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1451 entriesCreated by Derrick W. — Last modified: 2015-01-11 13:02:12
本 【もと】① origin, source ② base, foundation ③ cause ④ ingredient ⑤ (somebody's) side, (somebody's) location ⑥ original cost (or capital, principal, etc.) ⑦ trunk ⑧ first section of a waka ⑨ counter for blades of grass, tree trunks, etc., and for falcons (in falconry)
平方メートルsquare metre
母子 【ぼし】mother and child
北アイルランド 【きたアイルランド】Northern Ireland
北上 【ほくじょう】going north
北西 【ほくせい】northwest
本書 【ほんしょ】text, script, this book
本日 【ほんじつ】today
本年 【ほんねん】this (current) year
本名 【ほんめい】real name
本木 【もとき】original stock
ごとにone by one, each, every, at intervals of
毎時 【まいじ】every hour, hourly
万が一 【まんがいち】if by any chance, just in case, in the worst case, lit: 10000 to 1
万が一 【まんがいつ】if by any chance, just in case, in the worst case, lit: 10000 to 1
万一 【まんいつ】by some chance, by some possibility, if by any chance, 10,000 to 1 odds
万国 【ばんこく】all countries, the whole world, universal, all nations
万年 【まんねん】① ten thousand years ② eternity
六月 【ろくがつ】June
北国 【きたぐに】northern provinces, northern countries
北国 【ほっこく】northern provinces, northern countries
北東 【ほくとう】northeast
北東 【きたひがし】northeast
万人 【ばんじん】① all people, everybody ② ten thousand people
万人 【まんにん】① all people, everybody ② ten thousand people
六 【む】six
六 【むう】six
木々 【きぎ】every tree, many trees, all kinds of trees
本土 【ほんど】mainland, one's home country, the country proper
本山 【ほんざん】head temple, this temple
六十 【ろくじゅう】sixty
六十 【むそ】sixty
別院 【べついん】branch temple
別館 【べっかん】(hotel) annexe (annex)
別室 【べっしつ】separate room, special room
別問題 【べつもんだい】different thing, another question, different case
勉学 【べんがく】study, pursuit of knowledge
歩行 【ほこう】walk
歩行者 【ほこうしゃ】pedestrian, walker
母音 【ぼいん】vowel
母体 【ぼたい】① mother's body, esp. when pregnant or after giving birth ② parent body, parent organization, heartland
母方 【ははかた】mother's side of family
北海 【ほっかい】northern sea, North Sea
北海道 【ほっかいどう】Hokkaido (northernmost of the four main islands of Japan)
北京 【ぺきん】Beijing (China), Peking
北口 【きたぐち】north entrance
北方 【ほっぽう】northern (district), northward
本屋 【ほんや】① bookstore, bookshop ② publisher ③ main building
本家 【ほんけ】head house (family), birthplace, originator
本業 【ほんぎょう】principal occupation, core business
本紙 【ほんし】this newspaper
本社 【ほんしゃ】① head office, main office, headquarters ② main shrine ③ this company, this shrine
本社 【ほんじゃ】① head office, main office, headquarters ② main shrine ③ this company, this shrine
本心 【ほんしん】true feelings
本朝 【ほんちょう】this land, our country, Imperial Court
本店 【ほんてん】head office
本堂 【ほんどう】main temple building, nave
毎朝 【まいちょう】every morning
万引き 【まんびき】shoplifting, shoplifter
万事 【ばんじ】all, everything
名画 【めいが】famous picture, masterpiece
名手 【めいしゅ】expert
名目 【めいもく】① name, title, appellation, (something) nominal ② (under the) pretext (of), pretense
名目 【みょうもく】① name, title, appellation, (something) nominal ② (under the) pretext (of), pretense
明言 【めいげん】declaration, statement
木場 【きば】lumberyard
目先 【めさき】near future, immediate, before one's eyes, under one's nose
目前 【もくぜん】before one's very eyes, under one's nose, imminence, close at hand
めじろ① white-eye family of birds (Zosteropidae) ② Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus)
夜空 【よぞら】night sky
野 【や】① plain, field ② hidden (structural) member ③ wild ④ lacking a political post
野 【ぬ】① plain, field ② hidden (structural) member ③ wild ④ lacking a political post
野犬 【やけん】stray dog, ownerless dog
野鳥 【やちょう】wild bird
有人 【ゆうじん】manned, occupied, piloted
有用 【ゆうよう】useful, helpful
夕 【ゆう】① evening ② last night
洋画 【ようが】① Western paintings ② Western films, Western movies
洋楽 【ようがく】western (non-Japanese) music
洋書 【ようしょ】Western books
洋食 【ようしょく】Western-style meal
用水 【ようすい】irrigation water, water for fire, city water, cistern water
用地 【ようち】site
来店 【らいてん】coming to the store
理学 【りがく】① physical science (e.g. chemistry, biology, etc.) ② physics ③ lixue (Song-era Chinese philosophy)
理工 【りこう】science and technology
理事 【りじ】director, board of directors
立ち 【たち】stand
立ち話 【たちばなし】standing around talking
旅人 【たびびと】traveller, traveler, wayfarer, tourist
旅先 【たびさき】① destination, goal (of travel) ② place one stays during a journey
旅立つ 【たびだつ】to begin a trip
料理屋 【りょうりや】restaurant
力学 【りきがく】mechanics, dynamics
力作 【りきさく】literary or artistic masterpiece (on which much labour was spent) (labor)
力持ち 【ちからもち】muscleman, strong man
話し方 【はなしかた】way of talking, speaking style
別人 【べつじん】different person, someone else, changed man
別人 【べつにん】different person, someone else, changed man
別名 【べつめい】alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
別名 【べつみょう】alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
北風 【きたかぜ】north wind
本文 【ほんもん】text (of document), body (of letter)
味気ない 【あじきない】wearisome, insipid, irksome, wretched, vain
明日 【みょうにち】tomorrow
問屋 【といや】wholesale store
来春 【らいしゅん】next spring
来春 【らいはる】next spring
目茶目茶 【めちゃめちゃ】① disorderly, messy, ruined ② absurd, unreasonable, excessive, rash
木工 【もっこう】woodworking, woodworker, carpenter
立方メートル 【りっぽうメートル】cubic meter
洋上 【ようじょう】on the sea or ocean
有力者 【ゆうりょくしゃ】influential person, man of importance
野中 【のなか】in the middle of a field
野手 【やしゅ】a fielder
有事 【ゆうじ】emergency
目の前 【めのまえ】before one's eyes, immediate, imminent
立ち上がり 【たちあがり】① start, beginning, build up ② how well a pitcher pitches at the start of the game (baseball)
立ち会い 【たちあい】presence, session
立地 【りっち】site, location (e.g. of industry)
立国 【りっこく】founding of a nation
立ち入り 【たちいり】entering
野山 【のやま】hills and fields, hill and dale
ありとあらゆるevery single (piece of furniture), every possible (excuse)
理 【り】① reason, principle, logic ② general principle (as opposed to individual concrete phenomenon) ③ (in neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles of the cosmos
方がまし 【ほうがまし】I would rather, I would as lief do, strong preference
門 【と】door (esp. Japanese-style)
留まる 【とどまる】① to stop, to halt ② to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place) ③ to come to a halt ④ to be limited to
様 【ざま】① mess, sorry state, plight, sad sight ② way, manner
陽 【ひ】① day, days ② sun, sunshine, sunlight ③ case (esp. unfortunate), event
平行線 【へいこうせん】parallel line
平時 【へいじ】normal times, peace time
平日 【ひらび】① weekday, ordinary days (i.e. non-holiday) ② kanji radical 73
平年 【へいねん】① non-leap year ② normal year (esp. as pertains to weather patterns, vegetative growth, harvest yields, etc.)
平方キロメートル 【へいほうキロメートル】square kilometer, square kilometre
平面 【へいめん】level surface, plane
平行 【へいこう】(going) side by side, concurrent, abreast, at the same time, occurring together, parallel, parallelism
米国 【べいこく】America, USA
米飯 【べいはん】cooked rice
別表 【べっぴょう】annexed (statistical) table
返上 【へんじょう】give up, relinquish, serve up, let loose
歩き回る 【あるきまわる】to walk about, to walk to and fro, to pace around
歩調 【ほちょう】pace, step, cadence
歩道橋 【ほどうきょう】pedestrian bridge
母国語 【ぼこくご】mother tongue, native language
放つ 【はなつ】① to fire (e.g. an arrow), to hit (e.g. baseball), to break wind ② to free, to release ③ to give off (e.g. a scent), to emit (e.g. light)
放映 【ほうえい】televising
放火 【ほうか】arson, set fire to
放水 【ほうすい】hose down, drainage
放題 【ほうだい】as much as you would like to, as much as one likes
望月 【もちづき】① full moon ② full moon of the eighth lunar month
望月 【ぼうげつ】① full moon ② full moon of the eighth lunar month
防音 【ぼうおん】soundproof(ing)
防空 【ぼうくう】air defense, air defence
防水 【ぼうすい】tarpaulin, make watertight, waterproof
北部 【ほくぶ】north, northern part
本数 【ほんすう】number of long thin objects (movies, TV programs, baseball games, etc.) (programmes)
本線 【ほんせん】main line
本調子 【ほんちょうし】normal condition
本島 【ほんとう】main island, this island
本当 【ほんと】truth, reality
本箱 【ほんばこ】bookcase
本番 【ほんばん】① performance, take, going before an audience or on-air ② game, season, crucial moment ③ actual sexual intercourse (i.e. not simulated)
本命 【ほんめい】① favorite, favourite, sure thing, likely winner, certainty ② one's heart's desire
本流 【ほんりゅう】main current, main current of thought
毎回 【まいかい】every time, each round
満開 【まんかい】full bloom
無気力 【むきりょく】lethargic, lassitude
無休 【むきゅう】without a holiday, nonstop
無残 【むざん】cruelty, atrocity, cold-bloodedness, tragedy, misery
無実 【むじつ】innocent
無情 【むじょう】heartlessness, hardness, cruelty, ruthless
無人 【むじん】① lack of help ② unmanned, uninhabited
無人 【ぶにん】① lack of help ② unmanned, uninhabited
無人 【ぶじん】① lack of help ② unmanned, uninhabited
無人 【むにん】① lack of help ② unmanned, uninhabited
無名 【むめい】unsigned, nameless, anonymous, anonymity
無理やり 【むりやり】forcibly, against one's will
無力 【むりょく】powerlessness, helplessness, incompetent
名曲 【めいきょく】famous music
名実 【めいじつ】in name and in reality, nominally and virtually, form and contents
名乗り 【なのり】① name readings of kanji ② self-introduction ③ announcement of candidature
名乗り出る 【なのりでる】to introduce oneself, to announce oneself (e.g. as the person sought), to come forward (e.g. as a witness, with a claim, etc.)
名乗る 【なのる】to call oneself (name, label, etc.), to give one's name (as), to impersonate or claim (to be someone)
名声 【めいせい】fame, reputation, renown
名門 【めいもん】noted family, noble family
命運 【めいうん】fate, doom
命題 【めいだい】proposition, thesis
命日 【めいにち】death anniversary
命名 【めいめい】naming, christening
明暗 【めいあん】light and darkness, light and shade
明快 【めいかい】clarion, clarity
明記 【めいき】clear writing, specification
明細 【めいさい】① details, particulars ② detailed statement
明朝 【みょうちょう】tomorrow morning
迷路 【めいろ】maze, labyrinth, blind alley
鳴き声 【なきごえ】cry (esp. animal), roar
鳴門 【なると】steamed fish-paste cake, sliced to decorate soup (type of kamaboko)
面子 【めんこ】game of slapping cards down to overturn opponent's
面白 【おもしろ】amusing, interesting
毛虫 【けむし】① hairy caterpillar, woolly bear ② pest, nudnik (nudnick)
毛皮 【もうひ】① fur, skin, pelt ② kanji "fur" radical
毛筆 【もうひつ】(writing, painting) brush
木の実 【きのみ】nut, fruit, berry
木の実 【このみ】nut, fruit, berry
木の葉 【このは】foliage, leaves of trees
木ノ葉 【このは】foliage, leaves of trees
木の葉 【きのは】foliage, leaves of trees
木戸 【きど】① wicket gate, wooden door ② entrance to an entertainment venue (i.e. sumo arena, etc.)
木星 【もくせい】Jupiter (planet)
木炭 【もくたん】charcoal
目を通す 【めをとおす】to scan, to look over
目玉 【めだま】① eyeball ② special feature, centerpiece, showpiece, drawcard ③ special program, loss leader
目的地 【もくてきち】place of destination
目当て 【めあて】object, purpose, guide, end, view
目薬 【めぐすり】eye drops, eyewash
問題点 【もんだいてん】the point at issue
門戸 【もんこ】door
夜勤 【やきん】night shift
野原 【のはら】field
野放し 【のばなし】leaving something to take care of itself
野望 【やぼう】ambition, aspiration, designs, treachery
役員 【やくいん】officer, official, executive, staff
薬学 【やくがく】(study of) pharmacy, pharmaceutics
薬物 【やくぶつ】medicines, drugs
油田 【ゆでん】oil field
有り様 【ありさま】state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
有り様 【ありよう】state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
有様 【ありよう】state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
有数 【ゆうすう】prominent, leading
有線 【ゆうせん】communicate by wire
有無 【ゆうむ】① existence or nonexistence, presence or absence ② consent or refusal, yes or no ③ flag indicator, presence or absence marker
由来 【ゆらい】origin, source, history, derivation, reason, destiny
遊び場 【あそびば】playground
遊び相手 【あそびあいて】playmate, playfellow
予選 【よせん】nomination, primary, preliminary contest
予想外 【よそうがい】unexpected, unforeseen, strange
予断 【よだん】guessing, prediction, conclusion
予知 【よち】foresight, foreknowledge, intimation, premonition, prediction
曜日 【ようび】day of the week
洋式 【ようしき】Western style, foreign style
洋酒 【ようしゅ】Western liquor
用具 【ようぐ】tools, implements
用心深い 【ようじんぶかい】wary, watchful
用例 【ようれい】example, illustration
陽光 【ようこう】sunshine, sunlight
陽子 【ようし】proton
落ち 【おち】① slip, omission ② outcome, final result, the end ③ punch line (of a joke)
落ち合う 【おちあう】① to meet, to gather, to rendezvous ② to join (of roads, rivers, etc.), to flow together
落ち着いた 【おちついた】quiet, calm, composed
落ち度 【おちど】mistake, error
落語 【らくご】rakugo story, (telling) a comic story
落語家 【らくごか】rakugo story teller, comic story teller
落書き 【らくがき】scrawl, scribble, graffiti
理工学部 【りこうがくぶ】department of science and engineering
理想的 【りそうてき】ideal
立ち退く 【たちのく】to evacuate, to clear out, to vacate, to withdraw, to take refuge
立ち直り 【たちなおり】recovery, restoration
立ち直る 【たちなおる】① to regain one's footing, to get back on one's feet ② to recover, (of the market) to improve
流れ星 【ながれぼし】shooting star, meteor
流血 【りゅうけつ】bloodshed
流出 【りゅうしゅつ】① discharge, outward flow, efflux, effluence ② leak of (private) information or pictures
流動 【りゅうどう】flow
流動的 【りゅうどうてき】fluid, unsettled
流入 【りゅうにゅう】afflux, influx
流氷 【りゅうひょう】drift ice, ice floe
流用 【りゅうよう】diversion, appropriation (e.g. of funds), misappropriation
旅客 【りょきゃく】passenger (transport)
旅費 【りょひ】travel expenses
両院 【りょういん】both Houses of Parliament
両岸 【りょうがん】both banks (of a river)
両岸 【りょうぎし】both banks (of a river)
両国 【りょうこく】both countries
両国 【りょうごく】both countries
両者 【りょうしゃ】pair, the two, both persons, both things
両手 【りょうて】① (with) both hands ② approvingly
両日 【りょうじつ】both days, two days
両面 【りょうめん】both sides, two sides, double-sided
量的 【りょうてき】substantively
力点 【りきてん】leverage, emphasis, importance
力投 【りきとう】powerful pitching
力量 【りきりょう】ability, physical strength, capacity, tact
緑色 【みどりいろ】green, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure
緑色 【りょくしょく】green, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure
緑地 【りょくち】green tract of land
林道 【りんどう】path through forest, woodland path
林立 【りんりつ】stand close together
例会 【れいかい】regular meeting
例外的 【れいがいてき】exceptional
例題 【れいだい】example, exercise (for the reader)
例年 【れいねん】average (normal, ordinary) year, every year, annually
例文 【れいぶん】model sentence
礼服 【れいふく】ceremonial dress
路線 【ろせん】route, line, alignment
路地 【ろじ】① alley, alleyway, lane ② bare earth (i.e. ground not covered by a roof) ③ teahouse garden ④ path through a gate (or through a garden, etc.)
録音テープ 【ろくおんテープ】audio tape, magnetic tape
録画 【ろくが】(video) recording
和らぐ 【やわらぐ】to soften, to calm down, to be mitigated
和英 【わえい】Japanese-English
和歌 【わか】waka (classic Japanese poem, esp. a tanka, often 31 mora)
和牛 【わぎゅう】Wagyu beef, Japanese beef
和紙 【わし】Japanese paper
和室 【わしつ】Japanese-style room
和食 【わしょく】Japanese-style meal
和風 【わふう】Japanese style
和平 【わへい】peace
平地 【ひらち】level ground, plain
平地 【へいち】level ground, plain
北側 【きたがわ】north side, north bank
北側 【ほくそく】north side, north bank
万全 【ばんぜん】perfection, flawlessness
万能 【まんのう】① all-purpose, utility ② almighty, omnipotent
命 【めい】command, decree, life, destiny
命 【みょう】command, decree, life, destiny
面 【つら】① face (often derog. or vulg.), mug ② surface
夜中 【やちゅう】during the night, at night
予言 【かねごと】prediction, promise, prognostication
来客 【らいきゃく】visitor, caller
来客 【らいかく】visitor, caller
両側 【りょうそく】both sides
両足 【りょうそく】① both feet ② both legs
両足 【りょうあし】① both feet ② both legs
両足 【もろあし】① both feet ② both legs
しあさって(in) three days time (two days after tomorrow)
立ち入り禁止 【たちいりきんし】no entry, Keep Off!, No Trespassing
留め金 【とめがね】clasp, snap fastener
話合い 【はなしあい】discussion, conference
両親 【ふたおや】parents, both parents
満々 【まんまん】full of, brimming with
面々 【めんめん】each one, all, every direction
陽 【よう】① yang (i.e. the positive) ② the open (i.e. a visible place)
立て直す 【たてなおす】to rally, to make over, to rearrange, to reorganize, to reorganise
葉っぱ 【はっぱ】leaf
話し声 【はなしごえ】speaking voice, talking voice
話し言葉 【はなしことば】spoken language, colloquial expression
満面 【まんめん】(the) whole face
無風 【むふう】calm, windless
留年 【りゅうねん】repeating the same class (school), staying more than two years in the same class
路上 【ろじょう】(on the) road, (on the) way
面談 【めんだん】interview
放流 【ほうりゅう】① discharge (e.g. of water from a dam) ② liberation, stocking (e.g. a river with fish)
無配 【むはい】without dividend
満期 【まんき】expiration (of a term), maturity (e.g. investment)
迷い 【まよい】① hesitation, bewilderment, doubt, indecision ② inability to reach enlightenment
目頭 【めがしら】inner canthus, inner corner of the eye
名指し 【なざし】nomination, calling names
練り 【ねり】kneading, gloss, tempering
面持ち 【おももち】expression, look, countenance, face
落選 【らくせん】election loss, rejection
路面 【ろめん】road surface
緑化 【りょっか】tree planting, afforestation
緑化 【りょくか】tree planting, afforestation
緑茶 【りょくちゃ】green tea, Japanese tea
無重量 【むじゅうりょう】weightlessness, zero gravity
無記名 【むきめい】unsigned, unregistered
無期 【むき】indefinite
無量 【むりょう】immeasurable
明文化 【めいぶんか】stipulate
野合 【やごう】illicit union, collusion
門下 【もんか】one's pupil or student or follower
門前 【もんぜん】before a gate
役回り 【やくまわり】role, part, (unpleasant) duty
ありがちfrequent, common, usual
本予算 【ほんよさん】main budget
遊歩 【ゆうほ】walk, promenade
流行歌 【はやりうた】popular song
立ち合い 【たちあい】initial charge in sumo
立体的 【りったいてき】three-dimensional
立ち退き 【たちのき】eviction
立ち消え 【たちぎえ】die out, fall through
林野 【りんや】forests and fields
鳴り 【なり】ringing, sound
無死 【むし】baseball with no outs
役に立たない 【やくにたたない】of no avail, useless
米人 【べいじん】an American
無力感 【むりょくかん】sense of helplessness
無しには 【なしには】without
満員電車 【まんいんでんしゃ】crowded train
防犯カメラ 【ぼうはんカメラ】security camera
米 【べい】America, American
無線LAN 【むせんラン】wireless local area network, wireless LAN, WLAN
予期せぬ 【よきせぬ】unexpected, unforeseen
なきゃいけない① cannot do without something, indispensable, absolutely necessary ② (after negative base of verb) have to do
娘 【じょう】① unmarried woman ② (after a name) Miss ③ (after a line of work) -ess, -ette
平均点 【へいきんてん】average mark, mean point
平静 【へいせい】calm, serenity, tranquillity, tranquility
平年並み 【へいねんなみ】average year, normal year
並び 【ならび】line, row, rank, list
並立 【へいりつ】standing abreast
閉ざす 【とざす】to shut, to close, to lock, to fasten, to plunge (in grief)
閉じこもる 【とじこもる】to seclude oneself, to shut oneself away
閉店 【へいてん】closing shop
別居 【べっきょ】separation, living apart
別個 【べっこ】another, different, separate, discrete
別冊 【べっさつ】separate volume, extra issue, supplement
変わった 【かわった】another, different, various, particular, unusual, novel, peculiar
変わらない 【かわらない】constant, invariant
変わり 【かわり】① change, alteration ② unusual state or event, accident, abnormality ③ difference, distinction
変化球 【へんかきゅう】ball with a change of speed (baseball)
変換 【へんかん】change, conversion, transformation, translation
変形 【へんけい】transformation, variation, metamorphosis, modification, deformation, variety, deformity, monster
変質 【へんしつ】alteration (of character or essence), change in quality, transformation, deterioration, degeneration, transmutation
変身 【へんしん】metamorphosis, disguise, transformation
変人 【へんじん】eccentric, crank, oddball
変造 【へんぞう】alteration, defacement, debasement, falsification, forgery
変則 【へんそく】irregularity
変容 【へんよう】changed appearance
片隅 【かたすみ】corner, nook
片手 【かたて】one hand
片側 【かたがわ】one side
片方 【かたほう】one side, one party, the other side, the other party
片目 【かため】one eye
編集者 【へんしゅうしゃ】editor (in publishing, etc.)
編成 【へんせい】composition, formation, organization, organisation, compilation
編入 【へんにゅう】admission, incorporation
辺境 【へんきょう】remote region, frontier (district), border(land)
返信 【へんしん】reply
便り 【だより】① news, tidings, information, correspondence, letter ② news from ...
便乗 【びんじょう】taking advantage of a ride or an opportunity, taking a ship
便利さ 【べんりさ】convenience, handiness, usefulness
捕手 【ほしゅ】catcher (baseball)
歩み寄る 【あゆみよる】to step up, to compromise, to meet halfway
歩兵 【ほへい】infantry, infantryman, foot soldier
補完 【ほかん】complementation, completion
補欠 【ほけつ】① filling a vacancy, supplementation ② substitute, deputy, alternate, spare
補正 【ほせい】correction, revision, compensation (e.g. to a pendulum)
暮れ 【くれ】year end, sunset, nightfall, end
母性 【ぼせい】motherhood, maternity
母乳 【ぼにゅう】mother's milk
包囲 【ほうい】siege, encirclement, envelopment
包含 【ほうがん】① inclusion, comprehension, implication ② to include, to comprise, to contain, to implicate
包容力 【ほうようりょく】tolerance, broad-mindedness
報いる 【むくいる】to reward, to recompense, to repay
報告書 【ほうこくしょ】(written) report
報道機関 【ほうどうきかん】information media, press, news organs
報復 【ほうふく】retribution, revenge, retorsion
宝くじ 【たからくじ】lottery
宝庫 【ほうこ】treasury, treasure house
抱え 【かかえ】① armful ② employee
抱き合う 【だきあう】to embrace each other
抱負 【ほうふ】aspiration, ambition, pretension
放課後 【ほうかご】after school
放任 【ほうにん】noninterference, leaving something to take its own course, giving someone a free hand with something
法王 【ほうおう】Pope
法外 【ほうがい】exorbitant, outrageous
法規 【ほうき】the law, laws and regulations
法師 【ほうし】Buddhist priest, bonze
法人 【ほうじん】corporate body, corporation, (legal) person, (juridical) person
法制 【ほうせい】legislation, laws
法定 【ほうてい】legal, designated by law
法的 【ほうてき】legality
法務 【ほうむ】judicial affairs, Ministry of Justice, judge advocate general (mil)
法務省 【ほうむしょう】Ministry of Justice
法令 【ほうれい】laws and ordinances, acts (of parliament, congress, etc.)
訪日 【ほうにち】visit to Japan
訪米 【ほうべい】visit to America
亡命 【ぼうめい】emigration, exile, flight from one's country, defection
忘年会 【ぼうねんかい】year-end party
忙しい 【せわしい】busy, hectic, occupied, engaged
暴行 【ぼうこう】assault, outrage, act of violence
暴走 【ぼうそう】running wildly, reckless driving, runaway, rampage
暴徒 【ぼうと】insurgent
暴風雨 【ぼうふうう】storm
暴落 【ぼうらく】slump, crash, heavy fall, decline
暴力団 【ぼうりょくだん】gangster organization (organisation), crime syndicate, yakuza (Japanese mafia), band of thugs, group of hoodlums
防御 【ぼうぎょ】defense, defence, safeguard, protection
北欧 【ほくおう】Northern Europe, land of the Norsemen, Scandinavia
北海道開発庁長官 【ほっかいどうかいはつちょうちょうかん】Director General of Hokkaido Development Agency
北陸 【ほくりく】region west of Tokyo on Japan Sea side of Japan
本位 【ほんい】standard, basis, principle
本会議 【ほんかいぎ】plenary session, regular session
本格化 【ほんかくか】regularization, regularisation, getting up speed, proceeding at full tilt
本格的 【ほんかくてき】full-blown, regular, genuine, earnest, normal, typical, fundamental, real
本願 【ほんがん】Amida Buddha's original vow, long-cherished desire
本腰 【ほんごし】strenuous effort, earnestness, seriousness
本省 【ほんしょう】this ministry, the home office
本職 【ほんしょく】① principal occupation, main job ② professional, an expert, specialist ③ I (of a government offical, etc.), me
本性 【ほんしょう】true character, real nature
本籍 【ほんせき】one's permanent residence
本尊 【ほんぞん】① principal object of worship at a temple (usu. a buddha or bodhisattva), principal image, idol ② the man himself, the person at the heart of the matter
本領 【ほんりょう】characteristic, speciality, specialty, duty, proper function, original fief
埋もれる 【うもれる】to be buried, to be covered, to be hidden
末に 【すえに】finally, at the end (of), following
末広 【すえひろ】folding fan
末日 【まつじつ】last day (of a month)
万歳 【まんざい】strolling comic dancer
満喫 【まんきつ】have enough of, fully enjoy
満席 【まんせき】full house, all seats occupied, fully occupied
満杯 【まんぱい】full
満了 【まんりょう】expiration, termination
味付け 【あじつけ】seasoning, flavour, flavor
未 【ひつじ】eighth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Ram, 1pm-3pm, south-southwest, June)
未解決 【みかいけつ】unsettled, pending, unresolved
未完成 【みかんせい】incompletion, incomplete, unfinished
未決 【みけつ】pending, undecided
未然 【みぜん】before it happens, previously
未知数 【みちすう】unknown number
未発表 【みはっぴょう】unpublished, not yet announced
未払い 【みはらい】unpaid, overdue
未亡人 【みぼうじん】widow
未明 【みめい】early dawn, grey of morning, gray of morning
民 【たみ】nation, people
民意 【みんい】popular will
民営 【みんえい】private management
民営化 【みんえいか】privatization, privatisation
民家 【みんか】private house
民芸 【みんげい】folk craft, folk art
民事 【みんじ】civil affairs, civil case
民主 【みんしゅ】① democracy, popular sovereignty ② democratic
民主国 【みんしゅこく】democratic state
民主的 【みんしゅてき】democratic
民主党 【みんしゅとう】Democratic party
民政 【みんせい】democracy, civil government
民生 【みんせい】① consumer ② civilian ③ people's welfare or livelihood
民族自決 【みんぞくじけつ】self-determination of peoples
民兵 【みんぺい】militia(men)
民法 【みんぽう】civil law, civil code
民話 【みんわ】folklore
眠気 【ねむけ】sleepiness, drowsiness
眠り 【ねむり】sleep
夢にも 【ゆめにも】not in the slightest, not in one's wildest dreams
夢想 【むそう】dream, vision, reverie
無意識 【むいしき】① unconsciousness ② the unconscious
無関係 【むかんけい】unrelated
無関心 【むかんしん】apathetic, indifferent
無給 【むきゅう】unpaid, nonsalaried
無差別 【むさべつ】① indiscrimination, without discrimination ② indiscriminate
無罪 【むざい】innocence
無職 【むしょく】without an occupation
無制限 【むせいげん】limitless
無政府 【むせいふ】anarchy
無税 【むぜい】duty-free, tax-free
無責任 【むせきにん】irresponsibility
無造作 【むぞうさ】① casual, off-hand, careless, easy-going ② artless, simple
無欲 【むよく】unselfish, disinterested, unavaricious, free of avarice
余波 【なごり】① waves that remain after the wind has subsided ② after-effect, aftermath
明示 【めいじ】specification, explicit statement
明晩 【みょうばん】tomorrow evening
面倒くさい 【めんどうくさい】bother(some) to do, tiresome
木造 【もくぞう】wooden, made of wood
めど① aim, goal ② prospect, outlook
戻り 【もどり】① return, reaction, recovery ② return (from a procedure)
夜景 【やけい】night view
野性 【やせい】wildness (plants, animals, etc.), uncouth, rough, unpolished
野暮 【やぼ】① unrefinedness, uncouthness, boorishness ② tasteless, boorish, unrefined, thoughtless, dumb
輸出入 【ゆしゅつにゅう】export and import
優越感 【ゆうえつかん】superiority complex, sense of superiority
優柔不断 【ゆうじゅうふだん】shilly-shally, indecisiveness
優先的 【ゆうせんてき】preferential
優等生 【ゆうとうせい】honor student, honours student
優良 【ゆうりょう】superior, excellent, fine
友愛 【ゆうあい】fraternity, friendship
友好 【ゆうこう】friendship
ありふれたunsurprising, trite, commonplace, mundane, hackneyed, garden variety (of)
ありがとうございますthank you
ありがとうございますthank you
有害 【ゆうがい】harmfulness
有給 【ゆうきゅう】salaried, with pay
有権者 【ゆうけんしゃ】voter, constituent, (electoral) franchise-holder, (the) electorate, eligible voters
有限 【ゆうげん】finite, limited
有罪 【ゆうざい】guilt, culpability
有識者 【ゆうしきしゃ】expert, knowledgeable person
有頂天 【うちょうてん】ecstasy
有毒 【ゆうどく】poisonous, toxic
有難い 【ありがたい】grateful, thankful, welcome, appreciated, evoking gratitude
由緒 【ゆいしょ】history, pedigree, lineage
遊説 【ゆうぜい】election tour, election campaign, stumping
郵政省 【ゆうせいしょう】Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
夕刻 【ゆうこく】evening, evening hour
予告 【よこく】advance notice, previous note, preliminary announcement
予備費 【よびひ】reserve funds, emergency funds
予防接種 【よぼうせっしゅ】immunization, immunisation, vaccination, inoculation
余す 【あます】to save, to leave over, to spare
あまりにtoo much, excessively, too
余震 【よしん】aftershock
余談 【よだん】digression, sequel (of a story)
余念 【よねん】another idea
余波 【よは】① waves that remain after the wind has subsided ② after-effect, aftermath
余命 【よめい】remainder of one's life, one's remaining years
余力 【よりょく】spare energy, time or money, remaining strength, reserve power, money to spare
与野党 【よやとう】(political) parties in and out of power, majority and minority parties
預かり 【あずかり】① under custody, under supervision ② undecided match, draw, tie
預け入れる 【あずけいれる】to make a deposit
幼なじみ 【おさななじみ】childhood friend, friend from infancy, old playmate
幼少 【ようしょう】infancy, childhood, tender age
幼虫 【ようちゅう】larva, chrysalis
容疑 【ようぎ】suspect, charge
容疑者 【ようぎしゃ】suspect (person)
容認 【ようにん】approval
容量 【ようりょう】capacity, electrical capacitance
溶く 【とく】to dissolve (paint), to scramble (eggs), to melt (metal, etc.), to mix (water with flour, etc.)
溶解 【ようかい】① dissolution, solution (e.g. chemical) ② to melt, to dissolve, to liquefy
溶接 【ようせつ】weld, welding
用心棒 【ようじんぼう】bodyguard
葉巻 【はまき】cigar
要員 【よういん】essential member, necessary person, personnel
要件 【ようけん】① important matter ② requirement, requisite, necessary condition, sine qua non
踊り子 【おどりこ】dancer
陽性 【ようせい】positivity
欲する 【ほっする】to want, to desire
欲求 【よっきゅう】desire
浴びせる 【あびせる】to pour on
浴場 【よくじょう】bath (tub, bath-house)
翌週 【よくしゅう】the following week, the next week
来訪 【らいほう】visit, call
頼り 【たより】reliance, dependence
落差 【らくさ】a head (of water), a difference
落札 【らくさつ】having one's bid accepted (e.g. for contract), bid award, winning a tender
乱雑 【らんざつ】clutter, disorder, promiscuity, affray, confusion, muddle
乱発 【らんぱつ】random firing, reckless firing, excessive issue
乱用 【らんよう】abuse, misuse, misappropriation, using to excess
乱立 【らんりつ】flood (of candidates)
卵子 【らんし】ovum, ovule, egg cell
利 【り】advantage, benefit, profit, interest
利回り 【りまわり】interest, (investment) yield, profits
利権 【りけん】interest, rights, concession
利払い 【りばらい】interest payment
利用者 【りようしゃ】user, end-user, consumer
理念 【りねん】idea
理髪 【りはつ】haircut
裏金 【うらがね】① bribe ② secret fund, slush fund, money for bribery
裏切り 【うらぎり】treachery, betrayal, perfidy
裏切り者 【うらぎりもの】betrayer, traitor, turncoat, informer
裏側 【うらがわ】the reverse, other side, lining
裏通り 【うらどおり】side street (often parallel to a main street), back street, alley
裏道 【うらみち】back lane, secret path, unfair means
裏表 【うらおもて】① both sides ② wrong side out, reverse, opposite ③ double-dealing, two faces (c.f. two-faced)
裏づける 【うらづける】to support, to endorse, to substantiate
裏腹 【うらはら】opposite, reverse, contrary
裏方 【うらかた】① lady consort (to a high personage) ② someone working behind-the-scenes, scene shifter
裏面 【りめん】back, reverse, other side, inside, tails (of coins), background
裏目 【うらめ】① reverse side, opposite (of the expected), backfire ② purl stitch (knitting)
陸 【おか】land, shore
陸軍 【りくぐん】army
陸上 【りくじょう】land, ground, shore
陸上競技 【りくじょうきょうぎ】track-and-field events
陸路 【りくろ】overland route, land route
立候補 【りっこうほ】announcing candidacy
立腹 【りっぷく】anger, offence, offense, rage, taking offense, taking offence
立法府 【りっぽうふ】① assize, court ② legislature
略 【りゃく】abbreviation, omission
略式 【りゃくしき】informal, simplified
略歴 【りゃくれき】brief personal record, short curriculum vitae, short CV
流れ込む 【ながれこむ】to flow into, to pour into, to stream into
留置 【りゅうち】detainment, imprisonment, poundage
粒子 【りゅうし】particle, grain
旅客機 【りょかくき】passenger plane
旅客機 【りょかっき】passenger plane
旅団 【りょだん】brigade
両軍 【りょうぐん】both armies, both teams
両党 【りょうとう】both political parties
両輪 【りょうりん】two wheels
両論 【りょうろん】both arguments (theories)
両腕 【りょううで】both arms
両腕 【もろうで】both arms
療法 【りょうほう】remedy, medical treatment
良かったら 【よかったら】if you like
良妻 【りょうさい】good wife
量産 【りょうさん】mass production
領収 【りょうしゅう】receipt, voucher
領有 【りょうゆう】possession
力一杯 【ちからいっぱい】with might and main, with all one's strength
力説 【りきせつ】insistence, (major) emphasis, stress
輪切り 【わぎり】round slices
輪番 【りんばん】sequence, turn, rotation
涙ぐましい 【なみだぐましい】touching, moving, painful
令 【れい】command, order, dictation
令状 【れいじょう】warrant, summons, written order
冷え 【ひえ】chilling exposure
冷え込む 【ひえこむ】to get colder, to get chilled
冷え性 【ひえしょう】sensitivity to cold
冷害 【れいがい】cold-weather damage
冷水 【れいすい】cold water
冷戦 【れいせん】cold war
冷凍庫 【れいとうこ】freezer
礼状 【れいじょう】acknowledgment, acknowledgement, letter of thanks
礼拝 【れいはい】① worship (esp. Christian), adoration, divine service ② worship (esp. Buddhist and Shinto)
礼拝 【らいはい】① worship (esp. Christian), adoration, divine service ② worship (esp. Buddhist and Shinto)
零 【れい】zero, nought
零細 【れいさい】insignificant, trifling, paltry, cottage (industry), tiny (company)
齢 【よわい】(one's) age
歴史的 【れきしてき】historic, historical, traditional
歴代 【れきだい】successive generations, successive emperors
歴訪 【れきほう】round of calls, tour of visitation
恋文 【こいぶみ】love-letter
連れ去る 【つれさる】to take away, to kidnap
連行 【れんこう】taking (a suspect to the police)
連合会 【れんごうかい】association, federation
連座 【れんざ】implicated (involved) in (a crime)
連勝 【れんしょう】consecutive victories, series of victories
連戦 【れんせん】series of battles
連打 【れんだ】barrage
連中 【れんじゅう】colleagues, company, a lot, those guys (slightly impolite)
連動 【れんどう】① operating together, working together, gearing, linkage ② linked, coupled, interlocking
連敗 【れんぱい】consecutive defeats, series of defeats
連発 【れんぱつ】running continuously, firing in rapid succession
連用 【れんよう】continuous use
連立 【れんりつ】alliance, coalition
労 【ろう】labor, labour, toil, trouble, pains, work, effort, striving
労作 【ろうさく】toil, labor, labour, laborious task
労使 【ろうし】labour and management, labor and management
労組 【ろうそ】labor union, labour union
労組 【ろうくみ】labor union, labour union
労働運動 【ろうどううんどう】labour movement, labor movement
労働者 【ろうどうしゃ】laborer (labourer), blue-collar worker
労働省 【ろうどうしょう】Ministry of Labour (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
労働組合 【ろうどうくみあい】labor union, labour union
労働党 【ろうどうとう】Labour Party, Labor Party, worker's party
労務 【ろうむ】labor, labour, work, service
労連 【ろうれん】labour union, labor union
老後 【ろうご】old age
老人ホーム 【ろうじんホーム】senior citizens' home
老人性 【ろうじんせい】senile
老齢 【ろうれい】advanced age, senility
六十四分音符 【ろくじゅうしぶおんぷ】64th note
論外 【ろんがい】out of the question
論客 【ろんきゃく】controversialist
論客 【ろんかく】controversialist
論者 【ろんしゃ】advocate
論説 【ろんせつ】editorial, dissertation
論戦 【ろんせん】verbal dispute
論調 【ろんちょう】tenor or drift of an argument
論点 【ろんてん】point in question (at issue)
論理的 【ろんりてき】logical
和菓子 【わがし】Japanese confectionery
和解 【わかい】① reconciliation, settlement, accommodation, compromise, mediation, rapprochement ② (legal) settlement
和解 【わげ】① reconciliation, settlement, accommodation, compromise, mediation, rapprochement ② (legal) settlement
話し掛ける 【はなしかける】to accost a person, to talk (to someone)
湾岸 【わんがん】gulf coast, bay coast
湾曲 【わんきょく】curve, bend, crook
腕時計 【うでどけい】wristwatch
腕力 【わんりょく】physical strength, brute strength, arm strength
平均 【へいぎん】① average, mean ② balance, equilibrium
編者 【へんしゃ】editor, compiler
編者 【へんじゃ】editor, compiler
宝物 【たからもの】treasure, treasured item
宝物 【ほうもつ】treasure, treasured item
余人 【よじん】others, other people
余人 【よにん】others, other people
浴衣 【よくい】yukata (light cotton kimono worn in the summer or used as a bathrobe)
翌朝 【よくちょう】the next morning
恋心 【こいごころ】one's love, awakening of love
編物 【あみもの】knitting, knitted material, crochet
有難う 【ありがとう】Thank you
埋め立て地 【うめたてち】reclaimed land
裏付け 【うらづけ】backing, support, endorsement, collateral, security, guarantee, proof, substantiation, foundation, lining (something), something lined
返り咲き 【かえりざき】comeback (e.g. in business), second bloom, reflowering, reflorescence
利き目 【ききめ】effect, virtue, efficacy, impression
利く 【きく】① to be effective, to show effect ② to do its work, to carry out its function well ③ to be possible to use
立て込む 【たてこむ】to be crowded, to be busy
連れて行く 【つれていく】to take someone (of lower status) along
捕える 【とらえる】① to seize, to capture, to arrest ② to grasp, to perceive, to treat (as)
捕らわれる 【とらわれる】to be captured, to be apprehended, to be seized with
並み 【なみ】average, medium, common, ordinary
万歳 【ばんぜい】① crying "banzai" (or raising one's hands in the banzai gesture) ② something worthy of celebration ③ giving up ④ banzai (a celebratory cheer), hurrah (hooray, hurray)
冷や汗 【ひやあせ】cold sweat
冷ややか 【ひややか】① cold, chilly, cool ② indifferent, cold-hearted, surly, curt, composed
坊っちゃん 【ぼっちゃん】① son (of others) ② young master ③ green young man from a well-to-do family
未成年 【みせいねん】minor, not of age
目覚ましい 【めざましい】brilliant, splendid, striking, remarkable
目白押し 【めじろおし】jostling, milling about
勇退 【ゆうたい】bowing out, retiring voluntarily
要約 【ようやく】summary, digest
よっぽど① very, greatly, much, to a large extent, quite ② just about to
亡夫 【ぼうふ】my deceased husband, my late husband
平成 【へいせい】Heisei era (1989.1.8- )
要 【かなめ】① pivot ② vital point, cornerstone, keystone ③ Japanese photinia
立て続け 【たてつづけ】succession
連れて来る 【つれてくる】to bring someone along
埋め立て 【うめたて】filling up, reclamation
法学部 【ほうがくぶ】law department, law school
防戦 【ぼうせん】defensive fight (battle)
まんざら(not) altogether, (not) wholly
無害 【むがい】harmlessness
無期限 【むきげん】indefinite
無機物 【むきぶつ】inorganic substance
無神経 【むしんけい】insensibility, thick-skinned
明治 【めいじ】Meiji era (1868.9.8-1912.7.30)
有機物 【ゆうきぶつ】organic matter
要所 【ようしょ】important point, important position
要注意 【ようちゅうい】attention (care) required, needs special attention
領空 【りょうくう】territorial airspace
老化 【ろうか】ageing, aging, senile deterioration
留任 【りゅうにん】remaining (staying) in office, remaining at one's post
法医学 【ほういがく】① forensic medicine, forensic pathology, forensics ② medical jurisprudence, legal medicine
法制局 【ほうせいきょく】Cabinet Legislation Bureau
法要 【ほうよう】Buddhist memorial service
老婦 【ろうふ】old woman
老夫婦 【ろうふうふ】an old couple
目抜き 【めぬき】principal, main, important, fashionable
良さ 【よさ】merit, virtue, good quality
絡み 【からみ】linkage, entanglement, involvement, relationship
目減り 【めべり】loss in weight, decrease in value
名優 【めいゆう】great or famous actor, star
面識 【めんしき】acquaintance
乱れ 【みだれ】disorder, disturbance, unrest
磨き 【みがき】polish, improvement, burnishing
戻し 【もどし】returning, giving back
問責 【もんせき】blame, censure, reproof, reprimand, rebuke
連作 【れんさく】① planting a field with the same crop each year, repeated cultivation ② collaborative literary work, story made up by several writers working on it in turn
老年 【ろうねん】old age
領内 【りょうない】(within a) territory, domains
預貯金 【よちょきん】deposits and savings, bank account
郵政 【ゆうせい】postal system
和議 【わぎ】peace conference, peace negotiations
無形文化財 【むけいぶんかざい】intangible cultural asset
無利子 【むりし】(earning or paying) no interest
無得点 【むとくてん】scoreless (game or competition)
無資格 【むしかく】unqualified, unlicensed, uncertified
明け暮れ 【あけくれ】morning and evening, all the time
補正予算 【ほせいよさん】revised or supplementary budget
歩み寄り 【あゆみより】compromise, concession
方法論 【ほうほうろん】methodology
訪欧 【ほうおう】visit to Europe
野末 【のずえ】corners of a field
門前払い 【もんぜんばらい】turning another away at the gate or front door, refusing to receive a caller
豊胸 【ほうきょう】full breasts
編著 【へんちょ】compilation
論告 【ろんこく】prosecutor's closing argument
民間放送 【みんかんほうそう】commercial broadcasting
冷夏 【れいか】a cool summer
利上げ 【りあげ】increase in interest rates
利下げ 【りさげ】decrease in interest rates
利便 【りべん】convenience
利害関係 【りがいかんけい】interests, stake
連名 【れんめい】joint signature
連投 【れんとう】pitching in consecutive games
連関 【れんかん】connection, relation, linkage
様変わり 【さまがわり】complete change
薬害 【やくがい】harmful side effects of a medicine or drug
法文 【ほうぶん】text of the law
法治国 【ほうちこく】constitutional state
法相 【ほうしょう】Minister of Justice
木片 【こっぱ】① wood chip, splinter ② worthless thing, worthless person
乱売 【らんばい】underselling, panic selling
乱調 【らんちょう】confusion
本件 【ほんけん】this matter or case
本因坊 【ほんいんぼう】grand master of the game of go
問題意識 【もんだいいしき】awareness of the issues
陸海 【りくかい】land and sea
要人 【ようじん】important person
要職 【ようしょく】important office
林野庁 【りんやちょう】Forestry Agency
留置場 【りゅうちじょう】police cell, place of detention
老女 【ろうじょ】elderly woman, senior lady-in-waiting
訪れ 【おとずれ】visit, call, advent, arrival
訪中 【ほうちゅう】visit to China
民社党 【みんしゃとう】Democratic Socialist Party
民放 【みんぽう】commercial broadcast
郵貯 【ゆうちょ】postal (post-office) savings (deposit)
輸銀 【ゆぎん】import-export bank
要は 【ようは】in short, the point is
労相 【ろうしょう】Labor Minister
連係プレー 【れんけいプレー】good teamwork play (baseball)
法律事務所 【ほうりつじむしょ】law office, law firm
量販店 【りょうはんてん】volume seller
未だしも 【まだしも】rather, better
良 【りょう】① good ② B grade (in an A, B, C ... system)
良き 【よき】① goodness ② good
報う 【むくう】to reward, to recompense, to repay
利かせる 【きかせる】to be seasoned, to be enlivened
旅行券 【りょこうけん】travel voucher, travel coupon
約束通り 【やくそくどおり】as one promised
幼少期 【ようしょうき】(early) childhood
目が覚める 【めがさめる】to awaken, to perk up, to snap out (of something)
変更届 【へんこうとどけ】notification of change, alteration report, registration of modification
そもそもin the first place, to begin with, from the start, originally, ab initio
塁 【とりで】fortress
岬 【さき】small peninsula
揚がる 【あがる】① to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised ② to enter (esp. from outdoors), to come in, to go in ③ to enter (a school), to advance to the next grade ④ to get out (of water), to come ashore ⑤ to increase ⑥ to improve, to make progress ⑦ to be promoted, to advance ⑧ to be made (of profit, etc.) ⑨ to occur (esp. of a favourable result) ⑩ to be adequate (to cover expenses, etc.) ⑪ to be finished, to be done, to be over ⑫ (of rain) to stop, to lift ⑬ to stop (working properly), to cut out, to give out, to die ⑭ to win (in a card game, etc.) ⑮ to be arrested ⑯ to turn up (of evidence, etc.) ⑰ to be deep fried ⑱ to be spoken loudly ⑲ to get stage fright ⑳ to be offered (to the gods, etc.) ○ to go, to visit ○ to eat, to drink ○ to be listed (as a candidate) ○ to serve (in one's master's home) ○ (in Kyoto) to go north ○ (after the -masu stem of a verb) indicates completion
平衡 【へいこう】even scale, equilibrium, balance, equalization, equalisation
弊害 【へいがい】evil practice, evil practise, barrier
閉幕 【へいまく】falling of the curtain, coming to an end
陛下 【へいか】your Majesty, his (or her) Majesty
米価 【べいか】rice price
米穀 【べいこく】rice
壁画 【へきが】fresco, mural, wall painting
壁紙 【かべがみ】① wallpaper ② wallpaper, background image, desktop image
偏り 【かたより】① deviation, inclination, offset, bias, prejudice ② polarization, polarisation
偏重 【へんちょう】preponderance, making too much of, overestimation, overemphasis, attaching too much importance to
偏重 【へんじゅう】preponderance, making too much of, overestimation, overemphasis, attaching too much importance to
返却 【へんきゃく】return of something, repayment
便秘 【べんぴ】constipation
弁える 【わきまえる】to know (right from wrong), to discern, to discriminate, to understand, to bear in mind
弁慶 【べんけい】strong man
弁護士 【べんごし】lawyer, attorney
弁護人 【べんごにん】counsel, defender, advocate
弁舌 【べんぜつ】speech
弁務官 【べんむかん】commissioner
弁明 【べんめい】explanation, excuse, vindication, apology
保安 【ほあん】peace preservation, security
保育園 【ほいくえん】nursery school, day nursery
保健婦 【ほけんふ】district health nurse, public health nurse
保険金 【ほけんきん】insurance payout
保護者 【ほごしゃ】guardian, protector, patron
保持 【ほじ】retention, maintenance, preservation
保釈 【ほしゃく】bail
保守党 【ほしゅとう】Conservative Party (UK, Canada, Japan)
保証金 【ほしょうきん】deposit (esp. on renting a house), security money, bond payment, guarantee
保証人 【ほしょうにん】guarantor, bondsman
保証付き 【ほしょうつき】guaranteed, certified, warranty included
保全 【ほぜん】preservation, integrity, conservation, maintenance
保有 【ほゆう】possession, retention, maintenance
保留 【ほりゅう】① reserve, putting on hold, deferment ② hold (e.g. telephone button), pending
補修 【ほしゅう】maintenance, mending, repair
補聴器 【ほちょうき】hearing aid
墓穴 【ぼけつ】grave, specifically the hole in the ground
簿記 【ぼき】journalization (accounts), journalisation, bookkeeping
包括 【ほうかつ】inclusion, complete coverage, comprehensiveness
奉公 【ほうこう】service, apprenticeship, public duty
奉行 【ぶぎょう】magistrate, shogunate administrator
奉納 【ほうのう】dedication, offering, presentation, oblation
放射性 【ほうしゃせい】radioactive
放射線 【ほうしゃせん】radiation
放牧 【ほうぼく】pasturage, grazing
放浪 【ほうろう】wandering
方向音痴 【ほうこうおんち】(person with) no sense of direction, poor sense of locality
砲火 【ほうか】gunfire, fire
砲撃 【ほうげき】bombarding, shelling, bombardment
砲弾 【ほうだん】shell
砲兵 【ほうへい】artillery, gunner
芳香 【ほうこう】perfume, fragrance, aroma, balm
邦画 【ほうが】Japanese film
邦楽 【ほうがく】(traditional) Japanese music
邦人 【ほうじん】① fellow countryman ② Japanese (nationals or residents)
飽食 【ほうしょく】gluttony, satiation, engorgement
亡霊 【ぼうれい】ghost, the dead, departed spirits, apparition
傍観 【ぼうかん】looking on, remaining a spectator
傍受 【ぼうじゅ】interception, monitoring, tapping
傍聴 【ぼうちょう】hearing, listening, attendance, auditing
妨げ 【さまたげ】obstruction, hindrance
房 【ふさ】① tuft, tassel ② bunch (of grapes, etc.) ③ section (of an orange, etc.)
暴虐 【ぼうぎゃく】tyranny, outrage, atrocity, cruel
暴挙 【ぼうきょ】violence, reckless action
暴騰 【ぼうとう】sudden rise, sharp rise, boom, skyrocketing
冒す 【おかす】to brave, to risk, to face, to venture, to desecrate, to profane
紡ぐ 【つむぐ】to spin, to make yarn
膨脹 【ぼうちょう】expansion, swelling, increase, growth
防疫 【ぼうえき】communicable disease control (e.g. by quarantine, disinfection, etc.), prevention of epidemics
防災 【ぼうさい】disaster prevention
防波堤 【ぼうはてい】breakwater, mole
北緯 【ほくい】north latitude
北極圏 【ほっきょくけん】Arctic Circle, the Arctic
北端 【ほくたん】northern extremity
北朝鮮 【きたちょうせん】North Korea
墨付き 【すみつき】① handwriting, autograph, authorization, authorisation ② certificate, certified document, paper with signature of the shogun or lord
撲滅 【ぼくめつ】extermination
牧草 【ぼくそう】pasture, grass
牧野 【ぼくや】pasture land, ranch
没 【ぼつ】① discard ② death ③ rejection (of a manuscript, etc.) ④ lacking, without
没頭 【ぼっとう】immersing oneself
堀 【ほり】moat, canal
堀川 【ほりかわ】canal
奔放 【ほんぽう】wild, uninhibited, extravagant, rampant
本拠 【ほんきょ】stronghold, inner citadel, base, headquarters
本隊 【ほんたい】main body (of an army)
本塁 【ほんるい】base, stronghold, main fort, home plate
本塁打 【ほんるいだ】home run (baseball)
翻す 【ひるがえす】① to turn over, to turn around ② to change (one's mind), to reverse (one's decision), to take back (one's words) ③ to fly (flag, etc.), to wave (skirt, cape, etc.)
翻る 【ひるがえる】to turn over, to wave, to flutter
盆栽 【ぼんさい】bonsai
摩天楼 【まてんろう】skyscraper
魔術 【まじゅつ】① black magic, sorcery ② magic tricks, juggling
魔女 【まじょ】witch
魔法 【まほう】magic, witchcraft, sorcery
魔法瓶 【まほうびん】thermos flask, vacuum flask
麻布 【あさぬの】hemp cloth, linen
麻布 【まふ】hemp cloth, linen
麻薬 【まやく】narcotic drugs, narcotic, opium, dope
埋葬 【まいそう】burial
埋没 【まいぼつ】burying, embedding, implantation
枚挙 【まいきょ】enumeration
幕開け 【まくあけ】① the rise of the curtain, opening (of play) ② beginning (e.g. of an era), opening (festival, event, etc.)
幕切れ 【まくぎれ】fall of the curtain, last scene, end of act
幕内 【まくうち】highest-ranking sumo division
幕府 【ばくふ】bakufu, shogunate
幕僚 【ばくりょう】staff, staff officer
抹殺 【まっさつ】erasure, denial, obliteration, ignoring (an opinion)
抹消 【まっしょう】erasure, delete (e.g. DEL character)
末端 【まったん】end, tip, extremities, terminal
繭 【まゆ】cocoon
万里 【ばんり】thousands of miles
慢性 【まんせい】chronicity, chronic
慢性的 【まんせいてき】chronic
満潮 【みちしお】① high tide ② rising tide
満場一致 【まんじょういっち】unanimous
満塁 【まんるい】bases loaded (baseball)
味の素 【あじのもと】① monosodium glutamate (brand name), MSG ② Ajinomoto (Japanese food additive company)
未熟児 【みじゅくじ】premature baby
未遂 【みすい】attempt (at crime)
魅了 【みりょう】fascination
巳 【み】sixth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Serpent, 9am-11am, south-southeast, April)
密航 【みっこう】smuggling
密室 【みっしつ】① room that cannot be entered (i.e. because it's locked from the inside) ② secret room
密着 【みっちゃく】① glued to, closely related to ② giving total coverage to the key figure(s) of a TV or film documentary
密売 【みつばい】smuggling, bootlegging, illicit trade
密輸 【みつゆ】smuggling, contraband trade
密猟 【みつりょう】poaching
妙案 【みょうあん】ingenious idea, excellent plan, bright idea
妙技 【みょうぎ】exquisite skill, wonderful performance
妙手 【みょうしゅ】① spectacular move (chess, shogi, etc.), brilliant move ② expert, virtuoso, master
民需 【みんじゅ】civilian requirements
民衆 【みんしゅう】people, populace, masses
民族主義 【みんぞくしゅぎ】nationalism
無為 【むい】idleness, inactivity
無益 【むえき】useless, futile, vain
無縁 【むえん】unrelated, without relations, unidentified, indifferent
無作為 【むさくい】at random, unintentional
無傷 【むきず】unhurt, uninjured, unwounded, flawless, spotless, sound, perfect
無償 【むしょう】no compensation, free of charge
無条件 【むじょうけん】unconditional
無尽蔵 【むじんぞう】inexhaustible supply
無秩序 【むちつじょ】disorder, chaos, confusion
無謀 【むぼう】reckless, thoughtless, recklessness
無理矢理 【むりやり】forcibly, against one's will
矛先 【ほこさき】① point of spear ② aim of attack, force of argument
娘婿 【むすめむこ】adopted son-in-law
名案 【めいあん】good idea
名義 【めいぎ】① name ② in the name of
命懸け 【いのちがけ】① risking one's life ② life and death, risky, desperate
盟主 【めいしゅ】leader, leading power
盟約 【めいやく】oath, pledge, pact, covenant
盟友 【めいゆう】sworn friend
迷宮 【めいきゅう】mystery, maze, labyrinth
迷彩 【めいさい】camouflage, disguise
銘記 【めいき】keep in mind, take note of, remember
銘柄 【めいがら】① brand, make, description ② trading name of stocks and securities
めったthoughtless, reckless, seldom (neg. verb), careless
免疫 【めんえき】immunity, immunization, immunisation
免許証 【めんきょしょう】licence, license, permit
免職 【めんしょく】dismissal, sacking, discharge
免責 【めんせき】exemption from responsibility, disclaimer
綿密 【めんみつ】minute, detailed, careful, scrupulous, thorough
面影 【おもかげ】face, looks, vestiges, trace
模擬 【もぎ】① imitation, sham, mock ② simulation
模擬試験 【もぎしけん】trial examination, mock examination
猛威 【もうい】fury, power, menace
猛攻 【もうこう】fierce attack
猛獣 【もうじゅう】wild animal, beast of prey
猛暑 【もうしょ】heat wave, fierce heat
猛打 【もうだ】heavy blow, heavy hit
盲学校 【もうがっこう】school for the blind
盲人 【もうじん】blind person
盲腸 【もうちょう】cecum, caecum, blind gut
盲導犬 【もうどうけん】guide dog for the blind, seeing eye dog
盲目 【もうもく】blindness
網 【もう】network
網戸 【あみど】screen door
網膜 【もうまく】retina
網羅 【もうら】comprising, including, covering, encompassing, comprehending
木の芽 【きのめ】bud of Japanese pepper tree (Xanthoxylum piperitum), leaf bud
木陰 【こかげ】shade of tree, bower
木製 【もくせい】wooden, made of wood
黙とう 【もくとう】silent prayer
黙認 【もくにん】connivance, tacit consent, toleration
黙秘権 【もくひけん】right to keep silent, right to silence, right to remain silent
目撃 【もくげき】① to observe, to witness ② eye-witness
門扉 【もんぴ】door(s) of a gate
野獣 【やじゅう】beast, monster, wild animal
野蛮 【やばん】savage, uncivilized, uncivilised
野郎 【やろう】rascal
弥生 【やよい】Yayoi period (ca. 300 BCE - 300 CE)
役柄 【やくがら】role
薬価 【やっか】National Health Insurance drug price, NHI drug price
薬剤 【やくざい】medicine, drug
薬剤師 【やくざいし】chemist, pharmacist
訳者 【やくしゃ】translator
躍起 【やっき】desperation, eagerness
躍進 【やくしん】rush, dash, onslaught, dancing ahead
躍動 【やくどう】lively motion, throb
躍如 【やくじょ】vivid, lifelike, graphic
柳 【やなぎ】① willow (any tree of genus Salix) ② weeping willow (Salix babylonica)
油井 【ゆせい】oil well
癒着 【ゆちゃく】adhesion
諭す 【さとす】to admonish, to persuade, to warn, to remonstrate
唯一 【ゆいつ】only, sole, unique
優雅 【ゆうが】elegance, grace, refinement
優遇 【ゆうぐう】favorable treatment, favourable treatment, hospitality, warm reception, good treatment, hearty welcome
優劣 【ゆうれつ】(relative) merits, superiority or inferiority, quality
勇士 【ゆうし】brave warrior, hero, brave man
なだめるto soothe, to calm, to pacify
悠長 【ゆうちょう】① leisurely, slow, deliberate, easygoing ② conspicuous, exceeding, deliberate
憂慮 【ゆうりょ】anxiety, concern, fear
有意義 【ゆういぎ】significant, useful, meaningful, worthwhile, valuable, of interest
有価証券 【ゆうかしょうけん】marketable securities, stocks and bonds
有志 【ゆうし】voluntary, volunteer, sympathizer, sympathiser
有償 【ゆうしょう】① compensation, consideration ② for profit, non-free ③ onerous
猶予 【ゆうよ】postponement, deferment, extension (of time)
裕福 【ゆうふく】affluence, prosperity
誘い 【さそい】① invitation, introduction ② temptation
誘い 【いざない】① invitation, introduction ② temptation
誘う 【いざなう】① to invite, to ask, to call (for) ② to tempt, to lure, to induce
誘拐 【ゆうかい】abduction, kidnapping, kidnaping
誘致 【ゆうち】attraction, lure, invitation
遊撃 【ゆうげき】raid, shortstop
遊撃手 【ゆうげきしゅ】shortstop
雄大 【ゆうだい】grandeur, magnificence, splendour, splendor
雄弁 【ゆうべん】oratory, eloquence
融合 【ゆうごう】agglutination, adhesion, fusion, unite
余韻 【よいん】① reverberation, swelling (of a hymn), trailing note ② lingering memory, aftertaste ③ suggestiveness (of a book, poem, etc.)
余剰 【よじょう】redundant, surplus, residue, balance
誉れ 【ほまれ】honour, honor
容姿 【ようし】appearance, one's face and figure
容赦 【ようしゃ】① pardon, forgiveness, mercy ② leniency, going easy (on someone)
揚げ 【あげ】fried bean curd
揺るぐ 【ゆるぐ】to shake, to waver, to tremble
擁する 【ようする】to have, to possess
擁立 【ようりつ】back, support
洋裁 【ようさい】(Western) dressmaking
窯 【かま】stove, furnace, kiln
羊 【ひつじ】sheep
羊肉 【ようにく】mutton, lamb (meat)
要綱 【ようこう】main principle, gist, general plan, guidelines, outline
要項 【ようこう】important points
養育 【よういく】bringing up, rearing, upbringing
養蚕 【ようさん】sericulture, silkworm culture
養子 【ようし】adopted child (usu. male), son-in-law
養殖 【ようしょく】raising, culture, cultivation
養父 【ようふ】foster father, adoptive father
抑止 【よくし】check, checkmate, stave off, control, restraint, inhibit
抑揚 【よくよう】intonation, accent, modulation, inflection
抑留 【よくりゅう】internment, detainment, detention
欲張る 【よくばる】to covet, to lust for
羅針盤 【らしんばん】compass
羅列 【られつ】enumeration
来賓 【らいひん】guest, visitor, visitor's arrival
雷雨 【らいう】thunderstorm
雷鳴 【らいめい】thunder
落とし穴 【おとしあな】pitfall, trap, pit
落雷 【らくらい】thunderbolt, bolt of lightning
乱闘 【らんとう】fray, fighting, brawling, scuffle
卵巣 【らんそう】ovary
欄干 【らんかん】guardrail, handrail, bannister
藍 【あい】indigo
利益 【りやく】① profit, gains ② benefit, advantage, interest (of the public, etc.) ③ grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained through rightful actions, prayer, adherence to one's faith, etc.), blessing, miracle
利己 【りこ】self-interest
利率 【りりつ】interest rate
履行 【りこう】performance, fulfillment, fulfilment, discharge, implementation
履歴書 【りれきしょ】personal history, curriculum vitae, resume
梨 【なし】nashi (Pyrus pyrifolia, esp. var. culta), Japanese pear, Asian pear, sand pear, apple pear
理不尽 【りふじん】unreasonable, irrational
里 【り】① ri (old Japanese unit of distance, approx. 3.927km or 2.44 miles) ② neighbourhood (under the ritsuryo system; orig. of 50 homes) ③ unit of area (approx. 654m by 654m)
里帰り 【さとがえり】returning home, visiting one's parents, new bride's first visit to parents
里子 【さとご】foster child
離宮 【りきゅう】villa (imperial)
離散 【りさん】① dispersal, scattering ② discrete
離脱 【りだつ】withdrawal, secession, separation, breakaway
離反 【りはん】estrangement, alienation, disaffection
離陸 【りりく】takeoff
立案 【りつあん】draft, draught, (rough) design
立脚 【りっきゃく】being based on
立憲 【りっけん】constitutionalism
立証 【りっしょう】establishing proof, demonstration, substantiation
略称 【りゃくしょう】abbreviation
流派 【りゅうは】school (e.g. of ikebana)
留保 【りゅうほ】reserving, withholding
硫黄 【いおう】sulfur (S), sulphur
隆盛 【りゅうせい】prosperity
両眼 【りょうがん】both eyes, binocular
両氏 【りょうし】both persons
寮生 【りょうせい】boarder, boarding student
料亭 【りょうてい】(traditional Japanese) restaurant
猟 【りょう】hunting, game
猟犬 【りょうけん】hound, hunting dog, gun dog
猟師 【りょうし】hunter, huntsman
猟銃 【りょうじゅう】hunting gun, sportsgun
療養 【りょうよう】recuperation, medical treatment
陵 【みささぎ】imperial mausoleum, Emperor's tomb
力士 【りきし】① sumo wrestler, rikishi ② strong man
力添え 【ちからぞえ】help, assistance, service
倫理 【りんり】ethics, morals
倫理学 【りんりがく】ethics, moral philosophy
倫理的 【りんりてき】ethical
厘 【りん】① one-hundredth, 0.3 mm (one-hundredth of a sun), 0.1 percent (one-hundredth of a wari), 0.0375 grams (one-hundredth of a monme) ② old monetary unit (0.001 yen)
臨界 【りんかい】critical (pressure, temperature, state, point)
臨床 【りんしょう】clinical (e.g. pathology, physiology)
臨場感 【りんじょうかん】presence
輪郭 【りんかく】contours, outlines, features, border, silhouette
隣家 【りんか】neighbouring house, neighboring house
隣人 【りんじん】neighbour, neighbor, neighbourhood, neighborhood
隣接 【りんせつ】adjoin, adjacent, related
塁 【るい】base (baseball)
累計 【るいけい】total
累進 【るいしん】successive promotion, gradual promotion, graduated
累積 【るいせき】accumulation
類人猿 【るいじんえん】anthropoid, troglodyte
冷却 【れいきゃく】cooling, refrigeration
冷遇 【れいぐう】cold reception, inhospitality
励み 【はげみ】(act of) encouragement, stimulus, incentive
霊 【れい】soul, spirit, departed soul, ghost
霊園 【れいえん】cemetery
暦 【れき】calendar, almanac
列挙 【れっきょ】enumeration, list
劣悪 【れつあく】inferiority, coarseness
劣化 【れっか】deterioration, degradation, drop in quality
劣勢 【れっせい】numerical inferiority
劣等感 【れっとうかん】inferiority complex
裂け目 【さけめ】tear, rip, rent, slit, crack, chasm, rift
はす① sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), Indian lotus, lotus ② rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)
連携 【れんけい】cooperation, coordination, link
連結 【れんけつ】concatenation, coupling, connection, linking, consolidation (e.g. of company accounts)
連鎖 【れんさ】① chain, chaining, catena, connection ② (genetic) linkage
連載 【れんさい】serialization, serialisation, serial story
連隊 【れんたい】regiment
連覇 【れんぱ】successive championships
連峰 【れんぽう】mountain range
錬金術 【れんきんじゅつ】① alchemy ② making big money (implied, by dubious means)
露店 【ろてん】street stall, stand, booth
労災 【ろうさい】workers' compensation insurance
労働条件 【ろうどうじょうけん】working conditions
朗報 【ろうほう】good news
楼閣 【ろうかく】multistoried building
浪人 【ろうにん】① ronin, wandering samurai without a master to serve ② out of work ③ waiting for another chance to enter a university
老朽 【ろうきゅう】superannuated, decrepitude
老婆 【ろうば】old woman
論拠 【ろんきょ】grounds of an argument
論旨 【ろんし】point of an argument, drift of an argument
論評 【ろんぴょう】comment, criticism
和尚 【おしょう】① preceptor or high priest (esp. in Zen or Pure Land Buddhism) ② preceptor or high priest (in Tendai or Kegon Buddhism) ③ preceptor or high priest (in Shingon, Hosso, Ritsu or Shin Buddhism) ④ second highest priestly rank in Buddhism ⑤ monk (esp. the head monk of a temple) ⑥ master (of one's art, trade, etc.)
和洋折衷 【わようせっちゅう】a blending of Japanese and Western styles
惑わす 【まどわす】to bewilder, to perplex, to puzzle
枠内 【わくない】within the limits (framework, boundaries, price, etc.)
翔る 【かける】① to soar, to fly ② to run, to dash
保育所 【ほいくしょ】nursery school, nursery
保育所 【ほいくじょ】nursery school, nursery
保健所 【ほけんしょ】health care center, health care centre
保健所 【ほけんじょ】health care center, health care centre
墓参 【はかまいり】visit to a grave
墓参り 【はかまいり】visit to a grave
墓参 【ぼさん】visit to a grave
墓石 【ぼせき】tombstone, gravestone
墓石 【はかいし】tombstone, gravestone
墓地 【はかち】cemetery, graveyard
牧場 【まきば】① farm (livestock), ranch (US), station (Aus, NZ) ② pasture land, meadow, grazing land
密入国 【みつにゅうこく】smuggling oneself into a country
密入国 【みつにゅうごく】smuggling oneself into a country
免れる 【まぬがれる】to escape from, to be rescued from, to avoid, to evade, to avert, to elude, to be exempted, to be relieved from pain, to get rid of
面 【おもて】① face ② surface ③ mask (esp. a noh or kyogen mask)
妄想 【もうそう】wild idea, delusion
盲 【めくら】① blindness, blind person ② illiteracy, illiterate person ③ ignorance, ignoramus
融通 【ゆうづう】① lending (money), finance ② adaptability, versatility, flexibility, accommodation
揺る 【ゆる】to shake, to jolt, to rock (cradle), to swing
揺する 【ゆする】to shake, to jolt, to rock (cradle), to swing
両端 【りょうはし】both ends, either end, both edges, sitting on the fence
両端 【りょうたん】both ends, either end, both edges, sitting on the fence
隣国 【りんごく】neighbouring country, neighboring country, neighbouring state, neighboring state
隣国 【りんこく】neighbouring country, neighboring country, neighbouring state, neighboring state
老舗 【しにせ】① old shop, shop of long standing ② well-established, first of the kind, veteran
老舗 【ろうほ】① old shop, shop of long standing ② well-established, first of the kind, veteran
揚げ句 【あげく】in the end, finally, after all, at last
揚句 【あげく】in the end, finally, after all, at last
憂き目 【うきめ】bitter experience, misery, distress, grief, sad thoughts, hardship
率先 【そっせん】taking the initiative
率直 【そっちょく】frankness, candour, candor, openheartedness
竜巻 【たつまき】tornado, waterspout
隣り合う 【となりあう】to adjoin each other, to sit side by side
謀る 【はかる】① to plot, to attempt, to plan, to devise, to design ② to take in, to deceive ③ to aim for, to have something in mind ④ to refer A to B
萌芽 【ほうが】germination, germ, sprout, bud, sign
補佐 【ほさ】aid, help, assistance, assistant, counselor, counsellor, adviser, advisor
保守的 【ほしゅてき】conservative
没後 【ぼつご】after death, posthumously
漫才 【まんざい】comedian, comic dialogue
脈拍 【みゃくはく】pulse, pulsation, stroke of pulse
目盛り 【めもり】scale, gradations
揺りかご 【ゆりかご】cradle
擁護 【ようご】① protection, advocacy, support, defence, championship, vindication ② to protect (e.g. rights, etc.), to advocate (e.g. free trade, etc.), to support
乱獲 【らんかく】excessive fishing, overfishing
枠組み 【わくぐみ】frame, framework
幕末 【ばくまつ】closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate, end of Edo era
飽き 【あき】weariness, tiresomeness
偏差値 【へんさち】① deviation, deviation value ② academic performance relative to the group average
揺るがす 【ゆるがす】to shake, to swing, to sway, to shock
老眼 【ろうがん】presbyopia, age-related longsightedness, farsightedness
うやむやindefinite, hazy, vague
抑え 【おさえ】weight (e.g. paperweight), rear guard, control, check, pressure
預託 【よたく】deposition
報道陣 【ほうどうじん】press corps
保革 【ほかく】conservatism and progressivism, conservatives and reformists
崩落 【ほうらく】collapse, break, cave-in, crash, (market) decline
堀江 【ほりえ】canal
竜 【りゅう】① dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon) ② naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology) ③ promoted rook (shogi)
竜 【たつ】① dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon) ② naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology) ③ promoted rook (shogi)
竜 【りょう】① dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon) ② naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology) ③ promoted rook (shogi)
癖に 【くせに】and yet, though, when, in spite of
魔 【ま】① demon, devil, evil spirit, evil influence ② someone who (habitually) performs some (negative) act
矢先 【やさき】① arrowhead, brunt, target ② being about to, being on the point of
崩れ 【くずれ】crumbling, collapse, ruin
密林 【みつりん】close thicket, dense forest, jungle
躍り 【おどり】leaping, jumping, spring, exciting
陸上自衛隊 【りくじょうじえいたい】Ground Self-Defense Forces (Defence)
離島 【りとう】isolated (outlying) island, departure from an island
離党 【りとう】secession from a political party
炉心 【ろしん】nuclear reactor core
量刑 【りょうけい】judge's sentence, assessment of a case
遊覧 【ゆうらん】sightseeing
幕下 【まくした】third highest sumo division, wrestlers of the third highest sumo division
融和 【ゆうわ】harmony, reconciliation
要衝 【ようしょう】important point, strategic position, key point
無投票 【むとうひょう】without a vote
無免許 【むめんきょ】unlicensed
無所属 【むしょぞく】independent
無策 【むさく】lacking means or measures or policies
油彩 【ゆさい】oil painting
防弾 【ぼうだん】bulletproof, bombproof
防衛庁 【ぼうえいちょう】Japan Defense Agency (Defence) (became Japanese Ministry of Defense in Jan. 2007)
防衛施設庁 【ぼうえいしせつちょう】(Japanese) Defense Facilities Administration Agency (Defence)
防護 【ぼうご】protection
預かり証 【あずかりしょう】claim check, baggage check, luggage check, deposit receipt
米倉 【こめぐら】rice granary
縫製 【ほうせい】sewing
密約 【みつやく】secret agreement
崩し書き 【くずしがき】cursive style of writing or calligraphy
あくまでもto the last, persistency, thoroughness
壁面 【へきめん】surface of a wall
平幕 【ひらまく】rank-and-file wrestlers in sumo's highest division
平壌 【へいじょう】Pyongyang
隣室 【りんしつ】next or adjoining room
養父母 【ようふぼ】adoptive parents
養老 【ようろう】① making provision for the elderly ② Yourou era (717.11.17-724.2.4)
里親 【さとおや】foster parent, foster parents
漫画家 【まんがか】cartoonist, manga artist
臨海 【りんかい】coastal, seaside, oceanfront, maritime
離着陸 【りちゃくりく】takeoff and landing
離職 【りしょく】leaving or losing a job
竜王 【りゅうおう】① Dragon King ② promoted rook (shogi)
報奨金 【ほうしょうきん】cash bonus, reward, bounty
立ち往生 【たちおうじょう】bring to a standstill, stalling, stranding
枠外 【わくがい】beyond (the) limits
余儀ない 【よぎない】unavoidable, inevitable, beyond one's control
揺さぶり 【ゆさぶり】shaking, shaking up (one's adversary)
湧水 【ゆうすい】welling of water
励まし 【はげまし】encouragement (as an abstract concept), stimulation
本欄 【ほんらん】this column
労働基準法 【ろうどうきじゅんほう】Labor Standards Act
冷暖房 【れいだんぼう】air-conditioning, heating and cooling
宝飾 【ほうしょく】jewels and ornaments, jewelry, jewellery
紋 【もん】(family) crest, coat of arms
余儀なく 【よぎなく】unavoidably, necessarily, inevitably
無党派層 【むとうはそう】unaffiliated voters, floating voters, swinging voters
揺らぎ 【ゆらぎ】tremor, fluctuation
無修正 【むしゅうせい】unaltered, uncensored, unexpurgated
わけじゃないit does not mean that ..., I don't mean that ...
容赦なく 【ようしゃなく】relentlessly, mercilessly
おならwind, gas, fart
蔓延る 【はびこる】to spread, to run rampant, to grow thick, to become powerful
ひび① crack, (skin) fissure, flaw or roughness (esp. in skin) ② chaps
ぼけ① idiot, fool, touched in the head (from), out of it (from), space case ② funny man (of a comedy duo), (in comedy) silly or stupid line ③ Alzheimer's (impol)
よろめく① to stagger ② to misconduct oneself, to have a love affair, to waver, to feel some inclination
らーめんramen (Chinese-style noodles)
咬む 【かむ】① to bite, to chew, to gnaw ② to fumble or falter with one's words
呆ける 【ぼける】① to grow senile, to be childish with age ② to be mentally slow, to be befuddled ③ to become engrossed (in something)
不倶戴天 【ふぐたいてん】cannot allow (oneself) to live (with someone) under the canopy of heaven, cannot allow (the sworn enemy) to live in this world, irreconcilable (enemy)
蔑む 【さげすむ】to scorn, to despise
変貌 【へんぼう】transfiguration, transformation, change of appearance
菩薩 【ぼさつ】bodhisattva (one who vows to save all beings before becoming a Buddha)
呆気 【あっけ】taken aback, dumbfounded
蜂 【はち】① bee ② wasp
亡骸 【なきがら】remains, corpse
翻弄 【ほんろう】① trifling with, toying with, playing with, making sport of, making fun of, leading around by the nose ② tossing about (a ship)
麻雀 【まあじゃん】mah-jongg, mahjong
麻雀 【まぜじゃん】mah-jongg, mahjong
鮪 【まぐろ】① tuna (edible fish, Thunnus spp.), tunny ② northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
みかんmandarin orange (esp. the satsuma mandarin, Citrus unshiu)
もちいsticky rice cake
かちんsticky rice cake
あもsticky rice cake
尤もらしい 【もっともらしい】① plausible, believable ② solemn, dignified, serious
やたらat random, thoughtlessly, recklessly, excessively
妖怪 【ようかい】ghost, apparition, phantom, spectre, specter, demon, monster, goblin
妖精 【ようせい】fairy, sprite, elf
りんご① apple ② apple tree (Malus pumila)
狼 【おおかみ】wolf (carnivore, Canis lupus)
賄賂 【わいろ】bribe, sweetener, douceur
脇役 【わきやく】supporting role (actor), minor role
鷲 【わし】eagle (Accipitridae family)
ほのめかすto hint at, to intimate, to suggest, to allude to, to imply
たたずむto stand (still) a while, to loiter, to stop
傲慢 【ごうまん】pride, haughtiness, arrogance, insolence, hubris
あざけるto scoff, to laugh at, to make fun of, to ridicule, to jeer at
屏風 【びょうぶ】folding screen
うろつく① to loiter, to putter, to prowl, to wander aimlessly, to knock around ② to be confused from not knowing what to do
掟 【おきて】a law
暈す 【ぼかす】to shade off, to obscure
楷書 【かいしょ】square style of handwriting, printed style of handwriting, block style, standard style
洒落 【しゃらく】frank, open-hearted
こんろportable cooking stove, gas burner
こぶbump, lump, protuberance, swelling
瞑想 【めいそう】meditation, contemplation
ろくにwell, enough, sufficient
やつれるto be worn out
筐体 【きょうたい】cabinet, case, housing, component, unit, chassis, main frame
絆 【きずな】① bonds, fetters, encumbrance ② tether
罠 【わな】① snare, trap (for catching wild game, etc.) ② trap (i.e. ruse, subterfuge, etc.)
すねshin, shank, lower leg
舅 【しゅうと】father-in-law
舅 【しうと】father-in-law
なめる① to lick ② to taste ③ to experience (esp. a hardship) ④ to make fun of, to make light of, to put down, to treat with contempt
苺 【いちご】strawberry (esp. the garden strawberry, Fragaria x ananassa)
茣蓙 【ござ】mat, matting, rush mat
褪せる 【あせる】to fade, to discolor, to discolour
なまり① accent (of one's speech) ② dialect, provincialism, patois ③ corrupted form (e.g. of word), mispronunciation
むさぼるto covet, to indulge in, to deeply desire, to lust insatiably for, to devour greedily
贔屓 【ひいき】favour, favor, patronage, partiality
ひざまずくto kneel
うずくまるto crouch, to squat, to cower
ぎょうざgyoza (crescent-shaped pan-fried dumplings stuffed with minced pork and vegetables)
きりん① giraffe ② qilin (Chinese unicorn) ③ Kirin (brand of beer)
靡く 【なびく】to bend, to flutter, to wave, to bow to, to yield to, to obey, to be swayed by
黴 【かび】mold, mould, mildew
うがいgargling, rinsing one's mouth
頬 【つら】① face (often derog. or vulg.), mug ② surface
さてwell, now, then
とんぼdragonfly, damselfly
痣 【あざ】① birthmark, nevus ② bruise ③ tache de vin, envie
篭 【かご】basket, cage
脇 【かたわら】① side, edge, beside, besides, nearby ② while (doing)
浚う 【さらう】to sweep away, to wash away, to dredge
閾値 【いきち】threshold (amount, dose, etc.)
閾値 【しきいち】threshold (amount, dose, etc.)
溜め息 【ためいき】sigh
棘 【とげ】thorn, splinter, spine, biting words
貪欲 【どんよく】① avarice, greed, covetousness ② raga (desire)
儚い 【はかない】① fleeting, transient, short-lived, momentary, ephemeral, fickle, vain ② empty (dream, etc.), mere (hope), faint (possibility)
菠薐草 【ほうれんそう】spinach
仄か 【ほのか】faint, indistinct, stupid, few
儲け 【もうけ】profit, earnings
甦る 【よみがえる】① to be resurrected, to be resuscitated, to be rehabilitated, to be revived, to be refreshed, to be restored ② to be recalled (e.g. memories), to be brought back
閊える 【つかえる】to be blocked, to choke, to be obstructed, to feel a pressure on one's chest
閊える 【つっかえる】to be blocked, to choke, to be obstructed, to feel a pressure on one's chest
鬘 【かつら】hairpiece, wig
鬘 【かずら】hairpiece, wig
縋る 【すがる】to cling to, to rely on
橙色 【だいだいいろ】orange-colored, orange-coloured
ただすto ascertain, to confirm, to verify, to make sure of
撥ねる 【はねる】① to hit (e.g. to have a car hit someone), to run into ② to reject, to deny, to refuse ③ to eliminate, to exclude, to leave out ④ to flip, to splash, to splatter ⑤ to decapitate, to behead ⑥ to jump up ⑦ to point or curl up (e.g. ends of hair)
孕む 【はらむ】to conceive, to become pregnant, to get filled with
縺れる 【もつれる】to tangle, to become complicated, to get twisted
ろくなsatisfactory, decent
推戴 【すいたい】(being) presided over by
領袖 【りょうしゅう】leader, chief, boss
蜜 【みつ】nectar, honey
梁 【はり】a beam
淀川 【よどがわ】river in Osaka Prefecture
拉致問題 【らちもんだい】abduction issue (esp. of those Japanese abducted by North Korea)
爺さん 【じいさん】① grandfather (may be used after name as honorific) ② male senior-citizen (may be used after name as honorific)