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新世界より [‘From the New World’] Vol. 5: episodes 16 to 20

Author (public: access, edit)

Vocab for episodes 16 to 20 of the animated series ‘新世界より’ [‘From the New World’]. This is volume 5/6. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (vol 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



603 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
古い 【ふるい】old (not person), aged, ancient, antiquated, stale, threadbare, outmoded, obsolete article
午前 【ごぜん】morning, a.m.
女 【おんな】woman
千 【せん】1,000, thousand
年 【とし】① year ② age
八つ 【やっつ】eight
国 【くに】① country, (the) state ② region ③ home (i.e. hometown, home country)
夏 【なつ】summer
去年 【きょねん】last year
黒い 【くろい】① black ② dark ③ illicit, wicked, underground
手紙 【てがみ】letter
習う 【ならう】to learn
始め 【はじめ】beginning, start, origin
着く 【つく】① to arrive at, to reach ② to sit on, to sit at (e.g. the table)
病院 【びょういん】hospital
服 【ふく】① clothes (esp. Western clothes) ② counter for doses of medicine, gulps of tea, drags of a cigarette, etc.
丸い 【まるい】① round, circular, spherical ② harmonious, calm
汚い 【きたない】dirty, unclean, filthy
静か 【しずか】quiet, peaceful
ごろ① (approximate) time, around, about, toward ② suitable time (or condition) ③ time of year, season
段々 【だんだん】gradually, by degrees
つまらない① dull, uninteresting, boring ② insignificant, trifling
どちら① which way, which direction, where ② which one (esp. of two alternatives) ③ who
きれい① pretty, lovely, beautiful, fair ② clean, clear, pure, tidy, neat ③ completely, entirely
運ぶ 【はこぶ】① to carry, to transport, to move, to convey ② to come, to go ③ to wield (a tool, etc.), to use ④ to go (well, etc.), to proceed, to progress
今夜 【こんや】this evening, tonight
出来るだけ 【できるだけ】as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possible
大分 【だいぶ】considerably, greatly, a lot
入院 【にゅういん】hospitalization, hospitalisation
回る 【まわる】① to turn, to revolve ② to visit several places ③ to function well ④ to pass a certain time
交通 【こうつう】communication, transportation, traffic, intercourse
無くなる 【なくなる】to disappear, to get lost
祭り 【まつり】festival, feast
汚れる 【よごれる】① to get dirty, to become dirty ② to become sullied
課長 【かちょう】section manager, section chief
会議 【かいぎ】meeting, conference, session, assembly, council, convention, congress
紹介 【しょうかい】introduction, referral
折る 【おる】to break, to fold, to pick flowers
折れる 【おれる】to break, to be folded, to give in, to turn (a corner)
戦争 【せんそう】war
塗る 【ぬる】to paint, to plaster, to lacquer, to varnish, to spread, to smear
倒れる 【たおれる】① to fall, to collapse, to drop, to fall senseless ② to be forced to bed (by illness, etc.) ③ to die ④ to go bankrupt, to be ruined, to have a bad debt ⑤ to be defeated (in a game) ⑥ to fall (of governments, dictators, etc.)
届ける 【とどける】to deliver, to forward, to send, to report, to file notice (to the authorities)
夢 【ゆめ】dream
踊る 【おどる】to dance (orig. a hopping dance)
難い 【にくい】difficult, hard
割合 【わりあい】① rate, ratio, percentage, proportion ② comparatively ③ contrary to expectations
宜しい 【よろしい】good, OK, all right, fine, very well, will do, may, can
喧嘩 【けんか】quarrel, brawl, fight, squabble, scuffle
致す 【いたす】to do
なるべくas much as possible, wherever practicable
するとthereupon, hereupon
先日 【せんじつ】the other day, a few days ago
分ける 【わける】to divide, to separate, to make distinctions, to differentiate (between)
名 【な】name, reputation
ただ今 【ただいま】① Here I am, I'm home! ② presently, right away, right now, just now
行き 【いき】① bound for ... ② going (to)
運 【うん】fortune, luck
広場 【ひろば】plaza
国会 【こっかい】National Diet, parliament, congress
使用 【しよう】use, application, employment, utilization, utilisation
親友 【しんゆう】close friend, bosom (old, intimate) friend, buddy, crony, chum
味わう 【あじわう】to taste, to savor, to relish
転ぶ 【ころぶ】to fall down, to fall over
お昼 【おひる】lunch, noon
育つ 【そだつ】to be raised (e.g. child), to be brought up, to grow (up)
額 【がく】① picture (framed) ② amount or sum (of money)
急速 【きゅうそく】rapid (e.g. progress)
苦しむ 【くるしむ】to suffer, to groan, to be worried
語る 【かたる】to talk, to tell, to recite
参加 【さんか】participation
式 【しき】① equation, formula, expression ② ceremony ③ style
取れる 【とれる】① to come off, to be removed ② (of pain, a fever, etc.) to disappear ③ to be caught, to be harvested ④ to be interpreted (as), to be taken as ⑤ (of balance, etc.) to be attained ⑥ to be obtainable
組み立てる 【くみたてる】to assemble, to set up, to construct
息 【いき】① breath, breathing ② tone, mood
速度 【そくど】speed, velocity, rate
飛ばす 【とばす】① to fly, to fire, to hurl ② to skip over, to omit, to drop (e.g. stitch) ③ to run or drive fast, to gallop ④ to spread a rumour (rumor), to tell a story ⑤ to remove, to get rid of, to transfer ⑥ to attack, to jeer at
平等 【びょうどう】equality, impartiality, evenness
明ける 【あける】① to dawn, to grow light ② to end
目指す 【めざす】to aim at, to have an eye on
有能 【ゆうのう】able, capable, efficient, skill
谷 【たに】valley
幸運 【こううん】good luck, fortune
例える 【たとえる】to compare, to liken, to speak figuratively, to illustrate, to use a simile
感 【かん】feeling, sensation, emotion, admiration, impression
両 【りょう】① both (e.g. both shoulders, etc.) ② ryo (obsolete unit of currency) ③ 41-42 g (one sixteenth of a kin) ④ 2 tan (measure of fabric size) ⑤ counter for carriages (e.g. in a train)
引っ掛かる 【ひっかかる】to be caught in, to be stuck in, to be cheated
延期 【えんき】postponement, adjournment
課 【か】① lesson ② section (in an organization), division, department ③ counter for lessons and chapters (of a book)
解散 【かいさん】breakup, dissolution
各 【かく】each, every, all
願う 【ねがう】① to desire, to wish, to hope ② to beg, to request, to implore, to pray ③ to have something done for oneself
疑問 【ぎもん】question, problem, doubt, guess
苦痛 【くつう】pain, agony, bitterness
訓練 【くんれん】practice, practise, training
軍 【ぐん】army, force, troops
芸術 【げいじゅつ】(fine) art, the arts
見解 【けんかい】opinion, point of view
現場 【げんば】actual spot, scene, scene of the crime
現状 【げんじょう】present condition, existing state, status quo
困難 【こんなん】difficulty, distress
際 【さい】on the occasion of, circumstances
伺う 【うかがう】① to visit, to ask, to inquire, to hear, to be told ② to implore (a god for an oracle), to seek direction (from your superior) ③ to visit ④ to speak to (a large crowd at a theatre, etc.)
死亡 【しぼう】death, mortality
出席 【しゅっせき】① attendance, presence, appearance ② to attend, to be present, to appear
承認 【しょうにん】recognition, acknowledgement, acknowledgment, approval, consent, agreement
存じる 【ぞんじる】to think, feel, consider, know, etc.
損害 【そんがい】damage, injury, loss
地域 【ちいき】area, region
仲間 【なかま】company, fellow, colleague, associate, comrade, mate, group, circle of friends, partner
仲直り 【なかなおり】reconciliation, make peace with
著者 【ちょしゃ】author (usu. of a particular book, etc.), writer
程度 【ていど】degree, amount, grade, standard, of the order of (following a number)
努力 【どりょく】great effort, exertion, endeavour, endeavor, effort
否定 【ひてい】① negation, denial, repudiation ② NOT operation
疲れ 【つかれ】tiredness, fatigue
被る 【かぶる】① to wear (on head, usu. one's own), to put on (over head, usu. one's own), to crown (oneself) ② to pour or dash water, dust, etc. (on oneself) ③ to bear (e.g. someone's debts, faults, etc.) ④ to overlap
被害 【ひがい】damage
浮かべる 【うかべる】① to float ② to express, to look (sad, glad) ③ to think, to imagine, to remember
風景 【ふうけい】scenery
粉 【こな】flour, meal, powder
約 【やく】① approximately, about ② promise ③ shortening, reduction, simplification ④ contraction (in phonetics)
勇気 【ゆうき】courage, bravery, valour, valor, nerve, boldness
冷静 【れいせい】calm, composure, coolness, serenity
維持 【いじ】maintenance, preservation, improvement
一致 【いっち】① coincidence, agreement, union, match ② conformity, consistency ③ cooperation
運命 【うんめい】fate
怪我 【けが】injury (to animate object), hurt
覚悟 【かくご】resolution, resignation, readiness, preparedness
堪らない 【たまらない】① intolerable, unbearable, unendurable ② cannot help (doing), cannot but do, anxious to do ③ tremendous, out of this world, irresistible
結ぶ 【むすぶ】① to tie, to bind, to link ② to bear (fruit)
結論 【けつろん】conclusion
検討 【けんとう】consideration, examination, investigation, study, scrutiny, discussion
自慢 【じまん】pride, boast
芝居 【しばい】play, drama
慎重 【しんちょう】discretion, prudence, caution, care
世紀 【せいき】century, era
舌 【した】① tongue ② tongue-like object, clapper (of a bell), talon (of a lock)
訴える 【うったえる】① to sue (a person), to take someone to court ② to resort to (e.g. arms, violence) ③ to appeal to, to call for ④ to raise, to bring to (someone's attention) ⑤ to complain
騒ぎ 【さわぎ】uproar, disturbance
属する 【ぞくする】① to entrust ② to send (a message, etc.)
怠る 【おこたる】to be negligent in doing something, to shirk, to be off one's guard
抵抗 【ていこう】electrical resistance, resistance, opposition
提案 【ていあん】proposal, proposition, suggestion
提出 【ていしゅつ】① to present, to submit (e.g. a report or a thesis), to hand in, to file, to turn in ② presentation, submission, filing
納得 【なっとく】consent, assent, understanding, agreement, comprehension, grasp
迫る 【せまる】to draw near, to press (someone for something)
発展 【はってん】① development, growth, advancement, unfurling ② expansion, extension, enlargement ③ playing around, having an active sex life
比較 【ひかく】comparison
武器 【ぶき】weapon, arms, ordnance
矛盾 【むじゅん】contradiction, inconsistency
途端 【とたん】just (now, at the moment, etc.)
くっつくto adhere to, to keep close to
しかるto scold
みょう① strange, unusual ② (something) superb, (something) excellent
何しろ 【なにしろ】at any rate, anyhow, anyway, in any case
それなのにand yet, despite this, but even so, but even then, however, nevertheless, for all that, notwithstanding that
以後 【いご】① after this, from now on, hereafter ② thereafter, since (verb) (after -te form of verb), after (time), since (then)
とどまる① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
形式 【けいしき】① form (as opposed to substance), formality ② method, system, style ③ format, mode, appearance, form (something takes) ④ math expression
合流 【ごうりゅう】confluence, union, linking up, merge, recombining
留める 【とめる】① to stop (something or someone), to turn off ② to concentrate on, to pay attention to ③ to remember, to bear in mind ④ to fix into place ⑤ to park, to leave somewhere for a time
受け持つ 【うけもつ】to take (be in) charge of
集合 【しゅうごう】① gathering, assembly, meeting ② set
深夜 【しんや】late at night
竹 【たけ】① bamboo ② middle (of a three-tier ranking system)
役所 【やくしょ】government office, public office
等 【とう】① class, order, rank ② et cetera (etc.), and the like ③ equal
移転 【いてん】moving, transfer, demise
医療 【いりょう】medical care, medical treatment
運河 【うんが】canal, waterway
期限 【きげん】① term, period, time frame ② time limit, deadline, cutoff (date)
現に 【げんに】actually, really
散る 【ちる】① to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves) ② to scatter, to be dispersed ③ to disappear, to dissolve, to break up ④ to spread, to run, to blur ⑤ to die a noble death
性別 【せいべつ】distinction by sex, sex, gender
生存 【せいぞん】① existence, being, survival ② to exist, to live, to survive
束 【たば】bundle, bunch, sheaf
体制 【たいせい】order, system, structure, set-up, organization, organisation
逃がす 【にがす】to let loose, to set free, to let escape
破れる 【やぶれる】to get torn, to wear out
不可 【ふか】wrong, bad, improper, unjustifiable, inadvisable
付近 【ふきん】neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, environs
未満 【みまん】less than, insufficient
連合 【れんごう】① union, alliance, combination ② RENGO (Japanese Trade Union Confederation)
浴衣 【ゆかた】yukata (light cotton kimono worn in the summer or used as a bathrobe)
ご存知 【ごぞんじ】① knowing ② (an) acquaintance
干す 【ほす】① to air, to dry, to desiccate ② to drain (off) ③ to drink up ④ to deprive of a role, job, etc. (usu. in the passive)
段 【だん】① step, stair, (flight of) steps, (row of) stitches, columns (of print) ② grade, rank, level ③ counter for breaks in written language (or speech, etc.)
応援 【おうえん】aid, assistance, help, reinforcement, rooting, barracking, support, cheering
拡張 【かくちょう】expansion, extension, enlargement, escape, ESC
恐縮 【きょうしゅく】shame, very kind of you, sorry to trouble
厳重 【げんじゅう】strict, rigour, rigor, severe, firm, strong, secure
項目 【こうもく】(data) item, entry
砕く 【くだく】to break, to smash
姿勢 【しせい】attitude, posture
至急 【しきゅう】urgent, pressing
将棋 【しょうぎ】shogi, Japanese chess, xianqi
申請 【しんせい】application, request, petition
対策 【たいさく】counter-plan, counter-measure
展開 【てんかい】① development ② expansion (opposite of compression)
特殊 【とくしゅ】special, unique
消耗 【しょうもう】exhaustion, consumption, waste, dissipation
整う 【ととのう】to be prepared, to be in order, to be put in order, to be arranged
くだらないgood-for-nothing, stupid, trivial, worthless
つながりconnection, link, relationship
くれぐれもrepeatedly, sincerely, earnestly
いきなりabruptly, suddenly, all of a sudden, without warning
こするto rub, to scrub
なおfurthermore, still, yet, more, still more, in addition, greater, further
もちsticky rice cake
きっかけchance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasion
ひとまずfor the present, once, in outline
すまない① inexcusable, unjustifiable, unpardonable ② sorry, remorseful, apologetic, conscience-stricken, contrite ③ excuse me, (I'm) sorry, thank you
ねじる① to screw, to twist ② to distort, to parody, to make a pun ③ to torture, to wrest
はるto do
相 【あい】together, mutually, fellow
付き 【つき】① furnished with, including ② attached to ③ impression, appearance ④ luck ⑤ sociality ⑥ under, assistant (e.g. to a manager) ⑦ soup base
一変 【いっぺん】complete change, about-face
確保 【かくほ】guarantee, maintain, ensure, insure, secure, reservation
革命 【かくめい】① revolution ② 58th year of the sexagenary cycle (in onmyou-dou)
干し物 【ほしもの】things dried in the sun, esp. clothes, died cloth, etc.
慣れ 【なれ】practice, practise, experience
関与 【かんよ】participation, taking part in, participating in, being concerned in
丸める 【まるめる】to make round, to round off, to roll up, to curl up, to seduce, to cajole, to explain away
規模 【きぼ】scale, scope, plan, structure
犠牲 【ぎせい】victim, sacrifice, scapegoat
議題 【ぎだい】topic of discussion, agenda
鞠 【まり】ball
逆転 【ぎゃくてん】(sudden) change, reversal, turn-around, coming from behind (baseball)
休める 【やすめる】to rest, to suspend, to give relief
強める 【つよめる】to strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasise
強行 【きょうこう】① forcing, enforcement ② forced, enforced
脅す 【おどす】to threaten, to menace
凝る 【こる】① to grow stiff ② to be absorbed in, to be devoted to, to be a fanatic, to elaborate
近郊 【きんこう】suburbs, outskirts
軍備 【ぐんび】armaments, military preparations
形勢 【けいせい】condition, situation, prospects
警戒 【けいかい】① vigilance, precaution, watch, lookout, alertness ② to be vigilant, to be cautious, to guard (against)
健在 【けんざい】in good health, well, going strong
原型 【げんけい】prototype, model, pattern, archetypal
限定 【げんてい】limit, restriction
固める 【かためる】to harden, to freeze, to fortify
拘束 【こうそく】restriction, restraint, binding
行進 【こうしん】march, parade
根本 【こんぽん】root, source, origin, foundation, base, principle
差し支える 【さしつかえる】to interfere, to hinder, to become impeded
採集 【さいしゅう】collecting, gathering
仕掛ける 【しかける】to commence, to lay (mines), to set (traps), to wage (war), to challenge
仕切る 【しきる】① to partition, to divide, to mark off, to itemize ② to direct, to take control, to manage, to take responsibility ③ to settle accounts ④ to toe the mark
指揮 【しき】command, direction
飼育 【しいく】breeding, raising, rearing
失格 【しっかく】disqualification, elimination, incapacity (legal)
実態 【じったい】true state, actual condition, reality
手遅れ 【ておくれ】① being (too) late ② belated treatment
出くわす 【でくわす】to happen to meet, to come across
盾 【たて】shield, buckler, escutcheon, pretext
勝利 【しょうり】victory, triumph, conquest, success, win
消息 【しょうそく】① news (from somebody), letter, contact ② (somebody's) whereabouts, (somebody's) movements
証拠 【しょうこ】evidence, proof
職員 【しょくいん】staff member, personnel
職務 【しょくむ】professional duties
食い違う 【くいちがう】to cross each other, to run counter to, to differ, to clash, to go awry
心強い 【こころづよい】heartening, reassuring
申し入れる 【もうしいれる】to propose, to suggest
親しむ 【したしむ】to be intimate with, to befriend
人質 【ひとじち】hostage, prisoner
世代 【せだい】generation, the world, the age
勢力 【せいりょく】influence, power, might, strength, potency, force, energy
正体 【しょうたい】natural shape, one's true colors, one's true colours, true character, consciousness, senses
切ない 【せつない】① painful, heartrending, trying ② oppressive, suffocating, miserable
戦術 【せんじゅつ】tactics
染める 【そめる】to dye, to colour, to color
選挙 【せんきょ】election
捜索 【そうさく】search (esp. for someone or something missing), investigation
憎しみ 【にくしみ】hatred
速やか 【すみやか】speedy, prompt, smooth
存続 【そんぞく】duration, continuance
対決 【たいけつ】confrontation, showdown
態勢 【たいせい】attitude, conditions, preparations
退治 【たいじ】extermination
達者 【たっしゃ】skillful, in good health
単独 【たんどく】sole, independence, single, solo (flight)
担架 【たんか】stretcher, litter
築く 【きずく】to build, to pile up, to amass
中立 【ちゅうりつ】neutrality
挑む 【いどむ】① to challenge, to throw down the gauntlet, to contend for, to tackle ② to pressure someone for sex, to woo, to make love to
通常 【つうじょう】common, general, normal, usual
転落 【てんらく】fall, degradation, slump, spill
伝達 【でんたつ】transmission (e.g. news), communication, delivery, conveyance, transfer, relay, propagation, conduction
逃走 【とうそう】flight, desertion, escape
陶器 【とうき】pottery, ceramics
独占 【どくせん】① monopoly ② to monopolize, to hog
肉体 【にくたい】the body, the flesh
入手 【にゅうしゅ】obtaining, coming to hand
背後 【はいご】① back, rear ② background, behind the scenes
発言 【はつげん】utterance, speech, proposal
美 【び】beauty
不意 【ふい】sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseen
不調 【ふちょう】bad condition, not to work out (i.e. a deal), disagreement, break-off, disorder, slump, out of form
布告 【ふこく】edict, ordinance, proclamation
封建 【ほうけん】feudalistic
覆す 【くつがえす】to overturn, to upset, to overthrow, to undermine
兵器 【へいき】arms, weapons, ordnance
保護 【ほご】care, protection, shelter, safeguard, guardianship, favor, favour, patronage
捕獲 【ほかく】capture, seizure
捕虜 【ほりょ】prisoner (of war)
放り出す 【ほうりだす】to throw out, to fire, to expel, to give up, to abandon, to neglect
未だ 【いまだ】① as yet, hitherto, still ② not yet (with negative verb)
密接 【みっせつ】related, connected, close, intimate
優位 【ゆうい】predominance, ascendancy, superiority
幽霊 【ゆうれい】ghost, specter, spectre, apparition, phantom
有力 【ゆうりょく】① influential, prominent ② strong, likely, plausible, potent
裏返し 【うらがえし】inside out, upside down
臨む 【のぞむ】① to look out on ② to face ③ to deal with ④ to attend (e.g. function), to appear (e.g. in court)
万能 【ばんのう】① all-purpose, utility ② almighty, omnipotent
収集 【しゅうしゅう】gathering up, collection, accumulation
総合 【そうごう】① synthesis, coordination, putting together, integration, composite ② comprehensive
届 【とどけ】report, notification, registration
同盟 【どうめい】alliance, union, league
図る 【はかる】① to plot, to attempt, to plan, to devise, to design ② to take in, to deceive ③ to aim for, to have something in mind ④ to refer A to B
振り出し 【ふりだし】outset, starting point, drawing or issuing (draft, draught)
保障 【ほしょう】guarantee, security, assurance, pledge, warranty
前もって 【まえもって】in advance, beforehand, previously
理屈 【りくつ】theory, reason
増し 【まし】① better, less objectionable, preferable ② more, increase, extra
衣類 【いるい】clothes, clothing, garments
菌 【きん】① fungus ② germ, bacterium, bacillus
隊 【たい】party, company, body (of troops), corps
官 【かん】government service, the bureaucracy
書 【しょ】① document, book ② penmanship, handwriting, calligraphy (esp. Chinese)
亜 【あ】① sub- ② -ous (indicating a low oxidation state), -ite
手筈 【てはず】arrangement, plan, programme, program
裾 【すそ】(trouser) cuff, (skirt) hem, cut edge of a hairdo, fringe, foot of mountain
脆い 【もろい】brittle, fragile, tender-hearted
微塵 【みじん】particle, atom
呆然 【ぼうぜん】dumbfounded, overcome with surprise, in blank amazement, in a daze
役立つ 【やくだつ】to be useful, to be helpful, to serve the purpose
なめる① to lick ② to taste ③ to experience (esp. a hardship) ④ to make fun of, to make light of, to put down, to treat with contempt
とりわけ① especially, above all ② inter alia, among others
はまる① to fit, to get into, to go into ② to be fit for (a job, etc.), to be suited for, to satisfy (conditions) ③ to fall into, to plunge into, to get stuck, to get caught ④ to be deceived, to be taken in, to fall into a trap ⑤ to be addicted to, to be deep into, to be crazy about, to be stuck on
よってtherefore, consequently, accordingly, because of
くたばるto be pooped, to be exhausted
たかがit's only ... (something), at most
まんまとsuccessfully, fairly, artfully, nicely, thoroughly
メンバーmember, participant, attendee, lineup (sport)
一気に 【いっきに】at once, at a breath (stroke, sitting)
見聞 【けんぶん】information, observation
七月 【しちがつ】July
天日 【てんじつ】the sun, sunlight
入れ 【いれ】container, receptacle
なにせat any rate, anyhow
気がつく 【きがつく】① to notice, to become aware, to perceive, to realize, to realise ② to recover consciousness, to come to oneself
見分け 【みわけ】distinction
すいませんexcuse me;
何かしら 【なにかしら】somehow or other, something or other
そうですねthat's so, isn't it
それにしてもnevertheless, at any rate, even so
めげるto be discouraged, to shrink from
水 【すい】① Wednesday ② shaved ice (served with flavored syrup) ③ water (fifth of the five elements)
急きょ 【きゅうきょ】hurriedly, in a hurry
強み 【つよみ】forte
強大 【きょうだい】mighty, powerful
ご用 【ごよう】your order, your business, official business
試料 【しりょう】sample, test piece
持ち去る 【もちさる】to take away, to carry away
自作 【じさく】one's own work
生死 【しょうし】① life and death ② samsara (cycle of death and rebirth) ③ death
多大 【ただい】heavy, much
代行 【だいこう】acting as agent
天使 【てんし】angel
白黒 【しろくろ】① black and white, monochrome ② good and evil, right and wrong, guilt and innocence
発する 【はっする】to fire (a gun), to emit, to give forth
病人 【びょうにん】sick person, patient
文字通り 【もじどおり】① literal ② literally
本業 【ほんぎょう】principal occupation, core business
本心 【ほんしん】true feelings
手のひら 【てのひら】the palm (of one's hand)
足下 【あしもと】① at one's feet, underfoot ② gait, pace, step ③ you, thou
安々 【やすやす】calmly, peacefully, painlessly, comfortably
自室 【じしつ】one's own room
おそれ多い 【おそれおおい】awesome, awe-inspiring, august
心から 【こころから】from the bottom of one's heart, heart and soul, by nature
飲ます 【のます】to make somebody drink
何の道 【どのみち】anyway, anyhow, at any rate, in any case
兄ちゃん 【にいちゃん】familiar form of "older brother"
暗がり 【くらがり】darkness
一部始終 【いちぶしじゅう】full particulars, the whole story, from beginning to end
火薬 【かやく】gunpowder, powder
会期 【かいき】session (of a legislature)
欠員 【けついん】vacancy, vacant position
決め手 【きめて】① person who decides ② deciding factor, clincher, trump card, winning move
決別 【けつべつ】separation, farewell
見守る 【みまもる】to watch over, to watch attentively
言語道断 【ごんごどうだん】outrageous, preposterous, scandalous, inexcusable, absurd, execrable
使い物 【つかいもの】present, gift, bribe, usable article
死神 【しにがみ】god of death, Death
歯形 【はがた】tooth-mark, impression of the teeth, dental mold
実地 【じっち】① practice, practise ② the actual site
手助け 【てだすけ】a help
出番 【でばん】one's turn
助け合う 【たすけあう】to help each other, to cooperate
勝算 【しょうさん】prospects of victory, chances of success
勝者 【しょうしゃ】winner, victor
まとも① the front ② honesty, uprightness, directness ③ decency, normality
打つ手 【うつて】way to do (something)
代物 【しろもの】thing, article, goods, fellow, affair
大勝 【たいしょう】great victory, crushing victory
定例 【ていれい】regularity
天地神明 【てんちしんめい】the gods of heaven and earth
当事者 【とうじしゃ】person concerned, interested party, related party
当面 【とうめん】① current, urgent, pressing, impending ② to confront (an issue), to face (up to something) ③ for the meantime, at present
半数 【はんすう】① half the number ② haploid
反す 【かえす】① to return (something), to restore, to put back ② to turn over, to turn upside down, to overturn ③ to pay back, to retaliate, to reciprocate ④ (after the -masu stem of a verb) to repeat ..., to do ... back
反面 【はんめん】on the other hand
筆頭 【ひっとう】brush tip, first on a list
風向き 【かざむき】wind's direction
無力 【むりょく】powerlessness, helplessness, incompetent
薬物 【やくぶつ】medicines, drugs
有り様 【ありさま】state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
由来 【ゆらい】origin, source, history, derivation, reason, destiny
予断 【よだん】guessing, prediction, conclusion
内情 【ないじょう】internal conditions, true state of affairs
もったいない① too good, more than one deserves, unworthy of ② wasteful
見放す 【みはなす】to desert, to abandon, to give up
立て直す 【たてなおす】to rally, to make over, to rearrange, to reorganize, to reorganise
期す 【きす】① to expect, to look forward to ② to set (a date, etc.) ③ to resolve, to pledge (to oneself), to vow
長身 【ちょうしん】tall figure, high stature
術中 【じゅっちゅう】a trick
全会 【ぜんかい】whole assembly
曲がりなりにも 【まがりなりにも】though imperfect, somehow, somehow or other
お疲れ様 【おつかれさま】① thank you, many thanks, much appreciated ② that's enough for today
圧勝 【あっしょう】complete victory
依然として 【いぜんとして】still, as yet, as of old
一掃 【いっそう】clean sweep
一枚岩 【いちまいいわ】monolithic
奥の手 【おくのて】left hand, upper hand, secret skills, secret, mystery, last resort, trump card
解体 【かいたい】disassembly, dismantling, deconstruction, dissolution, demolishing
開戦 【かいせん】outbreak of war, starting a war
巻き込む 【まきこむ】to roll up, to involve, to enfold, to swallow up, to drag into
危急 【ききゅう】emergency
疑わしい 【うたがわしい】doubtful, questionable, uncertain, disputable, suspicious
極限 【きょくげん】utmost limits, limit
軍団 【ぐんだん】army corps
形跡 【けいせき】traces, evidence
見越す 【みこす】to anticipate, to foresee
見殺し 【みごろし】letting (someone) die without helping
呼び戻す 【よびもどす】to call back, to call home
構築 【こうちく】construction
合戦 【かっせん】battle, engagement
再起 【さいき】comeback, recovery, restoration, rally, reflexive (in grammar)
最悪 【さいあく】the worst
散会 【さんかい】adjournment
主席 【しゅせき】① head, chief ② chairman, governor, president ③ top student, head of the class ④ top seat, first desk (in orchestra)
周到 【しゅうとう】scrupulous, meticulous, careful
小競り合い 【こぜりあい】skirmish, brief argument, exchange of words, quarrel
職能 【しょくのう】function, work ability
生け捕り 【いけどり】capturing something alive, something captured alive
絶望 【ぜつぼう】despair, hopelessness
戦国 【せんごく】belligerent country, country in civil war, warring states
戦場 【せんじょう】battlefield, battleground
戦線 【せんせん】(war) front
双方 【そうほう】two way, both parties, mutual, both
装う 【よそおう】① to dress ② to pretend, to feign
存分 【ぞんぶん】to one's heart's content, as much as one wants
打ち破る 【うちやぶる】to break, to smash, to defeat, to destroy, to eliminate
待機 【たいき】alert, standby, await an opportunity, wait for orders
断続 【だんぞく】intermittent
調達 【ちょうたつ】supply, provision, raising
働きかける 【はたらきかける】to work on someone, to influence, to appeal to, to begin to work
届け出 【とどけで】report, notification
念入り 【ねんいり】careful, scrupulous, thorough, conscientious
判明 【はんめい】establishing, proving, identifying, confirming
非情 【ひじょう】inanimate nature, callous, heartless
不敬 【ふけい】disrespect, irreverence, impiety, blasphemy, profanity
部位 【ぶい】part, position (in a whole, i.e. body)
防備 【ぼうび】defense, defence, defensive preparations
未だに 【いまだに】still, even now, until this very day
未明 【みめい】early dawn, grey of morning, gray of morning
無関係 【むかんけい】unrelated
無責任 【むせきにん】irresponsibility
有害 【ゆうがい】harmfulness
理念 【りねん】idea
裏切り 【うらぎり】treachery, betrayal, perfidy
散々 【さんざん】① severely, harshly, utterly, terrible ② scattered, disconnected
届け 【とどけ】report, notification, registration
部署 【ぶしょ】one's duty post, one's duty station
乾す 【ほす】① to air, to dry, to desiccate ② to drain (off) ③ to drink up ④ to deprive of a role, job, etc. (usu. in the passive)
まんざら(not) altogether, (not) wholly
逃げ 【にげ】escape, getaway, evasion
担い手 【にないて】a bearer, carrier, person in charge
極まりない 【きわまりない】extremely, in the extreme, boundless, limitless
報い 【むくい】reward, recompense, return, punishment, retribution
実戦 【じっせん】combat, actual fighting
願い下げ 【ねがいさげ】① cancellation, withdrawal ② asking to be excused, begging off, not taking, refusing
非常時 【ひじょうじ】(time of) emergency, crisis
政務 【せいむ】government affairs
根絶やし 【ねだやし】eradication, extermination
捜し出す 【さがしだす】to locate, to discover
泊まり 【とまり】stay, stopover, anchorage, night duty
威厳 【いげん】dignity, majesty, solemnity, gravity
異様 【いよう】bizarre, strange, eccentric, odd, queer
遺骨 【いこつ】remains, ashes of deceased
遺体 【いたい】corpse, remains
一睡 【いっすい】(usu. in negative sentences) (not) a wink of sleep
引き継ぐ 【ひきつぐ】to take over, to hand over
引き裂く 【ひきさく】to tear up, to tear off, to split
隠滅 【いんめつ】destruction, suppression
怪物 【かいぶつ】monster
堪能 【かんのう】① proficient, skillful ② satisfaction ③ fortitude
鑑定 【かんてい】judgement, judgment, expert opinion
奇異 【きい】odd, strange, wonderful
奇襲 【きしゅう】surprise attack
忌まわしい 【いまわしい】① unpleasant, disagreeable, abominable, disgusting, unsavory ② unlucky, inauspicious
偽る 【いつわる】to lie, to cheat, to falsify, to deceive, to pretend
却下 【きゃっか】rejection, dismissal
旧弊 【きゅうへい】old-fashioned, conservatism, standing evil, the old school, antiquated
挟み撃ち 【はさみうち】pincer attack, attack on both sides (flanks)
駆除 【くじょ】extermination, expulsion, destruction
君臨 【くんりん】① reigning, controlling ② to reign, to dictate, to control
ほたるfirefly (Luciola cruciata), lightning bug, glowworm
結びつく 【むすびつく】to be connected or related, to join together
血縁 【けつえん】blood relative or relationship, consanguinity
故意 【こい】① intention, purpose, bad faith ② mens rea (guilty mind)
顧問 【こもん】adviser, advisor, consultant
攻防 【こうぼう】offense and defense, offence and defence
考案 【こうあん】plan, device, idea, invention
司令 【しれい】command, control, commander
志願 【しがん】aspiration, volunteering, desire
視線 【しせん】one's eyes, glance, look
醜悪 【しゅうあく】ugliness, meanness, offensiveness
瞬時 【しゅんじ】moment, instant
巡回 【じゅんかい】going around, patrol, round, tour
傷む 【いたむ】to be damaged, to go bad
焦り 【あせり】impatience
整合 【せいごう】adjustment, coordination, integration, conformity
折衝 【せっしょう】negotiation
宣戦 【せんせん】declaration of war
喪服 【もふく】mourning dress
即死 【そくし】instant death
代謝 【たいしゃ】renewal, regeneration, metabolism
大嫌い 【だいきらい】very dislikeable, hate, loathe, abhor
懲罰 【ちょうばつ】discipline, punishment, reprimand
直系 【ちょっけい】direct descent, direct line
踏み切る 【ふみきる】to make a bold start, to take a plunge, to take off
同級生 【どうきゅうせい】classmate, classmates
二枚舌 【にまいじた】double-dealing, duplicity, equivocation, double-tongued
発端 【ほったん】origin, genesis, opening, start, beginning
班長 【はんちょう】squad leader, honcho, team leader, group leader
標的 【ひょうてき】target
不愉快 【ふゆかい】discomfort, unpleasantness, disagreeableness, unhappiness
本隊 【ほんたい】main body (of an army)
麻薬 【まやく】narcotic drugs, narcotic, opium, dope
幕開け 【まくあけ】① the rise of the curtain, opening (of play) ② beginning (e.g. of an era), opening (festival, event, etc.)
抹殺 【まっさつ】erasure, denial, obliteration, ignoring (an opinion)
無傷 【むきず】unhurt, uninjured, unwounded, flawless, spotless, sound, perfect
目隠し 【めかくし】① something used to cover the eyes, blindfold, blinder, blinker, eye bandage ② concealing one's home such that the interior cannot be seen from outside
目撃 【もくげき】① to observe, to witness ② eye-witness
融合 【ゆうごう】agglutination, adhesion, fusion, unite
窯 【かま】stove, furnace, kiln
離脱 【りだつ】withdrawal, secession, separation, breakaway
連携 【れんけい】cooperation, coordination, link
戯言 【たわごと】nonsense, bullshit, silly things, joke
元凶 【げんきょう】① ringleader, main culprit ② main cause, source
保健所 【ほけんじょ】health care center, health care centre
援護 【えんご】covering, protection, backing, relief
憶測 【おくそく】guess, speculation, supposition
創る 【つくる】① to make, to produce, to manufacture, to build, to construct ② to prepare (food), to brew (alcohol) ③ to raise, to grow, to cultivate, to train ④ to till ⑤ to draw up (a document), to make out, to prepare, to write ⑥ to create (an artistic work, etc.), to compose ⑦ to coin (a phrase), to organize, to organise, to establish, to found ⑧ to have (a child) ⑨ to make up (one's face, etc.) ⑩ to fabricate (an excuse, etc.) ⑪ to form (a line, etc.) ⑫ to set (a record) ⑬ to commit (a sin, etc.)
臭い 【におい】① odour, odor, scent, smell, stench ② aura, whiff, smacks of ..., sense, flavour, flavor
跳ね上がる 【はねあがる】to jump up, to spring up
託す 【たくす】① to entrust ② to make an excuse of
よくもHow dare ...
義務づける 【ぎむづける】to obligate
松明 【たいまつ】(pine) torch, flambeau, torchlight
太陽系 【たいようけい】solar system
辞儀 【じぎ】declining, refusing, (bowing and) greeting
鳥獣 【ちょうじゅう】birds and wild animals, wildlife
どうにもnothing can be done (to resolve it)
源 【げん】source, origin
益する 【えきする】to benefit (someone), to be useful
たまるto bear (often adds emphasis), to endure
とてつもないextravagant, absurd, unbelievable, preposterous, unreasonable
兎も有れ 【ともあれ】anyhow, in any case
蜂 【はち】① bee ② wasp
翻弄 【ほんろう】① trifling with, toying with, playing with, making sport of, making fun of, leading around by the nose ② tossing about (a ship)
歪 【いびつ】oval, elliptical, distorted, crooked, irregular, warped
恫喝 【どうかつ】intimidation, threat, bluster
拮抗 【きっこう】① rivalry, competition, antagonism, struggle for supremacy ② rising and falling (of a bird)
殲滅 【せんめつ】extermination, annihilation
狡猾 【こうかつ】sly, cunning, crafty
絆 【きずな】① bonds, fetters, encumbrance ② tether
虱 【しらみ】louse (esp. a sucking louse), lice
鼈甲 【べっこう】① tortoiseshell (of the hawksbill turtle), bekko ② (in Chinese medicine) tortoiseshell (esp. of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle)
かえる① frog ② kajika frog (Buergeria buergeri)
こいつthis fellow, this guy, this person
虎視眈々 【こしたんたん】watching vigilantly for an opportunity to prey upon
ここいらaround here, in this vicinity, this area
愈 【いよ】more and more, increasingly; extremely, very;