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One Piece Vol. 20 (episodes 520 to 539)

Author (public: access, edit)

Vocab for episodes 520 to 539 of the animated series ‘One Piece’. This is volume 20 out of 26. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



237 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
時計 【とけい】watch, clock, timepiece
けれどもbut, however, although
けれどbut, however, although
止む 【やむ】to cease, to stop, to be over
店員 【てんいん】shop assistant, employee, clerk, salesperson
訪ねる 【たずねる】to visit
引退 【いんたい】retire
他 【ほか】other (esp. places and things), the rest
場面 【ばめん】scene, setting (e.g. of novel)
正式 【せいしき】due form, official, formality
居眠り 【いねむり】dozing, nodding off
供給 【きょうきゅう】supply, provision
贈る 【おくる】to send, to give to, to award to, to confer on
党 【とう】① party (political) ② faction, -ite
小包 【こづつみ】parcel, package
雇う 【やとう】① to employ ② to hire, to charter
握手 【あくしゅ】handshake
家賃 【やちん】rent
器用 【きよう】skillful, handy
惨め 【みじめ】miserable, wretched, unhappy, sad, pitiable
酔う 【よう】to get drunk, to become intoxicated
分析 【ぶんせき】analysis
拭く 【ふく】to wipe, to dry
重なる 【かさなる】to be piled up, lie on top of one another, overlap each other
絵の具 【えのぐ】colors, colours, paints
留める 【とめる】① to stop (something or someone), to turn off ② to concentrate on, to pay attention to ③ to remember, to bear in mind ④ to fix into place ⑤ to park, to leave somewhere for a time
童話 【どうわ】fairy-tale
温まる 【あたたまる】to warm oneself, to sun oneself, to warm up, to get warm
下降 【かこう】downward, descent, fall, drop, subsidence
血液 【けつえき】blood
水滴 【すいてき】drop of water
殻 【から】shell, husk, hull, pod, chaff
上級 【じょうきゅう】advanced level, high grade, senior
萎む 【しぼむ】to wither, to fade (away), to shrivel, to wilt
ならうto imitate, to follow, to emulate
がっくりheartbroken, crestfallen
遠ざかる 【とおざかる】to go far off
下心 【したごころ】① secret intention, ulterior motive ② kanji "heart" radical at bottom
加工 【かこう】manufacturing, processing, treatment, machining
改まる 【あらたまる】① to be renewed ② to stand on ceremony, to be formal ③ to take a turn for the worse
軽減 【けいげん】abatement, reduction
好意 【こうい】good will, favor, favour, courtesy
混同 【こんどう】confusion, mixing, merger
辞退 【じたい】declining, refusal, nonacceptance, turning down, withdrawal (e.g. candidacy), pulling out (e.g. race), excusing oneself
取り巻く 【とりまく】to surround, to circle, to enclose
塾 【じゅく】coaching school, cramming school, juku
小柄 【こがら】short (build)
沼 【ぬま】swamp, bog, pond, lake
侵す 【おかす】to invade, to raid, to trespass, to violate, to intrude on
審査 【しんさ】judging, inspection, examination, investigation
精密 【せいみつ】precise, exact, detailed, minute, close
切実 【せつじつ】compelling, serious, severe, acute, earnest, pressing, urgent
占領 【せんりょう】occupation, capture, possession, have a room to oneself
退化 【たいか】degeneration, retrogression
弾力 【だんりょく】elasticity, flexibility
知的 【ちてき】intellectual
定まる 【さだまる】to become settled, to be fixed
統治 【とうち】rule, reign, government, governing
動機 【どうき】motive, incentive, motif
片言 【かたこと】a smattering, talk like a baby, speak haltingly
補足 【ほそく】supplement, complement
無断 【むだん】without permission, without notice
練る 【ねる】① to knead, to work over ② to polish up (e.g. a plan) ③ to drill, to train
乏しい 【とぼしい】meagre, meager, scarce, limited, destitute, hard up, lacking, scanty, poor
そうだ① that is so, that is right, it looks to me, I am of the impression ② people say that (after plain verb, adj), it is said that, I hear that
たじろぐto falter, to wince
だらだら① pouring liquid ② prevaricating ③ long, gentle slope ④ sluggishly, endlessly
むずむず① to feel itchy, to itch, to feel creepy ② to be impatient, to itch (to do something), to be eager
イブeve (esp. Christmas Eve), the night before
グループgroup (usu. of people)
スコップ① shovel, spade, scoop ② SCOP
ストック① stock ② ski pole
デマ(false) rumor (rumour) (abbr. from demagogy)
プログラムprogram, programme
ぷんぷん① intense smell (hanging around) ② state of being furious or angry
マンションlarge apartment (from mansion), apartment house
人出 【ひとで】crowd, turnout
水車 【すいしゃ】water wheel
天上 【てんじょう】the heavens
九十 【くじゅう】ninety
南西 【なんせい】southwest
もじゃもじゃtousled, shaggy (hair), dishevelled, disheveled, unkempt
ドスンbam, whomp, thump
ぺしゃんこ① crushed flat, flattened, squashed, flat-topped ② sound of a sticky rice cake sticking to something
セレブwealthy socialite, celebrity
うかうかcarelessly, inattentively
だからと言って 【だからといって】while it may be true that, just because, nevertheless, not necessarily
一人物 【いちじんぶつ】man of some importance, character
開口 【かいこう】① opening, aperture (e.g. camera) ② opening one's mouth, beginning to speak ③ open, broad
楽屋 【がくや】dressing room, green room, backstage
古く 【ふるく】anciently, formerly
作り話 【つくりばなし】fiction, made-up story, fable, fabrication, myth
手強い 【てごわい】difficult, tough, stubborn, redoubtable
住まう 【すまう】to live, to reside, to inhabit
親族 【しんぞく】relatives
かき立てる 【かきたてる】to stir up, to arouse
体質 【たいしつ】constitution (physical), genetic make-up, predisposition (to disease)
同族 【どうぞく】same family (race, tribe)
白昼 【はくちゅう】daytime, midday
病み上がり 【やみあがり】convalescence
分別 【ふんべつ】discernment, discretion, judgement, judgment, discrimination
目がける 【めがける】to aim at
終り 【おわり】the end
安らぐ 【やすらぐ】to feel at ease
洋上 【ようじょう】on the sea or ocean
多発 【たはつ】repeated occurrence
海草 【かいそう】marine plant
泣き声 【なきごえ】cry, crying voice
言い当てる 【いいあてる】to guess right
口調 【くちょう】tone (e.g. of voice, etc.), (verbal) expression
根深い 【ねぶかい】deep-rooted, ingrained
常時 【じょうじ】usually, ordinarily
水温 【すいおん】water temperature
多量 【たりょう】large quantity
退去 【たいきょ】① departure, leaving, going away, evacuation ② recession
陽 【ひ】① day, days ② sun, sunshine, sunlight ③ case (esp. unfortunate), event
表通り 【おもてどおり】main street
北部 【ほくぶ】north, northern part
予知 【よち】foresight, foreknowledge, intimation, premonition, prediction
流血 【りゅうけつ】bloodshed
緑色 【りょくしょく】green, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure
客足 【きゃくあし】customers
深山 【みやま】mountain recess, deep in the mountains
物知り 【ものしり】well-informed person, walking dictionary, extensive knowledge
土石流 【どせきりゅう】avalanche of earth and rocks
話し相手 【はなしあいて】person with whom to speak, someone to talk to, companion, advisor, adviser
気短 【きみじか】short-tempered, quick-tempered, impatient
目配せ 【めくばせ】exchanging looks, winking, making an eye signal
ぎっくり腰 【ぎっくりごし】strained back, slipped disk, lumbosacral strain
一人娘 【ひとりむすめ】an only daughter
言い争う 【いいあらそう】to quarrel, to dispute
交戦 【こうせん】war, battle, hostilities
降りしきる 【ふりしきる】to rain incessantly, to downpour
骨抜き 【ほねぬき】① boned (e.g. fish, etc.) ② watered down (e.g. plan, bill, etc.), mutilated ③ lacking integrity or moral backbone
再選 【さいせん】re-election
指針 【ししん】compass needle (cursor), guideline, pointer
主治医 【しゅじい】attending physician, physician in charge, (one's) family doctor
手違い 【てちがい】mistake, blunder
受講 【じゅこう】taking (attending) lectures
周到 【しゅうとう】scrupulous, meticulous, careful
純真 【じゅんしん】purity, sincerity
乗り遅れる 【のりおくれる】to miss (train, bus, etc.)
常駐 【じょうちゅう】staying permanently, being stationed, resident
深層 【しんそう】depths, deep level
責め立てる 【せめたてる】to torture severely, to urge
戦く 【おののく】to shake, to shudder
洗練 【せんれん】polish, refinement
双方 【そうほう】two way, both parties, mutual, both
送迎 【そうげい】seeing off and meeting on return
断片 【だんぺん】fragment, crumb, shred, bits and pieces
投げ掛ける 【なげかける】to throw at, to turn, to raise
不法 【ふほう】lawlessness, injustice, illegality, unlawfulness
閉じこもる 【とじこもる】to seclude oneself, to shut oneself away
友好 【ゆうこう】friendship
流れ込む 【ながれこむ】to flow into, to pour into, to stream into
肌寒い 【はださむい】chilly, unpleasantly cold
浮き袋 【うきぶくろ】① swimming belt, swimming float, life buoy ② swim bladder, air bladder
占い師 【うらないし】diviner, fortuneteller, soothsayer, palmist
痛ましい 【いたましい】pitiful, heartbreaking, tragical
土砂 【どしゃ】earth and sand
薄命 【はくめい】misfortune, short life, evil fate
越し 【ごし】across, over, beyond
絶景 【ぜっけい】superb view, picturesque scenery
行き掛り 【ゆきがかり】(by force of) circumstances
程好い 【ほどよい】moderate, proper, just right
城内 【じょうない】inside a castle
生き埋め 【いきうめ】burying alive
死に絶える 【しにたえる】to die out, to become extinct
対極 【たいきょく】① antipodes ② other (opposite) extreme, opposite, antithesis
漁 【りょう】fishing, catch
愛し合う 【あいしあう】to love one another
招き入れる 【まねきいれる】to invite in, to show someone in
おもてなしhospitality, entertainment, service
握力 【あくりょく】grip (of hand)
遺伝子 【いでんし】gene, genetic
陰険 【いんけん】tricky, wily, treacherous
陰湿 【いんしつ】① malicious, spiteful, vicious ② devious, underhanded, sly ③ damp and shady
王宮 【おうきゅう】royal palace
王妃 【おうひ】queen
偽善 【ぎぜん】hypocrisy
宮中 【きゅうちゅう】imperial court
緊迫 【きんぱく】tension, strain
継承 【けいしょう】inheritance, succession, accession
堅固 【けんご】solid, strong, firm
献血 【けんけつ】blood donation
語尾 【ごび】(inflected) end of a word
抗体 【こうたい】antibody
絞める 【しめる】to strangle, to constrict
荒稼ぎ 【あらかせぎ】making a killing, making easy money, robbery
災い 【わざわい】calamity, catastrophe
削り取る 【けずりとる】to shave off, to scrape off
至極 【しごく】very, extremely, exceedingly
酌む 【くむ】to serve sake
序章 【じょしょう】prologue, preface
城壁 【じょうへき】rampart, castle walls
常軌 【じょうき】proper course, beaten track
聖域 【せいいき】sacred precincts, sanctuary, consecrated ground
選択肢 【せんたくし】choices, alternatives, options
壮麗 【そうれい】splendour, splendor, pompousness, magnificence
葬儀 【そうぎ】funeral service
騒然 【そうぜん】noisy, confused, uproarious
即席 【そくせき】instant
泥沼 【どろぬま】bog, marsh
盗賊 【とうぞく】thief, robber
縛り上げる 【しばりあげる】to bind (tie) up
ひとえにearnestly, humbly, solely
縄張り 【なわばり】roping off, stretching rope, demarcation, one's turf, domain, territory, sphere of influence
臭う 【におう】① to be fragrant, to smell (good) ② to stink, to smell (bad) ③ to glow, to be bright
握りつぶす 【にぎりつぶす】to crush (with one's hands), to abandon
鉄砲玉 【てっぽうだま】gunshot, bullet, lost (truant) messenger, bull's-eye
金離れ 【かねばなれ】(way of) spending money, free spending
踏み絵 【ふみえ】tablet bearing Christian images, on which Edo-period authorities forced suspected Christians to trample
静養 【せいよう】(convalescent) rest
暗闇 【くらやみ】darkness, the dark
萎える 【なえる】to wither, to droop, to be lame
逆撫で 【さかなで】rubbing the wrong way (e.g. a cat), irritating
頃合い 【ころあい】① suitable time, good time ② propriety, moderation
煽る 【あおる】to fan, to agitate, to stir up
辻 【つじ】street, crossroad
兎角 【とかく】① (doing) various things, (doing) this and that ② being apt to, being prone to, tending to become ③ somehow or other, anyhow, anyway ④ rabbit horns (used as a metaphor for things that do not exist)
はえ① fly (of infraorder Muscomorpha) ② person of no worth, pisher, scrub
芒 【すすき】Japanese pampas grass (Miscanthus sinensis), silver grass, zebra grass
痙攣 【けいれん】convulsions, cramps
脇目 【わきめ】looking aside, (from the) eyes of an onlooker
餅屋 【もちや】rice cake shop keeper, rice cake store (shop)
眩む 【くらむ】① to be dazzled by, to be dizzied by, to be disoriented by ② to be lost in (greed, lust, etc.)
白鑞 【しろめ】pewter, solder