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L9 An integrated approach to intermediate Japanese

Lesson 9 of "An integrated approach to intermediate Japanese", adapted from https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/3986498805. Due to Anki->Kanjibox conversion, some words may be missing or some extra words may be included.


69 entriesCreated by Ignacio G. — Last modified: 2015-08-09 17:58:00
開ける 【あける】① to open (a door, etc.), to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package) ② to open (for business, etc.)
着る 【きる】① to wear (in modern Japanese, from the shoulders down), to put on ② to bear (guilt, etc.)
動物 【どうぶつ】animal
旅行 【りょこう】travel, trip
赤 【あか】① red, crimson, scarlet ② red-containing colour (e.g. brown, pink, orange) ③ red light ④ red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading), (in) the red ⑤ complete, total, perfect, obvious
果物 【くだもの】fruit
結婚 【けっこん】marriage
箸 【はし】chopsticks
楽しむ 【たのしむ】to enjoy oneself
教会 【きょうかい】church
仕方 【しかた】way, method, means, resource, course
決める 【きめる】to decide
お礼 【おれい】thanking, expression of gratitude
喜ぶ 【よろこぶ】① to be delighted, to be glad, to be pleased ② to congratulate ③ to gratefully accept
季節 【きせつ】season
招待 【しょうたい】invitation
届ける 【とどける】to deliver, to forward, to send, to report, to file notice (to the authorities)
訪ねる 【たずねる】to visit
包む 【つつむ】① to wrap up, to tuck in, to pack, to do up, to cover with, to dress in ② to conceal, to hide, to be engulfed in, to be enveloped by
贈り物 【おくりもの】present, gift
さっぱり① feeling refreshed, feeling relieved ② neat, trimmed ③ plain, simple ④ completely, entirely ⑤ not in the least (in sentence with negative verb), not at all ⑥ completely ignorant, not doing at all
本来 【ほんらい】① originally, primarily ② essentially, naturally, by nature, in (and of) itself ③ proper, legal
土地 【とち】plot of land, lot, soil
品 【しな】① thing, article, goods ② dignity, class, quality ③ counter for meal courses ④ flirtatiousness, coquetry
観光 【かんこう】sightseeing
明らか 【あきらか】obvious, evident, clear, plain
現金 【げんきん】cash, ready money, mercenary, self-interested
限る 【かぎる】to restrict, to limit, to confine
交換 【こうかん】exchange, interchange, switching, reciprocity, barter, substitution, replacement, clearing (of checks, cheques)
週末 【しゅうまつ】weekend
恋人 【こいびと】lover, sweetheart
影響 【えいきょう】influence, effect
遠慮なく 【えんりょなく】without reservation
上司 【じょうし】superior authorities, boss
伝統 【でんとう】tradition, convention
ますますincreasingly, more and more
親戚 【しんせき】relative
ただ① ordinary, common, usual ② free of charge ③ unaffected, as is, safe ④ only, merely, just, simply ⑤ but, however, nevertheless
贅沢 【ぜいたく】① luxury, extravagance ② to live in luxury
せめてat least, at most
お世話になる 【おせわになる】to receive favor (favour), to be much obliged to someone, to be indebted, to be grateful
品 【ひん】① thing, article, goods ② dignity, class, quality ③ counter for meal courses ④ flirtatiousness, coquetry
湯飲み 【ゆのみ】teacup
紺 【こん】navy blue, deep blue
産物 【さんぶつ】product, result, fruit
恋愛 【れんあい】love, love-making, passion, emotion, affections
わざわざexpressly, specially, doing something especially rather than incidentally
中元 【ちゅうげん】① 15th day of the 7th lunar month, (last day of) Bon lantern festival ② Bon gifts
不気味 【ぶきみ】weird, ominous, eerie, uncanny, ghastly
気を使う 【きをつかう】to pay attention to another's needs, to attend to, to fuss about, to take into consideration
着 【ちゃく】① counter for suits of clothing ② arriving at ...
お返し 【おかえし】① return gift, return favour (favor) ② revenge ③ change (in a cash transaction)
お年玉 【おとしだま】New Year's gift
助け合う 【たすけあう】to help each other, to cooperate
観光旅行 【かんこうりょこう】(sightseeing) tour
新婦 【しんぷ】bride
贈答 【ぞうとう】exchange of presents
年末 【ねんまつ】end-of-year
お歳暮 【おせいぼ】end of the year, year-end gift
好き 【ずき】① -phil, -phile, enthusiast (for), love (of) ② being attractive (to), to tend to be liked (by)
に限らず 【にかぎらず】not limited to, not just ...
悪循環 【あくじゅんかん】vicious circle
結婚披露宴 【けっこんひろうえん】wedding reception banquet
新郎 【しんろう】bridegroom
披露宴 【ひろうえん】reception (wedding)
ちょうどjust, right, exactly