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One Piece Vol. 22 (episodes 560 to 579)

Author (public: access, edit)

Vocab for episodes 560 to 579 of the animated series ‘One Piece’. This is volume 22 out of 26. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



182 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
眼鏡 【めがね】① spectacles, glasses ② judgement, discrimination, discernment, insight
日本 【にっぽん】Japan
苦い 【にがい】bitter
細かい 【こまかい】① small ② fine, minute ③ minor, trivial ④ sensitive, attentive
予習 【よしゅう】preparation for a lesson
舟 【ふね】① ship, boat, watercraft, vessel, steamship ② tank, tub, vat, trough ③ counter for boat-shaped containers (e.g. of sashimi)
土曜 【どよう】Saturday
表面 【ひょうめん】surface, outside, face, appearance
例外 【れいがい】exception
国境 【こっきょう】national or state border
湿気 【しっけ】moisture, humidity, dampness
頭痛 【ずつう】headache
衝突 【しょうとつ】collision, conflict
揚げる 【あげる】① to deep-fry ② to raise, to elevate ③ to fly (a kite, etc.), to launch (fireworks, etc.), to surface (a submarine, etc.) ④ to land (a boat) ⑤ to increase (price, quality, status, etc.) ⑥ to earn (something desirable) ⑦ (of the tide) to come in
独特 【どくとく】peculiarity, uniqueness, characteristic
翼 【つばさ】① wing ② Chinese "Wings" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
理論 【りろん】theory
枕 【まくら】① pillow, bolster ② introduction (e.g. to a rakugo story), lead-in
嗅ぐ 【かぐ】to sniff, to smell
曖昧 【あいまい】① vague, ambiguous, unclear ② fuzzy
ぎっしりtightly, fully
語り 【かたり】talking
強引 【ごういん】overbearing, coercive, pushy, forcible, high-handed
早口 【はやくち】fast-talking, rapid talking
空き 【あき】① space, room, emptiness, gap ② opening, vacancy, empty seat ③ free time, time to spare ④ disuse, unused thing
館 【かん】house, hall, building
産 【さん】① (giving) birth, childbirth, delivery, confinement ② native of, product of ③ assets, property, fortune
その為 【そのため】hence, for that reason
恐縮 【きょうしゅく】shame, very kind of you, sorry to trouble
太鼓 【たいこ】drum
墨 【すみ】ink
炊く 【たく】to cook (esp. grain, pulses, etc., such as rice or beans), to boil
纏まる 【まとまる】to be collected, to be settled, to be in order
くっきりdistinctly, clearly, boldly
お供 【おとも】attendant, companion
意気込む 【いきごむ】to be enthusiastic about
過ち 【あやまち】fault, error, indiscretion, faux pas
慣らす 【ならす】to accustom
球根 【きゅうこん】(plant) bulb
結び付き 【むすびつき】connection, relation
結晶 【けっしょう】crystal, crystallization, crystallisation
交わる 【まじわる】to cross, to intersect, to associate with, to mingle with, to interest, to join
仕入れる 【しいれる】to lay in stock, to replenish stock, to procure
宿命 【しゅくめい】fate, destiny, predestination
詳細 【しょうさい】detail, particulars
推理 【すいり】reasoning, inference, mystery or detective genre (movie, novel, etc.)
盛る 【もる】① to serve (food, etc.) ② to fill up ③ to prescribe
雪崩 【なだれ】avalanche
妥協 【だきょう】compromise, giving in
体裁 【ていさい】decency, style, form, appearance, show, get-up, format
福 【ふく】good fortune
変動 【へんどう】change, fluctuation
管 【かん】pipe, tube
収集 【しゅうしゅう】gathering up, collection, accumulation
侵略 【しんりゃく】aggression, invasion, raid
研ぐ 【とぐ】① to sharpen, to hone, to whet, to grind ② to wash (rice) ③ to scour, to polish, to burnish
止める 【とどめる】① to stop, to stay (e.g. the night), to cease, to put an end to ② to contain, to keep (in position, in place), to limit ③ to record (e.g. a fact), to retain
宛てる 【あてる】to address
どきどきthrob, beat (fast)
エンストengine stall
ナンバーワンnumber one
ヒットhit, success, safe hit (baseball), being a hit
十二月 【じゅうにがつ】December
大雨 【おおあめ】heavy rain
① also, too, words of similar weight ② about (emphasizing an upper limit), as much as, even ③ more, further, other, again
さらり① sleek, smooth ② thin (of a liquid) ③ without hesitation or delay
パンク① puncture, flat tyre (tire), bursting ② punk
上海 【しゃんはい】Shanghai (China)
はち切れる 【はちきれる】to be filled to bursting, to burst
死力 【しりょく】desperate effort
大目 【おおめ】large eyes, magnanimity
お開き 【おひらき】breakup (of a ceremony, wedding, party, meeting, etc.), closure
風の音 【かぜのおと】sound of the wind, voice of the wind
本会 【ほんかい】① formal meeting (committee, etc.), session ② this (the aforementioned, our) association (society, organisation)
委ねる 【ゆだねる】to entrust to, to devote oneself to, to abandon oneself to
音頭 【おんど】workmen's songs, marching songs
丸薬 【がんやく】pill
空調 【くうちょう】air conditioning
戸数 【こすう】number of households (houses)
国営 【こくえい】state management
山の幸 【やまのさち】mountain vegetables
申 【さる】ninth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Monkey, 3pm-5pm, west-southwest, July)
全土 【ぜんど】the whole nation (land, country)
相次ぐ 【あいつぐ】to follow in succession
服役 【ふくえき】penal servitude, military service
平行 【へいこう】(going) side by side, concurrent, abreast, at the same time, occurring together, parallel, parallelism
無上 【むじょう】best
鳴き声 【なきごえ】cry (esp. animal), roar
右側 【みぎがわ】right side, right hand
日数 【にっすう】a number of days
飛び火 【とびひ】① leaping flames, shower of flying sparks ② impetigo contagiosa
不意打ち 【ふいうち】surprise attack
的外れ 【まとはずれ】out of focus, off the point, miss the mark
ほど遠い 【ほどとおい】far off or away
買い言葉 【かいことば】tit for tat
売り言葉 【うりことば】inflammatory words
大役 【たいやく】important task or role or duty
焼き上げる 【やきあげる】to burn, to roast, to grill, to bake
菓子 【かし】pastry, confectionery
観賞 【かんしょう】admiration, enjoyment
起因 【きいん】cause
競演 【きょうえん】recital contest
教官 【きょうかん】teacher, instructor, professor
更新 【こうしん】renewal, update, innovation, renovation
最良 【さいりょう】the best, ideal
真似事 【まねごと】sham, make-believe, mere form
吹き荒れる 【ふきあれる】to blow violently, to sweep over, to devastate
たわいないsilly, foolish, absurd, childish, easy, trifling, guileless
知覚 【ちかく】perception
突き上げる 【つきあげる】to push up, to toss
飛び越える 【とびこえる】to jump over, to clear, to walk over (someone)
片腕 【かたうで】① one arm ② right-hand man
有り余る 【ありあまる】to be superfluous, to be in excess, to be more than enough
幼なじみ 【おさななじみ】childhood friend, friend from infancy, old playmate
欲する 【ほっする】to want, to desire
量産 【りょうさん】mass production
位置づける 【いちづける】to place (in relation to the whole), to rank, to position, to locate
防戦 【ぼうせん】defensive fight (battle)
意気込み 【いきごみ】ardor, enthusiasm
取り越し苦労 【とりこしぐろう】overanxiety, needless worry
浮かす 【うかす】① to float ② to save (on one's expenses), to scrimp ③ to half-rise, e.g. to one's feet
息付く 【いきつく】to take a breath, to take a short rest
異彩 【いさい】conspicuous colour, conspicuous color
一矢 【いっし】an arrow, (a) retort
過敏 【かびん】nervousness, oversensitivity
冠水 【かんすい】flooding, submerge
緩慢 【かんまん】slow, sluggish, dull
欠如 【けつじょ】lack, privation, deficiency
圏内 【けんない】within the sphere
攻防 【こうぼう】offense and defense, offence and defence
鎖国 【さこく】national isolation, exclusion of foreigners
歯応え 【はごたえ】feel (consistency) of food while being chewed
酌み交わす 【くみかわす】to drink together
殊勲 【しゅくん】meritorious deeds
焼け焦げ 【やけこげ】burn hole, scorch
推す 【おす】to infer, to conclude, to support
聖戦 【せいせん】holy war, crusade
切り離す 【きりはなす】to detach, to decapitate, to cut loose, to let loose, to dismember
旋風 【せんぷう】① whirlwind ② commotion, sensation, hullabaloo
疎通 【そつう】① (mutual) understanding, communication ② removal of blockage (esp. medical), drainage
送検 【そうけん】sending the person accused to the prosecutor
臓器 【ぞうき】viscera, internal organs
鎮魂 【ちんこん】repose of souls
特級 【とっきゅう】high grade, special grade, classy
鉢合わせ 【はちあわせ】① bumping of heads ② running into, coming across, encountering
不機嫌 【ふきげん】pout, displeasure, ill humor, ill humour, sullenness
亡霊 【ぼうれい】ghost, the dead, departed spirits, apparition
椰子 【やし】palm tree
元凶 【げんきょう】① ringleader, main culprit ② main cause, source
磁場 【じば】magnetic field
唐揚げ 【からあげ】fried (e.g. potatoes, chicken)
又も 【またも】(once) again
眼前 【がんぜん】before one's eyes
隠し持つ 【かくしもつ】to carry (something) under cover
蔓延る 【はびこる】to spread, to run rampant, to grow thick, to become powerful
艷やか 【あでやか】glossy, beautiful, bewitching, fascinatingly elegant
終焉 【しゅうえん】demise
纏う 【まとう】to put on, to wear, to be clad in
和気藹々 【わきあいあい】harmonious, peaceful, congenial
歪 【いびつ】oval, elliptical, distorted, crooked, irregular, warped
朦朧 【もうろう】dim, hazy, vague, indistinct, ambiguous, faint, obscure
霍乱 【かくらん】sunstroke, heatstroke
昆布 【こんぶ】kombu (any kelp of genus Laminaria) (konbu), devil's apron
鋒 【きっさき】point of a sword
蛆虫 【うじむし】① maggot ② worm (used figuratively as a term of abuse)
蹴立てる 【けたてる】to kick up
たけなわin full swing, at full height
苞苴 【つと】① straw-wrapped item, bundle of straw (containing a food item, etc.) ② local produce, souvenir, present, gift