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333 entriesCreated by David . — Last modified: 2015-01-03 21:56:14
かま, カンtin can, container
はだ, キtexture, skin, body, grain
もど.る, もど.す, レイre-, return, revert, resume, restore, go backwards
がえんじ.る, コウagreement, consent, comply with
どろ, ニ, デ, ナイ, デイmud, mire, adhere to, be attached to
わ.かす, わ.く, フツseethe, boil, ferment, uproar, breed
さしはさ.む, わきばさ.む, はさ.まる, はさ.む, ショウ, キョウpinch, between
さが.す, シュウ, シュ, ソウsearch, look for, locate
わずら.う, カンafflicted, disease, suffer from, be ill
やわ.らかい, やわ.らか, ナンsoft
ねこ, ビョウcat
かめ, ビンflower pot, bottle, vial, jar, jug, vat, urn
まことに, ひや.す, うす.い, すず.やか, すず.む, すず.しい, リョウrefreshing, nice and cool
すみ, グウcorner, nook
つつ, トウcylinder, pipe, tube, gun barrel, sleeve
くつ, カshoes
いとぐち, お, チョ, ショthong, beginning, inception, end, cord, strap
す.る, みが.く, マgrind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)
ゆす.ぐ, すす.ぐ, タクlaundry, wash, pour on, rinse
き.る, やいば, は, ニン, ジンblade, sword, edge
ます, ショウmeasuring box, 1.8 liter
とぶら.う, とむら.う, チョウcondolences, mourning, funeral
トンbarracks, police station, camp
ヤクunlucky, misfortune, bad luck, disaster
ぼこ, へこ.む, くぼ.む, オウconcave, hollow, sunken
か.つ, ショウ, ソ, ショmoreover, also, furthermore
とら.われる, シュウcaptured, criminal, arrest, catch
つゆ, -しる, しる, ジュウsoup, juice, broth, sap, gravy, pus
セント, センhermit, wizard, cent
でこ, トツconvex, beetle brow, uneven
あま, ニnun
ひのえ, ヘイthird class, 3rd, 3rd calendar sign
え, コウcreek, inlet, bay
み.たす, あ.てる, ジュウallot, fill
ジンswift, fast
さかん, ソウrobust, manhood, prosperity
きさき, ヒqueen, princess
えのき, ほお, ほう, ボクcrude, simple, plain, docile
みだ.りに, ボウ, モウdelusion, unnecessarily, without authority, reckless
つ.ぐ, アシア, アAsia, rank next, come after, -ous
ギンversify, singing, recital
くれ, く.れる, ゴgive, do something for
assistant, help
ショウextract, selection, summary, copy, spread thin
あやか.る, ショウresemblance
すぎ, サンcedar, cryptomeria
gentle, peace, depravity
ただ.し, タンhowever, but
テイdisplay, offer, present, send, exhibit
テイcourts, imperial court, government office
みごも.る, はら.む, ジン, ニンpregnancy
しの.ばせる, しの.ぶ, ニンendure, bear, put up with, conceal, secrete, spy, sneak
ワ, ハgrasp, faggot, bunch, counter for bundles
ハクchief, count, earl, uncle, Brazil
たす.ける, フaid, help, assist
カイkidnap, falsify
ガイcensure, criminal investigation
よろ.しく, よろ.しい, ギbest regards, good
こば.む, ゴ, キョrepel, refuse, reject, decline
う.ける, コウ, キョウreceive, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch
くき, キョウ, ケイstalk, stem
つる, ゲンbowstring, chord, hypotenuse
コンdescendants, elder brother, insect
limb, arms & legs
シュクuncle, youth
なお, ショウesteem, furthermore, still, yet
からくり, とぼそ, シュ, スウhinge, pivot, door
はやい, あたる, ひと.しく, ひと.しい, そろ.う, サイ, セイadjusted, alike, equal, similar variety of
セキchop, divide, tear, analyze
つたな.い, セツbungling, clumsy, unskillful
つぼ, ヘイtwo-mat area, ~36 sq ft
やしき, テイresidence, mansion
テツtransfer, alternation
expose, open
つ.く, つ.ける, フaffixed, attach, refer to, append
あなず.る, あなど.る, ブscorn, despise, make light of, contempt
あわ.せる, ヘイjoin, get together, unite, collective
あわ, ホウbubbles, foam, suds, froth
はし.る, ホンrun, bustle
マツrub, paint, erase
みさき, コウheadland, cape, spit, promontory
めくら, モウblind, blind man, ignoramus
わくframe, framework, spindle, spool, bounding-box, (kokuji)
インmatrimony, marry
ヤク, エキepidemic
かき, エンhedge, fence, wall
くく.る, カツfasten, tie up, arrest, constrict
ただ.す, キュウtwist, ask, investigate, verify
コウmarquis, lord, daimyo
コウdeluge, flood, vast
ゴウtorture, beat
くだ.ける, くだ.く, サイsmash, break, crush, familiar, popular
にお.い, にお.う, -くさ.い, くさ.い, シュウstinking, ill-smelling, suspicious looking, odor, savor, fragrance, be fragrant, stink, glow, be bright
シュンsagacious, genius, excellence
ついで, つい.ず, ジョconfer, relate, narrate, describe
きよ.い, きよ.める, セイ, ジョウclean, purify, cleanse, exorcise, Manchu Dynasty
はなは.だしい, はなは.だ, ジンtremendously, very, great, exceedingly
スイcommander, leading troops, governor
ひそ.か, ぬす.む, セツstealth, steal, secret, private, hushed
おごそ.か, ほうき, チャン, ショウ, ソウvilla, inn, cottage, feudal manor
チュウinmost, heart, mind, inside
いど.む, チョウchallenge, contend for, make love to
みことのり, いまし.める, チョクimperial order
つ, シンhaven, port, harbor, ferry
チン, テイpavilion, restaurant, mansion, arbor, cottage, vaudeville, music hall, stage name
さだ, テイupright, chastity, constancy, righteousness
ほら, ドウden, cave, excavation
やなぎ, リュウwillow
うら, ホbay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast
おきな, オウvenerable old man
か, ブンmosquito
カクnucleus, core, kernel
おとしい.れる, おちい.る, カンcollapse, fall into, cave in, fall (castle), slide into
う.える, キhungry, starve
うやうや.しい, キョウrespect, reverent
みつ.ぐ, ク, コウtribute, support, finance
ゴウsturdy, strength
そそのか.す, サtempt, seduce, instigate, promote
サイsuperintend, manager, rule
サイplantation, planting
サクcord, rope
かけはし, セン, サンscaffold, cleat, frame, jetty, bolt (door)
く.む, シャクbar-tending, serving sake, the host, draw (water), ladle, scoop, pump
たま, シュpearl, gem, jewel
ジュンquasi-, semi-, associate
ジュンmartyrdom, follow by resigning
よい, ショウwee hours, evening, early night
ショウsymptoms, illness
つまび.らか, よ.い, きざ.し, さいわ.い, ショウauspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune
くちびる, シンlips
シンwith child, pregnancy
うね, せ, ム, モ, ホ, ボウfurrow, 30 tsubo, ridge, rib
い.く, ゆ.く, セイdeparted, die
センplug, bolt, cork, bung, stopper
tariff, crop tax, borrowing
はさ.む, さ.す, ソウinsert, put in, graft, wear (sword)
タイpeaceful, calm, peace, easy, Thailand
チクpursue, drive away, chase, accomplish, attain, commit
チツregularity, salary, order
チンmajestic plural, imperial we
たがいに, かわ.る, テイrelay, in turn, sending
ホウstipend, salary
つむ.ぐ, ボウspinning
カウ, コウ, モウdecrease
いせ, たつ, ロウ, リョウ, リュウdragon, imperial
リンethics, companion
ジョウ, イmilitary officer, jailer, old man, rank
はぐ.れる, そ.らす, そ.れる, イツdeviate, idleness, leisure, miss the mark, evade, elude, parry, diverge
はて, ガイhorizon, shore
がら, から, バイ, コク, カクhusk, nut shell
カツhoarse, scold
かわ.く, カツthirst, dry up, parch
いつわ.り, にせ, いつわ.る, カ, ギfalsehood, lie, deceive, pretend, counterfeit, forgery
キンgerm, fungus, bacteria
たにがわ, たに, ケイmountain stream, valley
ほたる, ケイlightning-bug, firefly
いつ.く, いわ.う, い.む, ものいみ, つつし.む, とき, サイpurification, Buddhist food, room, worship, avoid, alike
みさき, さい, さき, キpromontory, cape, spit
へび, ヤ, イ, ダ, ジャsnake, serpent, hard drinker
しぶ.る, しぶ.い, しぶ, シュウ, ジュウastringent, hesitate, reluctant, have diarrhea
しと.やか, シュクgraceful, gentle, pure
つつし.む, スク, シュクsolemn, quietly, softly
ショcommoner, all, bastard
わた.る, ショウford, ferry, port
ショウsue, accuse
あま.る, あま.り, あまつさえ, ジョウsurplus, besides
シンsire, good belt, gentleman
あが.める, スウadore, respect, revere, worship
す.わる, す.える, キョset, lay a foundation, install, equip, squat down, sit down
センrotation, go around
へや, ともがら, つかさ, ゾウ, ソウcadet, friend
なが.める, チョウstare, watch, look at, see, scrutinize
つ.り-, つ.り, つ.る, チョウangling, fish, catch, allure, ensnare
いた.む, トウlament, grieve over
つちか.う, バイcultivate, foster
ハクliner, ship
かたよ.る, ヘンpartial, side, left-side radical, inclining, biased
ほり, クツditch, moat, canal
あさ, マア, マhemp, flax
ただ, イ, ユイsolely, only, merely, simply
ユウpermanence, distant, long time, leisure
ヨウcommonplace, ordinary, employment
ルイaccumulate, involvement, trouble, tie up, continually
うず, カwhirlpool, eddy, vortex
こた.える, こ.らえる, たま.る, た.える, タン, カンwithstand, endure, support, resist
カンcoffin, casket
カンgoodwill, article, section, friendship, collusion
さと.る, あかつき, キョウ, ギョウdaybreak, dawn, in the event
こと, キンharp, koto
いつわ.る, サlie, falsehood, deceive, pretend
かさ, サンumbrella
nourishing, more & more, be luxuriant, planting, turbidity
ジュンsequential, fellow
ショウnitrate, saltpeter
ショウcosmetics, adorn (one's person)
みことのり, ショウimperial edict
み.る, シンcheckup, seeing, diagnose, examine
す, サクvinegar, sour, acid, tart
まば.ら, うと.む, うと.い, ショ, ソalienate, rough, neglect, shun, sparse
も, ソウmiss, mourning
くず.れる, くず.す, お.ちる, ダdegenerate, descend to, lapse into
lazy, laziness
-だな, たな, ホウshelf, ledge, rack, mount, mantle, trellis
-づか, つか, チョウhillock, mound
トウboard, load (a vehicle), ride
むな-, むね, トウridgepole, ridge
すた.る, すた.れる, ハイabolish, obsolete, cessation, discarding, abandon
なこうど, バイmediator, go-between
とびら, ヒfront door, title page, front page
フンatmosphere, fog
ベイ, ヘイfence, wall, (kokuji)
あまね.く, ヘンeverywhere, times, widely, generally
たの.しむ, たの.しい, ユpleasure, happy, rejoice
なお, ユ, ユウfurthermore, still, yet
ユウabundant, rich, fertile
とりで, スイ, ライ, ルイbases, fort, rampart, walls, base(ball)
さる, エンmonkey
わざわい, カcalamity, misfortune, evil, curse
カツbrown, woollen kimono
ゆる.やか, ひろ.い, くつろ.ぐ, カンtolerant, leniency, generosity, relax, feel at home, be at ease, broadminded
かたく, ガンstubborn, foolish, firmly
たの.しむ, のぞ.む, あやま.る, あざむ.く, うれ.える, はか.る, おもんぱか.る, おそれ, グexpectation, consideration, uneasiness, fear, anxiety, concern
すぐ.れる, ケツgreatness, excellence
いや, きら.い, きら.う, ゲン, ケンdislike, detest, hate
たてまつ.る, コン, ケンoffering, counter for drinks, present, offer
みぞ, コウgutter, ditch, sewer, drain, 10**32
heir, succeed
うれ.い, うれ.える, シュウdistress, grieve, lament, be anxious
むく.いる, トウ, シュ, シュウrepay, reward, retribution
すす.める, ソウ, ショウexhort, urge, encourage
スイdrowsy, sleep, die
ふ.む, センtread, step on, trample, practice, carry through
ゆず.る, しずか, セン, ゼンZen, silent meditation
でく, ソmodel, molding
おろか, し.れる, チstupid, foolish
テイrowboat, small boat
トクcoach, command, urge, lead, supervise
バクvague, obscure, desert, wide
ハツ, ハチbowl, rice tub, pot, crown
わずら.わす, わずら.う, ボン, ハンanxiety, trouble, worry, pain, ill, annoy, nuisance, irksome
わか.つ, ハンdistribute, disseminate, partition, understand
ラクdairy products, whey, broth, fruit juice
とりく, とりこ, ロ, リョcaptive, barbarian, low epithet for the enemy
すず, リン, レイsmall bell, buzzer
まかな.う, ワイbribe, board, supply, finance
widow, minority, few
ひど.い, コクcruel, severe, atrocious, unjust
うるし, シツlacquer, varnish, seven
さえぎ.る, シャintercept, interrupt, obstruct
つつ, ジュウgun, arms
ジュクcram school, private school
ショウpatent, clear
ちか.う, セイvow, swear, pledge
やや, ゼンsteadily, gradually advancing, finally, barely
タ, ダburdensome, pack horse, horse load, send by horse
テキ, チャクlegitimate wife, direct descent (non-bastard)
-づけ, -づ.け, つ.かる, つ.ける, シpickling, soak, moisten, steep
むし.ろ, ネイrather, preferably
バツclique, lineage, pedigree, faction, clan
しもべ, ボクme, I (male)
メイinscription, signature (of artisan)
リョウcolleague, official, companion
エツaudience, audience (with king)
かせ.ぐ, カearnings, work, earn money
-がた, かた, セキlagoon
きわ.み, きわ.まり, きわ.まる, きわ.める, キョウ, キュウhard up, destitute, suffer, perplexed, cornered
いさお, クンmeritorious deed, merit
よろこ.び, ケイjubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy
たも.う, たま.う, たまわ.る, シgrant, gift, boon, results
みやこがえ, うつ.す, うつ.る, センtransition, move, change
ふね, ソウvat, tub, tank
テツpenetrate, clear, pierce, strike home, sit up (all night)
テツremove, withdraw, disarm, dismantle, reject, exclude
ただ.す, なわ, ジョウstraw rope, cord
バイcompensation, indemnify
や.める, まか.り-, ヒquit, stop, leave, withdraw, go
ヒンV.I.P., guest
いきどお.る, フンaroused, resent, be indignant, anger
ぬさ, ヘイcash, bad habit, humble prefix, gift, Shinto offerings of cloth, rope, cut paper
ヘイabuse, evil, vice, breakage
ほ.める, ホウpraise, extol
ボクslap, strike, hit, beat, tell, speak
す.る, さ.する, ま.する, マchafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape
かま, ヨウkiln, oven, furnace
は.く, リfootgear, shoes, boots, put on (the feet
リョウdormitory, hostel, villa, tea pavillion
おも.う, いだ.く, なず.ける, なつ.ける, なつ.く, なつ.かしむ, なつ.かしい, ふところ, エ, カイpocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom, breast
うら.む, カンremorse, regret, be sorry
かえ.る, カンsend back, return
かお.る, クンsend forth fragrance, fragrant, be scented, smoke (tobacco)
コウequilibrium, measuring rod, scale
つち, ジョウlot, earth, soil
すす.める, センrecommend, mat, advise, encourage, offer
さと.す, ユrebuke, admonish, charge, warn, persuade
と.かす, と.ける, ユウdissolve, melt
おど.かす, カクmenacing, dignity, majesty, threaten
くさび, カツcontrol, wedge
もど.き, まが.い, ギmimic, aim (a gun) at, nominate, imitate
た.める, キョウrectify, straighten, correct, reform, cure, control, pretend, falsify
つつし.む, キンdiscreet, reverently, humbly
ケンself-effacing, humble oneself, condescend, be modest
コウsubscription, buy
ねんご.ろ, コンsociable, kind, courteous, hospitable, cordial
シャクbaron, peerage, court rank
しこ, みにく.い, シュウugly, unclean, shame, bad looking
つぐな.う, ショウreparation, make up for, recompense, redeem
ショウreef, sunken rock
センslender, fine, thin kimono
しも, ソウfrost
トウmimeograph, copy
しき.りに, ヒンrepeatedly, recur
えり, キンcollar, neck, lapel
あらわ.れる, あきらか, ケンappear, existing
こ.らしめる, こ.らす, こ.りる, チョウpenal, chastise, punish, discipline
きぬ, まゆ, ケンcocoon
いや.す, い.える, ユhealing, cure, quench (thirst), wreak
インrhyme, elegance, tone
emperor's seal
も, ソウseaweed, duckweed
はたがしら, ハク, ハhegemony, supremacy, leadership, champion
musical score, music, note, staff, table, genealogy
うすもの, ラgauze, thin silk, Rome
か.かる, か.ける, ケ, ケンsuspend, hang, 10%, install, depend, consult
かも.す, ジョウbrew, cause
トウinflation, advancing, going