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First 500 entries [show all] — Created by Derrick W. — Last modified: 2015-01-11 13:02:12
本 【もと】① origin, source ② base, foundation ③ cause ④ ingredient ⑤ (somebody's) side, (somebody's) location ⑥ original cost (or capital, principal, etc.) ⑦ trunk ⑧ first section of a waka ⑨ counter for blades of grass, tree trunks, etc., and for falcons (in falconry)
平方メートルsquare metre
母子 【ぼし】mother and child
北アイルランド 【きたアイルランド】Northern Ireland
北上 【ほくじょう】going north
北西 【ほくせい】northwest
本書 【ほんしょ】text, script, this book
本日 【ほんじつ】today
本年 【ほんねん】this (current) year
本名 【ほんめい】real name
本木 【もとき】original stock
ごとにone by one, each, every, at intervals of
毎時 【まいじ】every hour, hourly
万が一 【まんがいち】if by any chance, just in case, in the worst case, lit: 10000 to 1
万が一 【まんがいつ】if by any chance, just in case, in the worst case, lit: 10000 to 1
万一 【まんいつ】by some chance, by some possibility, if by any chance, 10,000 to 1 odds
万国 【ばんこく】all countries, the whole world, universal, all nations
万年 【まんねん】① ten thousand years ② eternity
六月 【ろくがつ】June
北国 【きたぐに】northern provinces, northern countries
北国 【ほっこく】northern provinces, northern countries
北東 【ほくとう】northeast
北東 【きたひがし】northeast
万人 【ばんじん】① all people, everybody ② ten thousand people
万人 【まんにん】① all people, everybody ② ten thousand people
六 【む】six
六 【むう】six
木々 【きぎ】every tree, many trees, all kinds of trees
本土 【ほんど】mainland, one's home country, the country proper
本山 【ほんざん】head temple, this temple
六十 【ろくじゅう】sixty
六十 【むそ】sixty
別院 【べついん】branch temple
別館 【べっかん】(hotel) annexe (annex)
別室 【べっしつ】separate room, special room
別問題 【べつもんだい】different thing, another question, different case
勉学 【べんがく】study, pursuit of knowledge
歩行 【ほこう】walk
歩行者 【ほこうしゃ】pedestrian, walker
母音 【ぼいん】vowel
母体 【ぼたい】① mother's body, esp. when pregnant or after giving birth ② parent body, parent organization, heartland
母方 【ははかた】mother's side of family
北海 【ほっかい】northern sea, North Sea
北海道 【ほっかいどう】Hokkaido (northernmost of the four main islands of Japan)
北京 【ぺきん】Beijing (China), Peking
北口 【きたぐち】north entrance
北方 【ほっぽう】northern (district), northward
本屋 【ほんや】① bookstore, bookshop ② publisher ③ main building
本家 【ほんけ】head house (family), birthplace, originator
本業 【ほんぎょう】principal occupation, core business
本紙 【ほんし】this newspaper
本社 【ほんしゃ】① head office, main office, headquarters ② main shrine ③ this company, this shrine
本社 【ほんじゃ】① head office, main office, headquarters ② main shrine ③ this company, this shrine
本心 【ほんしん】true feelings
本朝 【ほんちょう】this land, our country, Imperial Court
本店 【ほんてん】head office
本堂 【ほんどう】main temple building, nave
毎朝 【まいちょう】every morning
万引き 【まんびき】shoplifting, shoplifter
万事 【ばんじ】all, everything
名画 【めいが】famous picture, masterpiece
名手 【めいしゅ】expert
名目 【めいもく】① name, title, appellation, (something) nominal ② (under the) pretext (of), pretense
名目 【みょうもく】① name, title, appellation, (something) nominal ② (under the) pretext (of), pretense
明言 【めいげん】declaration, statement
木場 【きば】lumberyard
目先 【めさき】near future, immediate, before one's eyes, under one's nose
目前 【もくぜん】before one's very eyes, under one's nose, imminence, close at hand
めじろ① white-eye family of birds (Zosteropidae) ② Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus)
夜空 【よぞら】night sky
野 【や】① plain, field ② hidden (structural) member ③ wild ④ lacking a political post
野 【ぬ】① plain, field ② hidden (structural) member ③ wild ④ lacking a political post
野犬 【やけん】stray dog, ownerless dog
野鳥 【やちょう】wild bird
有人 【ゆうじん】manned, occupied, piloted
有用 【ゆうよう】useful, helpful
夕 【ゆう】① evening ② last night
洋画 【ようが】① Western paintings ② Western films, Western movies
洋楽 【ようがく】western (non-Japanese) music
洋書 【ようしょ】Western books
洋食 【ようしょく】Western-style meal
用水 【ようすい】irrigation water, water for fire, city water, cistern water
用地 【ようち】site
来店 【らいてん】coming to the store
理学 【りがく】① physical science (e.g. chemistry, biology, etc.) ② physics ③ lixue (Song-era Chinese philosophy)
理工 【りこう】science and technology
理事 【りじ】director, board of directors
立ち 【たち】stand
立ち話 【たちばなし】standing around talking
旅人 【たびびと】traveller, traveler, wayfarer, tourist
旅先 【たびさき】① destination, goal (of travel) ② place one stays during a journey
旅立つ 【たびだつ】to begin a trip
料理屋 【りょうりや】restaurant
力学 【りきがく】mechanics, dynamics
力作 【りきさく】literary or artistic masterpiece (on which much labour was spent) (labor)
力持ち 【ちからもち】muscleman, strong man
話し方 【はなしかた】way of talking, speaking style
別人 【べつじん】different person, someone else, changed man
別人 【べつにん】different person, someone else, changed man
別名 【べつめい】alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
別名 【べつみょう】alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
北風 【きたかぜ】north wind
本文 【ほんもん】text (of document), body (of letter)
味気ない 【あじきない】wearisome, insipid, irksome, wretched, vain
明日 【みょうにち】tomorrow
問屋 【といや】wholesale store
来春 【らいしゅん】next spring
来春 【らいはる】next spring
目茶目茶 【めちゃめちゃ】① disorderly, messy, ruined ② absurd, unreasonable, excessive, rash
木工 【もっこう】woodworking, woodworker, carpenter
立方メートル 【りっぽうメートル】cubic meter
洋上 【ようじょう】on the sea or ocean
有力者 【ゆうりょくしゃ】influential person, man of importance
野中 【のなか】in the middle of a field
野手 【やしゅ】a fielder
有事 【ゆうじ】emergency
目の前 【めのまえ】before one's eyes, immediate, imminent
立ち上がり 【たちあがり】① start, beginning, build up ② how well a pitcher pitches at the start of the game (baseball)
立ち会い 【たちあい】presence, session
立地 【りっち】site, location (e.g. of industry)
立国 【りっこく】founding of a nation
立ち入り 【たちいり】entering
野山 【のやま】hills and fields, hill and dale
ありとあらゆるevery single (piece of furniture), every possible (excuse)
理 【り】① reason, principle, logic ② general principle (as opposed to individual concrete phenomenon) ③ (in neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles of the cosmos
方がまし 【ほうがまし】I would rather, I would as lief do, strong preference
門 【と】door (esp. Japanese-style)
留まる 【とどまる】① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
様 【ざま】① mess, sorry state, plight, sad sight ② way, manner
陽 【ひ】① day, days ② sun, sunshine, sunlight ③ case (esp. unfortunate), event
平行線 【へいこうせん】parallel line
平時 【へいじ】normal times, peace time
平日 【ひらび】① weekday, ordinary days (i.e. non-holiday) ② kanji radical 73
平年 【へいねん】① non-leap year ② normal year (esp. as pertains to weather patterns, vegetative growth, harvest yields, etc.)
平方キロメートル 【へいほうキロメートル】square kilometer, square kilometre
平面 【へいめん】level surface, plane
平行 【へいこう】(going) side by side, concurrent, abreast, at the same time, occurring together, parallel, parallelism
米国 【べいこく】America, USA
米飯 【べいはん】cooked rice
別表 【べっぴょう】annexed (statistical) table
返上 【へんじょう】give up, relinquish, serve up, let loose
歩き回る 【あるきまわる】to walk about, to walk to and fro, to pace around
歩調 【ほちょう】pace, step, cadence
歩道橋 【ほどうきょう】pedestrian bridge
母国語 【ぼこくご】mother tongue, native language
放つ 【はなつ】① to fire (e.g. an arrow), to hit (e.g. baseball), to break wind ② to free, to release ③ to give off (e.g. a scent), to emit (e.g. light)
放映 【ほうえい】televising
放火 【ほうか】arson, set fire to
放水 【ほうすい】hose down, drainage
放題 【ほうだい】as much as you would like to, as much as one likes
望月 【もちづき】① full moon ② full moon of the eighth lunar month
望月 【ぼうげつ】① full moon ② full moon of the eighth lunar month
防音 【ぼうおん】soundproof(ing)
防空 【ぼうくう】air defense, air defence
防水 【ぼうすい】tarpaulin, make watertight, waterproof
北部 【ほくぶ】north, northern part
本数 【ほんすう】number of long thin objects (movies, TV programs, baseball games, etc.) (programmes)
本線 【ほんせん】main line
本調子 【ほんちょうし】normal condition
本島 【ほんとう】main island, this island
本当 【ほんと】truth, reality
本箱 【ほんばこ】bookcase
本番 【ほんばん】① performance, take, going before an audience or on-air ② game, season, crucial moment ③ actual sexual intercourse (i.e. not simulated)
本命 【ほんめい】① favorite, favourite, sure thing, likely winner, certainty ② one's heart's desire
本流 【ほんりゅう】main current, main current of thought
毎回 【まいかい】every time, each round
満開 【まんかい】full bloom
無気力 【むきりょく】lethargic, lassitude
無休 【むきゅう】without a holiday, nonstop
無残 【むざん】cruelty, atrocity, cold-bloodedness, tragedy, misery
無実 【むじつ】innocent
無情 【むじょう】heartlessness, hardness, cruelty, ruthless
無人 【むじん】① lack of help ② unmanned, uninhabited
無人 【ぶにん】① lack of help ② unmanned, uninhabited
無人 【ぶじん】① lack of help ② unmanned, uninhabited
無人 【むにん】① lack of help ② unmanned, uninhabited
無名 【むめい】unsigned, nameless, anonymous, anonymity
無理やり 【むりやり】forcibly, against one's will
無力 【むりょく】powerlessness, helplessness, incompetent
名曲 【めいきょく】famous music
名実 【めいじつ】in name and in reality, nominally and virtually, form and contents
名乗り 【なのり】① name readings of kanji ② self-introduction ③ announcement of candidature
名乗り出る 【なのりでる】to introduce oneself, to announce oneself (e.g. as the person sought), to come forward (e.g. as a witness, with a claim, etc.)
名乗る 【なのる】to call oneself (name, label, etc.), to give one's name (as), to impersonate or claim (to be someone)
名声 【めいせい】fame, reputation, renown
名門 【めいもん】noted family, noble family
命運 【めいうん】fate, doom
命題 【めいだい】proposition, thesis
命日 【めいにち】death anniversary
命名 【めいめい】naming, christening
明暗 【めいあん】light and darkness, light and shade
明快 【めいかい】clarion, clarity
明記 【めいき】clear writing, specification
明細 【めいさい】① details, particulars ② detailed statement
明朝 【みょうちょう】tomorrow morning
迷路 【めいろ】maze, labyrinth, blind alley
鳴き声 【なきごえ】cry (esp. animal), roar
鳴門 【なると】steamed fish-paste cake, sliced to decorate soup (type of kamaboko)
面子 【めんこ】game of slapping cards down to overturn opponent's
面白 【おもしろ】amusing, interesting
毛虫 【けむし】① hairy caterpillar, woolly bear ② pest, nudnik (nudnick)
毛皮 【もうひ】① fur, skin, pelt ② kanji "fur" radical
毛筆 【もうひつ】(writing, painting) brush
木の実 【きのみ】nut, fruit, berry
木の実 【このみ】nut, fruit, berry
木の葉 【このは】foliage, leaves of trees
木ノ葉 【このは】foliage, leaves of trees
木の葉 【きのは】foliage, leaves of trees
木戸 【きど】① wicket gate, wooden door ② entrance to an entertainment venue (i.e. sumo arena, etc.)
木星 【もくせい】Jupiter (planet)
木炭 【もくたん】charcoal
目を通す 【めをとおす】to scan, to look over
目玉 【めだま】① eyeball ② special feature, centerpiece, showpiece, drawcard ③ special program, loss leader
目的地 【もくてきち】place of destination
目当て 【めあて】object, purpose, guide, end, view
目薬 【めぐすり】eye drops, eyewash
問題点 【もんだいてん】the point at issue
門戸 【もんこ】door
夜勤 【やきん】night shift
野原 【のはら】field
野放し 【のばなし】leaving something to take care of itself
野望 【やぼう】ambition, aspiration, designs, treachery
役員 【やくいん】officer, official, executive, staff
薬学 【やくがく】(study of) pharmacy, pharmaceutics
薬物 【やくぶつ】medicines, drugs
油田 【ゆでん】oil field
有り様 【ありさま】state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
有り様 【ありよう】state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
有様 【ありよう】state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
有数 【ゆうすう】prominent, leading
有線 【ゆうせん】communicate by wire
有無 【ゆうむ】① existence or nonexistence, presence or absence ② consent or refusal, yes or no ③ flag indicator, presence or absence marker
由来 【ゆらい】origin, source, history, derivation, reason, destiny
遊び場 【あそびば】playground
遊び相手 【あそびあいて】playmate, playfellow
予選 【よせん】nomination, primary, preliminary contest
予想外 【よそうがい】unexpected, unforeseen, strange
予断 【よだん】guessing, prediction, conclusion
予知 【よち】foresight, foreknowledge, intimation, premonition, prediction
曜日 【ようび】day of the week
洋式 【ようしき】Western style, foreign style
洋酒 【ようしゅ】Western liquor
用具 【ようぐ】tools, implements
用心深い 【ようじんぶかい】wary, watchful
用例 【ようれい】example, illustration
陽光 【ようこう】sunshine, sunlight
陽子 【ようし】proton
落ち 【おち】① slip, omission ② outcome, final result, the end ③ punch line (of a joke)
落ち合う 【おちあう】① to meet, to gather, to rendezvous ② to join (of roads, rivers, etc.), to flow together
落ち着いた 【おちついた】quiet, calm, composed
落ち度 【おちど】mistake, error
落語 【らくご】rakugo story, (telling) a comic story
落語家 【らくごか】rakugo story teller, comic story teller
落書き 【らくがき】scrawl, scribble, graffiti
理工学部 【りこうがくぶ】department of science and engineering
理想的 【りそうてき】ideal
立ち退く 【たちのく】to evacuate, to clear out, to vacate, to withdraw, to take refuge
立ち直り 【たちなおり】recovery, restoration
立ち直る 【たちなおる】① to regain one's footing, to get back on one's feet ② to recover, (of the market) to improve
流れ星 【ながれぼし】shooting star, meteor
流血 【りゅうけつ】bloodshed
流出 【りゅうしゅつ】① discharge, outward flow, efflux, effluence ② leak of (private) information or pictures
流動 【りゅうどう】flow
流動的 【りゅうどうてき】fluid, unsettled
流入 【りゅうにゅう】afflux, influx
流氷 【りゅうひょう】drift ice, ice floe
流用 【りゅうよう】diversion, appropriation (e.g. of funds), misappropriation
旅客 【りょきゃく】passenger (transport)
旅費 【りょひ】travel expenses
両院 【りょういん】both Houses of Parliament
両岸 【りょうがん】both banks (of a river)
両岸 【りょうぎし】both banks (of a river)
両国 【りょうこく】both countries
両国 【りょうごく】both countries
両者 【りょうしゃ】pair, the two, both persons, both things
両手 【りょうて】① (with) both hands ② approvingly
両日 【りょうじつ】both days, two days
両面 【りょうめん】both sides, two sides, double-sided
量的 【りょうてき】substantively
力点 【りきてん】leverage, emphasis, importance
力投 【りきとう】powerful pitching
力量 【りきりょう】ability, physical strength, capacity, tact
緑色 【みどりいろ】green, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure
緑色 【りょくしょく】green, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure
緑地 【りょくち】green tract of land
林道 【りんどう】path through forest, woodland path
林立 【りんりつ】stand close together
例会 【れいかい】regular meeting
例外的 【れいがいてき】exceptional
例題 【れいだい】example, exercise (for the reader)
例年 【れいねん】average (normal, ordinary) year, every year, annually
例文 【れいぶん】model sentence
礼服 【れいふく】ceremonial dress
路線 【ろせん】route, line, alignment
路地 【ろじ】① alley, alleyway, lane ② bare earth (i.e. ground not covered by a roof) ③ teahouse garden ④ path through a gate (or through a garden, etc.)
録音テープ 【ろくおんテープ】audio tape, magnetic tape
録画 【ろくが】(video) recording
和らぐ 【やわらぐ】to soften, to calm down, to be mitigated
和英 【わえい】Japanese-English
和歌 【わか】waka (classic Japanese poem, esp. a tanka, often 31 mora)
和牛 【わぎゅう】Wagyu beef, Japanese beef
和紙 【わし】Japanese paper
和室 【わしつ】Japanese-style room
和食 【わしょく】Japanese-style meal
和風 【わふう】Japanese style
和平 【わへい】peace
平地 【ひらち】level ground, plain
平地 【へいち】level ground, plain
北側 【きたがわ】north side, north bank
北側 【ほくそく】north side, north bank
万全 【ばんぜん】perfection, flawlessness
万能 【まんのう】① all-purpose, utility ② almighty, omnipotent
命 【めい】command, decree, life, destiny
命 【みょう】command, decree, life, destiny
面 【つら】① face (often derog. or vulg.), mug ② surface
夜中 【やちゅう】during the night, at night
予言 【かねごと】prediction, promise, prognostication
来客 【らいきゃく】visitor, caller
来客 【らいかく】visitor, caller
両側 【りょうそく】both sides
両足 【りょうそく】① both feet ② both legs
両足 【りょうあし】① both feet ② both legs
両足 【もろあし】① both feet ② both legs
しあさって(in) three days time (two days after tomorrow)
立ち入り禁止 【たちいりきんし】no entry, Keep Off!, No Trespassing
留め金 【とめがね】clasp, snap fastener
話合い 【はなしあい】discussion, conference
両親 【ふたおや】parents, both parents
満々 【まんまん】full of, brimming with
面々 【めんめん】each one, all, every direction
陽 【よう】① yang (i.e. the positive) ② the open (i.e. a visible place)
立て直す 【たてなおす】to rally, to make over, to rearrange, to reorganize, to reorganise
葉っぱ 【はっぱ】leaf
話し声 【はなしごえ】speaking voice, talking voice
話し言葉 【はなしことば】spoken language, colloquial expression
満面 【まんめん】(the) whole face
無風 【むふう】calm, windless
留年 【りゅうねん】repeating the same class (school), staying more than two years in the same class
路上 【ろじょう】(on the) road, (on the) way
面談 【めんだん】interview
放流 【ほうりゅう】① discharge (e.g. of water from a dam) ② liberation, stocking (e.g. a river with fish)
無配 【むはい】without dividend
満期 【まんき】expiration (of a term), maturity (e.g. investment)
迷い 【まよい】① hesitation, bewilderment, doubt, indecision ② inability to reach enlightenment
目頭 【めがしら】inner canthus, inner corner of the eye
名指し 【なざし】nomination, calling names
練り 【ねり】kneading, gloss, tempering
面持ち 【おももち】expression, look, countenance, face
落選 【らくせん】election loss, rejection
路面 【ろめん】road surface
緑化 【りょっか】tree planting, afforestation
緑化 【りょくか】tree planting, afforestation
緑茶 【りょくちゃ】green tea, Japanese tea
無重量 【むじゅうりょう】weightlessness, zero gravity
無記名 【むきめい】unsigned, unregistered
無期 【むき】indefinite
無量 【むりょう】immeasurable
明文化 【めいぶんか】stipulate
野合 【やごう】illicit union, collusion
門下 【もんか】one's pupil or student or follower
門前 【もんぜん】before a gate
役回り 【やくまわり】role, part, (unpleasant) duty
ありがちfrequent, common, usual
本予算 【ほんよさん】main budget
遊歩 【ゆうほ】walk, promenade
流行歌 【はやりうた】popular song
立ち合い 【たちあい】initial charge in sumo
立体的 【りったいてき】three-dimensional
立ち退き 【たちのき】eviction
立ち消え 【たちぎえ】die out, fall through
林野 【りんや】forests and fields
鳴り 【なり】ringing, sound
無死 【むし】baseball with no outs
役に立たない 【やくにたたない】of no avail, useless
米人 【べいじん】an American
無力感 【むりょくかん】sense of helplessness
無しには 【なしには】without
満員電車 【まんいんでんしゃ】crowded train
防犯カメラ 【ぼうはんカメラ】security camera
米 【べい】America, American
無線LAN 【むせんラン】wireless local area network, wireless LAN, WLAN
予期せぬ 【よきせぬ】unexpected, unforeseen
なきゃいけない① cannot do without something, indispensable, absolutely necessary ② (after negative base of verb) have to do
娘 【じょう】① unmarried woman ② (after a name) Miss ③ (after a line of work) -ess, -ette
平均点 【へいきんてん】average mark, mean point
平静 【へいせい】calm, serenity, tranquillity, tranquility
平年並み 【へいねんなみ】average year, normal year
並び 【ならび】line, row, rank, list
並立 【へいりつ】standing abreast
閉ざす 【とざす】to shut, to close, to lock, to fasten, to plunge (in grief)
閉じこもる 【とじこもる】to seclude oneself, to shut oneself away
閉店 【へいてん】closing shop
別居 【べっきょ】separation, living apart
別個 【べっこ】another, different, separate, discrete
別冊 【べっさつ】separate volume, extra issue, supplement
変わった 【かわった】another, different, various, particular, unusual, novel, peculiar
変わらない 【かわらない】constant, invariant
変わり 【かわり】① change, alteration ② unusual state or event, accident, abnormality ③ difference, distinction
変化球 【へんかきゅう】ball with a change of speed (baseball)
変換 【へんかん】change, conversion, transformation, translation
変形 【へんけい】transformation, variation, metamorphosis, modification, deformation, variety, deformity, monster
変質 【へんしつ】alteration (of character or essence), change in quality, transformation, deterioration, degeneration, transmutation
変身 【へんしん】metamorphosis, disguise, transformation
変人 【へんじん】eccentric, crank, oddball
変造 【へんぞう】alteration, defacement, debasement, falsification, forgery
変則 【へんそく】irregularity
変容 【へんよう】changed appearance
片隅 【かたすみ】corner, nook
片手 【かたて】one hand
片側 【かたがわ】one side
片方 【かたほう】one side, one party, the other side, the other party
片目 【かため】one eye
編集者 【へんしゅうしゃ】editor (in publishing, etc.)
編成 【へんせい】composition, formation, organization, organisation, compilation
編入 【へんにゅう】admission, incorporation
辺境 【へんきょう】remote region, frontier (district), border(land)
返信 【へんしん】reply
便り 【だより】① news, tidings, information, correspondence, letter ② news from ...
便乗 【びんじょう】taking advantage of a ride or an opportunity, taking a ship
便利さ 【べんりさ】convenience, handiness, usefulness
捕手 【ほしゅ】catcher (baseball)
歩み寄る 【あゆみよる】to step up, to compromise, to meet halfway
歩兵 【ほへい】infantry, infantryman, foot soldier
補完 【ほかん】complementation, completion
補欠 【ほけつ】① filling a vacancy, supplementation ② substitute, deputy, alternate, spare
補正 【ほせい】correction, revision, compensation (e.g. to a pendulum)
暮れ 【くれ】year end, sunset, nightfall, end
母性 【ぼせい】motherhood, maternity
母乳 【ぼにゅう】mother's milk
包囲 【ほうい】siege, encirclement, envelopment
包含 【ほうがん】① inclusion, comprehension, implication ② to include, to comprise, to contain, to implicate
包容力 【ほうようりょく】tolerance, broad-mindedness
報いる 【むくいる】to reward, to recompense, to repay
報告書 【ほうこくしょ】(written) report
報道機関 【ほうどうきかん】information media, press, news organs
報復 【ほうふく】retribution, revenge, retorsion
宝くじ 【たからくじ】lottery
宝庫 【ほうこ】treasury, treasure house
抱え 【かかえ】① armful ② employee
抱き合う 【だきあう】to embrace each other
抱負 【ほうふ】aspiration, ambition, pretension
放課後 【ほうかご】after school
放任 【ほうにん】noninterference, leaving something to take its own course, giving someone a free hand with something
法王 【ほうおう】Pope
法外 【ほうがい】exorbitant, outrageous
法規 【ほうき】the law, laws and regulations
法師 【ほうし】Buddhist priest, bonze
法人 【ほうじん】corporate body, corporation, (legal) person, (juridical) person
法制 【ほうせい】legislation, laws
法定 【ほうてい】legal, designated by law
法的 【ほうてき】legality
法務 【ほうむ】judicial affairs, Ministry of Justice, judge advocate general (mil)
法務省 【ほうむしょう】Ministry of Justice
法令 【ほうれい】laws and ordinances, acts (of parliament, congress, etc.)
訪日 【ほうにち】visit to Japan
訪米 【ほうべい】visit to America
亡命 【ぼうめい】emigration, exile, flight from one's country, defection
忘年会 【ぼうねんかい】year-end party
忙しい 【せわしい】busy, hectic, occupied, engaged
暴行 【ぼうこう】assault, outrage, act of violence
暴走 【ぼうそう】running wildly, reckless driving, runaway, rampage
暴徒 【ぼうと】insurgent
暴風雨 【ぼうふうう】storm
暴落 【ぼうらく】slump, crash, heavy fall, decline
暴力団 【ぼうりょくだん】gangster organization (organisation), crime syndicate, yakuza (Japanese mafia), band of thugs, group of hoodlums
防御 【ぼうぎょ】defense, defence, safeguard, protection
北欧 【ほくおう】Northern Europe, land of the Norsemen, Scandinavia
北海道開発庁長官 【ほっかいどうかいはつちょうちょうかん】Director General of Hokkaido Development Agency
北陸 【ほくりく】region west of Tokyo on Japan Sea side of Japan
本位 【ほんい】standard, basis, principle
本会議 【ほんかいぎ】plenary session, regular session
本格化 【ほんかくか】regularization, regularisation, getting up speed, proceeding at full tilt
本格的 【ほんかくてき】full-blown, regular, genuine, earnest, normal, typical, fundamental, real
本願 【ほんがん】Amida Buddha's original vow, long-cherished desire
本腰 【ほんごし】strenuous effort, earnestness, seriousness
本省 【ほんしょう】this ministry, the home office
本職 【ほんしょく】① principal occupation, main job ② professional, an expert, specialist ③ I (of a government offical, etc.), me
本性 【ほんしょう】true character, real nature
本籍 【ほんせき】one's permanent residence
本尊 【ほんぞん】① principal object of worship at a temple (usu. a buddha or bodhisattva), principal image, idol ② the man himself, the person at the heart of the matter
本領 【ほんりょう】characteristic, speciality, specialty, duty, proper function, original fief
埋もれる 【うもれる】to be buried, to be covered, to be hidden
末に 【すえに】finally, at the end (of), following
末広 【すえひろ】folding fan
末日 【まつじつ】last day (of a month)
万歳 【まんざい】strolling comic dancer
満喫 【まんきつ】have enough of, fully enjoy
満席 【まんせき】full house, all seats occupied, fully occupied
満杯 【まんぱい】full
満了 【まんりょう】expiration, termination
味付け 【あじつけ】seasoning, flavour, flavor
未 【ひつじ】eighth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Ram, 1pm-3pm, south-southwest, June)
未解決 【みかいけつ】unsettled, pending, unresolved
未完成 【みかんせい】incompletion, incomplete, unfinished
未決 【みけつ】pending, undecided
未然 【みぜん】before it happens, previously
未知数 【みちすう】unknown number
未発表 【みはっぴょう】unpublished, not yet announced
未払い 【みはらい】unpaid, overdue
未亡人 【みぼうじん】widow