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Most frequent words part 1

From four different frequency lists. Excludes N5 and N4 vocabulary. These are from the first 4000 or so.

1939 entriesCreated by Ryan M. — Last modified: 2015-03-10 13:46:11
お前 【おまえ】① you (masc) (formerly honorific, now sometimes derog. term referring to an equal or inferior) ② presence (of a god, nobleman, etc.)
きちんとprecisely, accurately, neatly
きつい① intense, severe, hard ② determined, forceful, formidable ③ strong ④ tight, close
こっそりstealthily, secretly
こんなにso, like this, in this way
さっぱり① feeling refreshed, feeling relieved ② neat, trimmed ③ plain, simple ④ completely, entirely ⑤ not in the least (in sentence with negative verb), not at all ⑥ completely ignorant, not doing at all
ずっと① continuously in some state (for a long time, distance), throughout, all along, the whole time, all the way ② much (better, etc.), by far, far and away ③ far away, long ago ④ direct, straight
そっくりall, altogether, entirely, just like, the spitting image of
たっぷりfull, in plenty, ample
どうせanyhow, in any case, at any rate, after all, at best, at most, at all
どんどん① drumming (noise) ② rapidly, steadily
どんなにhow, how much
のんびりcarefree, at leisure
ぴったりexactly, neatly, sharp
本の 【ほんの】mere, only, just
下る 【くだる】① to descend, to go down, to come down ② to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.) ③ to pass (of time) ④ to surrender, to capitulate ⑤ (often in neg. form) to be less than, to be inferior to ⑥ to have the runs, to have diarrhea
何か 【なにか】something
何とか 【なんとか】① something, something or other, so-and-so ② somehow, anyhow, one way or another
何とも 【なんとも】nothing (with neg. verb), quite, not a bit
火山 【かざん】volcano
外す 【はずす】① to unfasten, to undo ② to remove, to take off, to deinstall ③ to leave, to step out, to slip away ④ to miss (a target)
外れる 【はずれる】to be disconnected, to get out of place, to be off, to be out (e.g. of gear)
学ぶ 【まなぶ】to study (in depth), to learn, to take lessons in
間もなく 【まもなく】① soon, before long, in a short time ② (after verb) lacking time to ..., without time to ...
気に入る 【きにいる】to be pleased with, to suit
金 【きん】① gold, golden (color), metaphor for (most) valuable, gold (medal, cup) ② money (written before an amount) ③ Friday ④ metal (fourth of the five elements) ⑤ Jin (dynasty of China; 1115-1234 CE) ⑥ gold general (shogi) ⑦ karat, carat
見下ろす 【みおろす】to overlook, to command a view of, to look down on something
今後 【こんご】from now on, hereafter
人生 【じんせい】(human) life (i.e. conception to death)
大した 【たいした】considerable, great, important, significant, a big deal
男子 【だんし】youth, young man
長 【ちょう】chief, head
行き 【いき】① bound for ... ② going (to)
以前 【いぜん】ago, since, before, previous
以来 【いらい】since, henceforth
意外 【いがい】unexpected, surprising
意思 【いし】intention, purpose
一体 【いったい】① ...the heck (e.g. "what the heck?"), ...in the world (e.g. "why in the world?"), ...on earth (e.g. "who on earth?") ② one object, one body, unity ③ one form, one style ④ one Buddhist image (or carving, etc.) ⑤ generally, in general
引用 【いんよう】quotation, citation, reference
運 【うん】fortune, luck
下がる 【さがる】to hang down, to abate, to retire, to fall, to step back
歌手 【かしゅ】singer
花火 【はなび】fireworks
画家 【がか】painter, artist
会員 【かいいん】member, the membership
会計 【かいけい】account, finance, accountant, treasurer, paymaster, reckoning, bill
開始 【かいし】start, commencement, beginning, initiation
学者 【がくしゃ】scholar
学習 【がくしゅう】study, learning, tutorial
学問 【がくもん】scholarship, study, learning
楽 【らく】comfort, ease
起こる 【おこる】to occur, to happen
牛 【うし】① cattle, cow, ox, oxen ② beef ③ Chinese "Ox" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
去る 【さる】① to leave, to go away ② to pass, to elapse ③ to be distant ④ to send away, to drive off, to divorce ⑤ (after a -masu stem, esp. of a suru verb) ... completely ⑥ last ... (e.g. "last April")
強力 【きょうりょく】powerful, strong
見事 【みごと】① splendid, magnificent, beautiful, admirable ② praiseworthy act, feat, commendable deed
見送る 【みおくる】① to see off (e.g. to the station, an airport, etc.), to escort (e.g. home), to farewell ② to see out, to send off ③ to let pass, to wait and see, to continue (e.g. in legal contexts) ④ to let a pitch go by (baseball), to watch a batted ball go into the stands
言わば 【いわば】so to speak, so to call it, as it were
後者 【こうしゃ】the latter
公正 【こうせい】justice, fairness, impartiality
広場 【ひろば】plaza
国家 【こっか】state, country, nation
止す 【よす】to cease, to abolish, to resign, to give up
自動 【じどう】① automatic, self-motion ② intransitive verb
出来事 【できごと】incident, affair, happening, event
書店 【しょてん】bookshop, bookstore
食料 【しょくりょう】food
図 【ず】figure (e.g. Fig 1), drawing, picture, illustration
地下 【ちか】① basement, cellar, underground place ② underground, below ground ③ secret, under cover
中止 【ちゅうし】suspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption
注文 【ちゅうもん】order, request
一家 【いっか】a house, a home, a family, a household, one's family, one's folks, a style
その内 【そのうち】eventually, sooner or later, of the previously mentioned
ところがeven so, however, still, whereupon, even though, nevertheless, on the contrary, as a matter of fact, despite
安定 【あんてい】stability, equilibrium
委員 【いいん】committee member
育つ 【そだつ】to be raised (e.g. child), to be brought up, to grow (up)
引退 【いんたい】retire
横切る 【よこぎる】to cross (e.g. road), to traverse
王子 【おうじ】prince
王様 【おうさま】king
屋根 【やね】roof
温度 【おんど】temperature
化学 【かがく】① chemistry ② chemical company (e.g. Acme Chemical Co.)
加わる 【くわわる】to join in, to accede to, to increase, to gain in (influence)
会合 【かいごう】① meeting, assembly ② association ③ (astronomical) conjunction
回す 【まわす】① to turn, to rotate, to gyrate ② to circulate, to send around ③ to surround ④ to put something to a new use (e.g. leftovers) ⑤ (after the -masu stem of a verb) ... around (i.e. to chase someone around) ⑥ to dial (e.g. telephone number)
回転 【かいてん】rotation (usu. around something), revolution, turning
絵画 【かいが】picture, painting
外交 【がいこう】diplomacy
確実 【かくじつ】certainty, reliability, soundness
額 【がく】① picture (framed) ② amount or sum (of money)
活動 【かつどう】action, activity
活用 【かつよう】① practical use, application ② conjugation, declension, inflection
感じ 【かんじ】feeling, sense, impression
感じる 【かんじる】to feel, to sense, to experience
感情 【かんじょう】emotion, feeling, feelings, sentiment
感心 【かんしん】admiration, Well done!
感動 【かんどう】being deeply moved emotionally, excitement, passion, deep emotion, impression
観客 【かんきゃく】audience, spectator, spectators
観光 【かんこう】sightseeing
丸 【まる】① circle ② full (e.g. month, day, etc.) ③ perfection, purity ④ suffix for ship names
岸 【きし】bank, coast, shore
岩 【いわ】rock, crag
期待 【きたい】expectation, anticipation, hope
気温 【きおん】atmospheric temperature
記事 【きじ】article, news story, report, account
記者 【きしゃ】reporter
記録 【きろく】① record, minutes, document ② a record (e.g. in sports), results, score ③ to record, to document ④ to set a record (e.g. in sports), to show a result, to reach a value
逆 【ぎゃく】① reverse, opposite ② converse (of a hypothesis, etc.)
急速 【きゅうそく】rapid (e.g. progress)
旧 【きゅう】ex-, former, old
強調 【きょうちょう】emphasis, highlight, stress, stressed point
教科書 【きょうかしょ】textbook, text book
玉 【たま】① ball, sphere, globe, orb ② bead (of sweat, dew, etc.), drop, droplet ③ ball (in sports) ④ pile (of noodles, etc.) ⑤ bullet ⑥ bulb (i.e. a light bulb) ⑦ ens (of glasses, etc.) ⑧ bead (of an abacus) ⑨ egg ⑩ gem, jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively), pearl ⑪ female entertainer (e.g. a geisha) ⑫ person (when commenting on their nature), character ⑬ item, funds or person used as part of a plot ⑭ coin ⑮ precious, beautiful, excellent
禁止 【きんし】prohibition, inhibition, ban
金額 【きんがく】amount of money
区別 【くべつ】distinction, differentiation, classification
苦しい 【くるしい】painful, difficult
苦しむ 【くるしむ】to suffer, to groan, to be worried
苦手 【にがて】poor (at), weak (in), dislike (of)
型 【かた】① model, type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) ② type, style, pattern ③ mold (mould), template, model ④ kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.) ⑤ form (i.e. customary procedure) ⑥ size (i.e. clothing, shoes)
計算 【けいさん】① calculation, reckoning, count ② forecast
決心 【けっしん】determination, resolution
決定 【けってい】decision, determination
県 【けん】① prefecture (of Japan) ② county (of China)
言語 【げんご】language
向く 【むく】① to face ② to turn toward ③ to be suited to, to be fit for
向ける 【むける】to turn towards, to point
幸い 【さいわい】happiness, blessedness
幸福 【こうふく】happiness, blessedness
高速 【こうそく】① high speed, high gear ② highway, freeway, expressway, motorway
合わせる 【あわせる】① to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) ② to join together, to unite, to combine, to add up ③ to face, to be opposite (someone) ④ to compare, to check with ⑤ to cause to meet (e.g. an unpleasant fate) ⑥ to place together, to connect, to overlap ⑦ to mix, to combine ⑧ to put blade to blade, to fight
思想 【しそう】thought, idea, ideology
指す 【さす】① to point ② to nominate, to select someone, to specify some person ③ to identify, to indicate, to point out
時期 【じき】time, season, period
実 【み】① fruit, nut ② seed ③ (in broth) pieces of meat, vegetable, etc. ④ content, substance
取り上げる 【とりあげる】① to take up, to pick up ② to accept, to adopt, to listen to ③ to disqualify, to confiscate, to deprive ④ to adopt (child)
取れる 【とれる】① to come off, to be removed ② (of pain, a fever, etc.) to disappear ③ to be caught, to be harvested ④ to be interpreted (as), to be taken as ⑤ (of balance, etc.) to be attained ⑥ to be obtainable
手術 【しゅじゅつ】surgical operation
首都 【しゅと】capital city, metropolis
受け取る 【うけとる】① to receive, to get, to accept ② to take, to interpret, to understand
助ける 【たすける】to help, to save, to rescue, to give relief to, to spare (life), to reinforce, to promote, to abet
商売 【しょうばい】trade, business, commerce, transaction, occupation
章 【しょう】① chapter, section ② medal
植物 【しょくぶつ】plant, vegetation
進歩 【しんぽ】progress, development
正確 【せいかく】accurate, punctual, exact, authentic, veracious
全力 【ぜんりょく】all one's power, whole energy
息 【いき】① breath, breathing ② tone, mood
太陽 【たいよう】sun, solar
身体 【しんたい】① body ② health
断る 【ことわる】① to refuse, to reject, to dismiss, to turn down, to decline ② to inform, to give notice, to tell in advance ③ to ask leave, to excuse oneself (from)
地点 【ちてん】site, point on a map, spot
的 【てき】-like, typical
土曜 【どよう】Saturday
当てる 【あてる】① to hit ② to expose ③ to apply (e.g. patch) ④ to allot, to call on someone (e.g. in class) ⑤ to guess (an answer) ⑥ to make a hit (e.g. in a lottery)
波 【なみ】wave
犯人 【はんにん】offender, criminal
不幸 【ふこう】unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, death
例外 【れいがい】exception
科目 【かもく】(school) subject, curriculum, course
等 【ら】① pluralizing suffix (often humble, derogatory or familiar), and others, et alios, and the like, and followers ② or so (rough indicator of direction, location, amount, etc.) ③ (after the stem of an adjective) nominalizing suffix
打付ける 【ぶつける】to knock, to run into, to nail on, to strike hard, to hit and attack, to try (an idea) on someone
寄越す 【よこす】① to send, to forward ② to hand over (e.g. money)
愛 【あい】love, affection
愛する 【あいする】to love
愛情 【あいじょう】love, affection
依頼 【いらい】① request, commission, dispatch, despatch ② dependence, trust
偉い 【えらい】① great, excellent, admirable, remarkable, distinguished, important, celebrated, famous, eminent ② awful, terrible
偉大 【いだい】greatness
囲む 【かこむ】to surround, to encircle
意識 【いしき】① consciousness ② awareness, sense ③ mano-vijnana (mental consciousness, cognizer of sensory information)
移動 【いどう】① removal, migration, movement ② mobile (e.g. communications)
胃 【い】① stomach ② Chinese "stomach" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
違反 【いはん】violation (of law), transgression, infringement, breach
医師 【いし】doctor, physician
一種 【いっしゅ】species, kind, variety
一層 【いっそう】① much more, still more, all the more, (would) rather, sooner, might as well ② single layer (or storey, etc.)
一般 【いっぱん】general, liberal, universal, ordinary, average
印 【しるし】① mark ② symbol ③ evidence
印刷 【いんさつ】printing
印象 【いんしょう】impression
永遠 【えいえん】eternity, perpetuity, immortality, permanence
液体 【えきたい】liquid, fluid
越す 【こす】① to cross over (e.g. mountain), to go across ② to go over (e.g. with audience) ③ to pass time (e.g. a winter) ④ to surpass, to be better than, to exceed ⑤ to move house ⑥ to go, to come
延期 【えんき】postponement, adjournment
演劇 【えんげき】play (theatrical)
演説 【えんぜつ】speech, address
奥 【おく】interior, inner part, inside
温泉 【おんせん】spa, hot spring, onsen
課 【か】① lesson ② section (in an organization), division, department ③ counter for lessons and chapters (of a book)
過ごす 【すごす】① to pass (time), to spend ② to overdo (esp. of one's alcohol consumption), to drink (alcohol) ③ to overdo, to do too much ④ to ... without acting on it
解く 【とく】① to solve, to answer ② to untie ③ to comb, to untangle (hair)
解決 【かいけつ】settlement, solution, resolution
解散 【かいさん】breakup, dissolution
回復 【かいふく】recovery (from illness), improvement, rehabilitation, restoration, convalescence
快適 【かいてき】pleasant, agreeable, comfortable
各 【かく】each, every, all
覚める 【さめる】① to wake, to wake up ② to become sober, to sober up, to regain consciousness (e.g. after anaesthesia) ③ to come to one's senses, to be disillusioned
割る 【わる】to divide, to cut, to break, to halve, to separate, to split, to rip, to crack, to smash, to dilute
乾燥 【かんそう】dry, arid, insipid, dehydrated
巻く 【まく】to wind, to coil, to roll
完成 【かんせい】① complete, completion ② perfection, accomplishment
完了 【かんりょう】① completion, conclusion ② perfective (form, aspect)
患者 【かんじゃ】(a) patient
感覚 【かんかく】sense, sensation, feeling, intuition
汗 【あせ】① sweat, perspiration ② moisture, condensation
管理 【かんり】control, management (e.g. of a business)
観察 【かんさつ】observation, survey
間違い 【まちがい】mistake
関心 【かんしん】concern, interest
含む 【ふくむ】① to contain, to comprise, to have, to hold, to include, to embrace ② to hold in the mouth ③ to bear in mind, to understand, to harbor (grudge, etc.), to harbour ④ to express (emotion, etc.), to imply
願う 【ねがう】① to desire, to wish, to hope ② to beg, to request, to implore, to pray ③ to have something done for oneself
希望 【きぼう】hope, wish, aspiration
機能 【きのう】function, facility, faculty, feature
帰宅 【きたく】returning home
気の毒 【きのどく】pitiful, unfortunate, (a) pity
気候 【きこう】climate
疑う 【うたがう】to doubt, to distrust, to be suspicious of, to suspect
疑問 【ぎもん】question, problem, doubt, guess
議会 【ぎかい】Diet, congress, parliament
議長 【ぎちょう】chairman, speaker (e.g. of assembly), president (e.g. of council, senate, etc.), moderator (e.g. of a newsgroup)
議論 【ぎろん】argument, discussion, dispute, controversy
詰める 【つめる】① to pack, to fill, to plug, to stop up ② to shorten (length or distance), to move over, to make room (for someone) ③ to work out (details)
吸収 【きゅうしゅう】absorption, suction, attraction
給料 【きゅうりょう】salary, wages
居間 【いま】living room (western style)
巨大 【きょだい】huge, gigantic, enormous
許す 【ゆるす】① to permit, to allow, to approve ② to exempt (from fine), to excuse (from), to pardon, to forgive, to release, to let off ③ to confide in ④ to give up, to yield
許可 【きょか】permission, approval, authorization
供給 【きょうきゅう】supply, provision
競技 【きょうぎ】game, match, contest
共に 【ともに】sharing with, participate in, both, alike, together, along with, with, including
共通 【きょうつう】① commonness, community ② -wide
叫ぶ 【さけぶ】to shout, to cry
恐らく 【おそらく】perhaps, likely, probably, I dare say
恐ろしい 【おそろしい】terrible, dreadful
恐怖 【きょうふ】fear, dread, dismay, terror
教師 【きょうし】teacher (classroom)
胸 【むね】breast, chest
努める 【つとめる】to endeavor (endeavour), to try, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to be diligent
苦痛 【くつう】pain, agony, bitterness
苦労 【くろう】troubles, hardships
備える 【そなえる】① to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install ② to have ready, to prepare for ③ to possess, to have, to be endowed with, to be armed with
偶然 【ぐうぜん】(by) chance, unexpectedly, suddenly, accident, fortuity
掘る 【ほる】to dig, to excavate
訓練 【くんれん】practice, practise, training
傾向 【けいこう】tendency, trend, inclination
景気 【けいき】condition, state, business (condition)
経つ 【たつ】to pass, to lapse
経営 【けいえい】management, administration
警告 【けいこく】warning, advice
芸術 【げいじゅつ】(fine) art, the arts
劇 【げき】① drama, play ② powerful drug
劇場 【げきじょう】theatre, theater, playhouse
券 【けん】ticket, coupon, bond, certificate
建設 【けんせつ】construction, establishment
建築 【けんちく】construction, architecture
権利 【けんり】right, privilege
肩 【かた】shoulder
見解 【けんかい】opinion, point of view
減らす 【へらす】to abate, to decrease, to diminish, to shorten
減る 【へる】to decrease (in size or number), to diminish, to abate
現れる 【あらわれる】① to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to materialise ② to be expressed (e.g. emotions), to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects)
現金 【げんきん】cash, ready money, mercenary, self-interested
現実 【げんじつ】reality
現象 【げんしょう】phenomenon
現場 【げんば】actual spot, scene, scene of the crime
現代 【げんだい】nowadays, modern era, modern times, present-day
限り 【かぎり】① limit, limits, bounds ② degree, extent, scope ③ as far as possible, as much as possible, to the best of one's ability ④ unless (after neg. verb) ⑤ the end, the last
限る 【かぎる】to restrict, to limit, to confine
限界 【げんかい】limit, bound
個人 【こじん】individual, private person, personal, private
呼び出す 【よびだす】① to summon, to call (e.g. phone), to convene, to decoy, to lure ② to invoke (e.g. subroutine), to call
互い 【たがい】mutual, reciprocal
誤解 【ごかい】misunderstanding
交換 【こうかん】exchange, interchange, switching, reciprocity, barter, substitution, replacement, clearing (of checks, cheques)
公務員 【こうむいん】government worker, public (civil) servant
好み 【このみ】liking, taste, choice
好む 【このむ】to like, to prefer
広告 【こうこく】advertisement
構成 【こうせい】organization, organisation, configuration, composition
腰 【こし】① back, lower back, waist, hips, lumbar region ② body (of hair, noodle, paper, etc.), resilience, spring
差別 【さべつ】discrimination, distinction, differentiation
最も 【もっとも】most, extremely
最終 【さいしゅう】last, final, closing
材料 【ざいりょう】ingredients, material
財産 【ざいさん】property, fortune, assets
札 【さつ】note, paper money
散歩 【さんぽ】walk, stroll
伺う 【うかがう】① to visit, to ask, to inquire, to hear, to be told ② to implore (a god for an oracle), to seek direction (from your superior) ③ to visit ④ to speak to (a large crowd at a theatre, etc.)
刺す 【さす】to pierce, to stab, to prick, to thrust, to bite, to sting, to pin down, to stitch, to put (a runner) out, to pole (a boat), to catch (with a line), to stick
支店 【してん】branch store (office)
自殺 【じさつ】suicide
辞める 【やめる】to resign, to retire, to quit, to leave (one's job, etc.)
失業 【しつぎょう】unemployment
主婦 【しゅふ】housewife, mistress (of the house), homemaker
住民 【じゅうみん】citizens, inhabitants, residents, population
出席 【しゅっせき】① attendance, presence, appearance ② to attend, to be present, to appear
順 【じゅん】order, turn
順調 【じゅんちょう】favourable, favorable, doing well, OK, all right
処理 【しょり】processing, dealing with, treatment, disposition, disposal
諸 【しょ】various, many, several
床 【ゆか】① floor ② stage (for the narrator and the shamisen player) ③ dining platform built across a river
招く 【まねく】to invite
笑い 【わらい】① laugh, laughter ② smile ③ sneer
笑顔 【えがお】smiling face, smile
象 【ぞう】elephant
職業 【しょくぎょう】occupation, business
触れる 【ふれる】① to touch, to feel ② to experience, to come in contact with, to be emotionally moved (by), to perceive ③ to touch on a subject, to allude to ④ to be in conflict (with), to violate (law, copyright, etc.) ⑤ to proclaim
信用 【しんよう】confidence, dependence, credit, faith, reliance, belief, credence
寝室 【しんしつ】bedroom
心臓 【しんぞう】heart
人種 【じんしゅ】race (of people)
積む 【つむ】to pile up, to stack, to load (car, ship, etc.), to pack
絶対 【ぜったい】① absolutely, unconditionally ② absolute, unconditional, unmistakable ③ absoluteness
河 【かわ】① river, stream ② the .... river, (suffix used with the names of rivers)
相変わらず 【あいかわらず】as ever, as usual, the same
増す 【ます】to increase, to grow
贈る 【おくる】to send, to give to, to award to, to confer on
存じる 【ぞんじる】to think, feel, consider, know, etc.
損 【そん】loss, disadvantage
損害 【そんがい】damage, injury, loss
対象 【たいしょう】target, object (of worship, study, etc.), subject (of taxation, etc.)
大陸 【たいりく】continent
達する 【たっする】to reach, to get to
単純 【たんじゅん】simplicity
知識 【ちしき】knowledge, information
地位 【ちい】(social) position, status
貯金 【ちょきん】(bank) savings
通り過ぎる 【とおりすぎる】to pass, to pass through
突然 【とつぜん】abrupt, sudden, unexpected, all at once
抜く 【ぬく】① to extract, to omit, to surpass, to overtake, to draw out, to unplug ② to do something to the end
疲れ 【つかれ】tiredness, fatigue
被る 【かぶる】① to wear (on head, usu. one's own), to put on (over head, usu. one's own), to crown (oneself) ② to pour or dash water, dust, etc. (on oneself) ③ to bear (e.g. someone's debts, faults, etc.) ④ to overlap
布 【ぬの】① cloth ② bujian (spade-shaped bronze coin of ancient China)
戻す 【もどす】to restore, to put back, to return, to give back
悪戯 【いたずら】tease, prank, trick, practical joke, mischief
悪魔 【あくま】devil, demon, fiend, Satan, evil spirit
握る 【にぎる】to grasp, to seize, to mould sushi, to mold sushi
扱う 【あつかう】to handle, to deal with, to treat
案 【あん】① idea, plan, thought ② draft plan, motion, rough copy ③ expectation
意志 【いし】will, volition, intention, intent, determination
異なる 【ことなる】to differ, to vary, to disagree
異常 【いじょう】strangeness, abnormality, disorder
維持 【いじ】maintenance, preservation, improvement
一瞬 【いっしゅん】moment, instant
一斉 【いっせい】simultaneous, all at once
一致 【いっち】① coincidence, agreement, union, match ② conformity, consistency ③ cooperation
隠す 【かくす】to hide, to conceal
宇宙 【うちゅう】universe, cosmos, space
運命 【うんめい】fate
影響 【えいきょう】influence, effect
栄養 【えいよう】nutrition, nourishment
援助 【えんじょ】assistance, aid, support
猿 【さる】① monkey (esp. the Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata) ② sly person ③ sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut) ④ clasp used to control the height of a pot-hook
遠慮 【えんりょ】diffidence, restraint, reserve, discretion, tact, thoughtfulness
汚染 【おせん】pollution, contamination
応じる 【おうじる】to respond, to satisfy, to accept, to comply with, to apply for
応募 【おうぼ】subscription, application
殴る 【なぐる】to strike, to hit
沖 【おき】open sea
価格 【かかく】price, value, cost
価値 【かち】value, worth, merit
火災 【かさい】conflagration, fire
稼ぐ 【かせぐ】to earn income, to labor, to labour
我慢 【がまん】patience, endurance, perseverance, tolerance, self-control, self-denial
解釈 【かいしゃく】explanation, interpretation
怪我 【けが】injury (to animate object), hurt
懐かしい 【なつかしい】dear, desired, missed
改善 【かいぜん】① betterment, improvement ② kaizen (Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement)
拡大 【かくだい】magnification, enlargement, expansion
株 【かぶ】share, stock, stump (of tree)
刈る 【かる】to cut (hair), to mow (grass), to harvest, to clip, to shear, to reap, to trim, to prune
堪らない 【たまらない】① intolerable, unbearable, unendurable ② cannot help (doing), cannot but do, anxious to do ③ tremendous, out of this world, irresistible
感謝 【かんしゃ】thanks, gratitude
歓迎 【かんげい】welcome, reception
環境 【かんきょう】environment, circumstance
監督 【かんとく】① supervision, control, superintendence, direction ② director, superintendent, supervisor, coach, foreman, manager, overseer, controller, boss
企業 【きぎょう】enterprise, undertaking, corporation, business
基礎 【きそ】foundation, basis
基本 【きほん】foundation, basis, standard
旗 【はた】① flag ② pataka (banner)
既に 【すでに】already, too late
機嫌 【きげん】humour, humor, temper, mood
記憶 【きおく】① memory, recollection, remembrance ② storage
貴重 【きちょう】precious, valuable
輝く 【かがやく】to shine, to glitter, to sparkle
鬼 【おに】① ogre, demon ② spirit of a deceased person ③ ogre-like person (i.e. fierce, relentless, merciless, etc.) ④ it (i.e. in a game of tag) ⑤ Chinese "ghost" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
儀式 【ぎしき】ceremony, rite, ritual, service
義務 【ぎむ】duty, obligation, responsibility
却って 【かえって】on the contrary, rather, all the more, instead
休憩 【きゅうけい】rest, break, recess, intermission
救う 【すくう】to rescue from, to help out of, to save
教授 【きょうじゅ】① professor ② teaching, instruction
狂う 【くるう】① to go mad ② to get out of order, to go amiss
響く 【ひびく】① to resound, to be heard far away ② to reverberate, to shake, to vibrate ③ to come (home), to remain (with someone) ④ to have an affect, to make an impression
筋 【すじ】① muscle ② string, sinew, line, stripe ③ plot, plan ④ source (of business information) ⑤ reason, logic
筋肉 【きんにく】muscle, sinew
緊張 【きんちょう】tension, mental strain, nervousness
金属 【きんぞく】metal
金融 【きんゆう】financing, credit transacting, loaning of money, circulation of money
繰り返す 【くりかえす】to repeat, to do something over again
軍隊 【ぐんたい】army, troops
刑事 【けいじ】① (police) detective ② criminal matter
契約 【けいやく】contract, compact, agreement
撃つ 【うつ】① to shoot (at) ② to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge
穴 【あな】① hole ② deficit, shortage, missing person (in a team, meeting, etc.) ③ vacancy, opening ④ flaw ⑤ profitable place (or item, etc.) not well known by others ⑥ upset victory (with a large payoff)
結ぶ 【むすぶ】① to tie, to bind, to link ② to bear (fruit)
結局 【けっきょく】after all, eventually, in the end
結論 【けつろん】conclusion
件 【けん】matter, case, item
健康 【けんこう】health, sound, wholesome
兼ねる 【かねる】① to be unable to (usu. kana), to find difficult (unpleasant, awkward, painful) to do (usu. kana) ② to simultaneously serve two or more functions or roles, to contain (or combine) two or more features ③ to simultaneously work in two or more jobs (positions, etc.), to do alongside ④ to hesitate to do something (out of consideration for others) ⑤ to think of the future (as well as the present)
嫌う 【きらう】to hate, to dislike, to loathe
懸命 【けんめい】eagerness, earnestness, risking one's life
検査 【けんさ】inspection (e.g. customs, factory), examination, scan (e.g. MRI, PET, etc.)
検討 【けんとう】consideration, examination, investigation, study, scrutiny, discussion
原稿 【げんこう】manuscript, copy
虎 【とら】① tiger (feline, Panthera tigris) ② trouble
慌てる 【あわてる】① to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised), to be flustered, to panic ② to be in a hurry, to rush
豪華 【ごうか】wonderful, gorgeous, splendor, splendour, pomp, extravagance
克服 【こくふく】subjugation, conquest, victory
詩人 【しじん】poet
次第 【しだい】① dependent upon ② as soon as, immediately (upon) ③ circumstances ④ order, precedence, program, programme, agenda
種 【しゅ】① kind, variety ② (biological) species ③ (logical) species
需要 【じゅよう】demand, request
宗教 【しゅうきょう】religion
修理 【しゅうり】repairing, mending, servicing
従う 【したがう】to abide (by the rules), to obey, to follow, to accompany
出張 【しゅっちょう】official tour, business trip
瞬間 【しゅんかん】moment, second, instant
症状 【しょうじょう】symptoms, condition
証明 【しょうめい】proof, verification
詳しい 【くわしい】knowing very well, detailed, full, accurate
挙げる 【あげる】① to raise, to elevate ② to show someone (into a room) ③ to send someone (away) ④ to increase (price, quality, status, etc.) ⑤ to praise ⑥ to give (an example, etc.), to cite ⑦ to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.) ⑧ to arrest ⑨ to nominate ⑩ to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding)
上司 【じょうし】superior authorities, boss
侵入 【しんにゅう】penetration, invasion, raid, aggression, trespass
慎重 【しんちょう】discretion, prudence, caution, care
振る 【ふる】① to wave, to shake, to swing ② to sprinkle, to throw (dice) ③ to cast (actor), to allocate (work) ④ to turn down (somebody), to reject, to jilt, to dump ⑤ to abandon, to give up, to ruin ⑥ to add kana indicating a reading of a word ⑦ to slightly change headings, to change directions ⑧ to extract by broiling, to prepare an infusion of, to decoct ⑨ to carry with great vigor (e.g. a portable shrine) ⑩ to bring up the main topic ⑪ to replace, to substitute ⑫ to set up a joke for somebody else
真剣 【しんけん】① seriousness, earnestness ② real sword (as opposed to unsharpened or wooden practice weapon) (practise)
推薦 【すいせん】recommendation
酔う 【よう】to get drunk, to become intoxicated
世紀 【せいき】century, era
誓う 【ちかう】to swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge
説得 【せっとく】persuasion
選択 【せんたく】selection, choice, option
知恵 【ちえ】① wisdom, wit, sagacity, sense, intelligence ② prajna (insight leading to enlightenment)
評判 【ひょうばん】① fame, reputation, popularity ② rumour (rumor), talk
敷く 【しく】① to spread out, to lay out ② to take a position ③ to impose widely (e.g. over a city)
率 【りつ】rate, ratio, proportion, percentage
勧める 【すすめる】to recommend, to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine)
級 【きゅう】class, grade, rank, school class, grade
しきりに① frequently, repeatedly, often, incessantly, constantly ② strongly, eagerly
それともor, or else
やがてbefore long, soon, at length
溢れる 【あふれる】to overflow, to brim over, to flood
噂 【うわさ】rumour, rumor, report, hearsay, gossip, common talk
餌 【えさ】feed, bait
いつかsometime, someday, one day, some time or other, the other day, in due course, in time
蓋 【ふた】cover, lid, cap
まるでquite, entirely, completely, at all, as if, as though, so to speak, just like
よろしく① well, properly, suitably ② best regards, please remember me, please treat me favorably (favourably), please take care of
ごく① quite, very ② quindecillion (US), octillion (Europe), 10^48
僅か 【わずか】only, merely, (a) little, small quantity
つながるto be tied together, to be connected to, to be related to
つなぐto tie, to fasten, to connect, to transfer (phone call)
ご覧 【ごらん】① (after the -te form of a verb) (please) try to ② (please) look ③ seeing, looking, watching
私 【あたし】I, me
蹴る 【ける】① to kick ② to refuse, to reject
いわゆるwhat is called, as it is called, the so-called, so to speak
拭く 【ふく】to wipe, to dry
尻尾 【しっぽ】tail (animal)
まさに① exactly, surely, certainly ② just (about to), on the verge (of doing or happening) ③ duly, naturally
揃える 【そろえる】to put things in order, to arrange, to make uniform, to get something ready
叩く 【たたく】① to strike, to clap, to dust, to beat ② to play drums ③ to abuse, to flame (e.g. on the Internet), to insult ④ to use up money
あらoh, ah
おやoh!, oh?, my!
せめてat least, at most
下り 【くだり】① down-train (going away from Tokyo) ② down-slope, downward going
下車 【げしゃ】alighting (from train, bus, etc.), getting off
何しろ 【なにしろ】at any rate, anyhow, anyway, in any case
見学 【けんがく】inspection, study by observation, field trip
高める 【たかめる】to raise, to lift, to boost, to enhance
小学生 【しょうがくせい】elementary school student, primary school student, grade school student
大気 【たいき】atmosphere
長女 【ちょうじょ】eldest daughter
しばしばblinking repeatedly
以後 【いご】① after this, from now on, hereafter ② thereafter, since (verb) (after -te form of verb), after (time), since (then)
映る 【うつる】to be reflected, to harmonize with (harmonise), to come out (photo), to be projected
海洋 【かいよう】ocean
開会 【かいかい】opening of a meeting
学会 【がっかい】scientific society, academic meeting, academic conference
気味 【きみ】sensation, feeling
強引 【ごういん】overbearing, coercive, pushy, forcible, high-handed
近代 【きんだい】present day, modern times
近づける 【ちかづける】to bring near, to put close, to let come near, to associate with
空中 【くうちゅう】sky, air
工事 【こうじ】construction work, construction, work (related to construction, e.g. painting, concrete-pouring, etc.)
行事 【ぎょうじ】event, function
行方 【ゆくえ】① (one's) whereabouts ② course, direction
国立 【こくりつ】national
私立 【しりつ】private (establishment)
心理 【しんり】mentality
人事 【じんじ】personnel affairs, human affairs, human resources, HR
青白い 【あおじろい】① pale, pallid ② bluish-white
知人 【ちじん】friend, acquaintance
中古 【ちゅうこ】① used, second-hand, old ② Middle Ages
方言 【ほうげん】dialect
気味 【ぎみ】-like, -looking, -looked
一定 【いってい】fixed, settled, constant, definite, uniform, regularized, regularised, defined, standardized, standardised, certain, prescribed
羽根 【はね】① feather, plume, wing ② blade (fan, propeller, etc.)
園 【えん】① garden (esp. man-made), orchard, park, plantation ② place, location
王女 【おうじょ】princess
加速 【かそく】① acceleration, speed up ② accelerator
回数 【かいすう】number of times, frequency, count
回答 【かいとう】reply, answer
開通 【かいつう】opening, open, taking effect, becoming active
開放 【かいほう】open, throw open, liberalization, liberalisation
外部 【がいぶ】① the outside ② external
角 【かく】① angle ② square (or cube) ③ bishop (shogi) ④ third degree (of the Japanese & Chinese pentatonic scale) ⑤ Chinese "horn" constellation (one of the 28 mansions) ⑥ jiao (monetary unit of China; one-tenth of a yuan)
角度 【かくど】angle
学科 【がっか】study subject, course of study
学術 【がくじゅつ】science, learning, scholarship
感想 【かんそう】impressions, thoughts
期 【き】① period, time ② (geological) age
気配 【けはい】① indication, sign, hint, presence, trend ② quotation (esp. stock market)
記号 【きごう】symbol, code, sign, notation
強化 【きょうか】strengthen, intensify, reinforce, solidify, enhancement
局 【きょく】① channel (i.e. TV or radio), station, department ② affair, situation
曲 【きょく】tune, piece of music
区分 【くぶん】division, section, demarcation, partition, segmentation, subdivision, (traffic) lane, compartment, classification, sorting
形式 【けいしき】① form (as opposed to substance), formality ② method, system, style ③ format, mode, appearance, form (something takes) ④ math expression
見直す 【みなおす】to look again, to get a better opinion of
見当 【けんとう】aim, mark, estimate, guess, approximation, direction
原 【はら】field, plain, prairie, tundra, moor, wilderness
原理 【げんり】principle, theory, fundamental truth
交流 【こうりゅう】① intercourse, (cultural) exchange, intermingling ② alternating current, AC
公式 【こうしき】① formality, formal, official ② formula
公表 【こうひょう】official announcement, proclamation
校 【こう】① school ② proof (of a book, document, etc.), counter for proofs
高等 【こうとう】high class, high grade
作曲 【さっきょく】composition, setting (of music)
実感 【じっかん】feelings (actual, true)
実力 【じつりょく】① (real) ability, true strength, merit, efficiency, competency ② arms, force
取り入れる 【とりいれる】① to harvest, to reap ② to take in, to gather in ③ to adopt
酒場 【さかば】bar, bar-room
受験 【じゅけん】taking an examination
集合 【しゅうごう】① gathering, assembly, meeting ② set
重点 【じゅうてん】important point, lay stress on, colon, emphasis
商業 【しょうぎょう】commerce, trade, business
商社 【しょうしゃ】trading company, firm
商店 【しょうてん】shop, small store, business, firm
森林 【しんりん】forest, woods
深夜 【しんや】late at night
早速 【さっそく】at once, immediately, without delay, promptly
短期 【たんき】short term
直前 【ちょくぜん】just before
天然 【てんねん】① nature, spontaneity ② natural airhead
畑 【はたけ】① field (for fruits, vegetables, etc.), cultivated land, vegetable plot, kitchen garden, plantation ② field (of specialization), sphere, area
夜間 【やかん】at night, nighttime
役目 【やくめ】duty, business, role
交じる 【まじる】to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to interest, to join
移す 【うつす】① to change, to swap, to substitute, to transfer ② to change the object of one's interest or focus ③ to spend or take time ④ to infect ⑤ to permeate something with the smell or colour of something ⑥ to move on to the next or different stage of (a plan, etc.)
移転 【いてん】moving, transfer, demise
医療 【いりょう】medical care, medical treatment
育児 【いくじ】childcare, nursing, upbringing
延長 【えんちょう】① extension, elongation, prolongation, lengthening ② Enchou era (923.4.11-931.4.26)
可 【か】passable, acceptable, tolerable, fair
可決 【かけつ】approval, adoption (e.g. motion, bill), passage
課税 【かぜい】taxation
課程 【かてい】course, curriculum
貨物 【かもつ】① cargo, freight ② money or assets
過程 【かてい】process
過半数 【かはんすう】majority
解説 【かいせつ】explanation, commentary, exposition, elucidation
解放 【かいほう】① release, unleashing, liberation, emancipation, setting free ② deallocation (of computer memory)
改めて 【あらためて】another time, again, over again, anew, formally
改める 【あらためる】① to change, to alter, to revise, to replace ② to reform, to correct, to mend, to improve ③ to examine, to check, to inspect ④ to do properly, to do formally
改札 【かいさつ】① examination of tickets ② ticket gate, ticket barrier
改正 【かいせい】revision, amendment, alteration
改造 【かいぞう】① remodeling, remodelling, restructuring ② modding
灰色 【はいいろ】grey, gray, ashen
各地 【かくち】every place, various places
官庁 【かんちょう】government office, authorities
観測 【かんそく】observation
関する 【かんする】to concern, to be related
関西 【かんさい】Kansai (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka)
関東 【かんとう】Kantou (eastern half of Japan, including Tokyo)
含める 【ふくめる】to include, to instruct, to make one understand, to put in one's mouth
寄せる 【よせる】① to come near, to let someone approach ② to collect, to gather, to receive ③ to add ④ to put aside
幾 【いく】① some, several ② many ③ how many?, how much?
期限 【きげん】① term, period, time frame ② time limit, deadline, cutoff (date)
機関 【きかん】① engine ② agency, organisation, organization, institution, organ ③ system, facility, facilities
議員 【ぎいん】member of the Diet, congress or parliament
詰まる 【つまる】① to be blocked, to be packed ② to hit the ball near the handle of the bat (baseball)
給与 【きゅうよ】pay, salary, wages, allowance, grant, supply
漁業 【ぎょぎょう】fishing (industry)
競馬 【けいば】horse racing
境 【さかい】border, boundary, mental state
境界 【きょうかい】boundary
務める 【つとめる】① to work (for), to be employed (at), to serve (in) ② to serve (as), to act (as), to fill (the position of), to play the role (of) ③ to conduct a religious service
近寄る 【ちかよる】to approach, to draw near
区域 【くいき】① limits, boundary, domain, zone, sphere, territory ② area (e.g. in programming languages)
群れ 【むれ】group, crowd, flock, herd, bevy, school, swarm, cluster (of stars), clump
警備 【けいび】defense, defence, guard, policing, security
芸能 【げいのう】public entertainment, accomplishments, attainments
血液 【けつえき】blood
月末 【げつまつ】end of the month
軒 【のき】① eaves ② narrow aisle surrounding the core of a temple building
個体 【こたい】an individual
呼びかける 【よびかける】to call out to, to accost, to address (crowd), to appeal
固まる 【かたまる】① to harden, to solidify ② to become firm, to become certain ③ to gather (together), to assemble, to huddle together
交差 【こうさ】① crossing, intersection ② (genetic) crossing over
候補 【こうほ】① candidate, contender, prospect, pick, choice, list ② candidacy, candidature, nomination
公共 【こうきょう】public, community, public service, society, communal
工夫 【くふう】① scheme, device, scheming, devising, figuring out, coming up with, solving ingeniously ② dedication to spiritual improvement (esp. through Zen meditation)
構造 【こうぞう】structure, construction
国籍 【こくせき】nationality
再 【さい】re-, again, repeated
子孫 【しそん】descendants, posterity, offspring
賞金 【しょうきん】prize, monetary award
心得る 【こころえる】to be informed, to have thorough knowledge
成分 【せいぶん】ingredient, component, composition
政党 【せいとう】political party
接近 【せっきん】getting closer, drawing nearer, approaching
大戦 【たいせん】great war, great battle
宅 【たく】house, home, husband
団地 【だんち】multi-unit apartments
段階 【だんかい】gradation, grade, stage, steps, order, class, phase
付近 【ふきん】neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, environs
傾く 【かたむく】to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel over, to be disposed to, to trend toward, to be prone to, to go down (sun), to wane, to sink, to decline
哀れ 【あわれ】① pity, sorrow, grief, misery, compassion, pathos ② pitiable, pitiful, pathetic, miserable ③ alack, alas
案外 【あんがい】unexpectedly
意義 【いぎ】meaning, significance
為す 【なす】to do, to perform
為替 【かわせ】① money order, draft ② exchange (e.g. foreign)
一応 【いちおう】once, tentatively, in outline, for the time being, just in case
衛星 【えいせい】satellite
艶 【つや】gloss, glaze
往復 【おうふく】round trip, coming and going, return ticket
応援 【おうえん】aid, assistance, help, reinforcement, rooting, barracking, support, cheering
応用 【おうよう】application, put to practical use
恩 【おん】favour, favor, obligation, debt of gratitude
下駄 【げた】geta (Japanese footwear), wooden clogs
嫁 【よめ】① wife, bride ② (one's) daughter-in-law
果たす 【はたす】to accomplish, to fulfill, to carry out, to achieve
架空 【かくう】aerial, overhead, fiction, fanciful
拡張 【かくちょう】expansion, extension, enlargement, escape, ESC
殻 【から】shell, husk, hull, pod, chaff
確信 【かくしん】conviction, belief, confidence
確率 【かくりつ】probability, likelihood, chances
楽器 【がっき】musical instrument
裂く 【さく】① to tear, to rip up ② to cut up, to cleave, to cut open (esp. the abdomen) ③ to forcibly separate (i.e. two lovers) ④ to spare (time, money, etc.), to use part of something
活躍 【かつやく】① activity (esp. energetic), great efforts, conspicuous service ② to flourish, to participate actively, to play an active role
勘 【かん】perception, intuition, the sixth sense
看板 【かんばん】sign, signboard, doorplate, poster, billboard, appearance, figurehead, policy, attraction, closing time
基地 【きち】base
基盤 【きばん】foundation, basis, base, footing
興奮 【こうふん】excitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal
仰ぐ 【あおぐ】① to look up (at) ② to look up (to), to respect, to revere ③ to ask for, to seek ④ to turn to someone, to depend on ⑤ to drink, to take
郡 【ぐん】① district, county ② district (of 2-20 50-home neighbourhoods or townships, in the Ritsuryo period)
系統 【けいとう】system, family line, geological formation, lineage, ancestry
継続 【けいぞく】continuation
研修 【けんしゅう】training (esp. in-service), induction course
古典 【こてん】old book, classics, classic
後悔 【こうかい】regret, repentance
ご免なさい 【ごめんなさい】I beg your pardon, excuse me
功績 【こうせき】achievements, merit, meritorious service, meritorious deed
拘置 【こうち】detention, confinement, arrest
校舎 【こうしゃ】school building
高級 【こうきゅう】high class, high grade
紺 【こん】navy blue, deep blue
斜め 【ななめ】① slanting, tilted, sloping, diagonal, oblique ② unusual, slanted (view of the world), bad (mood)
縮小 【しゅくしょう】reduction, curtailment
純粋 【じゅんすい】pure, true, genuine, unmixed
先端 【せんたん】pointed end, tip, fine point, spearhead, cusp, vanguard, advanced, leading edge
宣伝 【せんでん】propaganda, publicity, advertisement, advertising
素人 【しろうと】amateur, novice
素直 【すなお】① obedient, meek, docile, unaffected ② honest, frank
倉庫 【そうこ】storehouse, warehouse, godown
体系 【たいけい】system, organization, organisation, architecture
滝 【たき】waterfall
弾 【たま】① ball, sphere, globe, orb ② bead (of sweat, dew, etc.), drop, droplet ③ ball (in sports) ④ pile (of noodles, etc.) ⑤ bullet ⑥ bulb (i.e. a light bulb) ⑦ ens (of glasses, etc.) ⑧ bead (of an abacus) ⑨ egg ⑩ gem, jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively), pearl ⑪ female entertainer (e.g. a geisha) ⑫ person (when commenting on their nature), character ⑬ item, funds or person used as part of a plot ⑭ coin ⑮ precious, beautiful, excellent
遅れ 【おくれ】delay, lag, postponement, falling behind
中旬 【ちゅうじゅん】middle of a month, second third of a month
透明 【とうめい】transparency, cleanness
発射 【はっしゃ】firing, shooting, discharge, catapult, ejaculation (sl)
非難 【ひなん】blame, attack, criticism
直径 【ちょっけい】diameter
響き 【ひびき】echo, sound, reverberation, noise
いったん① once ② for a moment, temporarily
よる① to be due to, to be caused by ② to depend on, to turn on ③ to be based on, to come from
釜 【かま】iron pot, kettle
堪える 【こらえる】① to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with ② to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave ③ to be fit for, to be equal to
癌 【がん】cancer
そば① buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) ② soba (Japanese buckwheat noodles)
櫛 【くし】comb
屑 【くず】① waste, scrap, garbage ② chad
隙間 【すきま】crevice, crack, gap, opening
桁 【けた】① column, beam ② digit, decade, order of magnitude
糊 【のり】paste, glue, starch
ごめんyour pardon, declining (something), dismissal, permission
いきなりabruptly, suddenly, all of a sudden, without warning
あっさりeasily, readily, quickly
いざnow, come (now), well
じっくりdeliberately, carefully
どうにかin some way or other, one way or another
どうやらit seems like, it appears that, somehow or other
ひょっとpossibly, accidentally
ほっとfeeling relieved, (sigh of) relief
間 【ま】space, room, time, pause
業 【ごう】karma (i.e. actions committed in a former life)
見方 【みかた】viewpoint
公開 【こうかい】open to the public, exhibit
体 【てい】appearance, air, condition, state, form
引き下げる 【ひきさげる】to pull down, to lower, to reduce, to withdraw
一部 【いちぶ】① one part, one portion, one section, some ② one copy (e.g. of a document)
向き 【むき】direction, orientation, aspect, situation, exposure, suitability, tendency
実質 【じっしつ】substance, essence
下位 【かい】low rank, subordinate, lower order (e.g. byte), low-end
巻 【まき】① roll (e.g. of cloth) ② winding ③ volume (of book)
共産党 【きょうさんとう】Communist Party
権 【けん】authority, right (to do something)
雇用 【こよう】employment (long term), hire
了 【りょう】finish, completion, understanding
悪 【あく】evil, wickedness
悪化 【あっか】(suffer) deterioration, growing worse, aggravation, degeneration, corruption
圧倒 【あっとう】overwhelm, overpower, overwhelming
圧力 【あつりょく】stress, pressure
扱い 【あつかい】treatment, service
暗殺 【あんさつ】assassination
依然 【いぜん】still, as yet, as it has been
委託 【いたく】consign (goods (for sale) to a firm), entrust (person with something), commit
意図 【いと】intention, aim, design
意地 【いじ】disposition, spirit, willpower, obstinacy, backbone, appetite
移行 【いこう】switching over to, migration
移住 【いじゅう】migration, immigration
移民 【いみん】① emigration, immigration ② emigrant, immigrant
遺跡 【いせき】historic ruins (remains, relics)
一切 【いっさい】all, everything, without exception, the whole, entirely, absolutely
一層 【いっそ】① much more, still more, all the more, (would) rather, sooner, might as well ② single layer (or storey, etc.)
一帯 【いったい】region, zone, whole place
一同 【いちどう】all present, all concerned, all of us
一目 【いちもく】① (a) glance, (a) look, (a) glimpse ② (a) stone (in Go) ③ complete view, bird's-eye view
一連 【いちれん】① series, chain, sequence ② two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper) ③ verse, stanza
逸らす 【そらす】to turn away, to avert
引き起こす 【ひきおこす】to cause, to induce
引きずる 【ひきずる】① to drag along, to pull ② to force someone along ③ to prolong, to drag out ④ to influence strongly, to seduce
隠居 【いんきょ】① retirement ② retired person
渦 【うず】swirl
運営 【うんえい】management, administration, operation
運輸 【うんゆ】transportation
運用 【うんよう】making use of, application, investment, practical use
営む 【いとなむ】to carry on (e.g. in ceremony), to run a business
映像 【えいぞう】reflection, image, picture (e.g. on a television), shot, clip
英雄 【えいゆう】hero, great man
液 【えき】liquid, fluid
延べ 【のべ】① futures ② credit (buying) ③ stretching ④ total, gross
沿う 【そう】① to run along, to run beside ② to follow (a plan, etc.), to act in accordance with
沿岸 【えんがん】coast, shore, littoral
沿線 【えんせん】along railway line
演じる 【えんじる】to perform (a play), to play (a part), to act (a part), to commit (a blunder)
演ずる 【えんずる】to perform, to play
演出 【えんしゅつ】production (e.g. play), direction
縁 【えん】① fate, destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together) ② relationship (e.g. between two people), bond, link, connection ③ family ties, affinity ④ opportunity, chance (to meet someone and start a relationship) ⑤ pratyaya (indirect conditions, as opposed to direct causes) ⑥ narrow open-air veranda
遠ざかる 【とおざかる】to go far off
横綱 【よこづな】yokozuna (sumo grand champion)
黄金 【おうごん】gold
化合 【かごう】chemical combination
何だか 【なんだか】(a) little, somewhat, somehow
何より 【なにより】most, best, above all
加工 【かこう】manufacturing, processing, treatment, machining
加入 【かにゅう】becoming a member, joining, entry, admission, subscription, affiliation, adherence, signing
果て 【はて】the end, the extremity, the limit, the limits, the result
河川 【かせん】rivers
火花 【ひばな】spark
荷 【に】① load, baggage, cargo, freight, goods ② burden, responsibility
課題 【かだい】subject, theme, task, challenge, issue, matter
我 【われ】① I, me ② oneself
介護 【かいご】nursing
介入 【かいにゅう】intervention
会見 【かいけん】interview, audience
会談 【かいだん】conversation, conference, discussion, interview
解除 【かいじょ】cancellation, rescinding, release, calling off, lifting (sanctions), delisting
回収 【かいしゅう】collection, recovery, withdrawal, retrieval
回路 【かいろ】circuit (electric)
怪獣 【かいじゅう】monster
改革 【かいかく】reform, reformation, innovation
改修 【かいしゅう】repair, improvement
改定 【かいてい】reform
改良 【かいりょう】improvement, reform
海峡 【かいきょう】channel (e.g. between two land masses), strait
開催 【かいさい】holding a meeting, open an exhibition
開拓 【かいたく】① reclamation (of wasteland), cultivation ② pioneering, pathfinding, trail-blazing
開発 【かいはつ】development, exploitation
階級 【かいきゅう】class, rank, grade
外相 【がいしょう】Foreign Minister
概念 【がいねん】general idea, concept, notion
街道 【かいどう】highway (esp. one existing from the Edo period), main road
該当 【がいとう】corresponding, answering to, coming under, applying to
各種 【かくしゅ】every kind, all sorts
拡散 【かくさん】scattering, diffusion, spread (e.g. signal across the spectrum)
格 【かく】status, character, case
格差 【かくさ】qualitative difference, disparity
核 【かく】① pit (of a fruit), stone ② core ③ nucleus, nuclear ④ nuclear weaponry
獲得 【かくとく】acquisition, possession
獲物 【えもの】game, spoils, trophy
確定 【かくてい】① decision, settlement ② definition
確保 【かくほ】guarantee, maintain, ensure, insure, secure, reservation
確立 【かくりつ】① establishment, settlement ② to establish, to settle
革命 【かくめい】① revolution ② 58th year of the sexagenary cycle (in onmyou-dou)
掛け 【かけ】① credit ② partially, half
活発 【かっぱつ】vigor, vigour, active, lively
株式 【かぶしき】stock (company)
刊行 【かんこう】publication, issue
勧告 【かんこく】advice, counsel, remonstrance, recommendation
耐える 【たえる】① to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with ② to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave ③ to be fit for, to be equal to
官僚 【かんりょう】bureaucrat, bureaucracy
幹部 【かんぶ】management, (executive) staff, leaders, leadership, top brass, upper echelons
感触 【かんしょく】sense of touch, feeling, sensation, texture (of food while chewing)
感染 【かんせん】infection, contagion
監視 【かんし】observation, guarding, inspection, surveillance
看護 【かんご】nursing, (army) nurse
緩和 【かんわ】relief, mitigation, alleviation, relaxation, softening
観 【かん】① look, appearance ② spectacle, sight ③ observation meditation ④ outlook on ..., view of ...
観点 【かんてん】point of view
貫く 【つらぬく】to go through
還元 【かんげん】resolution, reduction, return to origins
関税 【かんぜい】customs, duty, tariff
関与 【かんよ】participation, taking part in, participating in, being concerned in
企画 【きかく】planning, project, plan, design
危機 【きき】crisis
基金 【ききん】fund, foundation
機構 【きこう】mechanism, organization, organisation
気象 【きしょう】weather, climate
規格 【きかく】standard, norm
規制 【きせい】regulation, (traffic) policing, control, restriction
規定 【きてい】regulation, provisions
規模 【きぼ】scale, scope, plan, structure
記す 【しるす】① to write down, to note ② to remember
記載 【きさい】record, statement, description, mention, listing, registration, booking, entry
記述 【きじゅつ】description, descriptor
貴族 【きぞく】noble, aristocrat
起点 【きてん】starting point, origin
軌道 【きどう】① orbit, trajectory ② railroad track
偽造 【ぎぞう】forgery, falsification, fabrication, counterfeiting
技 【わざ】technique, art
犠牲 【ぎせい】victim, sacrifice, scapegoat
疑惑 【ぎわく】doubt, misgivings, distrust, suspicion
鞠 【まり】ball
客観 【きゃっかん】object (as opposed to subject)
脚本 【きゃくほん】script, screenplay, scenario
逆転 【ぎゃくてん】(sudden) change, reversal, turn-around, coming from behind (baseball)
及び 【および】and, as well as
及ぶ 【およぶ】① to reach, to amount to, to befall, to happen to, to extend ② to be up to the task, to come up to ③ to compare with, to be a match (for) ④ to commit (a crime) ⑤ to require (to do) (usu. used in the negative)
弓 【ゆみ】bow (and arrow)
救援 【きゅうえん】relief, rescue, reinforcement
朽ちる 【くちる】to rot
給う 【たまう】① to grant, to bestow, to award ② semi-polite or endearing auxiliary verb indicating reception by the speaker (suffixed to the -masu stem of another verb)
居住 【きょじゅう】residence
拒否 【きょひ】denial, veto, rejection, refusal
距離 【きょり】distance, range
協会 【きょうかい】association, society, organization, organisation
協議 【きょうぎ】conference, consultation, discussion, negotiation
協調 【きょうちょう】① cooperation, conciliation, harmony ② firm (market) tone
協定 【きょうてい】arrangement, pact, agreement
叫び 【さけび】shout, scream, outcry
強まる 【つよまる】to get strong, to gain strength
強める 【つよめる】to strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasise
強硬 【きょうこう】firm, vigorous, unbending, unyielding, strong, stubborn
強制 【きょうせい】obligation, coercion, compulsion, enforcement
強烈 【きょうれつ】strong, intense, severe
恐れ 【おそれ】fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness
驚き 【おどろき】surprise, astonishment, wonder
凝る 【こる】① to grow stiff ② to be absorbed in, to be devoted to, to be a fanatic, to elaborate
業者 【ぎょうしゃ】① trader, merchant ② manufacturer, contractor
業績 【ぎょうせき】achievement, performance, results, work, contribution
業務 【ぎょうむ】business, affairs, duties, work, procedure, task, action, function
極めて 【きわめて】exceedingly, extremely, decisively
勤務 【きんむ】service, duty, work
禁じる 【きんじる】to prohibit
緊急 【きんきゅう】urgent, pressing, emergency
近郊 【きんこう】suburbs, outskirts
区 【く】ward, district, section
区間 【くかん】section (of track, etc.), segment, dimension
愚痴 【ぐち】① idle complaint, grumble ② moha (ignorance, folly)
空間 【くうかん】space, room, airspace
群 【ぐん】① group (of animals) ② group
軍事 【ぐんじ】military affairs
傾ける 【かたむける】to incline, to list, to bend, to lean, to tip, to tilt, to slant, to concentrate on, to ruin (a country), to squander, to empty
刑 【けい】penalty, sentence, punishment
形成 【けいせい】formation, molding, taking form
形態 【けいたい】form, shape, figure
恵み 【めぐみ】blessing, grace
掲げる 【かかげる】① to publish, to print, to carry (an article) ② to put up, to hang out, to hoist, to fly (a sail), to float (a flag), to tout ③ to set forth (provision)
掲載 【けいさい】① publication (e.g. article in paper), appearance, insertion ② to insert (e.g. an article), to run (e.g. in a newspaper)
携わる 【たずさわる】to engage in, to participate, to take part
携帯 【けいたい】something carried (in the hand), handheld
系 【けい】① system, lineage, group ② corollary ③ (geological) system (range of strata that correspond to a particular time period) ④ (taxonomical) series
経る 【へる】to pass, to elapse, to experience
経緯 【けいい】① details, whole story, sequence of events, chronology, particulars, how it started, how things got this way ② complications, position
経過 【けいか】passage, expiration, progress, transition
経費 【けいひ】expenses, cost, outlay
経歴 【けいれき】personal history, career
経路 【けいろ】① course, route, path, channel ② process, means
継ぐ 【つぐ】to succeed (someone in a business or inheritance)
警戒 【けいかい】① vigilance, precaution, watch, lookout, alertness ② to be vigilant, to be cautious, to guard (against)
警部 【けいぶ】police inspector
劇団 【げきだん】troupe, theatrical company
欠く 【かく】to lack, to break, to crack, to chip
決意 【けつい】decision, determination
決議 【けつぎ】resolution, vote, decision
決算 【けっさん】balance sheet, settlement of accounts, reporting (of accounts)
決勝 【けっしょう】decision of a contest, finals (in sports)
決断 【けつだん】decision, determination
結合 【けつごう】combination, union, binding, catenation, coupling, joining
結晶 【けっしょう】crystal, crystallization, crystallisation
結成 【けっせい】formation, combination
圏 【けん】① sphere, circle, range ② category (only in the context of "category theory")
検事 【けんじ】public prosecutor
権限 【けんげん】power, authority, jurisdiction
権力 【けんりょく】(political) power, authority, influence
見合わせる 【みあわせる】① to exchange glances, to look at each other ② to postpone, to suspend operations, to refrain from performing an action
見渡す 【みわたす】to look out over, to survey (scene), to take an extensive view of
基 【もと】base, foundation
元年 【がんねん】first year (of a specific reign)
原作 【げんさく】original work
原子 【げんし】atom
原則 【げんそく】principle, general rule
原油 【げんゆ】crude oil
厳密 【げんみつ】strict, close
減少 【げんしょう】decrease, reduction, decline
源 【みなもと】source, origin
現行 【げんこう】present, current, in operation
現地 【げんち】actual place, local
限定 【げんてい】limit, restriction
個性 【こせい】individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy
個別 【こべつ】particular case, discrete, individual, separate
古代 【こだい】ancient times
固める 【かためる】to harden, to freeze, to fortify
固定 【こてい】fixation, fixing (e.g. salary, capital)
固有 【こゆう】characteristic, tradition, peculiar, inherent, native, eigen-
故 【こ】the late (deceased)
故 【ゆえ】reason, cause, circumstances
誇る 【ほこる】to boast of, to be proud of
後退 【こうたい】① retreat ② backspace, BS
悟る 【さとる】① to understand, to comprehend, to realize, to perceive, to sense, to discern ② to attain enlightenment
誤る 【あやまる】① to make a mistake, to err ② to mislead, to misguide
護衛 【ごえい】guard, convoy, escort
交渉 【こうしょう】① negotiations, discussions ② connection
交付 【こうふ】delivering, handing over, furnishing (e.g. with copies), issuance, issuing
公 【おおやけ】official, public, formal, open, governmental
公演 【こうえん】① public performance ② sumo exhibition in a foreign country
公認 【こうにん】official recognition, authorization, authorisation, licence, license, accreditation
公立 【こうりつ】public (institution)
効率 【こうりつ】efficiency, efficacy, performance, utility factor
口述 【こうじゅつ】dictation, verbal statement
向上 【こうじょう】elevation, rise, improvement, advancement, progress
いい加減 【いいかげん】① irresponsible, perfunctory, careless ② lukewarm, half-baked, halfhearted, vague ③ reasonable, moderate (usu. in suggestions or orders) ④ considerably, quite, rather, pretty
好調 【こうちょう】favourable, favorable, promising, satisfactory, in good shape
工学 【こうがく】engineering
工作 【こうさく】work, construction, handicraft, maneuvering, manoeuvering
抗議 【こうぎ】protest, objection
抗争 【こうそう】dispute, resistance
構える 【かまえる】① to set up (e.g. a building) ② to prepare in advance (e.g. a meal), to prepare to use something (e.g. a camera) ③ to plan, to scheme ④ to fabricate in order to deceive ⑤ to stiffen, to become formal
構想 【こうそう】plan, plot, idea, conception
航海 【こうかい】sail, voyage
行為 【こうい】act, deed, conduct
行政 【ぎょうせい】administration
購入 【こうにゅう】purchase, buy
鉱山 【こうざん】mine (ore)
高まる 【たかまる】to rise, to swell, to be promoted
合意 【ごうい】agreement, consent, mutual understanding
告げる 【つげる】to inform
国防 【こくぼう】national defence, national defense
国有 【こくゆう】national ownership
国連 【こくれん】UN, United Nations
込める 【こめる】to include, to put into
根拠 【こんきょ】basis, foundation
差し出す 【さしだす】to present, to submit, to tender, to hold out
再現 【さいげん】reappearance, reproduction, return, revival
最早 【もはや】already, now
採用 【さいよう】① use, adoption, acceptance ② appointment, employment, engagement
災害 【さいがい】calamity, disaster, misfortune
細胞 【さいぼう】cell (biology)
在庫 【ざいこ】inventory, stock, stockpile
財 【ざい】① fortune, riches ② goods
作用 【さよう】action, operation, effect, function
削減 【さくげん】cut, reduction, curtailment
策 【さく】plan, policy
司法 【しほう】administration of justice
志向 【しこう】intention, aim
施設 【しせつ】① institution, establishment, facility ② (army) engineer
死刑 【しけい】death penalty, capital punishment
視察 【しさつ】inspection, observation
視点 【してん】opinion, point of view, visual point
試み 【こころみ】trial, experiment
資産 【しさん】property, fortune, means, assets
侍 【さむらい】warrior (esp. of military retainers of daimyos in the Edo period), samurai
治安 【ちあん】public order
自立 【じりつ】independence, self-reliance
軸 【じく】axis, stem, shaft, axle
質疑 【しつぎ】① question ② interpellation
芝 【しば】lawn, sod, turf
遮る 【さえぎる】to interrupt, to intercept, to obstruct
若干 【じゃっかん】some, few, number of
主権 【しゅけん】sovereignty, supremacy, dominion
主体 【しゅたい】① main constituent, core, nucleus ② subject (philosophical), protagonist
主導 【しゅどう】main leadership
守備 【しゅび】defense, defence
手法 【しゅほう】technique
受け止める 【うけとめる】to catch, to stop the blow, to react to, to take
収まる 【おさまる】① to be in one's place, to be installed, to settle into ② to be delivered, to be obtained, to be paid ③ to be settled, to be sorted out ④ to lessen (e.g. of storms, pain), to calm down ⑤ to be fit tightly into (e.g. a frame), to be sheathed (in a scabbard)
収益 【しゅうえき】earnings, proceeds, returns, revenue
収容 【しゅうよう】① accommodation, reception, housing ② seating ③ custody ④ admission ⑤ entering (in a dictionary)
修了 【しゅうりょう】completion (of a course)
衆 【しゅう】masses, great number, the people
襲う 【おそう】① to attack, to assail, to make an assault, to strike, to hunt down ② to succeed (someone in a post, role, etc.) ③ to make a sudden visit
柔軟 【じゅうなん】flexible, lithe, soft, pliable
塾 【じゅく】coaching school, cramming school, juku
出現 【しゅつげん】appearance, arrival, make one's appearance
出産 【しゅっさん】(child)birth, delivery, production (of goods)
庶民 【しょみん】masses, common people
小柄 【こがら】short (build)
照明 【しょうめい】illumination
症 【しょう】illness
衝撃 【しょうげき】shock, crash, impact, ballistic
証 【あかし】① proof, evidence, testimony ② to testify (usu. Christian religious context)
証拠 【しょうこ】evidence, proof
上演 【じょうえん】performance (e.g. music, theatre, opera), staging
乗り込む 【のりこむ】① to board, to embark on, to get into (a car), to ship (passengers), to man (a ship), to help (someone) into ② to march into, to enter
職員 【しょくいん】staff member, personnel
振興 【しんこう】promotion, encouragement
申告 【しんこく】report, statement, filing a return, notification
身近 【みぢか】near oneself, close to one, familiar
進出 【しんしゅつ】advance, step forward
尽くす 【つくす】① to exhaust, to run out ② to devote, to serve (a person), to befriend ③ to do to exhaustion
推測 【すいそく】guess, conjecture
雛 【ひな】① young bird, chick ② doll ③ green, wet behind the ears, juvenile
制 【せい】system, organization, organisation, imperial command, laws, regulation, control, government, suppression, restraint, holding back, establishment
勢力 【せいりょく】influence, power, might, strength, potency, force, energy
成り立つ 【なりたつ】① to consist of ② to be practical (logical, feasible, viable), to be concluded, to hold true
成果 【せいか】results, fruits
正規 【せいき】regular, normal, legal, formal, established, legitimate
正義 【せいぎ】justice, right, righteousness, correct meaning
盛り上がる 【もりあがる】① to swell, to rise, to bulge, to be piled up ② to rouse, to get excited
接触 【せっしょく】touch, contact
折 【おり】chance, suitable time
仙 【せん】hermit, wizard
宣言 【せんげん】declaration, proclamation, announcement
戦力 【せんりょく】war potential
阻止 【そし】obstruction, check, hindrance, prevention, interdiction
僧 【そう】monk, priest
相応しい 【ふさわしい】appropriate
相対 【そうたい】relative
促す 【うながす】to urge, to press, to prompt, to suggest, to demand, to stimulate, to quicken, to incite, to invite (attention to)
促進 【そくしん】promotion, acceleration, encouragement, facilitation, spurring on
側面 【そくめん】side, flank, sidelight, lateral
存続 【そんぞく】duration, continuance
帯 【たい】band (e.g. conduction, valence), belt (e.g. Van-Allen, asteroid, etc.)
退職 【たいしょく】retirement (from office)
大衆 【たいしゅう】general public
大胆 【だいたん】bold, daring, audacious
脱出 【だっしゅつ】escape
旦那 【だんな】husband (informal), master (of house, shop, etc.), word used to address a male patron or customer (sir, boss, master, governor), patron of a mistress, geisha, bar or nightclub hostess
炭素 【たんそ】carbon (C)
短縮 【たんしゅく】shortening, abbreviation, reduction
地形 【ちけい】terrain, geographical features, topography
築く 【きずく】to build, to pile up, to amass
著書 【ちょしょ】literary work, book
長官 【ちょうかん】secretary (government), director, chief
通常 【つうじょう】common, general, normal, usual
展望 【てんぼう】view, outlook, prospect
転じる 【てんじる】to turn, to shift, to alter, to distract
伝説 【でんせつ】tradition, legend, folklore
独占 【どくせん】① monopoly ② to monopolize, to hog
難 【なん】difficulty, hardships, defect
入賞 【にゅうしょう】winning a prize or place (in a contest)
念 【ねん】sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, concern, attention, care
悩み 【なやみ】trouble, troubles, worry, distress, sorrows, anguish, agony, problem
廃棄 【はいき】annulment, disposal, abandon, scrap, discarding, repeal
賠償 【ばいしょう】reparations, indemnity, compensation
美 【び】beauty
敏感 【びんかん】sensibility, susceptibility, sensitive (to), well attuned to
物資 【ぶっし】goods, materials
兵器 【へいき】arms, weapons, ordnance
名簿 【めいぼ】register of names
目覚める 【めざめる】to wake up
融資 【ゆうし】financing, loan
担う 【になう】to carry on shoulder, to bear (burden), to shoulder (gun)
菌 【きん】① fungus ② germ, bacterium, bacillus
いかにもindeed, really, phrase meaning agreement
こだわる① to fuss over, to be particular about ② to be obsessive, to be fixated
ひたすらnothing but, earnest, intent, determined, set on (something)
もしかしてperhaps, possibly
闇 【やみ】darkness, the dark, black-marketeering, dark, shady, illegal
崖 【がけ】cliff
顎 【あご】chin, jaw
かつyet, moreover, and
あえてdare (to do something), venture (often overcoming reluctance, or in the face of probable failure), take upon oneself, challenge, presume, (there is no) need to, (don't) go as far as, definitely (not)
まして① still more, to say nothing of, not to mention ② still less (with neg. verb)
駈ける 【かける】① to run (race, esp. horse), to dash ② to gallop (one's horse), to canter
捲る 【まくる】① to turn up, to roll up (e.g. sleeves) ② verb suffix to indicate reckless abandon to the activity
捲る 【めくる】to turn over, to turn pages of a book, to tear off, to strip off
股 【また】① crotch, crutch, groin, thigh ② fork (in a tree, road, river, etc.), tines (of a fork)
垢 【あか】dirt, filth, grime
ついでopportunity, occasion
杖 【つえ】cane, walking stick, staff
唾 【つば】saliva, spit, sputum
弄る 【いじる】① to touch, to tamper with ② to grope about, to feel for something
おい① hey!, oi! ② me
かしらI wonder
そうするとhaving done that, if that is done, if it is done in that way
その後 【そのご】after that, afterwards, thereafter
それらthose over there
たったonly, merely, but, no more than
つい① just (now) ② quite (near) ③ unintentionally, unconsciously, by mistake, against one's better judgement (judgment)
ときregular (stops at every station) Jouetsu-line Shinkansen
なら① if, in case, if it is the case that, if it is true that ② as for, on the topic of ③ if possible, if circumstances allow
ほらlook!, look out!, look at me!
やれやれexclamation of relief or disappointment
アイス① ice ② ice cream, icecream
アイテム① item ② something that one "just has to have"
アップ① increasing ② uploading ③ close-up ④ finishing shooting (of a film, etc.) ⑤ up (i.e. of a woman's hair) ⑥ being up (i.e. leading in sports) ⑦ warming up ⑧ being over, being finished
アドレス① address ② email address
アニメ① animated film, animated cartoon, anime (when referring to Japanese cartoons) ② animation
アピール① appeal ② to attract, to appeal (to)
アプローチ① approach ② approach shot
アレンジ① to arrange ② (musical) arrangement
イメージ① (one's) image ② (computer) image ③ artist's impression
イン① in ② inn
インターネットthe Internet
ウイルス① virus ② viral
オール① oar ② all
カウンター① counter ② service counter (e.g. at a bank) ③ counter (at a bar, cafe, etc.) ④ automatically responding with an upload slot to someone who allows you to download (e.g. in P2P systems)
カバー① cover (e.g. book) ② kava (Piper methysticum)
キャリア① career ② career government employee ③ carrier
クーデターcoup d'etat, coup
クラブ① club (e.g. golf, tennis) ② clubs (card suit) ③ crab
グッズgoods, promotional items
グループgroup (usu. of people)
ケース① case (e.g. receptacle, condition, event, legal action, letter style, etc.) ② Computer-Aided Software Engineering, CASE
コール① call ② coal ③ cold
コピー① copy, photocopy ② blurb on a book jacket ③ catch copy
コメント① comment ② (blog) comment
コラムcolumn (e.g. in newspaper), stand-alone feature article framed by a box
コンサルタント① consultant ② concertante (music)
サービス① service, support system ② goods or services without charge
サイト① site (usu. website) ② sight ③ payable on sight
サイン① autograph, signature ② sign ③ sine
サウジアラビアSaudi Arabia
サッカー① soccer ② seersucker
シーズンseason (fruits and vegetables, sporting, holidays)
シングル① single ② single-digit handicap (e.g. golf)
ジャケット① jacket ② book jacket, dust cover
スーパー① super ② supermarket ③ superimpose ④ superheterodyne ⑤ (film with) subtitles
スープ(Western) soup
スキー① skiing ② ski, skis
スタイル① style ② (female) figure
スタッフ① staff ② stuff
ステージ① stage ② performance
ステップ① step ② steppe
ストレート① straight ② straightforward, direct, straight out, blunt
スライド① slide ② change (in value or situation), proportional change ③ to slide, to slip ④ to change (in value, e.g. with a sliding scale), to change (in situation)
セット① set ② set meal
センターcentre, center
センチ① centimeter ② centi-, 10^-2 ③ sentimental
ソフト① soft ② soft hat ③ software
ソ連 【それん】(former) Soviet Union, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR
タオル(hand) towel
ダム① dam ② dumb
チェックcheck, plaid
テーマtopic, theme, project
テロterror, terrorism
データdata, datum
デートdate, go on a date
トップ① top ② top position ③ senior management, senior bureaucrat
トラック① truck ② track (running, CD, DVD, etc.)
トンネル① tunnel ② fielding error (baseball)
ドライバー① driver (of a vehicle) ② screwdriver ③ driver (golf) ④ driver (device driver)
ドライブ① drive, trip by car, driving ② to (go for a) drive, to go on a trip by car ③ to drive (e.g. a car) ④ to drive (innovation, change, etc.), to propel
ドラマ① drama ② TV drama, teledrama, play
ドル① dollar ② doll
ドンDon (Spanish honorific)
ナイト① night ② knight
ナチスNazi, Nationalsozialist
ニュー① new ② newly purchased item
ニューヨークNew York
ノック① knock ② fungo (baseball)
バー① bar ② VAR
パーセントpercent, percentage
パソコンpersonal computer
ヒットhit, success, safe hit (baseball), being a hit
ファースト① first ② first baseman, first base ③ fast
ファン① fan ② fun
フォード① ford ② Ford (car)
フレーム① frame ② flame (abusive or threatening message)
ブランド① brand ② bland
プレー① play ② pray ③ prey
プレーヤー① player ② prayer
プログラムprogram, programme
ヘルメットhelmet, hard hat, protective headgear
ベース① base ② bass
ベスト① best ② vest
ホーム① platform ② home
ホール① hall ② hole ③ whole
ボートboat, rowing boat
ポイント① point ② points (of a railway), switch
マーク① mark ② markup ③ Mach (OS kernel)
マイクロmicro, micro-, 10^-6
マスター① to master, to learn ② proprietor, manager, bar-owner ③ master (e.g. arts, science)
ミリ① milli-, 10^-3 ② millimetre, millimeter
メーカーmanufacturer, maker
メール① email ② mail (usu. in phrases and compound words) ③ male
メリットadvantage, benefit, merit
メンバーmember, participant, attendee, lineup (sport)
モードmode, fashion
モニター① (computer) monitor ② consumer who comments on products, television programs, etc. (programmes) ③ program or utility that monitors a program or activity
ユーロ① Euro- ② euro (the currency)
ユニークunique, individual, original, unusual
ライト① light ② right ③ right field, right fielder
ライバルrival, competition
ライブ① live (esp. concert, show, etc.), live performance ② alive
ラウンドround (esp. in sports, negotiations, etc.), rounds (e.g. nurse, security guard, etc.)
ランキング① ranking ② toplist (e.g. of WWW sites)
ランクrank, standing
ランチ① lunch ② launch ③ ranch
ランプ① lamp, light ② ramp ③ rump
リーダー① leader ② reader
リンク① link, directory entry ② rink
ルー① roux (mixture of butter and flour used to make sauces), sauce made from such a mixture ② (Japanese) curry powder, curry sauce made from this powder
レース① race ② lace ③ lathe
レギュラー① regular ② regular member (e.g. of football team, etc.) ③ regular (petrol, gasoline)
レベル① level ② rebel ③ revel
レポートreport, paper
ローン① loan ② roan ③ lawn (i.e. short grass) ④ lawn (type of cotton cloth)
ロケット① locket ② rocket
ロゴ① logo ② logotype
ロス① loss ② Los Angeles
ロック① lock ② rock ③ roc
アメリカ合衆国the United States of America
一気に 【いっきに】at once, at a breath (stroke, sitting)
一月 【いちがつ】January
何と 【なんと】what, how, whatever
いつの間にか 【いつのまにか】before one knows, before one becomes aware of, unnoticed, unawares
カ月 【かげつ】(number of) months
外見 【がいけん】outward appearance
休日 【きゅうじつ】holiday, day off
九月 【くがつ】September
五月 【ごがつ】May
後 【のち】① later, afterwards, since ② future ③ after one's death
後年 【こうねん】future years, in (one's) later years
後半 【こうはん】second half, latter half
国土 【こくど】country, territory, domain, realm
今 【こん】① the current ..., this ② today's ...
十一月 【じゅういちがつ】November
十二月 【じゅうにがつ】December
前日 【ぜんじつ】previous day, the day before
中小 【ちゅうしょう】small to medium
中日 【ちゅうにち】① China and Japan ② the middle day ③ the equinoctial day
白書 【はくしょ】white paper
白人 【はくじん】white person, Caucasian
見る見る 【みるみる】very fast, in a twinkle, before one's eyes
ダブルスdoubles (e.g. in tennis)
じゃうto do something completely
となるto become, to amount to
うーんhmm, well
こう言う 【こういう】such, like this
言える 【いえる】to be possible to say, to be able to say
カード① card ② curd
カーブ① curve ② curve ball (baseball)
コード① code ② cord ③ chord
ダウン① down (feathers) ② down (opposite of up), becoming lower ③ down (e.g. with a cold) and unable to continue (work) ④ not running (e.g. of servers) ⑤ download, downstream
デモdemo, demonstration
ハード① hard ② hardware ③ hard disk
バック① back ② to go backwards, to reverse ③ to refund a customer
バンド① band ② to perform in a band, to create a (pop) band ③ The Bund (Shanghai, China)
パー① par ② paper (in rock-paper-scissors game) ③ apiece, each ④ percent
パス① path ② pass (e.g. skipping a move, passing an examination, ticket to allow entry, etc.)
ブロック① to block (e.g. the way) ② block (lump of something (usu. square), area of town, etc.) ③ bloc ④ block, physical record (e.g. on magnetic tape)
ボール① ball ② bowl ③ board (e.g. cardboard, pasteboard)
ポスト① post, position ② postbox, mail box, pillar box ③ post-
メイン① main ② mane
リード① lead (in a game, dance, etc.), being in the lead ② reed ③ read, reading
医 【い】medicine, the healing art, healing, curing, doctor
一員 【いちいん】person, member
一族 【いちぞく】① family, relatives, dependents ② household
引き下げ 【ひきさげ】reduction, cut
右手 【みぎて】right hand
運行 【うんこう】① service (bus, train), operation ② motion, revolution, movement
駅前 【えきまえ】in front of station
下院 【かいん】lower house, lower (legislative) body
何事 【なにごと】① what, something, everything ② nothing (with neg. verb)
何者 【なにもの】who, what kind of person
家電 【かでん】consumer electronics, consumer electrical appliances
会長 【かいちょう】president (of a society), chairman
海上 【かいじょう】(by, at, on) sea, maritime, marine
開業 【かいぎょう】opening of business or practice (practise)
学院 【がくいん】institute, academy
帰国 【きこく】return to one's country
気持ちいい 【きもちいい】good feeling, feeling good
起す 【おこす】to raise, to cause, to wake someone
起用 【きよう】appointment (to a position, job, etc.), being used for a role, promotion
休止 【きゅうし】pause, cessation, rest
京 【きょう】① imperial capital (esp. Kyoto) ② final word of an iroha-uta ③ 10^16, 10,000,000,000,000,000, ten quadrillion (American), (obs) ten thousand billion (British)
界 【さかい】border, boundary, mental state
教員 【きょういん】teaching staff
業界 【ぎょうかい】industry, business
近づく 【ちかづく】to approach, to get near, to get acquainted with, to get closer
近年 【きんねん】recent years
銀色 【ぎんいろ】silver (color, colour)
空母 【くうぼ】aircraft carrier
計 【けい】① plan ② meter, measuring device ③ (in) total, total (of)
言い方 【いいかた】way of talking, speaking style
後方 【こうほう】behind, in the rear, in back
公明 【こうめい】fairness, justice
考え方 【かんがえかた】way of thinking
国道 【こくどう】national highway
左手 【ひだりて】left hand
山地 【さんち】mountainous district
四方 【しほう】every direction
社員 【しゃいん】① company employee ② company stockholders (esp. in legal contexts), members of a corporation
住人 【じゅうにん】dweller, inhabitant, resident
上映 【じょうえい】① screening (a movie), showing ② to screen a movie
族 【ぞく】① tribe, clan, band ② (taxonomical) tribe ③ group (of the periodic table)
知れる 【しれる】to become known, to come to light, to be discovered
茶 【ちゃ】① tea ② tea plant (Camellia sinensis) ③ tea preparation, making tea ④ brown
朝日 【あさひ】morning sun
田 【た】rice field
堂 【どう】① temple, shrine, hall ② prefix to building meaning "magnificent"
北京 【ぺきん】Beijing (China), Peking
お客様 【おきゃくさま】guest, visitor, customer
その他 【そのた】etc., otherwise, besides, in addition, the rest, the others, and so forth
安打 【あんだ】safe hit (baseball)
医薬品 【いやくひん】medical supplies
横目 【よこめ】sidelong glance
王国 【おうこく】kingdom, monarchy
王者 【おうじゃ】king, monarch, ruler
王朝 【おうちょう】dynasty
黄 【き】yellow
音声 【おんせい】voice, (the concept of) sound
下等 【かとう】inferior, base, vulgar, low grade, lower class
下部 【かぶ】① substructure, lower part ② subordinate (office), good and faithful servant
下落 【げらく】depreciation, decline, fall, slump
下流 【かりゅう】① downstream, lower reaches of a river ② lower classes
科 【か】① department, section ② (taxonomical) family
画面 【がめん】terminal screen, scene, picture, the field (in TV), photo
会期 【かいき】session (of a legislature)
快感 【かいかん】pleasant feeling
快速 【かいそく】high speed, celerity, mobility, express (train that bypasses many stations)
確かに 【たしかに】surely, certainly
学園 【がくえん】academy, campus
楽曲 【がっきょく】musical composition, tune
感知 【かんち】perception
顔色 【かおいろ】complexion, countenance, expression
記 【き】① account, history, chronicle, annals, record ② Records of Ancient Matters
求人 【きゅうじん】offer of job (situation)
球場 【きゅうじょう】baseball stadium
協 【きょう】cooperation
局長 【きょくちょう】bureau director, office chief
局面 【きょくめん】checkerboard, aspect, situation
近鉄 【きんてつ】Kinki Nippon Tetsudou (railway co.)
九州 【きゅうしゅう】Kyushu (southernmost of the four main islands of Japan)
区内 【くない】in the ward or borough
具 【ぐ】① tool, means, ingredients ② counter for armor (armour), suits, sets of furniture
具体 【ぐたい】concrete, tangible, material
型 【がた】① model, type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) ② type, style, pattern ③ mold (mould), template, model ④ kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.) ⑤ form (i.e. customary procedure) ⑥ size (i.e. clothing, shoes)
県知事 【けんちじ】prefectural governor
県道 【けんどう】prefectural road
県内 【けんない】within the prefecture
県立 【けんりつ】prefectural (institution)
みる① to see, to look, to watch, to view, to observe ② to look over, to look on, to assess, to examine, to judge ③ to look after, to keep an eye on, to take care of ④ to view (e.g. flowers, movie) ⑤ to try ⑥ to see that..., to find that...
見守る 【みまもる】to watch over, to watch attentively
見直し 【みなおし】review, reconsideration, revision
原子力 【げんしりょく】atomic energy
原発 【げんぱつ】nuclear power plant, nuclear power supply
戸口 【とぐち】door, doorway
後期 【こうき】latter period, final
語 【かたり】talking
公的 【こうてき】public, official
口調 【くちょう】tone (e.g. of voice, etc.), (verbal) expression
国鉄 【こくてつ】national railway (esp. Japan National Railways)
国内 【こくない】internal, domestic
残留 【ざんりゅう】① residual, residue ② stay behind, stay back
四球 【しきゅう】four balls, base on balls (baseball), a walk
子育て 【こそだて】raising children
市町村 【しちょうそん】cities, towns and villages, municipalities
市長 【しちょう】mayor
市立 【しりつ】municipal, city
指数 【しすう】index, index number, exponent (e.g. in floating-point representation), characteristic
時点 【じてん】point in time, occasion
自動的 【じどうてき】automatic
質量 【しつりょう】mass
社内 【しゃない】within a company, in-house
車線 【しゃせん】traffic lane, road lane
車両 【しゃりょう】rolling stock, railroad cars, vehicles
主流 【しゅりゅう】main current (stream), mainline, mainstream
手数料 【てすうりょう】handling charge, commission
書記 【しょき】clerk, secretary
女神 【めがみ】goddess
先進 【せんしん】seniority, advance, leadership
選定 【せんてい】selection
前期 【ぜんき】first term, first half-year, preceding period, early period
全米 【ぜんべい】all-America, pan-American
全面 【ぜんめん】whole surface, entire
想定 【そうてい】hypothesis, supposition, assumption
村長 【そんちょう】village headman
打者 【だしゃ】batter (baseball)
体調 【たいちょう】physical condition
大型 【おおがた】large, large scale, big, jumbo
谷間 【たにま】① valley, ravine, chasm, dell ② cleavage
中庭 【なかにわ】courtyard, quadrangle, middle court
追求 【ついきゅう】① pursuing (goal), pursuit, seeking, search ② to pursue (e.g. goal), to seek
東部 【とうぶ】eastern part
本当 【ほんと】truth, reality
両足 【りょうあし】① both feet ② both legs
お仕舞い 【おしまい】the end, closing, being done for
圧倒的 【あっとうてき】overwhelming
移管 【いかん】transfer of control
移植 【いしょく】transplanting, porting, implantation, engrafting
移籍 【いせき】changing household registry, transfer (e.g. of one's name in the register)
衣 【ころも】① clothes, garment ② gown, robe ③ coating (e.g. glaze, batter, icing)
違法 【いほう】illegal, illegality, invalid, unlawfulness
ちなみにby the way, in this connection, incidentally, in passing
引き寄せる 【ひきよせる】to draw or pull something towards oneself (e.g. chair)
運航 【うんこう】operating (e.g. ships, aircraft)
運輸省 【うんゆしょう】Ministry of Transport
汚職 【おしょく】corruption
押し付ける 【おしつける】to press, to push, to force
欧州 【おうしゅう】Europe
王位 【おうい】the throne, the crown
王座 【おうざ】throne
歌劇 【かげき】opera
歌詞 【かし】song lyrics, words of a song, libretto
画像 【がぞう】image, picture, portrait
解雇 【かいこ】discharge, dismissal
解消 【かいしょう】cancellation, liquidation, resolution, reduction (e.g. of stress)
解体 【かいたい】disassembly, dismantling, deconstruction, dissolution, demolishing
解明 【かいめい】clarification, elucidation, explication
改装 【かいそう】remodelling, remodeling, reorganization, reorganisation
海域 【かいいき】area of ocean
海軍 【かいぐん】navy
皆様 【みなさま】everyone
辛子 【からし】mustard
開設 【かいせつ】establishment, opening
外務 【がいむ】foreign affairs
外務省 【がいむしょう】Ministry of Foreign Affairs
各社 【かくしゃ】all companies, each company
楽団 【がくだん】orchestra, band
活性 【かっせい】activity
かなう① to come true (wish) ② to be suited ③ to match (implies competition), to rival, to bear (e.g. I can't bear the heat)
管区 【かんく】jurisdiction
関 【せき】barrier, gate
機種 【きしゅ】type of equipment, model
機体 【きたい】fuselage, airframe
機動 【きどう】maneuver, manoeuvre
気筒 【きとう】cylinder
技法 【ぎほう】technique
疑い 【うたがい】doubt, question, uncertainty, skepticism, scepticism, suspicion, distrust
議席 【ぎせき】parliamentary seat
喫する 【きっする】① to eat, to drink, to smoke, to take ② to suffer (e.g. defeat), to receive a blow
急性 【きゅうせい】acute (e.g. illness)
急増 【きゅうぞう】explosion, proliferation, surge
球団 【きゅうだん】baseball team
巨額 【きょがく】great sum
巨人 【きょじん】① giant, great man ② Tokyo Giants (baseball team)
供述 【きょうじゅつ】affidavit, deposition, testimony
供与 【きょうよ】giving, provision, furnishing
競る 【せる】to compete, to bid, to sell at auction
競走 【きょうそう】race
競輪 【けいりん】keirin, cycle racing event, usu. 2km with a paced start and sprint finish
共 【ども】① first-person plural (or singular) ② second or third person plural (implies speaker is of higher status than those referred to)
共演 【きょうえん】appearing together, co-acting, co-starring
共産 【きょうさん】① communism ② Communist Party
共有 【きょうゆう】share, joint ownership, co-ownership
教徒 【きょうと】believer, adherent
金利 【きんり】interest rates
銀河 【ぎんが】① Milky Way ② galaxy
銀座 【ぎんざ】① Ginza (shopping district in Tokyo) ② (Edo period) silver mint
空軍 【くうぐん】Air Force
軍人 【ぐんじん】military personnel, soldier
軍団 【ぐんだん】army corps
形状 【けいじょう】shape, form
経団連 【けいだんれん】Federation of Economic Organizations (Organisation)
月刊 【げっかん】monthly publication, monthly issue
建造 【けんぞう】building, construction
県議 【けんぎ】prefectural assembly
県警 【けんけい】prefectural police
見込む 【みこむ】to anticipate, to estimate
原告 【げんこく】plaintiff, accuser, prosecutor
減税 【げんぜい】tax reduction
現われる 【あらわれる】① to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to materialise ② to be expressed (e.g. emotions), to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects)
現職 【げんしょく】present post, current office, (an) incumbent
現役 【げんえき】active duty, active service
呼び掛ける 【よびかける】to call out to, to accost, to address (crowd), to appeal
互いに 【たがいに】mutually, with each other, reciprocally, together
後任 【こうにん】successor
公判 【こうはん】public hearing, trial
公民 【こうみん】citizen, freemen
公約 【こうやく】public commitment or promise
厚生 【こうせい】① welfare, public welfare, social welfare ② (former) Ministry of Health and Welfare
厚生省 【こうせいしょう】Ministry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
口座 【こうざ】account (e.g. bank)
更新 【こうしん】renewal, update, innovation, renovation
考察 【こうさつ】consideration, inquiry, enquiry
講談 【こうだん】story-telling
香港 【ほんこん】Hong Kong (China)
告別 【こくべつ】farewell, leave-taking
国政 【こくせい】political situation, statecraft, body politic
国務 【こくむ】affairs of state
査察 【ささつ】inspection (for compliance), investigation (tax, etc.)
座 【ざ】① seat, one's place, position ② attaches to the names of theatres and constellations
再開 【さいかい】reopening, resumption, restarting
再編 【さいへん】reorganization, reorganisation, reshuffle
最新 【さいしん】latest, newest, late-breaking (news)
最大 【さいだい】greatest, largest, maximum
最適 【さいてき】optimum, the most suitable
在住 【ざいじゅう】resident
在日 【ざいにち】① in Japan ② people in Japan (esp. Koreans living in Japan, often used as a slur)
財団 【ざいだん】foundation
支部 【しぶ】branch, subdivision
辞意 【じい】intention to resign
若手 【わかて】young person
受講 【じゅこう】taking (attending) lectures
周年 【しゅうねん】whole year, anniversary
週刊 【しゅうかん】published weekly
出資 【しゅっし】investment, contribution, financing
初演 【しょえん】first performance
初日 【しょにち】first or opening day
書き込む 【かきこむ】① to fill in (field, entry, etc.), to fill out (form) ② to post a message (e.g. on a bulletin-board) ③ to store
人達 【ひとたち】people
積 【せき】product
戦線 【せんせん】(war) front
戦前 【せんぜん】pre-war days
全域 【ぜんいき】the whole area
全般 【ぜんぱん】(the) whole, universal, wholly, general
総務 【そうむ】general business (affairs), manager, director, adjutant general (mil)
装着 【そうちゃく】equipping, installing, mounting, laying down
増税 【ぞうぜい】tax increase
題材 【だいざい】subject, theme
団長 【だんちょう】leader of a delegation (body, party)
断念 【だんねん】abandoning (hope, plans), giving up
転職 【てんしょく】change of occupation
塗装 【とそう】coating, painting
都道府県 【とどうふけん】administrative divisions of Japan: Tokyo-to, Hokkai-do, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and remaining prefectures
特性 【とくせい】special characteristic, special quality
脳裏 【のうり】one's mind
買収 【ばいしゅう】① buying, purchase ② corruption, bribery
表示 【ひょうじ】indication, representation, manifestation
復帰 【ふっき】① return, comeback, reinstatement ② carriage return, CR
分割 【ぶんかつ】partition, division, separation, segmenting, splitting
まだまだstill some way to go before the goal, still more to come, much more, not yet
容量 【ようりょう】capacity, electrical capacitance
理念 【りねん】idea
連 【れん】① (taxonomical) tribe ② quinella (quiniela) ③ party, company, group ④ two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper)
解る 【わかる】① to be understood, to be comprehended, to be grasped ② to become clear, to be known, to be discovered, to be realized, to be realised, to be found out
割り 【わり】① rate, ratio, proportion, percentage ② profit ③ assignment ④ 10%, unit of ten percent ⑤ sumo match, schedule of sumo matches ⑥ diluted with (of drinks), mixed with
材 【ざい】① wood, lumber, timber ② man of talent ③ (raw) material, ingredients
お陰 【おかげ】(your) backing, assistance, thanks or owing to
そもそもin the first place, to begin with, from the start, originally, ab initio
どういうsomehow, how, in what way, why, what kind of
がらすglass, pane
愛称 【あいしょう】pet name
安保 【あんぽ】US-Japan Security Treaty, safety, security
伊達 【だて】① elegance, dandyism, sophistication, having style ② affectation, showing off, putting on an air, appearances, just for show
慰安 【いあん】solace, relaxation
異様 【いよう】bizarre, strange, eccentric, odd, queer
異例 【いれい】exception, illness, singular, exceptional, unprecedented
違憲 【いけん】unconstitutionality
遺産 【いさん】inheritance, bequest, legacy, heritage
遺族 【いぞく】bereaved family
遺体 【いたい】corpse, remains
遺伝子 【いでんし】gene, genetic
一環 【いっかん】link (e.g. a part of a larger plan)
一覧 【いちらん】① at a glance, (a) look, (a) glance, (a) summary ② (school) catalog, catalogue
引き継ぐ 【ひきつぐ】to take over, to hand over
右翼 【うよく】① right-wing ② right field (e.g. in sport), right flank, right wing
浦 【うら】inlet
遠征 【えんせい】① expedition, campaign, (performer's) tour ② away series (baseball)
往来 【おうらい】coming and going, road, correspondence, street traffic, highway
応える 【こたえる】① to respond, to live up to, to reward ② to take its toll, to strike home
王宮 【おうきゅう】royal palace
沖縄 【おきなわ】Okinawa (one of the Japanese Ryukyu islands)
仮に 【かりに】temporarily, provisionally, for example, for argument's sake
仮面 【かめん】① mask ② disguise
加盟 【かめい】participation, affiliation
歌舞伎 【かぶき】kabuki, Japanese classical drama
吾 【われ】① I, me ② oneself
解析 【かいせき】① analysis, analytical study ② parsing, parse
回避 【かいひ】evasion, avoidance
怪物 【かいぶつ】monster
悔い 【くい】regret, repentance
懐 【ふところ】① bosom, bust ② (breast) pocket, purse, handbag
海賊 【かいぞく】pirate, sea robber
あく① lye ② harsh taste ③ scum (formed when cooking some foods) ④ (excessive) strength of will
開票 【かいひょう】counting ballots, tally (of votes)
開幕 【かいまく】raising the curtain
おおむね① in general, generally, mostly, roughly, largely, mainly, on the whole, by and large ② gist, point, main idea
概要 【がいよう】outline, summary, abridgment, synopsis
核兵器 【かくへいき】nuclear weapons
閣議 【かくぎ】cabinet meeting
閣僚 【かくりょう】cabinet ministers
株価 【かぶか】stock prices
株式会社 【かぶしきがいしゃ】public company, corporation, KK, formula for an incorporated public company
株主 【かぶぬし】shareholder, stockholder
甲 【かぶと】helmet (of armor, armour), headpiece
喚問 【かんもん】summons
官邸 【かんてい】official residence
官房 【かんぼう】government secretariat
幹事 【かんじ】executive secretary, coordinator, organizer, person in charge of making arrangements
環境庁 【かんきょうちょう】Environment Agency
管轄 【かんかつ】jurisdiction, control
艦 【かん】warship
艦隊 【かんたい】(naval) fleet, armada
陥る 【おちいる】to fall, to trap, to cave in, to collapse
陥落 【かんらく】fall, sinking, surrender, capitulation
奇怪 【きかい】strange, wonderful, weird, outrageous, mysterious
既存 【きそん】existing
機器 【きき】machinery and tools
器機 【きき】machinery and tools
帰還 【きかん】① repatriation, return ② (electrical) feedback
紀元 【きげん】① era ② AD (Christian era)
貴様 【きさま】you
起訴 【きそ】prosecution, indictment
輝き 【かがやき】radiance
騎士 【きし】knight
騎手 【きしゅ】horseman, rider
亀 【かめ】tortoise, turtle
偽 【にせ】imitation, fake, phony, counterfeit, forged, bogus, sham
儀 【ぎ】① ceremony ② matter, affair ③ with regard to (used after a person's name, a personal pronoun, etc. in epistolary style), as for, as concerns
義母 【ぎぼ】mother-in-law, foster mother, step mother
拠点 【きょてん】position, location, base, point
興行 【こうぎょう】entertainment industry, show business
仰る 【おっしゃる】to say, to speak, to tell, to talk
凝視 【ぎょうし】stare, gaze, fixation
桐 【きり】paulownia tree, Paulownia tomentosa
錦 【にしき】① brocade ② fine dress, fine clothes
近隣 【きんりん】neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity
駆る 【かる】to drive (car), to spur on, to impel
駆動 【くどう】driving force
駒 【こま】① piece (in shogi, chess, etc.) ② bridge (of a violin, etc.)
空襲 【くうしゅう】air-raid
屈辱 【くつじょく】disgrace, humiliation
熊 【くま】bear (animal)
繰り返し 【くりかえし】① repetition, reiteration, iteration, cycle ② repeatedly
繰る 【くる】① to reel, to wind, to spin (thread) ② to turn (pages), to flip through (a book), to leaf through (a book), to consult (a dictionary), to refer to (an encyclopedia) ③ to count (e.g. the days) ④ to open one-by-one, to close one-by-one (e.g. shutters)
勲章 【くんしょう】decoration, order, medal
軍縮 【ぐんしゅく】disarmament, limitation of arms
かつらJapanese Judas tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum)
系列 【けいれつ】① series, sequence, system, order of succession ② keiretsu (conglomeration of businesses linked by cross-shareholdings)
継承 【けいしょう】inheritance, succession, accession
警視庁 【けいしちょう】Metropolitan Police Department (esp. Tokyo)
激化 【げっか】intensification, aggravation
激突 【げきとつ】crash into, clash
健 【けん】health, strength, stick-to-itiveness
兼 【けん】and, in addition, concurrently
剣道 【けんどう】kendo (lit: way of the sword), swordmanship, fencing
堅持 【けんじ】holding on to, sticking to
懸念 【けねん】worry, fear, anxiety, concern
拳 【こぶし】fist
検索 【けんさく】looking up (e.g. a word in a dictionary), retrieval (e.g. data), searching for, referring to
検察 【けんさつ】examination, prosecutor
検証 【けんしょう】verification, inspection
献金 【けんきん】donation, contribution, offering
素 【もと】ingredient
幻 【まぼろし】phantom, vision, illusion, dream
言及 【げんきゅう】reference, allusion
古墳 【こふん】ancient (mound) tomb
呼称 【こしょう】① naming, giving a name, designation, denomination ② nominal
己 【おのれ】① I (or me) ② you ③ by oneself (itself, etc.) ④ interjection expressing anger or chagrin
顧問 【こもん】adviser, advisor, consultant
後援 【こうえん】support, backing
後継 【こうけい】successor
孝 【こう】filial piety
江戸 【えど】old name of Tokyo
皇帝 【こうてい】emperor
項 【こう】① clause, paragraph, item ② term
左翼 【さよく】left-wing
差益 【さえき】marginal profits
債権 【さいけん】credit, claim
斎 【とき】meals exchanged by parishioners and priests
裁判官 【さいばんかん】judge
裁判所 【さいばんしょ】court, courthouse
策定 【さくてい】decision, settling on
三振 【さんしん】strike out (baseball), fanning out
暫定 【ざんてい】tentative, temporary
思惑 【おもわく】① expectation, prediction, forecast ② anticipation, speculation
施策 【しさく】policy, measure
旨 【むね】① center (centre), pillar, principle ② purport, gist, drift, meaning
視聴 【しちょう】attention, viewing
鹿 【しか】deer (esp. the sika deer, Cervus nippon)
射撃 【しゃげき】firing, shooting, fire, gunshot, marksmanship
首筋 【くびすじ】nape of the neck, back of the neck, scruff of the neck
寿 【ことぶき】congratulations!, long life!
修道院 【しゅうどういん】monastery, convent, cloister, abbey
終結 【しゅうけつ】end, close
充てる 【あてる】to assign, to set aside
充分 【じゅうぶん】① plenty, enough, sufficient, satisfactory, adequate ② division into ten ③ perfectly, thoroughly, fully, in full
竣工 【しゅんこう】completion (e.g. of construction)
処刑 【しょけい】execution
傷つける 【きずつける】① to wound, to injure ② to hurt someone's feelings (pride, etc.) ③ to damage, to chip, to scratch
小僧 【こぞう】① youngster ② young Buddhist priest
松 【まつ】① pine tree ② highest (of a three-tier ranking system)
消滅 【しょうめつ】① lapse, annihilation (physics) ② extinguishment, termination (e.g. of legal representation) ③ vanishing
衝動 【しょうどう】impulse, impetus, urge
仁 【じん】① benevolence (esp. as a virtue of Confucianism), consideration, compassion, humanity, charity ② human ③ kernel ④ nucleolus
寸前 【すんぜん】on the verge, just in front of
制覇 【せいは】conquest, domination, mastery
税率 【ぜいりつ】① tariff ② tax rate
総裁 【そうさい】president
隊員 【たいいん】group members
大佐 【たいさ】colonel, (navy) captain
卓 【たく】table, desk, high
脱税 【だつぜい】tax evasion
探偵 【たんてい】detective, sleuth, investigator
東芝 【とうしば】Toshiba (company)
盤 【ばん】① record ② tray, shallow bowl ③ grid, board (e.g. in shogi)
表彰 【ひょうしょう】public acknowledgment, public acknowledgement, public recognition, commendation, awarding
不透明 【ふとうめい】opacity
眼 【め】① eye, eyeball ② eyesight ③ look ④ experience ⑤ viewpoint ⑥ ordinal number suffix ⑦ somewhat, -ish
竜 【りゅう】① dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon) ② naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology) ③ promoted rook (shogi)
宮 【みや】① shrine ② palace, imperial residence ③ member of the imperial family
独 【どく】Germany
そいつ① that person (guy, fellow) ② that (one)
そこらeverywhere, somewhere, approximately, that area, around there
それだけthat much, as much, to that extent, only that, that alone, no more than that
愛撫 【あいぶ】caress, loving dearly
あしcommon reed (Phragmites australis)
安堵 【あんど】relief
暗闇 【くらやみ】darkness, the dark
いかcuttlefish, squid
碓 【うす】mill-stone, mortar
厭う 【いとう】to dislike, to hate, to grudge (doing), to spare (oneself), to be weary of, to take (good) care of
つばめ① swallow (bird of the Hirundinidae family), martin ② barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) ③ younger man involved with an older woman
甥 【おい】nephew
桶 【おけ】bucket
韓国 【かんこく】(South) Korea
卿 【きょう】① lord, sir ② state minister (i.e. under the ritsuryo system)
近畿 【きんき】Kinki (region around Osaka, Kyoto, Nara)
狐 【きつね】① fox (esp. the red fox, Vulpes vulpes) ② fox (i.e. a sly person) ③ soba or udon topped with deep-fried tofu ④ light brown
坐る 【すわる】① to sit, to squat ② to assume (a position) ③ to hold steady, to hold still
痔瘻 【じろう】anal fistula
閃光 【せんこう】flash, glint
椴 【とど】Sakhalin fir (Abies sachalinensis)
ふちdeep pool, abyss, the depths
妖精 【ようせい】fairy, sprite, elf
洩らす 【もらす】to let leak, to reveal
ひさし① eaves (of roof) ② narrow aisle surrounding the core of a temple building ③ visor or peak (of cap) ④ classic Japanese women's low pompadour hairstyle
東瀛 【とうえい】① the pacific side of Japan, eastern sea ② of or about Japan