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60 entriesCreated by Public Domain — Last modified: 2016-05-08 21:26:17
文章 【ぶんしょう】① sentence, article, composition ② (writing) style
事故 【じこ】① accident, incident, trouble ② circumstances, reasons
故障 【こしょう】break-down, failure, fault, accident, out of order
趣味 【しゅみ】hobby, tastes, preference
言語 【げんご】language
影響 【えいきょう】influence, effect
覚悟 【かくご】resolution, resignation, readiness, preparedness
株 【かぶ】share, stock, stump (of tree)
攻撃 【こうげき】attack, strike, offensive, criticism, censure
貢献 【こうけん】contribution, services
渋滞 【じゅうたい】congestion (e.g. traffic), delay, stagnation
障害 【しょうがい】① obstacle, impediment, hindrance, difficulty, barrier ② handicap, impairment, disability, disorder, malfunction
成功 【せいこう】success, hit
専攻 【せんこう】major subject, special study
滞在 【たいざい】stay, sojourn
魅力 【みりょく】charm, fascination, glamour, glamor, attraction, appeal
故郷 【ふるさと】home town, birthplace, old village, historic village, native place, one's old home
故郷 【こきょう】home town, birthplace, old village, historic village, native place, one's old home
五十音 【ごじゅうおん】the Japanese syllabary
中身 【なかみ】contents, interior, substance, filling, (sword) blade
紅葉 【こうよう】① autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour) ② leaves turning red, red leaves ③ leaves turning yellow, yellow leaves ④ (Japanese) maple (Acer japonicum)
紅葉 【もみじ】① autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour) ② leaves turning red, red leaves ③ leaves turning yellow, yellow leaves ④ (Japanese) maple (Acer japonicum)
古典 【こてん】old book, classics, classic
功績 【こうせき】achievements, merit, meritorious service, meritorious deed
項目 【こうもく】(data) item, entry
特殊 【とくしゅ】special, unique
加工 【かこう】manufacturing, processing, treatment, machining
携帯 【けいたい】something carried (in the hand), handheld
個性 【こせい】individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy
個別 【こべつ】particular case, discrete, individual, separate
古代 【こだい】ancient times
固定 【こてい】fixation, fixing (e.g. salary, capital)
固有 【こゆう】characteristic, tradition, peculiar, inherent, native, eigen-
故人 【こじん】the deceased, old friend
語句 【ごく】words, phrases
巧妙 【こうみょう】ingenious, skillful, clever, deft
細工 【さいく】work, craftsmanship, tactics, trick
事項 【じこう】matter, item, facts
取材 【しゅざい】collecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article), covering an event
真珠 【しんじゅ】pearl
世帯 【せたい】household, home, family, housekeeping
精巧 【せいこう】elaborate, delicate, exquisite
反響 【はんきょう】echo, reverberation, repercussion, reaction, influence
舗装 【ほそう】pavement, road surface
捕獲 【ほかく】capture, seizure
補足 【ほそく】supplement, complement
味覚 【みかく】taste, palate, sense of taste
未知 【みち】not yet known
未定 【みてい】not yet fixed, undecided, pending
言語 【ごんご】language
取得 【しゅとく】acquisition
五輪 【ごりん】the Olympics
携帯 【ケイタイ】something carried (in the hand), handheld
湖畔 【こはん】lake shore
趣向 【しゅこう】plan, idea
第一章 【だいいっしょう】chapter one, first chapter
表彰 【ひょうしょう】public acknowledgment, public acknowledgement, public recognition, commendation, awarding
魅了 【みりょう】fascination
帰郷 【ききょう】homecoming, return to one's home
琵琶湖 【びわこ】Lake Biwa