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Sailor Moon [‘美少女戦士セーラームーン’] Vol. 3: episodes 6 to 10

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Vocab for episodes 6 to 10 of the animated series ‘Sailor Moon’ [‘美少女戦士セーラームーン’]. This is volume 3/10. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (Vol. 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



629 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
お母さん 【おかあさん】mother
ではthen, well, so, well then
バス① bus ② bath ③ bass
パン① bread, pastries (e.g. croissants), pastry-based products ② pan, frying pan ③ panning (in a film)
右 【みぎ】① right, right hand side ② afore-mentioned (esp. in vertical Japanese writing), foregoing, forgoing, above
雨 【あめ】rain
空 【そら】sky, the heavens
左 【ひだり】left, left hand side
出口 【でぐち】exit, gateway, way out, outlet, leak, vent
水 【みず】water (cold, fresh)
川 【がわ】① river, stream ② the .... river, (suffix used with the names of rivers)
大学 【だいがく】① post-secondary education institution, incl. university, college, etc. ② the Great Learning - one of the Four Books
大人 【おとな】adult
天気 【てんき】① weather, the elements ② fair weather, fine weather
電話 【でんわ】telephone
道 【みち】① road, street, way, path, course, route, lane ② distance, ways (e.g. "a long ways") ③ the way (of proper conduct, etc.), one's way, morals ④ teachings (esp. Confucian or Buddhist), dogma ⑤ field (of medicine, etc.), subject ⑥ way, method, means
二つ 【ふたつ】two
年 【とし】① year ② age
毎日 【まいにち】every day
来週 【らいしゅう】next week
リンゴ① apple ② apple tree (Malus pumila)
今年 【ことし】this year
四 【よん】four
出かける 【でかける】to depart, to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing), to set out, to start, to be going out
医者 【いしゃ】(medical) doctor, physician
歌 【うた】① song ② classical Japanese poetry (esp. tanka) ③ modern poetry
近く 【ちかく】① near, neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity ② nearly (i.e. "it took nearly one year"), close to ③ shortly, soon
兄 【あに】older brother
軽い 【かるい】① light (i.e. not heavy), feeling light (i.e. offering little resistance, moving easily) ② light (i.e. of foot), nimble, agile ③ non-serious, minor, unimportant, trivial ④ slight, small, gentle, soft ⑤ easy, simple ⑥ indiscriminate
止まる 【とまる】① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
時計 【とけい】watch, clock, timepiece
乗る 【のる】① to get on, to ride in, to board, to mount, to get up on ② to spread (paints), to be taken in ③ to share in, to join, to feel like doing, to be mentioned in, to be in harmony with ④ to appear (in print), to be recorded, to be found in (a dictionary)
色 【いろ】① colour, color ② complexion ③ appearance, look ④ love, lust, sensuality, love affair, lover ⑤ kind, type, variety
走る 【はしる】① to run ② to travel (movement of vehicles) ③ to hurry to ④ to retreat (from battle), to take flight ⑤ to run away from home ⑥ to elope ⑦ to tend heavily toward
多い 【おおい】many, numerous
答える 【こたえる】to answer, to reply
日曜日 【にちようび】Sunday
風 【かぜ】wind, breeze
服 【ふく】① clothes (esp. Western clothes) ② counter for doses of medicine, gulps of tea, drags of a cigarette, etc.
夜 【よる】evening, night
有名 【ゆうめい】① famous ② fame
絵 【え】picture, drawing, painting, sketch
階 【かい】① stories, storeys ② counter for storeys and floors of a building
言葉 【ことば】① language, dialect ② word, words, phrase, term, expression, remark ③ speech, (manner of) speaking
向こう 【むこう】① opposite side, other side, opposite direction ② over there, that way, far away, beyond ③ the other party, the other person ④ future (starting now)
雪 【ゆき】snow
全部 【ぜんぶ】all, entire, whole, altogether
遊ぶ 【あそぶ】① to play, to enjoy oneself, to have a good time ② to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.) ③ to be idle, to do nothing, to be unused ④ to go to (for pleasure or for study) ⑤ (in baseball) to intentionally throw a ball to lower the batter's concentration
練習 【れんしゅう】practice, practise
側 【がわ】① side (of something, or taking someone's side), part ② (watch) case
過ぎ 【すぎ】① past, after ② too (much), over (e.g. eating)
皆 【みな】① all, everyone, everybody ② everything
靴 【くつ】shoes, footwear
警官 【けいかん】policeman
降る 【ふる】to precipitate, to fall (e.g. rain)
財布 【さいふ】purse, handbag, wallet
洗濯 【せんたく】washing, laundry
掃除 【そうじ】cleaning, sweeping
熱い 【あつい】hot (thing)
飛行機 【ひこうき】aeroplane, airplane, aircraft
忙しい 【いそがしい】busy, hectic, occupied, engaged
枚 【まい】counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper)
居る 【いる】① to be (of animate objects), to exist ② to stay ③ (after the -te form of a verb) verb indicating continuing action or state (i.e. to be ..ing, to have been ..ing)
降りる 【おりる】① to alight (e.g. from bus), to get off, to disembark, to dismount ② to quit, to withdraw, to pull back (from a position, a job) ③ to form (of frost, dew, mist, etc.)
幾ら 【いくら】how much?, how many?
玄関 【げんかん】entranceway, entry hall, vestibule, foyer
傘 【かさ】umbrella, parasol
沢山 【たくさん】many, a lot, much
弾く 【ひく】to play (piano, guitar)
風呂 【ふろ】① bath, bathtub ② bathroom, bathhouse ③ room for drying lacquerware ④ base (wooden joint connecting the blade of a hoe, spade, etc., to the handle)
暇 【ひま】① spare time, free time, leisure ② time off, day off, vacation, holiday, leave ③ quitting (one's job), firing someone, divorcing (one's spouse) ④ (of one's time) free, (of one's business) slow ⑤ leaving, departing
伯父 【おじ】uncle (older than one's parent)
あそこ① there (place physically distant from both speaker and listener), over there, that place, yonder ② that far (something psychologically distant from both speaker and listener), that much, that point
そっち① that way (direction distant from the speaker, close to the listener) ② there (place distant from the speaker, close to the listener) ③ that one (something close to the listener) ④ you, your family ⑤ that person (someone close to the listener)
いくつ① how many? ② how old?
まずい① unappetising, unappetizing, unpleasant (taste, appearance, situation) ② unskillful, unskilful, bungling, clumsy ③ ugly, homely, plain, unattractive ④ awkward, untimely, inopportune, unfavorable, unwise
いかがhow, in what way, how about
どのwhich, what (way)
すっかりall, completely, thoroughly
だからso, therefore
日本 【にっぽん】Japan
運転 【うんてん】operation, motion, driving
遠く 【とおく】far away, distant, at a distance, distant place, by far
会 【かい】① meeting, assembly, party ② association, club
間に合う 【まにあう】① to be in time for ② to serve (suit, meet) the purpose, to be good enough, to be enough
急行 【きゅうこう】① moving at high speed ② express (e.g. train that bypasses many stations)
金持ち 【かねもち】rich man
高校 【こうこう】senior high school
上手い 【うまい】① skillful, clever, expert, wise, successful ② delicious, appetizing, appetising ③ fortunate, splendid, promising
止める 【やめる】to end, to stop, to cease, to resign
試験 【しけん】examination, test, study, trial, experiment
社会 【しゃかい】society, public
小学校 【しょうがっこう】primary school, elementary school, grade school
少年 【しょうねん】boys, juveniles
親 【おや】① parent, parents ② dealer (in cards) ③ founder ④ (pet) owner
世界 【せかい】the world, society, the universe
説明 【せつめい】explanation, exposition
足りる 【たりる】① to be sufficient, to be enough ② to be worth doing, to be worthy ③ to be sufficient, to answer, to do
中学校 【ちゅうがっこう】junior high school, middle school, lower secondary school
動く 【うごく】① to move, to stir, to shift, to shake, to swing ② to operate, to run, to go, to work ③ to be touched, to be influenced ④ to change, to vary, to fluctuate, to waver ⑤ certain, factual ⑥ to be transferred
用意 【ようい】preparation
立てる 【たてる】① to stand (something) up, to erect (something) ② to make (a noise, a sound) ③ to put (tooth, claw, pointed object) to ④ to set (a plan, etc.), to decide (objective, schedule)
音 【おと】① sound, noise, report ② note (music) ③ fame
夕飯 【ゆうはん】evening meal
聞こえる 【きこえる】① to be heard, to be audible ② to be said to be, to be reputed
台風 【たいふう】typhoon, hurricane
安全 【あんぜん】① safety ② security
以内 【いない】within, inside of, less than
家内 【かない】① (my) wife ② inside the home, one's family
教育 【きょういく】training, education
近所 【きんじょ】neighbourhood, neighborhood
細かい 【こまかい】① small ② fine, minute ③ minor, trivial ④ sensitive, attentive
坂 【さか】slope, hill
残る 【のこる】to remain, to be left
寺 【てら】temple (Buddhist)
拾う 【ひろう】to pick up, to find, to gather
焼く 【やく】① to bake, to grill ② to develop (photos) ③ to suntan ④ to burn (in flames, down, CD, DVD, etc.), to scorch ⑤ to be jealous, to be envious
神社 【じんじゃ】Shinto shrine
生活 【せいかつ】living, life (one's daily existence), livelihood
線 【せん】line (also telephone, railway), wire, beam
倍 【ばい】① twice, double ② times, -fold
負ける 【まける】to lose, to be defeated
毛 【け】hair, fur
予定 【よてい】plans, arrangement, schedule, program, programme, expectation, estimate
落ちる 【おちる】① to fall down, to drop ② to fail (e.g. exam) ③ to crash, to degenerate, to degrade ④ to fade, to come out (e.g. a stain)
例えば 【たとえば】for example, e.g.
落とす 【おとす】① to drop, to lose, to let fall ② to clean off (dirt, makeup, paint, etc.), to remove (e.g. stains) ③ to download
会議 【かいぎ】meeting, conference, session, assembly, council, convention, congress
簡単 【かんたん】simple
機会 【きかい】chance, opportunity
機械 【きかい】① machine, mechanism ② instrument, appliance, apparatus
迎える 【むかえる】① to go out to meet ② to receive, to welcome ③ to accept (e.g. as a member of a group or family) ④ to call for, to summon, to invite ⑤ to approach (a certain time, a point in one's life, etc.)
残念 【ざんねん】deplorable, bad luck, regret, disappointment
支度 【したく】preparation, arrangements
似る 【にる】to resemble, to be similar
続く 【つづく】① to continue, to last, to go on ② to be unbroken ③ to occur again and again ④ to lead to, to connect to
盗む 【ぬすむ】to steal
熱 【ねつ】fever, temperature
必ず 【かならず】always, without exception, necessarily, certainly, without fail, positively, invariably
怖がる 【こわがる】to be afraid of, to fear, to dread, to be nervous (about), to be shy (of)
変わる 【かわる】to change, to be transformed, to vary, to be revised, to be different, to move location
冷える 【ひえる】to grow cold, to get chilly, to cool down
連絡 【れんらく】① to contact, to get in touch ② contacting, getting in touch, communication, call, message ③ connection, coordination, junction ④ intercalary, intercalaris, internuncial
遅れる 【おくれる】to be late, to be delayed, to fall behind schedule, to be overdue
探す 【さがす】to search (for something desired, needed), to look for
柔らかい 【やわらかい】soft, tender, limp
趣味 【しゅみ】hobby, tastes, preference
随分 【ずいぶん】① very, extremely, surprisingly, considerably ② contemptible, reprehensible
それでand, thereupon, because of that
びっくり① to be surprised, to be amazed, to be frightened, to be astonished ② surprise (e.g. surprise party) ③ surprise
なるほどI see, That's right!, Indeed
じっと① motionlessly ② fixedly (e.g. of staring) ③ patiently ④ firmly (e.g. hold), restrained
だって① after all, because ② but, however ③ even, even if ④ too, as well, also ⑤ they say, I hear, you mean
どうせanyhow, in any case, at any rate, after all, at best, at most, at all
どんなにhow, how much
上 【じょう】① from the standpoint of, as a matter of (e.g. fact), in the field of, being of the type of ② aboard (a ship or vehicle), on top of, on, above ③ first volume (e.g. book) ④ superior quality, best, top, high class ⑤ going up ⑥ governmental, imperial ⑦ presenting, showing
生 【なま】① raw, uncooked, fresh ② natural, unedited, unprocessed, crude ③ live (i.e. not recorded) ④ inexperienced, unpolished, green ⑤ impudence, sauciness ⑥ unpasteurized beer, draft beer, draught beer ⑦ partially, somewhat, half-, semi-
中学 【ちゅうがく】middle school, junior high school
分ける 【わける】to divide, to separate, to make distinctions, to differentiate (between)
万一 【まんいち】by some chance, by some possibility, if by any chance, 10,000 to 1 odds
生 【せい】① life, living ② I, me, myself
運 【うん】fortune, luck
強力 【きょうりょく】powerful, strong
空っぽ 【からっぽ】empty, vacant, hollow
者 【もの】person (rarely used w.o. a qualifier)
注文 【ちゅうもん】order, request
注目 【ちゅうもく】notice, attention, observation
売れる 【うれる】① to sell (well) ② to be well known, to be popular, to be famous
母親 【ははおや】mother
用心 【ようじん】care, precaution, guarding, caution
立場 【たちば】standpoint, position, situation
旅 【たび】travel, trip, journey
一家 【いっか】a house, a home, a family, a household, one's family, one's folks, a style
少女 【しょうじょ】young lady, little girl, virgin, maiden, daughter
計る 【はかる】① to measure, to weigh, to survey, to time (sound, gauge, estimate) ② to conjecture, to infer, to surmise
一流 【いちりゅう】first-class, top grade, school (of art), foremost, top-notch, unique
確かめる 【たしかめる】to ascertain, to check, to make sure
確実 【かくじつ】certainty, reliability, soundness
岩 【いわ】rock, crag
期待 【きたい】expectation, anticipation, hope
記録 【きろく】① record, minutes, document ② a record (e.g. in sports), results, score ③ to record, to document ④ to set a record (e.g. in sports), to show a result, to reach a value
逆 【ぎゃく】① reverse, opposite ② converse (of a hypothesis, etc.)
苦しむ 【くるしむ】to suffer, to groan, to be worried
計算 【けいさん】① calculation, reckoning, count ② forecast
向ける 【むける】to turn towards, to point
考え 【かんがえ】thinking, thought, ideas, intention
参加 【さんか】participation
実行 【じっこう】practice, practise, performance, execution (e.g. program) (programme), realization, realisation, implementation
出身 【しゅっしん】① person's origin (town, city, country, etc.) ② institution from which one graduated ③ director in charge of employee relations
勝負 【しょうぶ】victory or defeat, match, contest, game, bout
植物 【しょくぶつ】plant, vegetation
新た 【あらた】① new, fresh, novel ② newly, freshly, re-
神 【かみ】god, deity, divinity, spirit, kami
身 【み】① body ② oneself ③ one's place, one's position ④ main part, meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.), wood (as opposed to bark), blade (as opposed to its handle), container(as opposed to its lid)
人物 【じんぶつ】character, personality, person, man, personage, talented man
単なる 【たんなる】mere, simple, sheer
追う 【おう】① to chase, to run after, to pursue ② to follow (i.e. a set order, a trend) ③ to drive out, to oust, to expel ④ to drive (i.e. a herd) ⑤ (in passive voice) to be pressed (for time, etc.)
発表 【はっぴょう】announcement, publication
氷 【こおり】① ice ② shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup)
平和 【へいわ】peace, harmony
辺り 【あたり】① on the bank of, by the side of (e.g. a river, pond) ② (in the) neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, nearby
放す 【はなす】to separate, to set free, to turn loose
本物 【ほんもの】genuine article
無事 【ぶじ】safety, peace, quietness
明ける 【あける】① to dawn, to grow light ② to end
迷う 【まよう】① to lose one's way ② to waver, to hesitate, to be of two minds over, to be puzzled, to be perplexed ③ to give into temptation, to lose control of oneself ④ to turn in one's grave
列 【れつ】queue, line, row, column, sequence, string, train
全国 【ぜんこく】country-wide, nation-wide, whole country, national
例 【れい】① custom, practice, habit, usual ② said, aforementioned ③ instance, example, case, illustration, usage ④ precedent ⑤ annual
明かり 【あかり】① light, illumination, glow, gleam ② lamp, light
例え 【たとえ】example, simile, metaphor, allegory, parable
乗せる 【のせる】① to give (someone) a ride, to give a lift, to pick up, to help on board ② to deceive, to take for a ride
回り 【まわり】① circumference, perimeter, edge ② surroundings, locality, neighborhood ③ rotation, circulation
引っ掛かる 【ひっかかる】to be caught in, to be stuck in, to be cheated
鋭い 【するどい】pointed, sharp
奥 【おく】interior, inner part, inside
加減 【かげん】① addition and subtraction ② allowance for ③ degree, extent, measure ④ condition, state of health ⑤ seasoning, flavor, flavour, moderation, adjustment ⑥ influence (of the weather) ⑦ chance
快適 【かいてき】pleasant, agreeable, comfortable
感覚 【かんかく】sense, sensation, feeling, intuition
観念 【かんねん】① idea, notion, conception ② sense (e.g. of duty) ③ resignation, preparedness, acceptance ④ observation and contemplation
願い 【ねがい】desire, wish, request, prayer, petition, application
希望 【きぼう】hope, wish, aspiration
偶然 【ぐうぜん】(by) chance, unexpectedly, suddenly, accident, fortuity
現金 【げんきん】cash, ready money, mercenary, self-interested
限る 【かぎる】to restrict, to limit, to confine
構成 【こうせい】organization, organisation, configuration, composition
合格 【ごうかく】success, passing (e.g. exam), eligibility
差す 【さす】① to raise (e.g. hands, umbrella), to stretch out ② to be tinged ③ to wear at one's side (e.g. sword) ④ to shine ⑤ to provoke a feeling
最高 【さいこう】highest, supreme, the most
種 【たね】① seed, pip, kind, variety, quality, tone ② material, matter, subject, theme, (news) copy, leaven (bread) ③ cause, source, trick, secret, inside story
笑い 【わらい】① laugh, laughter ② smile ③ sneer
賞 【しょう】prize, award
信頼 【しんらい】reliance, trust, faith, confidence
性 【せい】① nature (of a person) ② sex ③ gender ④ -ty (suffix indicating quality or condition), -ity, -ness
成績 【せいせき】results, record, grades
精神 【せいしん】mind, soul, heart, spirit, intention
損 【そん】loss, disadvantage
担当 【たんとう】(in) charge (of an area of responsibility, but not necessarily supervision of staff)
知識 【ちしき】knowledge, information
駐車 【ちゅうしゃ】parking (e.g. car)
動詞 【どうし】verb
突然 【とつぜん】abrupt, sudden, unexpected, all at once
燃える 【もえる】to burn, to get fired up
濃い 【こい】① deep (colour), dark ② strong (flavour, smell, etc.) ③ thick (consistency), dense ④ strong (possibility, etc.) ⑤ thick (i.e. "as thick as thieves"), close, deep (love, etc.)
閉じる 【とじる】to close (e.g. book, eyes, meeting, etc.), to shut
便 【びん】① flight (e.g. airline flight), trip (e.g. train trip), service ② mail, post, letter ③ opportunity, chance
勇気 【ゆうき】courage, bravery, valour, valor, nerve, boldness
預かる 【あずかる】① to look after, to take care of, to keep, to hold on to, to keep in custody ② to take charge of, to be entrusted with, to receive on deposit ③ to reserve (judgment), to leave undecided
得る 【える】① to get, to acquire, to obtain, to procure, to earn, to win, to gain, to secure, to attain ② (after the -masu stem of a verb) to be able to ..., can ...
気付く 【きづく】to notice, to recognize, to recognise, to become aware of, to perceive, to realize, to realise
必死 【ひっし】① frantic, desperate ② inevitable death ③ brinkmate (inevitable checkmate) (shogi)
扱う 【あつかう】to handle, to deal with, to treat
案 【あん】① idea, plan, thought ② draft plan, motion, rough copy ③ expectation
炎 【ほのお】flame, blaze
応募 【おうぼ】subscription, application
沖 【おき】open sea
価値 【かち】value, worth, merit
感謝 【かんしゃ】thanks, gratitude
貴重 【きちょう】precious, valuable
穴 【あな】① hole ② deficit, shortage, missing person (in a team, meeting, etc.) ③ vacancy, opening ④ flaw ⑤ profitable place (or item, etc.) not well known by others ⑥ upset victory (with a large payoff)
件 【けん】matter, case, item
虎 【とら】① tiger (feline, Panthera tigris) ② trouble
慌てる 【あわてる】① to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised), to be flustered, to panic ② to be in a hurry, to rush
種 【しゅ】① kind, variety ② (biological) species ③ (logical) species
新鮮 【しんせん】fresh
申し訳 【もうしわけ】apology, excuse
騒ぎ 【さわぎ】uproar, disturbance
怠ける 【なまける】① to be idle, to slacken ② to neglect (e.g. one's work)
第 【だい】ordinal
誕生 【たんじょう】birth, creation, formation
張る 【はる】① to stick, to paste, to affix ② to stretch, to spread, to strain, to tighten ③ to form (e.g. ice on a pond) ④ to fill, to swell ⑤ to stick out, to put, to slap ⑥ to be expensive
徹夜 【てつや】all night, all-night vigil, sleepless night
憧れる 【あこがれる】to long for, to yearn after, to admire, to be attracted by
分析 【ぶんせき】analysis
黙る 【だまる】to be silent
余裕 【よゆう】surplus, composure, margin, room, time, allowance, flexibility, scope, rope
離す 【はなす】to part, to divide, to separate, to release
傷 【きず】① wound, injury, cut, gash, bruise, scratch, scrape, scar ② chip, crack, scratch, nick ③ flaw, defect, weakness, weak point ④ stain (on one's reputation), disgrace, dishonor, dishonour ⑤ (emotional) hurt, hurt feelings
事態 【じたい】situation, (present) state of affairs, circumstances
蓄える 【たくわえる】① to store, to lay in stock ② to have a beard, to grow a beard
褒める 【ほめる】to praise, to admire, to speak well
履く 【はく】① to put on (or wear) lower-body clothing (i.e. pants, skirt, etc.), to put on (or wear) footwear ② to affix a sword to one's hip ③ to affix a bowstring to a bow
それともor, or else
まるでquite, entirely, completely, at all, as if, as though, so to speak, just like
よろしく① well, properly, suitably ② best regards, please remember me, please treat me favorably (favourably), please take care of
おめでとうcongratulations!, an auspicious occasion!
まさに① exactly, surely, certainly ② just (about to), on the verge (of doing or happening) ③ duly, naturally
羨ましい 【うらやましい】① envious (feeling, etc.), jealous ② enviable (position, etc.)
わざとon purpose
誰か 【だれか】someone, somebody
ともかくanyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case, be that as it may
贅沢 【ぜいたく】① luxury, extravagance ② to live in luxury
せめてat least, at most
学年 【がくねん】year in school, grade in school
前 【ぜん】① the last (i.e. immediately preceding) (e.g. "the last mayor"), previous, one-time, former ② (before the name of an era) pre- (e.g. "premodern") ③ before, earlier
意地悪 【いじわる】malicious, ill-tempered, unkind
引力 【いんりょく】① attraction (e.g. magnetic, gravitation), affinity ② attractiveness, magnetism
切れ 【きれ】① piece, slice, strip, scrap ② cloth ③ sharpness ④ counter for scraps, pieces, etc.
歩 【ほ】① step, stride ② counter for steps
別々 【べつべつ】separately, individually
問 【もん】counter for questions
お参り 【おまいり】worship, shrine visit
王女 【おうじょ】princess
曲 【きょく】tune, piece of music
公表 【こうひょう】official announcement, proclamation
実力 【じつりょく】① (real) ability, true strength, merit, efficiency, competency ② arms, force
主役 【しゅやく】leading part, leading actor (actress)
受験 【じゅけん】taking an examination
終点 【しゅうてん】terminus, last stop (e.g. train)
神様 【かみさま】God
能 【のう】① talent, gift, function ② noh (theatre)
薬局 【やっきょく】pharmacy, chemist (shop), drugstore
録音 【ろくおん】(audio) recording
等 【とう】① class, order, rank ② et cetera (etc.), and the like ③ equal
打ち合わせ 【うちあわせ】business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment, preparatory meeting
落とし物 【おとしもの】lost property
中身 【なかみ】contents, interior, substance, filling, (sword) blade
育児 【いくじ】childcare, nursing, upbringing
改めて 【あらためて】another time, again, over again, anew, formally
関西 【かんさい】Kansai (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka)
芸能 【げいのう】public entertainment, accomplishments, attainments
月給 【げっきゅう】monthly salary
現す 【あらわす】① to reveal, to show, to display ② to express ③ to represent, to signify, to stand for ④ to make widely known
散る 【ちる】① to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves) ② to scatter, to be dispersed ③ to disappear, to dissolve, to break up ④ to spread, to run, to blur ⑤ to die a noble death
増大 【ぞうだい】enlargement, increase
宅 【たく】house, home, husband
通信 【つうしん】correspondence, communication, transmission, news, signal
頭脳 【ずのう】head, brains, intellect
反省 【はんせい】reflection, reconsideration, introspection, meditation, contemplation
乱暴 【らんぼう】rude, violent, rough, lawless, unreasonable, reckless
裏口 【うらぐち】backdoor, rear entrance
余り 【あんまり】① remainder, rest, balance, remains, scraps, residue, remnant ② not very (with negative sentence), not much ③ surplus, excess, fullness, too much ④ overjoyed, overwhelmed ⑤ more than, over
余所 【よそ】another place, somewhere else, strange parts
位 【い】① place, rank ② decimal place ③ counter for ghosts
案外 【あんがい】unexpectedly
応援 【おうえん】aid, assistance, help, reinforcement, rooting, barracking, support, cheering
確率 【かくりつ】probability, likelihood, chances
勘 【かん】perception, intuition, the sixth sense
ご免ください 【ごめんください】may I come in?
惜しい 【おしい】① regrettable, disappointing ② precious, dear, valuable ③ too good for, deserving better ④ almost but not quite
素直 【すなお】① obedient, meek, docile, unaffected ② honest, frank
天才 【てんさい】genius, prodigy, natural gift
瞳 【ひとみ】① pupil (of eye) ② eye
派手 【はで】showy, loud, gay, flashy, gaudy
膨らむ 【ふくらむ】to expand, to swell (out), to get big, to become inflated
本気 【ほんき】seriousness, truth, sanctity
幼稚園 【ようちえん】kindergarten
落第 【らくだい】failure, dropping out of a class
くれぐれもrepeatedly, sincerely, earnestly
卑怯 【ひきょう】cowardice, meanness, unfairness
わた① cotton plant (Gossypium spp.) ② batting, wadding, padding
もちsticky rice cake
ふざけるto romp, to gambol, to frolic, to joke, to make fun of, to flirt, to mess around, to screw around, to josh
もたらすto bring, to take, to bring about
頬 【ほほ】cheek (of face)
おっかない① frightening, scary ② extreme, exaggerated, huge
きっぱりclearly, plainly, decisively, distinctly, flatly
ずばりdecisively, decidedly, once and for all, unreservedly, frankly
びっしょりwet through, drenched
果て 【はて】the end, the extremity, the limit, the limits, the result
回路 【かいろ】circuit (electric)
開発 【かいはつ】development, exploitation
掛け 【かけ】① credit ② partially, half
感染 【かんせん】infection, contagion
歓声 【かんせい】cheer, shout of joy
祈り 【いのり】prayer, supplication
弓 【ゆみ】bow (and arrow)
勤務 【きんむ】service, duty, work
空間 【くうかん】space, room, airspace
源 【みなもと】source, origin
効率 【こうりつ】efficiency, efficacy, performance, utility factor
いい加減 【いいかげん】① irresponsible, perfunctory, careless ② lukewarm, half-baked, halfhearted, vague ③ reasonable, moderate (usu. in suggestions or orders) ④ considerably, quite, rather, pretty
告白 【こくはく】① confession, acknowledgement, acknowledgment ② profession of love ③ confession of sins (e.g. the confessional)
財 【ざい】① fortune, riches ② goods
策 【さく】plan, policy
参上 【さんじょう】calling on, visiting
仕入れる 【しいれる】to lay in stock, to replenish stock, to procure
思考 【しこう】thought, consideration, thinking
児 【じ】child
自在 【じざい】freely, at will
実態 【じったい】true state, actual condition, reality
出演 【しゅつえん】① performance, stage appearance ② to act (in a play)
焦る 【あせる】to be in a hurry, to be impatient
心強い 【こころづよい】heartening, reassuring
成果 【せいか】results, fruits
先代 【せんだい】family predecessor, previous age, previous generation
潜入 【せんにゅう】infiltration, sneaking in
捜査 【そうさ】search (esp. in criminal investigations), investigation, inquiry, enquiry
捜索 【そうさく】search (esp. for someone or something missing), investigation
達者 【たっしゃ】skillful, in good health
脱出 【だっしゅつ】escape
転換 【てんかん】convert, divert
逃れる 【のがれる】to escape
鈍感 【どんかん】thickheadedness, stolidity, insensitivity
扉 【とびら】① door, gate, opening ② title page
美 【び】beauty
報道 【ほうどう】information, report, journalism
放り出す 【ほうりだす】to throw out, to fire, to expel, to give up, to abandon, to neglect
満たす 【みたす】① to satisfy, to ingratiate, to fulfill ② to fill (e.g. a cup) ③ to reach (a certain number)
名誉 【めいよ】honor, honour, credit, prestige
網 【あみ】① net, netting ② web
問う 【とう】① to ask, to question, to inquire ② to charge (i.e. with a crime), to accuse ③ to care (about) ④ without regard to (with negative verb)
絡む 【からむ】① to entangle, to entwine ② to pick a quarrel, to find fault ③ to be involved with, to be influenced by, to develop a connection with
老いる 【おいる】to age, to grow old
偽物 【にせもの】spurious article, forgery, counterfeit, imitation, sham
予言 【よげん】prediction, promise, prognostication
言い訳 【いいわけ】① excuse ② explanation
心 【しん】① heart, mind ② spirit, vitality, inner strength ③ Chinese "Heart" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
理屈 【りくつ】theory, reason
芸 【げい】art, craft, accomplishment, artistic skill, technique, performance
陣 【じん】battle formation, camp, encampment
渋い 【しぶい】① tasteful (clothing), cool, an aura of refined masculinity ② astringent, sullen, bitter (taste), raspy (voice) ③ grim, quiet ④ sober, stingy
頂 【いただき】crown (of head), summit (of mountain), spire
役立つ 【やくだつ】to be useful, to be helpful, to serve the purpose
さぞI am sure, certainly, no doubt
鬱陶しい 【うっとうしい】① gloomy (e.g. mood), depressing ② heavy (weather), cloudy ③ irritating, troublesome
くじlottery, lot
片思い 【かたおもい】unrequited love
とりあえずat once, first of all, for the time being, for now
麻痺 【まひ】paralysis, palsy, numbness, stupor
わざわざexpressly, specially, doing something especially rather than incidentally
もたもたinefficient, slow
らっしゃるto be, to come, to go
アップ① increasing ② uploading ③ close-up ④ finishing shooting (of a film, etc.) ⑤ up (i.e. of a woman's hair) ⑥ being up (i.e. leading in sports) ⑦ warming up ⑧ being over, being finished
ウイルス① virus ② viral
クリーニングcleaning, dry cleaning, laundry service
サービス① service, support system ② goods or services without charge
ショート① short (e.g. a circuit) ② short stop (baseball)
スチュワーデスstewardess, (female) flight attendant
ダム① dam ② dumb
トップ① top ② top position ③ senior management, senior bureaucrat
ドンDon (Spanish honorific)
ニュー① new ② newly purchased item
ニュートン① newton (N) (SI unit of force) ② Newton (Sir Isaac)
ハイジャックhijack, highjack
バス停bus stop
パソコンpersonal computer
パンツ① underpants, pants, briefs, panties, shorts, knickers ② trousers (esp. women's), jodhpurs, breeches, pants, trunks (e.g. swimming)
フロッピーfloppy (disk)
プログラムprogram, programme
ポイント① point ② points (of a railway), switch
マーク① mark ② markup ③ Mach (OS kernel)
マンションlarge apartment (from mansion), apartment house
ルート① root ② route
ロビーlobby, lounge
今さら 【いまさら】now (after such a long time), at this late hour (i.e. it is too late for something)
今時 【いまどき】present day, today, recently, these days, nowadays, at this hour
子ども 【こども】child, children
上出来 【じょうでき】good performance
人だかり 【ひとだかり】crowd, throng
男女 【だんじょ】man and woman, men and women
入り 【いり】① entering ② setting (of the sun) ③ containing, content, audience ④ income ⑤ beginning
見え 【みえ】show, display, appearance, vanity, charm, attraction
今日 【こんち】today, this day
たった今 【たったいま】just now, a moment ago, this very minute
時半 【じはん】① about an hour, short time ② half past (the hour)
長雨 【ながあめ】long spell of rain
出 【で】① coming out, going out, outflow, efflux, rising (of the sun or moon) ② attending (work), appearing (on stage), one's turn to go on ③ start, beginning ④ origins, background, person (or item) originating from ..., graduate of ..., native of ..., member of ... (lineage) ⑤ architectural member that projects outward ⑥ highest point of the stern of a ship ⑦ amount (comprising something), amount of time or effort required to do something
さてはand then, besides, on top of that
そうですねthat's so, isn't it
かいmarks yes-no question
やあ① Yo! (greeting) ② Wow! (expression of surprise)
だい① marks wh-question (what, where, who) ② strengthens one's judgment or conclusion
おば(used with suffix -san or -sama) endearing term for unrelated older woman, (with suffix -san) term used by a child to address unrelated adult female
てこずるto have much trouble, to have a hard time, to not know how to handle
デモdemo, demonstration
パス① path ② pass (e.g. skipping a move, passing an examination, ticket to allow entry, etc.)
開店 【かいてん】opening (of a shop)
気楽 【きらく】at ease, comfortable
言い方 【いいかた】way of talking, speaking style
仕業 【しわざ】act, action, deed
思いっきり 【おもいっきり】with all one's strength, with all one's heart, resignation, resolution
人事 【ひとごと】other people's affairs, somebody else's problem
たどり着く 【たどりつく】to struggle on to, to arrive somewhere after a struggle, to grope along to, to barely manage to reach, to finally arrive at, to finally hit on (e.g. an idea)
通り 【どおり】① in accordance with ..., following ... ② .. Street, .. Avenue
同じく 【おなじく】similarly, same (idea), same (name)
白鳥 【はくちょう】① swan (Cygnus Bechstein, Cygnus ssp.) ② white-feathered bird
白鳥 【しらとり】① swan (Cygnus Bechstein, Cygnus ssp.) ② white-feathered bird
一夜 【いちや】one night, all night, overnight, one evening
手がかり 【てがかり】① clue, key, trail, scent, track, contact ② handhold, on hand
見た目 【みため】appearance
買い 【かい】① buying, shopping ② buyer ③ purchase
安く 【やすく】inexpensively
開き 【ひらき】① opening, gap ② dried and opened fish
お守り 【おまもり】charm, amulet
暗号 【あんごう】code, password, cipher
感知 【かんち】perception
顔つき 【かおつき】(outward) looks, features, face, countenance, expression
君たち 【きみたち】(used colloquially by young females) you (plural), all of you, you all
表れる 【あらわれる】① to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to materialise ② to be expressed (e.g. emotions), to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects)
言い当てる 【いいあてる】to guess right
試練 【しれん】test, trial, probation, ordeal, tribulation
次元 【じげん】① dimension ② perspective, point of reference, level (of something)
手助け 【てだすけ】a help
術 【じゅつ】art, means, technique
走り回る 【はしりまわる】to run around
様 【ざま】① mess, sorry state, plight, sad sight ② way, manner
大勢 【たいせい】general trend, current thought
大量 【たいりょう】large quantity
知り合う 【しりあう】to get to know (someone), to make acquaintance
不安定 【ふあんてい】instability, insecurity, crankiness
放っとく 【ほっとく】to leave someone alone
面白 【おもしろ】amusing, interesting
路線 【ろせん】route, line, alignment
合言葉 【あいことば】password, watchword
軽々しい 【かるがるしい】indiscreet, thoughtless, careless, frivolous
小型 【こがた】small size, tiny
お断わり 【おことわり】declining, nonacceptance, declination, refusal, rejection, turndown
持ち合わせ 【もちあわせ】① things on hand, things in stock ② money on hand, money in one's wallet ③ on hand, in stock
吹かす 【ふかす】① to smoke (a cigarette) ② to behave as ... ③ to accelerate, to rev up
悪党 【あくとう】scoundrel, rascal, villain
押し 【おし】push, pressure, authority, audacity
押し掛ける 【おしかける】to intrude on
格安 【かくやす】cheap, reasonable
かなう① to come true (wish) ② to be suited ③ to match (implies competition), to rival, to bear (e.g. I can't bear the heat)
気筒 【きとう】cylinder
吸い取る 【すいとる】to suck up, to absorb, to squeeze (money)
急患 【きゅうかん】emergency case
警察官 【けいさつかん】policemen, policeman, police officer
見捨てる 【みすてる】to abandon, to fail, to desert, to forsake
呼び戻す 【よびもどす】to call back, to call home
更新 【こうしん】renewal, update, innovation, renovation
根性 【こんじょう】will-power, guts, temper, nature, spirit
再開 【さいかい】reopening, resumption, restarting
純真 【じゅんしん】purity, sincerity
送り込む 【おくりこむ】to send in
待ち構える 【まちかまえる】to lie in wait, to be on the watch for
退散 【たいさん】(intr.) disperse, break up
燃え上がる 【もえあがる】to flare up, to burst into flames
濃厚 【のうこう】density, richness, concentration, tension
売り込む 【うりこむ】to build a market for, to become well-known, to sell
発信 【はっしん】dispatch, despatch, transmission, submission
片手 【かたて】one hand
無関係 【むかんけい】unrelated
頼り 【たより】reliance, dependence
冷え 【ひえ】chilling exposure
いえno, nay, well
植え付ける 【うえつける】to plant
住み込み 【すみこみ】live-in
居場所 【いばしょ】whereabouts
一途 【いちず】wholeheartedly, earnestly
渡し 【わたし】① ferry (crossing), ferry(boat) ② delivery
ついてるto be lucky, to be in luck
働かせる 【はたらかせる】to put someone to work, to make someone work
兵 【へい】① (common) soldier, rank and file ② army, troops ③ warfare, strategy
もしかif, in case
痛っ 【いたっ】ouch!
お勧め 【おすすめ】recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement
陰険 【いんけん】tricky, wily, treacherous
貴様 【きさま】you
災い 【わざわい】calamity, catastrophe
錯覚 【さっかく】① optical illusion, hallucination ② misapprehension, delusion
旨く 【うまく】① skilfully, skillfully, well, aptly, cleverly ② successfully, smoothly ③ deliciously
邪悪 【じゃあく】wicked, evil
巡り会う 【めぐりあう】to meet fortuitously (e.g. running into an old friend), to meet by chance, to happen across
消滅 【しょうめつ】① lapse, annihilation (physics) ② extinguishment, termination (e.g. of legal representation) ③ vanishing
浸る 【ひたる】to be soaked in, to be flooded, to be immersed in
寸前 【すんぜん】on the verge, just in front of
潜む 【ひそむ】to lurk, to lie dormant, to be hidden, to be concealed, to be stashed
脚 【あし】① foot ② leg ③ gait ④ pace ⑤ bottom structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji ⑥ means of transportation
弾ける 【はじける】to burst open, to split open, to pop
帝国 【ていこく】empire, imperial
不器用 【ぶきよう】awkward, clumsy, unskillfulness, lack of ability
魔力 【まりょく】magical power, charm
迷宮 【めいきゅう】mystery, maze, labyrinth
模擬 【もぎ】① imitation, sham, mock ② simulation
なり① to be (an affirmation) ② to be (location) ③ sum of money (used to express an exact sum on a receipt, envelope, certificate, etc.)
誘い 【さそい】① invitation, introduction ② temptation
誘拐 【ゆうかい】abduction, kidnapping, kidnaping
容赦 【ようしゃ】① pardon, forgiveness, mercy ② leniency, going easy (on someone)
霊感 【れいかん】① afflatus, inspiration ② ability to sense the supernatural (esp. ghosts, etc.)
悪霊 【あくりょう】evil spirit
元凶 【げんきょう】① ringleader, main culprit ② main cause, source
磁場 【じば】magnetic field
聴く 【きく】① to hear ② to listen (e.g. to music) ③ to ask, to enquire, to query
尚の事 【なおのこと】all the more, still more
愚か者 【おろかもの】fool
ご利益 【ごりやく】① grace (of God), divine favour, blessing, miracle ② benefit ③ efficacy
即 【そく】① instantly, immediately, at once ② that is (to say), namely
そこらeverywhere, somewhere, approximately, that area, around there
それだけthat much, as much, to that extent, only that, that alone, no more than that
闇雲 【やみくも】recklessly, blindly, at random
呪う 【のろう】to curse, to put a curse on, to detest intensely
吊し上げ 【つるしあげ】① hung up, hoist ② denounced, severely criticised, kangaroo court
鼎 【かなえ】three-legged kettle
脳味噌 【のうみそ】brains, brain tissue
糞 【くそ】damn (adds emphasis and or annoyance to next word, e.g. damn hot, damn kids, etc.), damned
みかんmandarin orange (esp. the satsuma mandarin, Citrus unshiu)
罠 【わな】① snare, trap (for catching wild game, etc.) ② trap (i.e. ruse, subterfuge, etc.)
痼り 【こり】① stiffness (in shoulders), swelling, hardening ② lingering discomfort, uneasiness, bad aftertaste, unpleasant feeling
梃子 【てこ】lever
巫女 【みこ】① shrine maiden, virgin consecrated to a deity ② medium, sorceress
取り逃がす 【とりにがす】to miss (capturing), to fail to catch, to let slip
それとand then, even so, and