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One Piece Vol. 2 (episodes 3 to 9)

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Vocab for episodes 3 to 9 of the animated series ‘One Piece’. This is volume 2 out of 26. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.

First 500 entries [show all] — Created by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
お金 【おかね】money
じゃあ① then, well, so, well then ② combination of 'de' and 'wa' particles ③ plain copula
どうも① thanks ② much (thanks), very (sorry), quite (regret) ③ quite, really ④ somehow ⑤ no matter how hard one may try ⑥ greetings, hello, goodbye
ゆっくりslowly, at ease, restful
スポーツsport, sports
安い 【やすい】① cheap, inexpensive ② calm, peaceful, quiet
飲む 【のむ】① to drink, to gulp, to swallow ② to smoke (tobacco) ③ to engulf, to overwhelm ④ to keep down, to suppress ⑤ to accept (e.g. demand, condition) ⑥ to make light of, to conceal
休む 【やすむ】① to be absent, to take a day off ② to rest, to have a break ③ to go to bed, to (lie down to) sleep, to turn in, to retire ④ to stop doing some ongoing activity for a time, to suspend business
口 【くち】① mouth ② opening, hole, gap, orifice ③ mouth (of a bottle), spout, nozzle, mouthpiece ④ gate, door, entrance, exit ⑤ speaking, speech, talk (i.e. gossip) ⑥ taste, palate ⑦ mouth (to feed) ⑧ opening (i.e. vacancy), available position ⑨ invitation, summons ⑩ kind, sort, type ⑪ opening (i.e. beginning) ⑫ counter for mouthfuls, shares (of money), and swords
高い 【たかい】① high, tall ② expensive
三つ 【みっつ】three
山 【やま】① mountain ② pile, heap ③ climax, critical point ④ speculated area covered by an examination
時間 【じかん】① time ② hours
耳 【みみ】① ear ② hearing ③ edge, crust ④ selvedge (non-fray machined edge of fabrics), selvage
七 【なな】seven
出す 【だす】① to take out, to get out ② to put out, to reveal, to show ③ to submit (e.g. thesis), to turn in ④ to publish, to make public ⑤ to send (e.g. letter) ⑥ to produce (a sound), to start (fire) ⑦ to serve (food) ⑧ to begin
少し 【すこし】① small quantity, little, few, something ② little while ③ short distance
上げる 【あげる】① to raise, to elevate ② to do up (one's hair) ③ to fly (a kite, etc.), to launch (fireworks, etc.), to surface (a submarine, etc.) ④ to land (a boat) ⑤ to show someone (into a room) ⑥ (uk) to summon (for geishas, etc.) ⑦ to send someone (away) ⑧ to enrol (one's child in school) (enroll) ⑨ to increase (price, quality, status, etc.) ⑩ to make (a loud sound), to raise (one's voice) ⑪ to earn (something desirable) ⑫ to praise ⑬ to give (an example, etc.), to cite ⑭ to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.) ⑮ to arrest ⑯ to nominate ⑰ to give ⑱ to offer up (incense, a prayer, etc.) to the gods (or Buddha, etc.) ⑲ to bear (a child) ⑳ to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding) ○ (of the tide) to come in ○ to vomit ○ (after the -te form of a verb) to do for (the sake of someone else) ○ (after the -masu stem of a verb) to complete ○ used after the -masu stem of a humble verb to increase the level of humility
水 【みず】water (cold, fresh)
先 【さき】① previous, prior, former, some time ago, preceding ② point (e.g. pencil), tip, end, nozzle ③ head (of a line), front ④ ahead, the other side ⑤ the future, hereafter ⑥ destination ⑦ the other party
大人 【おとな】adult
南 【みなみ】south
二つ 【ふたつ】two
年 【とし】① year ② age
買う 【かう】① to buy ② to value, to have a high opinion ③ to stir, to provoke
半分 【はんぶん】half
北 【きた】north
毎日 【まいにち】every day
名前 【なまえ】① name, full name ② given name, first name
一人 【ひとり】one person
今日 【きょう】today, this day
三 【さん】three
店 【みせ】store, shop, establishment
万 【まん】① 10,000, ten thousand ② myriads ③ everything, all
大きい 【おおきい】big, large, great, loud
indicates direction or goal (e.g. "to")
意味 【いみ】meaning, significance
医者 【いしゃ】(medical) doctor, physician
会う 【あう】① to meet, to encounter ② to have an accident, to have a bad experience
楽しい 【たのしい】enjoyable, fun
寒い 【さむい】① cold (e.g. weather) ② dull, uninteresting, lame
教える 【おしえる】to teach, to inform, to instruct
月 【つき】① moon ② month
犬 【いぬ】① dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris) ② snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) ③ counterfeit, inferior, useless, wasteful
好き 【すき】liking, fondness, love
広い 【ひろい】spacious, vast, wide
紙 【かみ】paper
借りる 【かりる】① to borrow, to have a loan ② to rent, to hire
秋 【あき】autumn, fall
新しい 【あたらしい】new
切る 【きる】① to cut (usu. to cut through) ② to sever (connections, ties) ③ to turn off (i.e. the light) ④ to terminate (i.e. a conversation), to hang up (the phone), to disconnect ⑤ to punch (a ticket), to tear off (a stub) ⑥ to open (something sealed) ⑦ to start ⑧ to set (a limit) ⑨ to reduce, to decrease, to discount ⑩ to shake off (water, etc.), to let drip-dry (or drain) ⑪ to cross ⑫ to do (something noticeable) ⑬ to turn (a vehicle) ⑭ to cut (the ball) ⑮ to shuffle (cards) ⑯ to trump ⑰ (in Go) to isolate (an opponent's stone) ⑱ (after the -masu stem of a verb) to finish, to complete
多い 【おおい】many, numerous
太い 【ふとい】① fat, thick ② deep (of a voice) ③ daring, shameless, brazen
大好き 【だいすき】loveable, very likeable, like very much
大切 【たいせつ】important, valuable, worthy of care
池 【いけ】pond
着る 【きる】① to wear (in modern Japanese, from the shoulders down), to put on ② to bear (guilt, etc.)
鳥 【とり】① bird ② bird meat (esp. chicken meat), fowl, poultry
低い 【ひくい】low (height, tone, rank, degree, cost, etc.), short
動物 【どうぶつ】animal
同じ 【おなじ】① same, identical, equal, uniform, equivalent, similar, common (origin), changeless, alike ② (usu. part of a 'nara' conditional) anyway, anyhow, in either case
肉 【にく】① flesh ② meat ③ the physical body (as opposed to the spirit) ④ thickness ⑤ ink pad
病気 【びょうき】illness, disease, sickness
風 【かぜ】wind, breeze
服 【ふく】① clothes (esp. Western clothes) ② counter for doses of medicine, gulps of tea, drags of a cigarette, etc.
薬 【くすり】① medicine, pharmaceuticals, (legal) drugs ② efficacious chemical (i.e. gunpowder, pesticide, etc.) ③ (pottery) glaze ④ small bribe
旅行 【りょこう】travel, trip
料理 【りょうり】① cooking, cookery, cuisine ② dealing with something, handling, administration, management
四 【し】four
色々 【いろいろ】various
歌う 【うたう】① to sing ② to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.)
終わる 【おわる】to finish, to end, to close
赤 【あか】① red, crimson, scarlet ② red-containing colour (e.g. brown, pink, orange) ③ red light ④ red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading), (in) the red ⑤ complete, total, perfect, obvious
屋 【や】① (something) shop ② somebody who sells (something) or works as (something) ③ somebody with a (certain) personality trait ④ house ⑤ roof
絵 【え】picture, drawing, painting, sketch
曲がる 【まがる】① to bend, to curve, to warp, to wind, to twist ② to turn ③ to be awry, to be askew, to be crooked
君 【きみ】you, buddy, pal
言葉 【ことば】① language, dialect ② word, words, phrase, term, expression, remark ③ speech, (manner of) speaking
消す 【けす】① to erase, to delete, to cross out ② to turn off power ③ to extinguish, to put out
登る 【のぼる】① to ascend, to go up, to climb ② to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the sun), to rise ③ to go to (the capital) ④ to be promoted ⑤ to add up to ⑥ to advance (in price) ⑦ to swim up (a river), to sail up ⑧ to come up (on the agenda)
晴れる 【はれる】① to clear up, to clear away, to be sunny, to stop raining ② to refresh (e.g. spirits) ③ to be cleared (e.g. of a suspicion) ④ to be dispelled, to be banished
鼻 【はな】nose
方 【かた】① direction, way ② person, lady, gentleman ③ method of, manner of, way of ④ care of .. ⑤ person in charge of .. ⑥ side (e.g. "on my mother's side")
本当 【ほんとう】truth, reality
遊ぶ 【あそぶ】① to play, to enjoy oneself, to have a good time ② to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.) ③ to be idle, to do nothing, to be unused ④ to go to (for pleasure or for study) ⑤ (in baseball) to intentionally throw a ball to lower the batter's concentration
真っ直ぐ 【まっすぐ】① straight (ahead), direct, upright, erect ② straightforward, honest, frank
両親 【りょうしん】parents, both parents
お菓子 【おかし】confections, sweets, candy
汚い 【きたない】dirty, unclean, filthy
果物 【くだもの】fruit
皆 【みな】① all, everyone, everybody ② everything
ほかother (esp. places and things), the rest
覚える 【おぼえる】① to remember, to recollect, to memorize, to memorise ② to feel
狭い 【せまい】narrow, confined, small
個 【こ】① counter for articles ② counter for military units ③ individual
降る 【ふる】to precipitate, to fall (e.g. rain)
困る 【こまる】to be troubled, to be worried, to be bothered, to be embarrassed, to be stumped
座る 【すわる】① to sit, to squat ② to assume (a position) ③ to hold steady, to hold still
子供 【こども】child, children
若い 【わかい】young
吹く 【ふく】① to blow (wind, etc.), to play a wind instrument ② to emit, to spout ③ to whistle
渡す 【わたす】① to ferry across (a river, etc.), to carry across, to traverse ② to lay across, to build across ③ to hand over, to hand in, to pass, to give, to transfer
渡る 【わたる】① to cross over, to go across ② to extend, to cover, to range, to span
彼女 【かのじょ】① she, her ② girl friend, girlfriend, sweetheart
疲れる 【つかれる】① to get tired, to tire ② to be worn out (e.g. of well used objects)
帽子 【ぼうし】hat, cap
忘れる 【わすれる】to forget, to leave carelessly, to be forgetful of, to forget about, to forget (an article)
枚 【まい】counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper)
友達 【ともだち】friend, companion
ごろ① (approximate) time, around, about, toward ② suitable time (or condition) ③ time of year, season
降りる 【おりる】① to alight (e.g. from bus), to get off, to disembark, to dismount ② to quit, to withdraw, to pull back (from a position, a job) ③ to form (of frost, dew, mist, etc.)
何方 【どなた】who?
立派 【りっぱ】splendid, fine, handsome, elegant, imposing, prominent, legal, legitimate
隣 【となり】neighbor (neighbour), next to (esp. living next door to)
それからand then, after that
どっち① which way, which direction, where ② which one (esp. of two alternatives) ③ who
いつも① always, usually, every time ② never (with neg. verb)
もう一度 【もういちど】once more, again
いらっしゃる① to come, to go, to be (somewhere) ② (after a -te form, or the particle "de") is (doing), are (doing)
かな① I wonder (sentence ending prt) ② should I? (question prt when thinking out loud), is it? ③ I wish that (with a negative), I hope that
けどbut, however, although
そろそろ① gradually, steadily, quietly, slowly ② soon, momentarily, before long, any time now
上がる 【あがる】① to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised ② to enter (esp. from outdoors), to come in, to go in ③ to enter (a school), to advance to the next grade ④ to get out (of water), to come ashore ⑤ to increase ⑥ to improve, to make progress ⑦ to be promoted, to advance ⑧ to be made (of profit, etc.) ⑨ to occur (esp. of a favourable result) ⑩ to be adequate (to cover expenses, etc.) ⑪ to be finished, to be done, to be over ⑫ (of rain) to stop, to lift ⑬ to stop (working properly), to cut out, to give out, to die ⑭ to win (in a card game, etc.) ⑮ to be arrested ⑯ to turn up (of evidence, etc.) ⑰ to be deep fried ⑱ to be spoken loudly ⑲ to get stage fright ⑳ to be offered (to the gods, etc.) ○ to go, to visit ○ to eat, to drink ○ to be listed (as a candidate) ○ to serve (in one's master's home) ○ (in Kyoto) to go north ○ (after the -masu stem of a verb) indicates completion
プレゼント① present, gift ② to give a present or gift
安心 【あんしん】relief, peace of mind
以外 【いがい】with the exception of, excepting
以上 【いじょう】① not less than, ... and more, ... and upwards ② beyond ... (e.g. one's means), further (e.g. nothing further to say), more than ... (e.g. cannot pay more than that) ③ above-mentioned, foregoing ④ since ..., seeing that ... ⑤ this is all, that is the end, the end
家 【うち】① house, home (one's own) ② (one's) family, (one's) household
火事 【かじ】fire, conflagration
会 【かい】① meeting, assembly, party ② association, club
開く 【ひらく】① to open (e.g. a bank-account, festival, etc.) ② to spread out, to open up (flower bud, umbrella, etc.), to widen (gap, distance, width) ③ to hold, to give (party, conference, etc.)
帰り 【かえり】return, coming back
気分 【きぶん】feeling, mood
急 【きゅう】① urgent, sudden, abrupt ② sharp, steep, precipitous ③ rapid, swift, fast ④ emergency, crisis ⑤ hurrying, haste ⑥ (in gagaku or noh) end of a song
急ぐ 【いそぐ】to hurry, to rush, to hasten, to make something happen sooner
計画 【けいかく】plan, project, schedule, scheme, program, programme
合う 【あう】① to come together, to merge, to unite, to meet ② to fit, to match, to suit, to agree with, to be correct ③ to be profitable, to be equitable ④ (after the -masu stem of a verb) to do ... to each other, to do ... together
今度 【こんど】now, this time, next time, another time
思い出す 【おもいだす】to recall, to remember
集める 【あつめる】to collect, to assemble, to gather
十分 【じゅうぶん】① plenty, enough, sufficient, satisfactory, adequate ② division into ten ③ perfectly, thoroughly, fully, in full
食事 【しょくじ】① meal ② to eat
説明 【せつめい】explanation, exposition
足りる 【たりる】① to be sufficient, to be enough ② to be worth doing, to be worthy ③ to be sufficient, to answer, to do
村 【むら】village
太る 【ふとる】to grow fat (stout, plump), to become fat, to gain weight
大事 【だいじ】important, valuable, serious matter
大体 【だいたい】general, substantially, outline, main point, approximately, about
注意 【ちゅうい】caution, being careful, attention (heed), warning, advice
通う 【かよう】① to go back and forth, to ply between ② to commute, to attend (school, church, etc.)
答え 【こたえ】response, reply, answer, solution
入院 【にゅういん】hospitalization, hospitalisation
別 【べつ】distinction, difference, different, another, particular, separate, extra, exception
用 【よう】① task, business ② use, duty, service ③ call of nature, excretion
用意 【ようい】preparation
用事 【ようじ】tasks, things to do, errand, business (to take care of), affairs, engagement
昼間 【ひるま】daytime, during the day
気持ち 【きもち】feeling, sensation, mood
仕方 【しかた】way, method, means, resource, course
回る 【まわる】① to turn, to revolve ② to visit several places ③ to function well ④ to pass a certain time
別れる 【わかれる】to be divided, to part from, to separate, to bid farewell
雲 【くも】cloud
海岸 【かいがん】coast, beach
泣く 【なく】to cry, to weep, to sob, to howl
教育 【きょういく】training, education
決して 【けっして】never, by no means, decidedly, indisputably
光 【ひかり】light
港 【みなと】harbour, harbor, port
指 【ゆび】finger, toe, digit
受ける 【うける】① to receive, to accept, to get, to inherit ② to catch (e.g. a ball), to parry (e.g. a blow), to take (lesson, test, damage), to sustain (damage), to incur (loss) ③ to become popular, to be well-received, to go down well
勝つ 【かつ】to win, to gain victory
生活 【せいかつ】living, life (one's daily existence), livelihood
全然 【ぜんぜん】① not at all (with neg. verb) ② wholly, entirely, completely
調べる 【しらべる】to examine, to investigate, to check up, to sense, to study, to inquire, to search
道具 【どうぐ】implement, tool, means
番組 【ばんぐみ】program (e.g. TV), programme
悲しい 【かなしい】sad, sorrowful
放送 【ほうそう】broadcast, broadcasting
理由 【りゆう】reason, pretext, motive
留守 【るす】① absence, being away from home ② house-sitting, house-sitter ③ being left unattended to (of one's studies, etc.), neglecting
両方 【りょうほう】both sides, both parties
落とす 【おとす】① to drop, to lose, to let fall ② to clean off (dirt, makeup, paint, etc.), to remove (e.g. stains) ③ to download
確か 【たしか】① certain, sure, definite ② if I'm not mistaken, if I remember correctly
直す 【なおす】① to cure, to heal ② to fix, to correct, to repair ③ to do over again (after -masu base of verb) ④ to replace, to put back as it was ⑤ to convert (into a different state), to transform
島 【とう】island (in placenames)
汚れる 【よごれる】① to get dirty, to become dirty ② to become sullied
億 【おく】10^8, 100,000,000, hundred million
関係 【かんけい】relation, connection
危険 【きけん】① danger, peril, hazard ② dangerous, hazardous
喜ぶ 【よろこぶ】① to be delighted, to be glad, to be pleased ② to congratulate ③ to gratefully accept
祈る 【いのる】to pray, to wish
久しぶり 【ひさしぶり】a long time (since the last time), it's been a while (since I last saw, mailed, etc., you)
経験 【けいけん】experience
迎える 【むかえる】① to go out to meet ② to receive, to welcome ③ to accept (e.g. as a member of a group or family) ④ to call for, to summon, to invite ⑤ to approach (a certain time, a point in one's life, etc.)
固い 【かたい】① hard, solid, tough ② stiff, tight, wooden, unpolished (e.g. writing) ③ strong, firm (not viscous or easily moved) ④ safe, steady, honest, steadfast ⑤ obstinate, stubborn ⑥ bookish, formal, stuffy
差し上げる 【さしあげる】① to give, to offer ② to lift up, to hold up, to raise
最後 【さいご】① last, end, conclusion ② (after -tara form or -ta form followed by "ga") no sooner than, right after (often having negative consequences)
残念 【ざんねん】deplorable, bad luck, regret, disappointment
失礼 【しつれい】① discourtesy, impoliteness ② Excuse me, Goodbye ③ to leave ④ to be rude
承知 【しょうち】① acknowledgment, acknowledgement, awareness ② consent, acceptance, assent, admitting, compliance, agreement
触る 【さわる】to touch, to feel
折る 【おる】to break, to fold, to pick flowers
専門 【せんもん】speciality, specialty, subject of study, expert
塗る 【ぬる】to paint, to plaster, to lacquer, to varnish, to spread, to smear
盗む 【ぬすむ】to steal
髪 【かみ】hair (on the head)
払う 【はらう】① to pay ② to brush, to wipe
壁 【かべ】① wall, barrier ② Chinese "Wall" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
亡くなる 【なくなる】to die
眠る 【ねむる】① to sleep (not necessarily lying down) ② to die
娘 【むすめ】① (my) daughter ② girl (i.e. a young, unmarried woman)
連絡 【れんらく】① to contact, to get in touch ② contacting, getting in touch, communication, call, message ③ connection, coordination, junction ④ intercalary, intercalaris, internuncial
包む 【つつむ】① to wrap up, to tuck in, to pack, to do up, to cover with, to dress in ② to conceal, to hide, to be engulfed in, to be enveloped by
格好 【かっこう】① shape, form, posture, appearance, manner ② suitability, moderateness (in price)
泥棒 【どろぼう】thief, burglar, robber, theft
治る 【なおる】to be cured, to get well, to be healed
壊す 【こわす】① to break, to destroy, to demolish ② to wreck, to ruin, to spoil, to damage ③ to break (a bill, etc.)
壊れる 【こわれる】① to be broken, to break ② to fall through, to come to nothing
興味 【きょうみ】interest (in something)
驚く 【おどろく】to be surprised, to be astonished
謝る 【あやまる】to apologize, to apologise
素晴らしい 【すばらしい】wonderful, splendid, magnificent
騒ぐ 【さわぐ】① to make noise, to make racket, to be noisy ② to rustle, to swoosh ③ to make merry ④ to clamor, to clamour, to make a fuss, to kick up a fuss ⑤ to lose one's cool, to panic, to act flustered ⑥ to feel tense, to be uneasy, to be excited
揺れる 【ゆれる】to shake, to sway
寂しい 【さびしい】lonely, lonesome, solitary, desolate
ご馳走 【ごちそう】① feast, treating (someone) ② to treat (someone, e.g. to a meal)
我々 【われわれ】we
それでand, thereupon, because of that
ちっともnot at all (neg. verb)
やっぱりalso, as I thought, still, in spite of, absolutely, of course
やはりalso, as I thought, still, in spite of, absolutely, of course
いじめるto tease, to torment, to persecute, to chastise
なるほどI see, That's right!, Indeed
はず① expectation that something took place, will take place or was in some state, it should be so, bound to be, expected to be, must be ② nock (of a bow) ③ nock (of an arrow) ④ nock-shaped grip (between thumb and forefinger) (Sumo)
しっかりfirmly, tightly, reliable, level-headed, steady
うっかりcarelessly, thoughtlessly, inadvertently
こんなにso, like this, in this way
そっくりall, altogether, entirely, just like, the spitting image of
どうせanyhow, in any case, at any rate, after all, at best, at most, at all
どんなにhow, how much
なんかthings like ..., or something like that ... (often derogatory)
何とも 【なんとも】nothing (with neg. verb), quite, not a bit
間もなく 【まもなく】① soon, before long, in a short time ② (after verb) lacking time to ..., without time to ...
気に入る 【きにいる】to be pleased with, to suit
金 【きん】① gold, golden (color), metaphor for (most) valuable, gold (medal, cup) ② money (written before an amount) ③ Friday ④ metal (fourth of the five elements) ⑤ Jin (dynasty of China; 1115-1234 CE) ⑥ gold general (shogi) ⑦ karat, carat
人生 【じんせい】(human) life (i.e. conception to death)
大した 【たいした】considerable, great, important, significant, a big deal
長 【ちょう】chief, head
土 【つち】① earth, soil, dirt ② the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens), the ground, the land ③ low-quality torinoko-gami (containing mud) ④ (period of) refraining from construction in the direction of the god of the earth (in On'youdou)
年間 【ねんかん】year (period of)
分ける 【わける】to divide, to separate, to make distinctions, to differentiate (between)
毎 【ごと】each respectively
友 【とも】friend, companion, pal
分かれる 【わかれる】① to branch, to fork, to diverge ② to separate, to split, to divide ③ to disperse, to scatter
中 【ちゅう】① medium, average, middle ② moderation ③ middle school ④ China ⑤ in, out of (e.g. three out of ten people) ⑥ during (a certain time when one did or is doing something), under (construction, etc.), while
あんなにto that extent, to that degree
そんなにso much, so, like that
みたい-like, sort of, similar to, resembling
間 【かん】① interval, period of time ② among, between, inter-
なんて① such as, (things) like ② exclamation
後 【ご】after
名 【めい】① counter for people (usu. seating, reservations and such) ② first name ③ famous, great
以来 【いらい】since, henceforth
意外 【いがい】unexpected, surprising
一方 【いっぽう】① one (esp. of two), the other, one way, the other way, one direction, the other direction, one side, the other side, one party, the other party ② on the one hand, on the other hand ③ whereas, although, but at the same time, meanwhile, in turn ④ (after noun, adjective-stem or plain verb) just keeps, being inclined to ..., tending to be ..., tending to do ..., continuously ..., just keeps on ...ing, only
花火 【はなび】fireworks
楽 【らく】comfort, ease
起こる 【おこる】to occur, to happen
強力 【きょうりょく】powerful, strong
行動 【こうどう】action, conduct, behaviour, behavior, mobilization, mobilisation
自ら 【みずから】for one's self, personally
質 【しつ】quality
小屋 【こや】hut, cabin, shed, (animal) pen
親友 【しんゆう】close friend, bosom (old, intimate) friend, buddy, crony, chum
切れる 【きれる】① to cut well, to be sharp ② to break (off), to snap, to wear out ③ to be injured ④ to burst, to collapse ⑤ to be disconnected, to be out of, to expire, to sever (connections) with ⑥ to be shrewd, to have a sharp mind ⑦ to drop under (a certain figure), to beat (e.g. a time) ⑧ to flip, to lose one's temper ⑨ to be able to do completely
先ず 【まず】① first (of all), to start with, about, almost, anyway, well, now ② hardly (with neg. verb)
土地 【とち】plot of land, lot, soil
発 【はつ】① departure, departing (from ...), departing (at time ...) ② beginning ③ issued by (e.g. document) ④ counter for gunshots, counter for blows (punches)
発見 【はっけん】discovery, detection, finding
病 【やまい】illness, disease
風 【ふう】① method, manner, way, style ② appearance, air ③ tendency ④ folk song (genre of the Shi Jing) ⑤ wind (one of the five elements)
味わう 【あじわう】to taste, to savor, to relish
旅 【たび】travel, trip, journey
力 【りょく】strength, power
一家 【いっか】a house, a home, a family, a household, one's family, one's folks, a style
主人 【しゅじん】① head (of a household), proprietor (of a store), proprietress, landlord, landlady ② one's husband ③ (one's) employer, (one's) master ④ host, hostess
銀 【ぎん】① silver, silver coin, silver paint ② silver general (shogi)
ところがeven so, however, still, whereupon, even though, nevertheless, on the contrary, as a matter of fact, despite
一流 【いちりゅう】first-class, top grade, school (of art), foremost, top-notch, unique
羽 【はね】① feather, plume, wing ② blade (fan, propeller, etc.)
加わる 【くわわる】to join in, to accede to, to increase, to gain in (influence)
確かめる 【たしかめる】to ascertain, to check, to make sure
感心 【かんしん】admiration, Well done!
観光 【かんこう】sightseeing
逆 【ぎゃく】① reverse, opposite ② converse (of a hypothesis, etc.)
求める 【もとめる】to seek, to request, to demand, to want, to wish for, to search for, to pursue (pleasure), to hunt (a job), to buy
苦しい 【くるしい】painful, difficult
県 【けん】① prefecture (of Japan) ② county (of China)
語る 【かたる】to talk, to tell, to recite
向く 【むく】① to face ② to turn toward ③ to be suited to, to be fit for
向ける 【むける】to turn towards, to point
合わせる 【あわせる】① to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) ② to join together, to unite, to combine, to add up ③ to face, to be opposite (someone) ④ to compare, to check with ⑤ to cause to meet (e.g. an unpleasant fate) ⑥ to place together, to connect, to overlap ⑦ to mix, to combine ⑧ to put blade to blade, to fight
今回 【こんかい】now, this time, lately
事実 【じじつ】fact, truth, reality
実は 【じつは】as a matter of fact, by the way, to tell you the truth, to be honest, frankly
取れる 【とれる】① to come off, to be removed ② (of pain, a fever, etc.) to disappear ③ to be caught, to be harvested ④ to be interpreted (as), to be taken as ⑤ (of balance, etc.) to be attained ⑥ to be obtainable
受け取る 【うけとる】① to receive, to get, to accept ② to take, to interpret, to understand
ところで① by the way, incidentally ② even if, no matter (who, what, when, where, why, how)
助かる 【たすかる】to be saved, to be rescued, to survive, to be helpful
勝負 【しょうぶ】victory or defeat, match, contest, game, bout
上等 【じょうとう】superiority, first-class, very good
神 【かみ】god, deity, divinity, spirit, kami
身分 【みぶん】social position, social status
人物 【じんぶつ】character, personality, person, man, personage, talented man
全 【ぜん】all, whole, entire, complete, overall, pan-
全く 【まったく】① really, truly, entirely, completely, wholly, perfectly ② indeed ③ good grief (expression of exasperation)
全身 【ぜんしん】① whole (body), full-length (e.g. portrait) ② systemic
全力 【ぜんりょく】all one's power, whole energy
組む 【くむ】① to cross (legs or arms), to link (arms) ② to put together, to construct, to assemble, to produce (e.g. TV program) ③ to braid, to plait ④ to grapple, to wrestle ⑤ to unite, to link up, to form an alliance ⑥ to set (e.g. type) ⑦ to issue (e.g. money order)
相手 【あいて】① companion, partner, company ② other party, addressee ③ opponent (sports, etc.)
相当 【そうとう】① befitting, becoming, worthy of, proportionate, in keeping with, suitable ② considerable, substantial ③ to be worthy of, to be proportionate to ④ to correspond to (in meaning, function, etc.), to be equivalent ⑤ extremely, considerably
息 【いき】① breath, breathing ② tone, mood
地面 【じめん】ground, earth's surface
通 【つう】① connoisseur, authority ② counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.
通す 【とおす】to let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist in
的 【てき】-like, typical
当たる 【あたる】① to be hit, to strike ② to touch, to be in contact, to be affixed ③ to be equivalent to, to be applicable, to apply to ④ to be right on the money (of a prediction, criticism, etc.) ⑤ to be selected (in a lottery, etc.), to win ⑥ to be successful, to go well, to be a hit ⑦ to face, to confront ⑧ to lie (in the direction of) ⑨ to undertake, to be assigned ⑩ to be stricken (by food poisoning, heat, etc.), to be afflicted ⑪ to be called upon (by the teacher) ⑫ to treat (esp. harshly), to lash out at ⑬ to be unnecessary ⑭ (in baseball) to be hitting well, to be on a hitting streak ⑮ (in fishing) to feel a bite ⑯ (of fruit, etc.) to be bruised, to spoil ⑰ to feel (something) out, to probe into, to check (i.e. by comparison) ⑱ to shave
波 【なみ】wave
費 【ひ】cost, expense
飛び出す 【とびだす】① to jump out, to rush out, to fly out ② to appear (suddenly) ③ to protrude, to project ④ to butt in
不幸 【ふこう】unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, death
部 【ぶ】① department (in an organization), division, bureau ② club ③ part, component, element ④ category ⑤ counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine
平気 【へいき】coolness, calmness, composure, unconcern
平和 【へいわ】peace, harmony
辺り 【あたり】① on the bank of, by the side of (e.g. a river, pond) ② (in the) neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, nearby
方向 【ほうこう】① direction, orientation, bearing, way ② course (e.g. of action)
本物 【ほんもの】genuine article
満足 【まんぞく】① satisfaction ② sufficiency
無事 【ぶじ】safety, peace, quietness
迷子 【まいご】lost (stray) child
様子 【ようす】① state, state of affairs, situation, circumstances ② appearance, look, aspect ③ sign, indication
理想 【りそう】ideal, dream
数 【すう】① several, a number of ② number, numeral, figure ③ destiny, fate ④ law
面 【めん】① face ② mask, face guard ③ (in kendo) striking the head ④ surface (esp. a geometrical surface) ⑤ page ⑥ aspect, facet, side ⑦ chamfer ⑧ counter for broad, flat objects, levels or stages, e.g. in a video game
例 【れい】① custom, practice, habit, usual ② said, aforementioned ③ instance, example, case, illustration, usage ④ precedent ⑤ annual
知り合い 【しりあい】acquaintance
次々 【つぎつぎ】in succession, one by one
乗せる 【のせる】① to give (someone) a ride, to give a lift, to pick up, to help on board ② to deceive, to take for a ride
泳ぎ 【およぎ】swimming
確認 【かくにん】affirmation, confirmation, validation
完了 【かんりょう】① completion, conclusion ② perfective (form, aspect)
巨大 【きょだい】huge, gigantic, enormous
許す 【ゆるす】① to permit, to allow, to approve ② to exempt (from fine), to excuse (from), to pardon, to forgive, to release, to let off ③ to confide in ④ to give up, to yield
許可 【きょか】permission, approval, authorization
共に 【ともに】sharing with, participate in, both, alike, together, along with, with, including
恐怖 【きょうふ】fear, dread, dismay, terror
胸 【むね】breast, chest
苦労 【くろう】troubles, hardships
劇場 【げきじょう】theatre, theater, playhouse
権利 【けんり】right, privilege
現れる 【あらわれる】① to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to materialise ② to be expressed (e.g. emotions), to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects)
互い 【たがい】mutual, reciprocal
誤解 【ごかい】misunderstanding
更に 【さらに】furthermore, again, after all, more and more, moreover
刻む 【きざむ】to mince, to carve, to engrave, to cut fine, to chop up, to hash, to chisel, to notch
再び 【ふたたび】again, once more, a second time
最も 【もっとも】most, extremely
最終 【さいしゅう】last, final, closing
済ませる 【すませる】to finish, to make an end of, to get through with, to let end
刺す 【さす】to pierce, to stab, to prick, to thrust, to bite, to sting, to pin down, to stitch, to put (a runner) out, to pole (a boat), to catch (with a line), to stick
支配 【しはい】rule, control, direction
事件 【じけん】event, affair, incident, case, plot, trouble, scandal
失う 【うしなう】to lose, to part with
実現 【じつげん】implementation (e.g. of a system), materialization, materialisation, realization, realisation
種類 【しゅるい】① variety, kind, type, category ② counter for different sorts of things
住民 【じゅうみん】citizens, inhabitants, residents, population
署名 【しょめい】signature
床 【ゆか】① floor ② stage (for the narrator and the shamisen player) ③ dining platform built across a river
象 【ぞう】elephant
情報 【じょうほう】① news, gossip, (military) intelligence ② information (data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.)
伸びる 【のびる】① to stretch, to extend, to lengthen, to spread ② to make progress, to grow (beard, body height) ③ to grow stale (soba) ④ to be straightened, to be flattened, to be smoothed ⑤ to be exhausted ⑥ to be postponed, to be prolonged
信じる 【しんじる】to believe, to believe in, to place trust in, to confide in, to have faith in
信用 【しんよう】confidence, dependence, credit, faith, reliance, belief, credence
信頼 【しんらい】reliance, trust, faith, confidence
震える 【ふるえる】to shiver, to shake, to quake, to tremble, to quaver, to quiver
性 【せい】① nature (of a person) ② sex ③ gender ④ -ty (suffix indicating quality or condition), -ity, -ness
政府 【せいふ】government, administration
憎む 【にくむ】to hate, to detest
存じる 【ぞんじる】to think, feel, consider, know, etc.
尊敬 【そんけい】respect, esteem, reverence, honour, honor
損 【そん】loss, disadvantage
袋 【ふくろ】① bag, sack ② skin of an orange (and other like fruits) ③ dead end ④ plot of land surrounded by water
大陸 【たいりく】continent
単純 【たんじゅん】simplicity
仲 【なか】relation, relationship
底 【そこ】bottom, sole
倒す 【たおす】① to throw down, to bring down, to blow down, to fell, to knock down ② to kill, to defeat, to beat ③ to overthrow, to trip up, to ruin ④ to leave unpaid, to cheat
得意 【とくい】① triumph, prosperity ② pride ③ one's strong point, one's forte, one's specialty ④ frequent customer (client, etc.)
突然 【とつぜん】abrupt, sudden, unexpected, all at once
南極 【なんきょく】① South Pole ② the Antarctic, Antarctica
任せる 【まかせる】① to entrust (e.g. a task) to another, to leave to ② to passively leave to someone else's facilities ③ to leave to take its natural course ④ to continue (something) in a natural fashion (without particular aim) ⑤ to rely fully on one's (full strength, great ability, long time taken) to get something done
認める 【みとめる】① to recognize, to recognise, to appreciate ② to observe, to notice ③ to admit, to approve
爆発 【ばくはつ】explosion, detonation, eruption
髪の毛 【かみのけ】hair (head)
抜く 【ぬく】① to extract, to omit, to surpass, to overtake, to draw out, to unplug ② to do something to the end
抜ける 【ぬける】① to come out, to fall out, to be omitted, to be missing, to escape ② to exit (a program loop)
不思議 【ふしぎ】wonder, miracle, strange, mystery, marvel, curiosity
付き合い 【つきあい】association, socializing, socialising, fellowship
付ける 【つける】① to attach, to join, to add, to append, to affix, to stick, to glue, to fasten, to sew on, to apply (ointment) ② to furnish (a house with) ③ to wear, to put on ④ to keep a diary, to make an entry ⑤ to appraise, to set (a price) ⑥ to bring alongside ⑦ to place (under guard or doctor) ⑧ to follow, to shadow ⑨ to load, to give (courage to) ⑩ to keep (an eye on) ⑪ to establish (relations or understanding) ⑫ to turn on (light)
変化 【へんか】① change, variation, alteration, mutation, transition, transformation, transfiguration, metamorphosis ② variety, diversity ③ inflection, declension, conjugation ④ sidestepping (sumo)
編む 【あむ】① to knit, to plait, to braid ② to compile (anthology, dictionary, etc.), to edit
方法 【ほうほう】method, process, manner, way, means, technique
棒 【ぼう】pole, rod, stick
預ける 【あずける】① to give into custody, to leave (a child) in the care of, to entrust, to deposit ② to lean on, to put one's weight on
要するに 【ようするに】in a word, after all, the point is ..., in short ...
陸 【りく】land, shore
得る 【える】① to get, to acquire, to obtain, to procure, to earn, to win, to gain, to secure, to attain ② (after the -masu stem of a verb) to be able to ..., can ...
収める 【おさめる】① to dedicate, to make an offering, to pay (fees) ② to supply ③ to store ④ to finish, to bring to a close ⑤ to restore (something to its place) ⑥ to achieve (e.g. a result)
恐れる 【おそれる】to fear, to be afraid of
戦い 【たたかい】battle, fight, struggle, conflict
頼る 【たよる】to rely on, to have recourse to, to depend on
付き合う 【つきあう】① to associate with, to keep company with, to go out with, to go steady with, to get on with ② to go along with, to follow someone's lead, to accompany someone, to compromise
追いかける 【おいかける】to chase, to run after, to pursue
お互い 【おたがい】mutual, reciprocal, each other
稲 【いね】rice-plant
沖 【おき】open sea
稼ぐ 【かせぐ】to earn income, to labor, to labour
我慢 【がまん】patience, endurance, perseverance, tolerance, self-control, self-denial
覚悟 【かくご】resolution, resignation, readiness, preparedness
感謝 【かんしゃ】thanks, gratitude
歓迎 【かんげい】welcome, reception
輝く 【かがやく】to shine, to glitter, to sparkle
鬼 【おに】① ogre, demon ② spirit of a deceased person ③ ogre-like person (i.e. fierce, relentless, merciless, etc.) ④ it (i.e. in a game of tag) ⑤ Chinese "ghost" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
軍隊 【ぐんたい】army, troops
穴 【あな】① hole ② deficit, shortage, missing person (in a team, meeting, etc.) ③ vacancy, opening ④ flaw ⑤ profitable place (or item, etc.) not well known by others ⑥ upset victory (with a large payoff)
嫌う 【きらう】to hate, to dislike, to loathe
誇り 【ほこり】pride, boast
慌てる 【あわてる】① to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised), to be flustered, to panic ② to be in a hurry, to rush
死 【し】death, decease
芝居 【しばい】play, drama
種 【しゅ】① kind, variety ② (biological) species ③ (logical) species
銃 【じゅう】gun, rifle, small arms
助け 【たすけ】assistance
詳しい 【くわしい】knowing very well, detailed, full, accurate
冗談 【じょうだん】jest, joke
条件 【じょうけん】condition, conditions, term, terms, requirement, requirements
状態 【じょうたい】current status, condition, situation, circumstances, state
成功 【せいこう】success, hit
誓う 【ちかう】to swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge
大抵 【たいてい】① mostly, ordinarily, usually, generally ② probably ③ most, almost all ④ (before a neg. form) ordinary ⑤ proper, appropriate, moderate
奪う 【うばう】to snatch away, to dispossess, to steal
誕生 【たんじょう】birth, creation, formation
やつ① (derog) fellow, guy, chap ② thing, object ③ (derogatory or familiar) he, she, him, her
当然 【とうぜん】natural, as a matter of course
俳優 【はいゆう】actor, actress, player, performer
縛る 【しばる】to tie, to bind
秘密 【ひみつ】secret, secrecy
雰囲気 【ふんいき】atmosphere (e.g. musical), mood, ambience, ambiance
癖 【くせ】a habit (often a bad habit, i.e. vice), peculiarity
冒険 【ぼうけん】risk, venture, adventure
目標 【もくひょう】mark, objective, target
抑える 【おさえる】① to pin something down, to hold something down, to hold something back, to stop, to restrain, to curb ② to seize, to grasp, to arrest ③ to gain control of something, to govern, to keep down (e.g. information), to suppress ④ to catch happening, to determine (important points), to find (proof), to understand
離れる 【はなれる】to be separated from, to leave, to go away, to be a long way off
傷 【きず】① wound, injury, cut, gash, bruise, scratch, scrape, scar ② chip, crack, scratch, nick ③ flaw, defect, weakness, weak point ④ stain (on one's reputation), disgrace, dishonor, dishonour ⑤ (emotional) hurt, hurt feelings
梅雨 【つゆ】① rainy season ② rain during the rainy season
避ける 【さける】① to avoid (physical contact with) ② to avoid (situation) ③ to ward off, to avert
丘 【おか】hill, height, knoll, rising ground
刺激 【しげき】stimulus, impetus, incentive, encouragement, motivation, provocation
事態 【じたい】situation, (present) state of affairs, circumstances
激しい 【はげしい】violent, vehement, intense, furious, tempestuous
寧ろ 【むしろ】rather, better, instead
我が 【わが】my, our, one's own
くっつくto adhere to, to keep close to
ぬるいlukewarm, tepid
いつかsometime, someday, one day, some time or other, the other day, in due course, in time
やかましい① noisy, boisterous ② strict, faultfinding, carping, fussy
まるでquite, entirely, completely, at all, as if, as though, so to speak, just like
おめでとうcongratulations!, an auspicious occasion!
蹴る 【ける】① to kick ② to refuse, to reject
わざとon purpose
すぐ① immediately, at once, directly ② soon, before long, shortly ③ easily, without difficulty ④ right (near), nearby, just (handy)
どうしてもby all means, at any cost, no matter what, after all, in the long run, cravingly, at any rate, surely
物凄い 【ものすごい】earth-shattering, staggering, to a very great extent, terrible, frightful, horrible
痺れる 【しびれる】to become numb, to go to sleep (e.g. a limb)
せっかくwith trouble, at great pains, long-awaited
吠える 【ほえる】to bark, to bay, to howl, to bellow, to roar, to cry
あらoh, ah
うんざりtedious, boring, being fed up with
しゃがむto squat, to crouch
せめてat least, at most
前 【ぜん】① the last (i.e. immediately preceding) (e.g. "the last mayor"), previous, one-time, former ② (before the name of an era) pre- (e.g. "premodern") ③ before, earlier
長男 【ちょうなん】eldest son
はあ① yes, indeed, well ② ha! ③ what?, huh? ④ sigh
小 【しょう】① smallness, small item ② short month (i.e. having fewer than 31 days) ③ elementary school ④ younger or inferior (of two items or people with the same name)
金魚 【きんぎょ】goldfish
空中 【くうちゅう】sky, air
言い出す 【いいだす】to start talking, to speak, to tell, to propose, to suggest, to break the ice
使い 【つかい】errand, message, messenger, bearer, use, usage, trainer, tamer, mission, familiar spirit, going as envoy