】war, battle, campaign, fight
忠実 【ちゅうじつ】① faithful, loyal, devoted ② hardworking, painstaking, diligent ③ healthy, fit
悪化 【あっか】(suffer) deterioration, growing worse, aggravation, degeneration, corruption
押し込む 【おしこむ】① to push into, to crowd into ② to break in, to burglarize
緩やか 【ゆるやか】① loose, slack ② gentle, easy, slow ③ lenient, liberal, lax
貫禄 【かんろく】presence, dignity
軌道 【きどう】① orbit, trajectory ② railroad track
宮殿 【きゅうでん】palace
給食 【きゅうしょく】school lunch, providing a meal
傾ける 【かたむける】to incline, to list, to bend, to lean, to tip, to tilt, to slant, to concentrate on, to ruin (a country), to squander, to empty
形勢 【けいせい】condition, situation, prospects
決勝 【けっしょう】decision of a contest, finals (in sports)
健全 【けんぜん】health, soundness, wholesome
見地 【けんち】point of view
合わす 【あわす】① to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) ② to join together, to unite, to combine, to add up ③ to face, to be opposite (someone) ④ to compare, to check with ⑤ to cause to meet (e.g. an unpleasant fate) ⑥ to place together, to connect, to overlap ⑦ to mix, to combine ⑧ to put blade to blade, to fight
作り 【つくり】① making, producing, manufacturing, building, construction, make, structure ② appearance (i.e. attire, make-up) ③ build (i.e. physique) ④ sashimi ⑤ forced (smile, etc.)
仕上がり 【しあがり】finish, end, completion
失格 【しっかく】disqualification, elimination, incapacity (legal)
手軽 【てがる】easy, simple, informal, offhand, cheap
受け継ぐ 【うけつぐ】to inherit, to succeed, to take over
収支 【しゅうし】income and expenditure
出血 【しゅっけつ】bleeding, haemorrhage, hemorrhage
所有 【しょゆう】one's possessions, ownership
庶民 【しょみん】masses, common people
小銭 【こぜに】coins, small change
身なり 【みなり】personal appearance
晴天 【せいてん】fine weather
浅ましい 【あさましい】wretched, miserable, shameful, mean, despicable, abject
組み合わせる 【くみあわせる】to join together, to combine, to join up
争い 【あらそい】dispute, strife, quarrel, dissension, conflict, rivalry, contest
装備 【そうび】equipment
走行 【そうこう】running a wheeled vehicle (e.g. car), running to program, job, etc., traveling, travelling
大空 【おおぞら】heavens, firmament, sky
大胆 【だいたん】bold, daring, audacious
断然 【だんぜん】firmly, absolutely, definitely
地主 【じぬし】landlord, landowner
着席 【ちゃくせき】sit down, seat
仲人 【なこうど】① go-between, matchmaker ② child in elementary or middle school
添う 【そう】① to marry, to wed ② to be added
当選 【とうせん】① being elected ② being selected (to win a prize, etc.) ③ winning (in a lottery, raffle, etc.)
突破 【とっぱ】breaking through, breakthrough, penetration
肉体 【にくたい】the body, the flesh
不意 【ふい】sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseen
福 【ふく】good fortune
紛らわしい 【まぎらわしい】confusing, misleading, equivocal, ambiguous
捕獲 【ほかく】capture, seizure
放棄 【ほうき】abandonment, renunciation, resignation, abdication (responsibility, right)
放置 【ほうち】leave as is, leave to chance, leave alone, neglect
妨害 【ぼうがい】disturbance, obstruction, hindrance, jamming, interference
本場 【ほんば】home, habitat, center, centre, best place, genuine
未開 【みかい】savage land, backward region, uncivilized, uncivilised
老いる 【おいる】to age, to grow old
枠 【わく】frame, slide, border
偽物 【にせもの】spurious article, forgery, counterfeit, imitation, sham
取引 【とりひき】transactions, dealings, business
華やか 【はなやか】showy, brilliant, gorgeous, florid, gay
民族 【みんぞく】people, race, nation
理屈 【りくつ】theory, reason
扇ぐ 【あおぐ】① to fan ② to incite, to instigate
ことごとくaltogether, entirely
壷 【つぼ】① jar, pot, vase ② dice cup ③ depression (i.e. the basin of a waterfall) ④ (figurative) bull's-eye ⑤ key point (of a conversation, etc.) ⑥ acupuncture point, moxibustion point ⑦ fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.)
賭ける 【かける】to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble
くじびきlottery, drawn lot
おおい① hey!, oi! ② me
おたおたshocked speechless
ぎりぎり① at the last moment, just barely ② grinding sound
たかがit's only ... (something), at most
どっこいheigh-hoh, heave-ho, hold on!, just a minute
もじもじbashfully, hesitantly, fidgety, restlessly, squirming, wriggling, haltingly
わくわくtremble, get nervous, excitedly, thrilled
アイスクリームice cream, icecream
アンケートquestionnaire, survey
イコール① equal ② the equality sign (=)
キャビアcaviar, caviare
クラシック① classical music ② classic, classical ③ (the) classics
コミックcomic books, comics
コンタクト① contact ② contact lens
コンタクトレンズcontact lens
サードthird (base, baseman, gear)
スコップ① shovel, spade, scoop ② SCOP
ストック① stock ② ski pole
スリラーthriller (movie, story)
タイヤtire, tyre
ティッシュ(facial) tissues
トランク① suitcase, trunk ② trunk (of a car), boot ③ (trunk) line
ドライバー① driver (of a vehicle) ② screwdriver ③ driver (golf) ④ driver (device driver)
ナンバーワンnumber one
ヘラクレス① Hercules, Herakles ② Dynastes hercules (variety of rhinoceros beetle)
ハンドル① handle ② steering wheel ③ (bicycle) handlebar
パーツparts (as in computer parts)
パソコンpersonal computer
パンチ① punch (a strike with the fist) ② punch (a hole), punch (a ticket), a hole punch, a hole puncher ③ punch (a drink)
ピンpin, dowel
ベスト① best ② vest
ラジカセradio-cassette player
レース① race ② lace ③ lathe
レディー① lady ② ready
ワックスwax (for polishing)
三時 【さんじ】① 3 o'clock ② 3 o'clock snack
女子大 【じょしだい】women's college, women's university
人だかり 【ひとだかり】crowd, throng
日食 【にっしょく】solar eclipse
一年 【いちねん】one year, some time ago
十 【とお】10, ten
食らう 【くらう】① to eat, to drink ② to receive (e.g. a blow)
一人ぼっち 【ひとりぼっち】aloneness, loneliness, solitude
山々 【やまやま】① very much, great deal ② many mountains
一人っ子 【ひとりっこ】an only child
からきしquite, utterly, (not) at all, completely
下 【もと】under (esp. influence or guidance)
ふんわりgently, airily, fluffily
パンク① puncture, flat tyre (tire), bursting ② punk
安らか 【やすらか】peaceful, tranquil, calm, restful
安物 【やすもの】cheap article, poor quality article
運動会 【うんどうかい】athletic meet
起立 【きりつ】standing up
高台 【たかだい】elevation, high ground
ほくろdark mole, facial mole, beauty spot
作り話 【つくりばなし】fiction, made-up story, fable, fabrication, myth
三文 【さんもん】cheapness, farthing
出方 【でかた】① attitude, move ② theater usher, theatre usher
出力 【しゅつりょく】output (e.g. of dynamo)
上の空 【うわのそら】inattention, absent-mindedness
色気 【いろけ】① colouring, coloring, shade of colour, shade of color ② interest in the opposite sex, sex appeal, sensuality, seductiveness, glamor, glamour, sexual passion ③ romance, poetry, charm ④ desire, interest, inclination, ambition
新車 【しんしゃ】new car
青色 【あおいろ】blue
族 【ぞく】① tribe, clan, band ② (taxonomical) tribe ③ group (of the periodic table)
大作 【たいさく】epic
肉屋 【にくや】butcher
白鳥 【はくちょう】① swan (Cygnus Bechstein, Cygnus ssp.) ② white-feathered bird
歩行 【ほこう】walk
金色 【きんいろ】golden (colour, color)
あの世 【あのよ】the other world, world of the dead
見目 【みめ】appearance, looks
食い意地 【くいいじ】gluttony
思いやる 【おもいやる】to be considerate, to sympathize with, to sympathise with
立ち入り 【たちいり】entering
口うるさい 【くちうるさい】nagging, faultfinding, carping, captious
何の道 【どのみち】anyway, anyhow, at any rate, in any case
早くから 【はやくから】early on, earlier on, from early
たて① central, main, head, chief ② just (done), freshly (baked), indicates activity only just occurred ③ counter for consecutive losses
死する 【しする】to die;
お子様 【おこさま】child (someone else's)
お守り 【おまもり】charm, amulet
横顔 【よこがお】face in profile, profile, face seen from the side
王国 【おうこく】kingdom, monarchy
下り坂 【くだりざか】descent, downhill, decline, waning
加算 【かさん】addition, adding
求む 【もとむ】to want, to seek, to request
旧式 【きゅうしき】old type, old style
具体 【ぐたい】concrete, tangible, material
見当たる 【みあたる】to be found
後ろ向き 【うしろむき】back facing, turning one's back to, pessimistic
参観 【さんかん】visit, inspection
四つ角 【よつかど】four corners, crossroads
死神 【しにがみ】god of death, Death
集落 【しゅうらく】village, community, settlement, town, colony (animals, etc.)
宿る 【やどる】① to lodge, to dwell ② to be pregnant
出荷 【しゅっか】shipping, outgoing freight, forwarding
出向く 【でむく】to go to, to proceed to, to leave for
乗船 【じょうせん】embarking, embarkation, boarding
神道 【しんとう】Shinto
図面 【ずめん】drawing, diagram, plans, blueprint
生息 【せいそく】inhabiting, living
昔話 【むかしばなし】folklore, legend, reminiscence
前回 【ぜんかい】previous time, last time, previous installment, previous instalment, previous session
全長 【ぜんちょう】over-all length, span
足首 【あしくび】ankle
大黒柱 【だいこくばしら】central pillar, mainstay
大根 【だいこん】① daikon radish (Raphanus sativus) ② ham actor
電光 【でんこう】lightning
投手 【とうしゅ】(baseball) pitcher
投げつける 【なげつける】to throw at, to throw something at a person, to throw a person down
年次 【ねんじ】① annual ② fiscal year, school year ③ year (in some sequence)
美女 【びじょ】beautiful woman
平安 【へいあん】① peace, tranquility, tranquillity ② Heian era (794-1185)
本番 【ほんばん】① performance, take, going before an audience or on-air ② game, season, crucial moment ③ actual sexual intercourse (i.e. not simulated)
緑色 【りょくしょく】green, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure
和室 【わしつ】Japanese-style room
落し物 【おとしもの】lost property
軽々しい 【かるがるしい】indiscreet, thoughtless, careless, frivolous
乗り場 【のりば】place for boarding vehicles
筆記用具 【ひっきようぐ】writing implement
落選 【らくせん】election loss, rejection
日直 【にっちょく】day duty, day shift
番手 【ばんて】① (yarn) count ② n-th place (e.g. in a race), n-th in position (e.g. a starting lineup)
思い通り 【おもいどおり】at one's pleasure, as one likes, to one's satisfaction
全日本 【ぜんにほん】All-Japan
軽んずる 【かろんずる】to despise, to belittle, to look down on
愛車 【あいしゃ】(one's) beloved car
依然として 【いぜんとして】still, as yet, as of old
ひと晩 【ひとばん】one evening, all night, overnight
仮装 【かそう】① costume, fancy dress, masquerade, disguise ② converted (cruiser)
開演 【かいえん】curtain raising, starting (e.g. play, concert)
各社 【かくしゃ】all companies, each company
巻き上げる 【まきあげる】① to roll up, to hoist, to heave up ② to take away, to rip off (e.g. money from someone) ③ to blow up (dust)
泣き叫ぶ 【なきさけぶ】to cry and shout, to scream
居残る 【いのこる】to stay behind, to remain, to work overtime
近刊 【きんかん】recent publication
芸人 【げいにん】player, performer, actor
肩車 【かたぐるま】riding piggyback, riding on someone's shoulders
御飯 【ごはん】① cooked rice ② meal
交信 【こうしん】telecommunications, correspondence
効能 【こうのう】effect, efficacy, virtue, benefit
座 【ざ】① seat, one's place, position ② attaches to the names of theatres and constellations
似合い 【にあい】well-matched, becoming, suitable
除草 【じょそう】weeding
小判 【こばん】① koban, small former Japanese oval gold coin ② oval ③ small size (of paper)
笑い話 【わらいばなし】funny story
信念 【しんねん】belief, faith, conviction
寝かす 【ねかす】to put to sleep, to lay (something) on its side
続行 【ぞっこう】continuation, continuance, going on, resuming
孫娘 【まごむすめ】granddaughter
打ち破る 【うちやぶる】to break, to smash, to defeat, to destroy, to eliminate
代官 【だいかん】Edo-period prefectural governor (magistrate, bailiff)
大賞 【たいしょう】big prize, first prize
探し出す 【さがしだす】to find out, to smoke out, to ferret out, to chase up
地蔵 【じぞう】Ksitigarbha (bodhisattva who looks over children, travellers and the underworld) (travelers)
遅らせる 【おくらせる】to put something off
同窓会 【どうそうかい】graduate's association, alumni meeting, class reunion
突風 【とっぷう】squall, sudden gust
白菜 【はくさい】Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris var. amplexicaulis), white rape, bok choy, pak choi
必ずや 【かならずや】certainly, surely, definitely
表示 【ひょうじ】indication, representation, manifestation
幅広い 【はばひろい】extensive, wide, broad
立て掛ける 【たてかける】to lean against, to set against
流れ込む 【ながれこむ】to flow into, to pour into, to stream into
連敗 【れんぱい】consecutive defeats, series of defeats
香ばしい 【こうばしい】① sweet, fragrant, aromatic ② savory, savoury
すし詰め 【すしづめ】jam-packed, packed in like sushi (like sardines)
正座 【せいざ】kneeling with the tops of the feet flat on the floor, and sitting on the soles
飛び降りる 【とびおりる】to jump down, to jump off, to jump from, to jump out of
巻物 【まきもの】scroll or rolled sheet
耳寄り 【みみより】welcome news
一人暮らし 【ひとりぐらし】a single life, a solitary life, living alone
左腕 【さわん】① left arm ② left-handed (baseball pitcher)
いただける① to receive (potential) ② to be pretty good, to be exquisite, to be approvable
突っ切る 【つっきる】to cross, to go across, to go through, to cut across
赤信号 【あかしんごう】red light (traffic)
配信 【はいしん】distribution, delivery, transmission, provision
小娘 【こむすめ】young girl, lass, adolescent female
乱れ 【みだれ】disorder, disturbance, unrest
身の程 【みのほど】one's social position, one's own place
恐れ多い 【おそれおおい】awesome, awe-inspiring, august
都政 【とせい】the metropolitan government (of Tokyo)
物忘れ 【ものわすれ】forgetfulness
散開 【さんかい】deployment, spreading out, dispersing, dispersal
触り 【さわり】① feel, touch ② impression (of a person) ③ most impressive passage, punch line
景気付け 【けいきづけ】putting life into, animating, cheering up
買い換える 【かいかえる】to buy a replacement, to replace by buying something new
名演技 【めいえんぎ】fine performance, tour de force
荒くれ 【あらくれ】① violent, wild, rowdy ② rough fellow, rowdy person
柔 【やわ】poorly-built, weak, insubstantial
現実味 【げんじつみ】(sense of) reality
お凸 【おでこ】brow, forehead
あん摩 【あんま】① massage, esp. the Anma Japanese type of massage ② masseur, masseuse
意地っ張り 【いじっぱり】obstinacy, obstinate person
一寸 【いっすん】① one sun (approx. 3.03 cm) ② a little bit (of time, distance, etc.)
華麗 【かれい】splendor, splendour, magnificence
開幕 【かいまく】raising the curtain
貫徹 【かんてつ】accomplishment, realization, realisation, penetration
関節 【かんせつ】joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.)
暁 【あかつき】dawn, daybreak, in the event of
刑務所 【けいむしょ】prison, penitentiary
系列 【けいれつ】① series, sequence, system, order of succession ② keiretsu (conglomeration of businesses linked by cross-shareholdings)
激怒 【げきど】rage, indignation, exasperation
元旦 【がんたん】New Year's Day
鯉 【こい】common carp, koi carp (Cyprinus carpio)
光陰 【こういん】time, Father Time
江戸 【えど】old name of Tokyo
皇帝 【こうてい】emperor
今宵 【こよい】this evening, tonight
紺碧 【こんぺき】deep blue, azure
彩る 【いろどる】to colour, to color, to paint, to make up
祭典 【さいてん】festival
士気 【しき】morale (of troops, team, etc.), esprit de corps
思惑 【おもわく】① expectation, prediction, forecast ② anticipation, speculation
終盤 【しゅうばん】endgame, final stage
旬 【しゅん】season (e.g. fruit, fish)
初志 【しょし】original intention
崇める 【あがめる】to revere, to respect, to worship
晴朗 【せいろう】clear, fair, fine, serene
盛況 【せいきょう】success, prosperity
船酔い 【ふなよい】seasickness
中盤 【ちゅうばん】middle (stage)
土壌 【どじょう】soil
盗賊 【とうぞく】thief, robber
はぎ① bush clover, Japanese clover (any flowering plant of genus Lespedeza) ② dark red exterior with blue interior (color combination worn in autumn)
秘宝 【ひほう】treasure, treasured article
またとないunique, matchless, unparalleled, unparallelled, never again
麗しい 【うるわしい】beautiful, lovely
浪人 【ろうにん】① ronin, wandering samurai without a master to serve ② out of work ③ waiting for another chance to enter a university
悪阻 【おそ】morning sickness
嫌気 【いやけ】dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of
虜 【とりこ】① captive, prisoner ② victim (of love, etc.), slave (to one's lust, etc.)
切り株 【きりかぶ】stump, stubble
つまむto pinch, to hold, to pick up
漫才 【まんざい】comedian, comic dialogue
背筋 【せすじ】① the muscles along the spine, dorsal muscles ② spinal column ③ seam in the back, back seam
磁力 【じりょく】magnetism, magnetic force
愚か者 【おろかもの】fool
酔い 【よい】drunkenness, intoxication
どんちゃん騒ぎ 【どんちゃんさわぎ】merrymaking, high jinks, spree
徳 【とく】① virtue ② benevolence ③ profit, benefit, advantage
ひるむto falter, to flinch (from), to recoil (from), to quail (at)
咒い 【まじない】charm, incantation, spell, magic formula
呪術 【じゅじゅつ】magic, sorcery, incantation
焼藷 【やきいも】roasted sweet potato, baked sweet potato
苔 【こけ】① moss ② short plants resembling moss (inc. other bryophytes, lichens, very small spermatophytes, etc.)
とやかくanyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case, all kinds of this, this and that
芒 【すすき】Japanese pampas grass (Miscanthus sinensis), silver grass, zebra grass
あぶる① to warm (i.e. one's hands over a fire), to dry ② to scorch, to broil, to toast, to grill
そりsleigh, sled, sledge
賭け 【かけ】betting, gambling, a gamble
どじょう① loach (any fish of family Cobitidae) ② weather loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)
鉾 【ほこ】① long-handled Chinese spear, lance, pike ② weapon, arms ③ grip of a bow
つかえるto be blocked, to choke, to be obstructed, to feel a pressure on one's chest
楯突く 【たてつく】to oppose, to resist, to defy
大股 【おおまた】① straddle ② long (great, swinging) stride, long (big) steps ③ thigh-scooping body drop (sumo)
脇目 【わきめ】looking aside, (from the) eyes of an onlooker
ひさし① eaves (of roof) ② narrow aisle surrounding the core of a temple building ③ visor or peak (of cap) ④ classic Japanese women's low pompadour hairstyle
ポーンpawn (in chess)