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Space Pirate Captain Harlock [‘宇宙海賊キャプテンハーロック’] Vol. 6: episodes 31 to 40

Author (public: access, edit)

Vocab for episodes 31 to 40 of the animated series ‘Space Pirate Captain Harlock’ [‘宇宙海賊キャプテンハーロック’]. This is volume 6/7. Vocab already listed in past volumes is not included. Check out the ‘Most Common Vocab’ set (Vol. 0) for a list of the most common terms throughout the series.



461 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 1928-11-03 00:00:00
セーターsweater, jumper
学校 【がっこう】school
男の子 【おとこのこ】boy, male child, baby boy
二つ 【ふたつ】two
年 【とし】① year ② age
医者 【いしゃ】(medical) doctor, physician
音楽 【おんがく】music, musical movement
夏 【なつ】summer
黒 【くろ】① black ② dark ③ bad guy, 'black hat'
姉 【あね】older sister, elder sister
止まる 【とまる】① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
赤い 【あかい】① red ② Red (i.e. communist)
橋 【はし】bridge
勤める 【つとめる】① to work (for), to be employed (at), to serve (in) ② to serve (as), to act (as), to fill (the position of), to play the role (of) ③ to conduct a religious service
晴れ 【はれ】① clear weather ② public, formal ③ cleared of suspicion
一昨日 【おととい】day before yesterday
昨日 【きのう】yesterday
掃除 【そうじ】cleaning, sweeping
鍵 【かぎ】① key ② lock
丈夫 【じょうぶ】healthy, robust, strong, solid, durable
どちら① which way, which direction, where ② which one (esp. of two alternatives) ③ who
いかがhow, in what way, how about
けれどbut, however, although
運転 【うんてん】operation, motion, driving
急行 【きゅうこう】① moving at high speed ② express (e.g. train that bypasses many stations)
建てる 【たてる】to build, to construct
今夜 【こんや】this evening, tonight
小説 【しょうせつ】novel, (short) story
終わり 【おわり】the end
教育 【きょういく】training, education
湖 【みずうみ】lake
指 【ゆび】finger, toe, digit
真面目 【まじめ】diligent, serious, honest, sober, grave, earnest, steady
虫 【むし】insect, bug, cricket, moth, worm
祭り 【まつり】festival, feast
警察 【けいさつ】police
女性 【じょせい】① woman, female ② feminine gender
席 【せき】① seat ② location (of a gathering, etc.), place ③ position, post
電報 【でんぽう】telegram
夫 【おっと】husband
払う 【はらう】① to pay ② to brush, to wipe
沸く 【わく】to grow hot (of water, etc.), to boil
謝る 【あやまる】to apologize, to apologise
honourable, honorable
そっとsoftly, gently, quietly, secretly
だって① after all, because ② but, however ③ even, even if ④ too, as well, also ⑤ they say, I hear, you mean
下る 【くだる】① to descend, to go down, to come down ② to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.) ③ to pass (of time) ④ to surrender, to capitulate ⑤ (often in neg. form) to be less than, to be inferior to ⑥ to have the runs, to have diarrhea
週 【しゅう】week
女子 【じょし】woman, girl
分ける 【わける】to divide, to separate, to make distinctions, to differentiate (between)
何でも 【なんでも】any, whatever one likes, by all means, anything, everything
あんなにto that extent, to that degree
運 【うん】fortune, luck
手間 【てま】time, labour, labor
足る 【たる】to be sufficient, to be enough, to be worthy of
地下 【ちか】① basement, cellar, underground place ② underground, below ground ③ secret, under cover
中止 【ちゅうし】suspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption
不安 【ふあん】anxiety, uneasiness, insecurity, suspense
不運 【ふうん】unlucky, misfortune, bad luck, fate
用いる 【もちいる】to use, to make use of
用心 【ようじん】care, precaution, guarding, caution
加える 【くわえる】to append, to sum up, to add (up), to include, to increase, to inflict
気温 【きおん】atmospheric temperature
手術 【しゅじゅつ】surgical operation
手伝い 【てつだい】① helper, assistant ② help
書類 【しょるい】documents, official papers
身分 【みぶん】social position, social status
進める 【すすめる】to advance, to promote, to hasten
息 【いき】① breath, breathing ② tone, mood
通す 【とおす】to let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist in
等しい 【ひとしい】equal, similar, like, equivalent
放す 【はなす】to separate, to set free, to turn loose
野球 【やきゅう】baseball
役 【やく】① use, service, role ② post, position ③ scoring combination (e.g. in mahjong, card games, etc.), hand
有能 【ゆうのう】able, capable, efficient, skill
量 【りょう】quantity, amount, volume, portion (of food)
例外 【れいがい】exception
全国 【ぜんこく】country-wide, nation-wide, whole country, national
向かい 【むかい】facing, opposite, across the street, other side
依頼 【いらい】① request, commission, dispatch, despatch ② dependence, trust
偉い 【えらい】① great, excellent, admirable, remarkable, distinguished, important, celebrated, famous, eminent ② awful, terrible
意識 【いしき】① consciousness ② awareness, sense ③ mano-vijnana (mental consciousness, cognizer of sensory information)
叫ぶ 【さけぶ】to shout, to cry
苦労 【くろう】troubles, hardships
現場 【げんば】actual spot, scene, scene of the crime
差 【さ】difference, variation
罪 【つみ】crime, fault, indiscretion, sin
手段 【しゅだん】means, way, measure
笑顔 【えがお】smiling face, smile
賞 【しょう】prize, award
真似 【まね】mimicry, imitation, behavior, behaviour, pretense, pretence
贈る 【おくる】to send, to give to, to award to, to confer on
大臣 【だいじん】cabinet minister
努力 【どりょく】great effort, exertion, endeavour, endeavor, effort
動詞 【どうし】verb
不利 【ふり】disadvantage, handicap, unfavorable, unfavourable, drawback
普段 【ふだん】usual, habitual, ordinary, everyday, always
編む 【あむ】① to knit, to plait, to braid ② to compile (anthology, dictionary, etc.), to edit
利口 【りこう】clever, shrewd, bright, sharp, wise, intelligent
老人 【ろうじん】the aged, old person
収める 【おさめる】① to dedicate, to make an offering, to pay (fees) ② to supply ③ to store ④ to finish, to bring to a close ⑤ to restore (something to its place) ⑥ to achieve (e.g. a result)
降ろす 【おろす】① to take down (e.g. flag), to launch (e.g. boat), to drop, to lower (e.g. ladder), to let (a person) off, to unload, to discharge ② to drop off (a passenger from a vehicle), to let (a person) off ③ to withdraw money from an account ④ to wear (clothing) for the first time ⑤ to fillet (e.g. a fish)
越える 【こえる】① to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to pass over (out of) ② to exceed
偶々 【たまたま】casually, unexpectedly, accidentally, by chance
必死 【ひっし】① frantic, desperate ② inevitable death ③ brinkmate (inevitable checkmate) (shogi)
悪魔 【あくま】devil, demon, fiend, Satan, evil spirit
握る 【にぎる】to grasp, to seize, to mould sushi, to mold sushi
維持 【いじ】maintenance, preservation, improvement
援助 【えんじょ】assistance, aid, support
遠慮なく 【えんりょなく】without reservation
悔やむ 【くやむ】① to mourn, to lament ② to be sorry, to regret, to repent
勘定 【かんじょう】calculation, counting, consideration, reckoning, settlement of an account, allowance
歓迎 【かんげい】welcome, reception
義務 【ぎむ】duty, obligation, responsibility
嫌う 【きらう】to hate, to dislike, to loathe
次第 【しだい】① dependent upon ② as soon as, immediately (upon) ③ circumstances ④ order, precedence, program, programme, agenda
主張 【しゅちょう】claim, request, insistence, assertion, advocacy, emphasis, contention, opinion, tenet
従って 【したがって】therefore, consequently, in accordance with
振る 【ふる】① to wave, to shake, to swing ② to sprinkle, to throw (dice) ③ to cast (actor), to allocate (work) ④ to turn down (somebody), to reject, to jilt, to dump ⑤ to abandon, to give up, to ruin ⑥ to add kana indicating a reading of a word ⑦ to slightly change headings, to change directions ⑧ to extract by broiling, to prepare an infusion of, to decoct ⑨ to carry with great vigor (e.g. a portable shrine) ⑩ to bring up the main topic ⑪ to replace, to substitute ⑫ to set up a joke for somebody else
騒がしい 【さわがしい】noisy
釣り 【つり】① fishing, angling ② change (e.g. for a purchase)
同意 【どうい】① agreement, consent, same opinion, approval ② same meaning
貧乏 【びんぼう】poverty, destitute, poor
訪れる 【おとずれる】to visit
無駄 【むだ】futility, uselessness, pointlessness
迷惑 【めいわく】trouble, bother, annoyance
避ける 【さける】① to avoid (physical contact with) ② to avoid (situation) ③ to ward off, to avert
激しい 【はげしい】violent, vehement, intense, furious, tempestuous
基づく 【もとづく】to be grounded on, to be based on, to be due to, to originate from
しきりに① frequently, repeatedly, often, incessantly, constantly ② strongly, eagerly
つなぐto tie, to fasten, to connect, to transfer (phone call)
尻 【しり】① buttocks, behind, rump, bottom ② undersurface, bottom ③ last place, end ④ consequence
潰す 【つぶす】① to smash, to crush ② to shut down ③ to thwart, to block ④ to kill (time) ⑤ to waste (e.g. talents)
ともかくanyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case, be that as it may
あちこち① here and there ② to get things in the wrong order (back to front), to become muddled up
大小 【だいしょう】① sizes (various), large and small ② daisho (matched pair of long and short swords) ③ large and small drums ④ long months and short months
中間 【ちゅうかん】middle, midway, interim
小 【しょう】① smallness, small item ② short month (i.e. having fewer than 31 days) ③ elementary school ④ younger or inferior (of two items or people with the same name)
方々 【かたがた】① they (of people), gentlemen (of the ...) ② you (usu. plural) ③ various
実力 【じつりょく】① (real) ability, true strength, merit, efficiency, competency ② arms, force
重量 【じゅうりょう】① weight ② heavyweight boxer
勢い 【いきおい】① force, vigor, vigour, energy, spirit, life ② influence, authority, power, might ③ impetus, momentum, course (of events) ④ naturally, necessarily
通用 【つうよう】① popular use, circulation ② to pass as
負け 【まけ】defeat, loss, losing (a game)
等 【とう】① class, order, rank ② et cetera (etc.), and the like ③ equal
移す 【うつす】① to change, to swap, to substitute, to transfer ② to change the object of one's interest or focus ③ to spend or take time ④ to infect ⑤ to permeate something with the smell or colour of something ⑥ to move on to the next or different stage of (a plan, etc.)
改めて 【あらためて】another time, again, over again, anew, formally
見舞う 【みまう】to ask after (health), to visit
増大 【ぞうだい】enlargement, increase
体積 【たいせき】capacity, volume
頭脳 【ずのう】head, brains, intellect
付近 【ふきん】neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, environs
複数 【ふくすう】several, plural, plurality, multiple
坊や 【ぼうや】boy
輸血 【ゆけつ】blood transfusion
抱く 【だく】① to embrace, to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby), to hug ② to harbour (e.g. grudge) (harbor), to bear (e.g. a grudge), to entertain (e.g. suspicion) ③ to sleep with ④ to sit on eggs
一段と 【いちだんと】greater, more, further, still more
哀れ 【あわれ】① pity, sorrow, grief, misery, compassion, pathos ② pitiable, pitiful, pathetic, miserable ③ alack, alas
取り戻す 【とりもどす】to take back, to regain, to get back, to recover
焦点 【しょうてん】focus (e.g. photographic), focal point
節 【ふし】① joint, knuckle ② tune, melody ③ knot (in wood), node in a bamboo stem ④ part, notable characteristic
透明 【とうめい】transparency, cleanness
瞳 【ひとみ】① pupil (of eye) ② eye
廊下 【ろうか】corridor
請う 【こう】to beg, to ask, to request, to invite
しぶといtenacious, stubborn
てっきりsurely, certainly, beyond doubt
有 【ゆう】① existence ② possession, having ③ limited company
手引き 【てびき】guidance, guide, introduction, guideline
頼み 【たのみ】request, favor, favour, reliance, dependence
お産 【おさん】(giving) birth, childbirth, delivery, confinement
意地 【いじ】disposition, spirit, willpower, obstinacy, backbone, appetite
一同 【いちどう】all present, all concerned, all of us
果てる 【はてる】① to end, to be finished, to be exhausted, to die, to perish ② indicates an extreme has been reached
鞠 【まり】ball
救援 【きゅうえん】relief, rescue, reinforcement
恐れ入る 【おそれいる】① to be sorry, to feel small ② to be grateful ③ to be amazed, to be filled with awe, to be surprised ④ to be disconcerted, to be embarrassed
禁じる 【きんじる】to prohibit
形勢 【けいせい】condition, situation, prospects
恵む 【めぐむ】① to bless, to show mercy to ② to give (money, etc.)
権力 【けんりょく】(political) power, authority, influence
孤児 【こじ】orphan
悟る 【さとる】① to understand, to comprehend, to realize, to perceive, to sense, to discern ② to attain enlightenment
好意 【こうい】good will, favor, favour, courtesy
工学 【こうがく】engineering
構える 【かまえる】① to set up (e.g. a building) ② to prepare in advance (e.g. a meal), to prepare to use something (e.g. a camera) ③ to plan, to scheme ④ to fabricate in order to deceive ⑤ to stiffen, to become formal
差し支える 【さしつかえる】to interfere, to hinder, to become impeded
仕掛ける 【しかける】to commence, to lay (mines), to set (traps), to wage (war), to challenge
私有 【しゆう】private ownership
自首 【じしゅ】surrender, give oneself up
遮る 【さえぎる】to interrupt, to intercept, to obstruct
弱る 【よわる】to weaken, to be troubled, to be downcast, to be emaciated, to be dejected, to be perplexed, to impair
収まる 【おさまる】① to be in one's place, to be installed, to settle into ② to be delivered, to be obtained, to be paid ③ to be settled, to be sorted out ④ to lessen (e.g. of storms, pain), to calm down ⑤ to be fit tightly into (e.g. a frame), to be sheathed (in a scabbard)
周期 【しゅうき】cycle, period
消息 【しょうそく】① news (from somebody), letter, contact ② (somebody's) whereabouts, (somebody's) movements
制裁 【せいさい】restraint, sanctions, punishment
接触 【せっしょく】touch, contact
設置 【せっち】establishment, institution
選挙 【せんきょ】election
前途 【ぜんと】future prospects, outlook, the journey ahead
相 【そう】① appearance, look, countenance ② a 'seeming' that fortune-tellers relate to one's fortune ③ aspect ④ phase (e.g. solid, liquid and gaseous)
退治 【たいじ】extermination
単独 【たんどく】sole, independence, single, solo (flight)
短波 【たんぱ】short wave
中継 【ちゅうけい】relay, hook-up
追放 【ついほう】exile, banishment
提供 【ていきょう】offer, tender, program sponsoring, programme sponsoring, furnishing, provisioning, supply
導く 【みちびく】① to guide, to lead, to show the way, to conduct ② to derive, to deduce
肉体 【にくたい】the body, the flesh
日夜 【にちや】day and night, always
念 【ねん】sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, concern, attention, care
念願 【ねんがん】one's heart's desire, earnest petition
馬鹿馬鹿しい 【ばかばかしい】stupid
爆弾 【ばくだん】bomb
判決 【はんけつ】judicial decision, judgement, judgment, sentence, decree
秘書 【ひしょ】(private) secretary
避難 【ひなん】taking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation, escape
侮辱 【ぶじょく】insult, contempt, slight
物資 【ぶっし】goods, materials
変動 【へんどう】change, fluctuation
法廷 【ほうてい】courtroom
本体 【ほんたい】① substance, real form ② body (of a machine) ③ object of worship (at a shrine, temple, etc.) ④ noumenon
本能 【ほんのう】instinct
無礼 【ぶれい】impolite, rude
名高い 【なだかい】famous, celebrated, well-known
名残 【なごり】① remains, traces, vestiges, relics ② (the sorrow of) parting ③ end
問い合わせる 【といあわせる】to enquire, to inquire, to seek information
余所見 【よそみ】looking away, looking aside
要請 【ようせい】claim, demand, request, application
乱す 【みだす】to throw out of order, to disarrange, to disturb
立ち去る 【たちさる】to leave, to depart, to take one's leave
駆ける 【かける】① to soar, to fly ② to run, to dash
音色 【ねいろ】① tone color, tone colour, tone quality, timbre ② synthesizer patch, synthesiser patch
誠 【まこと】① truth, reality ② sincerity, honesty, integrity, fidelity
早急 【そうきゅう】urgent
産む 【うむ】to give birth, to deliver, to produce
微か 【かすか】faint, dim, weak, indistinct, hazy, poor, wretched
添える 【そえる】① to garnish, to accompany (as a card does a gift) ② to add to as support, to prop up ③ to accompany (as an aid, guide, translator, etc.)
担う 【になう】to carry on shoulder, to bear (burden), to shoulder (gun)
引き上げる 【ひきあげる】① to pull up, to drag up, to lift up ② to increase, to raise (e.g. taxes) ③ to withdraw, to leave, to pull out, to retire ④ to return home
理屈 【りくつ】theory, reason
呆然 【ぼうぜん】dumbfounded, overcome with surprise, in blank amazement, in a daze
伜 【せがれ】① son ② punk, brat
気まぐれ 【きまぐれ】whim, caprice, whimsy, fickle, moody, uneven temper
強がる 【つよがる】to cry sour grapes, to bluff, to whistle in the dark, to pretend to be tough
しっくり① exactly, nicely, to a tee ② to be fitting
その後 【そのご】after that, afterwards, thereafter
たかがit's only ... (something), at most
ときregular (stops at every station) Jouetsu-line Shinkansen
クーデターcoup d'etat, coup
サイン① autograph, signature ② sign ③ sine
シャッター① camera shutter ② shutter (door, window, etc.)
トレーラーtrailer (actually a combination of tractor and trailer)
ドル① dollar ② doll
マニア① enthusiast ② mania, enthusiasm
レディー① lady ② ready
下す 【くだす】① to make (a decision), to pass (judgement, etc.), to hand down (orders, etc.) ② to let go down, to lower ③ to do oneself, to do by oneself
ヵ月 【かげつ】(number of) months
後 【のち】① later, afterwards, since ② future ③ after one's death
時には 【ときには】at times, occasionally
女 【じょ】① woman, girl, daughter ② Chinese "Girl" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
男らしい 【おとこらしい】manly
来す 【きたす】to cause, to induce, to bring about a result or state, to produce
おさらばgood-bye, farewell
どっぷりtotally (immersed in something, e.g. liquid, work), addicted
もたつくto be slow, to not make progress, to be inefficient
お帰りなさい 【おかえりなさい】welcome home
パート① part ② part-timer ③ part-time (work)
急ぎ 【いそぎ】haste, hurry, expedition, speed, dispatch
見知らぬ 【みしらぬ】unknown, unacquainted, strange
言い方 【いいかた】way of talking, speaking style
口出し 【くちだし】interference, meddling
口ぶり 【くちぶり】way of speaking, intimation
行き着く 【ゆきつく】to arrive at, to end up
行く手 【ゆくて】one's way, one's path
四方 【しほう】every direction
出歩く 【であるく】to go out, to take a stroll, to go about
食い止める 【くいとめる】to check, to hold back
生死 【しょうし】① life and death ② samsara (cycle of death and rebirth) ③ death
先発 【せんぱつ】① forerunner, advance party, going on ahead ② being in a (team sports) match or game from the start, starting
前夜 【ぜんや】last night, the previous night
たたき起こす 【たたきおこす】to wake up, to rouse out of bed
本業 【ほんぎょう】principal occupation, core business
旅立つ 【たびだつ】to begin a trip
思いつく 【おもいつく】to think of, to hit upon, to come into one's mind, to be struck with an idea
代々 【だいだい】for generations, hereditary, generation after generation
着地 【ちゃくち】landing
心する 【こころする】to take care, to mind, to be attentive
私語 【ささやき】whispering, whisper, secret talk, murmur
小手先 【こてさき】(superficial) cleverness
止まれ 【とまれ】stop sign
英 【えい】Britain, British
っ放し 【っぱなし】keep -ing, have been -ing, to leave
暗雲 【あんうん】dark clouds
暗号 【あんごう】code, password, cipher
医薬品 【いやくひん】medical supplies
苦学 【くがく】paying one's own school expenses by working
形見 【かたみ】memento, souvenir
見守る 【みまもる】to watch over, to watch attentively
子守 【こもり】① babysitter, nursemaid ② babysitting
手間取る 【てまどる】to meet unexpected difficulties, to take time, to be delayed
所長 【しょちょう】chief, head
小船 【こぶね】boat, small craft
小石 【こいし】pebble
乗船 【じょうせん】embarking, embarkation, boarding
常習 【じょうしゅう】custom, common practice, common practise, habit
先回り 【さきまわり】going on ahead, forestalling, anticipating, arrival before another
速まる 【はやまる】① to move ahead (three hours, etc.), to move up ② to quicken, to speed up, to gather speed ③ to be hasty, to be rash
息切れ 【いきぎれ】shortness of breath
退去 【たいきょ】① departure, leaving, going away, evacuation ② recession
大量 【たいりょう】large quantity
谷間 【たにま】① valley, ravine, chasm, dell ② cleavage
反す 【かえす】① to return (something), to restore, to put back ② to turn over, to turn upside down, to overturn ③ to pay back, to retaliate, to reciprocate ④ (after the -masu stem of a verb) to repeat ..., to do ... back
部員 【ぶいん】staff, member
毎秒 【まいびょう】every second
無残 【むざん】cruelty, atrocity, cold-bloodedness, tragedy, misery
明朝 【みょうちょう】tomorrow morning
野原 【のはら】field
立ち退く 【たちのく】to evacuate, to clear out, to vacate, to withdraw, to take refuge
立ち直る 【たちなおる】① to regain one's footing, to get back on one's feet ② to recover, (of the market) to improve
研究所 【けんきゅうじょ】research establishment (institute, laboratory, etc.)
面 【つら】① face (often derog. or vulg.), mug ② surface
追い風 【おいかぜ】tailwind, fair or favorable wind (favourable)
向かい風 【むかいかぜ】head wind
見放す 【みはなす】to desert, to abandon, to give up
立て直す 【たてなおす】to rally, to make over, to rearrange, to reorganize, to reorganise
それとなくindirectly, obliquely
大船 【おおぶね】large boat
暗ます 【くらます】① to abscond, to conceal oneself ② to deceive, to dissemble, to fool
依然として 【いぜんとして】still, as yet, as of old
一介 【いっかい】mere, only a ...
押し 【おし】push, pressure, authority, audacity
過ぎ去る 【すぎさる】to pass, to pass away
敬遠 【けいえん】① pretending to respect someone while in fact staying distant from him ② keeping at a distance ③ kicking upstairs, giving a batter an "intentional walk"
言い渡す 【いいわたす】to announce, to tell, to sentence, to order
後程 【のちほど】later on, eventually, afterwards
ご苦労 【ごくろう】trouble (I have put you through)
荒涼 【こうりょう】desolate, dreary, bleak
高性能 【こうせいのう】high efficiency, high fidelity, high power
在任 【ざいにん】being in office
殺到 【さっとう】rush, flood
捨て去る 【すてさる】to abandon (ship)
周波数 【しゅうはすう】frequency (of waves)
出し抜く 【だしぬく】to forestall, to anticipate, to jump the gun on, to outwit, to circumvent, to steal a march on
場末 【ばすえ】outskirts (e.g. of a shopping district), rundown district
心底 【しんそこ】one's innermost depths, completely (from the bottom of one's heart)
生まれ変わる 【うまれかわる】to be born again, to make a fresh start in life
静けさ 【しずけさ】stillness, silence, hush, calm, serenity
切り抜ける 【きりぬける】to cut one's way through, to tide over, to struggle through, to get over
総力 【そうりょく】total energy, all efforts
長居 【ながい】long visit, overstaying
盗み 【ぬすみ】stealing
逃げ回る 【にげまわる】to run from place to place
突進 【とっしん】rush, charge
難関 【なんかん】barrier
被告 【ひこく】defendant, the accused
貧血 【ひんけつ】anemia, anaemia
暴風雨 【ぼうふうう】storm
未だに 【いまだに】still, even now, until this very day
零 【れい】zero, nought
暴言 【ぼうげん】reckless remark, rash remark, abusive language, thoughtless words
隅々 【すみずみ】every nook and corner
共々 【ともども】together, in company
捕らわれる 【とらわれる】to be captured, to be apprehended, to be seized with
並み 【なみ】average, medium, common, ordinary
時機 【じき】opportunity, chance
手薄 【てうす】short of hands, insufficient
浮沈 【ふちん】floating and sinking, rise and fall, ebb and flow, ups and downs
見付け出す 【みつけだす】to find out, to discover, to locate
咲かせる 【さかせる】to make bloom
出来損ない 【できそこない】failure, dead loss, washout, badly done, good-for-nothing
ついてるto be lucky, to be in luck
大軍 【たいぐん】large (big) army
髪形 【かみがた】hair style, coiffure, hairdo
祖 【そ】ancestor, forefather, progenitor
ましてやmuch less, to say nothing of
荒地 【あれち】① wasteland, wilderness, abandoned land, devastated land ② The Wasteland (poem by T.S. Eliot)
暗躍 【あんやく】secret manoeuvering, secret maneuvering, secret manoeuvres, secret maneuvers
右翼 【うよく】① right-wing ② right field (e.g. in sport), right flank, right wing
唄 【うた】① song ② classical Japanese poetry (esp. tanka) ③ modern poetry
官邸 【かんてい】official residence
敢行 【かんこう】decisive action
監獄 【かんごく】prison
看守 【かんしゅ】jailer, gaoler
奇異 【きい】odd, strange, wonderful
騎士 【きし】knight
救い出す 【すくいだす】to rescue, to free
拠点 【きょてん】position, location, base, point
恐慌 【きょうこう】panic, scare, consternation
極秘 【ごくひ】absolute secrecy
筋書き 【すじがき】synopsis, outline, plot
兄貴 【あにき】one's senior, elder brother
撃墜 【げきつい】shooting down (aircraft)
決裁 【けっさい】sanction, approval
決闘 【けっとう】duel, shoot-out
見張る 【みはる】to watch, to (stand) guard, to look out, to open one's eyes wide
錯覚 【さっかく】① optical illusion, hallucination ② misapprehension, delusion
師匠 【ししょう】① master, teacher ② sumo coach who owns his stable
示唆 【しさ】suggestion, hint, implication
執り行う 【とりおこなう】to hold a ceremony
執行 【しっこう】① enforcement, performance, execution, exercise, service ② pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, ascetic practice (practise), discipline
執念 【しゅうねん】tenacity, implacability
小僧 【こぞう】① youngster ② young Buddhist priest
衰弱 【すいじゃく】weakness, debility, breakdown, prostration
酔っ払う 【よっぱらう】to get drunk
先遣 【せんけん】sending ahead
千載一遇 【せんざいいちぐう】once in a lifetime (opportunity), (a golden opportunity that may) happen only once in a thousand years
宣告 【せんこく】sentence, verdict, pronouncement
総督 【そうとく】governor-general, governor, viceroy
怠惰 【たいだ】laziness, idleness, sloth
大騒ぎ 【おおさわぎ】clamour, uproar, tumult
大砲 【たいほう】gun, cannon, artillery
撤退 【てったい】evacuation, withdrawal, revocation, repeal, retreat
転覆 【てんぷく】① capsizing, overturn, turning over, upset ② overthrow (e.g. a government)
忍ぶ 【しのぶ】① to conceal oneself, to hide ② to endure
不愉快 【ふゆかい】discomfort, unpleasantness, disagreeableness, unhappiness
補修 【ほしゅう】maintenance, mending, repair
褒めちぎる 【ほめちぎる】to praise (to the skies), to sing the praises (of), to extol
防災 【ぼうさい】disaster prevention
無傷 【むきず】unhurt, uninjured, unwounded, flawless, spotless, sound, perfect
唄う 【うたう】① to sing ② to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.)
援護 【えんご】covering, protection, backing, relief
脈拍 【みゃくはく】pulse, pulsation, stroke of pulse
音痴 【おんち】① tone-deafness, amusia, having no ear for music ② tone-deaf, off-key ③ having no sense (of something), being hopeless (when it comes to something)
旗印 【はたじるし】(design on a) banner, slogan, emblem (on flag), insignia
空振り 【からぶり】striking (at something) and missing, in vain
銃撃 【じゅうげき】shooting, gunning (down)
精魂 【せいこん】soul, spirit
誘き寄せる 【おびきよせる】to lure someone, to entice someone
ごきげんよう① how do you do?, nice to meet you ② adieu, farewell, bon voyage
剛 【ごう】strong, hard, manly
闇雲 【やみくも】recklessly, blindly, at random
迂回 【うかい】① detour ② to detour, to circumvent ③ turning movement (mil)
辛辣 【しんらつ】bitter, sharp, acrimonious
吹き捲る 【ふきまくる】to blow about, to blow along, to brag
斑点 【はんてん】speck, fleck
美貌 【びぼう】beautiful face, good looks, beauty
熾烈 【しれつ】① fierce, violent, severe ② ferocity, violence, severity
すねshin, shank, lower leg
虱 【しらみ】louse (esp. a sucking louse), lice
饒舌 【じょうぜつ】garrulity, loquacity, talkativeness
凄まじい 【すさまじい】terrific, fierce, terrible, tremendous, dreadful, awful, amazing, absurd, cutthroat, intense
吹き溜まり 【ふきだまり】① drift of snow or leaves ② hangout for drifters
諜報 【ちょうほう】secret information, intelligence
臆病者 【おくびょうもの】coward
怒涛 【どとう】raging billows (waves)
孑然 【けつぜん】isolated, alone, helpless
そのころat that time, in those days, at that moment, then