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One Piece Vol. 14 (episodes 397 to 419)

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Vocab for episodes 397 to 419 of the animated series ‘One Piece’. This is volume 14 out of 26. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



343 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
川 【がわ】① river, stream ② the .... river, (suffix used with the names of rivers)
洋服 【ようふく】Western-style clothes (cf traditional Japanese clothes)
毎晩 【まいばん】every night
箸 【はし】chopsticks
風邪 【かぜ】cold (illness), common cold
カーテンcurtain, curtains
近所 【きんじょ】neighbourhood, neighborhood
申し上げる 【もうしあげる】① to say, to tell, to state ② to do for
機械 【きかい】① machine, mechanism ② instrument, appliance, apparatus
尋ねる 【たずねる】① to ask, to enquire, to inquire ② to search, to look for, to look into, to investigate
ぼんやりabsent-minded, blockhead, dim, faint, vague
ばったりwith a clash (thud), with a bang, plump, flop, suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly
親しい 【したしい】intimate, close (e.g. friend)
正午 【しょうご】noon, mid-day
区別 【くべつ】distinction, differentiation, classification
作物 【さくもつ】produce (e.g. agricultural), crops
頭 【とう】counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle)
予期 【よき】expectation, assume will happen, forecast
衣服 【いふく】clothes
乾燥 【かんそう】dry, arid, insipid, dehydrated
備える 【そなえる】① to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install ② to have ready, to prepare for ③ to possess, to have, to be endowed with, to be armed with
警告 【けいこく】warning, advice
材料 【ざいりょう】ingredients, material
祝い 【いわい】congratulation, congratulations, celebration, festival, congratulatory gift
照らす 【てらす】to shine on, to illuminate
職業 【しょくぎょう】occupation, business
訪問 【ほうもん】call, visit
豊か 【ゆたか】abundant, wealthy, plentiful, rich, affluent
埋める 【うめる】① to bury (e.g. in the ground) ② to fill up (e.g. audience fills a hall), to fill (a seat, a vacant position) ③ to plug gaps, to stop a gap ④ to make amends, to cover up for something ⑤ to put cold water in a bath ⑥ to cover, to scatter something over
輸入 【ゆにゅう】importation, import, introduction
優勝 【ゆうしょう】overall victory, championship
老人 【ろうじん】the aged, old person
替える 【かえる】① to replace ② to exchange, to interchange ③ to substitute
遠慮なく 【えんりょなく】without reservation
勘定 【かんじょう】calculation, counting, consideration, reckoning, settlement of an account, allowance
兼ねる 【かねる】① to be unable to (usu. kana), to find difficult (unpleasant, awkward, painful) to do (usu. kana) ② to simultaneously serve two or more functions or roles, to contain (or combine) two or more features ③ to simultaneously work in two or more jobs (positions, etc.), to do alongside ④ to hesitate to do something (out of consideration for others) ⑤ to think of the future (as well as the present)
症状 【しょうじょう】symptoms, condition
喪失 【そうしつ】loss, forfeit
微笑む 【ほほえむ】to smile
模様 【もよう】pattern, figure, design
余裕 【よゆう】surplus, composure, margin, room, time, allowance, flexibility, scope, rope
率 【りつ】rate, ratio, proportion, percentage
勧める 【すすめる】to recommend, to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine)
褒める 【ほめる】to praise, to admire, to speak well
ことわざproverb, maxim
籠 【かご】basket, cage
たびたびoften, repeatedly, frequently
ぴかぴかglitter, sparkle
前後 【ぜんご】around, throughout, front and back, before and behind, before and after, about that (time), longitudinal, context, nearly, approximately
東西 【とうざい】① East and West ② whole country ③ Orient and Occident, Western and Eastern ④ Your attention, please!
出場 【しゅつじょう】(stage) appearance, participation, performance
心当たり 【こころあたり】having some knowledge of, happening to know
当番 【とうばん】being on duty
解く 【ほどく】to unfasten, to untie, to unwrap (e.g. parcel)
客席 【きゃくせき】guest seating
敬う 【うやまう】to show respect, to honour, to honor
出迎え 【でむかえ】meeting, reception
賞品 【しょうひん】prize, trophy
担ぐ 【かつぐ】① to shoulder, to carry on one's shoulder ② to take (someone) for a ride, to deceive, to take in
思い付く 【おもいつく】to think of, to hit upon, to come into one's mind, to be struck with an idea
並木 【なみき】roadside tree, row of trees
見掛け 【みかけ】outward appearance
為替 【かわせ】① money order, draft ② exchange (e.g. foreign)
削る 【けずる】① to shave (wood or leather), to sharpen, to plane, to whittle, to pare, to scrape off ② to cross out, to reduce, to curtail, to remove, to erase, to delete
焦げる 【こげる】to burn, to be burned
盛り 【さかり】① peak (e.g. of cherry blossom season), height (e.g. of summer) ② prime (of one's life), one's best days ③ rutting, being in heat
跳ねる 【はねる】① to jump, to leap, to prance, to spring up, to bound, to hop ② to break up, to close, to come to an end ③ to hit (e.g. to have a car hit something or someone)
請う 【こう】to beg, to ask, to request, to invite
悪どい 【あくどい】① gaudy, showy, excessive ② crooked, vicious
お産 【おさん】(giving) birth, childbirth, delivery, confinement
案じる 【あんじる】to be anxious, to ponder
意図 【いと】intention, aim, design
隠居 【いんきょ】① retirement ② retired person
煙たい 【けむたい】smoky, feeling awkward
勧告 【かんこく】advice, counsel, remonstrance, recommendation
感触 【かんしょく】sense of touch, feeling, sensation, texture (of food while chewing)
危ぶむ 【あやぶむ】to fear, to have misgivings, to be doubtful, to mistrust
棄権 【きけん】① abstaining from voting ② renunciation of a right
気軽 【きがる】① carefree, buoyant, lighthearted, sprightly ② ease
気品 【きひん】① elegance, refinement, grace, dignity ② aroma
逆立ち 【さかだち】handstand, headstand
傾ける 【かたむける】to incline, to list, to bend, to lean, to tip, to tilt, to slant, to concentrate on, to ruin (a country), to squander, to empty
見渡す 【みわたす】to look out over, to survey (scene), to take an extensive view of
顧みる 【かえりみる】① to look back (e.g. over shoulder or at the past), to turn around, to review ② to reflect, to reconsider ③ to consider (usu. used in negative), to concern oneself about
誤る 【あやまる】① to make a mistake, to err ② to mislead, to misguide
公 【おおやけ】official, public, formal, open, governmental
仕上がり 【しあがり】finish, end, completion
視覚 【しかく】sense of sight, vision
主食 【しゅしょく】staple food
唱える 【となえる】① to recite, to chant ② to call upon
承諾 【しょうだく】consent, acquiescence, agreement
情勢 【じょうせい】state of things, state of affairs, condition, situation, circumstances
身なり 【みなり】personal appearance
迅速 【じんそく】quick, fast, rapid, swift, prompt, streamlined, expedited, expeditious
衰える 【おとろえる】to become weak, to decline, to wear, to abate, to decay, to wither, to waste away
成り立つ 【なりたつ】① to consist of ② to be practical (logical, feasible, viable), to be concluded, to hold true
切開 【せっかい】incision, operation, section
僧 【そう】monk, priest
台無し 【だいなし】mess, spoiled, spoilt, (come to) nothing
鉄鋼 【てっこう】iron and steel
途絶える 【とだえる】to stop, to cease, to come to an end
胴 【どう】① trunk, torso, body, abdomen, waist ② plastron (in kendo), touching the plastron (kimari-te in kendo) ③ frame (of a drum, etc.), sound box (of a shamisen, etc.), hull (of a ship)
独占 【どくせん】① monopoly ② to monopolize, to hog
日取り 【ひどり】fixed date, appointed day
入浴 【にゅうよく】bathe, bathing
如何に 【いかに】how?, in what way?, how much?, however, whatever
粘る 【ねばる】to be sticky, to be adhesive, to persevere, to persist, to stick to
破棄 【はき】tearing up and discarding (e.g. documents), disposal (e.g. weaponry), revocation, annulment, breaking (e.g. treaty), reversing (e.g. an original judgment) (judgement), discard
拝啓 【はいけい】Dear (so and so)
必然 【ひつぜん】inevitable, necessary
漂う 【ただよう】to drift about, to float, to hang in air
放り出す 【ほうりだす】to throw out, to fire, to expel, to give up, to abandon, to neglect
有する 【ゆうする】to own, to be endowed with
余地 【よち】place, room, margin, scope
良好 【りょうこう】favorable, favourable, satisfactory
励む 【はげむ】to be zealous, to brace oneself, to endeavour, to endeavor, to strive, to make an effort
誠 【まこと】① truth, reality ② sincerity, honesty, integrity, fidelity
免れる 【まぬかれる】to escape from, to be rescued from, to avoid, to evade, to avert, to elude, to be exempted, to be relieved from pain, to get rid of
問屋 【とんや】wholesale store
断つ 【たつ】to sever, to cut off, to suppress, to abstain (from)
時折 【ときおり】sometimes
図る 【はかる】① to plot, to attempt, to plan, to devise, to design ② to take in, to deceive ③ to aim for, to have something in mind ④ to refer A to B
民族 【みんぞく】people, race, nation
恋する 【こいする】to fall in love with, to love
突っ張る 【つっぱる】to support, to become stiff, to become taut, to thrust (one's opponent), to stick to (one's opinion), to insist on
塗れ 【まみれ】stain, smear
和む 【なごむ】to be softened, to calm down
かかとheel (of foot, shoe, stocking, etc.)
つるつるslippery, smooth
カバー① cover (e.g. book) ② kava (Piper methysticum)
ゴールインgoal reached, make the goal, hit the goal
スライド① slide ② change (in value or situation), proportional change ③ to slide, to slip ④ to change (in value, e.g. with a sliding scale), to change (in situation)
スリラーthriller (movie, story)
パンジーpansy (Viola tricolor hortensis)
ファン① fan ② fun
フォード① ford ② Ford (car)
メロメロ① madly in love ② falling down drunk
気高い 【けだかい】sublime, noble, high-minded
見下す 【みくだす】to despise, to look down on
子女 【しじょ】child
女人 【にょにん】women
先々 【さきざき】① distant future, inevitable future ② places one goes to
入国 【にゅうこく】entry to a country
行き来 【いきき】① coming and going, keeping in touch, visiting each other ② street traffic, highway
先行き 【さきゆき】the future
わが国 【わがくに】our country, our land, one's own country
生気 【せいき】life, vitality, verve, vigor, vigour, animation, spirit
ジャーン① clash, bang ② Ta-dah!
食する 【しょくする】to eat
たら① indicates supposition, if ... then ② (typically after someone's name) indicates exasperation
ざるnot, un-;
そよ風 【そよかぜ】gentle breeze, soft wind, breath of air, zephyr
引き入れる 【ひきいれる】to drag into, to win over
近海 【きんかい】coastal waters, adjacent seas
使わす 【つかわす】to send, to dispatch, to despatch
古今 【ここん】ancient and modern times, all ages, past and present
左手 【ひだりて】left hand
左足 【ひだりあし】left foot
住み着く 【すみつく】to settle (in a place), to settle down
出来心 【できごころ】sudden impulse, passing fancy
人員 【じんいん】number of persons, personnel
前夜 【ぜんや】last night, the previous night
昼夜 【ちゅうや】day and night
天空 【てんくう】sky, air, ether, firmament
一色 【いっしょく】one color, one colour, one article
少女 【おとめ】young lady, little girl, virgin, maiden, daughter
子犬 【こいぬ】puppy
万事休す 【ばんじきゅうす】There is nothing more that can be done
立ち会い 【たちあい】presence, session
楽々 【らくらく】comfortably, easily
立ち入る 【たちいる】① to enter, to trespass ② to interfere, to meddle, to pry into
止まり 【どまり】stopping at, going no further than
主 【あるじ】head (of a household), proprietor (of a store), proprietress, landlord, landlady, master (of a servant)
横線 【おうせん】horizontal line, abscissa
何様 【なにさま】what kind, how, indeed, truly, extremely, to be sure
言明 【げんめい】declaration, statement, assertion
手形 【てがた】① draft, draught, promissory note ② signed hand-print (sumo)
商会 【しょうかい】firm, company
乗じる 【じょうじる】① to take advantage of, to follow blindly ② to multiply
雪国 【ゆきぐに】snow country
断わる 【ことわる】① to refuse, to reject, to dismiss, to turn down, to decline ② to inform, to give notice, to tell in advance ③ to ask leave, to excuse oneself (from)
直行 【ちょっこう】through, non-stop
通り道 【とおりみち】passage, path, route, one's way
当事者 【とうじしゃ】person concerned, interested party, related party
導き出す 【みちびきだす】to derive
筆頭 【ひっとう】brush tip, first on a list
命日 【めいにち】death anniversary
明朝 【みょうちょう】tomorrow morning
入り交じる 【いりまじる】to mix with, to be mixed, to be mingled
打ち取る 【うちとる】① to arrest, to take prisoner ② to kill ③ to get someone out (in baseball)
もったいない① too good, more than one deserves, unworthy of ② wasteful
お断わり 【おことわり】declining, nonacceptance, declination, refusal, rejection, turndown
よじ登る 【よじのぼる】to climb, to clamber (over, up), to scramble (up), to scale, to claw one's way up
帰港 【きこう】returning to port
取り留める 【とりとめる】to stop, to put a stop to, to check
相まって 【あいまって】coupled with, together
鳴り 【なり】ringing, sound
安否 【あんぴ】safety, welfare, well-being
偉人 【いじん】great man
移り気 【うつりぎ】whim, frivolity, fickleness, inconstant, capriciousness
引っ込める 【ひっこめる】to draw in, to take in
寄港 【きこう】stopping at a port
強欲 【ごうよく】greed, avarice
資質 【ししつ】nature, disposition
周年 【しゅうねん】whole year, anniversary
処方 【しょほう】prescription
少将 【しょうしょう】major general, rear admiral, air commodore
焼付け 【やきつけ】① printing (e.g. photos) ② glazing, enamelling, baking
精肉 【せいにく】small goods, processed meat, good quality meat
静観 【せいかん】watchful waiting, careful supervision
河岸 【かがん】① river bank, riverside ② fish market
太っ腹 【ふとっぱら】generous, magnanimous, big-hearted, broad-minded
投げ込む 【なげこむ】to throw into
入り乱れる 【いりみだれる】to be jumbled together
入城 【にゅうじょう】entry into a castle (by a conquering force)
任 【にん】obligation, duty, charge, responsibility
熱気 【ねっき】heat, hot air, enthusiasm
貧相 【ひんそう】seedy-looking, thin
舞台裏 【ぶたいうら】offstage, backstage, behind the scenes
副賞 【ふくしょう】extra prize
片隅 【かたすみ】corner, nook
無作法 【ぶさほう】ill-mannered, rude
迷い込む 【まよいこむ】to go astray, to lose one's way
夕刻 【ゆうこく】evening, evening hour
頼み込む 【たのみこむ】to request earnestly
乱入 【らんにゅう】① trespassing, intrusion ② to barge into, to burst into, to trespass
流し込む 【ながしこむ】① to pour into, to wash down ② to insert (e.g. into a data stream)
腕利き 【うできき】① able, capable, competent ② able person, person of ability
働き手 【はたらきて】worker, breadwinner, supporter, able person, able man
強固 【きょうこ】firmness, stability, security, strength
子猫 【こねこ】kitten
隅々 【すみずみ】every nook and corner
捕らわれる 【とらわれる】to be captured, to be apprehended, to be seized with
見破る 【みやぶる】to see through another's thoughts, to have a sharp eye, to penetrate, to fathom
甘味 【あまみ】sweetness, sugary taste
難なく 【なんなく】easily
完売 【かんばい】sold out
石像 【せきぞう】stone statue
夢物語 【ゆめものがたり】① account of a dream ② fantastic story, wild tale, empty dream, pipe dream
御子 【みこ】① God's son (in Christianity) ② child of the emperor
都政 【とせい】the metropolitan government (of Tokyo)
新法 【しんぽう】new method, new law
心許ない 【こころもとない】uneasy, unsure, unreliable
降り積もる 【ふりつもる】to fall and pile up (e.g. snow), to lie thick
不治の病 【ふじのやまい】incurable illness
解き放つ 【ときはなつ】to release
最速 【さいそく】fastest
働かす 【はたらかす】to put someone to work, to make someone work
いかがわしい① suspicious, dubious, unreliable ② indecent, unseemly
お凸 【おでこ】brow, forehead
遠征 【えんせい】① expedition, campaign, (performer's) tour ② away series (baseball)
外敵 【がいてき】foreign enemy
渇く 【かわく】to be thirsty
忌まわしい 【いまわしい】① unpleasant, disagreeable, abominable, disgusting, unsavory ② unlucky, inauspicious
騎馬 【きば】horse-riding
窮地 【きゅうち】dilemma, predicament
挙がる 【あがる】to be listed (as a candidate)
胸騒ぎ 【むなさわぎ】uneasiness, vague apprehension, premonition
潔白 【けっぱく】innocence (i.e. not guilty), purity, uprightness
献上 【けんじょう】presenting to
素 【もと】ingredient
幻 【まぼろし】phantom, vision, illusion, dream
戸惑い 【とまどい】being at sea, losing one's bearings, confusion, wonderment
ゆえにtherefore, consequently
誇示 【こじ】ostentation, display
工房 【こうぼう】workshop, studio
豪快 【ごうかい】hearty, exciting, stirring, lively, heroic, largehearted, splendid
惨状 【さんじょう】disastrous scene, terrible spectacle
思惑 【おもわく】① expectation, prediction, forecast ② anticipation, speculation
持ち堪える 【もちこたえる】to hold out (e.g. against pressure), to withstand, to endure
次第に 【しだいに】① gradually (progress into a state) ② in sequence, in order, in turn
式典 【しきてん】ceremony, rites
受刑 【じゅけい】punishment
就ける 【つける】① to install (a king, emperor, etc.) ② to appoint (to a post) ③ to assign (to study under)
傷心 【しょうしん】heartbreak, grief
振り切る 【ふりきる】to shake off, to shake free from
真っ盛り 【まっさかり】height of, middle of, full bloom
推奨 【すいしょう】recommendation, endorsement
盛り上がり 【もりあがり】① climax, uprush ② bulge
誠に 【まことに】indeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quite
先陣 【せんじん】vanguard, advance guard
潜り込む 【もぐりこむ】to slip into, to crawl into (under), to conceal oneself (under)
荘厳 【そうごん】solemnity, gravity, impressiveness
待ち焦がれる 【まちこがれる】to long for
懲らしめる 【こらしめる】to chastise, to punish, to discipline
跳ね返る 【はねかえる】to rebound, to recoil, to spring back up
締まる 【しまる】① to be shut, to close, to be closed ② to be locked ③ to tighten, to be tightened ④ to become sober, to become tense
敵対 【てきたい】hostility, antagonism, opposition
桃 【もも】peach, prunus persica (tree)
難癖 【なんくせ】fault
粘り強い 【ねばりづよい】tenacious, persevering, persistent, stubborn, steadfast
粘土 【ねんど】clay
秘める 【ひめる】to hide, to keep to oneself
不穏 【ふおん】unrest, turbulence, impropriety
付き添う 【つきそう】to attend on, to wait upon, to accompany, to escort and wait on, to chaperone
弁明 【べんめい】explanation, excuse, vindication, apology
有意義 【ゆういぎ】significant, useful, meaningful, worthwhile, valuable, of interest
誘い 【さそい】① invitation, introduction ② temptation
欲張る 【よくばる】to covet, to lust for
嫌気 【いやけ】dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of
虜 【とりこ】① captive, prisoner ② victim (of love, etc.), slave (to one's lust, etc.)
どう猛 【どうもう】ferocity, truculence
入り江 【いりえ】inlet, cove, creek, bay
凶弾 【きょうだん】assassin's bullet
引き締める 【ひきしめる】to tighten, to stiffen, to brace, to strain
揺るがす 【ゆるがす】to shake, to swing, to sway, to shock
赤旗 【あかはた】① red flag ② Red Flag (Communist Party newspaper)
見張り 【みはり】watch-keeping, guard, lookout
護国 【ごこく】defense of one's country, defence of one's country
銃撃 【じゅうげき】shooting, gunning (down)
立つ瀬 【たつせ】predicament, one's ground, one's position
独行 【どっこう】going alone, self-reliance
遣り口 【やりくち】way, method
離ればなれ 【はなればなれ】separate, scattered, apart, atwain
愚か者 【おろかもの】fool
源 【げん】source, origin
すいすい(swim, work) smoothly, unhindered
ぼけ① idiot, fool, touched in the head (from), out of it (from), space case ② funny man (of a comedy duo), (in comedy) silly or stupid line ③ Alzheimer's (impol)
御輿 【みこし】palanquin
左舷 【さげん】port (left side of vessel)
接吻 【せっぷん】kiss, kissing
たらふくto one's heart's content
銅鑼 【どら】gong
剥奪 【はくだつ】deprivation, divestiture, revocation
蔑む 【さげすむ】to scorn, to despise
こっぱみじんbroken into small fragments, smashed to atoms, fragments and splinters, smithereens
うなされる① to have a nightmare ② to make a noise during a nightmare
別嬪 【べっぴん】① beautiful woman, beauty, pretty girl ② high-quality goods, special article
色褪せる 【いろあせる】to fade, to grow stale, to grow dull in color (colour)
疚しい 【やましい】(feel) guilty, (having a) guilty conscience
追い剥ぎ 【おいはぎ】highway robbery, highwayman