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One Piece Vol. 19 (episodes 500 to 519)

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Vocab for episodes 500 to 519 of the animated series ‘One Piece’. This is volume 19 out of 26. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



287 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
ノート① notebook, copy-book, exercise book ② note ③ notebook PC
宿題 【しゅくだい】homework
緑 【みどり】① green ② greenery (esp. fresh verdure)
辞書 【じしょ】dictionary, lexicon
授業 【じゅぎょう】lesson, class work
生徒 【せいと】pupil
締める 【しめる】① to tie, to fasten ② to total, to sum ③ to be strict with ④ to economize (economise), to cut down on
表 【おもて】① surface ② face (i.e. the visible side of an object) ③ front (of a building, etc.), obverse side (i.e. "head") of a coin ④ outside, exterior ⑤ appearance ⑥ public ⑦ first half (of an innings), top (of an inning) ⑧ cover (for tatami mats, etc.) ⑨ foreground
習慣 【しゅうかん】custom, habit, manners
卒業 【そつぎょう】graduation, completion (e.g. of a course)
暖房 【だんぼう】heating
痩せる 【やせる】① to become thin, to lose weight, to reduce (one's) weight, to slim ② to be barren, to be infertile, to be sterile
ぶつぶつ① grunt, grumble, complaint, mutter ② pimples, spots, eruption, rash ③ cutting into small pieces ④ simmering
学ぶ 【まなぶ】to study (in depth), to learn, to take lessons in
学習 【がくしゅう】study, learning, tutorial
止す 【よす】to cease, to abolish, to resign, to give up
用心 【ようじん】care, precaution, guarding, caution
首都 【しゅと】capital city, metropolis
集会 【しゅうかい】meeting, assembly
鳴らす 【ならす】to ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort (nose)
他 【た】other (esp. people and abstract matters)
接する 【せっする】① to come in contact with, to touch, to connect (with) ② to attend (to) ③ to receive (visitors)
単位 【たんい】① unit, denomination ② credit (in school)
毛布 【もうふ】blanket
克服 【こくふく】subjugation, conquest, victory
食器 【しょっき】tableware
推薦 【すいせん】recommendation
短気 【たんき】quick temper
評価 【ひょうか】① valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation ② to value, to assess, to estimate value ③ to appreciate, to value highly, to acknowledge the value (of something)
暖める 【あたためる】to warm, to heat
恵まれる 【めぐまれる】to be blessed with, to be rich in, to abound in
じかにdirectly, in person, headlong
休業 【きゅうぎょう】closed (e.g. store), business suspended, shutdown, holiday
王女 【おうじょ】princess
原料 【げんりょう】raw materials
作曲 【さっきょく】composition, setting (of music)
留まる 【とまる】① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
実物 【じつぶつ】real thing, original, actual
水準 【すいじゅん】① level, standard ② water level
定期 【ていき】① fixed term ② fixed-term commutation pass ③ fixed-term deposit
甘やかす 【あまやかす】to pamper, to spoil
実績 【じっせき】achievements, actual results
凍える 【こごえる】to freeze, to be chilled, to be frozen
拝見 【はいけん】seeing, look at
未満 【みまん】less than, insufficient
片寄る 【かたよる】to be one-sided, to incline, to be partial, to be prejudiced, to lean, to be biased, to be biassed
坊ちゃん 【ぼっちゃん】① son (of others) ② young master ③ green young man from a well-to-do family
斜め 【ななめ】① slanting, tilted, sloping, diagonal, oblique ② unusual, slanted (view of the world), bad (mood)
釣り合う 【つりあう】to balance, to be in harmony, to suit, to go well together, to counterbalance, to reach equilibrium
望遠鏡 【ぼうえんきょう】telescope
日暮れ 【ひぐれ】twilight, sunset, dusk, evening
依然 【いぜん】still, as yet, as it has been
異動 【いどう】change
楽譜 【がくふ】score (music)
歓声 【かんせい】cheer, shout of joy
漁船 【ぎょせん】fishing boat
強烈 【きょうれつ】strong, intense, severe
恵む 【めぐむ】① to bless, to show mercy to ② to give (money, etc.)
経路 【けいろ】① course, route, path, channel ② process, means
故人 【こじん】the deceased, old friend
抗争 【こうそう】dispute, resistance
洪水 【こうずい】flood
視察 【しさつ】inspection, observation
主観 【しゅかん】① subjectivity, subject, ego ② one's personal opinion, one's own idea
取り付ける 【とりつける】to furnish, to install, to get someone's agreement
受け付ける 【うけつける】to be accepted, to receive (an application)
心情 【しんじょう】sentiment, emotions, one's feelings, one's heart
震わせる 【ふるわせる】to (make something) quiver, to shake, to tremble
吹奏 【すいそう】playing wind instruments
雛 【ひな】① young bird, chick ② doll ③ green, wet behind the ears, juvenile
跡継ぎ 【あとつぎ】heir, successor
先だって 【せんだって】recently, the other day
憎しみ 【にくしみ】hatred
損失 【そんしつ】loss (e.g. assets or profits)
多様 【たよう】diverse, varied
体格 【たいかく】physique, constitution
大衆 【たいしゅう】general public
挑戦 【ちょうせん】challenge, defiance
転じる 【てんじる】to turn, to shift, to alter, to distract
点検 【てんけん】inspection, examination, checking
登録 【とうろく】registration, accession, register, entry, record
内心 【ないしん】innermost thoughts, real intention, inmost heart, one's mind, in the heart
破損 【はそん】damage
柄 【え】① handle, grip ② stalk (of a mushroom, leaf, etc.)
母国 【ぼこく】one's homeland
報道 【ほうどう】information, report, journalism
無邪気 【むじゃき】innocence, simple-mindedness
目論見 【もくろみ】plan, scheme, project, program, programme, intention, goal
優越 【ゆうえつ】supremacy, predominance, being superior to
有望 【ゆうぼう】good prospects, full of hope, promising
誘惑 【ゆうわく】temptation, allurement, lure, seduction
育成 【いくせい】rearing, training, nurture, cultivation, promotion
出合う 【であう】to meet by chance, to come across, to happen to encounter, to hold a rendezvous, to have a date
ひいてはnot only ... but also, in addition to, consequently
駈ける 【かける】① to run (race, esp. horse), to dash ② to gallop (one's horse), to canter
剥ぐ 【はぐ】to tear off, to peel off, to rip off, to strip off, to skin, to flay, to disrobe, to deprive of
お天気 【おてんき】① weather ② temper, mood
カッとflare up, flying into a rage
きらきらglitter, sparkle, glisten, twinkle
ごろごろ① thunder, purring, grumbling (e.g. stomach) ② something large and heavy starting to roll ③ scattered about ④ idleness, idle about ⑤ having a foreign substance in (e.g. one's eye or stomach)
めそめそuncontrolled weeping, sobbing
アンテナ① antenna ② person who collects information or opinions
インチキ① cheating, fake, bogus ② travelling seller of trinkets, magic tricks, etc. (traveling)
カフェ① cafe ② hostess bar (serving western alcoholic beverages; Taisho and Showa period)
シングル① single ② single-digit handicap (e.g. golf)
ソファsofa, couch
タオル(hand) towel
ティッシュ(facial) tissues
プロポーズ(marriage) proposal
ホップ① hop ② hops (Humulus lupulus)
マック① Mac ② McDonald's
ライブ① live (esp. concert, show, etc.), live performance ② alive
ランキング① ranking ② toplist (e.g. of WWW sites)
九月 【くがつ】September
見聞 【けんぶん】information, observation
国外 【こくがい】outside the country
山分け 【やまわけ】equal split
十月 【じゅうがつ】October
男女 【だんじょ】man and woman, men and women
生々しい 【なまなましい】lively, green, fresh, raw
お気に入り 【おきにいり】① favorite, favourite, pet (e.g. teacher's pet) ② bookmark (in web browser)
しまいにat the end, finally
でなければwithout, but if
川べり 【かわべり】riverbank, riverside
時に 【ときに】① by the way, incidentally ② sometimes, occasionally
リード① lead (in a game, dance, etc.), being in the lead ② reed ③ read, reading
四方八方 【しほうはっぽう】in all directions
重心 【じゅうしん】① centre of gravity (center) ② centroid, barycenter ③ (one's) balance
食肉 【しょくにく】meat (for consumption)
人使い 【ひとづかい】handling one's workmen
生い立ち 【おいたち】upbringing, personal history
地道 【じみち】steady, honest, sober, straightforward
長者 【ちょうじゃ】millionaire
道楽 【どうらく】hobby, pastime, dissipation, dissipated
強者 【つわもの】① soldier, warrior ② strong man, exceptional person, man of courage
目まい 【めまい】dizziness, giddiness, vertigo
悪行 【あくぎょう】misdeed, wrongdoing, wickedness
ひな鳥 【ひなどり】chick, baby bird
味見 【あじみ】sampling, tasting
知らす 【しらす】① to inform, to notify ② to know ③ to reign
正悪 【せいあく】right and wrong
お母様 【おかあさま】mother
気球 【ききゅう】balloon, blimp
記 【き】① account, history, chronicle, annals, record ② Records of Ancient Matters
禁断 【きんだん】① prohibition, interdiction ② forbidden, prohibited
仕草 【しぐさ】action, acting, gesture, bearing, treatment, behavior, behaviour
子育て 【こそだて】raising children
紙面 【しめん】space (page)
乗り合わせる 【のりあわせる】to happen to ride together, to share a vehicle, to (operate a) carpool
西側 【にしがわ】west side, west bank
雪男 【ゆきおとこ】abominable snowman, yeti
船室 【せんしつ】stateroom, cabin
選出 【せんしゅつ】election
知り合う 【しりあう】to get to know (someone), to make acquaintance
半額 【はんがく】half, half amount, half fare
つけ根 【つけね】root, joint, base, crotch
平泳ぎ 【ひらおよぎ】breaststroke (swimming)
放っとく 【ほっとく】to leave someone alone
面前 【めんぜん】presence
立ち直る 【たちなおる】① to regain one's footing, to get back on one's feet ② to recover, (of the market) to improve
決起 【けっき】jump to one's feet, stand up against, rising to action
清々 【せいせい】feel refreshed, feel relieved
道草 【みちくさ】wayside grass, loitering on the way
数次 【すうじ】number of times
季 【き】season, season word or phrase (in haiku)
数多い 【かずおおい】many, a multiplicity of
横っ腹 【よこっぱら】side, flank
過大 【かだい】excessive, too much, unreasonable
まぬけstupidity, idiot, dunce, blockhead
机上 【きじょう】① on the desk ② theoretical, academic
吸い上げる 【すいあげる】① to pump off or out, to suck up or out, to siphon off (incl. wealth) ② to take up others' views and opinions
教示 【きょうじ】instruction, teaching
胸中 【きょうちゅう】one's heart, one's mind, one's intentions
見せ付ける 【みせつける】to display, to show
見違える 【みちがえる】to be beyond recognition, to be quite different
言い付ける 【いいつける】① to tell (to do), to order, to charge, to direct ② to tell on (someone), to report ③ to often say
効 【こう】efficacy, benefit, efficiency, effect, result, success
荒波 【あらなみ】stormy seas, raging waves
次席 【じせき】associate, junior, assistant, runner-up
失意 【しつい】disappointment, despair, adversity
勝ち抜く 【かちぬく】to win through
焼き捨てる 【やきすてる】to burn up
触発 【しょくはつ】touching off something, provocation
寝かす 【ねかす】to put to sleep, to lay (something) on its side
寝言 【ねごと】① sleep-talking ② nonsense, gibberish
制圧 【せいあつ】gaining total control (of people or counties), suppression, oppression, control, mastery, ascendancy, supremacy
値切る 【ねぎる】to drive a bargain, to beat down the price, to haggle
長老 【ちょうろう】eldest, senior
痛める 【いためる】to hurt, to injure, to cause pain, to worry, to bother, to afflict, to be grieved over
伝授 【でんじゅ】initiation, instruction
突き出る 【つきでる】to project, to stick out, to stand out
燃え上がる 【もえあがる】to flare up, to burst into flames
発覚 【はっかく】detection, coming to light
不可解 【ふかかい】mystery, baffling, inexplicable, incomprehensible
浮かび上がる 【うかびあがる】to rise to the surface
療法 【りょうほう】remedy, medical treatment
和解 【わかい】① reconciliation, settlement, accommodation, compromise, mediation, rapprochement ② (legal) settlement
愛着 【あいちゃく】attachment, love, covetous affection
入れ替える 【いれかえる】to replace, to substitute, to shift, to change places
押し込める 【おしこめる】to shut up, to imprison
関わる 【かかわる】① to be affected, to be influenced ② to be concerned with, to have to do with ③ to stick to (opinions)
習得 【しゅうとく】learning, acquisition
割り増し 【わりまし】premium, bonus, extra wages, (after a number) tenths increase
込み上げる 【こみあげる】① to fill (one's heart), to experience a welling up of feelings or sensations ② to feel nauseated
腕ずく 【うでずく】main force, brute force, strong-arm
総動員 【そうどういん】general mobilization, general mobilisation
散り散り 【ちりぢり】scattered, separated, dispersed
長髪 【ちょうはつ】long hair
渡し 【わたし】① ferry (crossing), ferry(boat) ② delivery
跡地 【あとち】site (of a demolished building)
ある程度 【あるていど】to some extent, to a certain extent
報う 【むくう】to reward, to recompense, to repay
大忙し 【おおいそがし】very busy (person or thing)
腹立つ 【はらだつ】to get angry
悪態 【あくたい】abusive language
一級 【いっきゅう】one grade, first-class, primary
音沙汰 【おとさた】news, letter
肝要 【かんよう】essential, vital, crucial, importance
眼差し 【まなざし】(a) look, gaze
危篤 【きとく】critical illness, on the verge of death
義弟 【ぎてい】younger brother-in-law
泣き喚く 【なきわめく】to bawl, to cry, to scream
繰り返し 【くりかえし】① repetition, reiteration, iteration, cycle ② repeatedly
刑法 【けいほう】criminal law, penal code
孤島 【ことう】solitary island
今世紀 【こんせいき】this century
懇願 【こんがん】entreaty, supplication, petition
唆す 【そそのかす】to instigate, to tempt
最高潮 【さいこうちょう】climax
遮二無二 【しゃにむに】desperately, recklessly, rush headlong
終結 【しゅうけつ】end, close
序列 【じょれつ】rank, ranking order, hierarchy
振り払う 【ふりはらう】to shake off
浸る 【ひたる】to be soaked in, to be flooded, to be immersed in
推察 【すいさつ】guess, conjecture, surmise
製薬 【せいやく】medicine manufacture, drug manufacture
舌打ち 【したうち】smacking lips, clicking tongue, tut-tut
奏でる 【かなでる】to play an instrument (esp. string instruments)
打ち砕く 【うちくだく】to smash, to crush
追悼 【ついとう】mourning, memorial
道端 【みちばた】roadside, wayside
廃虚 【はいきょ】ruins, abandoned building
発砲 【はっぽう】firing, discharge of gun
奮起 【ふんき】stirring, rousing oneself
並大抵 【なみたいてい】ordinary
末端 【まったん】end, tip, extremities, terminal
黙とう 【もくとう】silent prayer
養子 【ようし】adopted child (usu. male), son-in-law
惑わす 【まどわす】to bewilder, to perplex, to puzzle
臭い 【におい】① odour, odor, scent, smell, stench ② aura, whiff, smacks of ..., sense, flavour, flavor
帰郷 【ききょう】homecoming, return to one's home
矢先 【やさき】① arrowhead, brunt, target ② being about to, being on the point of
奇行 【きこう】eccentricities
大嵐 【おおあらし】raging storm
隠れ家 【かくれが】hiding place, refuge
白熊 【しろくま】polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
ポップ① pop ② signage, display, billboard (as used to decorate arcade games)
骸骨 【がいこつ】skeleton
葛藤 【かっとう】conflict, complication, troubles, discord
残骸 【ざんがい】ruins, wreckage
咒い 【まじない】charm, incantation, spell, magic formula
辛辣 【しんらつ】bitter, sharp, acrimonious
淘汰 【とうた】① selection, weeding out, elimination (e.g. of unneeded employees) ② natural selection
みなぎるto swell up, to rise, to be (brim) full of, to pervade
覿面 【てきめん】immediacy, instantaneousness, promptness
まっしぐらat full speed
抉る 【えぐる】to gouge, to hollow out, to bore, to excavate, to scoop out
蛤仔 【あさり】Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum)
宛て 【あて】addressed to
傷痕 【きずあと】scar, cicatrix
乞う 【こう】to beg, to ask, to request, to invite
鳥籠 【とりかご】birdcage
臆病者 【おくびょうもの】coward
刮目 【かつもく】careful observation, close attention
袂 【たもと】① sleeve (esp. of a kimono) ② vicinity (esp. of a bridge) ③ foot of a mountain, base of a mountain