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Words 14001-17000 in EDICT_SUB not included in KB's N5-N1 sets.
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First 500 entries [show all] — Created by Derrick W. — Last modified: 2014-12-26 10:49:02
人ごみ 【ひとごみ】crowd of people
人だかり 【ひとだかり】crowd, throng
人出 【ひとで】crowd, turnout
人前 【にんまえ】portion of food
人前 【ひとまえ】the public, company
人中 【ひとなか】society, company, the public, the world
人名 【じんめい】person's name
水気 【すいき】① moisture, dampness, vapor, vapour ② dropsy, edema, oedema
水車 【すいしゃ】water wheel
水上 【すいじょう】aquatic, on the water
水中 【すいちゅう】underwater
生き 【いき】freshness, stet
生み出す 【うみだす】① to create, to bring forth, to produce ② to invent, to think up and bring into being ③ to give birth to, to bear
生後 【せいご】post-natal, since birth
生前 【せいぜん】while alive, during one's lifetime
西ドイツ 【にしドイツ】West Germany
西南 【せいなん】south-west
西南 【にしみなみ】south-west
前 【さき】① previous, prior, former, some time ago, preceding ② point (e.g. pencil), tip, end, nozzle ③ head (of a line), front ④ ahead, the other side ⑤ the future, hereafter ⑥ destination ⑦ the other party
先々 【さきざき】① distant future, inevitable future ② places one goes to
先見 【せんけん】foresight, anticipation
先人 【せんじん】predecessor, pioneer, ancestor
先ほど 【さきほど】some time ago
千 【ち】1,000, thousand
川 【かわ】① river, stream ② the .... river, (suffix used with the names of rivers)
川下 【かわしも】downstream
川上 【かわかみ】upper reaches of a river
前日 【ぜんじつ】previous day, the day before
前日 【まえび】previous day, the day before
前年 【ぜんねん】the preceding year, the previous year, last year
大きさ 【おおきさ】size, dimensions, volume
大まか 【おおまか】① rough (e.g. sketch, approximation), broad ② generous, openhanded
大雨 【おおあめ】heavy rain
大火 【たいか】large fire
大金 【おおがね】large amount of money, great cost
大国 【たいこく】large country, major powers
大人 【だいにん】adult
大男 【おおおとこ】great man, giant
大分 【だいぶん】considerably, greatly, a lot
大名 【だいみょう】daimyo (Japanese feudal lord), daimio
男のコ 【おとこのコ】boy, male child, baby boy
男らしい 【おとこらしい】manly
男女 【だんじょ】man and woman, men and women
男前 【おとこまえ】handsome man
中学生 【ちゅうがくせい】junior high school student, middle school pupil
中国 【ちゅうごく】① China ② South-west most region of Honshu, middle of a country, the Hiroshima area
中国人 【ちゅうごくじん】Chinese person
中小 【ちゅうしょう】small to medium
中前 【ちゅうぜん】front of center field, front of centre field
中東 【ちゅうとう】Middle East
中日 【ちゅうにち】① China and Japan ② the middle day ③ the equinoctial day
長さ 【ながさ】length
長時間 【ちょうじかん】long period of time, long playing
長年 【ながねん】long time, many years
長話 【ながばなし】long talk
人々 【にんにん】each person, people, men, human, everybody
先行き 【さきいき】the future
先行き 【さきゆき】the future
前半 【ぜんはん】first half
前半 【ぜんぱん】first half
生む 【うむ】to give birth, to deliver, to produce
大さじ 【おおさじ】tablespoon
なかなか① very, considerably, easily, readily, fairly, quite, highly, rather ② by no means (with negative verb)
生々しい 【なまなましい】lively, green, fresh, raw
前々 【まえまえ】beforehand, for a long time
長大 【ちょうだい】very long, great length
長生き 【ながいき】longevity, long life
水入らず 【みずいらず】(being) by oneself, with no outsiders present
人間ドック 【にんげんドック】medical check-up, thorough physical examination
西日本 【にしにほん】western Japan
西日本 【にしにっぽん】western Japan
大山 【たいざん】great mountain
長雨 【ながあめ】long spell of rain
長雨 【ながめ】long spell of rain
生み 【うみ】production, bringing into the world, (physical) birth
中高 【ちゅうこう】① middle and high school ② medium and high (level)
中でも 【なかでも】① among (other things), inter alia ② above all (else)
生 【うぶ】① innocent, naive, unsophisticated, inexperienced, green, wet behind the ears ② birth-
おっきいbig, large, great
西日 【せいにち】Spanish-Japanese (gen. for translations and dictionaries)
水 【すい】① Wednesday ② shaved ice (served with flavored syrup) ③ water (fifth of the five elements)
人員 【じんいん】number of persons, personnel
人気者 【にんきもの】popular person, favorite, favourite
人見知り 【ひとみしり】shyness, fear of strangers, stranger anxiety
人事 【ひとごと】other people's affairs, somebody else's problem
人事院 【じんじいん】National Personnel Authority
人道 【じんどう】humanity, sidewalk, footpath
図書 【としょ】books
図書館 【ずしょかん】library
水牛 【すいぎゅう】water buffalo
水銀 【すいぎん】mercury
水死 【すいし】drowning
水色 【みずいろ】light blue
水族館 【すいぞくかん】aquarium
水力 【すいりょく】hydraulic power, water power
世界一 【せかいいち】best in the world
世話人 【せわにん】sponsor, manager, go-between, mediator, agent
世話人 【せわびと】sponsor, manager, go-between, mediator, agent
正 【せい】① (logical) true, regular ② 10^40 ③ original ④ positive, greater than zero
正す 【ただす】① to correct, to reform, to amend, to redress ② to adjust, to straighten ③ to ascertain, to confirm, to verify, to make sure of ④ to enquire of someone about something (inquire), to question
正教 【せいきょう】orthodoxy, (Greek) orthodox church
生い立ち 【おいたち】upbringing, personal history
生家 【せいか】(parents') home
生死 【しょうし】① life and death ② samsara (cycle of death and rebirth) ③ death
生死 【しょうじ】① life and death ② samsara (cycle of death and rebirth) ③ death
生体 【せいたい】organism, living body
生物学 【せいぶつがく】biology
西口 【にしぐち】west entrance
西洋人 【せいようじん】Western people
青ざめる 【あおざめる】to become pale, to turn pale
青空 【あおぞら】blue sky
青田買い 【あおたがい】① speculatively buying a rice harvest, while the fields are still green ② recruiting of students before a company is allowed to
切らす 【きらす】to be out of, to run out of, to be short of, to be out of stock
切り口 【きりくち】cut end, section, opening, slit
先安 【さきやす】lower future quotations
先手 【せんて】① the first move, forestalling, initiative ② black player (shogi)
先発 【せんぱつ】① forerunner, advance party, going on ahead ② being in a (team sports) match or game from the start, starting
先物 【さきもの】futures
先方 【せんぽう】① companion, other party (side), he, she, they ② destination ③ person in front
先方 【さきかた】① companion, other party (side), he, she, they ② destination ③ person in front
千秋楽 【せんしゅうらく】concluding festivities, final day of a sumo tournament, concluding program, concluding programme
前借り 【まえがり】advance (in pay), loan
前年度 【ぜんねんど】preceding fiscal year
前文 【ぜんぶん】preamble, the above statement
前方 【ぜんぽう】forward, frontward
前夜 【ぜんや】last night, the previous night
早まる 【はやまる】to be hasty, to be rash
早起き 【はやおき】early rising
早朝 【そうちょう】early morning
走り 【はしり】the first (harvest, catch) of the season or year
走り出す 【はしりだす】to begin to run, to start running
走り書き 【はしりがき】scribbling, scrawl, hasty writing
走者 【そうしゃ】runner
送り 【おくり】① seeing off, sending off ② funeral ③ escapement
送り先 【おくりさき】forwarding address
送電 【そうでん】electric supply
送別会 【そうべつかい】farewell party
足音 【あしおと】footsteps (sound)
足場 【あしば】scaffold, footing, foothold
足早 【あしばや】quick-footed, light-footed, quick pace
族 【ぞく】① tribe, clan, band ② (taxonomical) tribe ③ group (of the periodic table)
多重 【たじゅう】multiple, multiplex
多大 【ただい】heavy, much
体 【たい】① body, physique, posture ② shape, form, style ③ substance, identity, reality ④ field ⑤ counter for humanoid forms (e.g. dolls, statues, corpses, etc.)
体質 【たいしつ】constitution (physical), genetic make-up, predisposition (to disease)
体長 【たいちょう】length of an animal (sometimes including and sometimes excluding the tail)
貸し出す 【かしだす】to lend, to loan, to let out on hire
貸借 【たいしゃく】loan, debit and credit, lending and borrowing
代行 【だいこう】acting as agent
代人 【だいにん】substitute, deputy, proxy, representative, agent
代理店 【だいりてん】agent, agency
台車 【だいしゃ】push car, flatcar, bogie
台地 【だいち】plateau, tableland, eminence
大家族 【だいかぞく】extended family, large family
大海 【たいかい】① ocean, large sea ② fabric pattern
大急ぎ 【おおいそぎ】urgent, pressing
大作 【たいさく】epic
大事 【おおごと】important, valuable, serious matter
大社 【たいしゃ】Grand Shrine
大手 【おおて】① front castle gate ② both arms open, outstretched arms ③ major companies
大手 【おおで】① front castle gate ② both arms open, outstretched arms ③ major companies
大正 【たいしょう】Taisho era (1912.7.30-1926.12.25)
大西洋 【たいせいよう】Atlantic Ocean
大地 【だいち】ground, earth, the solid earth, the (vast) land
大物 【おおもの】important person, big-shot, big game (animal, fish)
大文字 【おおもじ】① upper case letters, large characters, capital letter ② the (kanji) character "dai" meaning "big" ③ huge character "dai" formed by fires lit on the side of a mountain in Kyoto on 16 Aug each year
大別 【たいべつ】general classification
知れる 【しれる】to become known, to come to light, to be discovered
知名 【ちめい】well-known
地下室 【ちかしつ】cellar, basement
地下道 【ちかどう】subterranean tunnel
地上 【ちじょう】above ground
地道 【じみち】steady, honest, sober, straightforward
地方 【じかた】① area, locality, district, region, province ② countryside, rural area ③ coast (esp. as seen from the water) ④ person singing ballads in Noh, person in charge of music in a Japanese dance performance
茶 【ちゃ】① tea ② tea plant (Camellia sinensis) ③ tea preparation, making tea ④ brown
茶屋 【ちゃや】tea house, tea dealer
茶道 【さどう】tea ceremony, Way of Tea
茶道 【ちゃどう】tea ceremony, Way of Tea
着服 【ちゃくふく】dressing oneself, embezzlement
着用 【ちゃくよう】have on, wearing
中京 【ちゅうきょう】Nagoya and environs
中元 【ちゅうげん】① 15th day of the 7th lunar month, (last day of) Bon lantern festival ② Bon gifts
中古 【ちゅうぶる】① used, second-hand, old ② Middle Ages
中古車 【ちゅうこしゃ】used car, secondhand car
中道 【ちゅうどう】① middle of the road, moderation, golden mean ② the middle (of what one is doing), half-way ③ middle way, middle path
昼下がり 【ひるさがり】early afternoon
昼前 【ひるまえ】forenoon, just before noon
昼夜 【ちゅうや】day and night
注入 【ちゅうにゅう】pouring, injection
朝 【あした】morning
朝 【ちょう】① dynasty ② reign ③ period, epoch, age ④ court
朝食 【ちょうしょく】breakfast
朝日 【あさひ】morning sun
朝方 【あさがた】early morning, early hours, toward morning
朝夕 【あさゆう】morning and evening, from morning until night, constantly
朝夕 【ちょうせき】morning and evening, from morning until night, constantly
町外れ 【まちはずれ】outskirts (of a town)
町長 【ちょうちょう】town headman, town mayor
長持ち 【ながもち】① long-lasting, long-wearing, wears well ② nagamochi, large oblong chest (for clothing, personal effects, etc.)
長者 【ちょうじゃ】millionaire
川口 【かわぐち】mouth of river, estuary
人心 【じんしん】human nature, human heart, human spirit, kindness, sympathy
人心 【ひとごころ】human nature, human heart, human spirit, kindness, sympathy
人文 【じんぶん】humanity, civilization, civilisation, culture
人文 【じんもん】humanity, civilization, civilisation, culture
人目 【じんもく】public gaze, public notice
水鳥 【すいちょう】waterfowl, water bird, shorebird
水鳥 【みずとり】waterfowl, water bird, shorebird
水鳥 【みずどり】waterfowl, water bird, shorebird
正道 【せいどう】path of righteousness, path of duty, the right track, the correct path
正道 【まさみち】path of righteousness, path of duty, the right track, the correct path
西方 【せいほう】western direction
西方 【さいほう】western direction
赤色 【せきしょく】red
赤色 【あかいろ】red
千代 【せんだい】① thousand years ② very long period, forever
千代 【ちよ】① thousand years ② very long period, forever
朝飯 【あさめし】breakfast
足下 【あしもと】① at one's feet, underfoot ② gait, pace, step ③ you, thou
生き方 【いきかた】way of life, how to live
貸し切り 【かしきり】reserved, reservation
代わり 【がわり】① substitute, deputy, proxy, alternate, relief, compensation, second helping ② in place of, as a substitute for
切れ味 【きれあじ】sharpness (of a sword), the feel of a cutting edge
早々 【そうそう】① early, all in good time ② quickly, promptly ③ just- (opened, started, etc.)
早々 【はやばや】① early, all in good time ② quickly, promptly ③ just- (opened, started, etc.)
着 【ちゃく】① counter for suits of clothing ② arriving at ...
昼食 【ちゅうじき】① lunch, midday meal ② food served at a tea party (tea ceremony)
昼食 【ひるげ】① lunch, midday meal ② food served at a tea party (tea ceremony)
前売り 【まえうり】advance sale, booking
代 【よ】world, society, age, generation
代々 【だいだい】for generations, hereditary, generation after generation
代代 【だいだい】for generations, hereditary, generation after generation
代々 【よよ】for generations, hereditary, generation after generation
早春 【そうしゅん】early spring
町中 【まちなか】downtown
着地 【ちゃくち】landing
大洋 【たいよう】ocean
地力 【じりき】one's own potential, real ability, one's own strength
貸金 【かしきん】loan
待ち 【まち】waiting, waiting time
待たせる 【またせる】to keep (a person) waiting
大台 【おおだい】(stock) 100-yen unit, high level (of stock prices)
大口 【おおぐち】large amount, big mouth, tall talk
生理学 【せいりがく】physiology
大病 【たいびょう】serious illness, dangerous disease
生みの親 【うみのおや】one's true parents, founder, creator
切り下げ 【きりさげ】devaluation (e.g. of currency), markdown, write-down, undercutting
題字 【だいじ】letters in a title
水口 【みずぐち】a spout
水質 【すいしつ】water quality
青山 【せいざん】① blue or green mountain ② grave, burial place
青木 【あおき】① Japanese laurel, spotted laurel, Aucuba japonica ② live tree
青写真 【あおじゃしん】blueprint, plan
地中 【ちちゅう】underground, subterranean
地中海 【ちちゅうかい】Mediterranean Sea
先送り 【さきおくり】postpone
大同 【だいどう】① largely the same ② Daidou era (806.5.18-810.9.19)
大時代 【おおじだい】old-fashioned, antiquated, anachronistic
大野 【おおの】large field
大道 【だいどう】main street, avenue
大道 【たいどう】main street, avenue
多発 【たはつ】repeated occurrence
長屋 【ながや】tenement or row house
先住 【せんじゅう】previous priest or resident
大店 【おおだな】large store
世界銀行 【せかいぎんこう】World Bank
世銀 【せぎん】World Bank
千九百年代 【せんきゅうひゃくねんだい】the 1900s
大映 【だいえい】Daiei Motion Picture Company
貸出用 【かしだしよう】circulation or lending (e.g. library books)
送り出し 【おくりだし】pushing (propelling) (one's opponent) out of the ring from behind (sumo)
早 【はや】already, now, by this time
水道水 【すいどうすい】tap-water
町中 【まちじゅう】the whole town
待たす 【またす】to keep (a person) waiting
世 【せい】① counter for generations ② (geological) epoch
知らないうちに 【しらないうちに】before one knew it, before one realized it
足 【そく】counter for pairs (of socks, shoes, etc.)
地 【じ】① ground, land, earth, soil ② the region in question, the local area ③ skin ④ texture, fabric, material, weave ⑤ base, background ⑥ one's true nature ⑦ narrative (i.e. descriptive part of a story) ⑧ real life, actuality ⑨ (in the game of go) captured territory ⑩ Noh chorus ⑪ (in Japanese dance) accompaniment music ⑫ (in Japanese music) basic phrase (usu. repetitive) ⑬ base part (of multiple shamisens)
町角 【まちかど】street corner
身元 【みもと】person's identity, ID, past, background
身上 【しんじょう】merit, body, social position
身代わり 【みがわり】substitute (for), sacrifice (of, to), scapegoat (for)
身投げ 【みなげ】throwing oneself (e.g. into the water to commit suicide)
身内 【みうち】one's whole body, relatives, friends, followers
身辺 【しんぺん】one's person, around one's person
進退 【しんたい】movement, course of action, advance or retreat
進入 【しんにゅう】penetration, entry
人一倍 【ひといちばい】more than others, redoubled, unusual
人間的 【にんげんてき】human
人工的 【じんこうてき】artificial, unnatural
人参 【にんじん】① carrot ② Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng)
人情 【にんじょう】① humanity, empathy, kindness, sympathy ② human nature, common sense, customs and manners
人生観 【じんせいかん】view of life
人選 【じんせん】personnel selection
人相 【にんそう】physiognomy, looks, countenance
人的 【じんてき】human, personal
人道的 【じんどうてき】humane
人類学 【じんるいがく】anthropology
図式 【ずしき】diagram, graph, schema
図面 【ずめん】drawing, diagram, plans, blueprint
水温 【すいおん】water temperature
水面 【みなも】water's surface
水面 【みのも】water's surface
水路 【すいろ】① waterway, canal, channel ② aqueduct, conduit
数多く 【かずおおく】in great numbers
数日 【すうじつ】few days
数百 【すうひゃく】several hundreds
数量 【すうりょう】quantity, volume
世界的 【せかいてき】global, international, world-famous
世相 【せそう】① phase of life, sign of the times ② world (social) conditions, society
星空 【ほしぞら】starry sky
晴らす 【はらす】to dispel, to clear away, to refresh (oneself)
正常化 【せいじょうか】normalization, normalisation
正反対 【せいはんたい】bipolar, polar, polarity, exactly opposite
まとも① the front ② honesty, uprightness, directness ③ decency, normality
清算 【せいさん】liquidation, settlement
清酒 【せいしゅ】refined sake
清流 【せいりゅう】clear stream
生き残る 【いきのこる】to survive
生き返る 【いきかえる】to revive, to come to oneself, to be restored to life
生化学 【せいかがく】biochemistry
生活費 【せいかつひ】living expenses
生協 【せいきょう】cooperative association, co-op store
生息 【せいそく】inhabiting, living
声楽 【せいがく】vocal music
声高 【こわだか】with a loud voice
西側 【にしがわ】west side, west bank
西部 【せいぶ】the west, western part, the West
昔話 【むかしばなし】folklore, legend, reminiscence
石 【こく】① measure of volume (approx. 180.39 liters, 6.37 cub. ft.) ② measure of a Japanese-style boat's loading capacity (approx. 278.26 liters)
石橋 【いしばし】stone bridge
石橋 【せっきょう】stone bridge
石室 【いしむろ】stone hut
赤外線 【せきがいせん】infra-red rays
赤面 【せきめん】① blushing, getting red in the face ② embarassment
切断 【せつだん】cutting, severance, section, amputation, disconnection
切望 【せつぼう】longing for, earnest desire, desperate desire, hope, yearning, hankering
雪国 【ゆきぐに】snow country
先決 【せんけつ】previous decision, predetermination, deciding in advance, first priority
先取 【せんしゅ】earning the first (runs), preoccupation
先取り 【さきどり】① receiving in advance, taking before others ② prefetch ③ anticipatory completion, finishing another person's sentence in anticipation of what likely to be said next
先進 【せんしん】seniority, advance, leadership
先進国 【せんしんこく】advanced (developed) country, advanced nations
先導 【せんどう】guidance, leadership
先入観 【せんにゅうかん】preconception, prejudice, preoccupation, preconceived notion
先例 【せんれい】precedent
千島 【ちしま】Kurile Islands
川岸 【かわぎし】① river bank, riverside ② fish market
線量 【せんりょう】dose
船員 【せんいん】sailor
船室 【せんしつ】stateroom, cabin
船主 【せんしゅ】shipowner
船主 【ふなぬし】shipowner
船長 【せんちょう】ship's captain
船旅 【ふなたび】trip by boat
選出 【せんしゅつ】election
選定 【せんてい】selection
選別 【せんべつ】selection, classification, sorting, screening, triage
前回 【ぜんかい】previous time, last time, previous installment, previous instalment, previous session
前期 【ぜんき】first term, first half-year, preceding period, early period
前記 【ぜんき】aforesaid, above-mentioned, said, above
前向き 【まえむき】facing forward, front-facing, forward-looking, positive, proactive
前週 【ぜんしゅう】last week, the week before
前身 【ぜんしん】antecedents, ancestor, previous position, previous existence, predecessor organization, predecessor organisation
前線 【ぜんせん】front line, (weather) front
前頭 【まえがしら】rank-and-file wrestlers in sumo's highest division
前部 【ぜんぶ】front part, fore, front
前面 【ぜんめん】① front part, frontage, facade ② initial pledge (e.g. election), opening slogan
前夜祭 【ぜんやさい】the eve (of festival) (e.g. Christmas Eve)
全額 【ぜんがく】total, full amount, sum
全曲 【ぜんきょく】all compositions, the entire composition
全校 【ぜんこう】the whole school
全社 【ぜんしゃ】whole company
全勝 【ぜんしょう】complete victory, winning the sumo tournament with no losses
全焼 【ぜんしょう】burned down, entirely destroyed
全人 【ぜんじん】saint, person well-balanced morally and intellectually
全世界 【ぜんせかい】the whole world
全速力 【ぜんそくりょく】full speed
全長 【ぜんちょう】over-all length, span
全土 【ぜんど】the whole nation (land, country)
全日 【ぜんじつ】all days
全日空 【ぜんにっくう】All Nippon Airways, ANA
全文 【ぜんぶん】whole passage, full text, whole sentence, full paragraph
全米 【ぜんべい】all-America, pan-American
全面 【ぜんめん】whole surface, entire
全面的 【ぜんめんてき】all-out, general, over-all, complete, extensive, full-scale
全量 【ぜんりょう】the whole quantity
組曲 【くみきょく】musical suite, musical selection
組長 【くみちょう】boss (yakuza)
想定 【そうてい】hypothesis, supposition, assumption
速く 【はやく】① early, soon ② quickly, swiftly, rapidly, fast
早期 【そうき】early stage
早退 【そうたい】leave early
相次ぐ 【あいつぐ】to follow in succession
相手方 【あいてかた】other (opposite) party
相手方 【あいてがた】other (opposite) party
相乗 【そうじょう】multiplication, synergism
相対 【あいたい】confrontation, facing, between ourselves, no third party, tete-a-tete
相対的 【そうたいてき】relative
草の根 【くさのね】grassroots, rank and file, the roots of grass
草花 【くさばな】flower, flowering plant
草花 【そうか】flower, flowering plant
草原 【そうげん】grass-covered plain, grasslands, meadows, savannah, prairie, steppe
草原 【くさはら】grass-covered plain, grasslands, meadows, savannah, prairie, steppe
走り回る 【はしりまわる】to run around
送り返す 【おくりかえす】to send back
側 【そく】① near, close, beside, vicinity, proximity, besides, while ② third person
側 【はた】① near, close, beside, vicinity, proximity, besides, while ② third person
側近 【そっきん】close associate, close aide, brains-truster
息切れ 【いきぎれ】shortness of breath
足取り 【あしどり】① gait, manner of walking (swimming) ② trace (e.g. of route taken by hunted criminal)
足首 【あしくび】ankle
速さ 【はやさ】speed
速記 【そっき】shorthand, stenography
村人 【むらびと】villager
村長 【そんちょう】village headman
他国 【たこく】foreign country, another province
他社 【たしゃ】another company, other company
他者 【たしゃ】another person, others
多額 【たがく】large amount of money
多才 【たさい】talented
多数 【たすう】① great number ② countless, majority
多面 【ためん】many-sided, multifaceted
多目的 【たもくてき】multipurpose
多様化 【たようか】diversification
多量 【たりょう】large quantity
太古 【たいこ】ancient times
太もも 【ふともも】thigh
太平洋 【たいへいよう】Pacific Ocean
打ち出す 【うちだす】to begin, to beat, to end, to close, to set out (forth), to work out, to hammer out
打ち上げ 【うちあげ】launch
打ち上げる 【うちあげる】① to launch, to shoot up ② (of waves) to dash, to wash up (ashore) ③ to finish, to close ④ to report (to boss, etc.)
打算的 【ださんてき】calculating, mercenary
打者 【だしゃ】batter (baseball)
打数 【だすう】times at bat (baseball)
打線 【だせん】baseball lineup
体温計 【たいおんけい】medical thermometer
体感 【たいかん】bodily sensation, sense, experience
体形 【たいけい】form, figure
体調 【たいちょう】physical condition
体内 【たいない】inside the body
対外 【たいがい】external, foreign
対岸 【たいがん】opposite shore
対向 【たいこう】counter-, corresponding, face, opposite
待ち受ける 【まちうける】to await, to expect
退き時 【ひきどき】a good time to quit
退ける 【しりぞける】to repel, to drive away, to repulse, to reject
退ける 【のける】to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the way
退去 【たいきょ】① departure, leaving, going away, evacuation ② recession
退社 【たいしゃ】① resignation, leaving office ② leaving work (e.g. at the end of the day)
代打 【だいだ】pinch-hitting
代表作 【だいひょうさく】masterpiece, representative work
代表的 【だいひょうてき】representative, exemplary, model
代役 【だいやく】important mission, heavy role, substitute actor, stand-in, double
台頭 【たいとう】rise of, appearance of, raising one's head, coming to power, becoming famous, (being in the) forefront, prominence
大々的 【だいだいてき】great, grand, extensive, large-scale
大型 【おおがた】large, large scale, big, jumbo
大黒柱 【だいこくばしら】central pillar, mainstay
大根 【だいこん】① daikon radish (Raphanus sativus) ② ham actor
大勝 【たいしょう】great victory, crushing victory
大勢 【たいぜい】many, crowd, great number of people
大勢 【たいせい】general trend, current thought
大声 【おおごえ】large voice
大昔 【おおむかし】great antiquity, old-fashioned, long ago
大雪 【おおゆき】① heavy snow ② "major snow" solar term (approx. Dec. 7)
大雪 【たいせつ】① heavy snow ② "major snow" solar term (approx. Dec. 7)
大多数 【だいたすう】great majority
大麦 【おおむぎ】barley (Hordeum vulgare)
大理石 【だいりせき】marble
大量 【たいりょう】large quantity
谷間 【たにま】① valley, ravine, chasm, dell ② cleavage
谷間 【たにあい】① valley, ravine, chasm, dell ② cleavage
谷川 【たにがわ】mountain stream
単行本 【たんこうぼん】special book, separate volume, book of lectures
単身 【たんしん】alone, unaided, away from home
炭 【すみ】charcoal
短期大学 【たんきだいがく】(two year) junior college
短時間 【たんじかん】short time
短調 【たんちょう】minor key (music)
短命 【たんめい】short life, short lived
勢み 【はずみ】① bounce, spring, rebound ② momentum, inertia ③ spur of the moment, impulse
断じて 【だんじて】absolutely, positively, decidedly
断行 【だんこう】decisive action, carry out
断食 【だんじき】fasting
談合 【だんごう】① consultation, discussion, conference ② collusion, bid-rigging
談話 【だんわ】a talk, conversation
知らん顔 【しらんかお】unconcerned air, indifference, feigned ignorance, pretending not to recognize (somebody)
知り合う 【しりあう】to get to know (someone), to make acquaintance
知合う 【しりあう】to get to know (someone), to make acquaintance
竹林 【ちくりん】bamboo thicket
着実 【ちゃくじつ】steady, sound, trustworthy, solid
中期 【ちゅうき】middle period
中型 【ちゅうがた】medium sized
中次ぎ 【なかつぎ】intermediary, agency, brokerage, (electric) relay
中原 【ちゅうげん】middle of a field, middle of a country, field of contest
中国語 【ちゅうごくご】Chinese (language)
中退 【ちゅうたい】leaving school during a term
中庭 【なかにわ】courtyard, quadrangle, middle court