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Tales of Phantasia (SNES)

Tales of Phantasia SNES game. Words in the game. Work in progress


114 entriesCreated by #54408 — Last modified: 2017-02-14 17:37:48
ゆっくりslowly, at ease, restful
外 【そと】① outside, exterior ② open air ③ other place
今 【いま】now, the present time, just now, soon, immediately, (one) more
中 【なか】① inside, in ② among, within ③ center (centre), middle ④ during, while
父 【ちち】father
名前 【なまえ】① name, full name ② given name, first name
来る 【くる】① to come (spatially or temporally), to approach, to arrive ② to come back, to do ... and come back ③ to come to be, to become, to get, to grow, to continue ④ to come from, to be caused by, to derive from ⑤ to come to (i.e. "when it comes to spinach ...")
話す 【はなす】to speak
一人 【ひとり】one person
何 【なに】① what ② how many (some counter)
悪い 【わるい】① bad, poor, inferior ② evil, sinful ③ unprofitable, unbeneficial ④ at fault, to blame, in the wrong ⑤ sorry
家 【いえ】① house, residence, dwelling ② family, household ③ lineage, family name
近く 【ちかく】① near, neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity ② nearly (i.e. "it took nearly one year"), close to ③ shortly, soon
兄さん 【にいさん】① older brother, elder brother ② brother (as older-brother figure in friendly and or work relationship) ③ (vocative) young man, buddy, fella, laddie
自分 【じぶん】① myself, yourself, oneself, himself, herself ② I, me
住む 【すむ】to live (of humans), to reside, to inhabit, to dwell, to abide
所 【ところ】① place, spot, scene, site ② address ③ district, area, locality ④ one's house ⑤ point ⑥ part ⑦ space, room ⑧ whereupon, as a result ⑨ (after present form of a verb) about to, on the verge of
声 【こえ】voice
終わる 【おわる】to finish, to end, to close
押す 【おす】① to push, to press ② to apply pressure from above, to press down ③ to stamp (i.e. a passport), to apply a seal
呼ぶ 【よぶ】① to call out (to), to call, to invoke ② to summon (a doctor, etc.) ③ to invite ④ to designate, to name, to brand ⑤ to garner (support, etc.), to gather
大丈夫 【だいじょうぶ】safe, all right, OK, okay
風邪 【かぜ】cold (illness), common cold
伯父 【おじ】uncle (older than one's parent)
やる① to do ② to have sexual intercourse ③ to kill ④ to give (to inferiors, animals, etc.) ⑤ to do for (inferiors) ⑥ to send (e.g. somebody somewhere), to dispatch (e.g. letter) (despatch) ⑦ to move (something to), to row (a boat) ⑧ (used in place of other verb) to have (eat, drink, smoke), to study, to run or operate (a restaurant)
まだ① as yet, hitherto, still ② not yet (with negative verb)
十分 【じゅうぶん】① plenty, enough, sufficient, satisfactory, adequate ② division into ten ③ perfectly, thoroughly, fully, in full
村 【むら】village
終わり 【おわり】the end
代 【だい】① charge, cost, price ② generation, age, reign ③ (geological) era ④ (after someone's name or title) a representative of, on behalf of, for (someone) ⑤ used after a phone number to indicate that it is a switchboard number ⑥ counter for decades of ages, eras, etc. ⑦ counter for generations (of inheritors to a throne, etc.) ⑧ proxy application company
安全 【あんぜん】① safety ② security
心配 【しんぱい】① worry, concern, anxiety ② care, help, aid, assistance
無理 【むり】unreasonable, impossible, overdoing
具合 【ぐあい】condition, state, manner, health
簡単 【かんたん】simple
危険 【きけん】① danger, peril, hazard ② dangerous, hazardous
最近 【さいきん】latest, most recent, nowadays
続く 【つづく】① to continue, to last, to go on ② to be unbroken ③ to occur again and again ④ to lead to, to connect to
逃げる 【にげる】to escape, to run away
熱 【ねつ】fever, temperature
必ず 【かならず】always, without exception, necessarily, certainly, without fail, positively, invariably
戻る 【もどる】to turn back, to return, to go back, to recover, to rebound
約束 【やくそく】① arrangement, promise, appointment, pact, engagement ② convention, rule
きっとsurely, undoubtedly, almost certainly, most likely (e.g. 90 percent)
しっかりfirmly, tightly, reliable, level-headed, steady
後 【ご】after
一体 【いったい】① ...the heck (e.g. "what the heck?"), ...in the world (e.g. "why in the world?"), ...on earth (e.g. "who on earth?") ② one object, one body, unity ③ one form, one style ④ one Buddhist image (or carving, etc.) ⑤ generally, in general
夕食 【ゆうしょく】evening meal, dinner
決定 【けってい】decision, determination
試す 【ためす】to attempt, to test, to try out
神 【かみ】god, deity, divinity, spirit, kami
追う 【おう】① to chase, to run after, to pursue ② to follow (i.e. a set order, a trend) ③ to drive out, to oust, to expel ④ to drive (i.e. a herd) ⑤ (in passive voice) to be pressed (for time, etc.)
部 【ぶ】① department (in an organization), division, bureau ② club ③ part, component, element ④ category ⑤ counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine
辺り 【あたり】① on the bank of, by the side of (e.g. a river, pond) ② (in the) neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, nearby
流れ 【ながれ】stream, current, flow
列 【れつ】queue, line, row, column, sequence, string, train
等 【ら】① pluralizing suffix (often humble, derogatory or familiar), and others, et alios, and the like, and followers ② or so (rough indicator of direction, location, amount, etc.) ③ (after the stem of an adjective) nominalizing suffix
移動 【いどう】① removal, migration, movement ② mobile (e.g. communications)
汚す 【よごす】① to pollute, to contaminate, to soil, to make dirty, to stain ② to disgrace, to dishonour, to dishonor, to defile
殺す 【ころす】to kill
位置 【いち】place, situation, position, location
操作 【そうさ】① operation, management, processing ② manipulating to one's benefit ③ to operate ④ to manipulate, to fiddle (e.g. the books)
やつ① (derog) fellow, guy, chap ② thing, object ③ (derogatory or familiar) he, she, him, her
離れる 【はなれる】to be separated from, to leave, to go away, to be a long way off
ついてabout, concerning, as to, regarding
月日 【つきひ】time, years, days
持ち 【もち】① hold, charge, keep possession, in charge ② wear, durability, life, draw ③ usage
探る 【さぐる】to search, to look for, to sound out
突く 【つく】① to prick, to stab ② to poke, to prod, to push, to thrust, to nudge, to hit, to strike ③ to use (a cane), to prop oneself up with, to press against (the floor, etc.) ④ to attack ⑤ to brave (the rain, etc.)
捕らえる 【とらえる】① to seize, to capture, to arrest ② to grasp, to perceive, to treat (as)
物騒 【ぶっそう】dangerous, disturbed, insecure
下 【げ】① lowness (of degree, value, etc.), inferiority ② second volume (of two), third volume (of three)
獲物 【えもの】game, spoils, trophy
弓 【ゆみ】bow (and arrow)
作戦 【さくせん】① tactics, strategy ② military or naval operations
使命 【しめい】mission, errand, message
狩り 【かり】hunting
襲う 【おそう】① to attack, to assail, to make an assault, to strike, to hunt down ② to succeed (someone in a post, role, etc.) ③ to make a sudden visit
装備 【そうび】equipment
特技 【とくぎ】special skill
駆ける 【かける】① to soar, to fly ② to run, to dash
隊 【たい】party, company, body (of troops), corps
汚す 【けがす】to disgrace, to dishonour, to dishonor, to defile
どうしたのwhat's the matter?, what's wrong?
山ほど 【やまほど】a heap, great amount of
(sentence end, mainly masc.) adds force, indicates command
いやだnot a chance, not likely, no way
すればif so, in that case, in that situation
行って来る 【いってくる】① I'm off, see you later ② to go (and then come back)
手に入れる 【てにいれる】to obtain, to procure
大物 【おおもの】important person, big-shot, big game (animal, fish)
入力 【にゅうりょく】input, (data) entry
病み上がり 【やみあがり】convalescence
待ち 【まち】waiting, waiting time
引き 【びき】-off (price reduction)
真正面 【ましょうめん】directly opposite, right in front
数年 【すうねん】several years
押し 【おし】push, pressure, authority, audacity
見失う 【みうしなう】to lose sight of, to miss
精進 【しょうじん】① concentration, diligence, devotion ② asceticism, zeal in one's quest for enlightenment ③ adherence to a vegetarian diet
中 【うち】① inside, within ② while ③ among, amongst, between ④ we (referring to one's in-group, i.e. company, etc.), our ⑤ my spouse ⑥ I (primarily used by women and children), me
石像 【せきぞう】stone statue
元に戻す 【もとにもどす】to go back to the start, to reset, to restore, to return to the point (of a discussion), to reconstitute
貴様 【きさま】you
討つ 【うつ】① to shoot (at) ② to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge
剣 【つるぎ】① sword (originally esp. a doubled-edged sword), sabre, saber, blade ② bayonet ③ swordsmanship ④ stinger, ovipositor, dart
師匠 【ししょう】① master, teacher ② sumo coach who owns his stable
あいつhe, she, that guy
樹 【き】tree, wood, timber
魔 【ま】① demon, devil, evil spirit, evil influence ② someone who (habitually) performs some (negative) act
猪 【い】hog (esp. a wild boar, but also including the domesticated pig);
斬る 【きる】to kill (a human) using a blade (sword, machete, knife, etc.), to slice (off), to lop (off), to cut (off)
誰 【たれ】who
このままas (it) is