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CSN JPN 212 chp 10

Vocabulary list for chapter 10


29 entriesCreated by #50778 — Last modified: 2015-11-10 14:33:51
少年 【しょうねん】boys, juveniles
人口 【じんこう】① population ② common talk
放送 【ほうそう】broadcast, broadcasting
理由 【りゆう】reason, pretext, motive
久しぶり 【ひさしぶり】a long time (since the last time), it's been a while (since I last saw, mailed, etc., you)
紹介 【しょうかい】introduction, referral
専門 【せんもん】speciality, specialty, subject of study, expert
増える 【ふえる】to increase, to multiply
しばらく① little while, short while, moment, instant ② a while, quite a time ③ it's been a long time
外出 【がいしゅつ】outing, trip, going out
仕方がない 【しかたがない】it can't be helped, it's inevitable, it's no use, can't stand it, being impatient, being annoyed
分野 【ぶんや】field, sphere, realm, division, branch
少女 【しょうじょ】young lady, little girl, virgin, maiden, daughter
表情 【ひょうじょう】facial expression
満足 【まんぞく】① satisfaction ② sufficiency
減る 【へる】to decrease (in size or number), to diminish, to abate
広告 【こうこく】advertisement
情報 【じょうほう】① news, gossip, (military) intelligence ② information (data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.)
増加 【ぞうか】increase, increment, addition
表現 【ひょうげん】① expression, presentation ② representation, notation
報告 【ほうこく】report, information
詳しい 【くわしい】knowing very well, detailed, full, accurate
しょうがないit can't be helped, it is inevitable, nothing can be done
締め切り 【しめきり】closing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrance
家出 【いえで】running away from home, leaving home
減少 【げんしょう】decrease, reduction, decline
報道 【ほうどう】information, report, journalism
仕方が無い 【しかたがない】it can't be helped, it's inevitable, it's no use, can't stand it, being impatient, being annoyed
無表情 【むひょうじょう】expressionless