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One Piece Vol. 16 (episodes 440 to 459)

Author (public: access, edit)

Vocab for episodes 440 to 459 of the animated series ‘One Piece’. This is volume 16 out of 26. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



230 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
下着 【したぎ】underwear
年中 【ねんじゅう】whole year, always, everyday
重大 【じゅうだい】serious, important, significant, grave, weighty
活動 【かつどう】action, activity
掘る 【ほる】to dig, to excavate
呼び出す 【よびだす】① to summon, to call (e.g. phone), to convene, to decoy, to lure ② to invoke (e.g. subroutine), to call
担当 【たんとう】(in) charge (of an area of responsibility, but not necessarily supervision of staff)
綿 【めん】cotton
解釈 【かいしゃく】explanation, interpretation
株 【かぶ】share, stock, stump (of tree)
儀式 【ぎしき】ceremony, rite, ritual, service
検査 【けんさ】inspection (e.g. customs, factory), examination, scan (e.g. MRI, PET, etc.)
就く 【つく】① to ascend (the throne), to accede ② to take (seat, position, course, etc.), to assume ③ to start (on a journey), to commence, to depart ④ to study (under teacher), to be an apprentice
修正 【しゅうせい】amendment, correction, revision, modification, alteration, retouching, update, fix
審判 【しんぱん】refereeing, trial, judgement, judgment, umpire, referee
伝統 【でんとう】tradition, convention
大木 【たいぼく】large tree
中間 【ちゅうかん】middle, midway, interim
転がす 【ころがす】to roll
外部 【がいぶ】① the outside ② external
角度 【かくど】angle
感想 【かんそう】impressions, thoughts
祭る 【まつる】① to deify, to enshrine ② to pray, to worship
無数 【むすう】countless number, infinite number
明け方 【あけがた】dawn
性別 【せいべつ】distinction by sex, sex, gender
測る 【はかる】① to measure, to weigh, to survey, to time (sound, gauge, estimate) ② to conjecture, to infer, to surmise
綱 【つな】① rope ② sumo grand champion's braided belt
就任 【しゅうにん】inauguration, assumption of office
縮める 【ちぢめる】to shorten, to reduce, to boil down, to shrink
澄む 【すむ】to clear (e.g. weather), to become transparent
葬式 【そうしき】funeral
愉快 【ゆかい】pleasant, happy
うどんudon (thick Japanese wheat noodles)
字 【あざ】section of village
損なう 【そこなう】to harm, to hurt, to injure, to damage, to fail in doing
陰気 【いんき】gloom, melancholy
祈り 【いのり】prayer, supplication
恵み 【めぐみ】blessing, grace
経る 【へる】to pass, to elapse, to experience
見習う 【みならう】to follow another's example
故 【こ】the late (deceased)
工作 【こうさく】work, construction, handicraft, maneuvering, manoeuvering
高まる 【たかまる】to rise, to swell, to be promoted
細やか 【こまやか】friendly, heartfelt, tender
桟橋 【さんばし】wharf, bridge, jetty, pier
使い道 【つかいみち】a use, purpose to which something is put
失脚 【しっきゃく】losing one's standing, being overthrown, falling
実態 【じったい】true state, actual condition, reality
庶民 【しょみん】masses, common people
深める 【ふかめる】to deepen, to heighten, to intensify
真上 【まうえ】just above, right overhead
進み 【すすみ】progress
進行 【しんこう】advance, progress
嘆く 【なげく】to sigh, to lament, to grieve
弾む 【はずむ】to spring, to bound, to bounce, to be stimulated, to be encouraged, to get lively, to treat oneself to, to splurge on
腸 【ちょう】guts, bowels, intestines
分子 【ぶんし】① numerator ② molecule ③ member, element
出生 【しゅっしょう】birth
群衆 【ぐんしゅう】group (of people), crowd, horde, throng, mob, multitude
擦れる 【すれる】to rub, to chafe, to wear, to become sophisticated
もしくはor, otherwise
捧げる 【ささげる】to lift up, to give, to offer, to consecrate, to devote, to sacrifice, to dedicate
咄嗟 【とっさ】moment, instant
しなやかsupple, flexible, elastic
かっかburning hotly, burning redly
へとへとcompletely exhausted
やんちゃnaughty, mischievous
サボるto be truant, to play hooky, to skip school, to skip out, to be idle, to sabotage by slowness
ツール① tool (esp. software, etc.) ② tour (e.g. Tour de France)
ハイヤー① hire ② hired automobile with driver, hired car
マイクmike, mic, microphone
何一つ 【なにひとつ】(not) one (usu. in neg. phrases)
先ず先ず 【まずまず】tolerable, passable, adequate, so-so
ねんねbed-time (for a baby), going bye-byes
ふんわりgently, airily, fluffily
フェチ① fetish ② passion, enthusiasm
パート① part ② part-timer ③ part-time (work)
パイpie, tart
一手 【いって】move (in game), method, single-handed, monopoly
一堂 【いちどう】one building (hall, temple, shrine, room)
手先 【てさき】① fingers ② underling, stooge, subordinate, pawn
重る 【おもる】to get heavy, to grow serious
真意 【しんい】real intention, true motive, true meaning
送り 【おくり】① seeing off, sending off ② funeral ③ escapement
天下分け目 【てんかわけめ】fateful, decisive (war)
本意 【ほんい】one's real intent, one's real motive, one's real hopes, one's original purpose
万事 【ばんじ】all, everything
旅立ち 【たびだち】setting off (on a trip)
切り出す 【きりだす】to quarry, to cut (timber), to cut and carry off, to begin to talk, to break the ice, to broach, to bring down
野山 【のやま】hills and fields, hill and dale
ありとあらゆるevery single (piece of furniture), every possible (excuse)
安 【やす】cheap
ごみ箱 【ごみばこ】garbage can, garbage box, rubbish bin, trash can, dust bin, dustbin
なけなしvery small amount which looks like nothing
楽勝 【らくしょう】easy victory
起草 【きそう】drafting, draughting, drawing up a bill
泣かせる 【なかせる】① to make someone cry, to move someone to tears ② to let cry ③ to grieve
強打 【きょうだ】smiting, blow
後期 【こうき】latter period, final
常用 【じょうよう】habitual use, daily use
選曲 【せんきょく】① chosen song, choosing a song ② to choose a song
前列 【ぜんれつ】front row
追い打ち 【おいうち】final blow, attacking while pursuing, attacking the routed enemy
転げ落ちる 【ころげおちる】to fall off, to tumble down
投じる 【とうじる】to throw, to cast, to invest
頭角 【とうかく】distinguishing oneself, standing out, top of the head
入港 【にゅうこう】entry into port
軽々しい 【かるがるしい】indiscreet, thoughtless, careless, frivolous
気合 【きあい】scream, yell, fighting spirit
取り調べ 【とりしらべ】investigation (e.g. by police or prosecutors), examination, inquiry, enquiry
面々 【めんめん】each one, all, every direction
引き込む 【ひきこむ】to draw in, to win over
汚点 【おてん】stain, blot, flaw, disgrace
押え込む 【おさえこむ】to pin down, to immobilize, to immobilise, to control, to suppress
過度 【かど】excess, immoderation
皆無 【かいむ】nothing
皆目 【かいもく】entirely
辛子 【からし】mustard
各所 【かくしょ】each place, various places
丸め込む 【まるめこむ】① to coax, to seduce ② to roll up and put in (to something), to bundle up
規則正しい 【きそくただしい】regular, well-regulated, systematic
芸人 【げいにん】player, performer, actor
言い渡す 【いいわたす】to announce, to tell, to sentence, to order
互角 【ごかく】equality, evenness, par, good match
好転 【こうてん】changing for the better
差し伸べる 【さしのべる】① to hold out, to extend (e.g. one's hands), to stretch, to reach out for ② to thrust (javelin) ③ to offer (e.g. aid, help, etc.)
際立つ 【きわだつ】to be prominent, to be conspicuous
察知 【さっち】sense, infer
諸国 【しょこく】various countries (often used as suffix)
乗り掛かる 【のりかかる】to be about to board, to be riding on, to get on top of, to lean over, to set about, to collide with
寝込む 【ねこむ】to stay in bed, to sleep, to be laid up for a long time
切り抜ける 【きりぬける】to cut one's way through, to tide over, to struggle through, to get over
総力 【そうりょく】total energy, all efforts
造形 【ぞうけい】molding, moulding, modelling (i.e. plastic arts), modeling
他力本願 【たりきほんがん】① salvation by faith in Amitabha ② relying upon others for attaining one's own objective
着衣 【ちゃくい】one's clothes
通り抜ける 【とおりぬける】to cut through, to go through
通達 【つうたつ】notification, directive (e.g. from higher to lower levels of the administration)
滴る 【したたる】to drip, to drop, to trickle
売り渡す 【うりわたす】to sell over to
氷河 【ひょうが】glacier
腹黒い 【はらぐろい】mean, malicious, scheming, wicked, black-hearted
明示 【めいじ】specification, explicit statement
野性 【やせい】wildness (plants, animals, etc.), uncouth, rough, unpolished
留め置く 【とめおく】to detain, to keep, to lock up, to retain, to leave (letter) till called for
相性 【あいしょう】affinity, compatibility
切り替え 【きりかえ】exchange, conversion, replacement, switching (to), switchover
使い捨て 【つかいすて】throwaway, disposable
みつめるto stare at, to gaze at, to look hard at, to watch intently, to fix one's eyes on
思う存分 【おもうぞんぶん】to one's heart's content
ずば抜ける 【ずばぬける】to tower above the rest, to be by far the best, to be prominent, to be outstanding, to be a cut above
抜かり 【ぬかり】blunder, miss, slip, oversight
総本山 【そうほんざん】① head temple of a sect ② (organizational) headquarters, (organisational) headquarters
自信満々 【じしんまんまん】full of confidence, brimming with (self-)confidence, having great faith in oneself
折り紙付き 【おりがみつき】guaranteed, authentic, certified
差し向ける 【さしむける】to send or direct a person to
湾内 【わんない】inside the bay
うっすら① thinly, lightly, slightly ② hazy, fuzzy ③ dim, faint, slight
片や 【かたや】on one hand, on the other hand
刻み込む 【きざみこむ】to etch (name, etc.), to carve (design)
身構える 【みがまえる】to put oneself on guard, to stand ready, to square off
塩梅 【あんばい】seasoning, condition, manner, flavour, flavor, state
応える 【こたえる】① to respond, to live up to, to reward ② to take its toll, to strike home
過激 【かげき】extreme, radical
画策 【かくさく】plan, scheme, program formulation, programme formulation, maneuver, manoeuvre
渇き 【かわき】thirst
感嘆 【かんたん】admiration, wonder
肝 【きも】① liver, innards ② courage, spirit, pluck, guts
眼下 【がんか】under one's eyes, below
虐殺 【ぎゃくさつ】atrocity, massive killing
苦肉の策 【くにくのさく】last resort, desperate measure taken under pressure of necessity
激戦 【げきせん】fierce (hard-fought) battle, hot contest
見え透く 【みえすく】to be transparent, to be easily seen through, to be obvious, to be apparent
元の木阿弥 【もとのもくあみ】ending up right back where one started
後遺症 【こういしょう】prognostic symptoms, after-effect
厚化粧 【あつげしょう】thick or heavy make-up
攻略 【こうりゃく】① capture ② walkthrough or specific advice (e.g. in computer games)
酷使 【こくし】exploitation, overuse, abuse
最先端 【さいせんたん】① leading edge, forefront ② ultra-fine
祭壇 【さいだん】altar
師範 【しはん】instructor, (fencing) teacher, model
巡り合う 【めぐりあう】to meet fortuitously (e.g. running into an old friend), to meet by chance, to happen across
色素 【しきそ】pigment, coloring, colouring
侵食 【しんしょく】encroachment, erosion, corrosion
潜む 【ひそむ】to lurk, to lie dormant, to be hidden, to be concealed, to be stashed
粗暴 【そぼう】wild, rude, violent, hard
敵意 【てきい】hostility, animosity
縄跳び 【なわとび】① skipping rope, jump rope ② skipping, rope-jumping
眉 【まみえ】eyebrow, eyebrows
不屈 【ふくつ】persistence, fortitude, indomitability
不祥事 【ふしょうじ】scandal, deplorable event
捕縛 【ほばく】arrest, apprehension, capture
万策 【ばんさく】all means
猛攻 【もうこう】fierce attack
恩義 【おんぎ】obligation, favour, favor, debt of gratitude
薫り 【かおり】aroma, fragrance, scent, smell
傷跡 【きずあと】scar, cicatrix
引き継ぎ 【ひきつぎ】inheriting
補佐 【ほさ】aid, help, assistance, assistant, counselor, counsellor, adviser, advisor
生還 【せいかん】returning alive, (baseball) reaching the home plate
尚の事 【なおのこと】all the more, still more
きれいごと① whitewashing, glossing over, lip service ② deftly finishing up, putting on the final touches
草刈り 【くさかり】mowing, mower
差し迫る 【さしせまる】to be urgent, to be pressing, to be imminent
とてつもないextravagant, absurd, unbelievable, preposterous, unreasonable
諱む 【いむ】① to avoid, to refrain from, to shun ② to detest
姑息 【こそく】makeshift
天誅 【てんちゅう】heaven's (well-deserved) punishment
薙鉈 【なぎなた】halberd, long sword
估券 【こけん】dignity, credit, public estimation, face, honor, reputation
耄碌 【もうろく】senility, second childhood
合鍵 【あいかぎ】pass key, duplicate key, master key
覚醒 【かくせい】① awakening, waking up, arousal, revival ② disillusion, disillusionment
自棄糞 【やけくそ】desperation
目潰し 【めつぶし】① sand, ash, etc., thrown in the eyes to blind someone, throwing something at someone's eyes to blind them ② poking someone's eyes during a fight to blind them
一兎 【いっと】one rabbit;