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Words 4501-7500 in EDICT_SUB not included in KB's N5-N1 sets.
*Some katakana words and names were not recognized when importing.
*Some rare character usage was rejected by KB's parsing algorithm.
*Some words may just be variations on words in KB's N5-N1 sets.

1802 entriesCreated by Derrick W. — Last modified: 2014-12-26 10:30:08
メーデー① Mayday (call for help) ② May Day (May 1st)
メール① email ② mail (usu. in phrases and compound words) ③ male
メリットadvantage, benefit, merit
メロディー① melody ② chime
メンバーmember, participant, attendee, lineup (sport)
モーターショーmotor show
モードmode, fashion
モール① mall ② maul (in rugby) ③ mole ④ Moor
モザイク① mosaic ② pixelated obscuring in images and video, usu. for censorship
モニター① (computer) monitor ② consumer who comments on products, television programs, etc. (programmes) ③ program or utility that monitors a program or activity
モラル① morals, morality, ethics ② morale
ユーモアhumor, humour
ユーモラスhumorous, humourous
ユーロ① Euro- ② euro (the currency)
ユニークunique, individual, original, unusual
ヨーグルトyoghurt, yoghourt
ヨットyacht (usually only used for a sailing boat with one mast)
ライスrice (esp. when served on a plate)
ライセンスlicense, licence
ライター① lighter ② writer
ライト① light ② right ③ right field, right fielder
ライバルrival, competition
ライブ① live (esp. concert, show, etc.), live performance ② alive
ラウンドround (esp. in sports, negotiations, etc.), rounds (e.g. nurse, security guard, etc.)
ラケットracket, paddle (in table-tennis)
ラジウムradium (Ra)
ラジカセradio-cassette player
ラダー① rudder ② ladder (PLC programming paradigm) (programing)
ラック① rack ② ruck ③ luck
ラッシュ① rush ② rush hour ③ rush print ④ lighter aboard ship, LASH
ラッシュアワーrush hour
ラップ① lap ② wrap ③ cling film ④ rap
ラテンアメリカLatin America
ラブソングlove song
ラベル① label (i.e. sticker) ② label (i.e. record label)
ラボ① laboratory ② language laboratory
ラマllama (Lama glama)
ランキング① ranking ② toplist (e.g. of WWW sites)
ランクrank, standing
ランチ① lunch ② launch ③ ranch
ランニング① running ② tank top
ランプ① lamp, light ② ramp ③ rump
リーク① leak ② leek (edible plant, Allium porrum)
リーダー① leader ② reader
リーディング① reading ② leading
リートlied (German song, usu. for solo voice & piano)
リスト① list ② wrist
リビング① living, lifestyle ② living room
リフォームrenovation (e.g. a house), redecoration, makeover, updating
リフト① lift ② rift
リフレッシュrefresh (e.g. memory)
リベート① rebate ② commission, kickback
リムジン① limousine (stretched car) ② shuttle bus (usu. to airport)
リモコンremote control
リュックサックrucksack, knapsack, backpack
リンク① link, directory entry ② rink
リンス(hair) rinse, (hair) conditioner
ルー① roux (mixture of butter and flour used to make sauces), sauce made from such a mixture ② (Japanese) curry powder, curry sauce made from this powder
ルート① root ② route
レーシングカーracing car
レース① race ② lace ③ lathe
レート① rate ② late
レア① rare ② rhea (flightless South American bird of family Rheidae)
レインコートraincoat, mackintosh, macintosh, trench coat
レギュラー① regular ② regular member (e.g. of football team, etc.) ③ regular (petrol, gasoline)
レクリエーション① recreation ② re-creation
レシートreceipt, docket (e.g. cash register)
レジ(cash) register
レス① response ② less ③ -less ④ loess
レッテルlabel, sticker
レディー① lady ② ready
レトルト① retort, sealed plastic pouch typically containing ready-made sauce or stew, boil-in-the-bag ② retort, glass vessel used for distillation (now largely obs.)
レバー① lever, joystick ② liver
レパートリーrepertoire, repertory
レベル① level ② rebel ③ revel
レポートreport, paper
レンタカーrental car, rent-a-car, hire car
レンタルビデオrental video
レントゲン① X-ray ② roentgen (unit of ionizing radiation)
ロースroast, roasting meat, sirloin, pork loin
ロゼrose (wine), pink wine
ローラースケートroller skate
ローン① loan ② roan ③ lawn (i.e. short grass) ④ lawn (type of cotton cloth)
ロケット① locket ② rocket
ロゴ① logo ② logotype
ロサンゼルスLos Angeles
ロス① loss ② Los Angeles
ロッカー① locker ② rocker
ロック① lock ② rock ③ roc
ロックンロールrock 'n' roll
ロビーlobby, lounge
ワールドシリーズWorld Series
ワックスwax (for polishing)
一 【ひと】① one ② best in, the most (...) in (where an adjective follows)
一つ一つ 【ひとつひとつ】one-by-one, separately, in detail
一円 【いちえん】whole district, one yen, throughout
一気に 【いっきに】at once, at a breath (stroke, sitting)
一国 【いっこく】whole country, stubborn, hotheaded
一時金 【いちじきん】lump sum, bonus, one-off payment
一人で 【ひとりで】alone, by oneself, voluntarily, spontaneously, automatically
一人前 【いちにんまえ】① becoming adult, attaining full manhood or womanhood, coming of age ② one helping, one portion
一人前 【ひとりまえ】① becoming adult, attaining full manhood or womanhood, coming of age ② one helping, one portion
一千 【いっせん】1,000, one thousand
一大 【いちだい】one large ..., a great ...
一男 【いちなん】boy, eldest son
一日中 【いちにちじゅう】throughout the day
一年生 【いちねんせい】① annual (plant) ② first-year university or high-school student (esp. US), freshman
一年中 【いちねんじゅう】all year round
一分 【いちぶ】one tenth, one hundredth, one percent, one tenth of a sun, one quarter ryou (an old coin)
一分 【いっぷん】(a) minute
一本 【いっぽん】① one long cylindrical thing ② one version ③ (a) certain book ④ (a) blow ⑤ an experienced geisha
円高 【えんだか】high-valued yen, exchange in favor (favour) of the yen
下す 【くだす】① to make (a decision), to pass (judgement, etc.), to hand down (orders, etc.) ② to let go down, to lower ③ to do oneself, to do by oneself
下見 【したみ】preview, preliminary inspection, siding (on a house)
下山 【げざん】descending (mountain)
下山 【げさん】descending (mountain)
なんだかんだsomething or other, one thing or another, this or that
何と 【なんと】what, how, whatever
何やら 【なにやら】something, for some reason
何時 【なんじ】what time?
何人 【なんにん】how many? (people)
何千 【なんぜん】many thousands
何とぞ 【なにとぞ】① please, kindly, I beg of you, if it pleases you ② by all means, without fail
何ら 【なんら】① whatever, what, what sort of, any kind of ② nothing whatever (with neg. verb)
何ら 【なにら】① whatever, what, what sort of, any kind of ② nothing whatever (with neg. verb)
何かと 【なにかと】one way or another
何百 【なんびゃく】hundreds
何分 【なんぷん】what minute?, how many minutes?
ヵ月 【かげつ】(number of) months
外に 【ほかに】in addition, besides
外れ 【はずれ】① end, verge, extremity, tip, outskirts ② miss, failure
外気 【がいき】open air
外見 【がいけん】outward appearance
外見 【そとみ】outward appearance
外国語 【がいこくご】foreign language
外車 【がいしゃ】foreign automobile
外出 【そとで】outing, trip, going out
外食 【がいしょく】eating out
外人 【がいじん】foreigner
学長 【がくちょう】university president
間食 【かんしょく】eating between meals, snacking
間中 【あいだじゅう】during
円み 【まるみ】roundness, rotundity
気のせい 【きのせい】in (my, your) imagination
気前 【きまえ】generosity
気づかれ 【きづかれ】mental fatigue, worry, boredom
いずれ① where, which, who ② anyway, anyhow, at any rate, sooner or later, eventually, at some future date or time
一行 【いちぎょう】line, row, troupe, party
一行 【いっこう】line, row, troupe, party
一時 【いっとき】one hour, short time, once, a time, temporarily, at one time, twelfth part of a day
一人 【いちにん】one person
一生 【いっせい】whole life, a lifetime, all through life, one existence, a generation, an age, the whole world, the era
雨水 【あまみず】① rain water ② "rain water" solar term (approx. Feb 19)
雨水 【うすい】① rain water ② "rain water" solar term (approx. Feb 19)
一一 【いついつ】one by one, separately
何十 【なんじゅう】several tens
一校 【いっこう】whole school, the first proof, one proofreading
一女 【いちじょ】daughter, the eldest daughter, woman
右中間 【うちゅうかん】between right and center fielders (baseball) (centre)
何にも 【なんにも】nothing at all
気に入り 【きにいり】favorite, favourite, pet
リストラ(corporate) restructuring, downsizing
一二 【いちに】the first and second, a few
一人っ子 【ひとりっこ】an only child
一見 【いちげん】first visit to inn, restaurant, etc. without an introduction
何の 【なんの】what kind, what sort
下 【もと】under (esp. influence or guidance)
何人 【なにびと】everyone, every person, all, anyone
何人 【なんびと】everyone, every person, all, anyone
何人 【なんぴと】everyone, every person, all, anyone
seeming, giving the appearance of, giving one the feeling of
学校名 【がっこうめい】school's name
下 【か】under (being in said condition or environment)
外 【がい】outside of, not covered by
気 【け】① sign, indication, trace, touch, feeling ② somehow, for some reason, seeming to be
何なのか 【なんなのか】what is it (that), the meaning of something, what something is about
メイン① main ② mane
メインストリートmain street
メモリカードmemory card (e.g. PCMCIA)
メモリーカードmemory card (e.g. PCMCIA)
リード① lead (in a game, dance, etc.), being in the lead ② reed ③ read, reading
悪 【わる】bad thing, bad person
悪さ 【わるさ】badness, mean mischief
悪意 【あくい】① ill will, spite, evil intention ② bad meaning ③ (criminal) malice ④ mala fides (criminal intent to deceive)
悪気 【わるぎ】ill will, malice, evil intent, ill feeling, distrust
悪事 【あくじ】evil deed, crime, wickedness
悪質 【あくしつ】bad quality, malignancy, vicious, malignant
悪人 【あくにん】bad man, villain
悪用 【あくよう】abuse, misuse, perversion
安らか 【やすらか】peaceful, tranquil, calm, restful
安らぎ 【やすらぎ】peace, tranquility, tranquillity
安楽死 【あんらくし】euthanasia
安住 【あんじゅう】living peaceably
安上がり 【やすあがり】economy
安売り 【やすうり】discount, bargain sale, selling cheaply
安物 【やすもの】cheap article, poor quality article
以下 【いげ】① not exceeding, and downward, ... and below ② below (e.g. standard), under (e.g. a level) ③ the below-mentioned, the following, the rest
意気 【いき】spirit, heart, disposition
医 【い】medicine, the healing art, healing, curing, doctor
医大 【いだい】medical university, medical school, med school
医長 【いちょう】medical director, chief physician
一員 【いちいん】person, member
一元 【いちげん】unitary
一口 【ひとくち】① mouthful, bite, sip, draft, draught ② one word
一字 【いちじ】letter, character
一室 【いっしつ】one room
一手 【いって】move (in game), method, single-handed, monopoly
一週間 【いっしゅうかん】one week
一心に 【いっしんに】wholeheartedly, single-mindedly, fervently, intently
一新 【いっしん】complete change, reform, restoration, remodeling, remodelling, renewal
一人物 【いちじんぶつ】man of some importance, character
一足 【いっそく】pair (footwear)
一族 【いちぞく】① family, relatives, dependents ② household
一代 【いちだい】generation, lifetime, age
一着 【いっちゃく】first arrival, first in race, suit of clothes
一通 【いっつう】one copy (of a document), one letter
一堂 【いちどう】one building (hall, temple, shrine, room)
一発 【いっぱつ】① one shot, round, charge ② homerun (baseball)
一品 【いっぴん】① item, article ② dish, course
一品 【ひとしな】① item, article ② dish, course
一文 【いちぶん】(a) sentence
一文 【いちもん】something insignificant, one mon (10th sen)
一歩 【いっぽ】① (a) step ② level, stage ③ small degree, small amount
一方通行 【いっぽうつうこう】one-way traffic
引き下げ 【ひきさげ】reduction, cut
引分け 【ひきわけ】draw (in competition), tie game
引け目 【ひけめ】weakness, drawing back
飲食 【いんしょく】food and drink, eating and drinking
飲料 【いんりょう】(a) drink
飲料水 【いんりょうすい】drinking water
院長 【いんちょう】director
右手 【みぎて】right hand
運行 【うんこう】① service (bus, train), operation ② motion, revolution, movement
運動会 【うんどうかい】athletic meet
運動場 【うんどうじょう】sports ground, playing field, playground
英文学 【えいぶんがく】study of English literature
駅員 【えきいん】station attendant
駅前 【えきまえ】in front of station
円安 【えんやす】cheap yen
円建て 【えんだて】denominated in yen, yen-denominated, yen base
屋台 【やたい】① cart, esp. food cart ② (festival) float
音質 【おんしつ】tone quality, sound quality
音読 【おんどく】① reading aloud ② on'yomi (adopted Chinese reading of a kanji)
下院 【かいん】lower house, lower (legislative) body
下手 【したて】① humble position, inferior ② underarm grip on opponent's belt (sumo)
下手 【しもて】① lower part, foot, lower direction ② left part of the stage (audience's or camera's POV), stage right (actor's POV)
下手くそ 【へたくそ】① extreme clumsiness, severe lack of skill at a task ② You're hopeless!, Give it up!
下水道 【げすいどう】drain, sewer, drainage system
下方 【かほう】lower region, lower part
下野 【げや】retirement from public office
何事 【なにごと】① what, something, everything ② nothing (with neg. verb)
何者 【なにもの】who, what kind of person
何度 【なんど】how many times?, how often?
夏時間 【なつじかん】daylight savings time, summer time
夏場 【なつば】summertime
家業 【かぎょう】one's father's occupation
家元 【いえもと】head of a school (of music, dance), head family of a school
家主 【いえぬし】landlord
家人 【かじん】the family, one's folks
家族計画 【かぞくけいかく】family planning
家電 【かでん】consumer electronics, consumer electrical appliances
歌集 【かしゅう】anthology, book of poetry
歌人 【かじん】(Japanese) poet
火力 【かりょく】heating power, steam power
花道 【はなみち】passage through audience to stage
画する 【かくする】① to draw (a line) ② to demarcate, to mark, to divide, to map out ③ to plan
画集 【がしゅう】book of paintings in print
会 【え】gathering (esp. Buddhist, festive, etc.)
会計年度 【かいけいねんど】fiscal year
会食 【かいしょく】dining together, mess
会長 【かいちょう】president (of a society), chairman
会堂 【かいどう】church, chapel, synagogue, tabernacle
海上 【かいじょう】(by, at, on) sea, maritime, marine
海水 【かいすい】ocean water
海中 【かいちゅう】in the sea
開ける 【ひらける】① to become opened up, to improve, to get better ② to develop, to progress, to become civilized (civilised), to be up-to-date ③ to be enlightened, to be sensible
開花 【かいか】blooming
開館 【かいかん】① opening a hall for that day's business (museum, library, such like buildings) ② opening of new hall (museum, etc.)
開業 【かいぎょう】opening of business or practice (practise)
開業医 【かいぎょうい】private clinician, physician in private practice
開口 【かいこう】① opening, aperture (e.g. camera) ② opening one's mouth, beginning to speak ③ open, broad
開校 【かいこう】opening a school
開場 【かいじょう】opening
開店 【かいてん】opening (of a shop)
外野 【がいや】outfield
外野手 【がいやしゅ】outfielder
学院 【がくいん】institute, academy
学界 【がっかい】academic or scientific world
学業 【がくぎょう】studies, schoolwork, classwork
楽屋 【がくや】dressing room, green room, backstage
楽天家 【らくてんか】optimist, easy-going person
漢文 【かんぶん】① Chinese classical literature ② literature written entirely in kanji
間近 【まぢか】proximity, nearness, soon, nearby
間口 【まぐち】frontage
間借り 【まがり】renting a room
館長 【かんちょう】superintendent, director, curator, chief librarian
帰り道 【かえりみち】the way back or home, return trip
帰国 【きこく】return to one's country
気楽 【きらく】at ease, comfortable
気質 【かたぎ】spirit, character, trait, temperament, turn of mind, disposition
気力 【きりょく】willpower, energy, vitality
起き上がる 【おきあがる】to rise, to erect, to get up
起工 【きこう】setting to work
起用 【きよう】appointment (to a position, job, etc.), being used for a role, promotion
起立 【きりつ】standing up
悪口 【わるぐち】abuse, insult, slander, evil speaking
一家 【いっけ】a house, a home, a family, a household, one's family, one's folks, a style
一言 【いちげん】single word
一言 【いちごん】single word
一色 【いっしょく】one color, one colour, one article
一色 【いっしき】one color, one colour, one article
一色 【ひといろ】one color, one colour, one article
一世 【いっせい】a lifetime, a generation, foreign immigrant, Japanese immigrant to USA
一世 【いっせ】a lifetime, a generation, foreign immigrant, Japanese immigrant to USA
一度 【ひとたび】① once, one time, on one occasion ② temporarily, for a moment ③ one degree, one tone, one musical interval
一夜 【いちや】one night, all night, overnight, one evening
一夜 【ひとや】one night, all night, overnight, one evening
一夜 【ひとよ】one night, all night, overnight, one evening
音色 【おんいろ】① tone color, tone colour, tone quality, timbre ② synthesizer patch, synthesiser patch
音色 【おんしょく】① tone color, tone colour, tone quality, timbre ② synthesizer patch, synthesiser patch
悪い 【にくい】difficult, hard
英知 【えいち】intelligence
画一 【かくいつ】uniformity, standardization, standardisation
花道 【かどう】flower arrangement
飲み水 【のみみず】drinking water
飲物 【のみもの】drink, beverage
引上げる 【ひきあげる】① to pull up, to drag up, to lift up ② to increase, to raise (e.g. taxes) ③ to withdraw, to leave, to pull out, to retire ④ to return home
引き金 【ひきがね】trigger, gunlock
引金 【ひきがね】trigger, gunlock
引出し 【ひきだし】① drawer ② withdrawal, drawing out
引出す 【ひきだす】to pull out, to take out, to draw out, to withdraw
引きつる 【ひきつる】to have a cramp (spasm, convulsion, twitch), to become stiff
一重 【ひとえ】one layer, single, onefold
映し出す 【うつしだす】to project, to reflect
夏ばて 【なつばて】suffering from summer heat, summer heat fatigue
安らぐ 【やすらぐ】to feel at ease
一問 【いちもん】a question
英明 【えいめい】intelligent, wise, bright, brilliant, clear-sighted
海道 【かいどう】sea route
開国 【かいこく】opening of a country (e.g. Japan) to the world
外洋 【がいよう】open sea, ocean
漢方 【かんぽう】traditional Chinese medicine
引き上げ 【ひきあげ】① pulling up, drawing up, salvage, re-floatation ② raising, increase, upward revision
運び 【はこび】progress, pace, carriage, step, stage
帰休 【ききゅう】(military) leave, furlough
火口 【ひぐち】a burner, origin of a fire
開き 【ひらき】① opening, gap ② dried and opened fish
picture, drawing, painting, sketch
ユーズドused (e.g. used car)
意味不明 【いみふめい】of uncertain meaning, ambiguous, cryptic
ワンセグ1 SEG (Japanese terrestrial digital broadcasting service for mobile devices), 1seg
開発者 【かいはつしゃ】developer
開発元 【かいはつもと】developer, (software) development agency
帰す 【きす】① to come to (in the end), to end in ② to attribute, to blame
はだける① to open, to bare, to expose ② to stretch
悪役 【あくやく】villain, baddie, the villain's part
安打 【あんだ】safe hit (baseball)
暗に 【あんに】implicitly
暗やみ 【くらやみ】darkness, the dark
暗雲 【あんうん】dark clouds
暗号 【あんごう】code, password, cipher
委ねる 【ゆだねる】to entrust to, to devote oneself to, to abandon oneself to
委員会 【いいんかい】committee, commission, board, panel, committee meeting
委員長 【いいんちょう】committee chairman
意思決定 【いしけってい】decision-making
意図的 【いとてき】intentional, on purpose
意表 【いひょう】surprise, something unexpected
意味合い 【いみあい】implication, nuance
医科 【いか】medical science, medical department
医局 【いきょく】medical office, dispensary
医薬 【いやく】① medicine ② Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau
医薬品 【いやくひん】medical supplies
育英 【いくえい】education
一回 【いっかい】once, one time, one round, one game, one bout, one heat, one inning
一回り 【ひとまわり】① one turn, one round ② (a) size ③ to go around, to make a circuit, to take a turn
一階 【いっかい】one floor, first floor
一角 【いっかく】① corner, section, point ② one horn ③ narwhal (Monodon monoceros)
一角 【イッカク】① corner, section, point ② one horn ③ narwhal (Monodon monoceros)
一丸 【いちがん】lump, (into) one
一期 【いちご】one's life time, lifetime
一局 【いっきょく】one game (checkers, etc.)
一曲 【いっきょく】tune (melody, piece of music)
一月 【ひとつき】one month
一元化 【いちげんか】unification, centralization, centralisation
一戸建て 【いっこだて】(separate) house
一時的 【いちじてき】temporary
一式 【いっしき】complete set, all, everything
一首 【いっしゅ】tanka, poem
一助 【いちじょ】help, assistance
一身 【いっしん】oneself, one's own interests, throughout the body
一人息子 【ひとりむすこ】an only son
一石 【いっせき】one game (of go)
一石二鳥 【いっせきにちょう】killing two birds with one stone
一線 【いっせん】line
一打 【いちだ】stroke, blow
一対一 【いったいいち】one-to-one
一直線 【いっちょくせん】straight line
一定 【いちじょう】fixed, settled, constant, definite, uniform, regularized, regularised, defined, standardized, standardised, certain, prescribed
一点 【いってん】speck, dot, point, only a little, particle, only one
一倍 【いちばい】one share, one amount
ひとつがいpair, couple, brace
一番手 【いちばんて】first player, first worker
一番乗り 【いちばんのり】leader of a charge, first to arrive
一方的 【いっぽうてき】one-sided, unilateral, arbitrary
一門 【いちもん】family, dependents, household, kin, clan, group of related sumo stables
一両 【いちりょう】① one vehicle ② one ryou (an old coin)
一例 【いちれい】example, an instance
員数 【いんずう】numbers of members (things, people)
飲酒 【いんしゅ】drinking alcohol (sake)
羽毛 【うもう】feathers, plumage, down
羽目 【はめ】① panel, wainscoting, wainscotting ② plight, fix, bind, awkward situation, difficult situation, mess
雨宿り 【あまやどり】taking shelter from rain
雨量 【うりょう】rainfall
雲行き 【くもゆき】weather, look of the sky, situation, turn of affairs, signs
営み 【いとなみ】work, life
英和 【えいわ】English-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)
駅伝 【えきでん】stagecoach, post horse
円柱 【えんちゅう】① column, shaft, cylinder ② round pillar (esp. in buildings)
園 【その】① garden (esp. man-made), orchard, park, plantation ② place, location
園長 【えんちょう】head of a place designated with the suffix -en (e.g. kindergarten principal, director of a zoo, etc.)
遠 【とお】distant
遠心力 【えんしんりょく】centrifugal force
横たわる 【よこたわる】to lie down, to stretch out
横顔 【よこがお】face in profile, profile, face seen from the side
横行 【おうこう】① walking sideways, staggering, striding ② being rampant, being widespread, being prevalent
横線 【おうせん】horizontal line, abscissa
横線 【よこせん】horizontal line, abscissa
横断歩道 【おうだんほどう】pedestrian crossing
横着 【おうちゃく】dishonesty, laziness, cunning
横転 【おうてん】turning sideways, barrel roll
横目 【よこめ】sidelong glance
王国 【おうこく】kingdom, monarchy
王室 【おうしつ】royal family
王者 【おうじゃ】king, monarch, ruler
王手 【おうて】checkmate, check
王族 【おうぞく】royalty
王朝 【おうちょう】dynasty
王立 【おうりつ】royal
黄 【き】yellow
黄金 【きがね】gold
黄金 【くがね】gold
黄金時代 【おうごんじだい】Golden Age
黄身 【きみ】egg yolk
屋内 【おくない】indoor (court, pool, etc.)
温もり 【ぬくもり】warmth
音階 【おんかい】musical scale
音声 【おんせい】voice, (the concept of) sound
音声 【おんじょう】voice, (the concept of) sound
音頭 【おんど】workmen's songs, marching songs
音量 【おんりょう】volume (sound)
下り坂 【くだりざか】descent, downhill, decline, waning
下期 【しもき】second half of the fiscal year
下手投げ 【したてなげ】(baseball) an underhand throw, (sumo) an underarm throw
下等 【かとう】inferior, base, vulgar, low grade, lower class
下部 【かぶ】① substructure, lower part ② subordinate (office), good and faithful servant
下落 【げらく】depreciation, decline, fall, slump
下流 【かりゅう】① downstream, lower reaches of a river ② lower classes
化学 【ばけがく】① chemistry ② chemical company (e.g. Acme Chemical Co.)
化合物 【かごうぶつ】compound
何回 【なんかい】how many times?
加 【か】① addition, increase ② Canada
加算 【かさん】addition, adding
夏場所 【なつばしょ】summer (May) sumo tournament, held in Tokyo
夏物 【なつもの】summer goods
家庭科 【かていか】home economics
家内 【やうち】① (my) wife ② inside the home, one's family
科 【か】① department, section ② (taxonomical) family
科する 【かする】to inflict, to impose (a fine, etc.)
科学者 【かがくしゃ】scientist
歌曲 【かきょく】melody, tune, song
火薬 【かやく】gunpowder, powder
花王 【かおう】peony, king of flowers
花形 【はながた】① floral pattern, flourish, ornament ② star actor
荷台 【にだい】(truck) load-carrying tray, (bicycle) luggage carrier, roof rack
画商 【がしょう】picture dealer
画面 【がめん】terminal screen, scene, picture, the field (in TV), photo
会期 【かいき】session (of a legislature)
会頭 【かいとう】society president
回し 【まわし】sumo wrestler's loincloth
回帰 【かいき】return (to), revolution, recurrence, recursion, comeback, revival
回生 【かいせい】resurrection, resuscitation, regeneration
回線 【かいせん】circuit, line
回想 【かいそう】reflection, reminiscence
快楽 【かいらく】pleasure
快楽 【けらく】pleasure
快活 【かいかつ】cheerful, lively, lighthearted
快感 【かいかん】pleasant feeling
快速 【かいそく】high speed, celerity, mobility, express (train that bypasses many stations)
快調 【かいちょう】harmony, excellent condition
海王星 【かいおうせい】Neptune (planet)
海岸線 【かいがんせん】coastline, coastal railway
海辺 【うみべ】beach, seashore
海辺 【かいへん】beach, seashore
海面 【かいめん】sea level, (surface of) sea
絵本 【えほん】picture book
開き直る 【ひらきなおる】to become defiant, to turn upon, to become serious
開局 【かいきょく】opening of post-office or telephone exchange
開港 【かいこう】open port, opening a port
外科医 【げかい】surgeon
外角 【がいかく】outside corner, external angle
外米 【がいまい】foreign rice
外面 【がいめん】① outer surface, outward appearance, outside, exterior ② outside, outer, outward, exterior, external
外遊 【がいゆう】foreign travel
学園 【がくえん】academy, campus
学区 【がっく】school district (area)
学童 【がくどう】school child, pupil
学内 【がくない】within the school
学費 【がくひ】tuition, school expenses
楽園 【らくえん】pleasure garden, paradise
楽観的 【らっかんてき】optimistic, hopeful
楽曲 【がっきょく】musical composition, tune
楽章 【がくしょう】(musical) movement
楽天的 【らくてんてき】optimistic
額面 【がくめん】face value, par
活動家 【かつどうか】(anti-war) activist
活路 【かつろ】means of escape
寒さ 【さむさ】coldness
寒波 【かんぱ】cold wave
感じ取る 【かんじとる】to feel
漢方薬 【かんぽうやく】herbal medicine
観光客 【かんこうきゃく】tourist
間も無く 【まもなく】① soon, before long, in a short time ② (after verb) lacking time to ..., without time to ...
間取り 【まどり】plan of a house, arrangement of rooms
丸み 【まるみ】roundness, rotundity
丸太 【まるた】log
岸辺 【きしべ】bank (of a river)
岩間 【いわま】among rocks
岩山 【いわやま】rocky mountain
顔色 【かおいろ】complexion, countenance, expression
顔色 【がんしょく】complexion, countenance, expression
顔面 【がんめん】face (of person)
顔立ち 【かおだち】looks, features
期日 【きにち】fixed date, settlement date
期日 【ごじつ】fixed date, settlement date
帰化 【きか】naturalization, naturalisation
帰路 【きろ】one's way back
気球 【ききゅう】balloon, blimp
気取る 【きどる】to affect, to put on airs
気勢 【きせい】fervour, fervor, vigour, vigor, ardour, spirit
気晴らし 【きばらし】recreation, diversion, relaxation
気配 【きはい】① indication, sign, hint, presence, trend ② quotation (esp. stock market)
気負い 【きおい】fighting spirit, fighting mood
季語 【きご】seasonal word (in haiku)
起死回生 【きしかいせい】revival of the dead, recovering from a hopeless situation, resuscitation
起草 【きそう】drafting, draughting, drawing up a bill
客員 【きゃくいん】guest (associate) member
客員 【かくいん】guest (associate) member
客観 【かっかん】object (as opposed to subject)
客観 【かくかん】object (as opposed to subject)
客観的 【きゃっかんてき】objective
客室 【きゃくしつ】drawing room, guest room
客車 【きゃくしゃ】passenger car
客船 【きゃくせん】passenger boat
客体 【きゃくたい】object
客体 【かくたい】object
回る 【めぐる】① to go around ② to return ③ to surround ④ to concern (usu. of disputes)
化ける 【ふける】to age, to grow old
右側 【みぎがわ】right side, right hand
右側 【うそく】right side, right hand
円形 【えんけい】① round shape, circle ② circular form
円形 【まるがた】① round shape, circle ② circular form
黄色 【こうしょく】yellow, amber
黄色 【おうしょく】yellow, amber
下半期 【しもはんき】the last half-year, second half of the year
下半期 【かはんき】the last half-year, second half of the year
下半身 【かはんしん】lower half of body
下半身 【しもはんしん】lower half of body
加重 【かじゅう】weighting (in averaging), aggravation
加重 【かちょう】weighting (in averaging), aggravation
花園 【はなぞの】flower garden
花園 【かえん】flower garden
外側 【そとがわ】exterior, outside
外側 【がいそく】exterior, outside
角界 【かくかい】the world of Sumo
角界 【かっかい】the world of Sumo
温かい 【あったかい】warm, mild, genial
温まる 【ぬくまる】to warm oneself, to sun oneself, to warm up, to get warm
暗黒 【あんこく】darkness
雨期 【うき】rainy season
雨季 【うき】rainy season
歌合 【うたあわせ】poetry contest
絵葉書 【えはがき】picture postcard
顔合わせ 【かおあわせ】meeting together, introduction
夏期 【かき】summer season
夏季 【かき】summer season
夏季 【なつき】summer season
画期的 【かっきてき】ground-breaking, epoch-making
気合 【きあい】scream, yell, fighting spirit
化け物 【ばけもの】goblin, apparition, monster, ghost, phantom, spectre, specter
引き合い 【ひきあい】① reference, comparison, example ② inquiry, enquiry ③ witness, being involved in a court case, deal
引算 【ひきざん】subtraction
一一九番 【ひゃくじゅうきゅうばん】ambulance and fire brigade emergency tel. no. (in Japan)
回る 【もとおる】to wander around
羽 【ば】counter for birds and rabbits
羽 【ぱ】counter for birds and rabbits
歌声 【うたごえ】singing voice
一向に 【いっこうに】(not) at all
間に合わせる 【まにあわせる】① to make do, to manage (with something), to make shift ② to (make) get done on time
安心感 【あんしんかん】sense of security
医科学 【いかがく】medical college
一時期 【いちじき】a period (of time)
引き取り 【ひきとり】leaving, accepting
引き受け 【ひきうけ】undertaking, underwriting, acceptance
院内 【いんない】① inside the House (Diet) ② inside the hospital
営業所 【えいぎょうしょ】business office, place of business
営農 【えいのう】farming, agriculture
円相場 【えんそうば】yen exchange rate
園内 【えんない】inside the garden (park)
横手 【よこて】① side, beside ② feature of a sword blade
横手 【よこで】① side, beside ② feature of a sword blade
加点 【かてん】addition of points, scoring
家庭内 【かていない】domestic, in the family
快勝 【かいしょう】sweeping victory, easy victory
開発部 【かいはつぶ】Development Department
感情的 【かんじょうてき】emotional, sentimental
観音 【かんのん】Kannon, Kwannon, Buddhist deity of mercy
館内 【かんない】in the building
顔見知り 【かおみしり】acquaintance
顔負け 【かおまけ】embarrassed, ashamed
期待感 【きたいかん】feeling of expectation
気配り 【きくばり】care, attentiveness, attention, consideration
客足 【きゃくあし】customers
横ばい 【よこばい】① sidewise crawl (e.g. of a crab), crawling sideways ② leafhopper (insect), jassid ③ sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes) ④ levelling off, stabilizing
遠山 【えんざん】distant mountain
遠山 【とおやま】distant mountain
逆手 【ぎゃくて】① underhand or backhand grip (e.g. in tennis) ② unexpected twist, turning the tables (on an opponent)
逆手 【さかて】① underhand or backhand grip (e.g. in tennis) ② unexpected twist, turning the tables (on an opponent)
記録的 【きろくてき】record(-setting)
気取る 【けどる】to suspect, to sense
よるとaccording to
愛しい 【いとしい】lovely, dear, beloved, darling
愛犬 【あいけん】pet dog
愛好 【あいこう】love, adoration
愛国 【あいこく】love of (one's) country, patriotism
愛人 【あいじん】lover, mistress
愛読 【あいどく】reading with pleasure
愛用 【あいよう】favorite, favourite, habitual use
悪賢い 【わるがしこい】cunning, crafty, wily, sly
悪性 【あくせい】malignancy, virulence, malignant (cancer), pernicious (anemia, anaemia)
悪天候 【あくてんこう】bad weather
悪夢 【あくむ】nightmare, bad dream
圧巻 【あっかん】highlight, best part, masterpiece
圧勝 【あっしょう】complete victory
圧倒的 【あっとうてき】overwhelming
安値 【やすね】low price
安否 【あんぴ】safety, welfare, well-being
安眠 【あんみん】quiet sleep
位置付け 【いちづけ】placement, fixed position, mapping out, location
位置付け 【いちつけ】placement, fixed position, mapping out, location
依然として 【いぜんとして】still, as yet, as of old
偉業 【いぎょう】great enterprise, exploits
偉人 【いじん】great man
囲い 【かこい】enclosure, paling, storage
囲う 【かこう】to enclose
委任 【いにん】charge, trust
意思表示 【いしひょうじ】declaration of intention
移り変わり 【うつりかわり】change (e.g. season)
移管 【いかん】transfer of control
移植 【いしょく】transplanting, porting, implantation, engrafting
移籍 【いせき】changing household registry, transfer (e.g. of one's name in the register)
移送 【いそう】transfer, transport, removal
胃袋 【いぶくろ】① stomach, breadbasket, inner man ② dietary needs
衣 【ころも】① clothes, garment ② gown, robe ③ coating (e.g. glaze, batter, icing)
違法 【いほう】illegal, illegality, invalid, unlawfulness
違和感 【いわかん】① uncomfortable feeling, feeling out of place, sense of discomfort ② malaise, physical unease
医師会 【いしかい】medical association
域外 【いきがい】outside the area
域内 【いきない】inside the area
一位 【いちい】① first place, first rank, unit's position ② Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata)
一因 【いちいん】cause
一億 【いちおく】100,000,000, one hundred million
一過 【いっか】passing away
一介 【いっかい】mere, only a ...
一軍 【いちぐん】an army, the whole army, first string players (sports)
一件 【いっけん】matter, item, case
一個 【いっこ】piece, fragment, one (object)
一刻 【いっこく】① minute, moment, an instant ② stubborn, hot-headed
一座 【いちざ】① party, those present, troupe ② first seat
一種 【ひとくさ】species, kind, variety
一周年 【いっしゅうねん】one full year
一人娘 【ひとりむすめ】an only daughter
一戦 【いっせん】battle, game, bout
一掃 【いっそう】clean sweep
一団 【いちだん】body, group, party, gang, troupe
一段 【いちだん】① more, much more, still more, all the more ② part (of a talk) ③ Japanese verb group ④ first rank (in martial arts, etc.)
一段落 【いちだんらく】completing the first stage, reaching a point where one can pause
一段落 【ひとだんらく】completing the first stage, reaching a point where one can pause
一党 【いっとう】party, clique
一任 【いちにん】entrusting
一泊 【いっぱく】stopping one night
一般に 【いっぱんに】in general, generally
一般的 【いっぱんてき】popular, typical, general
一晩 【ひとばん】one evening, all night, overnight
一辺倒 【いっぺんとう】complete devotion to one side
一枚 【いちまい】one thin flat object, one sheet
一枚岩 【いちまいいわ】monolithic
印紙 【いんし】(revenue) stamp
印象的 【いんしょうてき】impressive
因果 【いんが】cause and effect, karma, fate
因子 【いんし】factor, divisor, element
引き抜く 【ひきぬく】① to extract, to uproot, to pull out ② to headhunt, to lure away
引き戻す 【ひきもどす】to bring back, to restore
引責 【いんせき】taking responsibility
右腕 【みぎうで】right arm
右腕 【うわん】right arm
運良く 【うんよく】luckily
運航 【うんこう】operating (e.g. ships, aircraft)
運輸省 【うんゆしょう】Ministry of Transport
雲泥の差 【うんでいのさ】wide difference, a world of difference
営団 【えいだん】corporation, foundation
営利 【えいり】money-making, commercialized, commercialised
栄光 【えいこう】glory
永住 【えいじゅう】permanent residence
永続 【えいぞく】permanence, continuation
永代 【えいたい】permanence, eternity
鋭利 【えいり】sharpness
液化 【えきか】liquefaction
越境 【えっきょう】border transgression
越冬 【えっとう】passing the winter, hibernation
越年 【えつねん】ring out the old year, hibernation
円筒 【えんとう】cylinder
園児 【えんじ】kindergarten pupil, kindergartener
延命 【えんめい】① long life, longevity ② macrobiotics
演歌 【えんか】① enka, traditional-style Japanese popular ballad ② troubadour
演芸 【えんげい】entertainment, performance
演算 【えんざん】operation
演目 【えんもく】musical program, musical programme
煙 【けぶり】smoke, fumes
煙 【けむ】smoke, fumes
煙 【けぶ】smoke, fumes
遠近法 【えんきんほう】perspective
遠浅 【とおあさ】shoal, wide shallow beach
塩化 【えんか】chloride
塩田 【えんでん】saltpan, field for drying salt
塩分 【えんぶん】salt, salt content
塩味 【しおあじ】salty taste, saltiness
汚職 【おしょく】corruption
汚水 【おすい】filthy water, sewage
汚点 【おてん】stain, blot, flaw, disgrace
汚物 【おぶつ】dirt, dust, garbage
汚名 【おめい】stigma, dishonour, dishonor, infamy
奥行き 【おくゆき】depth, length
奥行 【おくゆき】depth, length
奥山 【おくやま】remote mountain, mountain recesses
奥様 【おくさま】wife, your wife, his wife, married lady, madam
押し 【おし】push, pressure, authority, audacity
押し入る 【おしいる】to push in
押し付ける 【おしつける】to press, to push, to force
押し問答 【おしもんどう】dispute, heated questioning and answering
押収 【おうしゅう】seizure, confiscation
横幅 【よこはば】breadth, width
横暴 【おうぼう】violence, oppression, high-handedness, tyranny, despotism
横領 【おうりょう】usurpation, embezzlement, misappropriation
欧州 【おうしゅう】Europe
王位 【おうい】the throne, the crown
王座 【おうざ】throne
王将 【おうしょう】① king ② king (for senior player) (shogi)
温厚 【おんこう】gentle
温床 【おんしょう】hotbed, breeding ground
温存 【おんぞん】preserve, retain
音程 【おんてい】musical interval, step
音符 【おんぷ】① musical note, note symbol ② phonetic symbol (inc. the kanji and kana-doubling symbols, vowel-lengthening symbol, etc.) ③ part of a kanji for which the role is primarily to represent the pronunciation (as opposed to the meaning)
下っ腹 【したっぱら】abdomen, stomach, under parts
下限 【かげん】lower limit
下値 【したね】lowest price
化成 【かせい】change, transformation
仮 【かり】① temporary, provisional, interim ② fictitious, assumed (name), alias
仮装 【かそう】① costume, fancy dress, masquerade, disguise ② converted (cruiser)
どこまでもanywhere, through thick and thin, to the utmost, persistently, stubbornly, in all respects, thoroughly
加圧 【かあつ】increasing pressure
加害者 【かがいしゃ】assailant
可能性 【かのうせい】potentiality, likelihood, possibility, availability
可否 【かひ】① propriety, right and wrong, advisability ② pro and con, ayes and noes
家財 【かざい】household belongings (goods)
家政 【かせい】household economy
家政婦 【かせいふ】housekeeper, maid
家庭教師 【かていきょうし】tutor, coach
科学技術庁 【かがくぎじゅつちょう】Science and Technology Agency
果てしない 【はてしない】endless, boundless, everlasting
果物 【かぶつ】fruit
歌劇 【かげき】opera
歌詞 【かし】song lyrics, words of a song, libretto
火山灰 【かざんばい】volcanic ash
火種 【ひだね】live coals (for firelighting), remains of fire
花束 【はなたば】bunch of flowers, bouquet
花輪 【はなわ】wreath, garland
荷札 【にふだ】label, tag
菓子 【かし】pastry, confectionery
課員 【かいん】section staff
貨車 【かしゃ】freight car, van
貨物 【かぶつ】① cargo, freight ② money or assets
過言 【かごん】exaggeration, saying too much
過大 【かだい】excessive, too much, unreasonable
過渡 【かと】① crossing, ferry ② transient ③ changing old to new
過渡期 【かとき】transition period
過度 【かど】excess, immoderation
過当 【かとう】excessive, exorbitant
過熱 【かねつ】superheating, overheating
画像 【がぞう】image, picture, portrait
介在 【かいざい】mediation, interposition, intervention
会報 【かいほう】bulletin, report
解禁 【かいきん】lifting a ban
解雇 【かいこ】discharge, dismissal
解消 【かいしょう】cancellation, liquidation, resolution, reduction (e.g. of stress)
解体 【かいたい】disassembly, dismantling, deconstruction, dissolution, demolishing
解任 【かいにん】dismissal
解明 【かいめい】clarification, elucidation, explication
解約 【かいやく】cancellation of contract
改札口 【かいさつぐち】ticket barrier (gate), wicket
改新 【かいしん】reformation
改選 【かいせん】re-election
改組 【かいそ】reorganization, reorganisation
改装 【かいそう】remodelling, remodeling, reorganization, reorganisation
改築 【かいちく】structural alteration of building, reconstruction
改編 【かいへん】reorganization, reorganisation
改ざん 【かいざん】alteration, falsification, faking
海域 【かいいき】area of ocean
海軍 【かいぐん】navy
海産物 【かいさんぶつ】marine products
海水浴場 【かいすいよくじょう】swimming area (in the ocean), swimming beach, seawater baths
海底 【かいてい】① bottom of the ocean ② undersea, submarine
海難 【かいなん】shipwreck
灰皿 【はいさら】ashtray
皆さん 【みんなさん】all, everyone, everybody
皆無 【かいむ】nothing
皆目 【かいもく】entirely
皆様 【みなさま】everyone
絵巻 【えまき】picture scroll
開演 【かいえん】curtain raising, starting (e.g. play, concert)
開示 【かいじ】disclosure (legal)
開設 【かいせつ】establishment, opening
開戦 【かいせん】outbreak of war, starting a war
開封 【かいふう】unsealed letter, breaking the seal
開閉 【かいへい】opening and shutting
外圧 【がいあつ】external pressure
外交官 【がいこうかん】diplomat
外資 【がいし】foreign capital (e.g. in a company), foreign investment
外信 【がいしん】external communication
外付け 【そとづけ】attached outside, external
外付 【そとづけ】attached outside, external
外務 【がいむ】foreign affairs
外務省 【がいむしょう】Ministry of Foreign Affairs
害虫 【がいちゅう】harmful insect, noxious insect
各国 【かっこく】① each nation ② many nations, many countries
格安 【かくやす】cheap, reasonable
格子 【こうし】(crystal) lattice, grid pattern
格上げ 【かくあげ】status elevation
格段 【かくだん】special, exceptional, remarkable
格付け 【かくづけ】rating, classification, allocation, grading
格付け 【かくずけ】rating, classification, allocation, grading
確固 【かっこ】firm, unshakeable, resolute
確約 【かくやく】firm promise, definite promise
学位 【がくい】(university) degree
学識 【がくしき】scholarship, scientific attainments
学卒 【がくそつ】college graduate
学徒 【がくと】student, follower, students and pupils
楽団 【がくだん】orchestra, band
割 【かつ】divide, cut, halve, separate, split, rip, break, crack, smash, dilute
割り引く 【わりびく】to discount
割り出す 【わりだす】to calculate, to compute, to infer
割出す 【わりだす】to calculate, to compute, to infer
割り切る 【わりきる】① to find a clear solution, to come to a clean decision, to give a clear explanation ② to divide
割り当てる 【わりあてる】to assign, to allot, to allocate, to divide among, to distribute, to prorate, to apportion
活況 【かっきょう】activity, briskness, prosperity
活性 【かっせい】activity
巻き込む 【まきこむ】to roll up, to involve, to enfold, to swallow up, to drag into
巻込む 【まきこむ】to roll up, to involve, to enfold, to swallow up, to drag into
巻末 【かんまつ】end of a book
完走 【かんそう】running the race, staying the course
完敗 【かんぱい】complete defeat, utter defeat, annihilation
完封 【かんぷう】complete blockade (seal), baseball shutout
官界 【かんかい】bureaucracy
官公庁 【かんこうちょう】government administration office
官報 【かんぽう】official daily gazette, official telegram
干満 【かんまん】ebb and flow
患う 【わずらう】to fall ill
感受性 【かんじゅせい】sensitivity
感性 【かんせい】sensitivity, sensitiveness, sense
換気 【かんき】ventilation
換金 【かんきん】realize, realise, turn into money
換算 【かんざん】conversion (e.g. yen to dollars), change, exchange, translation (numerical)
甘え 【あまえ】depending on other's kindness
甘言 【かんげん】cajolery
甘美 【かんび】sweet (e.g. fruit, melody, dream), luscious
甘味料 【かんみりょう】sweeteners, sweetening materials
管区 【かんく】jurisdiction
管制 【かんせい】control
管制塔 【かんせいとう】control tower
管内 【かんない】within the jurisdiction of
管理者 【かんりしゃ】① manager, landlord, warden, superintendent, supervisor ② root (user)
管理職 【かんりしょく】management
簡略 【かんりゃく】simple, simplicity
缶詰め 【かんづめ】packing (in cans), canning, canned goods, tin can
観劇 【かんげき】theatre-going, theater-going
観賞 【かんしょう】admiration, enjoyment
観戦 【かんせん】watching a (sports) game
間一髪 【かんいっぱつ】hair's breadth
間際 【まぎわ】on the verge of, just before, on the point of
間接 【かんせつ】indirection, indirectness
間接税 【かんせつぜい】indirect tax
まぬけstupidity, idiot, dunce, blockhead
関 【せき】barrier, gate
関係者 【かんけいしゃ】authorized people, authorised people, person(s) concerned, officials, staff
関心事 【かんしんじ】matter of concern and interest
関西 【かんせい】Kansai (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka)
関知 【かんち】concern, business
関門 【かんもん】barrier, gateway
丸め込む 【まるめこむ】① to coax, to seduce ② to roll up and put in (to something), to bundle up
含み 【ふくみ】implication, hidden meaning, latitude, atmosphere, tone, sentiment, inclusion
含有 【がんゆう】contain, include
危うく 【あやうく】① barely, narrowly ② almost, nearly
危急 【ききゅう】emergency
喜んで 【よろこんで】with pleasure ...
寄せ 【よせ】① last moves (in go, shogi, or chess), endgame ② gathering, collecting, coming together
寄せ集め 【よせあつめ】mish-mash, miscellany, medley, odds and ends, gathering
寄り道 【よりみち】dropping in on the way, breaking one's journey, making a stopover, going out of one's way
寄金 【ききん】contribution, donation
寄港 【きこう】stopping at a port
寄生虫 【きせいちゅう】parasite
寄席 【よせ】musical hall, vaudeville
いくつか(a) few, some, several
幾何 【きか】geometry
幾何学 【きかがく】geometry
机上 【きじょう】① on the desk ② theoretical, academic
機運 【きうん】opportunity
機械化 【きかいか】① mechanization, mechanisation ② computerization
機材 【きざい】machine parts, machinery, equipment
機種 【きしゅ】type of equipment, model
機首 【きしゅ】nose (of plane)
機体 【きたい】fuselage, airframe
機長 【きちょう】pilot
機動 【きどう】maneuver, manoeuvre
帰省 【きせい】homecoming, returning home
帰途 【きと】on the way back, returning
気違い 【きちがい】① madness, madman ② enthusiast, freak, junkie
気掛かり 【きがかり】anxiety, concern, worry
気管支 【きかんし】bronchial tube
気象台 【きしょうだい】meteorological observatory
気象庁 【きしょうちょう】Meteorological Agency
気性 【きしょう】disposition, temperament
気絶 【きぜつ】faint, swoon
気筒 【きとう】cylinder
気分転換 【きぶんてんかん】change of pace, change of mood
祈願 【きがん】prayer
祈念 【きねん】prayer
希少 【きしょう】scarce, rare
規程 【きてい】official regulations, inner rules
記念日 【きねんび】holiday, anniversary, memorial day
起因 【きいん】cause
起爆 【きばく】exploding
技 【ぎ】technique, art
技術者 【ぎじゅつしゃ】engineer, technical expert, technician, crafts-person
技術的 【ぎじゅつてき】technical, practical
技法 【ぎほう】technique
疑い 【うたがい】doubt, question, uncertainty, skepticism, scepticism, suspicion, distrust
疑わしい 【うたがわしい】doubtful, questionable, uncertain, disputable, suspicious
疑心 【ぎしん】doubt, suspicion, fear, apprehension
疑念 【ぎねん】doubt, suspicion, misgivings, scruples
疑問符 【ぎもんふ】question mark
議院 【ぎいん】congress or parliament
議事 【ぎじ】proceedings
議事録 【ぎじろく】record of proceedings, minutes
議場 【ぎじょう】assembly hall, the House
議席 【ぎせき】parliamentary seat
喫する 【きっする】① to eat, to drink, to smoke, to take ② to suffer (e.g. defeat), to receive a blow
喫煙 【きつえん】smoking
詰まらせる 【つまらせる】to make shorter
詰め込む 【つめこむ】to cram, to stuff, to jam, to squeeze, to compress, to pack, to crowd
詰問 【きつもん】cross-examination, close questioning, demanding an explanation
逆境 【ぎゃっきょう】adversity
逆効果 【ぎゃくこうか】backfire, counterproductive, opposite effect
逆効果 【ぎゃっこうか】backfire, counterproductive, opposite effect
河 【がわ】① river, stream ② the .... river, (suffix used with the names of rivers)
河岸 【かわぎし】① river bank, riverside ② fish market
河岸 【かがん】① river bank, riverside ② fish market
河岸 【かし】① river bank, riverside ② fish market
愛想 【あいそ】civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces
愛憎 【あいぞう】love and hate, likes and dislikes
愛着 【あいちゃく】attachment, love, covetous affection
愛着 【あいじゃく】attachment, love, covetous affection
永久 【とこしえ】① eternity, perpetuity, immortality ② Eikyuu era (1113.7.13-1118.4.3)
永久 【とわ】① eternity, perpetuity, immortality ② Eikyuu era (1113.7.13-1118.4.3)
塩水 【しおみず】salt water, brine
奥地 【おうち】interior, backwoods, hinterland, back regions
奥地 【おくち】interior, backwoods, hinterland, back regions
河口 【かこう】mouth of river, estuary
河口 【かわぐち】mouth of river, estuary
願望 【がんぼう】desire, wish, aspiration
願望 【がんもう】desire, wish, aspiration
寄贈 【きそう】donation, presentation, gift
気難しい 【きむずかしい】hard to please, moody, crusty, fastidious
雨降り 【あめふり】rainfall, rainy weather
位置付ける 【いちづける】to place (in relation to the whole), to rank, to position, to locate
位置付ける 【いちずける】to place (in relation to the whole), to rank, to position, to locate
印象付ける 【いんしょうづける】to impress (someone)
海老 【えび】prawn, shrimp, lobster, crayfish
延々 【えんえん】① forever, endlessly, on and on ② meandering, wandering, winding, sinuous, serpentine, zigzagging
押し出し 【おしだし】① pushing something out, presence ② appearance ③ run walked in (baseball) ④ pushing one's opponent out by pressing one's hands up against them (sumo)
覚書 【おぼえがき】memo, memorandum, note, memorial, protocol
掛け金 【かけきん】installment, instalment, premium, bill
掛け声 【かけごえ】yell used to time or encourage activity (e.g. "Heave ho!", "On three ... One, two, three!" in English), enthusiastic shout from the audience (e.g. in kabuki), shouting (in concerts)
仮説 【かせつ】hypothesis, supposition, fictional
加担 【かたん】support, participation, assistance, complicity, conspiracy
課目 【かもく】(school) subject, curriculum, course
河原 【かわら】dry river bed, river beach
河原 【かわはら】dry river bed, river beach
乾季 【かんき】dry season
規準 【きじゅん】standard, basis, criterion, norm, reference, datum
希薄 【きはく】thin (e.g. air), lean, rarified, diluted, sparse, weak, rarefied
疑似 【ぎじ】suspected, pseudo, sham, quasi, false, mock
衣替え 【ころもがえ】① seasonal change of clothing, changing (one's) dress for the season ② renovation, facelift, changing appearance
各々 【それぞれ】each, every, either, respectively, severally
各各 【それぞれ】each, every, either, respectively, severally
引き換え 【ひきかえ】① exchange, conversion ② on the contrary, on the other hand
引換え 【ひきかえ】① exchange, conversion ② on the contrary, on the other hand
引き替え 【ひきかえ】① exchange, conversion ② on the contrary, on the other hand
引替え 【ひきかえ】① exchange, conversion ② on the contrary, on the other hand
引き付ける 【ひきつける】① to fascinate, to attract, to charm, to pull up (at a gate) ② to have a convulsion
引き続き 【ひきつづき】continuing for a long time, in succession, without a break
引続き 【ひきつづき】continuing for a long time, in succession, without a break
引き延ばす 【ひきのばす】① to stretch larger ② to enlarge (photos) ③ to delay (e.g. the end of a meeting)
引き渡す 【ひきわたす】to deliver, to extradite, to stretch across, to hand over
一周 【いっしゅう】once around, a revolution, a lap, a turn, a round, one full year
一周 【ひとめぐり】once around, a revolution, a lap, a turn, a round, one full year
解る 【わかる】① to be understood, to be comprehended, to be grasped ② to become clear, to be known, to be discovered, to be realized, to be realised, to be found out
割り 【わり】① rate, ratio, proportion, percentage ② profit ③ assignment ④ 10%, unit of ten percent ⑤ sumo match, schedule of sumo matches ⑥ diluted with (of drinks), mixed with
割当て 【わりあて】① allotment, assignment, allocation, quota, rationing ② binding
割り込み 【わりこみ】interruption, sharing a theater box (theatre), muscling in on, wedging oneself in, cutting in line, (CPU) interrupt
割高 【わりだか】comparatively high, fairly expensive
割に 【わりに】comparatively, in proportion
割り引 【わりびき】discount, reduction, rebate, tenths discounted
割安 【わりやす】economical, comparatively cheap
割れ目 【われめ】chasm, interstice, crevice, crack, cleft, split, rift, fissure
甘味 【あまみ】sweetness, sugary taste
甘み 【あまみ】sweetness, sugary taste
甘み 【かんみ】sweetness, sugary taste
甘み 【うまみ】sweetness, sugary taste
幾度 【いくど】(how) many times, (how) often
違いない 【ちがいない】(phrase) sure, no mistaking it, for certain
引っ付く 【ひっつく】to stick to, to flirt with
一晩中 【ひとばんじゅう】all night long, all through the night
喜ばす 【よろこばす】to delight, to give pleasure
可笑しな 【おかしな】ridiculous, odd
意気込み 【いきごみ】ardor, enthusiasm
一人暮らし 【ひとりぐらし】a single life, a solitary life, living alone
引き渡し 【ひきわたし】delivery, handing over, turning over, extradition
越後 【えちご】Echigo, old name for Niigata Prefecture
演出家 【えんしゅつか】producer, director
演舞 【えんぶ】dance performance
火付け役 【ひつけやく】instigator, troublemaker
介助 【かいじょ】① help, assistance, aid ② to assist, to help, to aid
会社更生法 【かいしゃこうせいほう】Corporate Rehabilitation Law
回戦 【かいせん】match, game
海戦 【かいせん】naval battle
学校法人 【がっこうほうじん】(legally) incorporated educational institution
学際 【がくさい】interdisciplinary
学習指導要領 【がくしゅうしどうようりょう】government course (curriculum) guidelines
巻き返し 【まきかえし】rally, recovery, rollback, rewind
完工 【かんこう】completion
完治 【かんち】complete recovery
完全試合 【かんぜんしあい】perfect game
完全試合 【かんぜんじあい】perfect game
完投 【かんとう】going the whole distance, pitching a whole game
完売 【かんばい】sold out
官民 【かんみん】government and people
管区気象台 【かんくきしょうだい】district meteorological observatory
管財 【かんざい】administration of property, custodianship, receivership
管制官 【かんせいかん】controller (usually air-traffic)
管長 【かんちょう】superintendent priest, chief abbot
関取 【せきとり】ranking sumo wrestler in the makuuchi (senior-grade) or juryo (junior-grade) divisions
喜ばしい 【よろこばしい】delightful, joyous, happy
機関紙 【きかんし】bulletin, (party) organ
気鋭 【きえい】spirited, energetic
議院運営委員会 【ぎいんうんえいいいんかい】Committee on Rules and Administration (Diet)
議定書 【ぎていしょ】protocol
安芸 【あき】former name of Hiroshima prefecture
越し 【ごし】across, over, beyond
囲み 【かこみ】enclosure, box, column, siege
一途 【いちず】wholeheartedly, earnestly
意識的 【いしきてき】conscious, deliberate
幾何 【いくばく】how many, how much
押し入り 【おしいり】breaking into, burglar
掛け金 【かけがね】latch, lock, sneck
干し草を付けた馬 【ほしくさをつけたうま】horse loaded with hay
引き延ばし 【ひきのばし】① extension, prolongation ② enlargement
願 【がん】prayer, wish, vow
解きほぐす 【ときほぐす】① to disentangle, to unravel ② to relax someone
間違いない 【まちがいない】I have no doubt, You can depend on it, certain
かぶれ① rash, eruption (in response to a skin irritant) ② influence (usu. negative or critical nuance) ③ crazy about, having an affectation concerning all things surrounding something (esp. a language, a culture, etc.)
違う 【たがう】① to differ, to be different ② to run counter to ③ to change (into something out of the ordinary)
開始時刻 【かいしじこく】starting time
缶コーヒー 【かんコーヒー】canned coffee
演技力 【えんぎりょく】acting ability, talent as a performer
解決方法 【かいけつほうほう】way of solving (a problem), solution
意識調査 【いしきちょうさ】opinion poll, attitude survey
学会誌 【がっかいし】academic journal
衣料品 【いりょうひん】clothing goods
がけ① -clad ② in the midst of ③ tenths ④ times (i.e. multiplied by) ⑤ able-to-seat (of a chair, etc.)
疑問点 【ぎもんてん】point of uncertainty, unclarified issue, doubt
格安航空券 【かくやすこうくうけん】discount airline ticket
どこにも① nowhere (with neg. verb), not anywhere ② everywhere, anywhere, anyplace
一味違う 【ひとあじちがう】to be somewhat different (from before, from others, etc.)
衣 【きぬ】clothing;
なぜならばbecause, for, the reason why is ...
ゆかりrelated to (some place), affinity, connection
亜鉛 【あえん】zinc (Zn)
亜熱帯 【あねったい】subtropics
哀れむ 【あわれむ】to commiserate, to pity, to have mercy on, to sympathize with, to sympathise with
哀愁 【あいしゅう】pathos, sorrow, grief
哀悼 【あいとう】condolence, regret, tribute, sorrow, sympathy, lament
愛護 【あいご】protection, tender care
愛称 【あいしょう】pet name
あおい① mallow (any plant of family Malvaceae) ② Asarum caulescens (species of wild ginger)
悪臭 【あくしゅう】stink, bad odor, bad odour, stench
悪循環 【あくじゅんかん】vicious circle
悪徳 【あくとく】vice, immorality, corruption
握らす 【にぎらす】to let (someone) take hold of your hand
握り締める 【にぎりしめる】to grasp tightly
握力 【あくりょく】grip (of hand)
安価 【あんか】low price, cheapness
安全保障 【あんぜんほしょう】security guarantee (e.g. military security, network security, etc.)
安泰 【あんたい】peace, security, tranquility, tranquillity
安保 【あんぽ】US-Japan Security Treaty, safety, security
暗礁 【あんしょう】reef, sunken rock
暗黙 【あんもく】tacit, implicit
案件 【あんけん】matter in question, subject
伊勢丹 【いせたん】Isetan (department store)
いろは① traditional ordering of the Japanese syllabary ② fundamentals, the ABCs of ...
囲碁 【いご】Go (board game of capturing territory)
威嚇 【いかく】① menace, threat, intimidation ② to threaten, to intimidate
威厳 【いげん】dignity, majesty, solemnity, gravity
威信 【いしん】dignity
威勢 【いせい】power, might, authority
慰安 【いあん】solace, relaxation
慰霊祭 【いれいさい】memorial service
ために① for, for the sake of, to one's advantage, in favor of, in favour of, on behalf of ② because of, as a result of
為替相場 【かわせそうば】exchange rates
異口同音 【いくどうおん】in concert, with one voice, unanimously
異国 【いこく】foreign country
異質 【いしつ】different (quality, nature), heterogeneous
異状 【いじょう】something wrong, accident, change, abnormality, aberration
異色 【いしょく】unique, different color, different colour, novelty
異端 【いたん】heresy
異物 【いぶつ】foreign substance, foreign body, xeno
異変 【いへん】unusual phenomenon, unusual event, abnormal event, accident
異名 【いみょう】another name, nickname, alias
異名 【いめい】another name, nickname, alias
異様 【いよう】bizarre, strange, eccentric, odd, queer
異例 【いれい】exception, illness, singular, exceptional, unprecedented
維新 【いしん】restoration (e.g. Meiji), reformation, revolution
胃腸 【いちょう】stomach, gastrointestine
違憲 【いけん】unconstitutionality
遺影 【いえい】portrait of deceased person
遺憾 【いかん】regrettable, unsatisfactory
遺言 【ゆいごん】will, testament, last request
遺言 【いごん】will, testament, last request
遺言 【いげん】will, testament, last request
遺構 【いこう】remains
遺骨 【いこつ】remains, ashes of deceased
遺恨 【いこん】grudge, ill will, enmity
遺作 【いさく】posthumous works
遺産 【いさん】inheritance, bequest, legacy, heritage
遺志 【いし】dying wish
遺児 【いじ】orphan
遺失物 【いしつぶつ】lost article
遺書 【いしょ】will, testament, testamentary letter
遺族 【いぞく】bereaved family
遺体 【いたい】corpse, remains
遺伝 【いでん】heredity, inherent
遺伝子 【いでんし】gene, genetic
遺品 【いひん】articles of the deceased
遺物 【いぶつ】relic, momento
一握り 【ひとにぎり】handful, small handful
一環 【いっかん】link (e.g. a part of a larger plan)
一貫 【いっかん】① consistency, coherence, integration ② one kan (8.333 lbs)
一喜一憂 【いっきいちゆう】now rejoicing, now worrying, swinging from joy to sorrow, glad and sad by turns, alternating hope and fear, unable to put one's mind at ease
一義 【いちぎ】① reason, principle, meaning ② first meaning, first principle, first consideration
一級 【いっきゅう】one grade, first-class, primary
一挙 【いっきょ】one effort, one action
一酸化炭素 【いっさんかたんそ】carbon monoxide
一条 【いちじょう】streak, matter, quotation
一審 【いっしん】first instance, first trial
一寸 【いっすん】① one sun (approx. 3.03 cm) ② a little bit (of time, distance, etc.)
一斉に 【いっせいに】simultaneously, all at once
一端 【いったん】① one end, an end ② part, fragment
いっぱしcompetent enough, pretty good, like other people
一丁 【いっちょう】① one block (city) ② piece, an order
一派 【いっぱ】school, sect, party
一票 【いっぴょう】ballot, vote
一幕 【ひとまく】one act
一抹 【いちまつ】① (a) touch of, tinge of, wreath (e.g. of smoke) ② one stroke, one brush
一躍 【いちやく】(at) one bound
一翼 【いちよく】(a) part
一覧 【いちらん】① at a glance, (a) look, (a) glance, (a) summary ② (school) catalog, catalogue
一覧表 【いちらんひょう】list, table, schedule, catalogue, catalog
一塁 【いちるい】first base, (a) fort
逸脱 【いつだつ】deviation, omission, departure
逸品 【いっぴん】article of rare beauty, gem
逸話 【いつわ】anecdote
稲妻 【いなずま】(flash of) lightning
稲作 【いなさく】rice crop
稲穂 【いなほ】ear (head) of rice
芋 【いも】① tuber, taro, potato ② yokel, bumpkin
因縁 【いんねん】① hetu and prataya (direct causes and indirect conditions, which underlie the actions of all things) ② fate, destiny ③ connection, origin ④ pretext
因縁 【いんえん】① hetu and prataya (direct causes and indirect conditions, which underlie the actions of all things) ② fate, destiny ③ connection, origin ④ pretext
引き継ぐ 【ひきつぐ】to take over, to hand over
引き離す 【ひきはなす】to pull apart, to separate
引き裂く 【ひきさく】to tear up, to tear off, to split
引っ繰り返る 【ひっくりかえる】to be overturned, to be upset, to topple over, to be reversed
陰口 【かげぐち】malicious gossip, backbiting, speaking ill behind someone's back
陰性 【いんせい】negative
陰謀 【いんぼう】plot intrigue, conspiracy
隠し引き出し 【かくしひきだし】secret withdrawal
隠滅 【いんめつ】destruction, suppression
韻律 【いんりつ】rhythm, metre (poet)
右派 【うは】right wing
右翼 【うよく】① right-wing ② right field (e.g. in sport), right flank, right wing
宇宙空間 【うちゅうくうかん】the void of space
宇宙飛行士 【うちゅうひこうし】astronaut
羽撃く 【はばたく】to flap (wings)
雨漏り 【あまもり】roof leak
渦巻き 【うずまき】whirlpool, eddy, coil
渦中 【かちゅう】vortex, maelstrom, whirlpool, convulsions, upheaval
浦 【うら】inlet
運転士 【うんてんし】① driver, train driver, train engineer, motorman, taxi driver ② mate, (ship's) officer
栄冠 【えいかん】laurels, garland
栄誉 【えいよ】honour, honor
栄養士 【えいようし】nutritionist
栄養失調 【えいようしっちょう】malnutrition
栄養素 【えいようそ】nutrient
英訳 【えいやく】English translation
詠む 【よむ】① to compose (e.g. a Japanese poem), to write ② to recite (e.g. a poem), to chant
鋭敏 【えいびん】sharpness, keenness, sensitiveness, mental acumen
液晶 【えきしょう】liquid crystal
駅弁 【えきべん】① boxed lunch bought at a station (often a local specialty) ② variety of sexual position
円熟 【えんじゅく】ripeness, mellowness, maturity, perfection
円卓 【えんたく】round table
円盤 【えんばん】① disk, discus, platter ② flying saucer
宴 【うたげ】party, banquet, feast
延滞 【えんたい】arrears, (being) overdue, delay (e.g. in payment), procrastination
沿って 【そって】along, by, parallel to
沿海 【えんかい】coast, shore, inshore, coastal waters
沿道 【えんどう】route, course, roadside
演壇 【えんだん】rostrum, platform
炎 【ほむら】flame, blaze
炎症 【えんしょう】inflammation, irritation
炎上 【えんじょう】① blazing up ② destruction of a large building by fire ③ flood of comments to a blog, exceeding what the blog's owner can answer
炎天 【えんてん】blazing heat, scorching sun
猿 【まし】① monkey (esp. the Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata) ② sly person ③ sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut) ④ clasp used to control the height of a pot-hook
猿 【ましら】① monkey (esp. the Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata) ② sly person ③ sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut) ④ clasp used to control the height of a pot-hook
縁起 【えんぎ】① omen ② origin, causation
遠隔 【えんかく】distant, remote, isolated
遠征 【えんせい】① expedition, campaign, (performer's) tour ② away series (baseball)
塩基 【えんき】base
塩素 【えんそ】chlorine (Cl)
塩梅 【あんばい】seasoning, condition, manner, flavour, flavor, state
汚濁 【おだく】pollution, contamination, corruption, graft
往生 【おうじょう】① death, passing to the next life, dying a happy death ② giving up a struggle, submission ③ at wit's end, flummoxed
往年 【おうねん】former, one-time, years ago
往来 【おうらい】coming and going, road, correspondence, street traffic, highway
応える 【こたえる】① to respond, to live up to, to reward ② to take its toll, to strike home
応酬 【おうしゅう】① exchange, reciprocation, give-and-take, return ② reply, riposte
応召 【おうしょう】respond to a call for military service, being called to the colours (colors)
応接 【おうせつ】reception
応答 【おうとう】reply, answer, response
応分 【おうぶん】according to one's abilities, appropriate, reasonable
横柄 【おうへい】arrogance, haughtiness, insolence
殴打 【おうだ】hit, strike, blow
王冠 【おうかん】① crown, diadem ② bottle cap
王宮 【おうきゅう】royal palace
王妃 【おうひ】queen
沖縄 【おきなわ】Okinawa (one of the Japanese Ryukyu islands)
沖縄開発庁長官 【おきなわかいはつちょうちょうかん】Director General of Okinawa Development Agency
恩師 【おんし】one's honoured teacher, one's honored teacher
恩赦 【おんしゃ】amnesty, pardon
恩人 【おんじん】benefactor, patron
恩返し 【おんがえし】requital of a favour (favor), repayment (of an obligation, kindness, etc.)
穏健 【おんけん】quiet, dependable, uniform, (politically) moderate
穏当 【おんとう】proper, reasonable, right
音響 【おんきょう】sound, noise, echo, acoustics
下級 【かきゅう】lower grade, low class, junior (officer)
下敷き 【したじき】① desk pad, mat ② something lying underneath, pinned under, crushed beneath
下敷 【したじき】① desk pad, mat ② something lying underneath, pinned under, crushed beneath
化学肥料 【かがくひりょう】chemical fertilizer, chemical fertiliser
化学兵器 【かがくへいき】chemical weapons
仮に 【かりに】temporarily, provisionally, for example, for argument's sake
仮処分 【かりしょぶん】temporary measures
仮称 【かしょう】temporary name
仮想 【かそう】imagination, supposition, virtual, potential (enemy)
仮面 【かめん】① mask ② disguise
価値観 【かちかん】values
佳作 【かさく】① good piece of work ② honourable mention (honorable)
加盟 【かめい】participation, affiliation
嫁ぐ 【とつぐ】to marry
家系 【かけい】family lineage
家計簿 【かけいぼ】household account book
家柄 【いえがら】parentage, pedigree, good family
寡占 【かせん】oligopoly
暇つぶし 【ひまつぶし】waste of time, killing time
果敢 【かかん】resolute, determined, bold
果樹 【かじゅ】fruit tree
果汁 【かじゅう】fruit juice
唄 【うた】① song ② classical Japanese poetry (esp. tanka) ③ modern poetry
歌唱 【かしょう】song, singing
歌舞伎 【かぶき】kabuki, Japanese classical drama
歌謡曲 【かようきょく】popular song
河畔 【かはん】riverside
火炎瓶 【かえんびん】Molotov cocktail
火器 【かき】firearms, guns
火災保険 【かさいほけん】fire insurance
火葬 【かそう】cremation
火鉢 【ひばち】brazier
稼ぎ 【かせぎ】earnings
花弁 【はなびら】(flower) petal
花盛り 【はなざかり】① flowers in full bloom, time of year in which flowers are in full bloom ② the age at which someone (esp. a woman) is at the peak of their beauty ③ booming or peaking (in popularity)
花粉症 【かふんしょう】hay fever, pollinosis (allergy to pollen)
茄子 【なす】eggplant (Solanum melongena), aubergine
華美 【かび】pomp, splendor, splendour, gaudiness
華麗 【かれい】splendor, splendour, magnificence
課徴金 【かちょうきん】charges (i.e. fees)
貨幣価値 【かへいかち】currency value
過激 【かげき】extreme, radical
過小評価 【かしょうひょうか】underestimation, undervaluation
過敏 【かびん】nervousness, oversensitivity
霞 【かすみ】① mist, haze ② dimness (of sight)
我 【わ】① I, me ② oneself
我 【あれ】① I, me ② oneself
画廊 【がろう】(picture) gallery
雅致 【がち】artistry, good taste, elegance, grace
会釈 【えしゃく】nod, salutation, greeting, recognition, bow
解析 【かいせき】① analysis, analytical study ② parsing, parse
解剖学 【かいぼうがく】anatomy
回忌 【かいき】death anniversary
回顧 【かいこ】recollection
回避 【かいひ】evasion, avoidance
回廊 【かいろう】corridor, gallery, hallway, cloister (i.e. covered walk typically circling a building or garden, esp. in a palace or place of worship)
壊滅 【かいめつ】destruction, annihilation, devastation, catastrophe
快挙 【かいきょ】brilliant achievement
怪しむ 【あやしむ】to suspect
怪我人 【けがにん】wounded or injured person
怪談 【かいだん】ghost story
怪物 【かいぶつ】monster
悔い 【くい】regret, repentance
悔いる 【くいる】to regret
悔し泣き 【くやしなき】crying from vexation, tears of regret
懐 【ふところ】① bosom, bust ② (breast) pocket, purse, handbag
懐かしむ 【なつかしむ】to yearn for (miss) someone (thing)
懐疑 【かいぎ】doubt, skepticism, scepticism, disbelief
懐柔 【かいじゅう】winning over, placation, gentle persuasion
懐中電灯 【かいちゅうでんとう】electric torch, flashlight
戒厳令 【かいげんれい】martial law
戒告 【かいこく】admonition
改憲 【かいけん】constitutional change
改宗 【かいしゅう】religious conversion
改訂版 【かいていばん】revised edition
海賊 【かいぞく】pirate, sea robber
海浜 【かいひん】seaside
海兵隊 【かいへいたい】Marine Corps, Royal Marines
開墾 【かいこん】cultivating new land
開拓者 【かいたくしゃ】pioneer, settler, colonist
開廷 【かいてい】court session, trial
開票 【かいひょう】counting ballots, tally (of votes)
開幕 【かいまく】raising the curtain
外郭団体 【がいかくだんたい】auxiliary organization, auxiliary organisation
外需 【がいじゅ】foreign consumption
外傷 【がいしょう】external wound, (physical) trauma
外壁 【がいへき】outer wall
外壁 【そとかべ】outer wall
概算 【がいさん】approximation, rough estimate
概要 【がいよう】outline, summary, abridgment, synopsis
街灯 【がいとう】street light
街路 【がいろ】road, street, avenue
街路樹 【がいろじゅ】roadside trees
垣 【かき】fence
垣間見る 【かいまみる】to take a peep at, to catch a glimpse of
格闘 【かくとう】hand-to-hand fighting, grappling, scuffling
核家族 【かくかぞく】nuclear family
核酸 【かくさん】nucleic acid
核実験 【かくじっけん】nuclear (bomb) test
核弾頭 【かくだんとう】nuclear warhead
核燃料 【かくねんりょう】atomic fuel
核武装 【かくぶそう】nuclear arms
核分裂 【かくぶんれつ】① nuclear fission ② karyokinesis (division of a cell nucleus during mitosis or meiosis)
核兵器 【かくへいき】nuclear weapons
核融合 【かくゆうごう】nuclear fusion
確執 【かくしつ】discord, antagonism
角膜 【かくまく】cornea
閣議 【かくぎ】cabinet meeting
閣僚 【かくりょう】cabinet ministers
隔たり 【へだたり】distance, interval, gap, difference, estrangement
隔て 【へだて】partition, distinction
隔月 【かくげつ】every second month, every other month
隔離 【かくり】isolation, segregation, separation, quarantine
岳 【たけ】① peak ② mountain
楽隊 【がくたい】band, orchestra
額縁 【がくぶち】frame (e.g. picture frame, decorative door frame, etc.)
括る 【くくる】① to tie up, to tie together, to bundle, to fasten ② to hang (oneself) ③ to summarize (e.g. information)
渇き 【かわき】thirst
渇く 【かわく】to be thirsty
渇水 【かっすい】water shortage
渇望 【かつぼう】craving, longing, thirsting
滑降 【かっこう】descent (in skiing)
滑走 【かっそう】glide, volplane
滑走路 【かっそうろ】runway
褐色 【かっしょく】brown
株価 【かぶか】stock prices
株券 【かぶけん】stock certificate
株式会社 【かぶしきがいしゃ】public company, corporation, KK, formula for an incorporated public company
株主 【かぶぬし】shareholder, stockholder
刈り込む 【かりこむ】to cut, to dress, to prune, to trim, to clip
刈り取る 【かりとる】to mow, to reap, to harvest
刈り入れ 【かりいれ】harvest
冠婚葬祭 【かんこんそうさい】important ceremonial occasions in family relationships
寒暖計 【かんだんけい】thermometer
勧奨 【かんしょう】encouragement, stimulation
勧善懲悪 【かんぜんちょうあく】rewarding good and punishing evil, novel or drama with a rewarding-good-and-punishing-evil theme, moral purpose, morality play
わめくto shout, to cry, to scream, to clamour
喚起 【かんき】arousal, excitation, awakening, evocation
喚問 【かんもん】summons
堪能 【たんのう】① proficient, skillful ② satisfaction ③ fortitude
堪能 【かんのう】① proficient, skillful ② satisfaction ③ fortitude
完結 【かんけつ】conclusion, completion
官邸 【かんてい】official residence
官房 【かんぼう】government secretariat
官房長官 【かんぼうちょうかん】Chief Cabinet Secretary
官吏 【かんり】government official, clerk
くつろぐto relax, to feel at home
寛大 【かんだい】tolerance, liberality, leniency
干潟 【ひがた】tidal flat, tideland
幹事 【かんじ】executive secretary, coordinator, organizer, person in charge of making arrangements
感嘆 【かんたん】admiration, wonder
感銘 【かんめい】deep impression
敢行 【かんこう】decisive action
敢然 【かんぜん】boldly
敢闘 【かんとう】fighting bravely
歓喜 【かんき】delight, great joy
歓待 【かんたい】warm reception, friendly reception
歓談 【かんだん】pleasant talk, chat
漢詩 【かんし】Chinese poetry
環境庁 【かんきょうちょう】Environment Agency
環状 【かんじょう】annulation, ring-forming
監禁 【かんきん】confinement
監獄 【かんごく】prison
監査役 【かんさやく】auditor, inspector
監察 【かんさつ】inspection, inspector
監修 【かんしゅう】(editorial) supervision, general editorship
監理 【かんり】superintendence, supervision, administration
看過 【かんか】connivance, shutting one's eyes to
看守 【かんしゅ】jailer, gaoler
管轄 【かんかつ】jurisdiction, control
管弦楽 【かんげんがく】orchestral music
管弦楽団 【かんげんがくだん】orchestra
緩急 【かんきゅう】in case of emergency
緩慢 【かんまん】slow, sluggish, dull
肝 【きも】① liver, innards ② courage, spirit, pluck, guts
肝炎 【かんえん】hepatitis
肝硬変 【かんこうへん】cirrhosis of the liver
肝臓 【かんぞう】liver
肝要 【かんよう】essential, vital, crucial, importance
艦 【かん】warship
艦船 【かんせん】(ocean) vessels, warship
艦隊 【かんたい】(naval) fleet, armada
艦艇 【かんてい】military vessel, war fleet
貫通 【かんつう】pierce, penetrate, perforate
貫徹 【かんてつ】accomplishment, realization, realisation, penetration
還流 【かんりゅう】return current, convection, reflux
鑑定 【かんてい】judgement, judgment, expert opinion
閑散 【かんさん】leisure, quiet, inactivity
閑静 【かんせい】quiet (e.g. neighbourhood, neighborhood)
関節 【かんせつ】joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.)
陥る 【おちいる】to fall, to trap, to cave in, to collapse
陥没 【かんぼつ】cave-in, subsidence
陥落 【かんらく】fall, sinking, surrender, capitulation
丸刈り 【まるがり】close clipping
頑強 【がんきょう】dogged, tenacious, stubborn
企てる 【くわだてる】to plan, to plot, to propose, to design, to intend, to contemplate, to attempt, to undertake
企み 【たくらみ】plan, design, artifice, trick, intrigue
たくらむto scheme, to plan, to play a trick, to invent, to conspire, to frame up
企業家 【きぎょうか】industrialist, entrepreneur
企図 【きと】plan, project, scheme
危篤 【きとく】critical illness, on the verge of death
器材 【きざい】tools and materials, equipment and materials
器物 【きぶつ】container, receptacle, ustensil, furniture, fixture, personal property (legal)
忌まわしい 【いまわしい】① unpleasant, disagreeable, abominable, disgusting, unsavory ② unlucky, inauspicious
揮発 【きはつ】volatilization, volatilisation
棄却 【ききゃく】rejection, dismissal, abandoning, renunciation, waiver
帰還 【きかん】① repatriation, return ② (electrical) feedback
帰属 【きぞく】belonging to
気遣い 【きづかい】consideration, concern, fear, worry, solicitude
気迫 【きはく】spirit, soul, drive, vigor, vigour
汽笛 【きてき】steam whistle
貴金属 【ききんぞく】precious metal
貴重品 【きちょうひん】valuables, treasures
起債 【きさい】issuing of bonds
起訴 【きそ】prosecution, indictment
軌跡 【きせき】① locus ② wagon tracks
輝かしい 【かがやかしい】brilliant, glorious, glittering
輝き 【かがやき】radiance
飢え 【うえ】hunger, starvation
飢える 【かつえる】to starve, to thirst, to be hungry
飢餓 【きが】hunger, starvation
騎士 【きし】knight
騎手 【きしゅ】horseman, rider
騎馬 【きば】horse-riding
鬼 【き】① ogre, demon ② spirit of a deceased person ③ ogre-like person (i.e. fierce, relentless, merciless, etc.) ④ it (i.e. in a game of tag) ⑤ Chinese "ghost" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
亀 【かめ】tortoise, turtle
亀裂 【きれつ】crack, crevice, fissure, chap
偽 【にせ】imitation, fake, phony, counterfeit, forged, bogus, sham
偽 【ぎ】(logic) false
偽る 【いつわる】to lie, to cheat, to falsify, to deceive, to pretend
偽証 【ぎしょう】false evidence, perjury, false testimony
儀 【ぎ】① ceremony ② matter, affair ③ with regard to (used after a person's name, a personal pronoun, etc. in epistolary style), as for, as concerns
儀礼 【ぎれい】etiquette, courtesy
技巧 【ぎこう】technique, finesse
吉報 【きっぽう】good news
却下 【きゃっか】rejection, dismissal
逆襲 【ぎゃくしゅう】counterattack
凹み 【くぼみ】hollow, cavity, dent, depression
凹み 【へこみ】hollow, cavity, dent, depression
なる① to become, to get, to grow, to be, to reach, to attain ② to result in, to prove to be ③ to consist of, to be composed of ④ to succeed, to be complete ⑤ to change into, to be exchanged for ⑥ to play a role ⑦ to be promoted (shogi)
一節 【いっせつ】a verse (e.g. in the Bible), stanza, paragraph, passage, a joint, section, a tune, note, strain, measure
一節 【ひとふし】a verse (e.g. in the Bible), stanza, paragraph, passage, a joint, section, a tune, note, strain, measure
疫病 【えきびょう】infectious disease, plague, epidemic
益 【えき】① benefit, use, good, advantage, gain ② profit, gains
益 【やく】① benefit, use, good, advantage, gain ② profit, gains
円滑 【えんこつ】smooth, undisturbed, uninterrupted, harmonious
翁 【おう】old man, venerable
翁 【おきな】old man, venerable
化粧 【けわい】make-up, cosmetics
仮名 【かめい】alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
仮名 【かりな】alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
仮名 【けみょう】alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
暇 【いとま】① spare time, free time, leisure ② time off, day off, vacation, holiday, leave ③ quitting (one's job), firing someone, divorcing (one's spouse) ④ (of one's time) free, (of one's business) slow ⑤ leaving, departing
冠 【かん】① cap (esp. a traditional cap worn with sokutai or ikan clothing), crown, diadem, coronet ② top kanji radical ③ first verse of a haikai, etc. ④ best, peerless, first
幹 【かん】(tree) trunk, (arrow) shaft, (tool) handle, backbone, base
偽物 【ぎぶつ】spurious article, forgery, counterfeit, imitation, sham
杏 【あんず】apricot, Prunus armenica, apricot tree
遺棄 【いき】abandonment, desertion, relinquishment
慰謝 【いしゃ】consolation
委嘱 【いしょく】entrusting (with)
移譲 【いじょう】transfer, assignment
一騎打ち 【いっきうち】personal combat, one-to-one fight
異文 【いぶん】strange tale, another story, variant (reading), strange report or tale
餓死 【うえじに】(death from) starvation, starving to death
飢え死に 【うえじに】(death from) starvation, starving to death
餓死 【がし】(death from) starvation, starving to death
唄う 【うたう】① to sing ② to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.)
援護 【えんご】covering, protection, backing, relief
沖合 【おきあい】coast, offing, offshore
沖合い 【おきあい】coast, offing, offshore
憶測 【おくそく】guess, speculation, supposition
卸 【おろし】wholesale
卸売 【おろしうり】wholesale
卸売り 【おろしうり】wholesale
卸売物価 【おろしうりぶっか】wholesale price
過酷 【かこく】rigour, rigor, severity, cruelty, harsh
火砕流 【かさいりゅう】pyroclastic flow (type of volcanic eruption), stone wind
仮設 【かせつ】temporary, provisional
華道 【かどう】flower arrangement
稼働 【かどう】operation (of machine), actual work
監査 【かんさ】inspection, audit, judgement, judgment
軌範 【きはん】model, standard, pattern, norm, criterion, example
偽装 【ぎそう】disguise, camouflage, masquerade
下請け 【したうけ】subcontract
滑り台 【すべりだい】① (playground) slide ② (ship) launching platform, sliding bed
引き締める 【ひきしめる】to tighten, to stiffen, to brace, to strain
引き継ぎ 【ひきつぎ】inheriting
引継ぎ 【ひきつぎ】inheriting
眼 【まなこ】① eye, eyeball ② eyesight ③ look ④ experience ⑤ viewpoint ⑥ ordinal number suffix ⑦ somewhat, -ish
我 【わが】my, our, one's own
我が国 【わがくに】our country, our land, one's own country
我が家 【わがや】our house, our home
我が家 【わがいえ】our house, our home
割り勘 【わりかん】splitting the cost, Dutch treat
我ら 【われら】we, us
音痴 【おんち】① tone-deafness, amusia, having no ear for music ② tone-deaf, off-key ③ having no sense (of something), being hopeless (when it comes to something)
戒め 【いましめ】① caution, admonition, warning, lesson ② prohibition, ban, commandment, precept ③ binding (with rope), binds
衛生的 【えいせいてき】hygienic, sanitary
覚せい剤 【かくせいざい】stimulant
何故か 【なぜか】somehow, for some reason, without knowing why
引き締め 【ひきしめ】tightening
引締め 【ひきしめ】tightening
慰霊 【いれい】comfort the spirit (of the dead)
稲田 【いなだ】paddy field, rice field
宇宙開発 【うちゅうかいはつ】space development
宇宙開発事業団 【うちゅうかいはつじぎょうだん】National Space Development Agency, NASDA
影の内閣 【かげのないかく】shadow cabinet
栄養学 【えいようがく】dietetics, nutritional science
横断幕 【おうだんまく】banner strung across a street
卸売市場 【おろしうりしじょう】wholesale market
家裁 【かさい】family court
河川敷 【かせんしき】(dry) riverbed
河川敷 【かせんじき】(dry) riverbed
稼働率 【かどうりつ】operating ratio, rate of operation
花柳 【かりゅう】red-light district
会計検査院 【かいけいけんさいん】Board of Audit
海上自衛隊 【かいじょうじえいたい】Maritime Self Defense Forces (Defence)
外苑 【がいえん】outer garden
閣内 【かくない】(inside the) Cabinet
割引債 【わりびきさい】discount bond
巻き添え 【まきぞえ】getting involved (entangled) in, getting mixed up in, involvement, by-blow
感染症 【かんせんしょう】infectious disease, infection
簡易保険 【かんいほけん】postal life insurance
簡裁 【かんさい】summary court, court of summary offences, court of summary offenses
還付 【かんぷ】return, restoration, refund, (duty) drawback
間伐 【かんばつ】periodic thinning (e.g. forest)
頑張り 【がんばり】tenacity, endurance
企画室 【きかくしつ】planning office
起訴猶予 【きそゆうよ】suspension of indictment, leaving charge on the file
陰り 【かげり】shadow or cloud (e.g. on someone's happiness), shade, gloom
勘案 【かんあん】taking into consideration, giving consideration (to), thinking
援助交際 【えんじょこうさい】① dating with compensation (payments, financial support, etc.) ② schoolgirl prostitution
鎌 【かま】① sickle ② sickle-and-chain (weapon) ③ type of spear with curved cross-blades ④ gooseneck tenon and mortise joint ⑤ part of a fish around the gills
ぬめりviscous liquid, slime, mucus
仮題 【かだい】a tentative title
拡大均衡 【かくだいきんこう】an expanded or expanding equilibrium
沿海州 【えんかいしゅう】(Russian) maritime provinces
過失致死 【かしつちし】involuntary manslaughter, accidental homicide, negligent homicide
海上保安庁 【かいじょうほあんちょう】Japan Coast Guard (formerly Maritime Safety Agency)
意気盛ん 【いきさかん】in high spirits
頑張って 【がんばって】hold on, go for it, keep at it
街宣車 【がいせんしゃ】(right-wing) propaganda truck
磯 【いそ】(rocky) beach, seashore
応札 【おうさつ】bid
棺 【かん】coffin, casket
棺 【ひつぎ】coffin, casket
貫 【かん】① kan (approx. 3.75 kg) ② kan (obsolete unit of currency)
あんたyou (familiar form of anata)
滑る 【ぬめる】① to be slippery, to be slimy ② to behave charmingly, to walk merrily
意思疎通 【いしそつう】(coming to a) mutual understanding, understanding each other
気象予報士 【きしょうよほうし】weather forecaster
海外出張 【かいがいしゅっちょう】overseas business trip
絵を描く 【えをかく】to paint (draw) a picture
あぶれるto fail (in getting a job), to fail (at fishing, hunting, etc.)
庵 【いおり】hermitage, retreat
庵 【あん】hermitage, retreat
暗闇 【くらやみ】darkness, the dark
萎れる 【しおれる】to wither
烏 【からす】crow, raven
烏 【カラス】crow, raven
いかcuttlefish, squid
うなぎeel (esp. the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica)
つばめ① swallow (bird of the Hirundinidae family), martin ② barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) ③ younger man involved with an older woman
甥 【おい】nephew
荻 【おぎ】Amur silvergrass (Miscanthus sacchariflorus)
桶 【おけ】bucket
何時頃 【いつごろ】about when, how soon
暇潰し 【ひまつぶし】waste of time, killing time
華僑 【かきょう】overseas Chinese merchants
俄に 【にわかに】suddenly
あう① to meet, to encounter ② to have an accident, to have a bad experience
海苔 【のり】nori (edible seaweed, esp. species Porphyra tenera and others of genus Porphyra, usu. dried and pressed into sheets), laver
蟹 【かに】crab
貝殼 【かいがら】shell
骸骨 【がいこつ】skeleton
柿 【かき】kaki, Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki)
柿 【カキ】kaki, Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki)
確乎 【かっこ】firm, unshakeable, resolute
笠 【かさ】① conical hat (East-Asian style), coolie hat ② something shaped like a conical hat, shade (of a lamp)
恰も 【あたかも】as if, as it were
葛 【くず】kudzu (Pueraria lobata) (type of vine), (Japanese) arrowroot
葛藤 【かっとう】conflict, complication, troubles, discord
兜 【かぶと】helmet (of armor, armour), headpiece
噛み付く 【かみつく】to bite (at), to snap at, to snarl at
かも① duck ② easy mark, sucker, sitting duck
瓦礫 【がれき】rubble
黄昏 【たそがれ】dusk, twilight
かえる① frog ② kajika frog (Buergeria buergeri)
宛先 【あてさき】address, destination
阿呆 【あほう】fool, simpleton, idiot
あるa certain ..., some ...
萎縮 【いしゅく】withering, atrophy, contraction, dwarf
いらいらgetting nervous, irritation
鰯 【いわし】pilchard (esp. the Japanese pilchard, Sardinops melanostictus), sardine (esp. the sardine of the Japanese pilchard)
割り箸 【わりばし】splittable (wood) chopsticks
苛め 【いじめ】bullying, teasing
覚醒剤 【かくせいざい】stimulant
臆病者 【おくびょうもの】coward
堰 【せき】① dam, sluice ② stopping (of paper, cardboard, etc.)