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KZM語彙N1 1部1章2課



52 entriesCreated by daniel . — Last modified: 2015-02-25 06:38:07
接近 【せっきん】getting closer, drawing nearer, approaching
嫁 【よめ】① wife, bride ② (one's) daughter-in-law
異性 【いせい】the opposite sex
引きずる 【ひきずる】① to drag along, to pull ② to force someone along ③ to prolong, to drag out ④ to influence strongly, to seduce
円満 【えんまん】perfection, harmony, peace, smoothness, completeness, satisfaction, integrity
慣習 【かんしゅう】usual (historical) custom
義理 【ぎり】duty, sense of duty, honor, honour, decency, courtesy, debt of gratitude, social obligation
旧知 【きゅうち】old friend, old friendship
告白 【こくはく】① confession, acknowledgement, acknowledgment ② profession of love ③ confession of sins (e.g. the confessional)
持て成す 【もてなす】to entertain, to make welcome
親父 【おやじ】one's father, old man, one's boss
先代 【せんだい】family predecessor, previous age, previous generation
弾む 【はずむ】to spring, to bound, to bounce, to be stimulated, to be encouraged, to get lively, to treat oneself to, to splurge on
築く 【きずく】to build, to pile up, to amass
同士 【どうし】fellow, mutual, companion, comrade, bonding
肉親 【にくしん】blood relationship, blood relative
配偶者 【はいぐうしゃ】spouse, wife, husband, partner
浮気 【うわき】① extramarital sex, affair, fooling around ② infidelity, wantonness, unfaithfulness, inconstancy, fickleness, caprice
風習 【ふうしゅう】custom
未練 【みれん】lingering affection, attachment, regret, regrets, reluctance
婿 【むこ】① husband, groom ② (one's) son-in-law
養う 【やしなう】to rear, to maintain, to support (e.g. family), to cultivate
和やか 【なごやか】mild, calm, gentle, quiet, harmonious
打ち明ける 【うちあける】to be frank, to speak one's mind, to open one's heart
仕来たり 【しきたり】custom, conventional practice, conventional practise, mores, ordinance
執着 【しゅうじゃく】attachment, adhesion, tenacity
片思い 【かたおもい】unrequited love
よほど① very, greatly, much, to a large extent, quite ② just about to
ぐるみ(together) with, -wide, including
どぎまぎflurried, in a flutter, upset, nervous
教え子 【おしえご】student, disciple
親族 【しんぞく】relatives
切り上げる 【きりあげる】① to close, to finish ② to round up (a number) ③ to revalue (a currency)
切り出す 【きりだす】to quarry, to cut (timber), to cut and carry off, to begin to talk, to break the ice, to broach, to bring down
弟子 【ていし】pupil, disciple, adherent, follower, apprentice, young person, teacher's student-helper
楽観的 【らっかんてき】optimistic, hopeful
旧友 【きゅうゆう】crony, old friend
側近 【そっきん】close associate, close aide, brains-truster
お袋 【おふくろ】one's mother;
妻子 【さいし】wife and children
師弟 【してい】teacher and student
幼なじみ 【おさななじみ】childhood friend, friend from infancy, old playmate
切り替え 【きりかえ】exchange, conversion, replacement, switching (to), switchover
恩師 【おんし】one's honoured teacher, one's honored teacher
義父 【ぎふ】father-in-law, foster father, stepfather
義母 【ぎぼ】mother-in-law, foster mother, step mother
師匠 【ししょう】① master, teacher ② sumo coach who owns his stable
来賓 【らいひん】guest, visitor, visitor's arrival
義理のお兄さん 【ぎりのおにいさん】one's brother-in-law
義理の姉 【ぎりのあね】one's sister-in-law, stepsister (elder)
急遽 【きゅうきょ】hurriedly, in a hurry
先頃 【さきごろ】recently, the other day