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One Piece Vol. 10 (episodes 317 to 336)

Author (public: access, edit)

Vocab for episodes 317 to 336 of the animated series ‘One Piece’. This is volume 10 out of 26. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



420 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
テレビtelevision, TV
学校 【がっこう】school
語 【ご】① language ② word
電話 【でんわ】telephone
音楽 【おんがく】music, musical movement
台所 【だいどころ】kitchen
八百屋 【やおや】greengrocer
弟 【おとうと】younger brother
お祖父さん 【おじいさん】① grandfather ② male senior-citizen
今晩 【こんばん】tonight, this evening
雑誌 【ざっし】journal, magazine, periodical
辛い 【からい】① spicy, hot ② salty ③ tough (on someone), adverse, harsh
アルバイト① part-time job, side job ② albite
私 【わたくし】① I, me ② private affairs, personal matter, secrecy ③ selfishness
小鳥 【ことり】① small bird, songbird ② birdie, dickeybird, dickybird
赤ちゃん 【あかちゃん】baby, infant
湯 【ゆ】① hot water ② hot bath, hot spring
会議 【かいぎ】meeting, conference, session, assembly, council, convention, congress
乾く 【かわく】to get dry
男性 【だんせい】① man, male ② masculine gender
複雑 【ふくざつ】complex, complicated
暮れる 【くれる】to get dark, to end, to come to an end, to close, to run out
味噌 【みそ】① miso, bean paste ② key (main) point
たかる① to gather, to crowd round, to swarm, to flock ② to extort from, to sponge off
きちんとprecisely, accurately, neatly
ぴったりexactly, neatly, sharp
家事 【かじ】① housework, domestic chores ② family affairs, household matters
入場 【にゅうじょう】entrance, admission, entering
建つ 【たつ】to be erected, to be built
気温 【きおん】atmospheric temperature
欠点 【けってん】faults, defect, weakness
国王 【こくおう】king
手術 【しゅじゅつ】surgical operation
助手 【じょしゅ】helper, helpmeet, assistant, tutor
太陽 【たいよう】sun, solar
体温 【たいおん】temperature, body temperature (human, animal)
地球 【ちきゅう】the earth, the globe
配る 【くばる】to distribute, to deliver, to deal (cards)
皮肉 【ひにく】cynicism, sarcasm, irony, satire
無料 【むりょう】free, no charge
野球 【やきゅう】baseball
全国 【ぜんこく】country-wide, nation-wide, whole country, national
例える 【たとえる】to compare, to liken, to speak figuratively, to illustrate, to use a simile
問い合わせ 【といあわせ】enquiry, inquiry, ENQ, query, interrogation
愛する 【あいする】to love
患者 【かんじゃ】(a) patient
好み 【このみ】liking, taste, choice
困難 【こんなん】difficulty, distress
賛成 【さんせい】approval, agreement, support, favour, favor
事務 【じむ】business, office work
週末 【しゅうまつ】weekend
積もる 【つもる】① to pile up, to accumulate ② to estimate
団体 【だんたい】organization, organisation, association
表現 【ひょうげん】① expression, presentation ② representation, notation
普段 【ふだん】usual, habitual, ordinary, everyday, always
変更 【へんこう】change, modification, alteration, revision, amendment
豊富 【ほうふ】abundance, wealth, plenty, bounty
夫婦 【ふうふ】married couple, spouses, husband and wife, couple, pair
応募 【おうぼ】subscription, application
刈る 【かる】to cut (hair), to mow (grass), to harvest, to clip, to shear, to reap, to trim, to prune
基礎 【きそ】foundation, basis
結ぶ 【むすぶ】① to tie, to bind, to link ② to bear (fruit)
行儀 【ぎょうぎ】manners, behavior, behaviour
芝生 【しばふ】lawn
化粧 【けしょう】make-up, cosmetics
眺め 【ながめ】scene, view, prospect, outlook
けちstinginess, miser, miserliness, selfish, skinflint, tightwad, niggard, pinching pennies
うろうろloiteringly, aimless wandering
温室 【おんしつ】greenhouse, hothouse, conservatory, glasshouse
曲 【きょく】tune, piece of music
実る 【みのる】to bear fruit, to ripen
真っ暗 【まっくら】① total darkness, pitch dark ② bleak future, poor prospects
地帯 【ちたい】area, zone
電波 【でんぱ】electro-magnetic wave, radio wave
湯気 【ゆげ】steam, vapour, vapor
反 【はん】anti-, opposite, antithesis, antagonism
毛皮 【けがわ】① fur, skin, pelt ② kanji "fur" radical
理科 【りか】science
先頭 【せんとう】head, lead, vanguard, first
話し合い 【はなしあい】discussion, conference
集 【しゅう】collection, compilation
解説 【かいせつ】explanation, commentary, exposition, elucidation
寄せる 【よせる】① to come near, to let someone approach ② to collect, to gather, to receive ③ to add ④ to put aside
起床 【きしょう】rising, getting out of bed
漁師 【りょうし】fisherman
候補 【こうほ】① candidate, contender, prospect, pick, choice, list ② candidacy, candidature, nomination
蒸発 【じょうはつ】① evaporation ② disappearance (of people intentionally concealing their whereabouts), unexplained disappearance
拝む 【おがむ】① to worship ② to beg, to make a supplication ③ to see (something or someone of high status, in modern Japanese sometimes sarcastic)
便所 【べんじょ】toilet, lavatory, rest room, latrine, comfort station
募集 【ぼしゅう】recruiting, taking applications
無限 【むげん】infinite
迷信 【めいしん】superstition
目印 【めじるし】mark, sign, landmark
溶け込む 【とけこむ】① to melt into, to merge into ② to fit in, to adapt, to blend
溶岩 【ようがん】lava
造る 【つくる】① to make, to produce, to manufacture, to build, to construct ② to prepare (food), to brew (alcohol) ③ to raise, to grow, to cultivate, to train ④ to till ⑤ to draw up (a document), to make out, to prepare, to write ⑥ to create (an artistic work, etc.), to compose ⑦ to coin (a phrase), to organize, to organise, to establish, to found ⑧ to have (a child) ⑨ to make up (one's face, etc.) ⑩ to fabricate (an excuse, etc.) ⑪ to form (a line, etc.) ⑫ to set (a record) ⑬ to commit (a sin, etc.)
活躍 【かつやく】① activity (esp. energetic), great efforts, conspicuous service ② to flourish, to participate actively, to play an active role
鑑賞 【かんしょう】appreciation (e.g. of art), aesthetic sense
爽やか 【さわやか】fresh, refreshing, invigorating, clear, fluent, eloquent
体系 【たいけい】system, organization, organisation, architecture
基準 【きじゅん】standard, basis, criterion, norm, reference, datum
隙間 【すきま】crevice, crack, gap, opening
遡る 【さかのぼる】to go back, to go upstream, to make retroactive
たんすchest of drawers, bureau, cabinet, tansu, dresser
わた① cotton plant (Gossypium spp.) ② batting, wadding, padding
ぺこぺこ① fawning, being obsequious, cringing ② being very hungry ③ giving in, being dented
演習 【えんしゅう】practice, practise, exercises, manoeuvres, maneuvers, practicum
活発 【かっぱつ】vigor, vigour, active, lively
企画 【きかく】planning, project, plan, design
驚異 【きょうい】wonder, miracle
極めて 【きわめて】exceedingly, extremely, decisively
極楽 【ごくらく】① Sukhavati (Amitabha's Pure Land) ② paradise
形態 【けいたい】form, shape, figure
経歴 【けいれき】personal history, career
現像 【げんぞう】developing (film)
限定 【げんてい】limit, restriction
抗議 【こうぎ】protest, objection
根本 【こんぽん】root, source, origin, foundation, base, principle
仕上げる 【しあげる】to finish up, to complete
仕立てる 【したてる】to tailor, to make, to prepare, to train, to send (a messenger)
試みる 【こころみる】to try, to test
上回る 【うわまわる】to exceed
心中 【しんじゅう】double suicide, lovers suicide
征服 【せいふく】conquest, subjugation, overcoming
整える 【ととのえる】① to put in order, to arrange, to adjust ② to get ready, to prepare ③ to raise money
正解 【せいかい】correct, right, correct interpretation (answer, solution)
染みる 【しみる】① to pierce, to penetrate, to soak in, to permeate ② to (enter a wound or sensitive area and) sting ③ to be infected (with vice), to be steeped (with prejudice)
素早い 【すばやい】① fast, quick, prompt, nimble, agile ② quick (to understand), sharp (judgement)
帯びる 【おびる】① to wear (sword, decoration, etc.), to carry ② to be entrusted (e.g. with a mission), to take on ③ to have a trace of, to be tinged with
中継 【ちゅうけい】relay, hook-up
昼飯 【ひるめし】lunch, midday meal
展望 【てんぼう】view, outlook, prospect
投げ出す 【なげだす】to throw down, to abandon, to sacrifice, to throw out
独自 【どくじ】original, peculiar, characteristic, proprietary
難 【なん】difficulty, hardships, defect
入手 【にゅうしゅ】obtaining, coming to hand
熱量 【ねつりょう】calorific value, quantity of heat, calorie
白状 【はくじょう】confession
反発 【はんぱつ】① to repel, to oppose, to revolt, to react sharply (against) ② opposition, rebellion, resistance, backlash ③ rally, recovery (e.g. in stock prices), rebound ④ to rally, to recover, to rebound
繁盛 【はんじょう】prosperity, flourishing, thriving
不在 【ふざい】absence
赴く 【おもむく】to go, to proceed, to repair to, to become
返答 【へんとう】reply
歩む 【あゆむ】to walk, to go on foot
補助 【ほじょ】assistance, support, aid, auxiliary
本音 【ほんね】real intention, motive
味わい 【あじわい】① flavour, flavor ② meaning, significance
密集 【みっしゅう】crowd, close formation, dense
無難 【ぶなん】safety, security
有力 【ゆうりょく】① influential, prominent ② strong, likely, plausible, potent
総合 【そうごう】① synthesis, coordination, putting together, integration, composite ② comprehensive
探検 【たんけん】exploration, expedition
麻酔 【ますい】anaesthesia, anesthesia
ひたすらnothing but, earnest, intent, determined, set on (something)
汚す 【けがす】to disgrace, to dishonour, to dishonor, to defile
あえてdare (to do something), venture (often overcoming reluctance, or in the face of probable failure), take upon oneself, challenge, presume, (there is no) need to, (don't) go as far as, definitely (not)
誤魔化す 【ごまかす】to deceive, to falsify, to misrepresent
役立つ 【やくだつ】to be useful, to be helpful, to serve the purpose
揉める 【もめる】to disagree, to dispute
斑 【ぶち】spots, speckles, mottles
スイスイ(swim, work) smoothly, unhindered
つべこべcomplaining, nitpicking
ブーブー① bugling sound, honking, oinking ② grumbling, complaining ③ car, automobile
へまblunder, bungle, gaffe
むかつくto feel sick, to feel irritated, to feel offended, to feel angry
ようこそwelcome!, nice to see you!
アイロン(electric) iron
キャップ① cap ② top reporter at a newspaper's local office ③ captain
ギャング① gang ② gangster
コール① call ② coal ③ cold
シンバルcymbal, cymbals
スポット① spot ② spot advertisement, spot advertising ③ spot news ④ spotlight
センターcentre, center
タッチ① touch ② being involved in
テレビ局 【てれびきょく】television station
ピーク① peak ② peek
プラモplastic model
プロレスprofessional wrestling
マニアックmaniac (as in rabid sport fan), enthusiast
マフラーmuffler (garment, vehicle), scarf
ライバルrival, competition
リモコンremote control
リンク① link, directory entry ② rink
けが人 【けがにん】wounded or injured person
気長 【きなが】patient, leisurely
おとぎ話 【おとぎばなし】fairy-tale, nursery-tale
三男 【さんなん】three men, third son
女 【じょ】① woman, girl, daughter ② Chinese "Girl" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
上がったり 【あがったり】doomed, in a bad state, poor (e.g. business)
人前 【にんまえ】portion of food
水上 【すいじょう】aquatic, on the water
先ほど 【さきほど】some time ago
男らしい 【おとこらしい】manly
リストラ(corporate) restructuring, downsizing
時として 【ときとして】in some cases, sometimes, on occasions
バイバイbye-bye, good-bye
てきぱきbriskly, quickly, promptly
はためくto flutter (e.g. a flag)
ほっつく① to loiter ② to waste money
たい① (after the -masu stem of a verb) want to ... do something, would like to ... ② (at sentence-end) indicates emphasis ③ (after a noun or the -masu stem of a verb) very ...
うふふchuckling, giggling
チンパンジーchimpanzee, chimp
ぽいtossing something out, throwing something away
分間 【ふんかん】~ minutes interval
デモdemo, demonstration
ポーズ① pose ② pause
悪気 【わるぎ】ill will, malice, evil intent, ill feeling, distrust
家業 【かぎょう】one's father's occupation
思いやり 【おもいやり】consideration, sympathy
死者 【ししゃ】casualty, deceased
手ぎわ 【てぎわ】performance, skill, tact
手始め 【てはじめ】outset, start, beginning
親方 【おやかた】① master ② coach in professional sumo
水族館 【すいぞくかん】aquarium
前言 【ぜんげん】previous remarks
入り用 【いりよう】① need, demand, necessity ② costs, expenses
入会 【にゅうかい】admission, joining, enrollment, enrolment
年会 【ねんかい】conference, annual convention
白紙 【はくし】blank paper, white paper
ひん死 【ひんし】dying, (on the) verge of death
手のひら 【てのひら】the palm (of one's hand)
分かれ道 【わかれみち】branch, forked road, crossroads, branch road, parting of the ways, turning point
外海 【がいかい】ocean, open sea
そういったlike that, this type
丸出し 【まるだし】bare, exposed, undisguised, broad (provincial accent)
決め手 【きめて】① person who decides ② deciding factor, clincher, trump card, winning move
見合う 【みあう】① to exchange glances ② to correspond, to counterbalance
考え事 【かんがえごと】(deep) thinking
合体 【がったい】① union, coalescence, amalgamation, combination, alliance, annexation, incorporation ② copulation, penetration
子守 【こもり】① babysitter, nursemaid ② babysitting
実体 【じったい】substance, entity, object
受け流す 【うけながす】to ward off, to elude, to turn aside (a joke)
出回る 【でまわる】to appear on the market, to be moving
商船 【しょうせん】merchant ship
場内 【じょうない】on the grounds
食費 【しょくひ】food expense
晴れ間 【はれま】① a break (in the weather), an interval of clear weather ② lightheartedness
生息 【せいそく】inhabiting, living
青二才 【あおにさい】green youth, immature youth, novice, greenhorn
かき氷 【かきごおり】shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup), Italian ice, Sno-cone, snow cone
勢み 【はずみ】① bounce, spring, rebound ② momentum, inertia ③ spur of the moment, impulse
断じて 【だんじて】absolutely, positively, decidedly
調合 【ちょうごう】mixing, compounding, dispensing (e.g. prescription)
能書き 【のうがき】advertising the excellence of one's wares, boasting
発進 【はっしん】departure, takeoff
反転 【はんてん】① rolling over ② turning around, turning from side to side, inversion, reversal ③ tonal inversion, (making a) negative image
負 【ふ】negative, minus
分身 【ぶんしん】parturition, delivery, one's child, branch, offshoot, one's other self
本番 【ほんばん】① performance, take, going before an audience or on-air ② game, season, crucial moment ③ actual sexual intercourse (i.e. not simulated)
本命 【ほんめい】① favorite, favourite, sure thing, likely winner, certainty ② one's heart's desire
毛頭 【もうとう】not in the least
夜食 【やしょく】supper, night meal, late-night snack, "fourth meal", midnight snack
夜通し 【よどおし】all night, throughout the night
落ち 【おち】① slip, omission ② outcome, final result, the end ③ punch line (of a joke)
さ迷う 【さまよう】to loiter, to putter, to prowl, to wander about, to roam about, to knock around
いん石 【いんせき】meteorite
左側 【ひだりがわ】left, left (hand) side
温かい 【あったかい】warm, mild, genial
暗黒 【あんこく】darkness
言い合う 【いいあう】to quarrel
か所 【かしょ】passage, place, point, part
つき合う 【つきあう】① to associate with, to keep company with, to go out with, to go steady with, to get on with ② to go along with, to follow someone's lead, to accompany someone, to compromise
歌声 【うたごえ】singing voice
一向に 【いっこうに】(not) at all
落ち着ける 【おちつける】to quiet, to calm down, to compose oneself, to settle down
断り 【ことわり】① notice, notification, warning ② permission, consent ③ rejection, refusal, nonacceptance, declination, declining ④ excuse, plea
受け 【うけ】① popularity, favour, favor, reception ② defense, defence, reputation ③ agreement ④ submissive partner of a homosexual relationship ⑤ receiver of technique (e.g. in martial arts)
大回転 【だいかいてん】the giant slalom
消え去る 【きえさる】to disappear, to vanish
かまけるto be too busy, to be occupied, to concentrate on single-mindedly
お袋 【おふくろ】one's mother;
塩っぱい 【しょっぱい】① stingy ② hoarse ③ wearisome
課す 【かす】to levy, to charge, to assess, to impose, to assign
過信 【かしん】trusting too much, overestimating ability
機動 【きどう】maneuver, manoeuvre
逆境 【ぎゃっきょう】adversity
吸いこむ 【すいこむ】① to inhale, to breathe in, to suck up, to imbibe ② to absorb, to soak up
急上昇 【きゅうじょうしょう】sudden rise, steep climb, zoom
求婚 【きゅうこん】marriage proposal, courtship
口論 【こうろん】dispute, quarrel
行き届く 【いきとどく】to be scrupulous, to be attentive, to be prudent, to be complete, to be thorough
冊子 【さっし】book, booklet, story book, pamphlet, notebook
辞意 【じい】intention to resign
取り掛かる 【とりかかる】to begin, to set about, to start
祝福 【しゅくふく】blessing
乗り捨てる 【のりすてる】to get off, to abandon (a ship or vehicle)
心底 【しんそこ】one's innermost depths, completely (from the bottom of one's heart)
成り上がる 【なりあがる】to rise (suddenly) in the world (to a higher position)
積極 【せっきょく】positive, progressive
先制 【せんせい】preempt, head-start (of several runs) (baseball)
凍り付く 【こおりつく】to freeze to, to be frozen to
非礼 【ひれい】impoliteness
氷解 【ひょうかい】melting, thawing
布く 【しく】① to spread out, to lay out ② to take a position ③ to impose widely (e.g. over a city)
変る 【かわる】to change, to be transformed, to vary, to be revised, to be different, to move location
目論む 【もくろむ】to plan, to form a plan, to scheme, to envision, to intend to do
問い掛ける 【といかける】① to ask a question ② to begin to ask a question
浴場 【よくじょう】bath (tub, bath-house)
冷凍庫 【れいとうこ】freezer
連れ出す 【つれだす】to take out
切り捨てる 【きりすてる】① to cut down, to slay ② to truncate, to round down, to round off ③ to omit, to discard, to cast away
久々 【ひさびさ】(in a) long time, long time (ago), while (ago), long ago, long while (ago), (in a) long while
払い 【はらい】① payment, bill, account ② sweeping, clearing away ③ sweeping stroke (e.g. when writing kanji)
手荒 【てあら】violent, rough
特設 【とくせつ】setting up specially, special installation
見逃し 【みのがし】overlooking, letting a good ball go by
目抜き 【めぬき】principal, main, important, fashionable
正念場 【しょうねんば】critical moment, do-or-die situation
暴漢 【ぼうかん】hoodlum, ruffian
お祖父ちゃん 【おじいちゃん】grandpa, grandad;
よそうto serve, to dish up, to prepare
一兆 【いっちょう】1,000,000,000,000, one trillion, one billion (obs. British)
亜鉛 【あえん】zinc (Zn)
異質 【いしつ】different (quality, nature), heterogeneous
引き継ぐ 【ひきつぐ】to take over, to hand over
怪しからん 【けしからん】outrageous, rude, inexcusable
懐柔 【かいじゅう】winning over, placation, gentle persuasion
凝縮 【ぎょうしゅく】① condensation ② to condense (steam, ideas, emotions, etc.)
空砲 【くうほう】blank shot or cartridge, blank ammunition
剣道 【けんどう】kendo (lit: way of the sword), swordmanship, fencing
拳骨 【げんこつ】fist
十字架 【じゅうじか】cross, the Cross (of Christ)
暑苦しい 【あつくるしい】sultry, sweltering
壮観 【そうかん】spectacle, magnificent view
遭遇 【そうぐう】encounter
断末魔 【だんまつま】death agony
帝 【みかど】① emperor (of Japan), mikado ② (the gates of an) imperial residence
撤回 【てっかい】withdrawal, revocation, repeal
撤収 【てっしゅう】withdrawal
てんぷらtempura, deep-fried fish and vegetables in a light batter
応え 【こたえ】response, reply, answer, solution
廃材 【はいざい】scrap wood
鳩 【はと】pigeon, dove
帆走 【はんそう】sailing
百獣 【ひゃくじゅう】all kinds of animals
翻る 【ひるがえる】to turn over, to wave, to flutter
魔法 【まほう】magic, witchcraft, sorcery
油断大敵 【ゆだんたいてき】Unpreparedness is one's greatest enemy, He that is too secure is not safe
なだめるto soothe, to calm, to pacify
遊撃 【ゆうげき】raid, shortstop
揚げ 【あげ】fried bean curd
理不尽 【りふじん】unreasonable, irrational
離脱 【りだつ】withdrawal, secession, separation, breakaway
連携 【れんけい】cooperation, coordination, link
力尽く 【ちからずく】(brute) force, with all one's might
飼い主 【かいぬし】shepherd, (pet) owner
振り込み 【ふりこみ】payment made via bank deposit transfer
我 【わが】my, our, one's own
張本人 【ちょうほんにん】ringleader, originator, perpetrator
こなすto break to pieces, to digest, to handle easily
第一声 【だいいっせい】first tone, first speech
駆られる 【かられる】to be driven by (one's feelings), to succumb to
耐え難い 【たえがたい】unbearable, intolerable, unendurable
罪滅ぼし 【つみほろぼし】atonement, expiation
巡り合わせ 【めぐりあわせ】fate, chance
磁力 【じりょく】magnetism, magnetic force
衰え 【おとろえ】weakening, emaciation, decline
弧 【こ】arc
ガンガンsound of large bell, sound of scolding voice, (pounding of) headache, intense
一転 【いってん】turn, complete change
淫ら 【みだら】loose, bawdy, improper, dirty
押し潰す 【おしつぶす】to squash, to crush, to flatten
瓦礫 【がれき】rubble
ほれぼれfondly, charming
煮え滾る 【にえたぎる】to boil, to be boiling hot, to be on a rolling boil
灼熱 【しゃくねつ】red hot, scorching heat, incandescence
傷痍 【しょうい】wound, injury
蒙る 【こうむる】to suffer, to receive, to sustain
美貌 【びぼう】beautiful face, good looks, beauty
品揃え 【しなぞろえ】complete set, all items, array of versions (e.g. in a product line)
祟り 【たたり】curse
脾臓 【ひぞう】spleen
鉋 【かんな】plane (for working with wood)
隕石 【いんせき】meteorite
鬣 【たてがみ】mane (of a horse, lion, etc.)
煌めく 【きらめく】to glitter, to glisten, to sparkle, to twinkle, to glare, to gleam
つかえるto be blocked, to choke, to be obstructed, to feel a pressure on one's chest
どさくさconfusion, turmoil
お馴染み 【おなじみ】familiar, well-known, regular (e.g. customer), old stand-by
しがないpoor, humble
ほとほとquite (usu. negative connotation), utterly, really
大儲け 【おおもうけ】large profit, a killing
輦車 【れんしゃ】wheeled palanquin (with a castle-shaped box)