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One Piece Vol. 7 (episodes 251 to 270)

Author (public: access, edit)

Vocab for episodes 251 to 270 of the animated series ‘One Piece’. This is volume 7 out of 26. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



423 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
コート① coat ② court (i.e. tennis, basketball, etc.)
五つ 【いつつ】five
① topic marker particle ② indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated) ③ adds emphasis
山 【さん】Mt (suffix used with the names of mountains), Mount
手紙 【てがみ】letter
食堂 【しょくどう】① dining room, dining hall, cafeteria, messroom ② restaurant, eatery, snack bar, diner
今晩は 【こんばんは】good evening
冷たい 【つめたい】① cold (to the touch), chilly, icy, freezing ② coldhearted, unfeeling
冷蔵庫 【れいぞうこ】refrigerator
玄関 【げんかん】entranceway, entry hall, vestibule, foyer
傘 【かさ】umbrella, parasol
暇 【ひま】① spare time, free time, leisure ② time off, day off, vacation, holiday, leave ③ quitting (one's job), firing someone, divorcing (one's spouse) ④ (of one's time) free, (of one's business) slow ⑤ leaving, departing
伯父 【おじ】uncle (older than one's parent)
運転 【うんてん】operation, motion, driving
間 【あいだ】① space (between), gap, interval, distance ② time (between), pause, break ③ span (temporal or spatial), stretch, period (while) ④ relationship (between, among) ⑤ members (within, among)
植える 【うえる】to plant, to grow
隅 【すみ】corner, nook, recess
戦争 【せんそう】war
恥ずかしい 【はずかしい】shy, ashamed, embarrassed
土産 【みやげ】present, souvenir
届ける 【とどける】to deliver, to forward, to send, to report, to file notice (to the authorities)
途中 【とちゅう】① on the way, en route ② in the middle of, midway
鏡 【かがみ】mirror
仰っしゃる 【おっしゃる】to say, to speak, to tell, to talk
絹 【きぬ】silk
盛ん 【さかん】① popular ② prosperous ③ enthusiastic ④ energetic, vigorous
丁寧 【ていねい】polite, courteous, careful, care, kind, close, thorough, conscientious
火山 【かざん】volcano
外出 【がいしゅつ】outing, trip, going out
国家 【こっか】state, country, nation
手入れ 【ていれ】① repairs, maintenance, tending, trimming, grooming ② crackdown, (police) raid
地下 【ちか】① basement, cellar, underground place ② underground, below ground ③ secret, under cover
計る 【はかる】① to measure, to weigh, to survey, to time (sound, gauge, estimate) ② to conjecture, to infer, to surmise
王子 【おうじ】prince
急速 【きゅうそく】rapid (e.g. progress)
勤め 【つとめ】① service, duty, business, responsibility, task ② Buddhist religious services
実験 【じっけん】experiment
手伝い 【てつだい】① helper, assistant ② help
人類 【じんるい】mankind, humanity
石炭 【せきたん】coal
同様 【どうよう】identical, equal to, same (kind), like, similarity
表情 【ひょうじょう】facial expression
夜中 【よなか】midnight, dead of night
化 【か】action of making something, -ification
愛情 【あいじょう】love, affection
胃 【い】① stomach ② Chinese "stomach" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
一般 【いっぱん】general, liberal, universal, ordinary, average
含む 【ふくむ】① to contain, to comprise, to have, to hold, to include, to embrace ② to hold in the mouth ③ to bear in mind, to understand, to harbor (grudge, etc.), to harbour ④ to express (emotion, etc.), to imply
機能 【きのう】function, facility, faculty, feature
気の毒 【きのどく】pitiful, unfortunate, (a) pity
詰める 【つめる】① to pack, to fill, to plug, to stop up ② to shorten (length or distance), to move over, to make room (for someone) ③ to work out (details)
苦痛 【くつう】pain, agony, bitterness
誤り 【あやまり】error, mistake, slip, bug
時刻 【じこく】instant, time, moment
集団 【しゅうだん】group, mass
除く 【のぞく】to remove, to exclude, to except
招く 【まねく】to invite
真似 【まね】mimicry, imitation, behavior, behaviour, pretense, pretence
知識 【ちしき】knowledge, information
通過 【つうか】passage through, transit, passing
到着 【とうちゃく】arrival
必ずしも 【かならずしも】(not) always, (not) necessarily, (not) all, (not) entirely
夫妻 【ふさい】man and wife, married couple
閉じる 【とじる】to close (e.g. book, eyes, meeting, etc.), to shut
穏やか 【おだやか】calm, gentle, quiet
救助 【きゅうじょ】relief, aid, rescue
憲法 【けんぽう】constitution
従って 【したがって】therefore, consequently, in accordance with
専攻 【せんこう】major subject, special study
豆 【まめ】① legume (esp. edible legumes or their seeds, such as beans, peas, pulses, etc.), beans, peas ② soya bean (soybean), soy (Glycine max) ③ miniature, tiny ④ child
火傷 【やけど】burn, scald
途端 【とたん】just (now, at the moment, etc.)
ようやく① finally, at last ② barely, narrowly, hardly, only just ③ gradually, little by little, by degrees
およそabout, roughly, as a rule, approximately
すっきり① clearly, refreshed ② shapely, neatly, refinedly ③ cleanly, without trouble ④ clearly, plainly, distinctly ⑤ completely, thoroughly ⑥ not at all (with negative sentence), not even slightly
水分 【すいぶん】moisture
大気 【たいき】atmosphere
引き分け 【ひきわけ】draw (in competition), tie game
苦情 【くじょう】complaint, troubles, objection, grievance
見当 【けんとう】aim, mark, estimate, guess, approximation, direction
交流 【こうりゅう】① intercourse, (cultural) exchange, intermingling ② alternating current, AC
次ぐ 【つぐ】to rank next to, to come after
人命 【じんめい】(human) life
正門 【せいもん】main gate, main entrance
直線 【ちょくせん】straight line
追加 【ついか】addition, supplement, append (e.g. to a file), appendix
ご苦労さま 【ごくろうさま】thank you very much for your ..., I appreciate your efforts
極力 【きょくりょく】to the utmost, to the best of one's ability
限度 【げんど】limit, bounds
刺さる 【ささる】to stick, to be stuck
失恋 【しつれん】disappointed love, broken heart, unrequited love, being lovelorn
団地 【だんち】multi-unit apartments
未 【み】not yet, un-
民間 【みんかん】private, civilian, civil, popular, folk, unofficial
予備 【よび】preparation, preliminaries, reserve, spare
頼もしい 【たのもしい】reliable, trustworthy, hopeful, promising
略す 【りゃくす】① to abbreviate, to omit ② to take, to capture
各々 【おのおの】each, every, either, respectively, severally
初めまして 【はじめまして】How do you do?, I am glad to meet you
凹む 【へこむ】① to be dented, to be indented, to yield to, to give, to sink, to collapse, to cave in ② to be snubbed, to be overwhelmed, to feel down, to be forced to yield
嫁 【よめ】① wife, bride ② (one's) daughter-in-law
句 【く】① section (i.e. of text), sentence, passage, paragraph ② phrase ③ verse (of 5 or 7 mora in Japanese poetry; of 4, 5, or 7 characters in Chinese poetry) ④ haiku, first 17 morae of a renga, etc. ⑤ maxim, saying, idiom, expression
鎖 【くさり】chain, chains
座敷 【ざしき】tatami room
至急 【しきゅう】urgent, pressing
受話器 【じゅわき】(telephone) receiver
整備 【せいび】maintenance, servicing, outfitting
対策 【たいさく】counter-plan, counter-measure
滝 【たき】waterfall
特殊 【とくしゅ】special, unique
標準 【ひょうじゅん】standard, level, norm
泡 【あわ】bubble, foam, froth, head on beer
秤 【はかり】scales, weighing machine
きっかけchance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasion
主 【おも】① chief, main, principal, important ② main secondary or supporting role (in kyogen)
重 【じゅう】greater degree, heavy, serious
育ち 【そだち】breeding, growth
海流 【かいりゅう】ocean current
確保 【かくほ】guarantee, maintain, ensure, insure, secure, reservation
確立 【かくりつ】① establishment, settlement ② to establish, to settle
革命 【かくめい】① revolution ② 58th year of the sexagenary cycle (in onmyou-dou)
期日 【きじつ】fixed date, settlement date
規模 【きぼ】scale, scope, plan, structure
休める 【やすめる】to rest, to suspend, to give relief
給仕 【きゅうじ】office boy (girl), page, waiter
協定 【きょうてい】arrangement, pact, agreement
強硬 【きょうこう】firm, vigorous, unbending, unyielding, strong, stubborn
禁物 【きんもつ】taboo, forbidden thing
軍事 【ぐんじ】military affairs
警戒 【けいかい】① vigilance, precaution, watch, lookout, alertness ② to be vigilant, to be cautious, to guard (against)
欠く 【かく】to lack, to break, to crack, to chip
個性 【こせい】individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy
光沢 【こうたく】brilliance, polish, lustre, luster, glossy finish (of photographs)
公然 【こうぜん】open (e.g. secret), public, official, overt
再会 【さいかい】another meeting, meeting again, reunion
再発 【さいはつ】return, relapse, reoccurrence
財 【ざい】① fortune, riches ② goods
策 【さく】plan, policy
思い付き 【おもいつき】plan, idea, suggestion
支持 【しじ】support, maintenance
持ち切り 【もちきり】hot topic, talk of the town
守備 【しゅび】defense, defence
出現 【しゅつげん】appearance, arrival, make one's appearance
上昇 【じょうしょう】rising, ascending, climbing
心強い 【こころづよい】heartening, reassuring
神聖 【しんせい】holiness, sacredness, dignity
制 【せい】system, organization, organisation, imperial command, laws, regulation, control, government, suppression, restraint, holding back, establishment
制服 【せいふく】uniform
成果 【せいか】results, fruits
生やす 【はやす】to grow, to cultivate, to wear a beard
惜しむ 【おしむ】① to be frugal, to be sparing ② to value, to hold dear ③ to regret (e.g. a loss), to feel sorry (for) ④ to be unwilling, to be reluctant
先行 【せんこう】preceding, going first, leading, going ahead, taking priority
操縦 【そうじゅう】① flying (a plane) ② management, handling, control, manipulation
担架 【たんか】stretcher, litter
窒息 【ちっそく】suffocation, choking
中枢 【ちゅうすう】centre, center, pivot, mainstay, nucleus, backbone, central figure, pillar, key man
訂正 【ていせい】correction, revision, amendment
棟 【とう】① large building ② counter for buildings, apartments, etc.
分散 【ぶんさん】dispersion, decentralization, decentralisation, variance (statistics), distribution, dissemination, allocation
兵士 【へいし】soldier
無念 【むねん】① chagrin, regret ② free from obstructive thoughts
名残 【なごり】① remains, traces, vestiges, relics ② (the sorrow of) parting ③ end
揺らぐ 【ゆらぐ】to swing, to sway, to shake, to tremble
冷酷 【れいこく】cruelty, coldheartedness, relentless, ruthless
偽物 【にせもの】spurious article, forgery, counterfeit, imitation, sham
襟 【えり】neck, collar, lapel, neckband
群集 【ぐんしゅう】group (of living things), crowd, community
尊い 【とうとい】precious, valuable, priceless, noble, exalted, sacred
取り替え 【とりかえ】swap, exchange
保障 【ほしょう】guarantee, security, assurance, pledge, warranty
前もって 【まえもって】in advance, beforehand, previously
以て 【もって】① with, by ② by means of, because, in view of
手筈 【てはず】arrangement, plan, programme, program
たやすいeasy, simple, light
しつけhome discipline, training, upbringing, breeding
ぎりぎり① at the last moment, just barely ② grinding sound
ばれるto leak out (a secret), to be exposed (a lie, improper behaviour, etc.) (behavior)
ぱっとsuddenly, in a flash, rapidly, nimbly, alertly
スクリュー① screw ② propeller (e.g. on a ship)
センチ① centimeter ② centi-, 10^-2 ③ sentimental
チャック① chuck (device for holding a workpiece in a lathe or a tool in a drill) ② fastener, zipper
プレー① play ② pray ③ prey
ベテランperson with a lot of experience, old hand, veteran (in a particular field)
ボルト① volt ② bolt
ミリ① milli-, 10^-3 ② millimetre, millimeter
ライト① light ② right ③ right field, right fielder
ルー① roux (mixture of butter and flour used to make sauces), sauce made from such a mixture ② (Japanese) curry powder, curry sauce made from this powder
ロス① loss ② Los Angeles
何ごと 【なにごと】① what, something, everything ② nothing (with neg. verb)
大国 【たいこく】large country, major powers
聞かす 【きかす】to inform about, to read to, to sing for
もぐto pluck (usually from a tree), to pick (e.g. apples)
一行 【いっこう】line, row, troupe, party
前半 【ぜんはん】first half
国々 【くにぐに】countries
本分 【ほんぶん】one's duty, one's part
きゃあEek!, Yipe!
時半 【じはん】① about an hour, short time ② half past (the hour)
ぶつくさmoaning, muttering, complaining
生まれながら 【うまれながら】by nature, naturally, by birth, inborn
こじつけdistortion, stretch, strained interpretation, technicality, casuistry, sophistry
なり① or, whether or not ② (after dictionary form verb) as soon as, right after ③ (after past tense verb) while still, with previous state still in effect
腹ペコbeing hungry, starving
名ばかり 【なばかり】(something) in name only
おっきいbig, large, great
グリーンgreen, environmentally friendly
バット① bat (in baseball, cricket, etc.) ② tray (from fre: bateau or eng: vat)
悪意 【あくい】① ill will, spite, evil intention ② bad meaning ③ (criminal) malice ④ mala fides (criminal intent to deceive)
一新 【いっしん】complete change, reform, restoration, remodeling, remodelling, renewal
一服 【いっぷく】(a) dose, (a) puff, (a) smoke, lull, short rest
右手 【みぎて】right hand
駅員 【えきいん】station attendant
駅前 【えきまえ】in front of station
計 【けい】① plan ② meter, measuring device ③ (in) total, total (of)
行く手 【ゆくて】one's way, one's path
作り出す 【つくりだす】① to manufacture, to produce, to raise (crops) ② to invent, to dream up
くい止める 【くいとめる】to check, to hold back
心待ち 【こころまち】anticipation, expectation
切り口 【きりくち】cut end, section, opening, slit
早とちり 【はやとちり】jumping to a wrong conclusion
族 【ぞく】① tribe, clan, band ② (taxonomical) tribe ③ group (of the periodic table)
たたき起こす 【たたきおこす】to wake up, to rouse out of bed
発動 【はつどう】invoke (law), put into operation
家々 【いえいえ】every house or family
早々 【そうそう】① early, all in good time ② quickly, promptly ③ just- (opened, started, etc.)
言いなり 【いいなり】doing as one is told, yes-man
こじ開ける 【こじあける】to wrench open, to prize open, to pick (lock)
手ぶら 【てぶら】empty-handed
世にも 【よにも】extremely, very
快調 【かいちょう】harmony, excellent condition
求む 【もとむ】to want, to seek, to request
くり返し 【くりかえし】① repetition, reiteration, iteration, cycle ② repeatedly
血族 【けつぞく】blood relative
見守る 【みまもる】to watch over, to watch attentively
後部 【こうぶ】rear, stern
高波 【たかなみ】high waves
合金 【ごうきん】alloy
三流 【さんりゅう】3rd rate
使い物 【つかいもの】present, gift, bribe, usable article
車両 【しゃりょう】rolling stock, railroad cars, vehicles
手助け 【てだすけ】a help
小道具 【こどうぐ】props, (stage) properties, gadgets
焼き魚 【やきざかな】grilled fish
くわしいknowing very well, detailed, full, accurate
上半身 【じょうはんしん】upper half of body, bust
人情 【にんじょう】① humanity, empathy, kindness, sympathy ② human nature, common sense, customs and manners
切り落とす 【きりおとす】to cut down, to lop off, to prune
全速力 【ぜんそくりょく】full speed
多数 【たすう】① great number ② countless, majority
打線 【だせん】baseball lineup
体形 【たいけい】form, figure
大波 【おおなみ】billow, surge
断ち切る 【たちきる】① to cut apart (cloth, paper, etc.) ② to sever (ties), to break off (a relationship) ③ to cut off (an enemy's retreat), to block (a road, etc.), to disconnect
伝う 【つたう】to go along, to walk along, to follow
島内 【とうない】on the island
内側 【うちがわ】inside, interior, inner part
麦 【むぎ】wheat, barley, oat (oats)
本島 【ほんとう】main island, this island
無実 【むじつ】innocent
目玉 【めだま】① eyeball ② special feature, centerpiece, showpiece, drawcard ③ special program, loss leader
用心深い 【ようじんぶかい】wary, watchful
例年 【れいねん】average (normal, ordinary) year, every year, annually
下半身 【かはんしん】lower half of body
次 【じ】① next ② hypo- (i.e. containing an element with low valence) ③ order, sequence, time, times
島々 【しまじま】islands
路上 【ろじょう】(on the) road, (on the) way
根っこ 【ねっこ】root, stub, stump
全うする 【まっとうする】to accomplish, to fulfill, to carry out
門前 【もんぜん】before a gate
常人 【じょうじん】ordinary man or person
白馬 【はくば】① white horse ② unrefined sake
体勢 【たいせい】posture, stance
もぎとるto pluck off, to pick, to break or tear off, to wrest (away from), to wrench free, to snatch (away)
新入り 【しんいり】newcomer, initiate, novice
全問 【ぜんもん】all the questions (in exam)
小竹 【ささ】bamboo grass
組み直す 【くみなおす】to reschedule, to recompose, to recross (one's legs), to reset
なき-less (often used after one word to modify another, e.g. soulless body), lacking, non-existing
しがみつくto cling
偉業 【いぎょう】great enterprise, exploits
煙 【けむ】smoke, fumes
丸腰 【まるごし】unarmed, without weapons
危うく 【あやうく】① barely, narrowly ② almost, nearly
気性 【きしょう】disposition, temperament
巨人 【きょじん】① giant, great man ② Tokyo Giants (baseball team)
金髪 【きんぱつ】blond hair
決戦 【けっせん】decisive battle, deciding match, play-off
刻々 【こくこく】moment by moment, hour by hour
賛同 【さんどう】approval, endorsement
自由自在 【じゆうじざい】free, unrestricted, (with) complete mastery, completely in control
祝杯 【しゅくはい】toast, congratulatory cup
順に 【じゅんに】in order, in turn, one by one
召集 【しょうしゅう】convening, calling together (e.g. parliament)
乗り越える 【のりこえる】to climb over, to ride across, to surmount
震え 【ふるえ】shivering, trembling
性分 【しょうぶん】nature, disposition
戦線 【せんせん】(war) front
前代未聞 【ぜんだいみもん】unheard-of, unprecedented, unparalleled in history (unparallelled), record-breaking
超人 【ちょうじん】① superman, superwoman ② Ubermensch (e.g. Nietzsche's ideal man of the future), overman
追伸 【ついしん】postscript
底値 【そこね】bottom price
道連れ 【みちづれ】① fellow traveler, fellow traveller ② someone unwillingly made to take part, being made to take part in something
反則 【はんそく】foul play (sport), transgression, default, balk, irregularity
腹立たしい 【はらだたしい】irritating
変装 【へんそう】disguise, masquerade
暴く 【あばく】to disclose, to divulge, to expose
暴行 【ぼうこう】assault, outrage, act of violence
有罪 【ゆうざい】guilt, culpability
裏手 【うらて】back of house
冷え性 【ひえしょう】sensitivity to cold
冷や冷や 【ひやひや】feeling chilly, being fearful
冷気 【れいき】cold, chill, cold weather, cold wave, cold air
最上 【もがみ】best
諸々 【もろもろ】all kinds of, various
抱え込む 【かかえこむ】to hold (carry) a thing in one's arm, to embrace (a baby), to take upon oneself
実戦 【じっせん】combat, actual fighting
非常時 【ひじょうじ】(time of) emergency, crisis
達し 【たっし】official notice, notification
目覚め 【めざめ】waking
域 【いき】region, limits, stage, level
複 【ふく】① diplo-, double ② doubles (tennis, etc.) ③ place betting (in horse racing, etc.)
辞する 【じする】① to excuse oneself, to take one's leave ② to resign (post), to quit, to retire ③ to decline, to turn down ④ unhesitatingly
おっかさんmother (term commonly used until the end of the Meiji period), mom, mum, mama
兵 【へい】① (common) soldier, rank and file ② army, troops ③ warfare, strategy
がけ① -clad ② in the midst of ③ tenths ④ times (i.e. multiplied by) ⑤ able-to-seat (of a chair, etc.)
ついでにincidentally, taking the opportunity, while (you) are at it, on the occasion
威勢 【いせい】power, might, authority
遺作 【いさく】posthumous works
応答 【おうとう】reply, answer, response
加盟 【かめい】participation, affiliation
格闘 【かくとう】hand-to-hand fighting, grappling, scuffling
既存 【きそん】existing
汽笛 【きてき】steam whistle
輝き 【かがやき】radiance
吉報 【きっぽう】good news
救出 【きゅうしゅつ】rescue, extricate, reclaim, deliverance
極秘 【ごくひ】absolute secrecy
駆る 【かる】to drive (car), to spur on, to impel
やられるto suffer damage, to be deceived
厳守 【げんしゅ】strict observance, adherence, scrupulous compliance
誇らしい 【ほこらしい】proud, haughty, arrogant, splendid, magnificent
護送 【ごそう】escort (e.g. under guard), convoy
最高峰 【さいこうほう】highest peak, most prominent, highest authority
策略 【さくりゃく】scheme, tactic, stratagem, trick
慈悲 【じひ】compassion, benevolence, charity, mercy
疾走 【しっそう】sprint, dash, scampering
囚人 【しゅうじん】prisoner
就寝 【しゅうしん】going to bed, retiring
醜悪 【しゅうあく】ugliness, meanness, offensiveness
出撃 【しゅつげき】sortie, sally
少佐 【しょうさ】major, lieutenant commander, wing commander
寸劇 【すんげき】short play, skit
奪回 【だっかい】recovery, rescue, recapture
嘆き 【なげき】grief, lamentation
丁重 【ていちょう】polite, courteous, hospitable
潮流 【ちょうりゅう】tide, tidal current, trend
得策 【とくさく】profitable plan, good plan
年貢 【ねんぐ】annual tribute, land tax
煩悩 【ぼんのう】① worldly desires, evil passions, appetites of the flesh ② klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering)
秘伝 【ひでん】secret, mystery, secret formula
翻す 【ひるがえす】① to turn over, to turn around ② to change (one's mind), to reverse (one's decision), to take back (one's words) ③ to fly (flag, etc.), to wave (skirt, cape, etc.)
里帰り 【さとがえり】returning home, visiting one's parents, new bride's first visit to parents
劣勢 【れっせい】numerical inferiority
連結 【れんけつ】concatenation, coupling, connection, linking, consolidation (e.g. of company accounts)
朗報 【ろうほう】good news
悪阻 【おそ】morning sickness
修業 【しゅうぎょう】pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, ascetic practice, ascetic practise, discipline
案ずる 【あんずる】① to be anxious or concerned about, to ponder (anxiously), to fear ② to investigate, to consider, to plan ③ to pat, to rub, to take a sword in one's hand
仰々しい 【ぎょうぎょうしい】exaggerated, bombastic, highly colored, highly coloured
反旗 【はんき】standard of revolt, banner of revolution
脱走 【だっそう】desertion, escape
繰り上げ 【くりあげ】upward move, advance
錠 【じょう】① lock, padlock ② tablet, lozenge, pill
大穴 【おおあな】① large hole ② great deficit, heavy losses ③ big and unexpected winnings, a killing (e.g. on a race) ④ dark horse (horse racing)
雨露 【うろ】rain and dew
あくまでもto the last, persistency, thoroughness
琢磨 【たくま】polish (jewels), cultivation
絞り出す 【しぼりだす】to squeeze out, to wring out
余儀なく 【よぎなく】unavoidably, necessarily, inevitably
篤と 【とくと】carefully, thoroughly, fully, deliberately
態とらしい 【わざとらしい】unnatural, affected, studied, forced
鵬 【おおとり】kun (in Chinese mythology, giant bird said to be able to turn into a fish)
禿び 【ちび】① small child, pipsqueak, small fry, small, cute versions of manga, anime, etc. characters, typically with oversized heads ② short person, midget, dwarf ③ small animal, runt ④ worn down (pencil, etc.)
稚鰤 【わらさ】middled-sized yellowtail
鼎 【かなえ】three-legged kettle
兎も有れ 【ともあれ】anyhow, in any case
鰭 【ひれ】fin (e.g. of a fish)
やたらat random, thoughtlessly, recklessly, excessively
そりsleigh, sled, sledge
瘧 【おこり】ague, intermittent fever, the shakes
縵面 【なめ】smooth unlettered back surface of an old "zeni" coin;
隋 【ずい】Sui (dynasty of China, 581-619 CE)
霏々 【ひひ】incessant falling (e.g. rain, snow), prolonged continuation (of something)